Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Great. I'll post a CS Monday evening
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Gavin Grey/ Grey

Age: 174, appears to be in early 40's due to stress.

Gender: Male

Personality: Gavin is, in simple terms, a grump. His life has been pulled out beneath him when the Order fell and as such has lost much of his chivalry and virtues. Quick to smoke and even quicker to drink, Gavin is more likely to drown his sorrows than deal with them like a responsible adult and as a result has become bitter, withdrawn, and cynical. However he is still a knight at the heart of it and will defend those who cannot. This fall of virtues and the code of chivalry has taken away Gavin's lawful good alignment, robbing him of his original gear.

Skills: Gavin was a high ranking cyber-knight before the order fell and has the skill set to match.
-Swordsmanship: During the tenure of the Order, Gavin was the third best swordsmen. Second only to Gale and Vance, now deceased.
-Marksmanship: While not the best marksman in the Order, Gavin was the most well rounded of them all and had experience with every conceivable type of ballistic weapon with a preference for SMG's.
-Determination: His defining feature as a knight. Gavin possesses a will that allows him to push through injury and blood loss to get to his goal.
-Blacksmith: Part of being a Rune Master is crafting armor and weapons, the one thing Gavin was a master at.
-Gunsmith: A recent hobby, Gavin has been studying guns for the past fifty years and has become proficient in their creation.
-Knowledge of Runes: As the rune master, Gavin not only knows how to imbue them with power but also how to read them.
-Ambidextrous: A skill needed by every Cyber-Knight. However he favors his right hand for melee.

-Enchant: As Rune Master, Gavin only put time in learning how to enchant weapons and armor with runes of power. There are many runes but only so many runes can be placed on a weapon before it destroys itself, the max being four.
-Atlantean Blood: Gavin's Atlantean heritage gives him abilities above that of a normal man. For ever physical attribute that normal humans have, an atlantean has them at about five times better. Here is Gavin's stats.
Strength: 980 pounds dead lift.
Top Speed: 60 m.p.h. for short bursts.
Healing Speed: A wound that would take 30 days will take 6 for him.
Immune System: Nearly immune to all known sicknesses and highly resistant to normal poisons.
Sleep: Fully functional on an hour and a half sleep schedule, however attitude will not be nominal.
[u]Reaction time:
Normal, however should adrenalin be added to his system it shall be increased to 60 milliseconds.
Life Span: 400 years on average.

Equipment: Gavin's original arms and armor have been replaced due to the alignment runes placed on them, with his new alignment he cannot wield them and as such has made replacements.

Brief Backstory: Gavin is an Atlantean, one of the last. He wasn't born during the fall, when Lemuria fell, in fact that happened several generations before his father. However, the lesson that was learned was not forgotten. Hubris is greatest poison of all. While Gavin wasn't there, he felt the repercussions. The atlanteans that remained dedicated themselves to preventing the same fate from happening to the rest of mankind. In this vein the Cyber-Knights were formed, to protect man against Daemons and the undead.

Since he was a boy, Gavin was trained to be a warrior. From the finer points of battle strategy to how to wield a sword with utmost skill, it was all deeply ingrained into his mind. When he came of age and completed his trials, it was discovered that he had a flare for runes. With the current Rune Master reaching his twilight years, it was decided that Gavin would take up the mantel and become the next Rune Master. The training as the Rune Master's apprentice was unlike any he had done before, using his mind to create instead of taking apart. After several decades of training underneath the watchful vigil of the Rune Master, Gavin earned the right to take the title of Rune Master.

Life was calm, for what it was. Go here, fight a Daemon. Go there, slay some undead. Go home, forge weapons. Life was simple and carefree. That is, until they awoke. The four Arch Daemons, some of the most powerful daemons to walk the earth. Taking up arms, the Order went to all out war with the Arch Daemons. Daemon, undead, and Cyber-Knight fell in droves as the battles raged for the better part of five years. Eventually all Arch Daemons were killed, save for one. Balthier, the lord of a thousand blades. The creature was the single best warrior among the four and single handedly rode the charge through the great monastery, routing the Cyber-Knight Order with his blades and warriors. Gavin and the last Knights put up arms against the Daemons, fighting with more fury than a thousand exploding suns.

In the end Balthier lay slain on the floor, with Gavin's blade deep within his heart. However the Cyber-Knight Order was all but destroyed, the survivors too spread out to be a cohesive force. Lost and without purpose, Gavin fell from grace and turned to the drink to find an answer or drown the nightmares in a sea of alcohol. Three decades later, a disgrace of what he once was, Gavin found a purpose to follow after saving a woman from thugs. Taking up his arms once again, Gavin has spent the last fifty two years saving who he can and smiting evil where he finds it.

-Has a LOT of money stashed in multiple places around the world and in several different bank accounts.
-Frequently has nightmares of the fall and Daemon War.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 17 min ago

It's going to take a bit longer for me to get my judgement up, I'm sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nosuchthing
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Nosuchthing as good writing

Member Seen 5 mos ago

NPC Hero

Name: Gregory Mathers, Orbit

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Appearance: Orbit is solidly built, he’s not tall, but he’s broad across the shoulders with a solidity to him that demonstrates the strength in his form. He wears no cape, and wears a heavy suit, with armour plates covering vital points, in a white with a sky blue band that crosses from one shoulder to the opposite hip and continues on his back.

Personality: He’s not unintelligent, and he prefers to go into a fight knowing what his enemy is capable of and likely to attempt. Perhaps not the same obsessive analysis that his one-time ‘apprentice’ has adopted, but enough that the two can be tied together in terms of fighting principle, at least at the most basic level. He’s quite a calm hero, and few things shake him, leaving him still able to make cocky remarks in the most dire of situations.

Skills: He’s a leader, always has been, even from the time when he was first starting out as a solo hero to his position now as the head of the IFJ in Chicago.
He has an ability to rely on, and fall back, and he is exceedingly skilled at using it, however, he is also aware that it is not useful in every situation and is an accomplished fighter, though not exactly a martial artist, his techniques are slightly more basic and brutal.

Abilities: Orbit has the ability to generate a localised gravity field about himself, this will pull objects and potentially even people into it simulating an effect not unlike the moon circumnavigating the earth. He can ramp it up high enough to stop bullets and even with careful aim launch objects at opponents, including large vehicles if he ramps it up high enough.

Equipment: Other than his suit and the means to communicate with his team, Orbit rarely carries extra equipment.

Brief Backstory: Gregory Mathers had never really thought about being a super hero, he knew they existed, who didn’t in this day and age? But unlike those who dreamed of having abilities and saving people, he wasn’t one of them. It wasn’t that he was a bad person, he was just realistic. He was an academic, sure he kept in shape, but he was no doctor, he wasn’t going to save lives. So he donated to charities, he worked in a homeless shelter once a week, and he generally carried on with his life.

And then forty-five innocent people were murdered in front of him. That does things to people, and to Gregory? Well it allowed him to fire chunks of concrete wildly at the man responsible. It was a trigger event for his ability, a gift that had lain dormant in him until the right circumstances appeared. The villain in question, long since imprisoned, wasn’t expecting the sudden assault of pavement and was swiftly knocked unconscious. The IFJ arrived in time to see it happen, and assisted Gregory in establishing a hero identity. He could have turned it down, but now that he had the power to stop maniacs like this? Well, it was almost like he didn’t have a choice.

Fast forward a few years and he ran into a young girl, disguised by a cheap plastic mask, and with her arm being used as a chew toy by one of Chicago’s more feral drug dealing villains. The man had abilities, but hardly significant ones, and it appeared that the girl had tried to take him on. Orbit dispatched him swiftly and deposited the girl at hospital, returning a few days later when she was conscious to discover that she would continue to go out and endanger herself unless he agreed to train her.

He refused, only to discover her in a not dissimilar situation months later. Faced with either training her, or her death on his conscious, he reluctantly took up the mantle of her mentor, fashioned her a suit, and trained her as a hero. Though he was later criticised for his actions, he was successful enough, and Recall was successful enough that eventually that recognition translated into a place as a lead member of the IFJ.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 17 min ago

@Pathfinder: Okay, to be honest, um...

I'm not really seeing much of a playable character here. It seems like he'd mostly just rampage and that's about it.

@Nosuchthing: Accepted.

On another note, I've kind of gotten stuck on a choice for my final character, so for now I'll put up a heroic NPC who some people will proooobably recognize as she is kind of a very blatant expy. ^^;

Name: Camille Lonne, King Arthur The Once and Future King King
Age: Has the appearance of a girl no older then sixteen. She is older then that, much older.
Gender: Female
Appearance: I did kind of say she was a really obvious expy.
Personality: Camille is, rather fitting with who she is, highly dedicated to honor, chivalry, and justice. She feels that combat should be an honorable and glorious affair for those involved, or that it should be conducted to bring justice to evildoers. She is a competent strategist and combatant, but is in reality rather awkward and unsure of herself in social situations. Her interpersonal reactions are often rather stilted and directionless, and she does not often fully express her emotions. Camille is easily embarrassed and flustered, as well. She places deep value on honor and chivalry, and is absolutely terrible at keeping her identity a secret as she is thoroughly unused to deception. Camille is dedicated to the defense of civilians in every way possible, even during her Kingship she felt it was her absolute duty as king to keep them safe and to serve her people. While she has regrets about her rule, she feels she can make up for them now by defending those who need it. She feels she is a knight for the world, and as a knight she must strike down those who threaten the innocent. Camille feels killing is to be expected for a knight in combat, but as today's heroes avoid slaying their enemies and instead bring them to justice, Camille does her best to do the same.
Skills: Camille is an inhuman swordswomen, topped only by one person in her time. Her two-handed swordplay emphasizes powerful strikes, surprisingly given her small frame. Camille is also an excellent swimmer.
Abilities: Camille is faster and stronger then a human being can attain without being superhuman, in spite of not possessing any differences in her genetic makeup as opposed to non-superhumans. Instead, it is due to her nature as the Once and Future King. As such, she can easily outpower most who do not possess some form of superior strength using her swordplay. Her speed is enough to even fight the force of gravity and carry her up sheer surfaces, like the side of a building. Camille's body can mend non-magical damage far more rapidly then those without some form of regenerative factor, as well. Her body does not appear to age.
Equipment: Camille can summon a particular armored dress, capable of repelling bullets and even small explosions. However, to magic it is a simple, normal set of medieval armor, and more advanced weapons can pierce it. Camille also wields the divine blade Excalibur, an indestructible sword perpetually wreathed in a golden glow. Capable of cutting through most mundane materials and even firing bolts of golden energy, Excalibur is indeed the original weapon Camille possessed during her kingship. It can enter a phantasmal state, in reality only being partially summoned. In this state Camille can use it to non-lethally incapacitate her foes.
Brief Backstory: Camille, or rather Arthur, awoke in a confused state. She did not know where she was, why she was female, or what was going on. One thing she was certain of was her own identity. She was, and forever is, Arthur Pendragon, King of the Britons. She even introduced herself as such to the first person she met. After all, something as simple as gender does not change the fact that she is King. Of course, realizing that all she was wearing was ragged cloth that swiftly disintegrated shortly after her introduction did through a rather embarrassing wrench into things. In the following confusion, it was indeed revealed that Arthur at least thought she was telling the truth, and after psychiatric examination(She had no idea how to handle this and was rather awkward and confused) it was concluded that she suffered from no mental illness. She was, however, wisely given a name that would confuse people less. The deception bothered her, but she realized it was necessary in today's world. She did and still does frequently forget not to introduce herself as King Arthur, however. It was not surprising that she pledged herself to be a Knight of the World, and aid the World's superheroes in protecting the innocent. Since then she has worked as part of the IFJ, tackling villains across the world.
It has been brought to her attention that she resembles an iteration of King Arthur in a certain piece of Japanese media impossibly closely. She finds this confusing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Allegra Haskell, Spartan.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

She doesn't look as strong as she is, at all.

Personality: The brunette is quiet, keeps to herself, and has no interest in keeping her superhero or private identities all that secret--all that messing around with dumb costumes is just wasting time that could be spent helping people. She finds it more use to be always available... even if 'available' is a relative word when used on a girl that likes the atmosphere in bars too much for her own good.
She's a good person, albeit one who cause way too much wasted money.

Skills: Allegra's most important practised skill is the ability to dodge things--or move herself out of the way so that she doesn't even need to dodge. It comes in handy when she finds herself unfortunately disarmed, or holding something far too weak to conceivably block with.

Abilities: She's a born fighter; every last physical attribute from her strength down to fine motor control and reflexes is permanently at its conceivable human maximum. Nor does she take any negative effects from long-term chemical exposure--handy with some of her vices, but particularly useful for side effects of excessive adrenaline due to its role in the stress response. It isn't these that make her a born fighter, though: anything put under her control, so long as she's not distanced from the effects, is a mastered weapon. Men who have spent their entire lives honing swordsmanship find that they have nothing to teach, whilst common criminals find themselves trying to not mention that it was a lawn gnome that lead to their incarceration.
Her own body, however, does not count as such a weapon--with nothing to wield at all, Allegra is very good at surviving, but not so much at achieving anything. Interestingly enough, knowing how to wield a motorbike as a deadly weapon also makes her very good at driving one. Cars... not so much.

Equipment: At essentially all times, Allegra tries to make sure she has some sort of sharp bladed implement, a gun of variable description, and a motorbike on hand. Now, normally she ends up breaking all of them, but that just means getting a different example. It's always good to have backup weaponry if the scenery fails to provide.

Brief Backstory: It's strange, growing up instinctively knowing how to use everyday implements to massively hurt people, whilst simultaneously outshining your peers in athletics to such a gross margin that, far from being encouraged to go further, you get asked to try and hold yourself back rather than being the best at everything.

Especially after cracking someone's ribs with a ball they were never expected to catch.

Maybe that's why Allegra's abortive career in athletics, ended because her athleticism was too good to be unadulterated human yet not good enough to qualify as outright superhuman, didn't bother her too much; it was just something she tried because the pay would be good and she didn't need to practice. One way or another, she found her way to the IJF and offered her help there--sometimes as an armed combat instructor, but increasingly as an actual hero.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yeah, I could see how that. I've been ruminating on several other characters since I posted Virgil. What is your stance on people from alternate realities?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 17 min ago

... It depends on the type, though I'm shaky on allowing them at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nah, never mind that. I realized that explaining why my character wound up here would become too complicated and also leave the world vulnerable to subsequent invasion. So scrap that idea and I'll just use another character I've been brewing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 17 min ago

Alright, then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ok, erased Virgil and added Gavin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 17 min ago

I'm sorry, but Atlantis is already being planned out. ^^; ARROW's headquarters are in a risen Atlantis, and the reasons behind that as they're being planned kind of clash with your character. It was mentioned in a bio earlier, as well, though the work on it has been through PM's so far as it's not yet relevant to the RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hi is this still accepting?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 17 min ago

Yes, it is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I've been looking for a home for a Healer I created
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Serendipity (Sara) Solomon
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Personality: Serendipity is considered something of a space cadet because she seems constantly in her own little world. She is known for saying the strangest and often most embarrassing things about others including even herself.
She is incapable of harming any living being due to her power's connection to the life forces and empathy of all living things.
Background: Serendipity Serenity Solomon, Sara to her friends and Evergreen to those that need her was born on Sandhill Island in a house her family has occupied since 1864. Her great great grandfather Hiram Solomon was thought of as the mad scientist type but was in fact a prodigious inventor with over 2600 patents and 145 were under license to various industries.

That's how her family still makes their money, presently between her father, two of her uncles and her three brothers the Solomons held over 10,000 patents and 567 are licensed and under manufacture.

Sara had it made and could have lived the jet set life except at the age of 13 discovered she could perform small amounts of healing by touch alone. A generous sort Sara donated her ability to the local children's hospital helping them recover from their treatments against cancer.

Sara discovered her talent seemed to grow strong with each passing month and thought maybe it's like a muscle and heavy exercise made it stronger. Of course as she got older she realized that her power like her body was developing till it reached it's present form.

Sara discovered that within an hour of death she could rescue even people who's bodies had lost all semblance of life. She can regrow lost limbs restore eyesight lost to all but genetic flaws. Then there is her ability among her fellow Meta who she's able to tap into their power and heal all manner of injury in seconds.

She charges no fee for her ability and shows no favoritism except in severity of health problem. Sara can sense life within a mile of her location and is attracted to the person most in danger from a health problem. Money has no meaning to her and hasn't since the day she came out and offered the world her help.
Other: Sara is only labeled a Hero because of how powerful her healing ability is and has no real fighting ability outside of what might be possessed by a woman in perfect physical health though she never engages in violence
Skills: Pilot Fixed wing and rotor, Judo and Biologist
Healer » Using an innate ability to restore the physical structure of higher order life forms given time dependent on injury or illness Sara can effect complete restoration of those lifeforms. This includes restoring lost limbs and curing all diseases an poisons. She cannot however repair genetic damage whether congenital or environmental because her ability uses the subjects genetic code as a blueprint

Empathy: Sara can sense how those around her feel physically an emotionally which grants her insight into people within 1 mile of her.
Flaw : She can't effect emotions just feel them

Surge : (Power boost) Sara can tap into the meta source in others and use it to enhance her healing and other meta talents
Perk: Sara can use her own meta source which is A class and boost to S class another Meta if she dumps her entire source into the other Meta.
The flaw with this is that she can't heal others for 48 hours though she does retain her own self healing.

Sara is in perfect physical shape due to her power's nature
A side effect of her ability is that she needs to neither eat, drink or sleep and her endurance is beyond belief

Secret Power : Sara is effectively immortal because of her power

Equipment: N/A
Brief Backstory: Serendipity is considered something of a space cadet because she seems constantly in her own little world. She is known for saying the strangest and often most embarrassing things about others including even herself.
She is incapable of harming any living being due to her power's connection to the life forces and empathy of all living things.
Background: Serendipity Serenity Solomon, Sara to her friends and Evergreen to those that need her was born on Sandhill Island in a house her family has occupied since 1864. Her great great grandfather Hiram Solomon was thought of as the mad scientist type but was in fact a prodigious inventor with over 2600 patents and 145 were under license to various industries.

That's how her family still makes their money, presently between her father, two of her uncles and her three brothers the Solomons held over 10,000 patents and 567 are licensed and under manufacture.

Sara had it made and could have lived the jet set life except at the age of 13 discovered she could perform small amounts of healing by touch alone. A generous sort Sara donated her ability to the local children's hospital helping them recover from their treatments against cancer.

Sara discovered her talent seemed to grow strong with each passing month and thought maybe it's like a muscle and heavy exercise made it stronger. Of course as she got older she realized that her power like her body was developing till it reached it's present form.

Sara discovered that within an hour of death she could rescue even people who's bodies had lost all semblance of life. She can regrow lost limbs restore eyesight lost to all but genetic flaws. Then there is her ability among her fellow Meta who she's able to tap into their power and heal all manner of injury in seconds.

She charges no fee for her ability and shows no favoritism except in severity of health problem. Sara can sense life within a mile of her location and is attracted to the person most in danger from a health problem. Money has no meaning to her and hasn't since the day she came out and offered the world her help.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 17 min ago

I'm... not so sure about this one.

What do you mean by "meta source"?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry about that, Met source would be her personal power pool or that of other super powered heros
Sara is basicly a Pacifist
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 17 min ago

Ah, um, there's not really something like that in this?

I mean, supernatural characters have supernatural abilities, for superhumans it's just something genetic that they can do and it really depends on their stamina.

I'm going to look her over a bit more as well.
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