Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tony sighed as he finished off the last of his coffee. The sunlight was just beginning to shine through the windows of his dorm. The guy had been up all night. If his brain wasn't so damn efficient, he would be a mess. Not to mention that he had burned through 8 cups of coffee. He had two laptops open on his bed, with papers scattered all around his bed. He had already created multiple strategies to fight a surplus of people. Hart grinned and crackled his knuckles, let the games begin! He hid all his papers and deleted his browser histories, he knew there was a guy who could mess with technology. The last thing he needed was him to get his hands on all of his papers. Tony got ready for the day briskly, and headed to the cafeteria to get some chow. Thanks to his eidetic memory, he could recall all of his papers easily, he was studying without even looking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Starting today I'm the schools councilor and as apart of the faculty i'm required to be up and about before students." Marcus noticed how Deus jumped out of the bed and smiled." We get are gauntlets today ,so I hope your ready for a day of fun. Unlike you I have to stay in my office for most of the day like a sitting duck." Marcus threw about 10 more punches with the two 2½ ton dumb bells and placed them down on personal stand that was able to hold that amount of weight." In about to get some breakfast ,wanna join me?" @BranchOfSin
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 2 days ago

Liz looked up at the person who had walked into her with a frown until she recognized the face and imdiately jumped up and tackle hugged the guy "Sol! Its been a while, you've changed! How are you? Is Meruin back? Have you been training well? Are any of the new students strong?" She flooded her old friend with questions before stopping as if coming out of a daze "Breakfast? I would love some." The girl smiled pulling away from her friend and picking up her luggage "Lead the way~" Liz finally said cheerfully giving off a radiant smile. @Eklispe
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akurai
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Akurai Kawaii in the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It had take Henrik one day longer then he expected to reach the island and it had now resulted in him missing one day of school, something he was sure would be the first thing the teachers would bring up as soon as he showed up. However he didn't care, he was just happy about being out of the reach of his parents. "Now, where is that school ?" The school was relatively easy to find, especially after he asked what felt like half the population of the town or more commonly known as 3 people. And like magic 10 minute after he stood the top of the stairs just in front of the main entrance. "Should I wait here or ? " He could see people everywhere, but he couldn't really bring himself to ask anyone here
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Beep beep beep be- Another one bites the dust... It was now becoming a sort of little ritual of Alex to destroy his alarm in the morning and then proceed to create a new one to replace it. This time it was a futuristic looking one with bright lights on the sides and a big screen in the middle to show what time it was. After inspecting it for a couple of seconds, Alex put it down in its usual place right beside his bed and got up, stretched his body and yawned. Today their gauntlets would be distributed and Alex had to be there in person to get his; Damn bureaucracy, why must you make things so hard for us followers of sloth? he thought and with a lazy flick of his fingers, his clothes were on and his face became as if freshly rinsed. Oh, i just remembered about Deus. I should visit and see how he is he thought. He closed his eyes and searched for the nurse's room. Once he found it he instantly teleported to its coordinates and saw Deus and Marcus talking. "Seems you are all better" he said, taking a better look at Deus, "I can sort of imagine what will happen when you two fight for real, and it doesn't look pretty in my mind let me tell you" he said jokingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus laughed at Alex's remark as he entered the room."Haha, Guess I overdid it yesterday even though I was using 70% of my strength yesterday" Deus began to jump up and down and throw some kicks in the air. He moved his arm around checking to see if there were any misplaced bones in his body, it seemed he had done a full recovery over one night, which was pretty impressive for him. He looked at Marcus and nodded at his suggestion of going to eat breakfast. "Sucks to be you, getting stuck in an office for the whole day.. Say Alex, we were about to go eat breakfast, want to come with us?" @Slendy @Vec
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan sat down at a table to eat his food when he looked at his watch. "I wonder when Meruin will wake up." He looked at Sol and the others and waved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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"Nah, you guys go ahead. I have something to do right now but I will catch up with you later when we get our gauntlets" Alex said and waved goodbye right before he teleported away, leaving exactly as he came. @Slendy
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris woke up with a yawn, her internal alarm deciding to wake her up finally. She crawled out of bed with her hair looking like a rats nest and started getting dressed in a red zip up hoodie and long jeans avoiding ripping the hoodie (too much) with the scales on her arm. After she had gotten dressed Eris picked up her sword and jumped out the window landing behind a group of students who screamed a bit to which Eris replied with the formation of a few blades that pointed at their necks and a rather rude "shut the hell up" before she started heading for the cafeteria, getting side-tract by a tennis ball court with a ball launcher, "I'll come back to this later" she said before walking away and entering the cafeteria followed by ring of about 6 light blades and her hoodie partially unzipped. She started to scan the room for other people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin got up and found that she was the only person awake . . . well, wide awake, anyway. Elza appeared to be conscious, but didn't seem to like it, if going back to bed was any indication. She decided to leave her until she was more alert, for now, she had breakfast to attend to. She quickly got out, a trail of floating books and a mass of floating hair behind her which was being combed by a floating silver brush. There were a lot of things floating around Meruin, basically. As soon as she got to the dining area, many people began staring at her. She shrugged, she was the third ranked Student Council member, she got stares like this most of the time. A few people wolf-whistled in her direction, and she frowned; was there someone particularly attractive behind her? Soon, she caught sight of another familiar face. She smiled and greeted them. "Good morning, Sol, Ryan, and of course, it's pleasure to see you again after all this time, Liz," she said. A breeze blew by and she felt herself shiver. "It's fairly cold today, isn't it?" Well, you would be a bit chilly if you were completely nude except for your panties. Again, plenty of things were floating around Meruin - that included her thoughts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Cya Alex!" Marcus turned towards Deus and grinned. "Today we feast!!!!!!!!" He shouted storming out of the infirmary dodging students and progressing down the hall to the lunch room. He was in a rush to the lunch room because he haven't eaten in awhile and he needed to be at his best if he was gonna be challenged. As he kicked open the lunch room doors. He walked casually towards the counter to order his food. On his way there he waved and said good morning to the people he passed by. "Um...morning 3.....nice outfit?" Marcus was lost and starring for quite awhile. He smiled and kept walking as if he didn't see anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tony was in the middle of piling food onto his place when Meruin walked into the cafeteria almost naked. The guy almost dropped his tray. blood shot out of his nose like a faucet Tony shook his thoughts away and continued to sit at a vacant table, as he passed the girl he raised an eyebrow, "you do realize you're basically naked right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Dammit Marcus, wait up!" Deus said as he began to run after him. He somehow felt faster than before, even though he wasn't using his wind affinity. He catches up to him in no time. He walked in and saw as Marcus said hi to some girl. He saw Ryan so he waved at him. He caught up with Marcus. "Dammit Marcus, you should've waited for me to put on a shirt at least. Anyways, who was the girl you just waved to?" Deus asked curiously. He put his hand on his chest, there were some bandages there. He took an orange, then spawned a knife cutting it into four pieces. @Slendy
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Meruin got up and found that she was the only person awake . . . well, wide awake, anyway. Elza appeared to be conscious, but didn't seem to like it, if going back to bed was any indication. She decided to leave her until she was more alert, for now, she had breakfast to attend to. She quickly got out, a trail of floating books and a mass of floating hair behind her which was being combed by a floating silver brush. There were a lot of things floating around Meruin, basically. As soon as she got to the dining area, many people began staring at her. She shrugged, she was the third ranked Student Council member, she got stares like this most of the time. A few people wolf-whistled in her direction, and she frowned; was there someone particularly attractive behind her? Soon, she caught sight of another familiar face. She smiled and greeted them. "Good morning, Sol, Ryan, and of course, it's pleasure to see you again after all this time, Liz," she said. A breeze blew by and she felt herself shiver. "It's fairly cold today, isn't it?" Well, you would be a bit chilly if you were completely nude except for your panties. Again, plenty of things were floating around Meruin - that included her thoughts.
Ryan sighed and took off his jacket. He tossed it to Meruin and continued eating. He looked up at her for a moment than looked back down with a light blush. "Glad to see some things never change." He pulled out a set of Tarot Cards (not his Grimoire ones) and spread them out. Certain cards floated up and pointed towards certain people. The High Priestess card pointed at Meruin, The Justice pointed at Sol, The Chariot pointed at Marcus, The Hierophant at Deus, and The Fool pointed at Ryan. "So those are your arcanas. Interesting." All the Tarot cards settled back into one place and Ryan gathered them up. "That is the only spell I can do with cards without my Grimoire. However I find it is very interesting to find someone's personality symbolized into a single card. Wouldn't you all agree?" Ryan asked out loud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh that's Meruin but I call her 3 because she's ranked 3 on the student council. She's probably crazy strong." He looks back at Meruin. " She ....usually wears clothes and be the rep for are lovely group but...." Marcus completely ended his sentence midway filling his plate with fruits and vegetables. He grabbed an apple of his plate and began to eat it. He waved a Tony as he walked over to him." Hey! Sup Tony!" Marcus turned back to Deus. "Listen if you ever want to challenge her tell me first you might need back up." He sat down and started eating a few carrots. @BranchOfSin @DaDrummer676
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tony lifted his chin to Marcus, "speaking of Meruin. It's going to suck when I have to fight her. Word is she's psycho in battle." Hart shrugged as he chowed on his food. "She's some kind of magic user right? Heard she messed shit up last year in her first battle."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris walked up to the group and sat down with a thump, "hey everybody great day isn't it." she said then turned towards Ryan, "Hey your not going to go after me as soon as we get those gauntlets right Ryan?" she asked completely disregarding the fact that others were there for a second "Because that wouldn't be good for us if there was a council fight just yet" she said attempting to lightly tapping her right index finger to the tip of his nose then remembering that others were there quickly saying "Oh... hi I'm number 6 nice to meet you all" and giving a quick salute but forgot about her scales and incidentally left a small welt on her forehead "Oww..." @floodtalon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"It's okay Marcus, I wouldn't go head first into a fight without knowing my opponents abilities first. I'm not that reckless, besides I won't be challenging her anytime soon, I am weaker than her currently, but I am perfecting a technique since I got here, and it just might work well." Deus said as he looked back at Meruin seeing her without clothes. That kind of bothered him a bit, he wasn't in the mood for anything that would distract him. Even now Deus was training but in his mind, doing some Image Training. "Psycho huh? That works at her advantage and at ours as well." Deus ate the orange and made some of the peels disappear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eris walked up to the group and sat down with a thump, "hey everybody great day isn't it." she said then turned towards Ryan, "Hey your not going to go after me as soon as we get those gauntlets right Ryan?" she asked completely disregarding the fact that others were there for a second "Because that wouldn't be good for us if there was a council fight just yet" she said attempting to lightly tapping her right index finger to the tip of his nose then remembering that others were there quickly saying "Oh... hi I'm number 6 nice to meet you all" and giving a quick salute but forgot about her scales and incidentally left a small welt on her forehead "Oww..." @floodtalon
Ryan considered her request for a moment than looked at her seriously. "No, I will wait. I do not yet have enough info on you to fight with an advantage." He than picked up his cards again and looked at her closely. The Empress card shot out and glowed in her presence. "I see." He grabbed the card and put it back in the deck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@The ghost in black Sol had been carefully thinking about who to challenge as he walked to breakfast. He quickly gobbled down a stack of tables and decided that he would settle for the number 6 spot. After all Eris had just announced that she was number 6. Besides 6 was a nice number, not as presumptous as 5 or as daring as 4. Or as sucidal as 3. He turned to face the girl, "Well perhaps a council fight this soon would be to much, but how about fighting a normal student, it should be entertaining if nothing else eh?" he said curious to hear her respone and hoping she would be up for a fight. Sol had missed the ease at which battles erupted at this school. --- Elza groaned and reluctantly got up. She clothed herself lazily and managed to drag herself down to the cafateria, she needed coffee. Lots of coffee
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