Character's username/what they go by:
Real name:
Felix Avalon
Light Armor Forging
Heavy Armor Forging
Martial Arts

Short bio:
Felix and Fiona are kids to a pair of divorced parents. As a result, the two do not get to see each other too often, as both their parents live very far from one another.
Personality in the game:
Apollo is a plucky kind of guy; he knows he's not important, so he may as well enjoy life while it's good--even if it isn't. He's a friendly person, often interested in other people, though leans on the very flirty and slightly perverted side of things. He's a bit scatterbrained but a good person overall. H is loyal to a tee and values friendship above all, but he can get a bit preachy with his friendship speeches. Still, he's fun to be around and is well aware that it isn't easy to be stuck in a death game, and so makes it his mission to make sure everyone feels at ease.
Personality in real life:
Same as his in game persona, albeit he is slightly more serious in real life. He doesn't understand why people would act differently.
Their thoughts on being stuck in SAO:
Welp. So long as they keep their heads, they'll avoid negative thoughts such as 'probably going to die on the first night'.
Character's username/what they go by:
Real name:
Fiona Avalon
Sprint (Passive)
One Handed Straight Sword
Weapon: (No pulling weapons that look suspiciously like Kirito's or Asuna's)

Short bio:
Personality in the game:
Artemis is calm, cool, and collected; a gentle soul whose inner flames burn with a mighty passion. Don’t take her for either a fool or a damsel in distress; she is neither of them. She is a thinker, wise, and always makes sure to view the situation before taking any actions. Her determination is unshakable--and so is her stubbornness. She is temperamental and cares for those who can’t defend themselves. She is also a proud woman, unafraid of taking on anyone and anything, but is smart enough not to underestimate anyone. She tends to get offended easily, however, and will give the silent treatment to those she doesn’t like. She also tends to judge harshly.
Personality in real life:
Always looking up to her big brother, Fiona often belittles herself, yearning to become as talented and as skilled as Felix. She is a bit on the clumsy side, and can be quite the talker if given the chance. She is also terribly shy, fumbling with words upon meeting new people and usually ducking behind Felix. She is curious and a dreamer, and she puts her heart in everything, really. She is also very sensitive, often taking things too seriously, and gets upset over little things
Their thoughts on being stuck in SAO:
...Probably going to die on the first night.