> > Very very intrested, is there still some places left? with the lack of intresting rps around im very desperate xd
> Yes, there's plenty of room for everyone!
> As to those of you worrying about the speed and timing of things so far, I wouldn't be opposed to a posting order if everyone wants one. I usually just try to post whenever I'm available for anyone who speaks to my characters, so no one's waiting on me, but for posts on the more GM style thing my usual method is to wait for everyone to post and then to do a group response. So while it seems fast now because of character interaction, when it comes to doing missions and fighting enemies it won't speed by so fast.
> Would it help if I placed a Recap section in the google doc or anything like that?
That might help greatly yes. Perhaps doing a recap after you place in a time skip and do so for everything in a similar manner. So after a timeskip recap, or after a large event/GM stuffs?