Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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So he hadn't been on Mitsuki-Sensei's team. That was fine of course. There was still Netsu. Though the next to speak was jerin. There was no way he could be on Jerin's team. "I am Jerin Uchiha. The three genin I will be leading and teaching are as follows: Ranko Kuromine, Dango Akane, and Na...Na..." The second his uncle hesitated he knew. And just like that Nagato got the AMAZING news that he was to be instructed by his dear old Uncle Jerin. "Perfect..." He grumbled. "Just amazing." The pauses and words uttered by him almost seemed to match up as responses to Ranko. That was just a coincidence though, since he was busy staring down his uncle. He wasn't particularly angry. However, he was annoyed with his luck and he was sure his uncle shared the sentiments. Okay... It could be worse. Just gotta treat this like another obstacle to overcome. He thought to himself as he cracked his knuckles. He had to go over this over and over in his mind. His teammates weren't particularly good or bad in his opinion. But he didn't really know them too well yet. However, he'd work hard to build a strong bond and get along with each of them to the best of his ability. Just like that his thoughts continued as he followed the jonin to the training field. He couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed though. "Wait... The... The Bell..." Grandpa Naruto had told him about this. It was awesome to participate in something like this even if the rules had been changed a bit. He grinned. "Ranko, Dango..." He barely got any substantial words out before Dango ran off. "W-wait!" He tried to call out to him, but it was too late. "Well... You wanna work together or go off on your own too?" He asked glancing around every so often to watch out for his uncle or something. ------------------------------- Mitsuki gave a small smile when her students began to flock to her. "Good to see you're excited." She said calmly as she did a head count. "Four?" She pointed out Morggo. "You must be Netsu's. I suggest you hurry along before he begins without you. He's been a little over excited about everything." She then glanced at Raima and motioned for her to come over. "And you join us." She then got quiet so as to think for a moment. Netsu had the roof and jerin had stolen the training field. Admittedly she didn't have a big plan, but he figured she could come up with something. "Alright, we're going to use the courtyard here at the academy. It wouldn't make sense to put you all together and make you work as one or something like that. So you'll each come at me one at a time so I can better gauge and work out your abilities and see who'll function where and as what. Understood?" She asked basically offering one on one sparring with her purely for the use of analyzing them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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Morggo laughed when he heard that Nagato was placed on the team that was run by the boy's own uncle and Morggo was glad to hear that he wouldn't be on the same team as Nagato and his sensei. He didn't know too much about Netsu Aburame but he did know that he was a member of Aburame clan who were famous for being able to manipulate bugs and insects of many different kinds. It was an odd ability, but odd was something that Morggo liked. When the jonin told them to meet him on the roof, Morggo gave Nagato an amused smile. "Well have fun with your Uchiha sensei little Fourth Hokage, maybe you can get as good as me some day" he said chuckling as he walked towards the door that would lead to the stairs. Unlike his other teammates Morggo wasn't going to waste his chakra by using techniques to look flashy, who knew what their sensei would have in mind. He quickly ran up the steps and eventually came to the roof where he saw his instructor and teammates already on the roof and he looked at them with his passive gaze. "I am Morggo Razuki and my hopes are to become a great shinobi and see my clan outclass the Uchiha" he said to them and he activated his Ghost Eyes which made his eyes glow a creepy yellow. The dōjutsu allowed him to look at their souls, he found Nayta Zellk's to be rather disturbing and deactivated his bloodline technique.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

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Ranko was pumped up, that's for sure. Still, their sensei did say that this would be an exercise for their teamwork, so she believed it best to stick to the group. Unfortunately, Dango dashed off in his own before they could actually prepare something. "Dango! Where are you going?!" She shouted at him. When she heard some traps going off, she knew it was already too late for him to come back. She let out a sigh before turning to Nagato. "I say we stick together... And we should also go after Dango, I have a feeling that if we leave him alone he'll be upside down next time we find him." She laughed a bit at her own comment, despite being a bit cruel about it. "A-Ah, sorry, I didn't want to sound mean." She walked forward a bit, trying to make something out of the trees that Dango went into. "But boy, for someone who can be so clumsy, he sure is fast. I guess he is a ninja after all." She smiled again after inspecting the trees some more. "So, what should we expect from sensei, Nagato? He's your uncle, right? I bet you know at least something of what he can do." She turned around to face Nagato. "Though some things do come to mind that we can use to stall his feet." Ranko just now noticed that she didn't really know much about Nagato, besides his name and inheritance. "Oh, right! We haven't introduced ourselves properly yet, have we? I am Ranko Kuromine, I specialize in barrier ninjutsus and taijutsu! What about you, Nagachin?" Giving Nagato a nickname she just came up with, she finished her sentence. It was almost eerie how calm she was, even though they had already been given orders from their sensei to chase after him. Almost like a mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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"I would usually say beat it. My name is Raima Ikazuchi, I'm the same age of these two cute boys. My abilities, it's best if you don't know but what you know is that I have lightning release." She said with her sheep like facade from cold to warm defrosting manner but she still is herself but for now, less sugar and its fine. She glares at Akira and smile at both."Oh well, they say that better late than never but it's not like Genji is gonna slow us down." She said with a teasing tone. She goes near Raima and pressed her body against him."Hey... Is it me or is I notice you looking at me? Stare at me like that again...and you'll get the better of your life." Subtly, her nails are sharp slightly close to his butt and it may be enough to give clue about her power but at the same time the somewhat perverted innuendo makes it concealed, her way of threatening at least. Raima takes Akira by the hand,"Rai-chan and Aki-kun are gonna have lots of fun." She laughed like a cute devil and tagged along for the adventure that awaits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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Netsu Aburame
Netsu arrived at the roof just before the first student arrived. Nayto Zellk, a creepy persona, if he remembered correctly he belonged to the clan that joined the village in recent years. A clan shrouded in much mystery, Netsu wanted to see what kind of information he could get about the clan just from teaching this boy. The boy greeted him and Netsu merely nodded as the next arrived on the roof. The kid named Angelo Gorou, the boy who had the diluted hyuuga blood inside him. With his unique eyes, he would be another to watch. The clan was sure to keep tabs on the boy so it would prove beneficial to all parties involved if the boys eyes were as special as he hoped. "Of course you will be of use. You're a ninja of the leaf now." He said in reply to the boys greeting. The third and final kid, talkative and ambitious, was Morggo Razuki, another of a unique clan. Already Netsu was trying to figure out how each of their clans would change how he had to train them and how they may work together as a team. "First things first, since we already know each other's names, I want you each to tell me three things. Tell me one skill you think you excel at, one skill you 'fail' at, and one thing that you would like to learn about and work on."
Genji Ryzhao
Genji's team was instructed to head to to courtyard, here they wowuld each spar with their sensei so she could gauge their abilities. This made Genji excited, he was ready to begin proving himself as a ninja, this was one of the first milestones in his life long goal to become an exceptional ninja and do his duty. A smile grew on his face as he made his was with his teammates, more focused on the fight than he was the team in general. He was focused enough on the two though that he laughed as Raima kidnapped Akira and left him behind, but he would not have this. He was not going to be the last there and broke into a run as he soon caught up with his teammates and then passed them to catch up with their sensei. When he got out to the courtyard, he was fired up and ready to go with plenty of energy. "Sensei, can I be the first to spar?!" He asked with excitement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo turned to his sensei and looked at him as he asked a critical question that would determine how he would teach them and if Angelo was being honest he had a few things he needed to work on but he decided to keep it simple as he said "sensei I am skilled in capturing enemies and am able to paralyze them. Something I am failed in is taijustsu" Angelo said since he didn't want to say it was because he couldn't use the 4 palm technique used by his, or rather the hyuuga clan members but Angelo's needles would suffice just as well and he will hope that they will be even more effective. What Angelo wasn't sure to say was what he wanted to learn because he wanted to learn anything he could to help him but knowing the power of his own eyes Angelo decided to be something vital to their team and said "and a skill I would want to learn is how to be a medical ninja to help all of us" Angelo said sternly wanting to make sure he knew that Angelo was ready to train and learn to heal people and his friends...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Akira smiled."I was just doing what I was taught." When Raima got closer to him ,he felt a little uncomfortable for a few seconds but before he could respond she grabbed him by the hand and ran off dragging him along. By now Raima probably dragged him to their destination. He stood to his feet dusting himself off."Darn it! Genji beat us here!" He then raised the other hand that wasn't being gripped by Raima and shouted." I'd like to go after Genji!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Nayta Zellk - The Orange Devil Was he being scrutinized by a boy with dark eyes? It seemed that way but did he care enough to respond in kind. Even if he did, he wouldn't have thought much of him. He looked like a he was a willing pawn in this village's hand, some chess piece to be moved. A sigh escaped him as he gave himself another smack to the ear, his unnerving expression unchanged. A cloud drifted between the sun and roof, covering them in a thin shadow as Nayta crouched down onto the balls of his feet and twirled circles into the hard floor. "I excel at everything unfortunately and I don't have many faults. A bit creepy, yes, but my skills are rather amazing," he said, keeping his eyes to the floor. "I fail at nothing. Anything I decide to do I do. I completely destroy it until only dust is left. I... would like to learn more about this world and all the powerful ninjas in it. And," His gaze suddenly shifted towards Netsu, a grin spreading on his face at the thought of battling a strong opponent. "...Never mind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

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"Well in terms of skill I am really good at taijutsu and chakra control and I am incredibly skilled in my clan's Ghost Release technique. I am not very good at Genjutsu and it is something that would be interested in learning to be good at since some of my clan's mmost infamous techniques are Genjutsu. I also would like to improve my ability to control my chakra and perfect my Ghost Release technique" Morggo said to his sensei. He hoped that being on a team such as this would work out and not be a total disaster. He didn't like Nayta, there was something wicked about the boy and Morggo couldn't trust hi especially after seeing his soul with his Ghost Eyes technique.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"Naga..." Nagato shook his head opting to ignore the nickname. He'd never understand girls anyway. So why try with this one? Well... Maybe he'd try later, but he wouldn't make a fuss about something so trivial yet. He had bigger things to worry about. Like his uncle bringing out the big guns right off the bat and this training exercise. "Right... I'm Nagato Uzumaki. As you know I'm our jonin's nephew. I generally specialize in ninjutsu and taijutsu." Nagato introduced himself. He couldn't properly gauge Ranko and Dango. Though so far Dango seemed quite rash, but clumsy. Somewhat of a bad combination in his opinion, but it wasn't like it was terrible. He didn't hate that behavior. Ranko on the other hand, was odd. Cheery, but she gave off this ominous, kind of creepy feel. He would guess she could sound so nonchalantly mean based on her appearance. She seemed like a normal cute girl after all. "It's too early to tell how our sensei will act. Whether or not he'll attack us or wait for us to seek him out is something we'll need to watch out for." He spoke as calmly as he could despite remaining on high alert. Jerin could literally come anywhere. "For now I think our best bet would be to go help Dango out, but watch out. Jerin is a dangerous man." Despite the fact that this was training he said that as though they were facing a real enemy on the battle field. It wasn't like he disliked his uncle. He just didn't feel he knew him all that well. And he kind of thought his uncle didn't like him. Which was why he distanced himself somewhat. "Let's go." He said as he began moving ahead in the direction Dango had gone. This was gonna be tougher than he thought at this rate. ----------------------------------- Mitsuki had casually taken her time to get to her students. It wasn't like the destination was particularly far away after all. She smiled and shook her head. At least they weren't sticks in the mud. They all more or less seemed cheerful and excited enough. "Right right. I get it. You guys are ready to go." She said as she passed the group. She walked a few paces away and turned on her heel. "Normally I'd try and educate you all on something like gentlemanly ways and ladies first, but in this case I'm not sure if it applies." She said calmly since she might have fought Raima first. Still though she couldn't turn down that level of enthusiasm. "So, step up Gen-chan." She said with a smile and a somewhat cheerful voice. "Come at me with everything you got. Just don't try and grab anywhere funny." She giggled teasing him slightly as she prepared to begin the first spar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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Genji Ryzhao
Genji immediately took a fighting stance, focusing on his chakra so it would be easier to pull out when he needed it. A small blush rose to Genji's cheeks although he tried to ignore what she said. "Im here to be a ninja not a pervert." He said in retort as he sized up his opponent. He body flickered and dashed left into the trees where he scoped her out. He threw six shuriken in two groups of three, the first from his intitial spot and the second after he changed his position in the trees. Without waiting long at all he ran towards her out of the trees now wielding his still sheathed sword. He body flickered to the left of her and slammed into her side with a swing of his sword. From here he leg swept the other direction with a low kick, and continued that into a leaf great whirlwind.
Netsu Aburame
Netsu immediately began to take mental notes, these kids futures depended in part on his and he was going to at least take their training seriously. The first genin to speak was Angelo, he had some useful talents and was already interested in being a medic ninja which was great for there team. "That's great, I don't know medical ninjutsu really, so maybe one of the other Jonin do." Nayta chimed up claiming that he had no faults or failings, then began rambling like a mad man. Netsu couldn't much tell what was up with the kid, the kid was right he was creepy. "Well okay Mr. Perfect, that's what we will call you from now on. Mr. Perfect." Netsu thought to himself for a moment, "Well after this we were going to hae sparring. You can go first and choose your opponent." He then turned to Morggo, he wanted to learn genjutsu, that was good they both had a mutual interest in the art. "I am trying expand my skills into genjutsu as well. I can teach you everything I learn." Then he mentioned ghost release, Netsu admittedly did not know much about ghost release, "You are going to have to tell me about ghost release later." Addressing the whole group he smiled and spoke, "Alright now we are going to do a bit of sparring." He pointed at Nayta, "Choose your opponent."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Nayta Zellk - Orange Devil A hushed wind rustled his hair as he continued measuring the etched line in the floor of roof. It crept forwards slowly, its length gradually increasing until it disappeared into the wall. He wondered just how the build had felt when he ended that line. Did he shine with pride at his work, showcase a dull appreciation for his own art, or simply move on as all life did. He liked to believe he was upset but even Nayta knew the paramount leeway the other choices were given. He smacked his ear again as he heard Netsu tell him to choose his opponent. Like bamboo snapping back straight, his arms shot towards both his teammates. Slowly, he turned a sideward gaze towards Netsu, his orange eyes as lifeless as a dystopian sunset. "I'll take you all on," he uttered, the iridescent arms underneath his thin black shirt bulging against his skin but not rupturing out. "Let's see the joy drain."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo looked at Nayta and looked at him a little annoyed he must really think he's that special thinking he has no flaws, Angelo already knew one he was bat crap crazy. Then this guy has the audacity to think he could take on both of his teammates and try to intimidate them by saying something creepy like 'lets see the joy drain' so Angelo really wanted to be the one to put him in his place so he said "you must got some real stones or you really are crazy to think you can take on both of your teammates at once. so how about instead I just stop you in your tracks then you can admit your all brawn and no brains" Angelo said tipping his hat down and taking out his needles getting ready to fight him "dark eyes" Angelo whispered to himself as his eyes went black and he could see his nerve points and bones. everything Angelo needed to paralyze him and shut him up...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Raima Ikazuchi - The Demon Kunoichi The lack of attention really makes it boring for me to comprehend, everyone sparring. "I feel like you all should stay back and let me do this." Annoyed seeing Genji in the spotlight, she dashes into the battle and charges into Sensei with her claws. The claws she have are sharp as the bear. Raima performs a few feint strikes in order to land a hit but isn't sure of herself if she would. "Sticking with Akira feels boring, entertain me Sensei! Pulling her attempts with her claws, she doesn't like Genji's fighting style and all she could so is show off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

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Morrgo was about to explain ghost release to their sensei when Nayta made the idiotic claim that he could take them on all by himself. This made Morggo glare at him and he wanted to fight him so that he could kick his ass. "If you're going to talk trash then expect pain you childish fool" he growled at the young boy. This was looking to be a team with big egos and that would probably end in them having trouble working together as a team. "I will spar with anyone if they want, I'm not picky unless there's an Uchiha then I would have to kick their ass" he said to them with a chuckle
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

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"All right, then! Not that I expected less of an Uchiha. Teehee!" Ranko said, after hearing what Nagato had to say about his uncle. Ranko couldn't help but wonder, what would the exercise be like if one of her own family was training with them? "Some dismemberment would definitely be involved..." She said, low as a whisper and with a bit of a smile on her face, before shaking her head. That can come later. "Let's go get Dangogo, then. Hey don't you like his name? Kinda makes you hungry. You think we can have a big, big party at his place later to celebrate!? I hear he is the son of the owner of the dango shop, no? I bet his parents will also be very happy for him having become a ninja! Even though he is so clumsy." Ranko said, following after Nagato. As son as they went into the forest, though, Ranko jumped onto a tree branch to get a better view, not that it helped a lot, with so many other trees in between, though. She took a deep breath before shouting. "Dangogo! Where are you!? Come on out~!" Ranko shouted, hoping to attract Dango's attention with the new nickname she had given him and, hopefully, also their sensei's attention. She turned to see Nagato with a smile. It was obviously a dumb move, given that their opponent was a ninja that could probably jump out from anywhere, anytime. But that's just what Ranko wanted. For Jerin to come directly at them. She jumped off the tree again. "And now we wait, Nagachin. I can't wait to see how our sensei fights. I bet it'll be so cool!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Genji wasted no time in beginning. And on top of that he'd reacted rather enjoyably to Mitsuki's teasing. She smiled as she awaited his moved. He went to the forest like area. Good. Three, no six, shuriken flew at her. It was easy to deflect them once she got her trench knives out and on his hands. It was so natural and fluid. Even when Genji returned to attack she simply giggled. The body flicker technique was used well. He obviously had skill with the sword, but he was treating this too easy. Even if she was his sensei he was playing it too safe. Did he not want to hurt her? That was stupid. She could have easily taken him down at the beginning of the spar. The funny thing was, she technically hadn't even said go yet. But she would let that go, was he thought as she brushed aside the blade. Mitsuki's fluid movements made it seem like it'd passed right through her, even though it was merely a bit of quick footwork on her part. His sweep which would transition into a leaf whirlwind was good, but it was hard for her to leap up and back. She threw her trench knife down. But it wasn't at him per say. Rather it was at his shadow. This would stop his movement. "Shadow Possession Shuriken Jutsu." She muttered quickly before turning to Raima who was incoming. Yes she was ready when the young girl arrived. "I'd have preferred you waiting your turn, but I've got a pretty good idea of you guys so far." She said calmly With a quick use of hand signs she created a small barrier of earth between her and Masaki. "Earth Style Barrier." She said before moving to her next technique. It was simple really. Masaki's technique would break through the flimsy barrier and as soon as she did, a multitude of materialized shadow tentacles would shoot up and bind her arms and legs. They were simply genin after all. Immobilising would be enough. And she would give them another chance as a team, but not here. At the training field. Hopefully Jerin wouldn't mind if he wasn't finished. -------------------------------------- Nagato facepalmed as he moved along side Ranko. And did so again when she got up into the tree and shouted. "You're an odd one." He said with a small somewhat nervous chuckle. "Let's just find Dango and help him. Keep an eye out for Sensei though." He added before glancing around. Still Ranko was right. Dango did have one of those names. "Geez... Now you've got me thinking about food and celebrating." He called up to her in the tree with a slightly more relaxed laugh. "Let's try and get a little more serious for a bit though, okay Ranko?" He asked with a small smile as he walked a bit further into the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FVGT


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Dango continued his run, wire remnants of the traps trailing behind him from his arms and legs. They didn't slow him down too much, but they did cause him to trip quite a bit more; he was used to doing that, so he prioritized running over taking the strands of wire off. "Besides," Dango thought to himself, already planning on how to capture his sensei. "I'm disabling the traps for my teammates by going ahead, and I can stop him from escaping with Sly Mind Affect." Dango didn't really think about what would happen after that, but they'd figure something out at some point. After sometime, Dango found himself being lifted upward and upside-down by the ankle. "H-hey?" Dango said as he looked down(up) at his suspended ankle, confused by the sudden flip between the sky and ground. Well, this was new. As interested as he was with trying to figure out how the trap worked, he decided that it would be better to get himself down first; with the wires and kunai dangling from him, Dango looked like an extremely dangerous piñata that dropped pointy objects instead of candy. Before that, however, Dango heard Ranko's shout. Dango tried to shout back an response, but the sudden excitement caused his words to twist into something nigh incomprehensible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

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"Yes sir~! I'm in super serious mode!" Ranko said, giggling a bit. While it didn't seem like it, she was actually completely aware that this was a battlefield, one she may not be able to get out of unscathed if she wasn't actually serious. The sole name of 'Uchiha' was enough for her to be in super serious mode. After all, she wanted to take an arm or a leg home with her, if possible. Not that it was actually a possibility, but Ranko wanted to think that it was. "Besides, it's better to have your eyes always in the prize, Nagachin! Gives you something to strive to!" Then, she heard something, coming from the woods. Probably Dango, though it sounded more like an animal. She jumped behing Nagato. "Kyaa~! Nagachin, save me~!" She said, jokingly, before laughing. She then turned more serious, or what could be serious for her. "Dangogo! We are coming for you, don't worry! We'll be there right away~!" She shouted back, before turning around to Nagato and smiling. "Let's go get him." She said, before disappearing with a dash
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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nagato could barely keep up with Ranko. Her behavior, that is. She was so quick to move and speak and do things. he wasn't sure he could get used to this. But of course he would have too. "Alright alright." He sighed feeling he'd just have to give up on handling things quietly. And with that he dashed off after her. Luckily they were heading in the same direction. Dango's direction. Otherwise it might have been bad for them to get separated further. And as the upside down ninja came into view he pulled a shuriken. "Think you can catch yourself?" He asked Dango. Still he didn't wait. He simply threw the shuriken. It flew and cut through his binding and he would soon drop. Though if Ranko didn't try to help Nagato would, which was obvious by his continued hurried movement. He would try his damnest to catch the guy if he had to.
"Crazy? Fool? You think insulting me will make my words any less true?" Nayta Hyuga laughed at the words of his teammates as he listened to each of them. "I'm a Hyuga. I can easily be both of you. If you guys want you can come at me one at a time or altogether." He scoffed at the mention of the uchiha. Bunch of overrated emo pricks in his opinion. Though he knew certain people would likely scold him in his household or attack him verbally elsewhere were he to speak so boldly aloud. He didn't want those unnecessary problems. "You no name ninja are willing to try and teach me a lesson if you want. It wouldn't be the first time someone weak tried." He taunted with a slight grin displaying his glee. "Come on. Make a move." He could activate the Byakugan at a moment's notice and still counter. He was ready. "I'm oh so excited to see the despair in your eyes when I finished beating the living crap out of each of you."
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