Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Daigo was neither confused nor frightened. Well, maybe a little confused, but definitely not frightened. If anything he was annoyed, or impatient, it was hard to tell between the two sometimes. He stood there as the robotic being asked them all to calm down. Naturally, he neglected to actually explain anything, which only made Daigo more irritated. By this point he had crossed his arms, his left index finger tapping impatiently on his right forearm while he closed his eyes in contemplation. Soon he heard the voice of a girl introducing herself as Alison, and another following that saying they were Phascomon. Daigo opened his eyes when a Falcomon introduced themselves and their tamer to the group, the tamer himself apparently being too shy to speak up. This was further cemented when the kid stuttered through his introduction a bit. By this point Daigo had lost his patience and pointed threateningly at Ebemon, "Who we are doesn't matter. All I care about is getting out of here, and right now that means talking to you. So start explaining." "Daigo-san, that's-!" Elecmon tried to protest but a quick glare from Daigo silenced him. "He's Ebemon, I know. One of the more powerful Digimon in existence if the stats for him are any indication. He's also responsible for the emails." said Daigo with a glance around at everyone, "Isn't that right... EBE?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Neither Henry nor Gaomon were entirely sure how to react when a giant robot alien Digimon stepped forward and attempted to talk everybody in the hallway down and calm them. However, Gaomon knew one thing for sure...he wasn't going to let any one of them near Henry. Not yet, at least. The two of them were going to keep their distance and, if their dialogue was required, they could make their inputs from a distance. As far as Gaomon was concerned, that was all they needed for now. He had no reason to trust any one of them, after all. It would absolutely be foolish to do so. At the same time, however, Gaomon did not want to instigate a fight here. As such, he wanted to avoid saying anything particularly confrontational or potentially offensive to any of the people here. Hopefully, they could get out of here and back to their home relatively quickly. Just as Falcomon and Alika had finished introducing themselves, Henry had decided to attempt to step forward and introduce himself next, only to have Gaomon step forward with him and hold an arm out in front of him. He knew what that meant. Supposedly, Gaomon would like it if he stopped there. "Geez, you really need to work on those trust issues," he murmured to Gaomon, but complied nonetheless. By that point, however, Daigo had already begun to talk back to this EBEmon, causing Henry to look over at the strange alien-looking Digimon again. So...this guy was the one in charge of the e-mails, was he? But still.... "Geez, what crawled up your shirt and died?" Henry muttered aloud at Daigo without thinking. "You could at least give a proper greeting before you...well, do that. Isn't that kind of, like...proper manners or something? I mean...I wouldn't think being rude to a stranger is any way to get them to start explaining anything." Gaomon's eyes widened at his Tamer's sudden response. That was exactly what he didn't want to happen right now. "M-Master, perhaps it would be for the best if you do not get involved with them at all." The last thing he wanted to was end up picking a fight here today....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn blinked a little as he watched others start to gather, and soon an robotic alien looking creature enter with another tamer and her Digimon. So it really was true, that there were other Digimon Tamers. As one pair introduced themselves, though Falcomon did most of the introducing while he tamer stuttered. Then a more annoyed looking boy seemed to aggressively question the robotic Digimon, while another boy who seemed to be staying a little more apart for them thanks to his Digimon seemed to mutter about the aggressive boy's words. The feminine looking boy in the female clothes hummed as he smiled brightly, crossing his silken gloved covered arms and placed his left hand against his left cheek thoughtfully. "Now we should get him a chance to explain. After all we did just wake up. My name is Karn, I'm happy to meet you all." he said cheerfully, his voice smooth and cheerful. "And I'm Leormon! But you can call me Leo! This is so awesome!!" the lion cub Digimon roared happily, bouncing about. Karn chuckled a little at the Digimom. "Leo, calm down, we should listen to what is going on first." he said. "Ehhh shut up! It's not everyday we get to see other tamers! Who cares why we're here?" Leormon answered nonchalantly with a wide grin. Karn sweat dropped and shook his head. "I think that's the most important part." Karn chuckled as Leormon gave a groan before jumping on Karn's head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

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Nonna blinked as she saw the company that gathered. Oooooh dear. Excluding what looked like a transformer made knockoff of Squdward Tentacles, there was little interesting in the people that already spoke, and if there was, it was interesting in the most disturbing way that made Nonna just ask for an exit and a ride home. Questions like 'Are you male or female?' momentarly popped up in her mind before being discarded under the notion that ignorance is bliss. "Ivanova will do for now. Could you send me back? I was in the middle of something..." the blonde said leaning on the doorframe, seemingly uninterested in the situation. Next to her a digimon easily the tallest of those around shown up. "Pawnchessmon, at your service." she introducedherslef with a salute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So, no actual confirmation but apparently this new digimon - which made Gazimon shrink behind his legs for protection - was responsible for kidnapping. And judging by Gazimon's reaction, EBEmon was far stronger than any Rookie or Champion the two had met. So for now it might be best to keep cool and perhaps bring some attention to that before they got blasted to pieces. "Well, we're all a little stressed, so we're going to be maybe a bit out of form. Perfectly understandable, nothing to launch an inquiry into or get aggressive about, right?" Nathan glanced around for reactions. No one, aside from Karn or Leo, seemed to be acting friendly or especially receptive (ignoring Alison, but she had come with EBEmon. Whether or not she'd always been an inhabitant of this place was up for question, but she probably knew more than the rest of them). "I mean, yeah, I'd like to know what's going on - would've been nice to get an answer in those emails you sent or even an option. I think we can all agree this could've been planned better on your part-" Gazimon tugged on his pant leg. "-but we can also agree that we can't change what's happened so I guess the best we can do is calm down and let him talk, instead of asking things that were probably going to be answered anyhow, right?" Also, hope that this guy was in fact benevolent. Saying that out loud might raise further problems though and so it was best not to speak any longer on that particular matter. "So yeah, if you can, just calm down, hear that guy out, then ask if you can go home." Clearly, not everyone wanted to be here. Nathan didn't want to be here particularly, though only in this location. Otherwise, hey, extra time to himself. Nathan took a few more steps away from his room, keeping his hands visible. Gazimon skittered after, watching the other digimon. EBEmon aside, nothing struck it as - well, 'danger' wasn't quite the right word. Any one of these digimon could probably mortally wound Nathan or itself; just that none of them currently seemed to have the inclination to do so, however. Frankly, it wouldn't be surprised if any of them took Nathan's words too personally, and then Gazimon would just have to hope they could be stunned. For now, it would let Nathan talk for them both. His words were not the safest, but there was nothing it currently desired to add anyways nor any need for attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 11 days ago

Annaliese just looked to each other when Allison and EBEmon came through the door. They weren't particularly terrifying. . . What with all the digimon known, there were definitely ones that looked worse than EBEmon. Allison was mostly friendly, if not a little absent-minded. Then there were the others. Alika, Daigo-san (apparently), Karn (a girl?), and . . . a few people that don't quite have a name Annaliese knows yet. And their Digimon partners of course. Still, she wasn't sure if she should talk or what. There were no rules to this place yet, as far as she knew it was lawless. The hospital like setting implied a strict set of things to follow as any normal hospital would. So far, however, none of those with her seemed to do any of those things. "So, we're not gonna' say anything Anna" Tinkermon said as she resumed her duties of hovering slightly above the ground. "Not like our word seems to matter anyhow." The fairy looked around at the different people. Her mind was elsewhere than, 'Who are they?' and more around the thoughts of 'What are they weak to?' It didn't matter what, Tinkermon planned to use it against them . . . In a prank of course! She's not that mean hearted. "I thought you wouldn't mind it either way, Tinkermon." Annaliese said with an all-knowing look in her eye, "I know what you're plotting before you let it be known." It was her usual M.O. after all. Tinkermon attempted to look innocent, failing to do so, but an attempt nonetheless. "Look, just be good for now. We don't want these people hating you first thing. Especially since we don't know where we are. Completely at least." For now, her lips stayed shut on talking to the others. No one had expressly asked for her name as of now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Taeyon and Palmon continued to walk around the hallway, now both of them noticing a group gathering. It was the others with their digimons next to them. Also there was some mechanic looking digimon. No, Taeyeon didn't want to actually go over there but Palmon grabbed her hand and took her to the group. Taeyeon was a little late and a bit shy too. "Hello guys! My name is Palmon. It is nice to meet you all. Oh! I forgot. This is my tamer, Taeyeon. She is a bit shy but that doesn't matter! Haha." Palmon giggled and spoke once more but this time serious. "But she will get used to you guys. Mhm." Palmon was actually embarrassing Taeyeon, so that was bad. Taeyeon just blushed looking at Palmon speaking for her. It wasn't necessary for herself to say that!! But as they continued to speak, she heard that this digimon was the one who brought them here. Good. Now he can take us back to the real world! "So if you brought us here...." Taeyeon now spoke with confident, taking a deep breath. "Then you should be able to take us back to the real world, right?" She said calmly. But at the same time she was nervous. Taeyeon didn't know none of these people, the only thing in common was that they were tamers and had digimon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

EBEmon didn't have proper facial features to form expressions, but if he did, he probably would have frowned, particularly at Daigo. "So you know who I am," he said, keeping his voice calm. "And therefore you must know you've been brought here for a reason." He gazed at each of the children and their Digimon. "Why should you want to go back?" "Erm, because our parents will be worrying about us?" Alison said, with raised eyebrow. "What is so important that you need to bring us here, anyway?" "Alison..." Phascomon whispered, almost scoldingly. "The missing Digimon," EBEmon said gravely. That shut Alison up. "Digimon have been going to missing from your world," EBEmon continued. "And we no longer have contact with the Digital World. Do all of you understand what this means?" EBEmon glanced at the group again, slowly moving his gaze from person to person. "Some force must have pulled the Digimon back into the Digital World, and I have a strong theory about what it is. What does confuse me though is your Digimon were spared." EBEmon's eyes narrowed. "But that's not important. What is important is that you, as the only tamers left, are the only ones who can do anything to help me, and that's why I need you here. To help me get back into the Digital World." "You can't get there yourself?" Alison said. EBEmon shook his head slowly. "No," he said. "I can't. I'm trapped here, unable to go into the Digital World or make contact with my lady Minervamon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Horrid aesthetic.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alika breathed a shuddering sigh of restrained excitement at being called a tamer. He looked to Falcomon, who immediately shared his excitement and hopped on the spot to show it. She flapped her arms and perched with a foot on either of his shoulders to whisper in his ear, "You hear that, Lick? We're gonna go on an adventure! We're a tamer team!" Alika could only shake and smile, but waved his hand in dismissal as he spoke in a low whisper in reply, "We don't know that for sure. For all we know, we could just be helping to plug in an ethernet cable or something like that." Falcomon's head came into his view as she looked at him with one big, orange eye. "Don't be so sure, this whole situation screams 'adventure starter' to me, and how often am I wrong about stuff like this?" He giggled as her feathers tickled his neck and then nodded in the affirmative. "Yeah I guess, but let's not rush in to anything, Faye. I'm still freaking out about being here and you've never actually been here either. You were born in my world." She hooted at him, then scoffed. It confused him how she could make a scoffing noise with just a beak, but she managed well enough. Alika looked around at the other 'Tamers' and couldn't help but keep on smiling. They had something in common now, and that meant it was easier to make friends. He then looked to Ebemon with a mixed look of concern and surprise, still shocked by his form and the fact that he exists in the first place. "Well I know I'd be happy to help, as would Falcomon. The thing is, how the heck do we get started?" He rubbed his bald head beneath his beanie and pouted as Falcomon hopped down to the ground again and stuck close to his leg. "Also, is it true that ALL the Digimon in our world just... went up in a big smoke and mirrors act? Completely gone with no traces? I thought that was just kids at school trying to scare me or something." As he spoke, he put a hand on Faye's head and looked down at her with a sad expression. Feathers and down tickled the palm of his hand as she smiled up at him. They might be close but she was no mind reader. The thought of what it would be like without Alika wasn't passing through her mind like the thought of living without Faye was for him. He cracked a smile and tussled her head feathers, drawing an annoyed stare out of her as she quickly set to work flattening them and re-preening the feathers that had been affected.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well. This certainly sounded important. Not that Nathan was in any hurry to go back. He reached up, at the last minute catching himself and instead scratching the skin under his injured eye. "Nah. Gazimon and me missed it too, but it definitely happened. My aunt confirmed it was global afterwards when we asked." He guessed he could understand - what was his name? Right, Alika. Alika had the Falcomon - Alika's denial. "Well, EBEmon, I can't speak for everyone else here - someone might've been doing something already important." Like what, he couldn't imagine, but if someone really didn't want to be involved, it seemed unnecessarily cruel to drag them into this. Nathan sure hadn't remembered getting a chance to decline. "Me and Gazimon-" He looked down to the rabbit digimon, who was still watching everyone else. "Well, EBEmon, you can count on us, at least. We want to stay and help." Gazimon faltered for a moment. They only had EBEmon's word that he served Minervamon. That the force that had pulled back the digimon had miraculously left him untouched as well. That he was not planning anything malicious with all of them. It was only his word and, if that word was false, then Gazimon would not be able to defend Nathan - to defend anyone who wanted to stay - from this Mega-leveled monster. It simply was not strong enough. And yet. If EBEmon spoke truth, then they might bring the digimon back. Gazimon could roam freely with Nathan if it so chose. No one else would demand it for themselves, as if it were some object rather than Nathan's companion. Perhaps that was the reason behind Nathan's risky words. Or the motive could be a bit more selfish... Though if it called him out, might that not put him in danger too? It exhaled. "He is right. We would desire many of our friends to return from the digital world. If our assistance can grant that, it will be worth our efforts." If the others could hear it, it didn't care. Those words were more for Nathan than them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

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Nonna's head turned to Pawnchessmon for an opinion on the matter. the digimon merely shook her head once, to which Nonna agreed with a head nod. "I'm sorry but at what part does that have anything to do with us? And for the record, we'd appreciate if we weren't referred to as some sort of a circus clown and their domesticated pet." she said, not liking the word tamer one bit. The nerve of this guy. He could have asked befre dragigng them here, he apparently could contact them via e-mail! Pawnchessmon had her own to add. "I have never even seen the digital world. In fact, as things were, when I would have digivolved it's masters would tear me from my partner. Why should I feel obliged to aid them? The force that removed most of us from Earth left me where I belong. I see no reason why I should upset it." the chess piece lookalike delivered her own opinion. Maybe it sounded harsh and selfish, but that was what living with Nonna and her society did to you, and Pawnchessmon was entirely happy with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Daigo simply crossed his arms in thought. So this Ebemon brought them all here because of the missing Digimon? Finally, something was piquing his interest. Daigo remembered the incident well. He was participating in a Rumble tournament when in it happened, and it was the final round no less. The incident robbed him of a championship title, and he never forgot it. But if this Ebemon was correct about the group of tamers being able to solve the mystery, then maybe Digimon could return to the real world. If that happened, then competitions like the Rumble Arena could start up again, "What do you think, Elecmon?" he asked the Digimon in a hushed tone. "Hard to say," said Elecmon thoughtfully, "but it sounds like he needs all the help he can get." "In that case..." Daigo's voice trailed off, but then he uncrossed his arms and addressed Ebemon once again, "Well, Ebemon, you definitely have my attention. Perhaps, then, you could explain what this is?" he held out the Digivice that found its way into his possession, "This thing just appeared in my pocket when I clicked your email. The message even advised for me to check it. I assume that means you created it, or know what it is at the very least."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 11 days ago

"So we can't go home. . ." Annaliese muttered to herself. She didn't really like home, but it was still where she lived. . . Should she want to be there? Or would it be better to just. . . "So, if we go help we may get to the Digital World." Tinkermon spoke aloud for herself and Annaliese. "We could just go there and never see your parents again. You don't like them very much do you?" She asked again. Annaliese considered it. One way or another it seemed they were going to be figuring out a way into the Digital World. "Maybe we'll see once we get into the Digital World Tinkermon. For now, I guess we just have the problem on hand, don't we?" She felt no real need to say much of anything. Everyone else here seemed older than her too, so there wasn't much she probably needed to say that they wouldn't say for her. "I guess we go with the flow for now. Maybe you'll get to fight Digimon? You've wanted to do that right?" Tinkermon just gave a dull gaze before replying, "I can fight, not like I really wanted to other than to help you out, you know?" She thought about it for a second and spoke up again. "Well, I guess it would be about saving your sorry butt, wouldn't it?" She said again standing on the ground with her hands on her hips almost triumphantly. Annaliese looking at the small fairy slightly angrily. "You're too cocky for such a short one, Tinkermon." She said and promptly poked her finger at Tinkermon's forehead almost knocking her down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Henry only partially paid any attention to the conversations and answers from the people around him. He even tilted his head back and leaned it up against the wall, mouthing an "ugh" without actually vocalizing anything. There were just too many people here for him to stay interested. For a while, it seemed like he wasn't even going to answer. Each word seemed to go in one ear and out the other without a response. One word of EBEmon's that caught his attention, however, was the word "tamer." That made him turn his head back. "Ooh, so we're Tamers, huh?" Henry repeated with a small grin on his face. He looked down at the Digimon standing in front of him. He imagined the canine Digimon as a wild beast instead of the servant that he made himself to be, followed by him teaching him tricks and all kinds of things that a lion tamer would do in a circus act. Of course, Gaomon would be well beyond that point, but that was beside the point. "And we get to go into the Digital World, right? See all the other Digimon that live there, maybe get to knock some heads while we're there.... I always did think my life was getting a little boring." His eyes widened slightly all of a sudden. "Oh man, and I might actually get to see Gaomon go full force and kill something." Gaomon looked up at his master for a moment, unsure of what to think. However, it was clear from his expression that he was uncomfortable with that idea. "Hm..." Henry continued. "Well, I've never seen how a Digimon dies before. I might get to see that if we go. Whether Gaomon does it or not doesn't really matter, I guess." He then grinned brightly, looking at EBEmon again. "We're in. It could be fun, which is a heck of a lot better than life right now. What do you think, Gaomon?" Gaomon withheld a sigh. In his opinion, it was unnecessary to go into the unknown. In fact, he would much prefer moving Henry away from such a dangerous situation and back to the safe confines of their home. However, Henry was sounding much too interested. It wasn't really his place to voice his opinion and try to convince Henry otherwise. That would make him no different than the other Digimon all talking out of place or talking back to their masters. He was already giving Tinkermon a look before he had been addressed. "I..." Gaomon replied in a perfectly respectful tone, but still somewhat hesitantly. "...only desire your well-being and to provide your interests, Master. I will abide by whatever decision my Master desires." "Then it's settled!" Henry said, grin widening. "We're all in, baby."
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