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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

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I think those are the only ones I haven't critiqued. If I've missed your sheet, please speak up. Aso, the house heads are as follows so far:

Ravenclaw - Amelia Hawkins
Gryffindor - Neville Longbottom
Hufflepuff - Phelix Farrow
Slytherin - (no one has claimed)

One more thing: Can someone look over the history of the books and movies, and make a list of the classes we need to fill with professors? It would make things a lot easier on me (since I'm having issues typing because of my broken hand…boo to my luck) and would make you my favorite :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

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Name: Toby Griffin Webster Age: 11 Year: First Gender: Male House: Ravenclaw Magical Heritage: First in the family to have wizarding powers. (Muggle born) Appearance: [img=http://www.teenstarsonline.com/gallery/albums/alexconti/ac_cbtdtwo15.jpg] Backstory/Personality: It all really started when Toby turned two, all sorts of unexplainable things would just seem to 'happen'. His parents 32 year old Colton Webster a videogame designer and mother, 30 year old graphic artist Becky Webster were rightly perplexed. They would be walking with Toby and all of a sudden the tot would be holding some kind of candy or be petting a kitten. It wasn't until they caught and watched Toby the little rascal making his food (spinach) disappear that they realized that this boy was special. Being the rare breed of parent they were the two decided that Toby would not be treated any differently and they would allow him to decide how he wanted his future to go. The future was decided when Toby found out that he could -if he believed and concentrated hard enough- make anything happen! Instead of trying to abuse this Toby instead sat down and started trying to control it, to keep it from controlling his emotions. He was very successful, other than the skill he had Toby grew up as any other British boy would. He enjoyed sports playing rugby and football mostly, but he also loved anything to do with getting his brain active. As he grew older Toby found that he had a problem learning, or for better explanation he didn't learn things the way others could. For Toby he had to take everything in and formulate everything himself. This meant that it took a long time, sometimes even weeks to totally learn something. However, once he did learn it he never forgot it. Almost like a photographic memory of things he thoroughly picked apart and put back together. Toby is also a very caring person and constantly sticks up for the guys getting bullied in school which of course meant he came home with a lot of bloody shirts. Wand: Supple 11 inch, Cedar, with Ashwinder Ash core. This wand was in the very back of the wand makers shop when Toby went to buy his gear. The shopkeeper said that it was a somewhat rare core. Personal items and pets: A black and white spotted kitten named Castiel that his parents gave him. Special Gifts and Abilities: Toby is very adept at defensive magic, including other white magic like a patronus and the such. He also takes a long time to finally get a spell 'down' sometimes even taking a month. But when he gets it down he can perform it very well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

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Name: Chase Everwood

Age: 11

Year: First

Gender: Male

House: Slytherin

Magical Heritage: Pureblood

Backstory/Personality: Chase was born to a pureblood and very muggle racist family. As with a lot of slytherin students, he is cunning, smart, sly, and quick with spells that other first years would probably not even try. He's obsessed with the dark arts, but in no way does he want to become a dark wizard. He just wants to make friends and possibly meet a few celebrities (the Potters and Weasleys - who his father says are all scum of the earth and should be taken down a few notches). First, he has to survive sorting (which we already know the answer to).

His brain points to Slytherin. His heart points to Gryffindor. Without fighting his brain…he was sorted into the first house the sorting hat could think of, following his lineage, and intelligence.

Wand: 11 1/2 inch Birch with a Phoenix feather core

Personal items and pets: He carries a book with clippings that he has collected, recycling old Daily Prophets and finding them around the house. The clippings are all related to Lord Voldemorte and the days of the death eaters reign, before the battle of Hogwarts. He also has a black cat named Lucius that follows him around, like a best friend.

Special Gifts and Abilities: Chase loves the dark arts as an art form, and although he's a very sweet boy, he becomes obsessed and can converse for hours on different people who have been killed using some of the darker curses, or different drafts that can be used in dark ways, and examples of times when they came in handy.

Don't be surprised if your daily conversation with him changes from that of the weather to that of the work of the men in his books.
Decided to add diversity :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

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Name: Syler Martin Everwood Age: 13 Year: Third Gender: Male House: Slytherin Magical Heritage/History-Personality: Pure-blood to the very bone Syler has been raised to hate muggle borns and to make sure everyone else knows it. As a child Syler showed early the signs of a Slytherin. Cold cunning, calculations, ambition, and huge drive to succeed no matter what. The boy started practicing the wand movements and incantations of spells separately trying to get an edge in his classes. When it came time for his to go to Hogwarts Syler tried to cheer his brother up by promising to teach him the spells he would learn at school, and possibly even write some good notes down about the first year classes. During sorting, the hat barely touched his head when the talking sorting hat screamed "SLYTHERIN!" Syler excelled in his new house noted by the teachers as a bright, easy learning boy who did whatever it took to do great at whatever assignment they were doing. After the first year Syler went home and as promised spent almost the entire holiday with his brother. If anyone in the world could get him to actually relax it was Chase. His second year was spent at least in his head on the quidditch pitch. Syler tried out for and was granted a place on the team as Chaser and like everything else he strove to be the best he could. Now it's his third year, but most importantly, his little brother will be joining him this time. And Syler can not wait. A few areas that needs improvement as far as classes go is definitely potions, AND anything other than DADA, Charms, and Transfiguration. Appearance: [img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/e82f816c63f693f755f259d3bc0fda8b/tumblr_inline_mznm6uXc1W1r1yj84.gif] Wand: Cypress wood, 12 inches, Manticore Stinger core (heirloom wand), reasonably springy Personal items and pets: Pet hawk named Shruikan. Special Gifts and Abilities: A very strong user of offensive magic and dueling. Syler is a force on the dueling team that can never be underestimated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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Would you like me to play a teacher as well as my character? If so, what teaching spots are free?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I just reread the books let me know if I'm missing one or two.

Required: history of magic (prof bins), potions, transfiguration, charms, DADA, astronomy, herbology

Not required: runes, muggle studies, divination, care of magical creatures, arithmancy (not sure if that is spelled correctly or not)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'll post a slytherin professor later. I'm on my phone right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago


I'll work on the wand, I defiantly made it all up XD, It is a reference to the Ursa Major/Minor constellation, I'm sure I can come up with something that sounds legit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago


I'll work on the wand, I defiantly made it all up XD, It is a reference to the Ursa Major/Minor constellation, I'm sure I can come up with something that sounds legit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jester
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

If I did another character, I was thinking about making him Head Boy. I was wondering that would be alright, just curious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Kyle McCarthy
Age: 32
Gender: Male
House: Slytherin
Magical Heritage: Pure blood

Backstory/Personality: Kyle was a second year the year the Battle of Hogwarts took place. He was taken to safety, but he knew people who died. Despite his family's love of the Dark arts and even his father being a Death Eater. Kyle became an Auror for several years before a spell hit him. He wasn't apparently hurt for the long term, but he has lost his taste for the job. He applied for the DADA position at Hogwarts two years after that.
Wand: Rowen, 11 2/5, stiff, thestral hair
Personal items and pets: His collection of anti-dark magic and detectors (not as extensive as Moody's collection was)
Special Gifts and Abilities: He is an animagus taking the form of panther (same as his patronus)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Got both characters done and good to go. I should do homework.

Name: Vincent Pradchaphet

Age: 11

Year: 1st Year

Gender: Male

House: Hufflepuff

Magical Heritage: Half-blood, but Muggle-raised. Wizard Father, Muggle Mother.

Appearance: At the age of 11, Vincent just seems to be a scrawny-looking, brown-eyed boy, with no apparent muscular build (His muscles will fill out throughout the story). He doesn't tend much to his black hair, which gives him sort of a messy look, but turns out well in the end. His skin is slightly darker and yellower than the others and his eyes a bit more slanted from his muggle side, which comes from Thailand.

(Assume his hair is messier)

Biography/Personality: Vincent was born to a Thai Muggle and a British Wizard, who soon divorced after their pregnancy was known. Vincent took on his mother's last name because of the divorce. His father is a weatherman for the channel 8 news and only visits him on his birthday. His father also enjoys traveling and buying things as he travels, such as wands.

Vincent lives with his mother near the Chinatown of London, in a moderately decent apartment. His mother works as the sales clerk of her own clothing store. There, he was moderately educated and he grew in a very kind and loving environment, which helped him to become a kind and generous young boy with a typically cheerful disposition. On the other hand, his feelings are easily hurt.

Despite his father having impregnated two women and leaving them to fend off for their children alone, Vincent's mother and Gary's mother are good friends, so Vincent is quite close to his older half-brother Gary, as to quit the formalities of calling each other "half-" brother, and just to call each other brothers. Perhaps it's because they never got the displeasure of living in the same home. Vincent actually looks up to Gary with admiration.

He speaks English and a bit of Thai, altered due to being in born in Britain and mixed with slang. He is not a big fan of sports, as his parents also tended to be unathletic and clumsy, so he won't take much part in Quidditch and the like.

-- Twelve-inch brown Kaya wand. Swishy. Qilin heartstring. (A hand-me down from his half-brother when his half-brother couldn't use it anymore.)

(A Qilin heartstring core wand comes from Asia. It can only be used with benevolent and wise wizards, making it extremely rare for Slytherins to use. It is most commonly used by Hufflepuffs. It cannot be used by Dark Wizards. It makes the wand lighter in weight. It's particularly good for charms and potions, particularly healing and healing spells. It also provides a small boost in transfiguration. Like the creatures they come from, when a pure person is threatened by a malicious person, the wand could cause mischief to the malicious person. The wand also brings the user good luck)

Personal Items and Pets: None, but may take care of his half-brother's pet rooster from time-to-time.

Special Gifts and Abilities:
Vincent would be able to excel in all the subjects he desires to excel in, particularly potions, charms, and healing spells. He's typically intelligent, but he would go out of his way and even sacrifice his studies to help others, thus his Hufflepuff house compared to Ravenclaw. He has no skill with a broom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll make him fit. Need a teacher? I can make him 30 and teach Medical Charms and wand lore and run a dueling team or something if you want.
Edit: Read what was needed. I'll make him teach charms, maybe with an advanced "medical charms" class for 6th and 7th year students.
Edit2: fixed it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I will make comments on the sheets in a bit. So far, they all look amazing.

To the question about head boy - That's fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Eyeris said
Name: Phelix Farrow

This is probably one of my favorite characters I have ever seen.

AnnaBeth said
Prints avoid - You are definitely accepted. I love his age and attributes and how similar he is to Remington. I think they should be be sties :)

And yes I agree with this. Two jerk teenagers running around thinking they're God's gift to witches.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@AnnaBeth Is it alright if I put down two pictures, and say, use picture one's hair on picture two, or some splicing like that? I always have problems looking for pictures.

Update 1: Never mind. I found a good picture for the older half brother. I'm having problems to find a picture for the younger one.

Update 2: I'm good now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm the head of Ravenclaw? How interesting! It is an honor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Prints Avoid said
This is probably one of my favorite characters I have ever seen.

I liked it too. My character was already going that route, but when I read his I figured I wouldn't go too far that way. Still, another person who has dealt with muggles, even went to a muggle college is cool.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Gary Shinawatra

Age: 17

Year: 7

Gender: Male

House: Ravenclaw

Magical Heritage: Half-blood, but Muggle-raised. Wizard Father, Muggle Mother.

Appearance: At the 17 years old, Gary is a fit, brown-eyed young adult. He pays a reasonable amount of attention to his black hair. His skin is slightly darker than Vincent's, but his eyes are less slanted, coming from his father's side.

Backstory/Personality: Gary was born to a Thai Muggle and a British Wizard, who divorced two to three years after his birth. Oddly enough, Gary ended up taking his mother's last name after the divorce. His father is a weatherman for the channel 8 news and only visits him on his birthday. His father also enjoys traveling and buying things as he travels, such as wands. Unfortunately, his father doesn't research much about the different properties of wands, so the quality of wands he gets seem to be random.

Vincent lives with his mother in a more suburban area of England, in a decent house. His mother works as an accountant for a major bank. In his suburban neighborhood, he was moderately educated, though pushed to his limits in academics by his mother. He tends to suffer from stress, anxiety, loss of hope, and an odd feeling that if he didn't do as good as he did in school, his mother wouldn't love him. At times, he feels as if his worth is based on his deeds and works hard to prove himself worthy of love. At other times, he scavenges every shred of love he can find, taking up a bunch of easy tasks and meeting new people, trying to impress them and putting away hard work. Because of this, he had a small emotional problem and quite a few incidents that take away from his chances of becoming Head Boy or a prefect.

Despite his father having impregnated two women and leaving them to fend off for their children alone, Vincent's mother and Gary's mother are good friends, so Gary is quite close to his younger half-brother Vincent, as to quit the formalities of calling each other "half-" brother, and just to call each other brothers. Perhaps it's because they never got the displeasure of living in the same home. In fact, he knows how much his younger half-brother admires him, so he's willing to do anything for Vincent.

He speaks English and a bit of Thai, altered due to being in born in Britain and mixed with slang. He is not a big fan of sports, as his parents also tended to be unathletic and clumsy, so he won't take much part in Quidditch and the like. Aside from his unathleticism, he tries to work out from time to time for a body he can show.

Wand: -- Nine-inch black inflexible Kaya wand. Krasue entrail core. (New wand. Got it during summer vacation.)

(A Krasue entrail core is a rather exotic core that comes from Asia, particularly southeast Asia. This core gives it a faint smell of vinegar. This core is typically used by dark wizards, and like dragon heartstrings, are quite strong. It's not too good with potions, but a skilled potion-maker could easily bypass that disadvantage. Considering its properties, it might be a weaker substitute for an acromantula web core wand, but of course, not so powerful as to give access to the Imperius curse. Due to the torturous creature it comes from, it gives a mild boost to jinxes, hexes, and curses. It also makes the user more greedy and lustful.)

Personal items and pets: A rooster he named "Foghorn Leghorn" off of the Looney Tunes cartoon. It makes a very annoying crow in the morning.

Special Gifts and Abilities:
Gary is very intelligent. He would excel in subjects such as potions and arithmancy. He also has a talent in jinxes, hexes, and curses, not that he would ever use these unless he was encouraged and prompted to. On the other hand, his quest for self-worth gets in the way of his progress. He's okay with a broom, as he eventually learned a little of how to use it through practice and repetition, but not as good as Quidditch players.

He knows a little violin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Posted my CS on page 2 finally! Hope you guys like it :) It took me a while to write haha.
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