Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 11 days ago

Reiko, Princess Rainbow

Keith, Eclipsed Tower + Lucy, Tender Fern - Green King

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When Taro had nothing else to do, he spent his time studying. He technically had plenty to do, but in regards to things he could do, he couldn’t do much. So Taro spent time studying uselessly. He was never good at studying, however. Today was not an exception.
‘I’m not getting this at all.’ Taro sighed.
He got very low grades normally and most people would probably give up at this stage. In fact, Taro himself knew that he was extremely unlikely to get smart enough to be able to create space travel and become a space pirate. Hell, it was probably near impossible for him to be smart enough to be a normal pirate, much less a space pirate. Even so, Taro was determined. It was a promise he made to his childhood friend when she left and he intended to keep it.

He looked down at the myriad letters covering his books and he was once again swallowed by despair. He closed his books and leaned back in the library chair, fruitless studying wisely given up on for the moment. Normally, he could barely get it and he couldn’t concentrate right now at all.

Part of the reason was his recent experience with Deep Ground, and all the stuff that had happened to him today. It started off as a regular day, running away from a fight. Running from another fight. Running from the 3rd fight, and then meeting Solitary Watcher. Then meeting the Red King. And then a rainbow princess grabbing him out of nowhere, getting knocked out and ending up on a building in a crater full of dissolutions. The rainbow princess’s run had given him a lot of head trauma, so when he awoke, he was disoriented. And then he was confused as he looked out and saw a massive crater with a ton of weird black things in it. And then a note from the rainbow princess, telling him to meet her in the library in an hour.

Who was rainbow princess? She sounded familiar, though he wasn’t sure from when. And he had no idea where he recognised it. He’d headed over to the library early and tried to put in some studying, but that fell through.

He started to think about his avatar. Grim Buccaneer. It was almost a joke because the only skill he had was an escape skill. He’d managed to use it to great effect running away, but he couldn’t kill anyone. But he needed kills. He needed money to discover space travel.

Taro had no idea why he was so fixated on becoming a space pirate, but he had no other plans in life. And all he really had to do to live comfortably was be good at Deep Ground so even if he didn’t discover space travel, he could still live comfortably. That said, it meant that he needed to be good at the game and Taro wasn’t good at the game. Also, a pirate wasn’t as cowardly as Taro, more physically fit, more vicious and uncompromising… The list went on and on. But these thoughts weren’t foreign to Taro, he’d thought about it more than he liked. But he couldn’t do anything about it. At least, he thought he couldn’t do anything about it.

He had to change, somehow.

It was almost time for Princess Rainbow to arrive and he looked to the library doorway in anticipation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MaskedHeroZ


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erasmus


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Melancholy Smile ran at a swift pace, nearing the city he could soon see a huge object over the city. It fell as if in slow motion, clouds parting from the sheer size. A loud crash, as if it were a meteor cratering into the earth. A huge gust of wind would reach Melancholy. He held his arm up, blocking his eyes from any debris flying passed him. The gust would stop, and he advanced. Reaching the edge of the crater, that was the former green territory.

The dust was still settling as he arrived, he blinked with turmoil in his eyes. The game he loved was being destroyed. Melancholy had to do something about this. Seeing as the whole territory was gone, he figured there were many deaths. He'd get more information at the school. He logged off.

Goobye, Melancholy Smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 28 min ago

Gleeful Jackal - Blue King

Grinning as Unrelenting Jukebox took his leave, the Blue King turned back to watch the last of the Fanged Rangers get cut down by an Ebon Stryker. In fact, the same Ebon Stryker that he'd seen fight Corpse Collector a month ago. Interesting. And yet, the rampaging Dissolutions did nothing to harm Arms Slave, or any of the Ebon Strykers.

"...Oh, come on." He groaned, slamming a palm into his face as he turned to leave, the battle over. "You've got to be joking." He muttered under his breath as he started making his way back to the Blue City, sending a guild-wide message as he did so.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, bad news. I don't care if you're about to start ganking, but I'm calling off the attack." Gleeful Jackal paused for a moment to allow his guildies a second to bitch and moan to themselves, as he assumed them would. "Now that you're done bitching, let me explain why. I just watched some Ebon Strykers hit the Fanged Rangers, and you wanna know something cool? They've got Dissolutions under their control that attack everyone else but them. That's right, those assholes are hacking. We're not going to win a direct assault by ourselves. All units pull out of the Black City right the hell now and get back to the guild hall. Bunker down and keep the war machines ready. We're definitely going to have to start working with the other guilds at this point."

The instant that Gleeful Jackal made it back to the guild hall, he started composing a PM to each of the other colored Kings, using the same chat as before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OverconfidentMagi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The air next to Zealous Calm rippled and shimmered as it took on the properties of water, and a moment later Bellowed Mist and the Orange King stepped out of the distortion. Mist’s avatar abilities were incredibly useful to move undetected over great distances, and the plan was for Pantheon to strike at the Black Guild from a new location as frequently as his skill’s cooldown would allow.

Pantheon was just about to ask Zealous Calm for a status update on the Marauders’ assault on the Black Guild’s territory when he saw the wizard’s eyes grow wide.


Aaron almost threw himself of the bed he sat up so fast. He could still see the death notification as the game faded to overlay mode. The pain was slow to hit him, but when it did it felt as if he’d gotten all of his ribs smashed in with a wrecking ball. Pantheon had died quite a few times early on to insane amounts of fall damage as he’d trained using Skyborne and later Sky Climber, and the feedback from a mile fall hadn’t made his body ache this bad.

What the hell had just happened!? He sent that very question to Bellowed Mist and Zealous Calm in the game. Zealous Calm responded first, with Mist’s reply flashing in a fraction of a second later.

From: Zealous Calm
To: Conquest Pantheon
Subject: Re: WTF

Someone didn’t take kindly to you throwing a stick at their window. There isn’t much left of Pantheon’s body, but it looked like your own spear just appeared through your chest and then kind of exploded. Some of the guys here almost pissed themselves when they saw their king just kind of blow up.

From: Bellowed Mist
To: Conquest Pantheon
Subject: Re: WTF

It was definitely Heavens Torn Asunder that hit you. Either the enemy has a player who can copy abilities, or you got really unlucky with your aim and happened to hit somebody that had Reflect up. Either way, for them to have reacted in time to your attack should have been impossible.

Aaron thought about what this could mean. First, the enemy knew exactly where he was when he attacked. It was incredibly unlikely, as he’d made sure to avoid detection by taking Bellowed Mist with him, and he’d approached from the air. Second, the enemy knew exactly when he was going to attack. How could they have, when the only reason he’d chosen that moment to attack had been the clouds moving to give a clear line of sight? Third, the enemy had the ability to nullify his most powerful attack and throw it back in his face as if it was nothing.

Aaron picked up his book from April’s desk and barely stopped himself from throwing it across the room. Instead he opened the book slowly and looked at its contents, his eyes reading nothing. When he’d calmed down, he closed the book and stood up. He wasn’t going to give up, he wasn’t going to lose, not to her. Sliding Darius out of the way, Aaron left April’s room and walked in no hurry back to his own room.

He didn’t like being in his room; it was always too dark, too empty. The greatest fear of the Orange King was that he’d meet the same fate as his predecessor. He didn’t want to just disappear, to die alone in his room with no one knowing how or why. People would talk, maybe a few would mourn for a day or two, and then he’d just be gone from their memories. The possibility chilled is heart and made it hard to think every time he was alone. It was terrible, something Aaron didn’t want anyone else to have to go through. If there was one thing he could do, he would keep the Black King’s murderous attention away from the other players of Deep Ground Online.

Aaron pulled three darts from the board he had hung on the far wall of his room and threw them back at the dart board. Three dull thuds barely a second apart left three darts embedded just outside the bullseye. He repeated this process of pacing back and forth from the dart board to the far side of the room, each time marked by three thuds, over and over until Aaron stopped thinking entirely and just let the motions take over.

It was a message from the White King that pulled Aaron back to lucidity.

From: Stalwart Bruiser
To: Conquest Pantheon
Subject: What you said...

Hey, I remember back in the group conversation that you had an alternate plan to defeat Moon Rider...Maybe I can help? You'll probably hear about it soon, but I don't have anything anymore. I gave it up before she could take it from me....Just, if you're interested in something different than the alliance, message back and we'll meet up.

Aaron sat heavily on the corner of his bed and leaned back to stare at the ceiling. The game popped up in overlay mode, and Aaron spent ten minutes just looking through everything posted about the day’s events. If he hadn’t already accepted the day as lost he would likely have been furious anew. He saw the fallout from what the White King had done in the most recent postings. It wasn’t good. Aaron brought up Stalwart Bruiser’s message and entered his reply.

From: Conquest Pantheon
To: Stalwart Bruiser
Subject: Re: What you said...

Very well. I’ll be waiting in the library.

Aaron sighed as he stood up and left his room. He stopped and bought a coffee to try to chase away the cold that had settled in his chest on his way to the library, arriving to find the place as unpopulated as usual. People only ever came here due to the fact that it was quiet anyways. It was a convenient place to meet others to, since there was hardly ever a lot of people there. Aaron spoke to the ever-present librarian for a while about nothing truly important, but they could tell that he wasn’t interested in talking today though, and it wasn’t long before Aaron found himself sitting alone in his usual spot.

While he was waiting, Aaron was notified that someone had posted a message in the Kings-only chat. He opened it and read what the other Kings had to say about the day’s events.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Michelle - Shooting Star-Yellow King
Shooting Star sighed. The thought of her city being destroyed so easily was getting to her, and she couldn't think of anything else. With a sigh, she logged out of Deep Ground, hoping to find something to distract her.

Goodbye, Shooting Star-Yellow King

Michelle opened her eyes, finding herself back into her room. Same old, same old. She decided to go on the forums to see what was new. Not much, apart from news about the Green City being destroyed. This wasn't helping matters one bit. Her mind was still plagued with thoughts of that giant coin and the hordes of Dissolutions. She grabbed a bag from a shelf and opened it, revealing a stash of sweets. She pulled out one those peanut butter Snickers and opened it, then started chewing on a square. She was about to move on, but then she noticed that the Kings-only chat had another message in it. Curious, she opened a window and joined the chat.

Daniel - Free Runner
Free Runner laughed. He was having a blast, both literally and figuratively. He was holding a rocket launcher he had stolen from another player, and had shot the guy with it. He dropped it, then pulled out a pair of new weapons he had obtained during the month of war. A pair of small shotguns, 4 shells each. Not as powerful as his double-barrel shotgun, but quick to reload and semi-automatic. The people he was currently fighting were just a group of Level Ones and Twos, except for the guy he had stolen the rocket launcher from, who was Level Four. With a few quick shots and a double jump, he dispatched them all in one shot in the head each. As he landed, there was a success noise, and a notification popped up saying that he had leveled up. "Sweet, finally!" Daniel said as he opened up his Ability menu to see what his new Ability was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sten hadn't gotten back to his room until it was late and even then he pursued information gathering for the rest of the night. He read the forums finding out as much information about the incidents from a month ago. The Hackers. The Dead Kings. The rumors of the Masked Man. As far as he was concerned everything was connected until proven otherwise. Every time he found a piece of valuable information he wrote a note and stuck it up on the bulletin board he used in his room for his schedule. By the end of the night had everything he could find and the board was full of information.

He sat on his bed and looked at the the board. Hackers, their skills changed the state of the game, some did it to screw around and others had a goal. Corpse Collector and the Masked Man fell under the category of hackers. There was unsurprisingly little information on the later, but the history of her actions left quite the story to tell with the Collector. The war, he had very little information, but the total destruction of the Green City was something not normal. It changed the state of the game, even if it wasn't hacking. The dissolutions were definitely hacked though. No skill existed in the game to tame dissolutions. Were the Ebony Strykers hacking or employing hackers? Some things didn't add up. He was certain of one thing, the Black King had game changing plans.

Then there was a beeping sound signalling he received a message. He checked it to find a message stating the Micheal Faye was the Black King. That didn't make sense. The fact that it didn't make sense and he was tired from staying up all night irritated him. Silver Jester was the Masked Man. So he had a name after all. A hacker would probably be able to find out that information, but Sten refused to believe it. There was no way a guy could have a female avatar. That was unheard of. Sten grumbled and stood up. He typed in a message response that was quite very grumpy. "Bullshit." Send.

With that he left his room to find Micheal. Something smelled badly about all of this and he wanted to be there to see if he could sort things out. Had he been more awake he may have chosen not to bother, but tired, irritable, and stuffed full of information and theories he marched his way there. Wherever there was. He didn't want a hanging on his conscience.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Daniel - Free Runner

Free Runner was sitting on one of those crossroad signs that pointed in multiple directions the location of each city. He preferred it when he wanted a good place to test his Abilities. Right now, though, he was thinking about the message he had received that day. Apparently Moon Rider's real identity was someone named Michael Faye. He was a bit confused, since Michael was generally a male name, and Moon Rider had a female avatar, but that thought quickly left his mind. Personally, he didn't really care, especially since he was part of the Ebony Strykers now, although there was now some issues due to some battle in which Dissolutions had attacked everyone except the Ebony Strykers. He wished he was there when he heard about it, but it was probably a good thing he wasn't there since he might have gotten some bad attention involving that incident. Oh well, another time, perhaps. Free Runner thought.

He was about to head over to one of his hunting spots when he saw someone below him. He grinned, wondering if more unfortunate prey had logged in at the wrong time, but that smile faded away when he read the name of the player underneath him. "Moon Rider-Black King." He stayed his hand, wondering what on earth she was doing here. Fortunately for him, people rarely looked up, so he doubted Moon Rider noticed him. Whatever it was, interesting things were bound to happen around Kings, so it might be a good thing to watch what would happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 11 days ago

Keith, Eclipsed Tower

Reiko, Princess Rainbow

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YandereNoodle


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 14 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Daniel - Free Runner
Daniel listened in on the call Moon Rider was in, learning quite a bit. So apparently Michael Faye was the Red King, Stuffed Rabbit, and he was being framed to be Moon Rider. He suspected that as much at least. Dark Retsu was more observant than Moon Rider, though, and pointed him out. Moon Rider looked up, and he waved in response. It seemed appropriate. When the call ended, he dropped down to Moon Rider and Dark Wraith, grinning. "So, Red King is being framed for the message, and the so-called 'alliance' is being broken bit by bit," Free Runner said. "I would never have guessed. So many exciting things are happening."

He made a saluting gesture with his right hand, bringing up his first two fingers to his forehead and jerking them away a second later, then continued, "Well, you got my word that I won't tell a soul about this." He then brought his two hands behind his head and said, "Besides, the Scarlet Harleys was my previous guild. I'm interested to hear about what will happen next." He then leaned against the crossroad sign and asked, "In the meantime though, while I'm here, what's going on? I could have sworn I saw the word "Moderator" appear above Moon Rider. Then again, we got some hackers on our side, and something tells me that Dark Wraith here is a high-ranking Sweeper, am I right?"

Michelle - Shooting Star-Yellow King
Michelle was currently reading the message given to her, something about Michael Faye being Moon Rider, and the Sweepers the cause of the Ebony Stryker-friendly Dissolutions. She had no trouble believing the latter, but the former was something that raised more questions than answers, For one, why would Michael, which was undoubtedly a male name, be Moon Rider, who undoubtedly had a female avatar? Granted, such occurrences did happen, but rarely. Number two: how did Silver Jester get this information? It was highly unlikely he'd even be awake the exact moment the Black King supposedly killed the 4 former Kings. Number three: who was Silver Jester? She never came across him before, not even on the forums. The more she thought, the more she found holes in Silver Jester's, enough to distrust almost everything in the message. The real purpose of this message was undoubtedly to cause chaos among the DGO players, and poor Michael was the scapegoat.

She closed the message, then looked at other threads on the forum, some in rage about Michael Faye killing the Kings, or conspiracy theorists explaining their version of events, none of which she really paid attention to too much. A few people had come up with ideas similar to hers, though, and tried to spread them to others, but they were quickly outnumbered by the others who had their own beliefs about the message. She was about to leave the forums, but noticed that she had another message that just came in. It was a message to the other Kings, and from Michael Faye himself. It was apparently a summons to the old school gym, who most likely wanted to tell his version of events. Michelle was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, and decided to accept it. Before she closed the message, though, she noticed something. There were only five Kings who were sent the message. The only ones who were not were Moon Rider, which was understandable, and.... Stuffed Rabbit. The Red King. That confirmed it for Michelle. Michael Faye was mostly likely being framed in the message, and the message was full of lies and garbage only idiots would believe.

Michelle was already in her uniform, since she rarely wore anything else, and left her dorm room to go to the gym. She pushed her glasses up slightly, sighed, and headed over to the gym. The Kings were now in something deep, and Michelle intended to find out what.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The weary Sten sat down at a table at the cafe and a waitress quickly came to take his order. "Hi, my name is Ally, and I'll be your waitress for today. How may I help you?" She was a fair brunette with decent bust and green eyes.

Sten gave her a bloodshot stare. "Coffee, black, two of them." She nodded once, clearly disturbed by his eyes, wrote down the order and scurried off.

He sat back to relax. The day was fairly nice, a few clouds in the sky, and a nice breeze. Then something caught his eye, Lucy was there and she was sitting with another student he didn't recognize. He smiled and waved. They seemed to be getting along nicely. He then altered his gaze to the waitress as she returned with the coffee. "Thanks." He needed this caffeine more than anything. All-nighters just weren't his cup of tea.

He took a swig of the bitter drink and smiled. That was heaven. The scorching hot liquid energy that he so loved. He waved the waitress back. "I'll have a bagel to go with this too. Umm... an onion bagel with cream cheese on the side." She wrote down the order, smiled, and said. "I'll be right back with that."

Another swig. Now he felt alive instead of zombified. He saw Lucy and the other guy leave and go off into separate directions. Another swig. Ah good old caffeine. The waitress came back with the bagel. "Can I get you anything else?" She was so sweet and polite. Sten shook his head with a smile. "Nah, I'm good now. Thank you." She smiled and went off to take care of the other customers.

He finished the first drink with a great big grin. He then tore the bagel in half and dipped it in the dish of cream cheese that it came with. Chomp. Mmmmm. That mello sweetness of the cream cheese combined with the bitterness of the coffee sent chills down his spine and on top of that the spice of the onion. He just loved it. Last night had been long, but it had been successful he felt, and now he could find the energy to have pride in it. He just loved putting together puzzles like this. A few pieces were still missing, but he had a feeling that he was close to connecting all the dots. Sten took another bite of his food while his brain mismatched metaphors.

He began his second drink, which contained as much zing as the previous mug. The drink had cooled down so he could drink it quicker than the last, and he did in fact drain the mug within seconds. The flavor almost knocked him out. He scarfed down the rest of his bagel and waved the waitress over to pay the bill. "I'll take the bill now." She came back with it after a few moments and he paid it with a handsome tip as well. He had a new piece to slide into his puzzle: Michael Faye. This game was become an elaborate work of intrigue.

He hustled back to his room to add another note to his bulletin board. "Michael Faye knows the true identity of Black King and they're close. He may know her plans." He stuck it right under, "Black King has a game changing plan." He stepped back and stared at his masterpiece taking a proud stance. He was bursting with so much energy that it wouldn't be surprising if his neighbors or any passerby in the hallway felt it through the walls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Taro was having a bad day again, and he wasn't even in Deep Ground this time. He was in a box. With a cat (which wasn’t actually that bad). And, he was hiding from a bunch of guys he'd managed to piss off on his way to class.

Earlier, he was walking to class. The last night, princess rainbow hadn’t showed up and he went to sleep without incident. In the morning, he saw the message that everyone apparently received from the 'Silver Jester.' Truth be told, he didn't know what to think of the message. He didn't even know who Michael Faye was, or what he looked like, and he didn't even know that Moon Rider was the name of the Black king. He also didn’t know who Silver Jester was, so he'd decided to stay out of DGO, for a little while at least. And he always made it a point to go to classes.

Unfortunately, just as he was heading out of his dormitory, he saw a group of boys talking amongst themselves. This wasn't an irregular occurrence, but Taro heard the words 'black king' and was intrigued. He decided to spy on them. There were 3 of them, in a group, and looked like troublemakers, people Taro usually avoided. And they were discussing the message they received in the morning.
‘Michael is the Black King?’ One of them said to another.
‘Nah, the Black King’s avatar is a girl, isn’t it?’ He said.
‘Maybe Michael is actually a girl, in disguise.’ The third said.
‘Dude, that’s stupid.’ The first said.
‘But it makes sense, right?’ The second one said.
‘Hell no.’ The first one said.
‘Still, we should do something about it.’ The third said.
‘Huh? Why?’ The second one asked.
‘We’re cobalt Bruisers right? And if Michael is actually the Moon Rider, we need to do something about it, right?’ The third one said.
‘Hey, that’s actually smart.’ The first one said.
‘Let’s go pay him a visit.’ The third one said, grinning.

Taro didn’t know why, but he couldn’t sit there and do nothing. He didn’t even know Michael, but he didn’t want to sit there either. And against his better judgement, he picked up a rock, got up from the bush he was in, and threw it in the third guy’s face. It landed squarely on his forehead and left a sizeable mark.

‘OW!’ The third guy yelled.
‘Hey!’ The second one yelled, turning towards Taro.
Taro’s momentary bravado gone, he turned around and ran away. And of course, the 3 guys ran after him.

Taro dashed away from the dorms, unfortunately heading towards the oval where there were no hiding spots. The people he’d accidentally pissed off chased him, trying to run him down (probably). He’d picked a really bad spot to run to as there were no hiding spots. Fortunately, he was running in the direction of what looked like an old gymnasium, what Taro didn’t know was the old gym. He sprinted towards it and arrived soon, random dudes at his heels.
‘Hey! Get back here!’ The guys said, as Taro ran around the building.
He needed to lose them somehow. Run around the building then get inside, maybe fooling them. He dashed into the entrance and leaned against a wall. He could hear them running around outside.
‘Where is he?!’ One of them asked.
Taro grinned. Now, all he had to do was wait. Or, that would have been the case, if the cat wasn’t there.
‘Meow.’ The cat said.
Taro looked at it. It’d come from the shadows, a small white cat he couldn’t have missed. It was adorable. And it had also alerted the guys outside.
‘What was that?!’ One of them said.
Desperately, Taro looked around for a hiding place. There! A pile of boxes in the corner. As quickly and quietly as possible, Taro scooped the cat up, ran to the corner and jumped into a fairly large box. He closed the lid behind him. Just in time, the 3 bruisers burst into the gym. They searched for Taro or the source of the noise as Taro sweated it out in the box. The cat was wriggling in his hands, trying to free itself. Taro’s grip slipped and the cat stood on his chest, poking its head from outside the box.
‘Meow.’ It said, greeting the guys.
‘It’s just a cat.’ One of them said.
‘Scram!’ Another yelled at the cat.
The cat leapt back into the box and Taro grabbed it and tried to keep as quiet as he could.
‘He must be somewhere else.’ One of them said.
Taro almost breathed a sigh of relief as the 3 guys left. His legs were weak, and he couldn’t get up. The cat squirmed out of his relaxed grip and stared at Taro. Taro decided he would stay here a while, to calm his nerves. The cat, as if sensing his intentions, curled up on Taro’s chest. Yep, there was no way he could move now. Taro’s day began with Taro missing class, in a box, with a cat, hiding from some dudes he’d managed to piss off.
‘Good way to start the day, huh.’ Taro said to the cat.
‘Meow.’ The cat said, grooming its face and then falling asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 28 min ago

Sam Jensen

Minutes after waking up, Sam was already linked into the World Interface, browsing the school forums while checking his messages at the same time. But like anyone else this morning, his attention was immediately called to a certain message sent by a certain masked asshole.

"Oh, no fucking way." Sam laughed as he read the Masked Man, or rather, Silver Jester's message. "He's trying to pin the murders on Mikey?" The teenage boy shook his head as he stood up to make himself a cup of coffee. "That kid's literally the opposite of Blackie." And even if he wasn't, just the appearance of the Masked Man on that one night a month ago was still enough to make Sam know that the guy was lying out of his ass. The masked asshole had been fixated on Gleeful Jackal even being in-game at all, and from what he'd known at the time, both the Black and Yellow Kings had been logged into Deep Ground that night as well, despite the server issues. After a month of thinking it over, the only conclusion that Sam could come to was that all the Kings that weren't logged into the game that night had been killed. Naturally, that made what Silver Jester was saying impossible.

Still, there were probably some people gullible enough to fall for this bait. Shaking his head as he dumped an excessive amount of sugar into his coffee, Sam chuckled ruefully. Michael probably wasn't making it through the day without getting his ass kicked by an angry mob of idiots. But that wasn't his business. Even if he'd interjected, in the real world, he was just another slacking asshole. Outside of Deep Ground, he didn't have Gleeful Jackal's blistering speed to cut his enemies down with.

Sipping at his coffee, Sam opened his other important message, which turned out to be a PM from Michael himself, sent to every Colored King, asking to meet in the old school gym. Well, then. Michael was a straightforward enough guy that this probably wasn't a trap. Probably. Still, even if it was, telling everyone that the King-killer was in the old school gym would be enough to get an angry mob there in minutes. Throwing on a hoodie and jeans, Sam stepped out of his dorm and started making his way over to the old gym.

"Wait a minute...what the fuck?" Sam muttered to himself as he read over the sender line again while he was walking. Stuffed Rabbit hadn't been sent a message. What the hell was this supposed to mean? Was the Red King in on this? Did she already know that Michael wasn't the Black King? Of course, the obvious answer was that Michael was the Red King, but that was retarded. No one had ever heard of a student having an Avatar of the opposite gender as themself, after all. Then again, maybe there was something else to this. Michael could be the Red King's boyfriend or something. Of course, if the guy was single, Sam was back to square one. Shaking his head, Sam cleared his mind of idle speculation and kept walking towards the gym. He could get more answers once Michael actually started talking.

As he approached the old gym, Sam slowed his pace for a moment, pulling his phone out to type a quick message to put on the school forums.

Poster: Gleeful Jackal

So the King-killer's in the old gym right now. Anyone who wants to a piece of this guy, get over here.


Sam finished typing the post, but didn't actually put it up on the forum. Instead, he stuffed his phone back into his pocket, still clutching it while it was put away. If Michael or anyone else tried anything, all he had to do was send the message and stall for a few minutes. With Gleeful Jackal's cocky grin on his lips, Sam strode into the old gym.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

It was 5:30 am when Alex woke up face down on the hardwood floor. His throat was dry, his eyes watery and every muscle hurt. He was in such pain because he was the idiot that passed out from exhaustion on the auditorium stage. Moving slowly Alex got up, feeling each and every muscle scream in pain. Looking around Alex was ashamed of himself, sleeping in the gross clothes he exercised in, not going back to his dorm and possibly the worst was not getting a good nights rest. Slowly Alex made his way around the stage picking up all the paraphernalia he brought with him. When he got to his laptop it was still open on a Michael Jackson video, smiling Alex closed it down The Moonwalk wasn't so hard once I got a hang of it... that zero-gravity lean though, it's probably why my face hurts more than the rest of me. After picking up his laptop Alex made his way back to his dorm, forgetting the Ballet instruction manual on the podium.

Once back Alex quickly had the hottest shower he could bare. Feeling unbelievably better Alex went put on a fresh uniform and started on breakfast. Scrambled eggs and bacon, that will make me feel better. As he started cooking Alex felt weird, like something was missing. It wasn't ingredients or anything like that it was some thing else... then it hit him Oh God. I feel weird that my Soundtrack of Life isn't playing... I think I might hate Deep Ground a little bit. Turning off the heat Alex sighed and went over to his laptop and just had it start playing music.

Getting back to his cooking Alex cooked up, plated up and sat down to eat. Midway through his early breakfast Alex was notified of receiving a message through Deep Ground Online. Alex debated actually reading it, mainly because he hadn't read anything sent to him since he went on his hiatus. Deciding that he didn't care what spam this Silver Joker was sending him Alex deleted the message without looking at it "Your Final Vengeance"? That's pretty arrogant assuming there is a vengeance I want or that if I did want it, it would be my final one. I could be an extremely vengeful person for all this Joker knows! Finishing his meal in piece Alex savored the nice feeling he had from good music and a good meal that he made. After cleaning up after himself Alex grabbed his old music player that he got from his dad and for the first time since arriving at Purple Crown Academy he went out with his ear buds in and the music playing loud.

It was still early, but Alex decided to start making his way to the main campus. As he went down stairs he saw an older girl in green, this reminded Alex that he hadn't even had contact with the Green King, something he needed to do for a laundry list of reasons. Pausing his music Alex decided to send the 'new' Green King Tender Fern

To: Tender Fern
From: Unrelenting Jukebox
Subject: I should have contacted you ages ago
Hi Tender Fern,

I'm honestly not sure where to start. I suppose I should apologise for my year long absence from DGO, but more importantly I should congratulate you on becoming the Green King, even with the circumstances being so unfortunate.
Second I want to apologise for not even arriving in time to assist in the defense of our base. (Well I would have been as useful as a bucket of water at a volcano, but I still feel awful about the situation)

I want to make up for this rudeness and lack of punctuality in any way, if I can please let me know.

With the Kindest of Regards,
Unrelenting Jukebox

Sending the message, Alex hit play again and started on his way again, light on his feet occasionally there was a skip or a pause to enjoy a particularly good part of a song.
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