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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViridianHue
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GM: ViridianHue
Co-GM: Spawnling
Genre: Slice-of-life x Supernatural
State: Accepting Profiles!

At first glance, Primrose Terrace seems like an ordinary apartment building. Surrounded by a well-maintained garden with a small pond in the corner, its primrose bushes line its borders among the tall trees. The building itself is ten stories high, with a rooftop swimming pool, a luxurious lounge on the ground floor, and of course, fully furnished studio apartments. However, don't let its picturesque appearance fool you...for each of the residents of Primrose Terrace have a secret.

They're not human.

Every few years, a descendant of Yokai is born. It is believed that the family in which they are born, becomes very prosperous. The child is thus heavily protected, and raised in a sheltered environment, for the dangers to its life are many. Not only are their existence from humans to be kept a secret, but they must also be protected from pure-blooded yokai, as these descendants are half-human and not well received by the "supernatural community".

Once they come of age, most of these children choose to live on their own, away from the bindings of their family. However, they could not live anywhere they pleased as the dangers to their life were far too many. Thus, Primrose Terrace came into existence - a high security apartment building where humans with demon/spirit ancestors, or yōkai, reside, each guarded by their own bodyguard.

So, who are you in this story? A bodyguard sworn to protect your partner from harm? A descendant of a yokai just looking to make a life of their own? ...or are you one of the enemy?

General Notes:

0. For this RP, Yokai is an umbrella term for supernatural beings, and is not limited to Japanese mythological creatures. Information on Yokai: 1, 2, 3
1. The bodyguards are also descendants of yokai, but are of a lower financial/family/clan status than their partners.
2. You can be any mythical creature you want and don't need to know Japanese folklore to participate in this RP. However, please choose a creature that has substantial background information or origins of folklore.
3. You can choose your partner once IC starts. No pairings beforehand (for sake of character development and interaction).
4. The RP is set in modern times. The location is fictional.
5. There will be a maximum of 5 pairings. Any other CS accepted afterwards will be a member of staff (cooks/butlers/maids), an enemy or a human.
6. Note that your interaction with the rest will be limited if you choose to be a non-resident.
7. Romance is encouraged, but please don't pair off into couples when choosing your partner.
8. Pure-blood Yokai are most active at night.
9. Bodyguards and residents are not required to live in the same apartment.
10. Your character must be in their human form in presence of humans.


1A. Joseph Richardson
2A. Capello Campana
3A. Open
4A. Open
5A. Claire Lorcan

1B. Yuen Moon Li
2B. Victor Steiner
3B. Kimiko Hoshi
4B. Gin Hasunohana
5B. Yuki


1. Marie Weber
2. Thomas Thatcher



Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Malikoy
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Malikoy The Pizza Dark Lord

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: August Swithrim

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Role: descendant

Apartment No: 2B

1. Human Form: August wears a long red hair that drops from the top of his head to just below his ears, green eyes, fit build, and quite tall. He wears a fancy black vest on a classic linen shirt, with matching black suit pants, and elegant blue shoes.
2. Yokai Form: August is a decedent of the mythical creature known as the Griffin, he is a more humanoid iteration than the more beastly Griffin. When in Yokai form, August has a lion tail, eagle wings that are white and angelic that can retract when he is walking around. His face is that of an eagle, with a remarkable sharp golden beak. He maintains a standing posture on two legs, unlike the original Griffin which stands on all four. His hands are normal human hands with little red lion fur on the back of his hand.

Race: Half-Griffin

Abilities: Flight, Enhanced endurance and physical strength, nimble, has the ability to shoot fireballs from his hands which he has not learned yet.

Strengths/Weaknesses: August is most powerful in close combative situations, his nimbleness and enhanced endurance allows him to manage an over-numbered fight. But it is his arrogance that will be his undoing, and his recklessness. August needs sunlight to be strong, he can be almost powerless at night, he could charge up some energy in the daylight but that would cause him to enter a state of hibernation that would disallow him from doing anything else. So he opted not to charge at all, rendering him quite human and not so Griffin like in the dark.

Bio: August was born of the Ancient Griffin in the county of Everdwell Blossoms in Germany. His entire life he lived in extreme wealth due to the spoils of his father, followers of the Griffin mythology would give thousands worth of gifts every month to the Half-Griffin. Also his mother was the owner of a multi-billion corporation that spanned the globe. But nevertheless August wasn't all round spoiled, during his childhood he would be training at home in his own GYM and combat training rooms. He trained hard until it was time for him to leave home, he'd never made any friends in his past years. His father eventually left to seek otherworldly quests and responsibilities of his own, his departure wasn't much of a grief for August's mother. She'd been quite busy with her work and business she neglected her son and convinced him he is now ready to live for himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Name: Feli Narunai

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Role: Bodyguard

Apartment No: 4A

Androgynous is both name and features, a first glance its hard to tell what Feli is. But when he speaks or removes clothing, all doubt is remove. He has a lithe build that doesn't show a lot of muscle, but is devoid of any fat. He has somewhat stereotypical Elvish features with long blonde hair and emerald green eyes. He styles his hair in many different ways, depending on the occasion, but the most common is just keeping it loose. He's about 5 foot ten and weighs about 120lbs. He has pointed facial features and long, pointed ears. He has the long legs of a dancer and the long graceful fingers of a pianist. His skin is fair in color and nearly unblemished, save for a burn scar on his right shoulder blade that extends out of the back of his right arm about an inch or two.

1. Human Form: Elves can't change their form, they are stuck with the features they were born with. But they can hide them using different clothing. So when he has to travel outside the apartments to the world of humans he wears various colored tee-shirts, white skinny jeans, tall sturdy brown boots, a green and gray mottled hoodie, and brown, leather, fingerless gloves. The modern, everyday equivalent of traditional Elvish garb. He uses the hood to hide his long, pointed ears from sight.

2. Yokai Form: When he is not forced to into the world of humans, he wears traditional Elvish garb. Various colored tunics, white form fitting pants, tall sturdy brown boots, a green and gray mottled cloak with a hood, and brown, leather, elbow length, fingerless gloves.

Race: Elf

Abilities: Elves are born with incredibly heightened senses, especially their sight and hearing. They are fast, agile, and light on their feet with near perfect balance and lightning fast reflexes. They are more in tune with nature than most races and able to feel the spirits of the wind, sense changes in the weather, and hear the sounds of the forests. Though they have no magical control over nature they are in tune with it and thus can get help from the spirits that protect it.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Feli is strongest in nature, especially in forests where he is completely at home. He is a hunter and knows how to survive off the land. He is a good cook whether over a camp fire or in an actual kitchen. Nature magic doesn't affect him as much as it does normal people because his race is so close to it. He uses his speed to overwhelm opponents, his eyes to find their weak points, and his agility and accuracy to hit them. While he is strongest in nature, when surrounded by man made things he gets weaker. The less nature around the weak he gets. He is strong enough to get by with ease, but that's about it. Strength has never been a strong suit of the Elves. Unlike most of his kind he has no natural affinity for bows and instead wields thin, light swords like rapiers.

Bio: Feli's people are what are known as the Free Elves. They are the Elves who still practice the old ways and refuse to become like the humans. Stubborn as it may be, studied have shown that the Free Elves live longer than the other Elves. Feli was born in a forest and he thought he would live his life in a forest. They were a small group of Free Elves, about two dozen in all. Human stupidity forced them to flee their camp as fire spread through the forest. Several were injured trying to help the children and elders escape, Feli was among those. This group of Free Elves had no choice but to join to become like the humans for a little while. While they found a new area of the forest that hadn't been taken over yet. And while those who were injured recovered. It was during that time that the leader of their small group was approached by the landlord of the Primrose Terrace. Telling him that in return for one of Elves being a bodyguard of the Terrace, they would be given a stretch of forest on a private property, where they wouldn't have to worry about humans. The leader was going to refuse, but Feli volunteered, not thinking at all of himself, but of the safety of his family.

Other: Feli is bisexual, gender doesn't matter to him in the slightest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViridianHue
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Malikoy - Looking great, but I'd like a few more specific weaknesses. Perhaps an element or a fear that hinders him? Also, a bit more information on the bio would be great. ^^

@Redwing - Accepted. =3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Capello Campana
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Role: Bodyguard
Apartment No: 2A


His outfit changes constantly throughout the day, leading to a few rumors that he is simply naked all the time and the clothes are illusions.

Race: Fox Demon *NOT a Kitsune/Nine-Tailed Fox*

Abilities: Capello is a master of illusion, using his abilities to conceal, mislead, misdirect, confuse, and all around flabbergast those he would target. It is generally accepted that the Capello that is speaking is rarely, if ever, the true Capello, to help avoid ambushing or catching him off guard. Those who are unaffected by his illusions for whatever reasons will find him an easy target to kill off.

Strengths/Weaknesses: While his illusions are masterful and elegant, his physical abilities, and really any ability that doesn't rely on deception and lying, are null. Capello will always lose in a direct confrontation, even in his Yokai form, unless the opponent is human or dramatically weaker than him. Because of this, the fox tries to make sure he is never put in such a situation. Most fights he walks away from are because he uses his illusions to brutal efficiency, confusing the enemy enough to get a lethal hit in or having them fight amongst themselves and do the dirty work for him. Due to the effectiveness of his powers, he excels as a bodyguard, able to walk his partner out of dangerous situations without the enemy even being aware of it. Because of his skill with such illusions, he is able to detect and see through similar abilities.

Bio: Little to nothing is known about Capello except that he came from somewhere in Western Europe, specifically claiming to be from Florence in Italy, but the veracity of this can't be confirmed. What is known is that he fled Europe, having made several powerful Yokai enemies within the land, and barely managed to escape with his life. There are rumors that he lost many friends during his escape, with an equal number of claims being made about whether or not he betrayed them in the process. Most of his past is hearsay and speculation, and Capello seems to take great joy in confirming contradicting stories.

Personality: Capello is a deceiver by nature, a trickster at best, and paranoid at worst. He harbors a thousand lies in his mind for any situation, and each one is more convincing than the last. Able to spin complicated webs of lies, Capello himself has intense trust issues and doesn't give any information about himself unless absolutely necessary, which so far has been never. He is, however, friendly and warm to others, despite the aura of mistrust surrounding him. His illusions make him valuable, his intelligence makes him dangerous, and he knows it. The fox thinks long term, and most likely has many plans that are already in motion. However, the one thing he takes great pride in is that he will never betray those under his protection. Though this could also just be an incredibly long term lie that has yet to be exposed. He is probably far more lonely than he lets on, but his nature and habit to analyze every action seem to prevent him from becoming too close to others.

Other: Capello has an uncanny knack for showing up in the most awkward or inconvenient *for others* of places, something he claims is simple bad luck on his part.
He is also completely addicted to cinnamon sticks, often keeping several to chew on in his pockets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViridianHue
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Kimiko Hoshi

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Role: Descendant

Apartment No: 3B

Race: Ame-Onna

Kimiko's magic is more on the defensive side. She can summon a thick fog if there is a need to escape from her enemies. She also has the ability to call upon clouds, causing rainfall, and if her foes are unlucky, they can be struck with thunder, though Kimiko has no control over that.

She has a strong defense. She can absorb most damage, using her umbrella as a shield. She is however, rather weak when it comes to offense, having had no training in martial arts or any physical or magical forms of attack.

Bio: When Kimiko was born, it came as no surprise to the Hoshi clan that she was a descendant of a yokai. Throughout the centuries, they have had such descendants in their bloodline and believed it to be a blessing. As a result, they were put under high protection, and treated with utmost care and reverence.

Kimiko, however, found such a lineage to be a curse. It seemed that wherever she went, her family name preceded her. The Hoshi clan was famous for their pharmaceutical companies and medical technology, and everyone that Kimiko met seemed to want to get closer to her just to be in her family's favor. As a result, Kimiko came to distrust most people and had no friends. Her relationship with her family wasn't the best either. Being the only descendant of yokai after a century, she was treated more like a deity than a child.

Thus, Kimiko was relieved when she came to know about Primrose Terrace, and moved to the building when she turned 18. She'd had a bodyguard assigned to her for three years, but they soon had to move to another city and thus ended their contract.

Other: If she feels very emotional, she can unconsciously cause thunderstorms. Oftentimes when she is depressed, a literal rain cloud materializes over her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Malikoy
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Malikoy The Pizza Dark Lord

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@ViridianHue My bad on the weakness part, I noticed I didn't really include any real weakness. I just fixed that, should be more interesting now.

As for the Bio I didn't want to dwell and reveal much, preferred to have his backstory discovered and revealed during his stay at the Terrace, but I did add up some more info to it. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by spiderlegs


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Character Sheet
Name: Mattis of the Pool
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Role: Staff (Pool-boy and Lifeguard)
Apartment No: n/a
1. Human Form: Enormously tall and pale, with coal-black eyes and dark, perpetually-wet hair that might be blond or red or even black, it's really hard to say . . .
2. Yokai Form: A large, pure-white horse, built thick for cold weather, its mane drips continuously. Its pelt has the texture of a seal's.
Race: Fossegrim (a kind of nix, a water-spirit)
Abilities: Like all Fossegrim, Mattis is a shape-shifter but is somewhat limited in his selection. He's mastered the human form, and can do a passable golden-necklace, but everything else turns out a bit furry and blue (for some reason).
At will (or while in river-horse form), his skin/fur becomes adhesive, binding other beings to him. It's impossible to escape once attached to a Fossegrim except through dire means (there are stories of people who cut off their hands)--Mattis must consciously release his captive. He can also sense when someone is drowning in his waters.
-Mattis doesn't need to breathe and sinks like a stone to walk along the bottom. It comes in handy when he needs to clean the pool.
-Impeccable (if somewhat monochrome) good looks--it comes with the territory, or rather, the ability to shape-shift.
-Mattis can't spend more than a day away from the water before he begins to suffer psychologically, first becoming irritable, and then melancholic before succumbing to a deep depression.
-Lacking the Fossegrim's usual knack for music, Mattis longs for the sound of his kin's melancholy violin and will absolutely worship anyone who can string a few harmonious notes together.
-Like most of his kin, he harbors some slight homicidal tendencies--nothing serious, just the occasional urge to drown people. Not an especially desirable trait in a life guard.

Bio: Born in a cold northern stream, Mattis grew up with minimal guidance from his rather traditional mother. To her, his musical inability made him a runt and a disappointment of scant significance, more of a shame than a joy. Out of curiosity, he attended a few years of human school before leaving his home waters in search of acceptance and maybe a bit of excitement. He eventually discovered something very like that at the Primrose Terrace. As a backwater yokai with little experience of the world, he views the descendents with their bodyguards as glamorous figures. For now, he passes as a harmless nereid and maintains his little pool with great pride, making him a prized employee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by spiderlegs


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Sorry, double-post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wunderbar! I look forward to this starting. Can't wait to see all the different characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonydas
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Dragonydas Game Designer

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ignore this, Wrong account.
- Dark angel
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ignore this, wrong account.
-Dark angel
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry, the posts above are actually mine, I was on my sisters account.

Sorry it took so long, just got back from the hospital.

Character Sheet
Name: Gin Hasunohana
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Role: Descendant
Apartment No: 4b

Appearance: Gin has long black hair, yellow eyes, large fox ears and tail. Her skin is a pale white. She usually wears a typical school uniform, along with a beautiful pink shawl with layers of lace underneath that her grandmother gave her, and always wears some kind of flowers from her small garden in her hair, on her shawl, and in various places on her clothes.

1. Human Form:

Gin always has her ears and one of her tails out when at Primrose, and due to her antisocial demeanor, is almost everyday. She tends to keep her paws and extra tails hidden, along with her fox like facial features.

2. Yokai Form:
When in Yokai form, she lets out all of her tails, which, along with her ears, become a gleaming silver white. Her hands and feet morph into paws, and her entire body except for her face, which has a painted look to it, becomes enveloped in a soft layer of fur. In this for Gin has more control over her powers, able to use faux flame to it's full extent, and able to create illusions that, if she so pleases, can drive you insane.

Race: Kitsune

Abilities: Gin is able to sense people's fears and use the against them, and create illusions. She can shape shift, but she has little to no power over that ability. Gin can also speak to spirits, and spends most of her time with them instead of with humans or other people in the human world, including other Yokai. Gin usually lies about things, and her lies are not always convincing, but she is able to create incredibly realistic illusions by peering into another's mind and seeing their deepest fears, doubts, secrets. She can also see their memories, the people they love or hate, and even their connection to the world of spirits. Gin also has an ability called faux flame, which is a blue flame. It can give someone the feeling of being burned, and it may have just incinerated that chair, but it's not real. The victim is only hurt because they believe it to be real, and Gin uses that agains't them.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Thanks to her fox like senses, Gin has enhanced hearing, smell, and vision. She can track people very easily, and is good at staying hidden. She can shape shift, but very shakily, and it will usually fail. She is weak agains't anyone and anything involving religion, (monks, shrines, prayer beads, etc) and cannot use her powers when near these. Gin doesn't use her powers much, because she is afraid of hurting the people around her due to an accident in the past, which, even if you can get close enough to actually have a deep conversation, she never speaks of. Gin is also weak against anything having to do with oni, or dragons.

Bio: She is very awkward socially, preferring to spend time with animals and in her garden. She can't easily tell what people are feeling without using her powers, and often doesn't know how to react when confronted, reacting slightly violently when embarrassed, though not enough to seriously hurt people. When she was a child, Gin lived with her grandmother in a small house near a temple. Since she could not go to school, everyday she would help her grandmother at the temple. She felt safe there, and often spoke with the monks, asking them questions about kitsune, other spirits, and Yokai. That all ended when a group of humans attacked her temple, killing many of the monks and some of the temples neighbors, including her grandmother. Blinded by the anger she felt for losing the people she loved, Gin blacked out when she changed into her full Yokai form. When she awoke, she was surrounded by dead bodies. Taking the shawl and inheritance her grandmother left for her, she fled to the place her grandmother told her to go if something ever happened, Primrose Terrace.

Other: She very much loves nature, and can often be found in the garden or by the primrose bushes. She is also a skilled musician, and loves music, but never plays around anyone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

By the way, is it ok to have two kitsune characters? I couldn't see your post, and I really like my character. Like, I stayed up till 2 am last night just to get her right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Guess it's a good thing I resisted switching to a kitsune.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah, that would have been awkward. Plus kitsune are actually pretty hard to do. They only have a few weaknesses, and I can't exactly put in being eaten by a dragon as a weakness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Now you see why I put a big ole note saying he's not a Kitsune for my guy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViridianHue
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Everyone's characters are looking great so far. I'm pretty happy with all of them. I'll edit the accepted character list later on (on my phone right now).

By the way, if the slots are filled, would some of you mind changing your roles? Right now, there are more descendants than bodyguards... If more bodyguard CSes come in, I'll increase the slots, and you wouldn't have to worry.

@DarkAngel- You make a better kitsune. XD I just reused an old character of mine because I like kitsunes, but I had an idea for a Phoenix or Nekomata character, so I'll change mine. =3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm interested in this- and if I do post a character, it will likely be a bodyguard.

Though, I'm toying with ideas still, so I'm pretty unsure of how long it will take to post the character. Hrm, hm.
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