Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MamaSushi
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MamaSushi Chin Chin Sacrifice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ouch, mutant? That was rough. She continued to bundle the sheets as they began to slip to the ground. "...Depends, what exactly are you looking for?" Dolor wasn't stupid, she knew about the theorist and investigators that sometimes tried finding the location of Riverwood. While many turned up empty handed, very few individuals managed to get in, in the small time she had lived here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Maybe this place wasn't so bad. Pamela was just treating it as a haven, as somewhere to stay and survive. As somewhere to yes, just be normal. She smiled, Lance had his tongue out happily as Nick pet him. "Sure. Pam is fine by me. Blind is never average though" she said musingly "after all, to be able to hear thing s others might? Or catch a scent? Or to be able to know what something is by its texture? It's amazing." She said. She looked down at Lance and said "he's meant to have one of those coats, that says seeing eye dog, but it..." Burn in the fire. "Got lost on our way here" not the truth, but then she would have to exain why she survived the fire. And she didn't want to go there. "He really on helps me not walk into things now"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"What am I looking for? A place to be safe from them... I've been on the run for the past year, they came for me on my 18th birthday. If I can't stay here can I at least sleep here for a couple a days? I'm sick of the running, too many people have died because of it. Last week, a group of them came after me, they didn't even care about the civilians... They shot two people, a husband and wife in an attempt to kill me. Two innocent people, who weren't the only ones, died because of what I can do. That, is why I am here." Chris opened his hands, "do you need me to prove that I'm not... Normal?" Valentine proved his point very blatantly, as his skin began to turn into sand. In a few seconds his body was made of sand, but still kept it's shape. "See?" he said as he turned back to normal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nick thought for a moment, and realised that Pam was right. He'd been able to use his other senses a lot better after he lost his sight, which was a useful party trick some times. It was good to remember that, in retrospect. Pam had pretty good insight. "You're right." Nick announced. "You're a good person." She went on about her dog, lance, and Nick was reminded about his parents when they were debating whether or not to get Nick a guide dog to help him with living. In the end, they decided not to because it was too expensive. At that point, he wondered if he could learn echo-location, but he later decided that it would be ridiculous. Regardless, having a guide dog a positive thing. "Well, that's good." Nick said, replying to her comment about her dog. Nick bent down to pat Lance again, marvelling at its soft fur. "You take care of her, you here?" He said to it. As Nick got up again, he remembered that he wanted to talk someone who'd been at the school for some time, and Pam might just be that person... "I'm new to this school, so uh... What should I be doing right now?" Nick said. "I got a tour and everything, but I don't know what I'm doing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

As he walked down the hallway Levi noticed a disturbance of a sort coming from his right side of his peripheral vision. Pausing his stride just long enough so that he could pull the transmission towards the center of his vision before continuing down the street with a slight off distant gaze, an obvious sign to most that knew him that he was busy looking as some sort of electronic transmission that existed beyond the normal spectrum of sight. Curious on what exactly was happening out on Riverwood's perimeter to cause a notification, Levi watched the security feed. Without any prior action before Levi checked the transmission from the staff he already knew that whatever was happening wasn't a threat. Validating his point, the young man watched as a few new people made their way to the school. He already knew that there a few new students that arrived the past few days but he was glad to that a few unexpected people also found their way to the school. It meant that a few more people were able to get out of the grasp of the X Force which also lessened the amount of collateral damage the group could cause towards the general public. For a group that supposedly out to keep the public safe, they caused more damage outside of those with the X21 gene than he liked. Although he knew that some at the school held ill feeling towards those who were normal, it wasn't something Levi appreciated and a loss of a life or injury to either a normal person or those that hold a mutation was something he saw as equally tragic. Not wanting to bring up the memories of his time spent with the X Force to surface, Levi quickly brushed the thoughts away and made his way towards the lounge. He was surprised to see how empty the room was especially on a Saturday but shrugged it off and moved towards the bookcase and scanned the different titles of mostly fiction books. There were not as many choices as could be found in the library but there was just enough good selections that anyone that was in the lounge could find something of interest. However with four years under his belt at the school and with reading being one of his favorite pastime, he either outgrew or already read most of the books found on the bookcase. With a sigh, he looked around the empty room. If someone was there he might have talked to them or challenged them to a game of Foosball but the room was surprisingly empty, assuming that the students must be either sleeping in or busy with the new arrivals. He'd go see them eventually but knew with the normal hype that would ensure to happen, they didn't an extra person around.
Unsure on exactly where she wanted to go, Mia gazed at the map as she tried to figure out where exactly in the school she was at and decide on which key location highlighted on the map that she might want to visit first. However before she could get too far on deciphering the map and figuring out which direction each item on the was located, she collided into another person, knocking the map out of her hand. At first Mia would have been fine brushing the incident off with a brief apology or an awkward smile as the two continued their way but the way the older teen responded quickly put Mia into a defensive state as she furrowed her brows, reciprocating the upset nature the teen was showing. "Hey, it's not all my fault. Take your own advise and we wouldn't have this problem." Mia said arguing over what the teen said when she heard the first two words and knew he was trying to blame her, almost missing what he said when he noticed who she was. A look of surprise crossed the girl's face but was quickly masked by her prior anger as she hoped that her confusion didn't give away the predicament of not knowing who the teen was. By the way the teen acted, the girl wasn't sure if she should trust the black haired teen knowing that she didn't want to be taken advantage of just because she didn't have her memory. "Yes, it's me. So what?" Mia retorted as she continued her angry facade, obviously not recognizing who the teen was. "Why do you care?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuttynad


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Waking up do to hunger pangs Lucas rolls out of the bush he was in. Falling face first on the ground he gets up, seeing the new girl and hearing her ask where she was he says,"Riverwood Academy for the medically unusual." He turns away and walks back inside heading straight for the kitchen,and upon making it to the kitchen he walks up to one of the cupboards and takes out a jar of honey labeled, "Lucas' touch and get mauled." Lucas then opens it walks back outside and begins to eat the honey with apparent pleasure.
Looking at the person that just fell out of the bush, she decided to follow him, looking around at the same time. She saw him go inside and waited outside. After some time, he came out with a jar of honey. "Riverwood Academy got the medically unusual?" She asked suddenly, staring at the honey. It had been a long time since she had something to eat. She continued to stare at the honey, her stomach grumbling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Pamela thought on that for a moment. "its not really being a good person. I just...know from experience. And from being blind since birth" She said softly, "No one believed it when I could say that something was red, or that I could describe what someone looked like, or when things happened seconds, minutes after I said they would. They all thought I was crazy. So I came here. And realised I'm pretty normal here" She gave a soft laugh. Lance happily lapped at Nick's face. and when he rose, Lance placed his paws on Nicks legs, clearly wanting more pats as he let out a whine. At the question about what to do, Pamela said "Ah. Well. There's breakfast, and then there's classes. The quicker you master your abilities, the quicker you can be outside" Unless she thought The government or the school can find a use for you That was a bitter thought, and one she had no idea where it came from. Didn't make it any less true. "What classes do you have?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryuu left the room quietly and began to walk towards the kitchen. She was hungry and it was better to get food than to be hungry without it. So Ryuu headed towards the kitchen, questioning what to eat. Ryuu didn't really know what a normal person would eat, but whenever Ryuu was hungry she always went for meat. It probably had to do with her dragon side. Ryuu entered the kitchen, walked over to the fridge, pulling out some bacon, and began to fry it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Looking at the person that just fell out of the bush, she decided to follow him, looking around at the same time. She saw him go inside and waited outside. After some time, he came out with a jar of honey. "Riverwood Academy got the medically unusual?" She asked suddenly, staring at the honey. It had been a long time since she had something to eat. She continued to stare at the honey, her stomach grumbling.
Not even turning his head Lucas says,"Yeah medically unusual. Or if you are a normal person 'mutants' although the only true mutants are people like me." He turns to face the girl, noticing her hungry stare ,at his food, he realizes that she must want food. "And before you ask anymore questions follow me to the kitchen." He walks her to the kitchen and upon seeing Ryuu he waves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rebound raised an eyebrow at Mia's sharp retorts and huffing attitude. Well, he couldn't have expected less. Even when she knew who he was it wasn't like they'd been friends. He'd helped her out now and again with her reintegration after she'd had a reset day. He was pretty sure this was one of those days. He sighed and said, "I don't care, really. But you may as well let me show you the way to wherever it that you're going, since it's obvious that you had a reset day today." He held out his hand. "I'm Rebound. We know each other, sort of." He deliberately didn't make eye contact with her as he offered his hand, instead staring off to the side. Mia was an enigma. She was the only person at this school he didn't really have to worry about getting close to, because even if he did, she would forget him in a couple weeks anyways. There was little chance she would be able to take advantage of him if she couldn't even find her way around without a map. Still, he wasn't very good at social interactions. The other students at this school, they thought of him as someone to be avoided. Not that he discouraged that sort of thinking. It made his life easier. He didn't really know Mia well enough to know if she thought that way about him as well. On most of their previous interactions, he'd simply shown her around, she would thank him, then he'd be on his way. Beyond that, the only real interaction they'd had was if she waved at him now and again, which would draw questioning looks from the other students. She was a friendly sort of person, that much he'd picked up. He also knew she could take care of herself in a pinch. He'd once seen her body slam an older student who'd been picking on her. He'd allowed himself the barest hint of a smile at the sight. Who knew that such a friendly and apparently helpless girl could pack such a wallop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You know..." Nick said, thinking. "I don't really know." He hadn't exactly been told his classes, so that was probably why he was wondering what to do. But considering classes, did that mean that he needed a textbook or something? That would be tricky, considering he couldn't exactly read. But Pam had mentioned something about controlling his powers, so maybe it wouldn't be too bad. On the subject of Pam, however, she had mentioned that she'd been blind since birth. What she'd said afterwards had proved that she'd suffered hardships for her power, which appeared to be precognition of some sort. Nick got the feeling that she didn't really want to talk about it, which in turn, gave the feeling that she wasn't telling him everything. Which was fine. He didn't want to make her tell him something she didn't want to talk about. "Though, breakfast sounds really good right about now." Nick said. He was pretty hungry right now, and it was probably a good time for it. Maybe he'd find out the other stuff he wanted to know later. "I forgot where the kitchen is, so would you mind showing me the way?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ruth returned Lucas's wave with her scaly hand, primarily focused on her bacon. She was starving, but if Ryuu decided to breath fire, she would probably burn the bacon, so she couldn't. "Who's that with you?" Ryuu asked Lucas, noticing the girl beside him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Terraline groggily sat up and stared at the room before her. There seemed to be a girl with pink hair watching her. Her parents would have killed her if she had ever dyed her hair that color but still, it was rather pretty. However, that wasn't the strange part. This girl's nails looked like bird talons. Was this a dream after all? Some other boy joined and began questioning her. She wondered what they were all doing here. Were they here for her? Maybe she was the oddball here. After inhaling deeply, she tried to compose herself and push away the traumatic memory for now. Apparently she was in some sort of school. "How the heck did I end up here?"She muttered under her breath. Another girl squeezed between the two people and came toward her bedside. "Hi" the girl said with a wave, "I'm Cammy. How are you feeling?" "Hey... You can call me Terry. I'm kind of confused to be honest."She admitted. "I have no idea how I ended up here." Some other guy introduced himself as Black and spoke of making sure she should feel welcome in her new home. he also mentioned how she had no knowledge of mutants. After speaking to the others, he had addressed her finally with, "Lastly then, hello young one. Welcome to Riverwood. My name is Black, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Should you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them." He was not the only one to introduce himself. The pink haired girl introduced herself as Ryuu. Although, the other boy seemed to have departed. "Nice to meet you guys. Well for starters, what are mutants and how did I end up here?" Terraline inquired.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cammy fought hard not to roll her eyes at Black's admonishment but was unable to prevent her tongue from poking out of her mouth at him. Thankfully she managed to pull it back in before he noticed...She hoped. She sat on the end of the bed as Terry introduced herself and said "Nice to meet you guys. Well for starters, what are mutants and how did I end up here?". A lump began to form in Cammy's throat. She wasn't entirely clear on how this girl had ended up here but if the circumstances surrounding her arrival at the school were anything like Cammy's...She tried not to think about it. Too many of the kids around here had tragic stories. "Those are both great questions" she said, forcing a smile onto her face "And I'm sure Black will be happy to answer both of them and any more that you have. But for now...take my hand". Cammy reached her hand gently out towards Terry, trying her hardest to keep a friendly expression. She knew that she could take away any physical pain Terry may be in from whatever caused her to be brought in unconscious. She just had to touch her for a moment. It was easier to do it this way than to try and explain her strange ability.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 5 days ago

A loud scream interrupted Josephine's tranquil thoughts. The girl's mind had been focusing on how she would achieve first chair for orchestra. For some reason, Anna was ahead of her. Did the teacher not see the potential and greatness Josephine had? It was abysmal how they disregarded her talent. She had bene playing piano since the age of three. It disgusted her as well. If Mrs. Lyell didn't allow Josephine to try out for it again and succeed, then Anna was going to have a tragic accident. How she would was not yet thought out. Nonetheless, it would happen. No-one, no-one, out did Josephine Gray. She snapped back to reality. Her fingers froze over the newly polished piano keys with her light brown hair stroking the edges of it. Josie picked up her head. The scream had emitted from her mother. Why? What the hell was going on? Had her mother finally lost her mind? As she considered the scream, she could hear the agonizing fear and panic behind it. Josephine knew she hadn't set up any maniacal or diabolic trap that day. She rose to her feet, sincerely perplexed. As she crossed towards the room to her door, it banged open and flew off its' hinges. Josephine inhaled, jumping backwards and glaring. Four tall figures clothed entirely in black barged rudely into her room. Josephine stared at them, and then gathered herself. "Who the fuck are you - the 2015 Ninja Squad? God, you look awful. Your wardrobe is shittier than my sister's." "That must be the other sister." commented a male. His voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Josephine wondered why her ears were not bleeding yet. "Damn straight, dumbass." Josie snapped and grabbed her baton from the wall. "Get the fuck out of my room. No wonder you cover yourselves up - too cowardly and ugly to show yourselves." "Eliminate her. Now!" A woman to the right of the first male's voice. "She's so annoying." "Is that the only insult you came up with?" She moved into an offensive position. Her adrenaline began to rush. Josephine could feel her heart pounding tremendously against her ribcage. The noise reminded Josephine of a large elephant running from a pack of lions. Another scream - Terraline's - filled her ears. At least someone was going to get rid of the useless girl. Terry was going nowhere in life. Her mother and sister's screams were announced; but what of her brother, Xander? Had he escaped? Whatever. She didn't care. All that mattered was that she managed to survive. The figure to her right lunged at her. Josephine swung out with her baton, the tip making contact with their elbow. It was then that she realized it was a woman by the high-pitched cry. The others paused, evaluating their comrade's injury. "Son of a bitch!" She roared in pain, holding her now broken and shattered elbow. The woman's arm hung awkwardly and limply. "I'm not a son although my mother is a bitch." Josephine responded and jumped into the air. She kicked her in the chest with both feet and sent them stumbling backwards. The woman collapsed on the floor, dazed by the pain. Josephine landed catlike on her feet and glared viciously. "Who's next?" The group evaluated her, immobile. They glanced around at one another, silently communicating. "What are you, telepathic?" she taunted, a wicked smile curling her lips. This seemed to make the male - who was bulky and toned - look at her sharply. His neck had moved so fast that Josephine wondered why it did not break. If he didn't do it himself, then she would. "Get her." The woman ordered, her voice strained by the agony of her broken elbow. "Yeah, catch me if you can.” Josephine laughed and avoided the man's lunge. She wrapped her leg around his and pulled hard, knocking him down. She composed herself and lunged at him to throw him off balance. It was successful, because he staggered. She head-butted him and twisted off of him and onto the floor. Just then, the unidentified figure grabbed her shirt- her designer shirt. Josephine screeched as the individual slammed their fist into the back of her neck. They threw her to the floor and kicked her aside. She bit back a cry of pain and rolled onto her hands and feet as quickly as possible. She was dizzy, but refused to give up. She was not losing her life because of a few idiots. The tall man and unidentified figure remained. "Too sexy and quick for you," Josephine smirked, her blue eyes gleaming with joy. That's when the man took out a gun and aimed it at her. The smirk faded, and then pulled back up. "That's all you brought - a stupid little handgun? I laugh in the face of danger." Josie quoted, laughing maliciously. The figure glanced at the man, then began to slowly edge their way around to the back of Josephine. "Oh I see how it is - tag teaming. Clearly you know I'd kick your ass solo." Josephine kept her eyes on the man with the gun, but was watching the other in her peripheral vision. The figure was taking out some silver, shining object. "Afraid?" the man taunted, waving his gun mockingly at her. Did this man think a gun was going to take her out? She was tougher than that. "Hardly," she replied dryly, keeping her stance and holding her baton. The figure was out of her view now, which only infuriated Josephine. She relied on her sense of awareness and hearing. The man smiled at her; then raised his gun and locked it into place. She tensed, wondering which way she should move both attacks, if possible. The gun was more important. The figure behind her was not as threatening. They were not as fast as a bullet. His finger circled the trigger; then fired. The figure behind her lunged at her as well. That's when the room exploded into flames from every direction and angle. _______________________________________________ Josephine's eyes opened. Her vision was slow to come back. She discovered she was in a hospital room. There was something on her face that was uncomfortable. Her breathing sounded loud in her ears. Her breaths fogged up the oxygen mask, she realized. This brought her to question why she had an oxygen mask on. The night's events replayed in her mind slowly, like a faucet dripping water. There was a group of black figures that were murdering everyone in their house. They had attacked her... She almost was shot... Josephine inhaled sharply, clouding the mask. The man had shot. But after that what happened? Josephine couldn't remember the rest; all she remembered was the fire afterwards, the nothing. She tried to sit up, but ended up coughing and clouding her mask even more. There were burns all over her body, and the scent of smoke was strong. “Whoa, easy there,” A doctor came over and gently pushed her back down. Sadly, Josie didn’t have the strength to fight and laid back down much to her dismay. How dare this man touch her! Josephine stared at him and narrowed her gaze. “You’re confused- I can tell – so I’ll explain. Your family was attacked by the X-Force agents. To save you and your siblings, you were transported to Riverwood Academy. This academy is for people with superpowers – much like you.” He smiled down at her. “Yours seems to be pyrokinesis, Ms. Josephine, gathering by the sudden fire. Welcome to Riverwood, we are happy to have you.” This man would come to regret his words.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axilmeus Steel
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Axilmeus Steel Lemon Guy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Black smiled warmly as Terry introduced herself and began to ask questions, At least this means she's somewhat comfortable with us, he thought to himself. Though this wasn't a light topic, he was happy to take the opportunity to educate the girl on what exactly was going on, solemnly, yet in a calm voice, he began his explanation, "What are mutants? That's a loaded question really. We're a lot of things: outcasts, aliens, beasts, terrors, fears, and targets, but also beautiful, unique, and misunderstood. We, you and I, and all the students here at Riverwood are mutants. People like us have... how do I put this... well... mutations really. Superpowers for lack of a better term. If you'd take Cammy's hand, that give you a good idea. Personally..." Black flicked his hand and a little ball detached itself from his shadow and flitted around the room, "I'm able to control shadows. Mutants all have their own unique abilities, think of it like a supernatural fingerprint. I can say with faith that you have a power as well, although you might not have figured it out yet. As for how you got here, I don't have as thorough of an explanation, but most likely you were attacked by X-Force, a group of people who want to destroy all mutants. They view us as threats. It's possible tha---" he was interrupted by some ruckus in the neighboring room. He chuckled "Busy day huh Cammy? Mind keeping Terry company while I go investigate the noise?" After receiving his answer, he left for the next door doctor's room. He came upon a doctor dealing with another girl. She looked older than Terry, and had notably more severe injuries. It did seem, however, that she was abounding with energy based on her body's disposition and the look in her eyes. More new people... not a bad thing, but not exactly how he planned on spending his Sunday nevertheless, he choose to skip the formalities with this girl, as the doctor had already dealt with most of that. He made his presence known, "A pyrokinetic huh? I'm always welcoming to new people such as yourself. My name is Black, an I'm an umbrakinetic myself. How are you feeling?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuttynad


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ruth returned Lucas's wave with her scaly hand, primarily focused on her bacon. She was starving, but if Ryuu decided to breath fire, she would probably burn the bacon, so she couldn't. "Who's that with you?" Ryuu asked Lucas, noticing the girl beside him.
Nadia followed the person into the kitchen, wondering why he was bringing her there. Maybe he was gonna give her food, that would be really nice of him. She saw a girl in the kitchen and blinked. "I'm Nadia" she said upon her question. This person seems nice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Pamela smiled and said "Sure. I was heading that way in any case. Follow me" She said brightly, starting to walk, looking back to make sure that Nick was following. "Hopefully there's someone who can cook. I'm not going to try cooking" She said, her voice seeming to go distant as she spoke. "We can discuss classes too. There's the usual, and then there's power classes. learning to control, classes on responsibility and all that." She rolled her eyes, Lance giving a yip, she pushed open a door to the kitchen, and gave Lance a pat. "Don't worry. You'll learn this place pretty quickly. Most of the other students are okay, but I haven't talked to them too much. Haven't been here that long, really. Just a few weeks"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well, that's still a few more weeks than me. Minus 2 days, anyway." Nick said, absorbing all the things she said. Power control classes, responsibility classes, and probably quite a number of other ones she hadn't mentioned, which sounded alright so far. He was curious about how to control his power. As far as he knew, he just knew where everything around him was, kind of. Rather awkward when you can see through walls sometimes. That said, would power control mean that he could increase his range? That might be good. But he'd also like to control what he 'sees', because he doesn't want to be called a pervert. [i]Best not to mention the seeing through walls part.[i] Nick thought. That said, the classes seemed fine, at least for now, so he shouldn't have any problems. "Well, if I can least skip out on maths, I'm set." Nick muttered. "My arithmetic is abysmal." The door to the kitchen was open and Nick stuck his head in and looked around. He spotted a few students in the reasonably large kitchen and called out to them. "Hello? Anyone who can cook?" He called.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MamaSushi
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MamaSushi Chin Chin Sacrifice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"What am I looking for? A place to be safe from them... I've been on the run for the past year, they came for me on my 18th birthday. If I can't stay here can I at least sleep here for a couple a days? I'm sick of the running, too many people have died because of it. Last week, a group of them came after me, they didn't even care about the civilians... They shot two people, a husband and wife in an attempt to kill me. Two innocent people, who weren't the only ones, died because of what I can do. That, is why I am here." Chris opened his hands, "do you need me to prove that I'm not... Normal?" Valentine proved his point very blatantly, as his skin began to turn into sand. In a few seconds his body was made of sand, but still kept it's shape. "See?" he said as he turned back to normal.
She blinked, a chuckle coming from her voice. "Well, looks like you are in the right place, sandman." Dolor balanced her things for a moment, making a jerking movement with her head to follow. "C'mon, we better you get registered, unless you already know whats going on here?"
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