And then Henry said, "That would be a weird army... Abraham Lincoln's evil clone leading an army of Daleks, and an air brigade of unicorns that spit acid and fire. It would be perfect!"
Funny thing is, I couldn't copy all that down word-for-word the first time and asked her to repeat it (you know, a good 5 seconds later so it's obvious I didn't just mishear her). So she kind of awkwardly repeats what she said, then asks why I asked. I said, "Oh, just wanted to make sure I got all that correct", technically not lying.
After a pause, she says, "...You know if I didn't know better I'd say you were writing it all down. Kind of creepy, dude."

Did I mention I've been keeping this thread on the down-low around her? I mean it's not exactly a secret and I'll give her straight answers if she really wants them. II've technically already mentioned it to her - I just never exactly make it clear just how much I've been posting. She thinks it's kind of weird, but I mean she wasn't strongly against it and she's at least aware that I've been talking about her and that I haven't given out her real name and that seems to be enough for her, thus preventing me from feeling like a bad person.