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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@DaDrummer676 @Slendy Charlie would look at them "as much as I would like to say no to anything we'd have to go to... doing that on the first day would be pretty bad...." he says. then sits back in a chair humming slightly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Deus: "Now this is interesting but...In my book, water always beats fire, but seeing as how we are not dealing with any ordinary fire, might as well use that." Ability Create: Water! Unrestricted Creation!. Suddenly a wave of water appeared Behind Deus and Ryan. He then created a Giant Shield in front of him knowing it wouldn't be able to do anything. He took out the Holy Water the Priests at the monastery gave him when he was still a child, it was his memento, but he believed it to be a good time to use it right now. He moved closer to Ryan. "Before I do something, do you know how this guy is creating dark flames, I have an Idea, but I am 50/50 sure its what I am thinking"He added an extra safety, he surrounded themselves with shields, and a bubble of water large enough for the shields and for them. @floodtalon @MagusDream
"Most definitely the runes. I'm a bit rusty on what type of runes they are, but I believe it's Runes from the Word Of Hatred. Dark magic if I've ever seen any." Ryan explained as he looked over his opponents. He then saw Sol out of the corner of his eye. "Hello Sol! You came just in time to prevent this psychopath from hurting Cruz!" Ryan then silently prepared a few earth spells underground just in case extra barriers were needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin paused, opened her mouth to speak, closed it, shook her head, opened her mouth again, then just shrugged. In all honesty, what was she supposed to say? She was never the most sociable person in the first place, so her feelings about having a party were most likely biased, so she couldn't tell them to just tone it down. She frowned when she saw the alcohol. Oh, and she would definitely have words with Marcus later about trying to pry secrets from people. Meruin was just about to say something when she sensed a large spike of energy . . . near the Boys Corridor. Wonderful, the one place she wasn't alloowed to go to. She faced Marcus and stared him down. "There's a disturbance at the boys dorm, I request you investigate it," she said, hoping the ruffian would actually do his job as a Council member.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

By now Marcus was one of the most drunken and lively person at the party. He danced around happily with near by students. But that all ended in a spilt second. Right when Marcus made eye contact with Meruin he became the most serious and sobered person at the party."I-i'm on it!" He solutes Meruin and nearly vanished from the party in the blink of an eye. Marcus dashed through the trees at an incredible speed heading towards the spike of energy Meruin told him about." Damn you energy!!!! I could be drunk ,but instead I have to deal with this B.S.! I'm so gonna kick what every ass that energy is coming from!" Marcus angrily jumped through a window that was located on the floor that the spike of energy was coming from. He soon located the source and walked angrily towards it."Excuse me students.... but I must end this before 3 (Meruin) ends me. So unless you all won't to die I suffice you all end your dispute or I'll have to do it for you. @floodtalon @MagusDream @BranchOfSin
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Tony sighed, "true," he replied to Charlie, a bit relucantly. He chanted a few words and everything at the party started to pack itself away. "We'll continue the party tonight!" He announced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep. Be- The alarm was no more. Alex opened his eyes and looked at where his alarm used to be. Time + Cage he thought and a brand new and fully functioning clock appeared where the previous one was located. To save himself the trouble of attending the introduction ceremony, he arrived at the school a day before, greeted the headmaster, got his key and went back to his dorm where he crashed for the rest of the day. When he was hungry he plopped a sandwitch into existence and ate it, something he didn't really need to do as he could just erase any hunger he had; but he enjoyed the act of eating, and when he wanted to go to the bathroom he just erased from existence any urine or stool his bladder and intestine had in them with a quick equation. He just layed there on his bed the whole time, listening to music from his MP4 player, not caring for anything. "Hmmm..." he pondered whether he should get up or just continue laying there. It's not like anyone knew he had come to the school a day before anyone else so no one would really search for him. The headmaster knew he was there, and he had agreed to sent to his room his homework so he wouldn't lag behind everyone else. The he felt a disturbance in the electromagnetic field around the boys dorms. Should I go see what's up? Most students should be in their rooms by now so it has to be a fight between roommates he thought. He became conflicted. The counselor should be arriving there any minute now...but what if he isn't anywhere near close to be able to stop the fight? Already thinking so much about something not immediatelly affecting him was beginning to have its toll on him as he was slowly developing a headache... He decided to see for himself whatever was happening. Without moving from his bed Clothes + Me he thought and he was instantly wearing his signature clothes; he closed his eyes and sensed for the coordinates of the disturbance and once he found them he formulated a function in his head that teleported him sitting on the edge of a window and saw the hell that was breaking loose in front of him. A huge wave of water was coming at him from one direction and pillars of dark fire were shooting from the other direction. In the chaos he spotted a man crashing through one of the windows and then starting to yell, Must be the councelor...great timing you idiot Alex thought. He looked at his left and at the huge wall of water that was about to crash on to him. Raising his arm and pointing towards the wave "Wave - Water" he said and the the water instantly vanished, leaving only a pressure wave that flew past Alex, slowly dissipating behind him now that the force behind it was gone. Alex then turned his attention towards the pillars of flame that were erupting from the floor "Floor - Fire Pillars" he said and the pillars were instantly gone, leaving behind only warm currents of air that too dissipated into nothingness. There, now you might be able to do your job properly... he thought as he looked back at the angry man. The headache was now becoming slightly problematic and so using the same equation he used to get there, he transported himself back to his room and layed down on his bed. Unfortunately, the headaches that came whenever he used his powers for something other than for himself were hellish and, for some reason, he couldn't get rid of them with his powers and so he didn't meddle as much whenever there was a fight but this time was an exception. The building was in danger of collapsing if he didn't intervene. Oh well, its out of my hands now since the councelor is there. If the building ends up collapsing, its his fault, not mine...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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@floodtalon @MagusDream @Slendy Deus stopped and looked around. He noticed that his wave of water was gone, and so was Agnis Fire Pillars. [color:darkslateblue]"Aww, Party's over, But I still can't let Agnis go." He looked back at Marcus. "Sorry for the fighting, but we have to stop him from doing something to a guy named Slick, and a friend told us to keep him at bay, It may sound selfish of me disregarding my position as #9 in the Student Council just for a little skirmish. But we have to stop him. Would you like to help us?" Deus asked Marcus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus frowned."I'll help you....only because I have to." He walked closer towards Agni and stopped a few feet in front of him."Look guy stop, is what you're doing more important than your life." He stood in an attack stance." Dues 3(Meruin) will probably be after you as well if we don't stop this guy." @BranchOfSin @MagusDream
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus looked back at Marcus and laughed. "Hahaha, I don't care if he comes after me, let him come. If he wants to fight me, I will fight, I may be #9 in the Student council just because I was too lazy in the tests, But I promised them not to loose a single fight, and show them that the Shaolin Art hasn't died in the last few years. Now shall we begin?" Deus activated his Ability Creation ability and passed on the ability of Wind Manipulation unto Marcus. "Utilize that ability wisely, it only lasts 10 minutes. Cover for me, I need to charge up some power." Deus began charging up his Infinite Supply. He began gathering electricity from his surroundings. ((I finally found my BGM)) BGM: Absolute Soul @Slendy @MagusDream
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Sup ,I'm Marcus and I'll be detracting you on this non-party and booze day." When Deus gave him wind manipulation he smirked and vanished using the wind to increase his speed although he was possibly faster without the magic buff. "Deus......thanks I guess." He was gonna complain about being randomly buffed with out his consent but he decided to brush it off. Marcus reappeared behind Agni and perpusly swung his fore arm slowly to see how he reacts."Lucky for you since I'm the student councilor I'm apart of the schools faculty and that means I'm not allowed to use a great amount of my power on campus." He said as his arm pergressed slowly towards Agni's neck. @MagusDream @BranchOfSin
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Let's end this quickly." Ryan stated as he began manipulating water in the air around him into knives. "You have 3 Student Council members fighting you at the same time. You should really just run." He suggested as he threw all the knives at Agni at once. They didn't do much damage but they made for a good distraction. @Slendy @MagusDream @BranchOfSin
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Slendy @BranchOfSin @floodtalon Agni Blackheart Location: Boys' Dormitory Corridor Cerberus deflected Ryan's knives with his speed dashes. As for Marcus' necklock, the Agni he held exploded into bursts of black flame as the real one was far behind them. During the battle, the runes conjuring Black Inferno disappeared and pillars of fire stop being randomly erected. The servant dashed back to his master as soon as he saw that. BGM: The Piano for Agni "My master...?", Cerberus asked. "... I had no intention on keeping this childish roundabout. I knew this was going to happen since the moment I ever thought about helping you with the one in the state of a moving corpse. This is what I gain for believing that someone here was different from the rest...", he said, closing the Word of Hatred and making the flame scythe disappear. Agni started to walk away alone. Cerberus in the other hand, decided to explain themselves. "I am sorry if we bothered you, student councils. I am Cerberus and that is my master Agni Blackheart. We did not had the plan to negatively interfere, lest to battle the 4 of you. Our plan was to hold him so that other young man would finish his analysis and only move if the corpse man did something. As I have said before, I am sorry for any inconvenience we might have caused.", he said, bowing to them. "Cerberus!!", Agni shouted, seemingly angry. As the servant looked back, his master looked the way his shout seemed to impress. "Didn't I told you that giving reasons to someone is a complete waste of time? They don't care about any reason you have to give. It won't change their judgement, the way they look at you or even what they think about you. So stop apologizing and come!", he said, reflecting the past that he had before. "Y-Y-Yes, my master!! P-Please excuse me.", he said once again before going back to Agni.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus listened to the conversation between Carberus and Agni. "Very well Cerberus, take care of your master, I can see his Ideals differentiate from ours, maybe me and him are not so different after all." Deus said standing up. He was saddened that he didn't get to use Infinite Supply, he returned the electrical charges back to where they originated from. If you touched Deus right now you would get a static schock just from touching him. "Now that everything is in order, should we see what Cruz and Slick have been doing?" @Slendy @floodtalon @MagusDream
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"Lets." Ryan blankly said as all the water he had summoned crawled towards him and surrounded him. It then froze into ice armor and blended with his skin. @Slendy @MagusDream @BranchOfSin
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus began to walk forward a bit when we fell down, Kusanagi was going a bit wild again. "Dammit not here... Guys go in front of me, I'll catch up with you later, don't ask why, just go." @floodtalon @Slendy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sol sighed, such useless fighting, why didn't they just wait one day for the bracelets to be handed out. Besides fights were meant to be friendly affairs, meant to test each others capabilities. He shrugged and continued walking towards the party, it seemed things here were under control here. Sol yawned as he walked into out of the school building and came across what looked to indeed be the beginnings of a party. Then he glismped Meruin and a smile lit up his face, "Hey Meruin, glad you could make it. How's it been, learn anything fun while i was away?" he asked eager to talk to the brillant mage again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deus began to walk forward a bit when we fell down, Kusanagi was going a bit wild again. "Dammit not here... Guys go in front of me, I'll catch up with you later, don't ask why, just go." @floodtalon @Slendy
"Don't die. I would hate to have to clean up a body this early in the school year." Ryan walked past Deus and made his way towards Slick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tony was impatient now, but it's not like the party was going anywhere. At the same time he was hit with a hard pang of hunger, teenage problems. Hart let his stomach direct him to the cafeteria. Tony read the Ancient Book as he walked to the lunch room. He hoped there was still room, and that he wouldn't have to sit alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus: Deus nodded at Ryan. Once he walked past him, Deus summoned a force field projector, he activated it and it began projecting a force field around him. 'Good, now to finish the job.' Deus took out Kusanagi. It began shaking in his hand, it's bloodlust was going out of control. He quickly stabbed himself in the area of the veins. Blood began to pump out fast, as fast as it came, as fast as the Sword would begin draining the blood. The sword stopped shaking as a sign that it had enough blood already. He sheathed the sword into its cloth and closed the force field. He caught up with the others his hands still dripping from the blood. "Finished. Now where are those two." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cornelia: Cornelia stood up and began walking closer to the party. She remembered hearing about one of the strongest people in the academy, so she wanted to check her out. As she arrived she saw another student talking with her. She decided to join in on the conversation. "Hello, I am Cornelia, it is so very nice to meet the two of you....Hey aren't you one of the strongest people here in this academy?"Cornelia asked Meruin. @TheHangedMan @Eklispe
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus stubbled through the hallways of the school holding a canteen that was full of rum. He was kinda in a sad mood since he left the alcohol..... I mean party for a fight that he never got to take part in. Marcus in his depressed state wondered into the lunch room and clumsily sat down by a table near a window. He took more sips of his rum slowly slipping into a drunkin paradise.
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