Character Template
Name: Marton IV, also known as Marton the Fat.
Sex: Male
Age: 43
Role: Cultivator's Liason

Personality: Marton IV takes the church of plenty's teachings a bit too far. Mainly his extravagant feasts earned him the name Marton the Fat, a name that he has truly earned at a 'healthy' 400 pounds. He is a jovial sack of fat that doesn't have much of a stomach for murder and other kinds of intrigue. He enjoys the company of many and a pint of mead. He has faith in Phenora, and follows the teachings of his church to the letter. He believes in sharing with others and feasting in the fruits of one's labors... However he disagrees strongly with the idea of stealing and punishes those who steal from the fields by putting them to death, as per church doctrine.
Marton the Fat was born to a rich family of priests and he knew little of hardship throughout his childhood. Marton inherited his fathers position when his father died of a heart attack. His fathers position was an administrative position over several acres of the cultivator's farmland. He made a name for himself by hosting huge feasts with his subjects and rivals. These feasts brought him a significant amount of popularity. However, the man never once tried to expand his domain or seek a higher position. He was perfectly content with just being an administrator. This all changed when the Cultivator's liason died under suspicious circumstances.
Deciding that they didn't want to have another of their priesthood die, the Cultivators decided to put a man into power that wouldn't ruffle any feathers. Marton IV was that man, and he adapted to the position fairly quickly. He was able to smooth disputes over with rivals with feasts and deals rather than resorting to underhanded skullduggery. He was also able to retain the cultivator's power and influence within the city. However, as the Magnificent One grew ill, Marton the Fat began to think that maybe he should be the one in charge. And afterwards Marton grew more and more independent. Until the present day, when he started to become an independent player in the politics of Antioch.
Weapon of choice: N/A