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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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The pyre roared. A lot of people surrounded it, each giving their own sacrifices. Strange sights were to behold. One man challenging a wraith, whilst cooking meat. Another chasing a skimpy dressed girl around. One gifting the gods nothing and everything to get their good graces. People dancing, chanting, fighting and crying.

It was amazing.

Jormen didn’t know where to start. He plucked his long grey beard, cleaned his short sleeved tunic and tuned his trusted kantele. This was a good day to be a skald, a storyteller, a bard.
He arrived a few hours early this day. Listening to stories, dancing, drinking, singing, that’s how Jormen spend his day. But, there was a very important reason why he attended.
Not to let his words wash away by the two men shouting on their sides of the pyre, Jormen walked to the others side. He took a piece of paper out of his pocket, unraveled it and started to speak.

“To all who hear, all who listen, I speak! Greetings and glory upon thee, O great divines, spirits and muses.” Jormen bowed deeply and with great gesture, taking of his small cap.
“I come here with an offer, and a request. You see, I am old and grey. My mind slow, as is my body.” Comicly acting oud, with one hand on is back and one on a imaginary walking stick in front of him. Suddenly, Jormen leapt up and clapped his hands
“But behold, my spirit is young and wants to learn, to see! I feel alive, even after so long!”
Jormen held up his piece of paper.
“On this parchment, I have written a song. A very old song, which I can just barely remember. I will gift a piece of my past. I will forget it, I will never be able to play it again. Only the god, or goddess” he adds with a small wink, “that takes it will know this ancient tune.”

Slowly, Jormen brought the piece of paper closer to the fire. Just when the flames started to take hold, he pulled it back, pressing it firmly to his body, guarding it.
“BUT!” he shouted. “I will only grant it to the one who will be my muse. The one who gives me inspiration, who amazes me. So step fort, claim my prize, my sacrifice, and grant me visions of wonder!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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John felt like it was his time to step forward. He gathered all his courage, it was now or never. He walked to the flames and started talking to them. He made sure no one else could hear him. This was easily achieved because the other people seemed to held a contest in being as loud as possible.

“Great gods, you should know that I am not one that likes being on the center of the stage. Still here I am presenting myself. I came here because in my line of work, luck is everything. No matter how much skill one has, there are always some factors one can’t calculate. Yet luck came easily to me. And now there is nothing else for me to learn. I give you here the gatherings of years of hard work and perfecting my profession.” John threw the sack filled with gold into the fire.

“I have you known, none of those coins were originally mine. And every one of them belonged to a different owner. It has been fun and exciting, but I am looking for something new. I now can get enough money for anything I desire with ease, yet I am with no desire. That’s why I came here, looking for a new purpose. This is my true offering. Give me a mission I can follow with my whole heart and I will give my entire body and mind to serve it.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was that time of year again. When the sacrifices were brought before the gods for them to choose a champion or something. Not that Eddie cared. Well, he did ... at first. However, he could never really decide on a gift that he thought was good enough, and so always came with nothing. He labored under the delusion that he would look for inspiration among the others who brought things, but after a decade of doing so he finally just gave up. He now considered himself too old to be chosen. He had settled down and established himself quite comfortably within his village, and had no intention of going off on some crazy adventure. However, the habit of going to the celebration was deeply ingrained in him, so he found himself going every year. Although now it was more for the celebration and fun, he still took the time to observe the other people looking to gain recognition.

He had seen many interesting sacrifices this year. A few grotesque ones, and some like him who brought nothing. Although he had to sigh when he saw a man chasing after what appeared to be a prostitute. What god would honestly want that!? Probably a weird one. He debated for a moment whether he should intervene. On one hand, it wasn't his right to determine who brought what. However, he didn't think it was right to just let a woman be chased like that, he found the very thought vulgar. He sighed even harder, then calmly walked after the man. Being a hard laborer, he found it easy to intimidate people, and he was definitely well muscled. His plan was simply to walk up behind the man and possibly engage him in discussion or simply block his path, giving the woman time to make her escape. Perhaps he could 'bump' into the man, make it look like an accident. However, the latter was automatically selected when he stepped out in front of the man.

((If this no longer pertains, then up yours for leaving me in the dust, jerks))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Haedorman had always been appreciateive of fine music and poems none of which mortals made as mortals had the odd knack for macking a aweful racket when trying to impress a mate "Bed them and leave" was Haedormans only advice on the subject. This old man, well past his expiration date, however was different Haedorman could sense it amd even if he wasnt Haedorman was curious as to what was on the scroll, of course he could just use his "third eye" and take a look but that would take the fun out of it. Haedorman slowly moved of the lounge and departed to the temple.

A burst of fire of all colours and yet none came from the pit as a fat man appeared in the flames, as Haedorman kept his true appearance for only when he was at home. "You! Elder, what is it you seek in this life? Would you like to last a eternity? Or maybe you want a clean death to end your suffering?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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Tavon stood among the men in circle and watched this old man called Jormen. The man was a bit to loud for his taste, but it was a man of skill and it called for wonder. "This might be amusing," he tought while smiling.

In the pyre, close to the old man called Jormen a rose started to grow. It did not seem to be harmed by the flames. It grew till it was clearly visible. First the color of the petals were only red, but then started to take colors from the fire. Each of the petals changed to a different color presented in the fire. "The bard should be able to figure out who made it. Let's see what he does with it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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Vortex said
Haedorman had always been appreciateive of fine music and poems none of which mortals made as mortals had the odd knack for macking a aweful racket when trying to impress a mate "Bed them and leave" was Haedormans only advice on the subject. This old man, well past his expiration date, however was different Haedorman could sense it amd even if he wasnt Haedorman was curious as to what was on the scroll, of course he could just use his "third eye" and take a look but that would take the fun out of it. Haedorman slowly moved of the lounge and departed to the temple.A burst of fire of all colours and yet none came from the pit as a fat man appeared in the flames, as Haedorman kept his true appearance for only when he was at home. "You! Elder, what is it you seek in this life? Would you like to last a eternity? Or maybe you want a clean death to end your suffering?"

The amazement of the flamboyant entrances soon faded when the fat man started to speak.
“Great spirits, a clean death!? Eternity!? No, no of course not! I love living and life, I wouldn’t want it to end. But I wouldn’t want it to never end either…”

Baffled, Jormen took a few steps back. His face, wrinkled and tanned, became notable pale. This was not the reaction he planned for.
“I humbly requested inspiration, to entertain and amaze. To bring joy into the lives of others. If that is what you can, and want, to grant me, then my song is yours. Bit what you offer now is terrifying!”

LordMarwain said
Tavon stood among the men in circle and watched this old man called Jormen. The man was a bit to loud for his taste, but it was a man of skill and it called for wonder. "This might be amusing," he tought while smiling. In the pyre, close to the old man called Jormen a rose started to grow. It did not seem to be harmed by the flames. It grew till it was clearly visible. First the color of the petals were only red, but then started to take colors from the fire. Each of the petals changed to a different color presented in the fire. "The bard should be able to figure out who made it. Let's see what he does with it."

Only then, Jormen started to notice the rose blooming in front of him. It had a beautiful red and yellow color, lake a frozen flame. Jormen caressed it, intrigued by it. Then he realized the situation he was in and returned his attention to the fat man, and the pyre.

“Is this your work? It is truly beautiful, but to delicate for someone like you. Is someone else watching me? Does someone else also want my prize?”

Jormen smiled, whilst he continued. He looked past the fat man into the pyre. “Is it you, Manas, who gifts me this amazement? Or maybe you, Tavon, gardener and keeper of the green? Quintis the daydreamer might have made it too, but it is to plantlike to fit him…”

Confidence radiated from the old, frail main, given strength by the idea of multiple gods claiming his song. Jormen returned is attention to the fat man. “…and you, what can I call you?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

the wraith laughed, and the world around Misha seemed to fade and melt away into a world wear every where was screams and panic, ghouls ran like packs after souls, banshees screaming around others, wraiths dismembering specific souls, this was truly a domain of fear

a voice flowed through the air that would send chills down creatures spine "Come Forth Misha, to the Citadel"

The wraith that brought Misha here pointed to a large evil citadel in the mess of all the screams "He's waiting for you, follow me mortal" the wraith began to float to the citadel
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Berdagon said
The amazement of the flamboyant entrances soon faded when the fat man started to speak. “Great spirits, a clean death!? Eternity!? No, no of course not! I love living and life, I wouldn’t want it to end. But I wouldn’t want it to never end either…”Baffled, Jormen took a few steps back. His face, wrinkled and tanned, became notable pale. This was not the reaction he planned for. “I humbly requested inspiration, to entertain and amaze. To bring joy into the lives of others. If that is what you can, and want, to grant me, then my song is yours. Bit what you offer now is terrifying!” Only then, Jormen started to notice the rose blooming in front of him. It had a beautiful red and yellow color, lake a frozen flame. Jormen caressed it, intrigued by it. Then he realized the situation he was in and returned his attention to the fat man, and the pyre. “Is this your work? It is truly beautiful, but to delicate for someone like you. Is someone else watching me? Does someone else also want my prize?”Jormen smiled, whilst he continued. He looked past the fat man into the pyre. “Is it you, Manas, who gifts me this amazement? Or maybe you, Tavon, gardener and keeper of the green? Quintis the daydreamer might have made it too, but it is to plantlike to fit him…” Confidence radiated from the old, frail main, given strength by the idea of multiple gods claiming his song. Jormen returned is attention to the fat man. “…and you, what can I call you?”

Haedorman laughed "I apologise my dear man I did not mean to frighten you. But from past experience mortals... Of your age seem to ethier want it one way or the other and trust me Ive had ALOT of experience with your race most entertaining you all are" Haedorman looked as a flower formed in the flames and he smiled gently "Oh yes this is my work indeed! Took many of your mortal years to form it did, myes a true work of art and all. But please, please! Do touch it, feel its soft petals at your touch... Or take a petal for yourself if you wish it is of no concern to me" After intense study of the flower wondering who of the gods created it Haedorman yawned and looked back at the old man "As for me you can call me Haedorman, a name im sure you heard many tales about considering all the exploits ive been on"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

C.C slowly woke up, the sun rays forced her eyes to stay closed for a few more seconds while C.C stood up, even with her eyes clsed she knew she had fallen asleep in the outskirts of the town, even so she could hear there was some commotion in the town, after picking up her sword and carboy half filled with wine she walked to the town.
"What's going on?" she asked still dizzy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

C.C slowly woke up, the sun rays forced her eyes to stay closed for a few more seconds while C.C stood up, even with her eyes clsed she knew she had fallen asleep in the outskirts of the town, even so she could hear there was some commotion in the town, after picking up her sword and carboy half filled with wine she walked to the town.
"What's going on?" she asked still dizzy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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Vortex said
Haedorman laughed "I apologise my dear man I did not mean to frighten you. But from past experience mortals... Of your age seem to ethier want it one way or the other and trust me Ive had ALOT of experience with your race most entertaining you all are" Haedorman looked as a flower formed in the flames and he smiled gently "Oh yes this is my work indeed! Took many of your mortal years to form it did, myes a true work of art and all. But please, please! Do touch it, feel its soft petals at your touch... Or take a petal for yourself if you wish it is of no concern to me" After intense study of the flower wondering who of the gods created it Haedorman yawned and looked back at the old man "As for me you can call me Haedorman, a name im sure you heard many tales about considering all the exploits ive been on"

When Haedorman spoke about touching the rose, the rose bow down a bit, towards Jormen. As if asking to be touched.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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LordMarwain said
John felt like it was his time to step forward. He gathered all his courage, it was now or never. He walked to the flames and started talking to them. He made sure no one else could hear him. This was easily achieved because the other people seemed to held a contest in being as loud as possible. “Great gods, you should know that I am not one that likes being on the center of the stage. Still here I am presenting myself. I came here because in my line of work, luck is everything. No matter how much skill one has, there are always some factors one can’t calculate. Yet luck came easily to me. And now there is nothing else for me to learn. I give you here the gatherings of years of hard work and perfecting my profession.” John threw the sack filled with gold into the fire. “I have you known, none of those coins were originally mine. And every one of them belonged to a different owner. It has been fun and exciting, but I am looking for something new. I now can get enough money for anything I desire with ease, yet I am with no desire. That’s why I came here, looking for a new purpose. This is my true offering. Give me a mission I can follow with my whole heart and I will give my entire body and mind to serve it.”

Roxy watched the people gather. She watched them give their offerings. She rejected many of them. Her champion had to be special. He or she had to be able to repressent the shadows. She looked through the theives, assassins, and treasure hunters. None of them seemed to want it bad enough. With the rumors of trouble she wanted a strong champion to represent her. Finally she heard someone that appealed to her.

“I have you known, none of those coins were originally mine. And every one of them belonged to a different owner. It has been fun and exciting, but I am looking for something new. I now can get enough money for anything I desire with ease, yet I am with no desire. That’s why I came here, looking for a new purpose. This is my true offering. Give me a mission I can follow with my whole heart and I will give my entire body and mind to serve it."

Roxy weaves the shadows around the man. You intrigue me. I have searched many this day for a champion. I am considering you." She walked around the man studying him thoughtfully. "Do you know how to use a knife John?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 mos ago

MasterOfMetal said
Satúm enjoyed his day greatly. He enjoyed his mead, his women and meat,but when stumbling past the temple stairs, he was reminded of his predicament.'Damn.. still no offering..'He looked at his half empty cup 'Could I perhaps.... Nah..''Here goes nothing, literally'Satúm took one last swig, threw his mug on the gound, whiped his mouth and started walking up the white steps.Satúm, calmed by the drink, walked to the alter, empty handed, he had a plan, a bold plan. quite clever he thought.'To all the divines, whose eyes pierce clouds and flesh I call!'He raised his empty hands to the sky'I bring you.. NOTHING'a confident smile on his lips'nothing physical that is.I offer a promise whoever will accept it!Any promise!Who will take my offer, oh great devines!'

Skemmdarvagur watched from his realm taking care to note not only what each person was bringing but the attributes of each mortal. To him the sacrifices of thousands would pale in comparison to the loyalty of the one right person, and here he thinks he has found it. A young man not offering anything physical but that which will test every fiber of his mortal coil: a promise of choice.
"You have an unusual offering, but one that can show honor far above what others have brought." Skemmdarvagur spoke to him in a low whisper only he could hear. As he continued Satúm would find that all other noises fade. "I am Ulykke, Master of Devastation! I find you worthy of being my Champion. In time I will make myself known to you, but for now, go and enjoy the festival. Eat drink and be merry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Master Crim said
Skemmdarvagur watched from his realm taking care to note not only what each person was bringing but the attributes of each mortal. To him the sacrifices of thousands would pale in comparison to the loyalty of the one right person, and here he thinks he has found it. A young man not offering anything physical but that which will test every fiber of his mortal coil: a promise of choice. "You have an unusual offering, but one that can show honor far above what others have brought." Skemmdarvagur spoke to him in a low whisper only he could hear. As he continued Satúm would find that all other noises fade. "I am Ulykke, Master of Devastation! I find you worthy of being my Champion. In time I will make myself known to you, but for now, go and enjoy the festival. Eat drink and be merry."

Satúm did not expect this, but then again, he expected nothing really.
'Um.. a promise of loyalty to destruction?'
Satúm frowned in thought
'But I love the world, I love life and all the pleasures it has to offer!
How can I be loyal to the idea of destroying all that I so enjoy?'

A little bit puzzled and confused Satúm wandered back down to the festivities to drink the first thing he could find
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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KatherinWinter said
Jade didn't question her good luck. She didn't know what God had helped her. She didn't care. She would honor who ever had chosen her. But first she had to escape. She looked over her shoulder at the guy behind her. She might not be the fastest runner in the world but she was clever. She might be able to lose him in the crowd. She ducked down low hiding her tall body among the shorter. Then she slide into an open tent. That should give her time to catch her breath and think.

Something black shot through the tent flaps
'Well done little pray.' the raven said upon the panting girl.
'He likes the way you think, and act'
Erä wondered if the silly man would find her, that would prove interesting.
She fled like a true creature of the forest floor, but when driven in a corner, would she fight?

"Would you fight to survive?" Asked the raven, now with a deep voice, raw like the wolf's
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thantos said
the wraith laughed, and the world around Misha seemed to fade and melt away into a world wear every where was screams and panic, ghouls ran like packs after souls, banshees screaming around others, wraiths dismembering specific souls, this was truly a domain of feara voice flowed through the air that would send chills down creatures spine "Come Forth Misha, to the Citadel"The wraith that brought Misha here pointed to a large evil citadel in the mess of all the screams "He's waiting for you, follow me mortal" the wraith began to float to the citadel

Misha looked at the world around him and blinked. He saw gruesome images but was unfazed. He wondered why.
The call on the wind peaked Misha's curiosity. Cautious not to step in anything but without worry he followed the wraith.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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KatherinWinter said
Roxy watched the people gather. She watched them give their offerings. She rejected many of them. Her champion had to be special. He or she had to be able to repressent the shadows. She looked through the theives, assassins, and treasure hunters. None of them seemed to want it bad enough. With the rumors of trouble she wanted a strong champion to represent her. Finally she heard someone that appealed to her. “I have you known, none of those coins were originally mine. And every one of them belonged to a different owner. It has been fun and exciting, but I am looking for something new. I now can get enough money for anything I desire with ease, yet I am with no desire. That’s why I came here, looking for a new purpose. This is my true offering. Give me a mission I can follow with my whole heart and I will give my entire body and mind to serve it."Roxy weaves the shadows around the man. You intrigue me. I have searched many this day for a champion. I am considering you." She walked around the man studying him thoughtfully. "Do you know how to use a knife John?"

John bows. "A knife milady? Sure I carry one. It's not very large, but the perfect size cut open a sack or purse. I don’t fight very often and if I have to attack someone I rather do it form the shadows. Because the strongest blade, is a blade you don't see coming. However if I do have to fight I am quite confident. As a thief I learned not only to be strong, but also to be cautious and fast.”
John was a bit confused by the question.
“Why do you ask milady?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well met, Eramaa. Have you taken any champions yet to aid your cause?" Arcturius stood quietly, once more invisible to the human world. "The night is yet young, and mortals are flooding to the altar. Surely some are still following the ancient ways." A pause. "Have you seen your brother, by any chance? He skipped out on our last game of chess."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

C.C watched those who called themselvs gods from the door of a tavern while drinking beer, her favourite breakfast.
The people was amazed by the display of powers yet C.C did not pay attention to it, maybe because of the hangover or maybe becaus she had no religious beliefs
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