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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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What do you want? Pale? I didn't want to say gray again, heheh. A light gray I guess?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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I think grey would be the proper word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Lightish red?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Metronome said
I think grey would be the proper word.

She has large gray, dull eyes and is completely hairless. Her skin is gray and tight across her features making her look unnaturally thin and her ears are longer than a usual elf and very pointed. Black glyphs and symbols are tattooed on either side of her neck and travel down her shoulders all the way down the front of her arms to her wrists. She is quite possibly one of the ugliest elves you've ever seen. With the beauty of elves that doesn't exactly say a whole lot does it?

That is the definition of a drow elf
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Not my intention. =( That is why I didn't want to use the term gray. Changing it again, lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Necrophage said
Not my intention. =( That is why I didn't want to use the term gray. Changing it again, lol.

just change the race to drow :[
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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In other news, Vec, I really like Trafalgar, I feel like him and Hart would get along
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

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I'm still working on my character, but I added his magic, skills and weapons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


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Race Description:
Hengeyokai in their animal form look almost exactly like the animal form they're based on, although they're usually a bit larger in size. In their human form they look almost identical to the race they're disguised as, although they might possess a few traits of their animal form. Their hybrid form tends to be an anthropomorphic animal with traits resembling that of their human form.

Some fox Hengeyokai's appearance change as they grow in power. So they can choose to grow an extra tail. The tails have no function in game mechanics, but can be used for storytelling purposes. Their fur can also change color, moving towards the more majestic colors of silver, gold, black, crimson, etc with the more tails they acquire.

Around 230 years old



One glance at Honari will instantly tell you that she is a foreign person from a different place. But you can see some resemblance of her clothing being similar to a priest or something similar to that. Honari's clothing are a type of spiritual wear which are used commonly on scared grounds of her religion. Her clothing are mostly formal and provide little to no protection on attacks and are easily destroyed. So using these clothes aren't really recommended but they provide her a bonus to her when using her spells.

When traveling she will either use her spiritual wear or something more casual and easy to move in. Her choice of clothing then would be commoner's clothing preferably a male outfit with a light scarf to cover her neck and drape down her back a little. In these clothing she looks like a common person walking around, and blends easily with other people who are walking if you dont see her hair.

In her spiritual clothing there are many places where she could place her weapon which are her Tags of Paper which are commonly used to preform her spells. Those Tags of Paper are usually called Spell Tags, which is the term she likes to use. With those Spell Tags she could hide them within her sleeves, between her breast if she wanted or even where her sash is and hide them there. So when she wearing these clothes she has a various amount of places where she could her her spell tags.

On the other hand in her commoner clothing she most likely prefers to hide them within her sleeves as they are the most easily accessible spot that she has available as the others are quite hard to use properly. Besides her sleeves the only other place she would use would be her boots that she wears with her commoner outfit which may be tricky to reach at times.

Advance Religious Knowledge - Being a priestess herself means that she must study her religion and know everything about it. But with her, she loves the stories and loves to read them over and over whenever she has the time to do so. Besides her own religion she must study other religion as well to understand why they do things there own way, as for why her religion does something different, making comparisons between them.

Alchemy Practitioner - Knowing the basics of the art of alchemy is quite useful for anyone these days, even for a fox and with alchemy makes things easier in multiple ways. With the kind of experience she has, she can easily appease the gods and other spirits if she chooses to do so.

Scroll Inscription Practitioner - Writing scrolls is more of a pleasantry thing these days to show how proper your messages are, so Honari has been trained in the basics of writing in a scroll and making what she writes in them look decent.

Advance Chantress - Being a priestess since birth has given her a lot of time to practice her skill for a long time now and one of the main skills that a priestess must having is their chanting skills. So the fast you chant the quicker the prayers that her spells needs, are finished quicker. Besides from her spells that she preforms she can also repeat phrases quicker which its magical abilities stacks on.

O-Fuda- A Shrine Maiden like herself is trained to cast spells by channeling her magic into paper seals known as O-Fuda. These seals are created by the Shrine Maiden, and it takes 5 minutes of calm focus to properly make a usable seal. A spell with touch range that is channeled into a Seal instead has a range equal to 10ft and sometimes larger. When a spell is channeled into a seal, the spell effectively becomes the seal.

Tie Seal- A shrine maiden may combine her spell tags with a weapon to give the weapon the effect of her spell that she has channeled inside her spell tags. Granting the weapon a bonus to damage or some other special effect to it. The only drawback is that the weapon can only preform attacks with the spell tag up to about a minute before it burns out making it useless.

Warding Seals- The Shrine Maiden learns to permanently apply spell tags with spell in them onto stationary structures. She can apply a channeled spell that effects an area on any stationary structure that has an interior. The area of the spell becomes the entire interior of the structure, and its duration becomes Permanent. Any structure can only have a single Seal applied to it at any time. The Shrine Maiden may also only keep a certain amount of spell tags active depending on her power.

Multi-Seal- This is where Shrine Maiden's chanting skill shines as she learns how to cast duplicates of the same spell rapidly by using her O-Fuda to expedite casting. When channeling a spell into a seal, the Shrine Maiden can choose to take a full round action to channel the same spell twice into two separate seals, which can then be targeted at any appropriate target. The Shrine Maiden may not, however, choose the same target for both seals.

A medium sized bag that she carries one her back which contains her clothes and some basic supplies like food and water; basically the bare essentials. However she does keep a small pouch on her side when she not wearing her spiritual garbs that contain simple herbs to make simple tonics. Besides those two items that is all she carries on her besides the money which is in her medium-sized bag. The money she is carrying around is 1 gold pieces, 27 silver pieces and 21 copper pieces.

Backstory: Honari always been a weirdo wherever she has went. She always was noticed at the shrine place where she was raised from since her birth, that she was different from the other girls. She always had different features than them like whisker like markings on her face, or slightly slanted eyes. But those comments never actually got to her as she went on with her training at the shrine like a normal person. But her training was slightly got cut short when she discovered that she wasnt all entirely human as one day she discovered she could turn herself into a animal at will. Her form was a fox and she felt natural in her animal form, like that was who she was meant to be.

During that time she felt torn about the two halves of her life. The animistic side of her and the humanistic side of her fought, and in the end her humanistic side won. But she still had doubt about her animal side of her and occasionally switched between the two forms. Often testing out the physical limits of her animal form and compared them to her human form at times. After gaining some familiarity of fox form, she often used it to escape the shrine when she was bored. Something she was not supposed to do but she always did it anyway. Wither she liked it or not she loved to she the outside world even if it was or was not allowed.

After several years she had finished her training from the shrine and left to go set out on her own. To create her own shrine for her patron god that she worshiped, with the skills that she had learned from the teachings of her shrine as well as from the outside of her shrine. Both learning the ways of pleasing the gods as well as learning the cunning ways of how the night life worked. Thus she made her way to somewhere where no one would know her making her free to use both forms that she had. Occasionally being a fox and most of the time being a human. But there are the rare cases where she would become a human with the features of a fox...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wah I felt like i did sloppy on my part.... :( any comments or tips ???
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Ah! Don't forget me!!! I'll post my CS tomorrow!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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The Fated Fallen said
I wouldn't say a 3 foot squirrel is useless in close combat, ever seen a squirrel leap on someone's face? And those are only 8 inches

xD scary with all dem sword tips pointin' at you
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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ALRIGHT @everybody, I can't possibly do a complete review of all these CSes until Saturday, so y'all will have to wait. I've contacted Chanda, he might take care of things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


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~Yawn~ Plus it too early to be up doing all of this as well xD I hate IRL so much :< I got too much stuff I have to do today
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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vietmyke said
I see a large range of "High level" and "low level" characters, is this bueno, or are we supposed to match in relative power level?Also, can I make my character a relatively new member of the Red Locks? Or do I have to do that IC?

I was actually thinking they'd come after you and your homies hiding out in a dingy safehouse somewhere at the start of the RP because HEY! THOSE LITTLE HALF-PINT HOBOS GOT A SAFEHOUSE! THEY MIGHT TRY TO STEAL OUR STASH!

but yes you can do that IC.

(Nothing against Hart Arron personally, bro. Chill.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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Oh, you guys are limited to Level 1-5 class range-ish if you're looking for a power estimate. A typical all-high archmage would be around 28 levels. Level cap is 30.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Hm, since we're not using skill points, do we draw a rough estimate from what we've put on our character sheets?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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I'd think so...

with those boundaries in mind, I think a level 1-2 character would be a complete novice, 3-7 would be relatively inexperienced but not untrained. The whole 8-15 range could be the equivalent of a regular/veteran, and so on and so on
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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vietmyke said
In other news, Vec, I really like Trafalgar, I feel like him and Hart would get along

hehe why not ;}
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

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There! Character sheet, yaaay!

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