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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Finishing her food, Alice put her elbow on the arm of her chair and rested her cheek on her fist as she watched the testosterone levels soar. It was just a major pain. Obviously this Charles character had to have done something to make the guards attack him and now he wants to use that sad excuse to make jeers at Hale's designs. She was watching his every move. The way his adam apples bobbed and his eye brow rose with an air of self assuredness. Alice also took note of the slight shift he made. He'd done something. The girl stood and walked next to Hale. She pinched his pants leg.

"Search him. Get whatever bank information needed for the trade, then make him leave." She said softly, just below a whisper, meant only for Hale. Alice didn't know what this man was planning but every part of her wanted him gone. In every meaning of the word.
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charles eyes snapped to the women, he hooked his hand around a stinger in his sleeve "i really wish you two would tell me why your excessive whispering" his eyes strarted to tear up "and i fear that as we havent made the deal you intend to kill me or make me a toy for your training, if you do. let me phone my daughter, tell her i wont be home for a while" by this point he was properly crying, tears dripping down his nose
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh cut the theatrics, last I checked you didn't even tell BOB your information. Explain how the hell you expect to get paid otherwise? I'm not a mind reader, and I don't much care for the needs of a human." Magnus told him. He noticed him reach for something on his sleeve, in what seemed like an instant Magnus was upon him, claws stabbed into his left shoulder. "Now, that wasn't very smart was it?" Magnus said with a grin, with his free hand he reached into the man's sleeve and pulled out small gun. "Oh please, this was your contingency plan? Really? A gun that looks like it shoots BB pellets?" Magnus simply laughed and tossed the gun against a wall, making a small dent. "I was fully prepared to let you go, I still might....if you drop all your weapons in a nice little pile in the floor." With that he yanked his claws out of his shoulder, he hit no vital ateries, simply a bunch of nerves to paralyze him momentarily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head" - Euripides

A catchy and motivating title for the new guides they hand out to the rookies, Junko thought as she inspected the freshly printed book they offered before she and some other soldiers got in the truck. The destination was Kilo Point, a military outpost which started to become a potentional war zone. The number of incidents between SOLDIER and the local vampires has increased dramaticaly for a short period, but the soldiers managed to get the situation under control, but also lost many of their men. In order to prevent another escallation, SOLDIER decided to reinforce and strenghten the outpost, the convoy contained 10 trucks with soldiers 6 more with supplies and a black car who led the way, some say it must be a guy from intel judging the car, but it was only a rumor.

"I cant wait to kill my first vampire, I wonder what it is like!" One of the rookies inside the truck exclaimed.
"You'd be the first one to die! you cant even hold you rifle correctly!" Another soldier responded, making the others laugh. "Well they said it will take us at least 5 hours until we arrive so you got plenty of time to read the fucking manual they gave you so you will only be the second one who will die~".

It seemed these guys knew each other and tried to calm their nerves a bit by joking around. However, Junko simply ignored them and checked her sniper rifle, over and over again. For her, it was a job like any other...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach..." The gray haired old man broke the silence as he took a dying cigarette out of his mouth. "...all the damn vampires."

Mithias took no offense as he stared coldly through the one-way, reinforced glass of the interrogation room. It's true, San Jose was rampant with unregulated, bloodsucking hellspawn. Crime and vampirism were so high, streets weren't safe even in the day. But SOLDIER was young compared to Mithias, having only been in existence a number of decades. He had been a member long enough to practically be considered a piece of furniture by human standards. Most of them didn't even see him as a "vampire" so much as simply one of the SOLDEIR Elite that they worked with everyday. He was quite useful, in fact.

The human interrogator suddenly shouted at the bloody blonde woman who was strapped to a chair that had itself been bolted to the floor. "Where were the guns going?!" He demanded of the her. She was a vampire. "Let me explain this to you slowly. You're a contract-breaker. Your right to life is forfeit. Vampires don't get second chances. Now if I'm going to be able to do anything for you, you're going to have to talk to me..."

Although the intel sparking their raid on San Jose last night had originally come from Cypher, they wouldn't have been able to capture any of the renegade vampires alive without Mithias. ...not without losing lives, and even still, there were a lot of vampires with a lot at stake in the area. Mithias looked at her. She was a girl, a toy, a nobody, certainly shy of a full gang member or higher-up who would be able to give some decent information. Twenty years undead, and she probably thought she was a grandma compared to the punks in this town. But reading minds wasn't in Mithias' ability list. Drinking her blood would give mostly visual and emotional information, but details like names couldn't be taken that way. She would be tortured, and she would die for breaking the Blood Contract. It's the interrogator's job to lie.

Cypher had figured that San Jose was a waypoint for some big blackmarket purchases. The drugs were bad, but the weapons were the main thing. They seemed to keep flowing through this location, but what was confiscated wasn't matching what was expected. The weapons were being moved elsewhere, to a final location.

"Who's buying?!"
"I don't know!" She screamed back.
"Then where were you driving that truck?"
"To Hell, you pathetic worm!"

This could take all day.

Mithias turned his head toward the old man standing next to him. They were thinking the same thing. The man nodded and hit the door-release, waving the interrogator to come out. Mithias went in.

"And who are you supposed to be? My lawyer?" The poor woman had no idea what was coming.

Mithias picked up a 5 gallon bucket in the back of the room and splashed its contents all over the woman. The screaming began.

Grabbing a chair himself, Mithias spun it around and sat, folding his arms over the back of it as he watched the skin melt off her. Her eyes were bloody holes, but she was still alive. Screaming, writhing, her clothes were completely eaten away. Red caustic slop covered the floor, and the air was hot to breathe. Finally, after minutes of progressive torment, unable to lose consciousness, the woman stopped screaming. Her voice died down to a harsh rasp. "I know you can still hear me." Mithias started. "You are going to die in one of two ways. One of those ways involves me getting another bucket. The other, depends on how you answer my question." He stopped and watched her a little longer, giving her time to think. It was usually male vampires that had to be put down. In fact, there were far more female vampires than male, probably due to their much lower mortality rate and attractiveness. He didn't feel sorry for her though. She was a willing murderer, a contract breaker, and one of the reasons this whole war wasn't over. Ridding the world of her was one step closer to peace. Hatred was justified, but Mithias was too tired for it.

Out of the blue, the muscle tissue of her lips moved, and the vampire prisoner spoke. "...Kilo Point."

Mithias blinked. He hadn't actually expected it to work. "Alright." He answered. It was enough information to go on, and somehow, he knew she was telling the truth.

"Fuckin' messy." The man said as Mithias left the room, a beheaded vampire strapped to a chair in a pool of chemicals behind him.
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smiles, he throws his can of garlic, 2 more stingers and his M16 and then attempts to push him off
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The Secular Vampire Elimination Project, as SOLDIER had originally been known back in it's founding days, had arisen in response to the threat of oldbloods. No normal military could properly deal with beings on the scale of Magnus, Dresden, or Mithias. While many people thought it was built to protect the people from bloodsuckers, in truth it had been built by and for the government, created as a sort of specialised anti-vampire bodyguard. Although it had in time become an offensive organisation, with long-reaching fingers and access to a large array of military forces, it's central purpose and the central threat was never forgotten by it's leaders. In all the world, there were very few things as dangerous as an Oldblood, a being that could create hundreds more vampires, and singlehandedly wipe out military units. Every oldblood knowns in recorded history had a highly detailed profile in SOLDIER HQ, locked in a closed system and behind a hundred heavily guarded gates, detailing the vampire's behavior, capabilities and recorded history for use in combat. Johnathan knew, he'd managed to see his own profile, once.

The ancient warrior was no stranger to this organization. Multiple times SOLDIER had attempted to recruit him, wanting for another Oldblood among their ranks, although he had refused each time. While he certainly held no loyalty to the ideals of most vampires, nor their religions, he was not such a hypocrit that he would wipe out his kin, nor would he judge them simply for killing the humans. He had lived for over a thousand years, and seen civilisations rise and fall. A human was a fragile creature, like a may fly darting out of hiding, always trying to achieve as much as it can before it's time runs out. Slow, weak beings with no ability to grasp the larger picture due to their miniscule time on this earth. How could he feel pity or mercy for a line of creatures so devoid of meaning, so devoid of life? They ruled this earth only by the complacency of the true vampire lords, who humored the mayflies for now.

Of course, Johnathan was not one to commit genocide. A day would undoubtedly come when all of mankind stood on the brink of utter extinction, and vampires would keep them in pens like they did to their cattle. Nature practically required it, as in time the humans were only growing weaker and more complacent. However that day would come not by Johnathan's hand, nor would he encourage it.

Returning from his inner thoughts, Johnathan looked around at the scenery around him. Had he been a human, he would undoubtedly have died already. The guns he could faintly see prepared, hidden under bushes and growths, would certainly have ripped into him. Of course, it would have taken some fairly heavy artillery to cut through his armor, but he had no doubt that Magnus had access to just that. Practically invisible for the heat scanners that constantly observed the area in front of the legendary bunker, Johnathan moved carefully in between the blind spots of cameras, being able to nearly perfectly judge them. He had done this many times before, and as he entered the cave system, which was also undoubtedly monitored, he knew he wouldn't be able to remain hidden forever. This place was too heavily secured to be able to slip completely in and out without being noticed. However, Johnathan had no intentions of doing anything of the like.

Again, a human would have been doomed once they entered this dense system of caves, with no defining marks to show the way. With no indication of what way to go, soon the human would have either gotten lost and died alone, or stumbled into the field of view of one of the many cameras on the site. However, with the superior senses that were common to vampires, it was relatively easy to navigate the cramped passageways, finding alternate routes to avoid cameras. It was only because the system was not meant to catch vampires that he had penetrated it this far, he knew, because, while there were cameras for extra security, the main source of protection was the heat scanners that constantly searched the area. But that didn't mean that the next scene wasn't going to be a significant problem.

Technology developed by the humans had rapidly increased both the complexity and quality of security systems. Using lasers, circuits and advanced weaponry one was able to create systems that in the past would have been dismissed as impossible, fabrications of magic. To counter these, advanced hacking and cloaking systems had been developed to a military grade, methods for getting past advanced scanner equipment and hacking open most systems. Forcing access to the circuits of a closed system, they were the perfect counter. Of course, some defensive measures never change, and Johnathan saw that Magnus had realised this as well, for barring his way was an obstacle that no technological gadget could have removed.

It was a big-ass metal door.

For a little while, Johnathan considered what was in front of him. The massive door was obviously built to withstand heavy punishment, and if his estimates about it were correct he would need heavy artillery cannons to get through it. There were no guards in front of it - it would really be quite pointless, with all the automated cannons about - but there was nothing on Johnathan's form that could have destroyed the door. Although he could potentially have hacked into any system, he could do no such thing from the outside, and thus the door formed a potentially unmovable obstacle. He couldn't turn back now, of course. As such, Johnathan shrugged, and knocked. Three loud bangs, calculated to send echoes through the chamber behind the door, as he stood clearly in the vision of one of the cameras. If he was lucky, the door would simply be opened for him, removing the problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

DiZL ReloadeD said
- EuripidesA catchy and motivating title for the new guides they hand out to the rookies, Junko thought as she inspected the freshly printed book they offered before she and some other soldiers got in the truck. The destination was Kilo Point, a military outpost which started to become a potentional war zone. The number of incidents between SOLDIER and the local vampires has increased dramaticaly for a short period, but the soldiers managed to get the situation under control, but also lost many of their men. In order to prevent another escallation, SOLDIER decided to reinforce and strenghten the outpost, the convoy contained 10 trucks with soldiers 6 more with supplies and a black car who led the way, some say it must be a guy from intel judging the car, but it was only a rumor."I cant wait to kill my first vampire, I wonder what it is like!" One of the rookies inside the truck exclaimed."You'd be the first one to die! you cant even hold you rifle correctly!" Another soldier responded, making the others laugh. "Well they said it will take us at least hours until we arrive so you got plenty of time to read the fucking manual they gave you so you will only be the second one who will die~".It seemed these guys knew each other and tried to calm their nerves a bit by joking around. However, Junko simply ignored them and checked her sniper rifle, over and over again. For her, it was a job like any other...

Milo was having a laugh with the other boys, when he looked over and saw a woman sitting there ignoring the good times before we all go to die and instead just cleaning her rifle.
"Hey Johnson who's that?" Milo asked to his friend
"Oh her, none of us are really certain we just call her 'Lone Wolf' she doesn't really talk to anyone."
"Time to change that, no time like just before almost guaranteed death" Milo said laughing at it himself. "Hey Rodgers swap with me, we don't need Captain America going first."
"Got it, sir" he called, he was only a new recruit, but Milo liked him sad he'll probably on the casualty list today.
"Good man," Milo said swapping out with him. Now addressing the woman, "So, the boys call you the 'Lone Wolf' since you never talk to anyone and since I haven't met you till now, figured opening you up before our almost guaranteed death for the Greater Good, would be nice. What's your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Junko tried her best to ignore the other soldiers and focus on cleaning her sniper rifle. She was thinking about what would be the highest place at Kilo Point, maybe a watch tower? or a church? However, she haven't had much time to think until she was being interrupted by Milo, somehow Junko already knew what he was up to. Still cleaning her gun, she listened to what he had to say. As he mentioned her nickname and asked for her real name Junko gave him a cold look for a few seconds, looking Milo directly in the eyes. Then she turned back to cleaning her Sniper, but she didn't ignore his question so she showed him her name tag for a moment, long enough for him to read her name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"There appears to be a vampire in a suit of armor...knocking..on the door. Shall I let him in?"BOB sounded around the room. A vampire in a suit of armor Magnus thought. Johnathan.. "I trust you can take care of our...friend..here Hale?" Magnus said, without waiting for a answer he walked over to the lift and poked the button for the top floor. He exited and walked to the metal door. "Alright BOB, open it." Magnus said. Shortly after the metal bars in the door clanked and whined as they moved to unlock, slowly the door opened to reveal Johnathan on one side and Magnus crossing his arms as he waited for the door to open rather slowly on the other. "Ah, Johnathan. Been quite some time since the crusades hasn't it? Was rather fun cutting those lunatics to pieces with you...do come in. Don't want to let all the cave critters in." Magnus said with a grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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DiZL ReloadeD said
Then she turned back to cleaning her Sniper, but she didn't ignore his question so she showed him her name tag for a moment, long enough for him to read her name.

"Junko eh, why don't you talk at some point? It'd be a shame for something to happen and none of our good SOLDIERS hear your voice," Milo was looking right back into her eyes, the difference is he was happy and smiling. Death didn't scare him, it was an odd complex for him most people look at death and either become brave, stupid, or a coward, but Milo looked at death and became it's friend instead. "Look I'm not gonna lie, I'd rather know who's gonna be shooting over my head into the enemy, and know who I might lose today. We are having a good time cause we'd rather have our last thoughts be of this moment, and you should to, now do you want to join us, I'd prefer you doing so."

"Hey lover boy, tone it down a little," Rodgers called at him
"You're just mad you didn't have the balls to say hello," was Milo's immediate response
The men found both remarks funny getting a decent laugh out of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Junko sighted as she stopped cleaning her sniper. "Let me guess, you won't stop unless I accept?..." she said as she looked at Milo again. In truth she would rather clean her sniper and prepare for later when shit's getting real, than having a boring/pointless conversation with one of the rookies, or at least she thought it was full of rookies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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DiZL ReloadeD said
Junko sighted as she stopped cleaning her sniper. "Let me guess, you won't stop unless I accept?..." she said as she looked at Milo again.

"Sounds about right, no point in dying without a good memory of the idiots you went to die with." Milo looked at her playfully, "You ready to join, cause you know you can clean a rifle and have fun right?" Milo chuckled a little thinking about everything going on. "And to be fully honest I think these men would like you ending the sausage fest fun they are having," he whispered to her so none of the men could hear.

"Look at you trying to be slick, Milo" Again Rodgers felt like commenting on whats going on
"You know you can can it," Milo got defensive this time instead of finding a snappy comeback to it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Up to you if you want to start Matt and Light here.)

Mithias' living quarters on base, which perhaps should more acurrately be referred to as a dwelling, in California, were much like any other you'd expect, save for being underground with high security. Clean as a hotel room, it had a phone, a computer, a kitchen and bath, and even a wide screen monitor. Of course there was also his personal collection of equipment. He had the fortune of donated blood to sustain him, which caused him no qualms. He didn't do much at home except sleep, which could have been as often as daily to never. It wasn't known whether or not vampires in general needed sleep, but Mithias did it periodically, appearing to be completely unconscious and barely breathing. Perhaps he merely chose to do so to pass the time, but it seemed regular. There are about 5 pages of observation on his sleep habits in his file.

A knock sounded, and Mithias opened the door to a familiar face delivering him a message. The printout stated his next objective and a detailed series of instructions using esoteric jargon. He had already been given his orders verbally and was about to close the door when the messanger, who was more nervous than usual, stopped him. A second note was discretely passed, and Mithias closed the door.

"749, 'saftey device' is a remote self-destruct." It said.

Incinerating the note in his hand, out of view of the camera, Mithias opened the other documents. He was to fly #0749 to headquarters in Kilo Point today. That was his usual machine, dubbed "Nightingale," much to human amusement. Mithias would meet the general and someone named "Lightning" at the new location. ...extreme caution... report all abberent readings immediately... and toward the very end, Mithias caught a side note about recent upgrades to his jet. New "saftey devices" had been installed on all Elite vehicles, with some bullshit explanation. Mithias blinked a few more times than normal, dissembling the stormcloud of concern that were immediately brewing in his head. It looked like a convenient way for SOLDIER to terminate an employee, should they be a vampire. They could just blow them up with a bomb, hidden in their own vehicle.

So it seemed after decades of service, he was suddenly distrusted. It was either that, or technology had advanced to the point that he could be strapped by his own organization. He had probably always been distrusted. Mithias methodically continued his preparations as he contemplated. The order he had been given on a recent mission came to mind. He had been denied permission to rescue Cypher, now presumed dead, and the morality had been nagging him for weeks. SOLDIER command was acting strangely.

Mithias continued to himself. Why did he kill his own kind? His orgins dated back to the end of the crusades, Eastern Europe, where he had descended from a family of a secret sect of knights, vampire hunters. It had always been his calling. In modern times, as before, humans could be handled by humans. Thier lives were all terminal and the penalties they suffered for infringing on the Blood contract were far lesser than for vampires. The Blood Contract was the only thing keeping the two species from wiping one or the other out; it HAD to be upheld. Vampires were much better equipped to handle vampires, and as a protector by nature, Mithias had fallen into this role over the centuries.

He had always believed, that if only the wicked could be eliminated, peace could be had. but, eliminating the murderers, the cult-leaders, etc. would ultimately never chang anything, because new beings were born or turned everyday who shared the same capacity for evil. Mithias would have to live forever, to keep striking down the enemy, as the true war would never reach an end. And what of the old and the powerful vampires who might not be killable? Mithias shook his head and pressed his fingers against the bridge of his nose with a painful expression. He didn't want to consider the subsequent thought, that there would be one in particular who would one day need to be destroyed. He sighed heavily. Were ANY oldbloods sane?

Nonetheless, over the ages, Mithias had become aware of a pattern of breakdown repeating. He remembered the bloody inquisition, when even the church turned on him. Corruption and hysteria were rampant and everyone was killed. The mission he had dedicated his life to serving fell to chaos and lies. As a human, he didn't know what the hell had happened, and his faith was lost forever. Since then, every time a great power rose, it seemed to collapse upon itself. He remembered the recent World Wars.... and now SOLDIER was spreading itself as a force world-wide. A chill run up his spine.

A short while passed and Mithias approached his jet with a frown. The mechanic gave him some extremely abbreviated information and handed him the armbound controlpad. Mithias really didn't like the idea of placing his life into SOLDIER's hands after they had been so secretive about the "upgrades," but for now, he would play dumb.

Perhaps he was overthinking the whole thing. San Jose was a nest of death, and there was no going after Cypher without very serious risk. Mithias had the best tack record of success and SOLDIER wouldn't want to lose him. Cypher had to be left behind. He was just another casualty of war. Rational though it was, the issue nagged him. They had never so frankly sacrificed one of their own before.

A few hours later, in bright daylight, Nightingale landed at Kilo Point. The black canopy opened and Mithias unstraped himself. Replacing the headgear for a pair of sunglasses, Mithias gracefully leapt to the ground. A new driver took 0749 to park it, and a low-ranking SOLIER member escorted the vampire pilot to the small group that was waiting just inside the HQ entrance.

"Agent Varomere..." The young soldier began introducing them.

Mithias took off his shades, a courtesy. "Lightning?" He asked questioningly, tilting his head at her, indicating the name was quite unusual.

Just as polite conversation was about to start, abruptly, Mithias turned around and grabbed the neck of a young medical officer that had been directly behind him with amazing speed. The officer was shocked and gasped loudly, but was unable to run away. Guns were pulled. A few guards started shouting orders, but Mithias didn't move. He glared at the man he held. It was the first time anyone had seen Mithias at all threaten a human.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I appreciate your concern and kindness, but I have to decline" Junko replied "I prefer to prepare myself mentally and physically before I go to battle...". With these words she turned back to her rifle again and checked the reload-mechanism several times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

DiZL ReloadeD said
"I appreciate your concern and kindness, but I have to decline" Junko replied "I prefer to prepare myself mentally and physically before I go to battle...". With these words she turned back to her rifle again and checked the reload-mechanism several times.

"Well then enjoy your hardass-ery Junko, I'll see you in hell, or after the fight whichever we end up in." Milo said the smile still there, standing up he stood at the gate of the Troop Transport truck, looking out watching everything fade off into the distance. "This may be the last time we see any of this... everything we knew may fade to black... but for this its damn well worth it." Milo muttered to himself

"Milo, what you get shot down?!" Once again Rodgers was all over the commentary, and the men all over the good times.
Milo pulled out his flask, "Thank God for scotch," he took a big swig, "It's gonna be a long ride to hell."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Let the man go, vamp. Elite or not this sniper round will reduce your head to a mere puddle at the range." Lightning told him, looking down the iron sights on her Gundam. Shortly after Mithias released the man. "Good boy." She said with a grin holding the gun pointed up into the air on her shoulder. The other guards followed suit and lowered their weapons, she unhooked a radio from her belt and yelled into it "Matt, the psycho elite Vamp is here. Get your ass out of that building and come here."Shortly after with a bang when the door slammed, Matt came walking out, rather annoyed at being interrupted while he was working. "So, you are the badass elite vampire that is supposed to help us in the case of a mass attack, eh? The names' Matt, CO of this cozy little corner of hell" He said and put his hand out, assuming a vampire of his age knew what a handshake was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Before releasing the young man, Mithias discretely took something from him. It was a small gun-shaped device, bearing a hypodermic needle. The device let out a puff of smoke as the vampire crushed it in one hand. "No." He said quietly to the man, indicating that he would not allow his blood to be sampled.

The medic backed away awkwardly. SOLDIER members weren't allowed to decline required medical testing. They normally just let him do his job. He didn't expect any resistance, except from childish new recruits. "Sir, all Elite soldiers are required to have blood taken upon arrival at base. You have to provide a sample for analysis. It's an order."

"Now is not a good time." Mithias answered, delaying the impending confrontation.

The man left, saying something about scheduling an appointment his earliest convenience.

"Matt, the psycho elite Vamp is here. Get your ass out of that building and come here." Lightning called out casually.

Required blood testing? Mithias' stomach turned. He couldn't allow that. A vampire's blood was personal. It could be used as a drug, but it could also enthrall someone, and enough might even turn them. Who knew what other uses modern science could unlock. Mithias certainly didn't want any clones of himself running around. He turn toward the sound of a door slamming shut as Matt walked out and introduced himself.

"Commander." Mithias saluted, then shook hands appropriately. Now that he was at ease, he spoke freely. "I am here to support our troops in defense of the city. I am sure you have seen the report of illegal weaponry being transported, ironically, to Kilo Point. One more thing..." Mithias held up the broken syringe device. "My apologies, but when did this become an order?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The empty office building Bouwe was squatting in was cold and dark.
But it did have the best view of the city. And it was free.

The TV sheds a pale blue light on the glass vials, scales and burners.
Next to it, stand two wineglasses filled with a red liquid.
Bouwe glances over at is from across the room. A chill runs down his spine.
He turns his attention back to the TV.

"Scientist are calling it a collective nightmare event. More on this at 9. Now to sports, Jerry?"
The woman smiles her perfectly manufactured smile and the camera pans over to a guy in a football jersy and a frown.
"Well Marta I have bad news Martha. Due to recent events the police will only refer to as vampire problems the 2014 hockey season has been officially cancelled. The management of the Kilo Point Raccons could not be reached for commentary."

With a sigh Bouwe turned off the television. No point in delaying it. It's done.
He got up and walked over to the two wine glasses. A heavy feeling sank in his gut.
Ceremoniously he took the left glass and put it to his lips. He tasted a sour but sweet and full taste, the alcoholic aftertaste shook hims a little, as did the memories from a long, long time ago. He smiled. The he took up the other glass. It was bitter, the taste of iron was nauseating. There was no sweetness, no spark, no rush that took you over the highest mountain and made you feel whole again. Bouwe wiped the blood of his grin and laughed.

"It worked!"

He downed the wine with tears in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hale raised an eyebrow at Magnus taking off like that and walked over to Charles.
He grins.
"You have quite the knack for drama my friend, that amuses me, but more of that later. Right now we trade: you share with us your info on SOLDIER and their current plans, and you get your suitcase with untraceable bearer bonds with 20G's and walk out with it today.
Hale pointed at a cabinet on the wall that held blood packs and a few expensive whisky's.
"We could discuss further employment arrangements. You'll find that we offer a lot of interesting features, like family protection for instance."
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