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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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notdeadyet said
"Haha! Game on!" Mutt transformed into his werewolf state, and took of at full speed after you. He effortlessly weived around trees, and other obstacles. He was but a blur in moments. Had it not been for your electricity manipulation, there would have been no competition. But, with the manipulation, the end result was mutt literally on your heels, in such a way that you could feel each poweffull breath against your calves as he chased you.Nearly a full minut into the chase, mutt pounced forward, and swiped with the soft part of his paws at Kevin. "HAHA I GOT YOU!" He shouted, however it cane out as a blurred compilation of barks as he chased you. He didnt even realize that the chase was lurking closer and closer still to the school grounds.

"Damn." Kevin said skidding to a holt and a powerful sonic boom roared as he stopped. "I guess its your turn to be chased. Based off of what I examined I'll give you five milliseconds ." Kevin got in a position similar to a person who's about to run track for 100 meters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Dash375 said
Sandra also headed to the cafeteria to allow Meruin to get her picture taken and took a seat next to Tyler and ate the lunch she had prepared herself "That book looks boring." She commented glancing over with a slight grin "The water magic in it is pretty fun though, it seems easy enough to learn." The girl started to read the book as well over Tyler's shoulders.

" It gets interesting when you get into combat magic. These are just supplementary skills." He responded as he looked over at Chase. "She's quite loud." He commented looking over her. He didn't like her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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MagusDream said
"O-O-Oh, g-good morning. E-Everything is going fine... and y-yours?", Cruz replied to Sol. He was a little nervous, since his social skills are not the best.

Sol grinned, "We're all friends here mate, no need to be nervous. Today's been good, i've got a feeling its going to get a lot more exciting." he replied, as he chowed down inhaling his pancakes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

"I see." She spoke and took another bit of her food in thought "It might be fun to fight you next, I have some stuff I want to try out and from watching you yesterday your water magic looked half decent." Liz commented before taking a sip of her water bottle "That is if you have recovered from your win by Meriun surrendering yesterday." Liz added looking at him from one eye as her last comment was an attempt to provoke him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dash375 said
"I see." She spoke and took another bit of her food in thought "It might be fun to fight you next, I have some stuff I want to try out and from watching you yesterday your water magic looked half decent." Liz commented before taking a sip of her water bottle "That is if you have recovered from your win by Meriun surrendering yesterday." Liz added looking at him from one eye as her last comment was an attempt to provoke him.

"Give me a couple of days. Using the Emperor Armor wears me out a lot." Tyler told her as he looked back at his book. He bookmarked the page he was on and closed it. "I'm guessing you specialize in water magic. Correct?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Eklispe said
Sol grinned, "We're all friends here mate, no need to be nervous. Today's been good, i've got a feeling its going to get a lot more exciting." he replied, as he chowed down inhaling his pancakes.

"I... I know. I am just... not used with this...", he said while looking back at his food. He grabbed the apple he picked up and started to eat it. As he chowed, he started to think about his words. We're all friends here...? Does that mean... that he has no hatred towards me, even if I am who I am?, he thought. Cruz thought about what Sol thought about his comment, so he made sure to say something so he could explain himself. "Sorry if it felt confusing, by the way. The reason why I said that... it is because technomages are frequently hated by other types of magicians, since we use technology and science alongside magic. They had set this... prejudice and we're nothing but fakes to their eyes. T-That is why I am so unsocial...", he explained. It's the first time Cruz would open up to someone, but he felt that Sol was friendly and he would listen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Slendy said
"Damn." Kevin said skidding to a holt and a powerful sonic boom roared as he stopped. "I guess its your turn to be chased. Based off of what I examined I'll give you five milliseconds ." Kevin got in a position similar to a person who's about to run track for 100 meters.

Mutt got a cocky idea, and dashed back towards the woods, at his multi hundred mph speed that he was starting to build a name for. He never knew why wherewolves wereso fast, or why he was notably faster than his siblings, but when Mutt hit a 300 mph peak, none of those questions mattered. All that mattered wasthe wind in his fur, and the sun upon his back.

As mutt dashed into the sunrise, a flood of memories cane over him, and he believed he thought he saw his father, weiving in and out of the trees. Mutt of coarse chased after him for old times sake, and was soon a floppy tounged bundle of furry joy, content with life and where it had taken him. He wasnt even aware of how much faster than before he had started running. In but a matter of seconds from taking off, mutt had chaced his "father" to the mouth of a cave, where he skid to a stop, likely with hi feline friend shortly behind. There was something strange about the cave, for it was so close to campus, yet so unknown.

Mutt looked back at kevin, and again into the cave, woundering whats inside. He transformed into his human state, and stood bare before the cave before talking over his shoulder to Kevin. "Pretty cool. Wanna check this thing out? Maybe if were lucky we will find something cool!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

floodtalon said
"Give me a couple of days. Using the Emperor Armor wears me out a lot." Tyler told her as he looked back at his book. He bookmarked the page he was on and closed it. "I'm guessing you specialize in water magic. Correct?"

Liz nodded "Yeah mostly, I might be able to teach you a few things if you want." The young girl offered and span her water bottle on the table "But as anything in life lessons would not come free. It would likely cost you something in return, maybe your very soul." She joked only playing around in her attempt to spook him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I'll be fine. What ranking are you?" Tyler asked. He looked over at Chase and frowned intensely. Everything about her was so loud, it was quite annoying. Not that he could do anything to change her, he wasn't that type of person. Hell, even if he was that type of person, he would probably get his ass handed to him on a silver platter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

notdeadyet said
Mutt got a cocky idea, and dashed back towards the woods, at his multi hundred mph speed that he was starting to build a name for. He never knew why wherewolves wereso fast, or why he was notably faster than his siblings, but when Mutt hit a 300 mph peak, none of those questions mattered. All that mattered wasthe wind in his fur, and the sun upon his back.As mutt dashed into the sunrise, a flood of memories cane over him, and he believed he thought he saw his father, weiving in and out of the trees. Mutt of coarse chased after him for old times sake, and was soon a floppy tounged bundle of furry joy, content with life and where it had taken him. He wasnt even aware of how much faster than before he had started running. In but a matter of seconds from taking off, mutt had chaced his "father" to the mouth of a cave, where he skid to a stop, likely with hi feline friend shortly behind. There was something strange about the cave, for it was so close to campus, yet so unknown.Mutt looked back at kevin, and again into the cave, woundering whats inside. He transformed into his human state, and stood bare before the cave before talking over his shoulder to Kevin. "Pretty cool. Wanna check this thing out? Maybe if were lucky we will find something cool!"

Kevin followed Mutt who happened to be running incredibly fast for tag. Kevin looked at his poacher and wined to himself. " That's not fair he's running on all fours!" Kevin continues to chase him until he comes to a halt at a weirdly placed cave. Mutt asked him a question and he responded with " Sure! An adventure sounds awesome right about now and I hope there's water or something in there I'm dying for a fish!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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"Okay, I've everything I need. Shall we get going?" asked Reina. Chase nodded. "Of-!"

"Course!" In a flash of light, the two among the most powerful magic users on the planet (or even perhaps siginificantly more than just that) were on school grounds and right in front of Meruin, who promptly hugged the both of them, much to their surprise. "U-uh? Meruin?" said a stunned Reina.

The girl let go and looked down, a bit red in the face. ". . . missed you," she muttered.

Chase laughed, a hearty and powerful laugh. Literally powerful, in this case; her laugh actually caused several of Meruin's barriers to break, not that she needed it now though; her master and rival both kept their aura's under control. "Ah, it's good to see that despite your calm exterior, your still a little girl at heart, my Meruin," said Chase. "Now! Let me see that Soul Rune of yours!"
Meanwhile, Reina was looking around the school, curiosity on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

MagusDream said
"I... I know. I am just... not used with this...", he said while looking back at his food. He grabbed the apple he picked up and started to eat it. As he chowed, he started to think about his words. , he thought. Cruz thought about what Sol thought about his comment, so he made sure to say something so he could explain himself. "Sorry if it felt confusing, by the way. The reason why I said that... it is because technomages are frequently hated by other types of magicians, since we use technology and science alongside magic. They had set this... prejudice and we're nothing but fakes to their eyes. T-That is why I am so unsocial...", he explained. It's the first time Cruz would open up to someone, but he felt that Sol was friendly and he would listen.

Sol smiled at Cruz, "Magic comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, no matter what the source it should be accepted. Well except those dark magic people that kill everybody, that's just rude." Sol said thoughtfully. "Anyway I doubt anyone here really cares what kind of magic you use as long as it doesn't involve sacrifices." He looked at Meruin as her friends teleported into the room and she gleefully hugged them. "Guess she opens up to poeple she knows." He said through a mouthful of pancakes.
The Headmaster slowly opened the door into the cafeteria and walked in using his cane to support himself. "Students this is a new arrival, his name is James Hunter." he said giving the afore mentioned person a small push into the room. Then, he looked at the two new arrivals. "Ho ho ho, it seems we have some guests. Perhaps, you were not informed but it is preferred that any visitors check in at my office first, after-all this is a school is it not? Now who might you two be?" he inquired. in his slow thoughtful voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Reina looked at the Headmaster and gave a small smile and wave in greeting. "Just visitng my dear apprentice. I assume you're part fo the teaching staff here?"

Meanwhile, Chase was still coddling Meruin, who was showing the piece of paper with her rune on it. "I see! Well, an 'Assassin Mage'! It suits you, but then again, when does a Soul RUne ever not suit someone eh? Anyway," said Chase, turning and gesturing towards the school, "how is life here? Have you made any friends, or perhaps a boyfriend?"

"No boyfriends, Lady Chase," said Meruin in exaspiration, "but as for friends . . . I think I made some? I made one definitely though." Do Tyler, Mutt or Sol count as friends? Liz was definitely a friend. She'd said so herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

floodtalon said
"I'll be fine. What ranking are you?" Tyler asked. He looked over at Chase and frowned intensely. Everything about her was so loud, it was quite annoying. Not that he could do anything to change her, he wasn't that type of person. Hell, even if he was that type of person, he would probably get his ass handed to him on a silver platter.

"I think 18, I only have one fight though and that against Sol, don't tell him I held back a little against him though." Liz grinned and spun her water bottle around on the palm of her hand "What element do you specialize in then? If I had to guess it was water but you did some some nice earth techniques." She commented looking over at Meruin happy for the little mage "Think it would be possible to fight one of those two? It might be fun."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Right now James's shy personality was out, and when the headmaster introduced him he just looked down at the floor, and stayed quiet. This personality really didn't like to socialize, and was very timid. Just then, though, his original personality took over. Of course because he trained in so many things, this personality was something of a genius, and he automatically recognized the soul rune. He was over there in an instant. "A soul rune? Wow. I've never seen one up close, but I've read a lot of information about them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Eklispe said
Sol smiled at Cruz, "Magic comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, no matter what the source it should be accepted. Well except those dark magic people that kill everybody, that's just rude." Sol said thoughtfully. "Anyway I doubt anyone here really cares what kind of magic you use as long as it doesn't involve sacrifices." He looked at Meruin as her friends teleported into the room and she gleefully hugged them. "Guess she opens up to poeple she knows." He said through a mouthful of pancakes.

"I see...", he said, relieved. Cruz smiled once again as her looked at Meruin and the scene. Suddenly, a screen popped up as Lhermite showed on. "... If I may speak, I do believe that you should pay attention to the quantity of food you are eating and-", the AI said as he saw that Cruz wasn't alone. Cruz looked away a little bit, sighed and spoke once again. "This is one of a technomage's specialities: Artificial Intelligences. I suppose you may had heard of them, but ours can have a personality as well. This is Lhermite, my personal AI. Lhermite, this is Sol... he's my, uh... friend.", he said, introducing his companion. Inside the screen, Lhermite bowed to Sol. "It's a pleasure to meet you. And I shall thank you for becoming Lord Cruz's friend. You see, he can easily die if he keeps being lonely, just like that legend with rabbits that-", Lhermite kept speaking, but got interrupted by Cruz. "A-A-As you can see, he talks a lot sometimes.... haha...", Cruz said, totally embarrased.

Soon, he heard the Principal and saw another new student: James Hunter. He seemed pretty shy, somewhat similar to Cruz. After the Principal spoke, he left for talking with Meruin about something. "A new student... I do hope he can make a lots of friends.", Cruz said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol looked at the view screen as it popped curiously. "Wow, that must be really helpful, especially for fighting. Having someone else give you a rundown on your opponent while knowing your own limits must be very helpful." Sol pondered out loud. "Don't worry about babbling I sometimes ramble when i got into a good talk about swords." Sol replied to Cruz's embarrassed comment. Then he looked over at the new student as Cruz did, "Well if you want him to make lots of friends then there's no better place to start then with us!" Sol said grinning and having said so grabbed Cruz's arm and dragged him over to James. "Heya there!" he said cheerfully, "Cruz and I, my name's Sol, are gonna be your new friends here. Guessing from your interest in the Soul Rune i would guess you're one of them intellectual types am i right?" Sol finished quickly.
The Headmaster grinned "Ho ho ho, teaching is a job for those a little younger than myself. I only take part in a few, specialty classes." He turned to look at Liz after her question "Ho ho ho, child fighting either of these two would be quite silly for someone like you even in a mock battle." He then addressed all of the students there, "Now the other reason i came here was to inform of a.. opportunity available to you. If you seek to grow in either knowledge or power, then you may complete "Tasks" that are available on the notice board." He said gesturing at the board leaning against the wall. "If you complete one of these tasks, return to my office and you will receive some... special training. Or if knowledge is more your taste you may have access to may library for a limited amount of time" He said mysteriously and then sat down at one of the nearby benches to rest his legs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dash375 said
"I think 18, I only have one fight though and that against Sol, don't tell him I held back a little against him though." Liz grinned and spun her water bottle around on the palm of her hand "What element do you specialize in then? If I had to guess it was water but you did some some nice earth techniques." She commented looking over at Meruin happy for the little mage "Think it would be possible to fight one of those two? It might be fun."

"You are correct, I do specialize in water. And I'm sure you can challenge Meruin, although it will hurt if you couldn't tell from my battle." Tyler remarked as he followed her gaze. "It looks like I would have been fighting you sooner rather than later anyways. I'm rank 20."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Slendy said
Kevin followed Mutt who happened to be running incredibly fast for tag. Kevin looked at his poacher and wined to himself. " That's not fair he's running on all fours!" Kevin continues to chase him until he comes to a halt at a weirdly placed cave. Mutt asked him a question and he responded with " Sure! An adventure sounds awesome right about now and I hope there's water or something in there I'm dying for a fish!"

Mutt took the first brave steps into the cave. The floor was a tad bit moiste, but didnt much seem to bother him. He sniffed about a few times, and shriveled his face in disgust. "Oh yeah..." He mumbled. "Something lives in here." He rubbed the back side of his hand against his nose, trying to forget the scent. "Its pretty deep in there too."
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