Name: Gavin Grey/ Grey
Age: 174, appears to be in early 40's due to stress.
Gender: Male

Gavin has the features typical of a full blooded atlantean. 6'4, lean, defined features. However his experiences have haggered his youthful look, leaving him as a tired looking man.
Personality: Gavin is, in simple terms, a grump. His life has been pulled out beneath him when the Order fell and as such has lost much of his chivalry and virtues. Quick to smoke and even quicker to drink, Gavin is more likely to drown his sorrows than deal with them like a responsible adult and as a result has become bitter, withdrawn, and cynical. However he is still a knight at the heart of it and will defend those who cannot. This fall of virtues and the code of chivalry has taken away Gavin's lawful good alignment, robbing him of his original gear.
Skills: Gavin was a high ranking cyber-knight before the order fell and has the skill set to match.
Swordsmanship: During the tenure of the Order, Gavin was the third best swordsmen. Second only to Gale and Vance, now deceased.
Marksmanship: While not the best marksman in the Order, Gavin was the most well rounded of them all and had experience with every conceivable type of ballistic weapon with a preference for SMG's.
Determination: His defining feature as a knight. Gavin possesses a will that allows him to push through injury and blood loss to get to his goal.
Blacksmith: Part of being a Rune Master is crafting armor and weapons, the one thing Gavin was a master at.
Gunsmith: A recent hobby, Gavin has been studying guns for the past fifty years and has become proficient in their creation.
Knowledge of Runes: As the rune master, Gavin not only knows how to imbue them with power but also how to read them.
Ambidextrous: A skill needed by every Cyber-Knight. However he favors his right hand for melee.
Enchant: As Rune Master, Gavin only put time in learning how to enchant weapons and armor with runes of power. There are many runes but only so many runes can be placed on a weapon before it destroys itself, the max being four.
Atlantean Blood: Gavin's Atlantean heritage gives him abilities above that of a normal man. For ever physical attribute that normal humans have, an atlantean has them at about five times better. Here is Gavin's stats.
Strength: 980 pounds dead lift.
Top Speed: 60 m.p.h. for short bursts.
Healing Speed: A wound that would take 30 days will take 6 for him.
Immune System: Nearly immune to all known sicknesses and highly resistant to normal poisons.
Sleep: Fully functional on an hour and a half sleep schedule, however attitude will not be nominal.
[u]Reaction time: Normal, however should adrenalin be added to his system it shall be increased to 60 milliseconds.
Life Span: 400 years on average.
Equipment: Gavin's original arms and armor have been replaced due to the alignment runes placed on them, with his new alignment he cannot wield them and as such has made replacements.

A suit of armor made with maneuverability in mind. Contains the "Elemental Resistance" and "Toughen" on the leather/cloths and "Indestructible" on the metal bits.

A plain looking, but master crafted, hand and a half sword 42 inches in length with several runes inscribed on it. Contains the following runes:
-Return to Owner: Should the grip be lost, the blade can return Gavin by flying through the air.
-Indestructible: What it says on the tin, unbreakable. Note, this does not give the blade any more striking force.
-Undead Bane: Deals enhanced damage to creatures undead in nature.
-Daemon Bane: Deals enhanced damage to creatures daemons and similarly tainted beings.
Glows when in use.

A FN P90 with no attachments or runes, however the bullets have both "Undead Bane" and "Daemon Bane" painstakingly engraved in them.
Brief Backstory: Gavin is an Atlantean, one of the last. He wasn't born during the fall, when Lemuria fell, in fact that happened several generations before his father. However, the lesson that was learned was not forgotten.
Hubris is greatest poison of all. While Gavin wasn't there, he felt the repercussions. The atlanteans that remained dedicated themselves to preventing the same fate from happening to the rest of mankind. In this vein the Cyber-Knights were formed, to protect man against Daemons and the undead.
Since he was a boy, Gavin was trained to be a warrior. From the finer points of battle strategy to how to wield a sword with utmost skill, it was all deeply ingrained into his mind. When he came of age and completed his trials, it was discovered that he had a flare for runes. With the current Rune Master reaching his twilight years, it was decided that Gavin would take up the mantel and become the next Rune Master. The training as the Rune Master's apprentice was unlike any he had done before, using his mind to create instead of taking apart. After several decades of training underneath the watchful vigil of the Rune Master, Gavin earned the right to take the title of Rune Master.
Life was calm, for what it was. Go here, fight a Daemon. Go there, slay some undead. Go home, forge weapons. Life was simple and carefree. That is, until they awoke. The four Arch Daemons, some of the most powerful daemons to walk the earth. Taking up arms, the Order went to all out war with the Arch Daemons. Daemon, undead, and Cyber-Knight fell in droves as the battles raged for the better part of five years. Eventually all Arch Daemons were killed, save for one. Balthier, the lord of a thousand blades. The creature was the single best warrior among the four and single handedly rode the charge through the great monastery, routing the Cyber-Knight Order with his blades and warriors. Gavin and the last Knights put up arms against the Daemons, fighting with more fury than a thousand exploding suns.
In the end Balthier lay slain on the floor, with Gavin's blade deep within his heart. However the Cyber-Knight Order was all but destroyed, the survivors too spread out to be a cohesive force. Lost and without purpose, Gavin fell from grace and turned to the drink to find an answer or drown the nightmares in a sea of alcohol. Three decades later, a disgrace of what he once was, Gavin found a purpose to follow after saving a woman from thugs. Taking up his arms once again, Gavin has spent the last fifty two years saving who he can and smiting evil where he finds it.
Other: -Has a LOT of money stashed in multiple places around the world and in several different bank accounts.
-Frequently has nightmares of the fall and Daemon War.