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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 9 days ago

Well, not really, though the idea that some lucian races could believe their power comes from gods is plausable, and demons do exist as lucians. http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/76572-academy-of-the-arcane-artes-reboot/ooc
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Her dragon form Full Name Dagny Ek Nicknames Dags, Dag, Daggy Gender Female Age About 100, and appears to be in her late teens Year 4th Birthday April 11 Astrological Sign Aries Species Dragon: dragons of Earth are as rare as other magical species, but far stronger. They take it upon themselves to defend other beings from hunters and humans who would exploit them. Overtime, they have "evolved" to take human shape, allowing them to blend in with society as necessary. They're strong and durable creatures, and (on earth) only another dragon's fangs or claws can penetrate their scales. However, the magic on Lucis is far more advanced, so there might be some weaknesses found there. They tend to live to be ten times as old as humans, so the early hundreds tend to be considered young. Class Fighter / Tank Weapon Claws, typically. Fire. World Earth Biography Dagny was one of five hatched to a family of dragons in Sweden and probably the slowest to mature in every sense of the word. Granted, she was also the most willing to learn and optimistic about the world. The mystic community was small and she was essentially home schooled, however, and this was frustrating for the curious little dragon who wanted to explore all corners of the world. Time went by and she remained mostly isolated from the big, big world of humans. Eventually, her thirst for knowledge faded away into apathy and she grew shy in her questions and interest in the world. Much of her personality and spunk was revived when she finally left Sweden to explore the world. Easy enough for a beast with wings sized to rival a plane. It was during this time that she really learned about the world--both the magic and technology driven--around her. She learned that creatures like her--creatures born of magic--were such a minority on Earth and they needed to be protected. Very few could contend with modern technology, but dragons like herself remained strong competitors against the evolution of human technology. Her run-ins with humans left a lot to be desired, however, and she found herself mistrusting their greed and power lust. Then, the Black Gale appeared. An incredible moment for both worlds, for sure, but Dagny and other dragons were hesitant to have anything to do with the phenomenon. But, time went on and the Black Gate proved dangerous not only for humans, but for other mystical creatures as well. And the second world, Lucis, proved to be swelling with magic, which spawned interest for the mystic beings of earth. Already identified as a guardian of sorts for the magical community, Dagny's personal interest grew in the Black Gate and the academies dedicated to maintaining it. Needless to say, when she received the letter four years ago, she decided to take the school up on its offer. Personality Dagny holds herself to high standards and typically does a good job of meeting those standards. This can lead to her being extremely hard on herself when she messes up, and she tends to hold herself (and other dragons) responsible for the safety of other magical beings whether or not she is able to intervene. She's motivated and ambitious, and doesn't really do anything half-assed. Like, if you're walking, she's POWER WALKING. If you're eating dinner, she's DEVOURING DINNER. While this can make her come of as intimidating or intense, she's generally in a good, loud mood. She used to get embarrassed and quiet down, but now she's rather confrontational when she gets odd looks or whispers--though she doesn't usually mean harm. Partner To be decided Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) Dragons are far sighted so up close, they can't see as well. Because of her natural size and weight, Dagny is physically slower than most fighters. While it's nearly impossible to penetrate or bruise her skin, any damage to her mouth or eyes will hurt like a bitch. Magic can do harm to her, too. She's not as strong as a full fledged dragon either. Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits Fire breathing, super strength, and super tanky. Her true form is compacted into her human body, making her ridiculously dense and massive despite her being average size for a person. This weight makes her extremely hard to knock of her feet. On that note, she can turn into a dragon (or rather she can turn into a human because her default form is a dragon). Theme Song Remember the Name by Fort Minor Other She tends to speak English, but her Swedish accent gets thicker the more emotional or passionate she is. She's also gay, preferring women to men ten times out of ten.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Zarbaha "Zar" Umar Female | 20 | 5th Year May 28 | Gemini Species Human Class Sniper Weapon Khayal: a relatively heavy double ended glaive with the capability of transforming into high caliber sniper rifle able to penetrate most armor. Since coming to the Academy, she has modified it time and time again. In her five years, she has cut its weight in half and increased its power by about a third. It's also able to transform between glaive and rifle within three seconds. World Earth Biography Zar was born, but barely raised in Pakistan, as she immersed her self in education in other countries after primary school thanks to her wealthy family. Maybe it was because she was born around the time the Black Gale appeared, but she had always been intensely interested in becoming a Gatekeeper. And from preschool and on, she was always attending an elite academy. Maybe it's because she's an only child or maybe she's just a really driven person, but she was always outstanding in her classes. With the Black Gale and Lucis such a modern, exciting issue through her youth, her interest in it only grew. So, at fifteen, when she received the invitation to join the Academy, she jumped on it. And when she first arrived, the skill gap between other students...didn't scare the girl. Instead, she was inspired to work even harder so she could stand on equal footing with other students. This lead to her time at the Academy being spent on combat and tactics and on her time on Earth furthering her knowledge about technology. Now, she's a fifth a year, ready to contribute all that she has built upon until now to the fight for peace. Personality Despite her resting bitch face and intimidating, boarderline-goth appearance, Zar is quite friendly upon first interaction. However, she's outspoken and will let you know when she agrees or disagrees with you. She has a sense of humor--assuming she isn't the subject--and can be surprisingly charismatic when she's passionate about something. Zar is independent but loyal and makes an effort to work with others for the greater good. Partner [Up for grabs] Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) Well unlike all these freaks, she's just a human. Her melee skills are good, but probably her weakest point as she prefers to keep her distance in a battle. (AKA other 5th years are more than likely better at it.) And although she makes an effort, she still has trouble working others. Has trouble trusting others due to a fear of potential rejection or betrayal. Skills/Abilities/Traits She's particularly strong for a human woman, as she needs to be to wield her weapon at close range. She's surprisingly quick and agile, as well. There's nothing superhuman about her, however. Zar likes to keep her distance, where she can observe and plan. She doesn't have luxury of being able to run in blind, fists swinging. So, she's very methodical and cautious. Even in melee, her pole arm allows her to keep her distance as opposed to getting too close to the enemy. Theme Song Sleepsong by Bastille Other Likes dangly, long chained jewelry. Lesbian. Has an incredible ear for language and fluently speaks multiple.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alright, I got the duty of writing out the CS reviews. Before I go on, I don't mean to offend anyone General Note: CS in the OOC is different from the one here. That one is the "real" one, so if you could all revise into that, that'd be great. Any regulations regarding that will not be included in these reviews. If I missed anything, the other guys'll probably come in and correct me.
  • Is the organic matter he manipulates limited to himself?
  • How does your character's alchemy system work and how does he cast it?
  • Other than the fact that he is capable of releasing electric shocks, is there any reason or necessity for the "unprotected technology goes haywire" bit?
*Kyne snip*
  • What does "hide in shadows or move quickly between them" mean?
  • What power source does the gauntlet use to manifest its effect?
  • What spells does she use?
  • Mithril really shouldn't be "hard but flexible" considering to be hard you need to be unyielding, and that contradicts the flexible bit.
*Senka snip*
  • Chi/Mana/Magic energy is all the same, and Earth has like, none, save for a few really, really isolated people.
  • What's the system for your magic draining arrows?
  • Specify what kind of magical arrows he has. I don't like "etc." when listing off equipment.
  • How can someone physically weak be an archer? Competent long-range archery takes a lot of strength.
  • No such thing as different types of magical energy, as mentioned previously
  • Not having a lot of physical ability means you shouldn't be able to dodge and such
  • What's the system for checking vitals and analyzing enemies?
  • Being naturally smart =/= having access to tons of data.
  • Note that since her eyes were enhanced, and not her brain, she still reads at human speeds.
  • How does the bleeding work? He's an android not a cyborg
  • Mechs are the highest tier of Earth weaponry, a first year should not be able to 1v1 multiple mechs and win. Yes, he loses his head, but the fact he still managed to kill several.
  • The bit in the personality about rules following makes no sense.
  • Neither does your EMP negation. There is no anti-EMP energy.
  • What qualifies as a machine for the sake of her hearing?
  • Dude. That gauntlet has some seriously whack energy efficiency. And she made it herself. Think about that.
@Veteran CSs: I yelled at you guys already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Got room for Haruna-chan? BUMPS
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ayyyyyyyyyyyy Sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Noster


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

What's the system for your magic draining arrows? Specify what kind of magical arrows he has. I don't like "etc." when listing off equipment. How can someone physically weak be an archer? Competent long-range archery takes a lot of strength. No such thing as different types of magical energy, as mentioned previously
changed/ added to cs, hopefully addressing your points adequately. Described all of his magic arrow types, removed the physically weak part cuz ya that don't make no sense XD, idk what I was thinking. Sorry, my newness is probably showing a lot XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I also edited mines. He starts to bleed when one of his intact human parts are damaged. Which is mainly his heart and his stomach organs. When serverly injured Echo would forcefully cough up blood until he loses an enough amount to become unconscious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
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AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gotcha~ Fixed and fleshed out most of that in the Skills section. Actually kinda like it better now, so cool, also added a limitation fact for her eyes. ~Alice
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Oh well, I still have another character idea Full Name Ash Williams Fake Name None Nickname(s) Referred to as the "Evil Dead" by Spirits...although he has no idea why. While Janus has offered an explanation, it doesn't make any sense Gender Male Age 15 Year First Birthday June 16 Astrological Sign Gemini Species Returned Human-A human who was brought back from the dead by a Spirit Class Spirit Medium-A Spirit Medium is a person who was brought back from death by a soul trapped in the mortal plane; a Spirit. They have the power to see and interact with Spirits and souls. Another power of their's is the ability to form contracts with Spirits. Once formed, the Spirit will follow around the Spirit Medium, protecting them from other Spirits with ill intent. A Spirit Medium is also capable of giving Spirits a temporary corporeal form to fight, they return to normal either once the Spirit Medium does so, or they take too much damage to maintain their form. The amount of Spirits that a Spirit Medium can keep corporeal is limited only by how many the Spirit Medium can maintain. The highest recorded number of Spirits made corporeal by a single Spirit Medium is 11. However few ever reach that high a number, with the average being one or two. Another interesting trait that contracted Spirits have is the ability to Overshadow. Overshadowing allows a Spirit to inhabit an item, granting it some of the it's power (if it's something that can move, the spirit then posses it instead). Contracted Spirits can also posses living beings, augmenting the host's body with their power and conjuring their weapon of choice in a physical form (although it should be noted that they are weaker like this then when made corporeal). However they can only do this to someone a lot weaker then their contracted Spirit Medium. This means that Spirits can posses their Spirit Medium much easier then other people. Weapon Depends on the Spirit possessing him World Earth Short Biography Ash lived a relatively normal life. In fact, one could call it abnormally normal (assuming that's even a thing). However one day when he was just eight, that all changed. A shopping mall that he was visiting with his parents was hit by an earthquake, making it collapse on itself. While his parents escaped unharmed, Ash (who had gotten separated from them) did not. By the time the rescue worker managed to dig him out, he was close to death. He was quickly rushed to the nearest hospital...but it was too late, he died in his hospital bed. That's when he met Mordekaiser. Mordekaiser offered to restore his life if he made a contract with him. Not wanting to see his parents sad, young Ash agreed right away. With the contract made, Ash was brought back to life, much to the shock and joy of his parents Personality Ash is a shy and gentle boy, he wants to get along with everyone, but has trouble reaching out to other people. He also doesn't like violence, being unable to bring himself to harm another living being even in self defense, lucky for him he has a team of bodyguards who have no such problems. He also has a very tender heart, and can't stand to see other people in pain Partner Looking for one Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) On his own, Ash is weak. Since his powers revolve around his contracted Spirits, should they somehow be separated from him, he becomes powerless. Also, his Spirits each have weakness of their own. He's also not much of a fighter, as he has bringing himself to harm others. Although since he has Spirits to fight for him, and he's powerless without them, this is really a non-issue Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits He sees dead people...no, really! While this is normally limited to Spirits; souls who have been trapped on the mortal plane and have had their forms warped, he can also see and talk to the souls of the recently dead. While this ability doesn't see much use, it would let him solve a murder mystery pretty quickly Theme Song Other
Let me know what you think
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

  • What qualifies as a machine for the sake of her hearing?
  • Dude. That gauntlet has some seriously whack energy efficiency. And she made it herself. Think about that.
Did the rework. Made the gauntlet a bit more sensical and defined the hearing bit for machines for her. Since she's a genius mechanic I'm not going to get rid of the making it herself part, but the SMG part I removed since it'd be really hard to get the parts for a weapon like that as a child.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 16 days ago

A question before I decide on my app. What would go over better, a "psychic" vampire in a sort of New-Age yet still recognizably classic western style, or an Aztec-esque shamanistic pseudo-vampire? The former I feel would be less acceptable in terms of powers (telepathy, mind control [nerfed as needed], "eating" memories, the standard mind rape package), but the latter may run into issues with being "overly antagonistic" compared to other characters (i.e. players may take issue with a cannibalistic death-cultist among their characters). Thoughts from the GMs?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Quick question, do we have to play a student or is being a teacher a viable role as well, been wanting to try out that role for a while after having played so many students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Actually, I'll just vomit this up here and see if it takes or not.
Full Name Raule Cardias Fake Name Nada. Nickname(s) None. Gender Male Age 20 Year Fifth Birthday November 21st Astrological Sign Scorpio Species Voidlings (Human) The Voidlings come from many different races and share no similarities except for one: they have been unfortunate to catch the attention of those vastly their betters. The effects of even a small amount of Void power can mutate the affected into great monstrosities, leave them unchanged, or anything in between. The effects can be somewhat directed on the whims of the Voidkin, but are still unpredictable even then, As such the cases of the Voidlings are unique to the individual. For Raule, the results were minor appearance changes. His ears elongated drastically while his hair was bleached a snow white. His nails naturally sharpened until it was more accurate to call them claws and his eyes are now red, and glow a soft crimson in the dark. Voidkin These paradoxical beings for the most part are still largely shrouded in mystery, if only because they so rarely bother to interact with the worlds. Even then most of their interactions seem to be limited to spreading their power at random, infusing individuals with mere drops of their energy. Aside from these mysterious incidents these beings seem content to remain where they reside. Their ability to reach into either world aside, little else is known about their abilities. Presumably they are capable of far greater feats than the Voidlings, but to what scale is undetermined. Class Dark Brawler A deadly close quarter combatant that specializes in unarmed styles mixed with the natural energies, both Void and human, that flows through the user’s body. Capable of reinforcing their bodies to superhuman levels, they shrug off mighty blows while returning them in kind. Their Void energy results in powerful, but self-destructive bursts of power that allow them to erase enemies in their way before their bodies begin to erode from within. Weapon Klaenr a Tomi. Finding a material that was able to withstand the Void’s energy was not an easy a task. He was forced to venture far beyond the safety zones of the Black Gale. Finding a smith that could work it was even harder. It took a master blacksmith who had adopted the advanced technologies of Earth to melt and shape the material. His weapons are a pair of claw-tipped gauntlets, and sharpened greaves; the front is shaped into a sharp cutting edge and is a bit heavier than regular pieces as a result. The metal is a white-grey in coloration. The gauntlets are covered in a perpetual layer of frost, and leave frost crystals in the air with their passing. The greaves on the other hand crackle with electricity, sparks and arcs often dancing around the pair. World Lucis Short Biography A fairly closed lip is kept when it comes to Raule’s whereabouts prior to his time at the Academy. As far as anybody knows he survived and was changed by an encounter with a Voidkin when he was 13. The small town and surrounding forest he called home was not so fortunate and erased from existence, a massive crater left in its place. What occurred in the two years prior to his arrival at the Academy is still anyone’s guess, but he’s attended it for the last five years successfully. Personality Despite his appearance and “race”, Raule enjoys the days he can spend without the company of his weapons. Flexible and tolerant, he goes with the flow rather easily amongst his acquaintances. Not overly cheerful or enthusiastic, Raule is more reserved about how he expresses himself. Reliable and responsive though, he’s the type of person to take things into his own hands rather than wait for others, but he’ll never try and stand in the spotlight. Partner Guess it’s up in the air. Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) Strictly a close-ranged fighter, if kept at a distance there’s not much Raule can do to his opponents. His reach with Void-based abilities extend a bit further, but only a dozen feet or so. While he’s fairly good at managing his limits, overuse of Void energy will erode his body despite its innate resistance. His eyes will begin to glow a blood red once the threshold has been reached. Skills/Abilities/Traits Physically more able than a human, even without tapping into internal sources of power. He’s stronger, faster, more durable, and overall just better. His existence, like all other Voidkins, is an anomaly. While he still requires sleep and does age, many of his biological needs are no longer that. The Void essentially constantly purges his body of external influences and sustains him in their absence. He requires no sustenance and has a high resistance to poisons, toxins, and diseases. At the same time, magic that influences one’s internals such as telepathy or mental illusions are quickly broken against Raule. Sadly, beneficial magics, such as healings or blessings, are also rendered ineffective for him. Magic with enough power behind it will punch through the Void’s effects, but its effects will be reduced. Void energy is highly destructive to put mildly. If it exists, the Void will try and fix that and leave nothing in its passing. Matter, energy, even spiritual existences are all touchable with the paradoxical energy.
It essentially acts as a universal corrosive and will, given enough time and a steady supply, dissolve anything into nothing. Density is the main factor in how resistant something is towards the Void's effect as there is more material to corrode away.
As befitting of his class designation, Raule is an experienced warrior. He fares well in messy melees, but shines in combat against individuals. Despite still attending the Academy, he’s already seen his fair share of ventures into the Black Gale. The fact that he has returned alive speaks enough. Other His sigil. Located on his right shoulder blade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 9 days ago

Quick question, do we have to play a student or is being a teacher a viable role as well, been wanting to try out that role for a while after having played so many students.
Sorry, as many events will not require teachers being present, only students are playable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Zombehs Wow, that is disturbingly close to my original character idea
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

hmm might still join gotta rework my character a bit, but got a fun idea to play a semi traditional gumiho gotta work on it after work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by That AWFUL Guy
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That AWFUL Guy You Monster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Is the organic matter he manipulates limited to himself? How does your character's alchemy system work and how does he cast it? Other than the fact that he is capable of releasing electric shocks, is there any reason or necessity for the "unprotected technology goes haywire" bit?
Being the newb that I am, please let me know if I'm not using the quote properly. Regardless, I've changed the (admittedly rather broad) description to the more specific "mad alchemist growing creatures and brewing potions in his lab" model. Second, I've tried to make the functions of alchemy (creating homunculi, brewing potions, making bombs, etc.) clearer, essentially being about half-way between magitek and straight-up Gothic mad science. Whereas magic is in large part ritual and focuses on immediate effects, alchemists have to craft their own equipment to get the effects. Finally, I tried to justify the whole "electrical interference" thing. Anyway, I hope that it's better now, but please, I'm open to criticism.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 16 days ago

Still waiting to hear about my inquiry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A question before I decide on my app. What would go over better, a "psychic" vampire in a sort of New-Age yet still recognizably classic western style, or an Aztec-esque shamanistic pseudo-vampire? The former I feel would be less acceptable in terms of powers (telepathy, mind control [nerfed as needed], "eating" memories, the standard mind rape package), but the latter may run into issues with being "overly antagonistic" compared to other characters (i.e. players may take issue with a cannibalistic death-cultist among their characters). Thoughts from the GMs?
y0, g'afternoon. I guess I'm leading towards the psychic part, pretty interesting idea. Not sure about New-Age, given their origination of Lucis. Most of the GMs are offline at the moment. As for CS's, we're going through them right now.
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