Johnathan's weapons were custom made to be compatible with his armor, each weapon has the ability to be folded into themselves that way they can be placed and magnetically locked to his armor when he's wearing it without getting in the way of his movement, and when his armor retracts into it's backpack state it holds all his weapons for him.
Laser Weapons:
Johnathan's laser weapons use advanced casings like bullet shells without the bullets, when the casing moves into the firing chamber it's primed, when the trigger is pulled a hammer hits the casing activating it releasing a powerful beam of energy that speeds down the barrel of the gun and fires a laser as the casing is ejected from the firing chamber, since they're going at the speed of light it makes it understandably hard to get out of the lasers way once they're fired, also these lasers are meant to be lethal so they can hit with temperatures of 5550 C. (10,000 F.) meant to burn through armored targets.
L.A.R (Laser Assault Rifle)

the L.A.R fires lasers in rapid succession with almost perfect accuracy for close to medium range
Fully Automatic, 32 rounds per clip.
L.B.R (Laser Battle Rifle)

the L.B.R can fire 3 round bursts in rapid succession at medium to long range with little to no difficulty
Burst-Fire (3 Rounds), 36 rounds per clip.
L.M.R (Laser Marksman Rifle)

the L.M.R fires precise shots at long range in succession, though it's meant to be used at long and medium range it's preferred as a long range weapon
Semi-Automatic, 14 rounds per clip.
L.M.G (Laser Machine Gun)

the L.M.G rapidly fires a deadly barrage of lasers that covers short to medium range easily and can cut enemies in half from the rapid fire rate, and can also be used to suppress enemies at long range as well
Fully Automatic, 72 rounds per clip.
Gauss Weapons:
Johnathan's gauss weapons use multiple advanced highly magnetized coils around inside the barrel of each weapon with magnetized ammunition with the opposite charge to make the bullets travel faster also with extremely powerful batteries that vastly increase the speed of the projectiles by super charging the magnetic coils that send the bullets out of the barrel of each weapon at nearly 4000fps (2727mph) or higher, and with the super charge from the batteries, rather then flames chasing a bullet out of the barrel, it's light blue electricity that reaches nearly a foot in length before the next shot is fired or until it dissipates.
G.S.G (Gauss Scatter Gun)

the G.S.G fires multiple pellets at high velocity, since they're fired from a magnetised barrel the spread isn't very wide allowing them to reach long range and still be able to tear apart a single target, making this gun devastating at close and medium range
Pump Action, 6 rounds per use.
G.H.C (Gauss Hand Cannon)

the G.H.C fires armor piercing rounds that easily reaches long range and can still be used to easily hit targets at medium and close range
Semi-Automatic, 8 rounds per clip.
G.S-M.G (Gauss Sub-Machine Gun)

the G.S-M.G rapidly fires small rounds to shred enemies at close range and provide covering fire at medium range
Fully Automatic, 60 rounds per clip.
LR.G.R (Long Rang Gauss Rifle)

the LR.G.R fires a heavy armor piercing round that reaches beyond long range the second after it exits the barrel of the gun, it can easily rip through armor at long range and pierce through solid walls of steal or concrete with ease while still being able to rip the person behind it to shreds
Semi-Automatic, 4 rounds per clip.
Grenades and Launchers, whether you pull the trigger, push a button or pull the pin doesn't matter, they all go boom in the end.
H.F.G (Hot Fragmentation Grenade)

the H.F.G has a built in heat sensor to detect if it hits an enemy after the pin is pulled that way it explodes on contact with the intended target, as well as a safety feature that ensures the grenade would only explode after striking a surface after being thrown and not in the user's hand, as soon as the grenade goes to explode, the metal casing and fragments become super heated that way when the grenade detonates the super heated shrapnel can easily shred through enemy's and their armor
Pull pin, throw, boom.
E.F.G.L (Electric Fragmentation Grenade Launcher)

the E.F.G.L fires a grenade that has a built in heat sensor that triggers the grenade to explode upon contact with an enemy or vehicle to fill it with shrapnel, it can also have it's detonation be manual if the user holds the trigger after they fire the grenade allowing it to bounce off surfaces, after that's done an E.M.P charge is primed, after the trigger is released the grenade will explode but with an EM.P that can be used to not only stun enemies but temporarily shut down machines such as vehicles
Single shot Automatic/Manual detonation, Break-Action, Breech-Loading.
M.G.D (Magnetic Grenade Detonator)

the M.G.D fires a highly explosive grenade covered in a magnetic casing, after it's fired it can be used as a trap or to stick onto a vehicle or armored enemy trying to make a break for it then detonated when the user wants to
Single shot manual detonation, Muzzle loading.
Anti Vehicle/Personnel Weapons:
These weapons were built with one purpose and one purpose only, to blow up and or destroy everything bigger then they are, that and take out groups of enemies that are dumb enough to group together when they attack.
M.A.G (Magnetic Accelerator Gun)

the M.A.G fires a heavy metal round can be used at medium to long range to hit a target with immense kinetic force or pierce through them ether destroying the target or severely crippling it
H.L.C (Heavy Laser Cannon)
the H.L.C charges up to fire a nearly instantaneous laser beam that pierces through heavily armored vehicles, objects and targets vaporizing whatever touches the beam with temperatures near 100,000 C or 180,032 F
AP/AM.RL (Anti-Personnel/Anti-Materiel Rocket Launcher)

the AP/AM.RL can fire two rockets before having to be reloaded, the rockets can ether lock onto targets with heat seeking sensors or be free fired at a target for devastating damage, these rockets travel up to mach 3 or 2,283mph