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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Fuckin' loled hard at in kayfabe Kane. Just don't make him go corporate... Now i'm tempted to make an Undertaker inspired by the Undertaker Dead Journal
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DoNotLetMeBeGM


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Yes hello hi this RP is relevant to my interests and I would like to apply with a character thank you.

And no, I don't do run on sentences. Often xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DoNotLetMeBeGM


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Okay, after a glance at the characters that have been taken, I notice two characters that I am interested in that A) haven't been taken and B) I feel I can RP adequately. The second one might have to wait until tomorrow, but I'll try to get him in if I can. Also, I haven't made a character bio in a very long time, so forgive me if I key in a certain code wrongly. It will be fixed as soon as possible if that happens. Now then...

Second character coming...Now.

Third Character...Possibly? I'll see how I feel later...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

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King Knight and Buwaro are accepted. Yahtzee isn't on account of him just being a video game reviewer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DoNotLetMeBeGM


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Just as well, I thought of a better character anyway xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sent a CS through pm. Not sure if you read it or not, just confirming that I sent it. Kind of like a receipt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DoNotLetMeBeGM


Member Offline since relaunch

Okay, backup character time...Who was I going to use aga-*gets shoved aside* what the hel-*Gets booted out the door*

Phew, glad he's gone-no fricken way he could've captured my manly Essenes!
"I think you mean ours."
"No, I think he meant to leave you out."

You two can settle this later-time to make magic...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Which Marvel Universe? 616, 1610, 5700, 11080, 12091? There's a lot of AU's in the Marvel metaverse
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DoNotLetMeBeGM


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Flamelord said
Which Marvel Universe? 616, 1610, 5700, 11080, 12091? There's a lot of AU's in the Marvel metaverse

Tis a fair point. Fixed up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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Um... Deadpool's already been GM vetoed once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DoNotLetMeBeGM


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Lost Cause said

Huh. At least it's a different reason than 'he's got too many powers and weapons, he'll kick everyone's asses' that I usually get when I apply for Deadpool.

I know this may sound like arguing, but hear me out-in most mediums Deadpool appears in, the writer is writing the main story and Deadpool himself, so yeah he can do that. In this case though, I'm writing Deadpool and someone else is writing the main story. Ergo, I don't know what's going to happen, therefore I can't write Deadpool like he knows what's going to happen.

As for the constant fourth wall breaks...I know it's a stretch, but I look at it this way-Deadpool breaks it as often as he does for two reasons: one, he gets bored, and two, he wants to know what goes on in the plot. Since we've already taken away the latter, it means he'll only start breaking the fourth wall if he gets bored. If you keep putting things in front of him to maim, that's not going to be as often as you'd think.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

At first I was worried that he might be too big and strong, but then I saw that Optimus Prime was alright, and being that he is substantially shorter than a Cybertronian, I thought it could be fun to play a grumpy, horny, old, robotic killing machine.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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As much as I find Bjorn's 1d4chan page hilarious, you shouldn't use it as a reference if you actually intend to play him. It's less about him as a character and more about him as a meme, and not exactly an accurate summation of him at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rin said
As much as I find Bjorn's 1d4chan page hilarious, you shouldn't use it as a reference if you actually intend to play him. It's less about him as a character and more about him as a meme, and not exactly an accurate summation of him at all.

Bjorn has very little personality, in the actual Games Workshop material, nothing beyond "Grrr, I'm a big space marine with a beard!!!" At least /tg/ gave him some personality tropes, such as hating Russ, Resenting his internment in stasis, having likes and dislikes... See, Games Workshop don't seem to know the difference between "Being a well rounded character" and "Having a character that does cool shit." Bjorn does cool shit all the time, but as for personality? Non-Existant. /tg/ actually gave these guys unique personalities, so, all in all, it's actually the best reference to go off of. It's either that, or just have him be the big angry space marines that is a little too obsessed with wolves and Leman and The EMPRAH!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@DoNot: I'm still sorry to say that Deadpool is not going to be acceptable. Sorry.

@Matt: If you're going to be using a character, it has to be canon personality rather than meme or fanon versions. Sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Grey Star said @Matt: If you're going to be using a character, it has to be canon personality rather than meme or fanon versions. Sorry.

But the point was that there is no canon personality beyond "Grrr, I'm a big bearded space marine! RUSS AND WOLVES FOREVER!!!" If it has to be canon then i'll come up with something else. Games Workshop never give their characters personality, just cool shit to do. Canonically, there is only a handful of Warhammer 40,000 characters that have an actual personality, rather than just a laundry list of cool shit they have done, and only a few come to mind, like Caiaphas Kain and Gunner Jurgen.

/tg/ actually gave him a personality, therefore, I have opted to go with the version of him that actually has a personality to play.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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mattmanganon said
But the point was that there is no canon personality beyond "Grrr, I'm a big bearded space marine! RUSS AND WOLVES FOREVER!!!" If it has to be canon then i'll come up with something else. Games Workshop never give their characters personality, just cool shit to do. Canonically, there is only a handful of Warhammer 40,000 characters that have an actual personality, rather than just a laundry list of cool shit they have done, and only a few come to mind, like Caiaphas Kain and Gunner Jurgen.

So pick a character from the Black Library and run with that then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiloh2534


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alrighty, let's see if I can give this a shot. WARNING: WALL O' TEXT AHEAD

Also, if I screwed something up/anything needs fixing, just let me know ^^

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I have no problems save for the fact that Martin would be the size of a regular mouse compared to everyone else who's quite a bit bigger. Are you sure you want to use this character even given the size disparity?
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