Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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"So let me get this straight, Your challenging Me now correct?" she asked with a quizzical tone in her voice then continued "well then may i ask who my challenger is?" and stood up stretching having to look up at him "maybe I'll accept if I know at least that" @Eklispe
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin paused and stared at herself. Very characteristically, she was rather nonchalant about the whole affair. She caught Ryan's jacket and shook her head, handing the jacket back. "There's no need Tyl- er, I mean, Ryan. I actually have a spell that can bend the space between my body and clothes, but . . ." Meruin trailed off, an idea occurring to her. "I have an obligation to show you, Sol and the others a little of what I've developed in these recent years." It was a strange logic; that friends should know the secrets of other friends, but not too much of them, just enough to be friends. It was a logic that suited Meruin quite well. She muttered a few words under her breath, and a dazzling flare of seven lights covered her body. In the few seconds that it stayed, those with keen eyes could see thousands of tiny circles intersecting with each other like incandescent chainmail, then a brighter light layered over all of them and finally it settled down. Meruin was no longer nearly naked - rather, almost her whole body was covered in a silvery robe. It was fairly simple: long sleeves and golden bands around her waist and middle-fingers, but it exuded and aura of invincibility that was so potent, it seemed physical. Meruin took a deep breath. Summoning the thing had taken a lot of concentration. "Here; one of my improved spells - it's name is Perpetual Fortress. It's a series of exactly 5,123 barriers interlocked together, each with different and varying effects that compliment and support the whole, then layered with a three more non-chained barriers for added defense." She took one look at her sleeves, scowled, then stared at Ryan. "It's only weakness is that it's too powerful, and by summoning it, I'm basically sacrificing all offense for defense. I have never actually needed to use it before." "It doesn't mean much, but at the very least, I want you to see that I haven't been idle while you haven't seen me," she said with a small smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz followed Sol to the cafeteria smiling and waving to Meruin as she arrived seeing old habit never died old with her as she remembered the first time she met the girl Liz had to offer her jacket just like Ryan did who seemed to offer Tarot cards to everyone except her but she bit her tongue about it due partly to the fact she was already eating a slice of toast. Looking around for new people Liz spotted a table of new people made up of Marcus, Tony and Deus. Leaving her luggage with her past friends she walked over to them and took a seat by the 3 "Hey, nice to meet you! I am Liz." The girl smiled "Did I miss everyone's introductions yesterday?" Liz asked curious of what magic they possessed. @Branchofsin @DaDrummer676 @Slendy
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Tony sighed, so much was already happening. He managed to see Ryan's Tarot Cards, and added a mental note to the thousands he had floating around in his head at the moment. He greeted Deus and Eris, and watched as Sol walked over to the table. He challenged Eris, Hart perked up and watched with interest. Lucy watched as his sister groggily came over to his table and sat next to him. He slid a cup of coffee too her, which she accepted greatfully. Even she, in her tired state, watched the challenge set by Sol against Eris. Would she accept? Tony smiled at Liz and said, "nice to meet ou. I'm Tony, and this is my sister Lucy," as he gestured to the blond haired girl next to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@The ghost in black Sol had been about to reply when a flare of light came from a barely clothed Meruin beside him. He turned to face the source to see Meruin basically wearing a contained rainbow, 5123 barriers.... and here Sol thought his own magic was progessing well. Getting through one of Meruin's barriers was hard, that many, well you might as well not even bother wasting your time, "Most impressive work Meruin, good to see you haven't been slacking off." Sol turned back to face Eris, "Aplogizes for my lack of manners, My name is Sol, a second year student. Keep in mind when you accept my challenge you are of course free to set the conditions for victory." he said making sure that he wasn't exploiting someone for thier lack of knowledge
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Meruin paused and stared at herself. Very characteristically, she was rather nonchalant about the whole affair. She caught Ryan's jacket and shook her head, handing the jacket back. "There's no need Tyl- er, I mean, Ryan. I actually have a spell that can bend the space between my body and clothes, but . . ." Meruin trailed off, an idea occurring to her. "I have an obligation to show you, Sol and the others a little of what I've developed in these recent years." It was a strange logic; that friends should know the secrets of other friends, but not too much of them, just enough to be friends. It was a logic that suited Meruin quite well. She muttered a few words under her breath, and a dazzling flare of seven lights covered her body. In the few seconds that it stayed, those with keen eyes could see thousands of tiny circles intersecting with each other like incandescent chainmail, then a brighter light layered over all of them and finally it settled down. Meruin was no longer nearly naked - rather, almost her whole body was covered in a silvery robe. It was fairly simple: long sleeves and golden bands around her waist and middle-fingers, but it exuded and aura of invincibility that was so potent, it seemed physical. Meruin took a deep breath. Summoning the thing had taken a lot of concentration. "Here; one of my improved spells - it's name is Perpetual Fortress. It's a series of exactly 5,123 barriers interlocked together, each with different and varying effects that compliment and support the whole, then layered with a three more non-chained barriers for added defense." She took one look at her sleeves, scowled, then stared at Ryan. "It's only weakness is that it's too powerful, and by summoning it, I'm basically sacrificing all offense for defense. I have never actually needed to use it before." "It doesn't mean much, but at the very least, I want you to see that I haven't been idle while you haven't seen me," she said with a small smile.
Ryan looked at the robe and sighed. This was his one major problem in his quest to become president. He had to compete with Meruin, who was seemingly unbeatable. "Eris, you are being challenged by Sol. Now that he has challenged you, you may dictate when and where you are fighting. There is no declining the challenge." He explained quickly while putting on his jacket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin switched out of the robe by muttering a few words, and was back to wearing regular clothing. "Well, like I said, it's impressive, but impractical. I can't do anything but stand or run while wearing Perpetual Fortress." She looked at Eris and Sol with some interest. While it's true that Eris as a Student Council member couldn't back down from the challenge, her challenger was someone who definitely wouldn't be easy to beat. If he'd improved over the time she had not seen him, then she wasn't sure that Eris could win. Of course, it could just be a bit of bias for a friend, but still . . .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus looked at Liz. "Nice to meet you Liz, My name is Deus Ira. And yeah you missed the introductions, I wasn't there for it either, so whatever." Deus said. He felt a little bit excited, he couldn't wait for the ranking battles. But he knew that he needed to train some more. He got up from the table. "Well guys sorry to cut this short, but I need to head back to my dorm. Got some training to do." Deus said as he left the cafeteria.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Tony , 3 (Meruin), stop bickering in front of the children." Marcus laughed standing up and throwing his plate away." Maybe you guys should go see a marriage councilor." He waved good bye." I'm gonna go two, have to be in my office at a certain time. I'll be in the back room so if any of you guys stop by just ring the bell and I'll come out, cya!" He shouted exiting the lunch room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well Sol I have no choice but to accept the challenge but what would the conditions be?" She said half to herself as she began pacing then stopped in her tracks with a smile on her face and turned towards Sol. "How about a tennis match, one on one no outside assistance, an hour after we get our gauntlets on the tennis court we only use magic no rackets."
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz looked at the Tony's little sister and smiled "Hi, nice to meet you. I have a little sister as well but shes a bit younger then you still." She spoke and finished eating her breakfast before watching Marcus walk off curious of him as he never introduced himself before "Well, It was nice meeting the 3 of you." Liz waved off to Tony, Deus and Lucy as she headed off to the office Marcus mentioned and knocked on the door "Hello~ Are you in there?" She asked and knocked again louder impatient for a response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Yeah come in!" Marcus was on a computer behind his desk typing with a unsatisfied look on his face. Mumbles a few swears since he can't train until he's caught up on all his paper work."Bullshit." He repeated every time he clicked on the mouse scanning through pages filled with words that are probably important and should be reading. @Dash375
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz slowly opened the door and walked in shutting it behind "Hey, you were the guy at the cafeteria." She took a seat opposite him looking at the office space before focusing back in on Marcus "I am Liz nice to meet you." She spoke and got up from her chair and looked at the work he was doing "That looks dull? Is this is what is keeping you from training and fighting people?" Liz asked briefly scanning over the words "Want some help with it?" @Slendy
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Yeah i am the guy from the cafeteria who happens to be named Marcus , 8th on the student council and your councilor for the rest of your life at this academy." He finishes the page and grins evily standing over the computer. He punched a hole through the screen." No that's okay......I think it must've short wired or something." He lied forgetting that she was there when he punch the hole in the screen. "So what did you need help with?" He kicked his feet onto the desk. "Boy problems ,bullies ,drug abuse, alcohol abuse , thinking about suicide ,thinking about getting laid.......did I say boy problems?" He was pretty happy to have his first student to help on the first day of the job ,but you can tell he was anxious to train . @Dash375
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Slendy "Well, Nice to meet you." Liz gave a small freaked out chuckle when he punched the hole in the computer and just put it down to something completely different "OH a problem?" Liz asked coming back down from being taken back by his sudden punch "I have no real problem I just came to introduce myself and make sure you would not bored or lonely." The girl explained and pulled out two chocolate bars "Want one?" She asked already starting to eat the first one "Oh, if you want I can help you train as well." Liz spoke with a mouth half full but she was in too good a mood to care about good manners.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus grabbed the chocolate and nibbled into it. " Thanks he mumbled as he chewed more pieces of the candy bar. " I......guess you can help me." He walked over to a window and opened it. " I hope you're preparer because I'm gonna try to push my self to my limit in this battle since I have my gauntlet now." Luckily Marcus was apart of the school staff and the staff receives their gauntlets before the students. "Meet me on the track feild ." He said jumping out the window. He causally walked to the track field notice that the damage he , Deus and Tony cause to the feild the other day was gone. " Man, that clean up crew sure does work fast." Marcus stood in the middle of the track field waiting for Liz so he can activate his gauntlet. @Dash375
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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@The ghost in black Sol tilted his head curiously, he had been hoping for something a little more combat oriented. Obviously his opponent had chosen such an event because she believed that she would hold the advantage. Unfortunately Sol was equally sure she was right, it would most certainly be an interesting match up. "Very well then, we shall meet in an hour on the tennis court." he said and moved towards the court and sat down by some nearby seats. An hour to prepare, just what he needed, if the challenge had been immediate he probably would've been crushed. But he had learned from Meruin, time to prepare was time to set up magic. He began concentrating on what he wanted to do to give himself the advantage, the most likely one to succeed would work without a doubt, however it would be very, rude to say the least. Sol stored that plan away in the back of his mind, if worst came to worst he would use it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Eklispe "Great see you then" she said as she walked out the cafeteria and towards the Dorm to change into something more suitable for sports. When she came out she was wearing gym shorts and a short sleeve shirt, "well better go set up" Eris said before walking towards the tennis court and moving the automatic tennis ball launcher into place then started lightly tracing runes on the ground with the tip of her sword. To anyone watching it would look like she was dancing with her light blades with the way she spun and twisted and the way the ring of her shadows and her blades rotated and dipped. While she did this she hummed her favorite song moonlight symphony and the light blades shifted changing into giant great swords that obstructed outside view of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan sat at the tennis court watching Eris do her thing. "Secret Grimoire Art. See through the veil, The High Priestess." Ryan whispered to himself as the Roman Numeral for 2 glowed on his hand. Ryan saw through the blades obstructing her and was fascinated by the runes. "Quite the setup you have."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Wait a fight..." Liz was going to object but he had already jumped out the window. She sighed finishing off her chocolate and looking up, she barely knew anything about his powers and she barely had any time to set up but was had given her word to help him train so she would not back down as she made her way to the cafeteria and walking over to Meruin "Hey, can you look after my stuff? I got myself into a fight by accident by being too nice." She chuckled and ran off to the track field "Will this work with only one gauntlet? Last time both participants need their gauntlet." Liz asked "Oh and this is my weapon." She pulled out a water bottle throwing it up in the air a bit a few times "I assume you have no objections to that." @slendy
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