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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LillyDove


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ignore.... This... Post....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LillyDove


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Chinatsu Hon
Konoha, Team 6

Chinatsu had packed six apples, three red and three green. Leaving four total apples left, she slowly turned to Akira which who had not been offered an apple. "Alright, Akira, it's only fair. So would you prefer a red or green apple? I have two of each left now, so it doesn't matter much now but it should help keep your hunger at bay until we can stop to eat something else," Chinatsu said, holding a red apple in one hand and a green in the other. It would not be long before she was used to Akira being in the team, she had not expected a third member at least not so quickly and was caught off guard by it.

"Akira, what are you exceptionally good at it? And Hiroshi-Sensei, what do we know about the traitor? Specialty? Appearance? Weapons? Long range fighter or close range fighter? Sayuri, you have your scrolls prepared right?" Chinatsu asked, trying to form somewhat of a basis of a plan. Anything to get them going, she needed to do something and to watch Akira, see what he can do. She needed to adapt to the situation and the longer they stood here the more uneasy she became. "Hirudora, I apologize for any disrespect you might have felt. Akira, I'm sure a giant spider can't hurt you, right? Just take a giant stick and kill it, hmm?" She asked, attempting to make a joke even though it was something she fails horribly at most of the time. Taking a step towards the now open door, she took a deep breath and glanced at her team mates. "Let the hunt begin," Chinatsu said loftily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuni Trains!
Training for the upcoming Chuunin Exams! Part 2

A Collab between Fieryfly and Mr Nim

Eiji trains Kuni for the upcoming Chuunin Exams by sparring with her.
*Note: This takes place about a week before the exams and does not interfere with the present actions of Eiji Emiya.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A training between friends,
comrades and brothers in arms!
A collab between Sketcher and Gerontis

Summary :
A training between Koike and Katsu, where the two try to further train and improve their skills as they prepare themselves on the coming Chuunin Exams.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A sweet or sad goodnight?
The final training to listen and the truth about the First Raikage!
A collab between Fieryfly and Gerontis.

Summary :
After a rather awful day, Midori goes to sleep. But will she be able to sleep peacefully after the eventful day? After all, there is always that somebody that wishes to wish her a goodnight.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A talk about Team 7 and 8.
Present and perhaps the future?
A promise that bond Kensuke with two.

A collab between Roran Hawkins and Lesli.

Summary :
Kensuke Nimatsu has been invited to come and visit the house of Aiko, Zakito and their two twins. There they have a talk of the present teams that they both lead as well introducing Kensuke to one deadly assassin... in training?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shikaroku's next genjutsu training!
A request made to Aiko,
This has been written by Chromehound and Lesli.

Summary :
Shikaroku has requested another genjutsu training from Aiko, to which she has agreed on. Today Shikaroku learns something new about genjutsu.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Harumi Uchiha,

Arriving at the Water Country,
The first of many?

The ocean. Harumi had seen it at the shore of the Fire country and some other countries she had visited or stayed in, due needed for missions and covert operations as being an ANBU. Never had she been on a ship actually traveling towards one of the islands of the Water Country. And never had she imagined she hated something more than she disliked Shozo Uchiha. Puking again, the woman breathed heavily. Leaning over the reeling, Harumi looked pale. Much at the humor of those who noticed that the woman, who looked like a simple civilian, wasn't clearly used to the movements of a ship. Please, make it stop. I will do everything, make it stop. She prayed mentally, feeling her stomach objecting again as the waves decided to raise themselves, making the ship move even more that the stomach of Harumi decided to make her feel even worse.

Puking again, Harumi had the feeling that she would die.

Only after she looked to her left, Harumi noticed something. Land. At last, land! The crew of the ship started to do as they were ordered. Hearing some cruel jokes about her, Harumi ignored it. The mission was far too important for her to let her cool slip. Trying to endure the movement of the ship, Harumi was able to place a foot on solid ground. Ground that didn't make her stomach protest and causing her to throw up. Arriving on the port of the island, Harumi's mood dropped instead of being raised. The port wasn't that big nor looking important. Walking into the settlement, she saw several shinobi patrolling the street. But nobody seemed to suspect her. How could they? The preparation and work put in this covert operation wasn't just hasty done.

After Harumi had arranged a room in the tavern, she decided to scout the town. It wasn't that small as she first had assumed. Maybe a good start for her mission? Walking slowly down the street, a smirk started to creep over Harumi's lips. Tonight, the people of the town would soon learn to fear the darkness that the night could bring. Slowly Harumi's right hand clenched into a fist, but her face was calm and polite. A mask, like she would carry on a regular ANBU mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


Member Offline since relaunch

Forging a Bond and... a Weapon?

A collab between Sketcher and ChromeHound

Summary: Hayate asks Katsu to meet him at Azumi. Once there the two bond a little and Katsu gets a new weapon!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fieryfly


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Start of Sho's Training

A Collab between Red Fox and Fieryfly

Ryoku starts training Sho for the upcoming Chuunin Exam and teaches him some interesting things.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tricks from an assassin,
Aiko's advice.

A collab between Sketcher and Lesli.

Summary :
Another training between Katsu and Aiko, where she focuses more on tactics and ambushes. Enjoy.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Fox

Red Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hiroshi Hon & Sayuri Cho
Team Six, on the move!

Observing Chinatsu´s ritual with the apples, he was a bit puzzled by it again - but then again, it just belonged to his team. He also spotted the first seeds of communication between the team, which made him smile. Communication was key in order to perform well on missions, and especially on this one. Waiting for a few more seconds, he then made his way out in front of the Hon Compound, followed by his team. Then, he turned to them again." I am glad that my Team Six is back to being full once again, Akira. I am sure that you and the girls will get along just great - you just have to know each other. I have great expectations for our team - and for that, you must be ready to give it everything you got. In turn, you can expect me to help you in any way I possibly can. And so it goes for missions. I will do everything I can to protect you, my prized students. Never forget that. Now, let us head out." Saying this to his team, Hiroshi leaped from the ground and together with Hirudora, the team made their way towards the edge of the village.

Nodding to Chinatsu´s questions about beign prepared, the read headed girl followed their teacher. Once they were outside and listened to a few words from Hiroshi, Sayuri could not help but follow him with a wide smile on her lisp - it was always reassuring to hear words like this from their Sensei. So auntie Aiko was was not overrating Hiroshi - she will have to ask how much Hiroshi knows about her, but that is for another time. Right now, she mentioned to her teammates to follow Hiroshi and Hirudora." Listen up, Akira, Chinatsu! We must really work together - this is no longer a training field. I will take the lead with Akira, while Chinatsu will back us up with her long range attacks. Also ... Akira. Me and Chinatsu already trust each other, and despite not know you at all, I do trust you, Akira. Now ... can you trust me and Chinatsu?" As she was talking, they covered a solid distance. They were already leaving the gates of Konoha and heading in a northern direction, engaged in their very first real mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Fox

Red Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Amegakure food plantation
Sinister elements on the move

They were nervous. The bunch of bandits sent by The Leader made their into the plantation, masked as civilians. Except of producing the food, this place was responsible for delivering it to several key places in the country, including Amegakure and several other large cities. Their made their way inside the area easily, but once in, they were nervous. A lot of guards was present - a lot more than The Leader anticipated. They were guarding that place very well. Their steps were hasty and hard, splashing water and mud at the people around them, earning them several mean words and looks. They walked around somebody just sitting in the mud - probably a beggar, and managed to splash some water onto him as well. But seeing their real purpose, they just passed around him. Then, the group of four separated - two of them moving towards the food production areas, the other two towards the packaging and distribution areas.

Both of the pairs wanted to gather intelligence on the security at the site, as much as any possible weaknesess for an open raid. A lot of civilians was also present, meaning they would most likely end up slaughtering a lot of them, but that was of no concern to them - after all, what was the meaning in a few wasted lives compared to achieving their goal and bringing Ame down? That was jsut what their leader claimed. And that is what they will do. Because they either follow his orders, or follow the ones who disobeyed them into their graves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuySenpai


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Akira Kurasawa
Team 6

Akira reached to take the red apple, giving a nod of appreciation and a kind smile. Taking a bite from the fruit he began to think he'd simply had a bad first impression and that maybe this team would accept him, as he swallowed the food down he spoke. "My skills are close Taijutsu combat, traps, tools and perception." He said in response to Chinatsu's first question while gesturing to the sword on his belt, later shrugging off the attempted joke by forcing a smile and short laugh. "Spiders are no worry for me." There was a clear awkwardness about the way Akira spoke when addressing the girl, he hoped that it would pass sooner rather than later.

As the group walked forwards towards the exit Akira looked from Chinatsu to their Sensei, following him as the group set off. "Thank you Sensei, Hirudora, Chinatsu, Sayuri, I trust each of you and promise that your trust in me will be well placed." He maintained his position that Sayuri had suggested, wondering how best to track down this traitor. "Should we fan out? It might be easier to spot traces of someone than if we're clustered together looking at the same areas." He suggested as they passed the village gates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A reunion between a Nimatsu and Yamanaka.
Saki and Kensuke.

A collab written between Roran Hawkins and Lesli.

Summary :
It has been around two years since Saki and Kensuke even had seen or spoken to each other. But this morning both had received word that they there is a transfer that they now are in the same team. This led to a reunion between the two.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yukara's personal training!
Progession is the key word.

A collab between Lillydove and Lesli.

Summary :
Yukara getting her one on one training from Aiko. Also a talk about the coming Chuunin exams.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fieryfly


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eiji Emiya

With interest EIji observed the eyes of the boy. Of course, he had heard about the Sharingan, but he had never actually seen someone wield the copy wheel. He also didn't know if it was someone that had to be controlled in the beginning. If he had to go on the things he just saw the boy had accidentally activated it, making it a thing that he wasn't in control of. That would have be taken care of then. It would do no good to have an ability that activated randomly when you didn't need it.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Well anything you can tell me. Your strengths, your weaknesses, your goal, the things you want to learn, the things you hope to achieve, what you are expecting from me, your hobbies. All those things work. I am your sensei now, I need to know my student if I want to train them properly. I can't do that based on your file alone. And in return I can tell you something about myself if you might have any questions and then we can get started."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ryuu watched as his Sensei seemed to study him. The boy quietly thought to himself before responding. "My strengths, I'm highly intelligent, I have already unlocked the Sharingan, and I have mastered the Fireball Jutsu that my clan holds so dear. My weaknesses, I don't play well with others. I'm used to them all not wanting me around, I think team work will be a hard thing to come by for me Sensei. My goal is to prove to the stuck - ups in Konohoa that I am worthy of the Uchiha name. I'm sick of being treated by others like some second rate human. I hope to learn how to become the best Shinobi that I can. Anything and everything you can teach me. I hope to achieve acknowledgement for being an Uchiha, and stop being shamed or ignored by others. From you, I expect to learn the ways of the Shinobi and anything else you can teach me. My hobbies are training to ensure I am ready to serve our Village." Ryuu said in a calm voice. He chose to leave out any mention of his biological parents, deeming that not necessary for Eiji to know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Itsuo Takata

As the mud dirtied his cloth, Itsuo didn't flinch. He kept the same pose, following their movements closely from the tips of his fingers touching the ground. Once the figures standing out weren't near enough to worry about any movement, he got up and started to follow them, keeping his distance. Seeing how they split into two, he stopped in his tracks, thinking of what to do. After the moment passed, he went to follow the ones walking towards the food plantation, deciding to take a higher route. He walked into an alley right after the roads split, rushing up a building's wall and continuing to follow the pair towards the plantation. He thought of making a clone but it wasn't worth splitting his chakra in two. In the end, he didn't have to be too near either to track their movements. Somewhere in the middle of both would be the best. Somewhere from where he could still track everything going on in each area.

He had thought about letting them go and continuing his search but their rashness and relaxed natures stood out among the tense village too much. Only the murderer doesn't fear the knife in the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A report to the Jounin Commander.
And Hayate being introduced formally into the Dragon Lotus.

A collab between Gerontis, Chromehound and Alice.

Summary ;
After the mission, Kiyomi and Hayate report back to Zakito for the end of their mission. But also to report that they had success in their hidden objective for the Dragon Lotus.

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