Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Hellis said
http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/09/08/videogames-are-for-everybody/#more-232091This is probably the best formulated retort to the whole thing I've read so far.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sable
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"...who even gives a shit if games journalism is corrupt and full of trash? Fundamentally we are talking about video games. Diversionary entertainment. It is slightly more involved and engaging than watching Kim Kardashian's ass shake on reality television, but the truth is that there's not much difference between reading about video games while bored at the office and repeatedly F5ing a celebrity gossip blog to find out who Miley Cyrus licked today."

Something to chew on, mates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frizan

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Sable said
http://themittani.com/content/traffic-control-getting-mad-video-gamesSomething to chew on, mates.

Because gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry that most of the world's population partakes in. People enjoy gaming, and they like having reputable and honest reviewers/journalist to go to when they're having doubts about something in the industry(a game, a company, etc.).

This is a very common diversionary tactic used for almost anything. "Oh who cares about [insert subject of controversy here]? It doesn't matter! Focus on something ELSE!"

Don't even get me started on the appeal to worse problems fallacy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sable
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Frizan said
Because gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry that most of the world's population partakes in. People enjoy gaming, and they like having reputable and honest reviewers/journalist to go to when they're having doubts about something in the industry(a game, a company, etc.).This is a very common diversionary tactic used for almost anything. "Oh who cares about [insert subject of controversy here]? It doesn't matter! Focus on something ELSE!"Don't even get me started on the appeal to worse problems fallacy.

Hey man, you do what you want to do, but I think you could all use some perspective.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frizan

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Sable said
Hey man, you do what you want to do, but I think you could all use some perspective.

I've got plenty of "perspective", whatever the hell you mean by that, anyway.

Call me when you've got more than "Yeah well what you think matters doesn't matter to me, so it doesn't matter to anyone!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sable
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Frizan said
I've got plenty of "perspective", whatever the hell you mean by that, anyway.Call me when you've got more than "Yeah well what you think matters doesn't matter to me, so it doesn't matter to anyone!"

If you don't know what I mean by perspective, you don't have it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frizan

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Sable said
If you don't know what I mean by perspective, you don't have it.

I know what perspective means literally, but you may have a different definition. Hence my quote marks around perspective in my previous post.

I do have perspective about world issues. I care about many things and am knowledgeable about them. Wars in foreign countries, cancer research, homelessness, and yes, journalistic integrity(not just concerning gaming, mind you).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Sable said
http://themittani.com/content/traffic-control-getting-mad-video-gamesSomething to chew on, mates.

No, what you posted, is real fuckin dumb
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Sable said
Hey man, you do what you want to do, but I think you could all use some perspective.

If you don't really care about this, why even post?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dingo


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Sable said

"...who even gives a shit if games journalism is corrupt and full of trash? Fundamentally we are talking about video games. Diversionary entertainment. It is slightly more involved and engaging than watching Kim Kardashian's ass shake on reality television, but the truth is that there's not much difference between reading about video games while bored at the office and repeatedly F5ing a celebrity gossip blog to find out who Miley Cyrus licked today."

Something to chew on, mates.

I'd like to be the first to point out that this was posted by an 8-month old member of a play-by-post Roleplaying Forum. Apparently F5'ing for new RP replies is less diversionary than video games and celebrity gossip you guys.

But apart from that, here's why what you said is ridiculous: Celeb gossip is bullshit that's plastered for free across a million different channels around the world. You can see it on TV or google it, free of charge. The video games industry and the games journalism that accompanies it is constantly trying to convince you to spend between $5-$120 (Australian video game prices are also bullshit, by the way) per game. So if games journalism is corrupt, how are we supposed to make an intelligent, informed purchase of goods? Miley Cyrus licked someone? Great. You found that out for free on Facebook. That 10/10 game that IGN reviewed turned out to be a horrendous piece of shit that you just wasted $60 on or lost your pre-order deposit on? That's a direct result of corrupt games journalism lying their asses off whilst in the pocket (or pants) of developers or companies.

But sure, let's get back to the "diversionary" argument. Sports? Gone. You watch them as a diversion. Television? Gone. Racing? Board Games? The majority of Internet sites? YouTube? All gone. Because they are 'diversionary entertainment', as you put it. And yet, we still give a shit about corruption or cheating in any of those areas. Hell, we just had a big whinge about Net Neutrality when the majority of people use the Internet to come here and pretend to be superheroes or look at Win/Fail videos.

So you go ahead and point out the 'diversionary' aspect of entertainment all you want, but keep in mind that the site you're writing in right now is just as diversionary, if not more so. I mean let's be serious, I don't see you publishing anything you post here as the next Lord of The Rings or Game of Thrones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Sorry for vanishing for a while there, with college starting again for people and a table top group starting soon my occupied time just kind of exploded for the past few days.

Though honestly, it looks like I didn't really leave an argument hanging either. It was just someone arguing the dictionary and then showing to not know the basics of the very case they tried to vilify people over. :P Looks like that was the best time for me to randomly vanish then.

As for this whole 'F5' thing that popped up.

Basically what was already said, celeb's it just free and trivial shit you can find anywhere. Game Journalism not only sits deeps in a hobby that many people enjoy, but dishonest journalism can lead many people to making bad purchases and wasting a lot of money.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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Magic Magnum said About Xbox One sales doing outright awful in Japan.

This is pretty normal. Microsoft's consoles have always done pretty mediocre in Japan. Anyway...
Video games are an art form. Even if they weren't, people have the right to be angry that the journalists that are supposed to be talking about video games are instead focusing on how horrible a human being they are. Because they have a penis. Ooooh.

This'd be like if you were reading a magazine about cars, and then halfway through it's suddenly pages about how every man who loves cars is a sexist misogynist pig because cars are a symbol of traditional masculinity and that makes them sexists. Because masculinity is bad and you should feel bad.

It's insane troll logic of the upteenth degree and yet that's pretty fucking normal of the Games Journalism industry. I mean most "journalism" is a joke really, but Games Journalism certainly ranks amongst some of the most underachieving, conniving, disgusting oysters you could possible have. And, on top of this, they openly defend people who viciously verbally assault others, con people out of their money, openly spread misinformation and lies about an entire industry... It's bad enough that it's ruined people's reputations and gotten them fired from their jobs.

All because some pseudo-feminists implied they're evil sexist misogynists for not wanting to include whatever batshit changes they demanded of them.

-That- is why people are angry. Understandable angry. You may not care much for games, but some people do, and this shit is serious enough to actually result in the net loss of tens of thousands of dollars. This has monetary consequences, and is impacting the reputations of individuals in the industry. That's hugely different from "lol y so angry aboot germz, guiz".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Brovo said This is pretty normal. Microsoft's consoles have always done pretty mediocre in Japan.

I know, I even noted (or at least thought I did) that the story was rather believable.
I was just wondering if there was a non-Kotaku source of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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Magic Magnum said
I know, I even noted (or at least thought I did) that the story was rather believable.I was just wondering if there was a non-Kotaku source of it.

Kotaku should be reliable enough for that kind of story. The ones you want to ignore are the ones where they talk about feminism or sexism or "gaming is dead" or rah rah, blah blah blah...

Anything sensationalist. Because remember, Kotaku has multiple writers. Some focus on the industry, some on sensationalist bullshit, and some do a mix of both.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Perhaps, but the fact Kotaku head's allowed such an article on their site to begin with has me concerned. If a site is willing to approve such garbage it hurt's their legitimacy for other stories they approve, because there is a clear lack in the requirements for honesty, logic and integrity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Cpt Toellner said http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-things-i-learned-as-internets-most-hated-person

Skimmed through it, and wow.

This isn't surprising in the slightest though, of course Zoe Quinn wrote an article pretending to be the victim of a sexist and hacking Internet.
Completely missing the fact about game journalism corruption, and conveniently forgetting the fact that she and Phil Fish were caught hacking themselves.

That ending though where she basically goes "If you disagree, tell your mother you love them instead" as if somehow disagreeing with her means you're a sexist pig who needs to apologize... She just admitted "I can't take criticism or opposing viewpoints. So I shall resort to personal attacks and shaming!".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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I'm staying out of this, but from the bits and pieces I've gathered, the fact that people are threatening this woman with rape and death threats (along with a few other notable individuals like that Feminist Frequency lady) highlights a way bigger issue than what people are up in arms about. It's disgusting.

I don't care what these people did or didn't do, and yes people should be demanding changes in game journalism, but the fact that there's nobody speaking out against the fact that a huge chunk of the gaming population thinks it's acceptable to say that shit is wrong, just wrong.

To me, the fact that there's people who are posting people's personal information, nude photos, forcing some of them to leave their homes, and basically reacting to women who earn their ire in such a way is a way bigger problem that needs to be addressed. Basic human rights and privacy
shouldn't take a backseat to anything, ever.

Now I'm sure someone here is going to half heartedly bleat about how most people aren't like that and then journalism angle is super important and blah
blah blah, but I really don't care. There's a startling lack of humanity being shown by a lot of people who aren't being held accountable for both the venom coming out of their mouths and their actions. Whatever Zoe Quinn did didn't deserve this. It isn't justice and accountability when you take it beyond scrutinizing what she did as an industry figure and tear into her personal
information and threaten her private life and physical well being.

I really don't care how you try to justify it, it's fucking wrong and disgusting, period.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Dervs, before you get involved in this, you should look at the various facts of what happened - She and her people have doxxed more people than 'we' have, her nudes were from a softcore porn shoot she did, the personal information that was leaked by her was false (home phone number was for a Harley store in Hawaii.)

She has not been threatened by us, every time that had happened either she ha been later proven to be behind it, a crony was behind it, and the rare occasion that one of 'us' was behind it, they were ostracized over it.

However, that has not stopped her supporters from doxxing and haraasing us, threatening to end the careers of those who disagree with her, and various other things.

All movements have their good and bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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And none of that should go beyond professional scrutiny, or if some allegations like the DDoS attacks, legal action. None of it justifies death threats, publishing personal information, and if that porn thing is true (honestly, that seems like something somebody pulled out of their ass and is claiming is true), then it still shouldn't be used as ammunition in this controvery. It has nothing to do with it.

Point is, she can be guilty as fuck for all the allegations thrown at her (personally, I'll wait for a proper verdict because the internet is an awful place of bullshit conspiracies), but it doesn't excuse people acting like sociopathic monsters towards her or any other controversial woman in the industry. There's no justifying that, and you can't claim all of the horrific comments and dirt dug up were from her people. Let's be realistic here.

I'm done.
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