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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

As Nigel finished his sentence, Piper entered the guild hall and greeted them. "Hey there Pipes" Nigel returned her greeting. "Well what you felt must have been the guild masters. They are hav-" Suddenly the guild hall's doors bursted open and a person, seemingly a knight judging from the armor he was wearing, came inside. Nigel listened patiently as he described the situation to them. Apparently, someone stole the soul fragments of Demon Maw's Master from the Magic Council's Treasury Vault and had used them to create demons that were now wreaking havoc through Clover and Cedar town. The Council designated those areas as danger zones and is now gathering A and S-class mages to combat the demons. Nigel quickly brought up his heads up displays. Letters started appearing before him and difficult-to-understand formulas were being deployed in rapid succesion. Once finished, Nigel took a big breath in and exhaled, trying to calm himself; "Considering what you've told us and the fact that there are so few reports coming in from the battlefi-" Nigel didn't even have time to finish his sentence when he felt the information being loaded into his head. He had once before been given information through the Archive but it always gave him a weird feeling. He shrugged off the thought as the information transfer finished. Apparently, the Council issued an emergency mission. Two teams from Viper Bolt and Harpy Wing were to find and get rid of the dark guild, Dead Eye. Great timing Nigel thought. Wait, could Dead Eye be behind the demons attack on Clover Town and Cedar Town? Nigel glanced at Aran and Piper, wondering if they arrived to the same conclusion as he had. "As I said before, considering what you've told us and the fact that there are so few reports coming in from the two battlefields and by implying that the demons arrived and started destroying the two towns atleast one hour before any rescue signal was sent by the towns autorities, I can safely assume that those demons are above-average intelligence. They must have already destroyed both of the town halls" Nigel said. He had felt the knights voice cracking as he mentioned Cedar town. Ugh, there's only so much three S-class mages can do against four demons and to make it worse, there are two battlefields which means that we will have to split up as well. Nigel's mind was overclocking, calculating and trying to find a solution for this dire situation they were in. He suddenly turned to Piper "I want you to go search for any A-class or above mage in the vicinity. I assume the message about Dead Eye must have been delivered to them as well but they must not know about the demon attack. Find anyone you can, relay the information to them and tell them to drop anything they are doing and quickly gather at the guild hall" he said, "I think that teleporting groups uses up less magic than teleporting one person at a time right?" he asked the knight."Aran, I want you to do the same as Piper, find any S-class mage you can and tell them to gather here, we are going to split in two teams, one will head to Clover town and one will head to Cedar Town" he said and looked over at the knight with a smile. "Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry!" Nigel urged them, they didn't have much time and casually idling here wasn't helping one bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai, Lunar Wolf Vanu Mission - CANCELED
Kuro's concentration shatters as he feels a massive explosion ripping through the town without warning. Yet it had not came from his hands or his opponents. He looks beyond Vanu to see a brilliant flash of light, almost brighter then the sun, coming from where once stood the Fairy Tail guild. Wait... THE FAIRY TAIL GUILD?! "W-What the~?" Kuro stutters as he looks upon the location as debris came falling down from the sky. He stands there, eyes wide and jaw opened, as he tries to figure out what the hell was going on! Yet falling just right in front of him was what appears to be a letter, no more then a meter or two across. He kneels down to take a closer look. The letter was a F. Then, several more letter-looking objects come down. One was an A. Another was a Y. An I... Kuroku gotten himself a heart attack when he realized EXACTLY where this debris was coming from. SOMEONE BLEW UP THE MOST ICONIC LANDMARK OF FIORE. SOMEONE BLEW UP THE LATE FAIRY TAIL GUILD! The Winter Spirit was horrified at what he was seeing. He couldn't believe it! WHO destroyed the guild? WHY did they do it? and WHAT purpose did it serve to that one? For the first time in a long time, small tears began to drip slowly down his face. Fairy Tail was his role-model. They inspired him to become a mage! Their spirit and courage helped him achieve the S-Class in Lunar Wolf! All the emotions and memories came flooding through his mind all at once like a tsunami. He struggles to keep himself calm, but it was here that the feels were real. All TOO real. He punches his fist on the ground in pure anger as he slowly gets up from his kneeling position. He looks at Vanu, with the last of his tears still dripping down his face. She couldn't have been the culprit. Sure, he was tasked to defeat her, but he did not sense any magic that would allow her to make things explode. In this instance, she seemed innocent. He opens his mouth as he begins to speak. "*Sniff* V-Vanu..." he says with a stutter as he tries to keep calm, "Forget what I said about engaging our battle. We got a BIGGER problem to deal with. C'mon!"
Vyper Bolt Guild Hall - Matisuki Kiryuin
Matisuki's eyes opened in surprise after Lucas made the urgent announcement. He makes a low guttural growl as he slowly gets up from sitting down, slamming his mug of beer on the table. Two places under attack at ONCE? Blasphemy! How dare they to attack both Clover and Cedar towns?! They have absolutely no honor! His rage was already beginning to make him angry. As 2nd strongest of Vyper Guild, he walks ominously towards Lucas, his fists armed and ready. He stops right in front of the knight, looking down on him with rage in his eyes. He must protect ONE place. What should it be? Cedar? Or Clover? "Take me to Cedar Town..." he then speaks, making his decision loud and clear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I-Is that so? I've never been in a guild, so.... Well, let's get the fuck away from that ind of things, all right?" Oriel said, smiling at Aiden. She started walking outside of the dojo, getting the coat she threw away during the sparring match. "Hm.... Well, how about we have a date?" Oriel said to Aiden, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "That mission you wanted help with, it ain't until later, right? Then, we should enjoy ourselves until then." Already in the door of the dojo, looking back at Aiden, Oriel stood there, with a tempting smile on her face. "Or... we can do anything you'd find more entertaining if you want. I wouldn't mind it at all." Oriel said, while motioning him to follow her. "Aiden-chan, I'm sure you won't regret it anytime soon." Oriel finished. She knew how men worked, perhaps Aiden was holding back on her after what happened in the sparring match. He was that much of a gentleman, but, somehow, Oriel felt that it was her fault for making Aiden feel.... strange, in more ways than one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf Akura Mission: Final Part
Oram was a bit dazed. The bastard had gotten him pretty good. He lifted himself from the small pile of rubble he’d formed after impact. Yeah, he was gonna beat the crap out of those guys. He was seriously going to… Wait… What was that? He glanced around for a moment. It was quiet, but he definitely heard it. Sobbing. Somebody was in this room crying. But who? He searched from a moment. “Ha! The idiots got sent right into that room!” He heard a laugh. Idiot huh? “I wonder if he ended up hitting those guys. Heh, probably dead anyway.” Another voice rang out. Oram was still searching. He heard it. And he was getting closer. And closer. “You’re here.” He spoke and heard a gasp. It looked like a few people. A man and a woman huddled over a child. “Come on. Move a little. I’m not here to…” He stopped speaking when he tried to lift the two adults. They were dead. Corpses. And under them was a young girl Perhaps a teenager. About 12 or 13 or so. But that was a guess. Oram could never tell just by looking. She was shaking. Trembling in fear. “Wait here for a moment. Cover your ears. Hum, sing, it doesn’t matter. But… No matter what you do. Don’t leave. I’ll help you get out of here.” He said with an undertone of complete and utter rage as he removed his jacket and put it over her. Her clothes were torn to shreds. She could use something. With that he was making his way back through the hole. The cocky Akura members were laughing. “You blew his wittle jacket off.” “This idiot doesn’t know what he’s in for.” “Let’s kill him quick.” He heard these among other statements from the five. Still even as they began to attack him. Weak punches and weak kicks. “Tell me.” He spoke through the barrage of attacks. “Why did you hurt that young girl and her family?” He asked in a quiet voice, almost a whisper. “What? Hah! Because we felt like it, of course!” The primary attacker laughed. “Why would we need a reason after multiplying our power at least 10 tens over?! What possib… !!!!” He was stopped dead in his tracked by a fist to the face and was sent flying. The sheer impact of his body against the wall left a splatter of blood as he slid down. Even as a member of Lunar Wolf. Even as a lap dog for Alec Roganoff. Oram had his limits. Limits of evil so grotesque that they burn him down to his very core. Alec Roganoff had passed these limits long ago. But Oram knew he wasn’t at a level to take out the wizard saint. Not yet. But these bastards. These heartless Fucks. He could take them even on his worst day. “Let me give you a little word of advice you Akura Fuck Faces.” He began as he caught one of their legs and swung the person into another, their head slamming into the next person’s own head with deadly force. “It doesn’t matter how much you multiply your power. Zero times zero will always be zero.” There were two left. Oram held his hand up. The gravity around one increased. He felt himself being forced to the floor. His bones were being crushed. He felt like his insides were going to squirt out of his body. He screamed in agony for a moment before falling unconscious. “One.” He simply said as the man began to attack furiously. All Oram had to do was dodge. It was too easy. “What the fuck?! We’re… We’re Dragon Slayers now! How?! How could you?! W-we’re powerful.” A punch, a kick, a roar. It was all so weak. It was too easy for Oram to knock him off his feet. “Since you’re so talkative.” He began as he placed his foot on the man’s chest and began to pull on his arm. “What do you think will happen if I pull on your arm with all my strength, while increasing the Gravimetric pressure around only the rest of your body.” Oram grinned as he began to do so. The man open his mouth as if to speak, but only shouts of pain and agony came out. “What? Come on. All you have to do is answer.” Oram laughed as he continued. “What is it? Don’t you wanna sa…” He stopped as he pulled the man’s arm off his body. “Oops. Too late.” He laughed as he turned to leave the man, who gone into shock just seconds before his arm came off, and return to the girl. She had listened. Good. Otherwise she’d either have ended up dead or far more traumatized than she already was. Oram was bleeding from his mouth and the top of his head. Even if they were weak attacks, they could accumulate and cause some serious damage. Luckily it wasn’t serious, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t hurt. Still he wouldn’t go down or pass out with just this. “Come on. There’s nothing more I can do other then get you out of here.” He turned, but she grabbed his hand. She was still shaking. He picked her up and pulled the hood of his former jacket over her head ordering her to keep her eyes closed as he left. And with that he left taking the crate full of dragon lacrima with him, on his opposite free shoulder. It was rather large, but he could handle it. It was the only one. Must have been the big crate they were taking into the warehouse when he first arrived. He didn’t like what he did next, but he had too. The weak flames of the few pseudo fire dragon slayers were so weak they hadn’t even lit the place up. So he did it himself by using one of the more flame based dragon lacrima as a sort of incendiary. They place would burn down within the next hour wiping away the Akura fucks and unfortunately the bodies of this girls parents. After that he left the girl with the proper authorities and instructed them to get her either a good home or get someone from the council. In addition he lied. Told them the Akura thugs had set the place on fire and burned everything along with the girl’s parent’s bodies. Just like that it was over. He was going to return to his guild with the crate of Dragon Lacrima and his mission was complete. Take care of the thugs and get the lacrima just like Alec said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

". . . . . ." Aiden stayed silent as he absorbed what he just heard. On the outside he looked calm, if a little flustered with his face being slighty red. On the inside, he was panicking. 'A date, like. . .a date-date!! Where the hell did this come from, doesn't she like Sable!?! Don't you only date people you like, does that mean she likes me, do I like her, what should I do, what should I say, god dammit, I don't know how to deal with this!?!?!' Aiden was at a loss on how to react to Oriel's advances(or was she teasing him), having never really dealt with a girl having any interest in him like this. ". .S-sure, I guess a date would be a nice way to r-relax before a mission." Aiden said, half mumbling as he walked over to Oriel, picking up his coat and putting it on. "So, um, what do you want to do?" Aiden asked, as he had no idea what people did on date, and it was very obvious in his tone. 'Well there is one thi- No, No, No, NO! Not going there, I'm nipping those thoughts in the bud right now.' Aiden shook his head, his face practically glowing as certain ideas began to form in his mind on what he and Oriel could do relax on their date.
The knight nodded appreciatively to the mage that had quickly taken charge, before turning to deal with the man who had just approached him. Lucas' eye turned into hard stone as he glared back at the man, his frustration of not being able to help his home seeping into his voice as he spoke. "No, sending you without the vials will only doom the town, my home, to be destroyed even further. Without them, the fragments will move possess the strongest vessel available, and without the vial, you'll be unable to stop it." The Rune Knight shook his head, remembering the stories told about those possessed by the fragments. The power they gave them was only matched by the carnage they were able to create, and the insanity that it forced upon them was even greater than that. "It will creep into your mind, bring out the worst in you, and twist it until you're no better than the demon you killed. If a weaker man than me stood here today, you and your damn intimidating idiocy would have gotten an entire town killed. So sit down, wait for the teams to be made, get yourself a damn vial, and SHUT UP!!!!!!" ((OOC: Lucas is now in npc mode, so just when you're ready to go, with a team, just talk to him and he'll send you. And don't forget the vials, or else you'll get possessed and their is no way around that. If someone is possessed, they still control the character, but they will go insane and try to kill everything, so don't forget the vials, and remember, they're fragile.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One He chuckled at the obvious. Cynthia's question had a very apparent answer but he guessed he'd have to spell it out for her. "Isn't it obvious," he teased, realizing after so long that the odd feelings he had for her was being returned. "I'm keeping you close to me. Where I can't lose sight of you." His fingers tightened around her waist as he brought her closer to him; he kept from looking at her from fear of blushing. When she wiggled out of his hold and gave Chrome her clothes, he was quick to grab her hand and start to walk away with her. He waved bye to Chrome, though he was sure she was already on her way to wherever. "You know, now that I know you like me. I'm starting to feel a passion burning in my stomach!" he admitted with the same fierce smile he wore into combat "Let's me and you eat dinner at your place."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She just likes Cynthia's confused look, then Sable went all gentleman, You can't be serious For crying out loud, it irked her and irritated her, Sable and his pick up girls skills were actually effective? Effective? Of all times like this? It's not just because she's a fellow Dragon Slayer? What is this? Gwen was confused and puzzled up with questions; She remembered the times she fought with Sable, usual bar fights and some that of a married couple. A younger Gwen and Sable at it she remembered. Flashback: "So who's the strongest? At this rate you won't even have a girlfriend." Gwen asked while having Sable locked with her legs to his neck. Gwen always say that when she happens to win the fights. "So, Sable. I win again, at this rate you won't have a girlfriend." Then it continues, either naked Gwen restraining Sable or not. Until one day. Gwen won their fight again but before she could say anything, Sable verbally fought back. "So, Gwen. You will never have a boyfriend." Gwen was angry and confused that time, to think Sable calls her by her real name, made her blush that time. And it's better if she's not called her real that time. "For crying out loud, that was some time I don't want to be called my real name. The reason why I chose the title Chrome is because ever since I was 5, I heard stories of Gray Fullbuster and I wanted to be just like him." I snapped out and use my requip to get a new set of clothes then I followed Cynthia and Sable. "Tch.... I'm coming too. I insist and I promise I won't strip. I'll cook for you guys." Gwen knows her talents well and she would cook for them.
S Class Camp, Brad
After Sai spinned the bottle, it is on him, he was dared to wake Nathan up and so he did, it didn't well as he zaps his body with lightning. "Dude, your turn to spin the bottle. Look guys, once Nate is done, let's try something more fun." He said as this game is starting to bore him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ajax Thera - Council Member
The large councilman remained silent as Master Jak explained his idea for the handling of his mages. Ajax didn't even react as the Archive Magic uploaded that information and then some to his brain. He closed his eyes and hummed to himself for a moment. "I see... You have confidence in your mages' strength," he noted aloud. "I have no place to question your faith in them. However..." Ajax stopped mid-sentence, opening his eyes and glancing toward the floor. He was silent for a moment before looking back up to Master Jak. "It sounds like there is an emergency," he said simply, now standing up. "I suppose Greg and I can take care of this." Ajax motioned for his fellow Wizard Saint to follow him, already walking calmly toward the stairs to get to the main building where Lucas was. "Today is just an interesting day... Demon's Maw, of all things..." Ajax looked towards Greg. "Do you remember who was guarding the Fragments? I think we will need to start an investigation after this."
Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot
The bespectacled girl was baffled by Lucas's announcement. Demons didn't just suddenly attack in an organized fashion. People didn't just break into the Magic Council and get away with it. The entire situation felt bad. "Uh-oh..." Piper mumbled to herself as the knight finished up his briefing. Almost immediately afterwards Nigel turned to her and asked her to find the strong mages of Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing and bring them back to the guild hall. "Me?" she asked first, clarifying that he wanted her to do the job. After reinforcing his plan to have her and Aran bring everyone back, Piper got to her feet. "Okay, I'll get some backup." She began to run out of the guild hall before comically tripping at the doorway. After picking herself up she pretended that never happened and continued on, heading across Crocus to see if she could find anyone. It wasn't too difficult for her to find anyone though as she was sensitive to magic. Piper could already feel where the others were. Gwen, Sable, and Cynthia were the closest so she ran over to them. After a moment of running, she saw them ahead down the street. "Guys!" she called out to them, immediately before tripping over an uneven stone in the road. This fall, however, sent her glasses bouncing across the road and landing at Sable's feet, surprisingly undamaged. "Fucking great," Piper grumbled to herself, standing back up with a scowl. She jogged the rest of the way to the group, a look of anger already on her face. "We need you idiots back at the guild hall," she explained, giving Sable a sharp jab in the chest with her finger. After noticing her glasses on the ground, she began cursing under her breath as she crouched down and picked them up. With her glasses back in place the look of anger was gone and Piper now had an expression of concern. "There are demons attacking Cedar and Clover town at the same time. They came from some... thing that got stolen from the Magic Council earlier," Piper continued explaining to the trio. "The knight has some stuff that can contain them and he can teleport people to the cities."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Some very incompetent people, obviously." A voice annouced from behind the councilman. Standing there, after seeming to appear out of thin air,,was a strange man in a black cloak, his hood shadowing everything about his face except his mouth which was currently twisted im a mocking style. By the time Ajas turned to look him, he would already be at the table, taking a sip of the hot coco being served. "Don't worry, though, they are most assuredly dead now, so you won't have to worry about their foolishness ever again." All those present in the room could tell two things, that he was excceedingly strong,,to a degree that could be considered monstrous, and that was something off about him, something that made their hair stand on end. "Now then, on to business. You must be wondering I am, huh, well you're going to have to figure it out yourself, cause I'm not telling. Anyway, I am here to give you lovely wizard saints a warning: Leave Crocus, and the Capital gets razed to the ground by a barrage of Jupiter Cannons." The man's voice never changed from his dark, yet playful tone, but his smile had become all the more cruel. "If you don't believe me, that's fine, just leave with the other mages. Just know that you'll come back to nothing but a black stain on the ground after we're through with it. So, your choice, do you take the chance of killing everyone in Crocus, just to stop a few demons, or will you sit down and have a lovely conversation with a mysterious stranger over some nice hot coco."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The girl was confused as to whether Aiden actually refused that hardly spending some quality time with her, or if he just didn't understand her meaning. Still... something told Oriel that Aiden was actually quite flustered, more than he let out in his expressions. She smiled devilishly. "Well, I am the new one here, so I was expecting that you would be the one to show me around. We can make a full tour ending in your house, if you'd like." She said, winking at him. "Just screwin' around, though. It'd actually be helpful if you could show me 'round town, and we can have a fun date while we are at it. Two birds with one stone." She approached Aiden, making sure her body was close to his, before taking his hand into hers, not too tightly nor too gently. "Since it seems you are a begineer at these things, let me explain! When people go on a date, they actually hold hands like this!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanu Ashton The moment the white haired guy said the word Justice Vanu instantly disliked him. She gripped the book harder and was about to attack him. That was the moment when she felt this huge presence and heard this huge explosion behind her. She turned around and saw the smoke cloud and debris falling around. Realizing she had looked away from her opponent she quickly turned around again and was met with a peculiar sight. She saw the white haired guy crying and on his knees. She wondered if this had something to do with the explosion and when she looked back to where the explosion came from and some of the giant letters that had fallen around she had figured it out. The Fairy Tail building had blown up and this guy was probably a fanboy. When she looked back to the guy he was standing back up and while sniffing said the last thing she would have ever expected. He asked for her help. She was so flabbergasted she couldn't help but laugh out loud a bit. "Pfffff hahaha Why should I help my enemy with something that doesn't concern me?" She sent out a soul to a thick wooden beam that had landed near her and sent it over to hover behind her. While taking a seat on the beam she said: "I'm not a Fairy Tail fanboy like you nor do I like justice so how about you deal with whoever did that." With that she made the beam fly over the canal and she went into an alley. After that she actually went to the explosion location herself since she was curious though. Who would destroy something so widely known? When she arrived near ground zero she could only describe it with one word: Carnage. Dead bodies and destruction everywhere. She then saw a cloaked figure kill a random person and she was surprised. The soul in that cloaked figure was unlike any she had ever seen before. It didn't feel like either human or animal souls and the strangest thing of all was that it seemed layered, like one soul inside the other. Right then and there she decided she wanted this soul. She used the beam to get on top of a roof silently and then sent out four daggers that would lay in wait around the figure for a moment to strike.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Greg Barington
"Oh yes please..." Greg answered politely as he got some more hot cocoa. He then listens to Ajax as he takes one last sip of his drink before placing it down. "Indeed." he answers after being asked to take care of some measly trouble that was going on, "We will be heading on our~" Yet Greg was soon interrupted when an unknown person came through the door unexpectedly. "Heyyyyyy..." he asked in an annoyed manner, "Now who told you to come in here eh?" Yet the person talked without thought towards his question. When he did though, Greg was utterly displeased at him. How rude... he thought as he began to listen to the person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai, Lunar Wolf
The answer that Kuroku was given did not in fact surprise him. While there were some strange feelings for Vanu that he could not explain, he didn't shed more tears when she insulted him. Yet he was slightly embarrassed after crying right in front of her face... and he was an S-Class for god sakes. "Fairy Tail fanboy huh?" he thinks to himself, "More like... a role-model." He then sees the assassin head towards an alley way, disappearing into the dark. Kuro wipes the tears off his face as he begins running towards the crater of where the late Fairy Tail guild once stood proudly. Whoever had foresaken the holy grounds shall be paid in their death! Rarely had he ever thought of such things, yet this was no exception. When he finally got to the destroyed guild, his mind was almost shaken up yet again. Carnage wretched through the area with complete and total destruction everywhere. As he hides behind some debris, he can see what appears to be the culprit. He was most sinister looking indeed, with a black hood and robe, with his face barely visible. Anger began to dwell up through Kuro's veins, almost to the point in where he would lash out. Yet he continues calming himself down. Being blind with rage and anger in battle is the worst way to fight the opponent. You are never in control. He prepares his Ice Make techniques for a stand by, waiting for the right time to strike.
Matisuki Kiyuinn
Matisuki gave a horrifying 'I'm-going-to-rip-your-fucking-face-off-look' when Lucas told him to sit down 'impolitely'. His breathes began to increase, almost like an animal getting ready to rampage. Yet it never came to him. He could go alone if he really wanted to, as he is a powerful S-Class Beast/Kaiju Soul, but the knight convinced him that he should calm down and indeed get himself into teams as well as a viral. "Very well..." he snorts loudly as he begins to walk back towards the others. He picks up a viral and puts it in his pocket, ready to find a team in which to be with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia When Sable grabbed her hand, Cynthia couldn't stop blushing. I'm keeping you close to me he said. "Jeeze, you're so pushy..." She muttered, drifting closer to him and wrapping her other arm around his. "W-well fine. I suppose I could spend some time with you." She closed her eyes as they walked for a bit, enjoying the moment. Then, the moment was over. Gwen invited herself over to her house, but Cynthia couldn't manage to get angry at her. "Yeah, sure, whatever," She said, drifting a few inches away from Sable, "Come on over, we'll have a party or something."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Piper appeared talking about demons, Gwen stopped and listen to her own voice, thought, and heart but her heart is locked, the long tranquil fury she had is still there but as much as possible, she tries to remain calm. She turns her attention to Piper, "I got it." Gwen turns her attention back to the wannabe couple. "Go on without me." She gave a hint speech to Cynthia. "For someone that has just set anew can't just love just because. Or is it just lust, the both of you or are you just using Sable to compensate and replace a loss. You disgust me." Gwen's reaction to Cynthia and Sable's wannabe couple relationship: Gwen is always honest. When she dislikes something, she says it out loud without a care. And she dislikes sugarcoating, the way she sees Cynthia's attitude over Sable is something she sees fishy. "Just kidding. What I mean is, priorities. Would you rather let the city be in ruins with your selfishness or save it?" She ends with a banging message slap to their heads. "Piper. Let's go."
Master Man Li
"I'll take it from here gentlemen." Man Li takes action after feeling the presence. "No one can decide what someone else should do with their life. Whoever you are. Making Vyper Bolt an enemy will be the biggest mistake of your life." Man Li finally taking the front panel. His presence alone without magic is enough to give a fair warning to those who oppose Viper Bolt.
Master Chak Nor
"That I don't approve. Li, we don't any huge commotion, we'll settle this with Chuck Won Do and a diplomatic negotiation." He said with another fair warning.
Master Alec
"You snakes really love to show off with your Kung Fu. I couldn't give any shit on who is this guy but I'll figure it out anyway."
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One "D-Demons?" he repeated, quickly feeling the heat of combat rising in him. He smiled fiercely before smashing his fist into his palm. "I give no shits about Cedar, Clover, or protecting the city but if a good fight's wandering about, I'm willing to save a few pedestrians." Clasping Piper's shoulder, he gave her a nod. "Thanks for letting me know." He ran off towards the guild in a hurry, the embers of his excitement flickering off him as he did. It was a relief to actually be able to try out his new power in combat. To not have to hold back at all and go all out, to be able to raze those in front of him without regrets. He reached up and grasped the porcelain scarf; Rhodroth's memento. That guy's voice was sure to echo again though this time he knew it was just his own imagination. Reaching the guild hall, he burst through the doors, flames pouring in as well. "Alright! Where the hell should I go? and whose ass should I kick?" he yelled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot
The young woman seemed a bit rattled when Sable grabbed her shoulder, completely surprised that he touched her. "Uh... you're welcome?" she responded to his thanks, taking a moment to adjust her sweater. The Dragon Slayer ran off in a rush of excitement. "... What is wrong with him?" Piper said aloud, putting her hands on her hips. "People are dying and all he cares about is a good fight. Bleh." The bespectacled girl adjust her glasses before catching up with Gwen, taking a look back toward Cynthia. "C'mon. You guys need to go ahead, I have to gather the others."
Ajax Thera - Council Member
The big man hardly reacted when the mysterious figure appeared. His expression didn't change and he showed no signs of emotion to his threats, despite the reactions from the Vyper Bolt guild masters and Greg. "..." Ajax looked around the room before settling his gaze on the newcomer. "Gentlemen," Ajax spoke up, talking to the guild masters. The Wizard Saint casually walked towards the figure and calmly sat down across from him, staring straight into his soul. "They don't need us." Now his gaze went toward Greg. "If this man's organization fears us, it shows they are not capable of fighting us. At least not presently." Now he looked back towards the strange man in front of him. "You're either overestimating us or underestimating our mages. Probably the second." Ajax picked up his own cup of hot cocoa and took a long, slow sip. Once he finished he set the cup down and let out a satisfied sigh. "So tell me... what is it you want to talk about?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A hooded man arrived in the scene of destruction, the former relic of Fairy Tail Guild's HQ destroyed, this man search for evidence and it feels like to be destroyed by demons. As demon particles and curse power are scattered heavily, the man gestured with a single flick of his hand, purifying those cursed particles. Demons attacked him, with no fear and prejudice the man faced them close combat and came out unscathed with this mere victory. The event upbringing in Magnolia has lesser demons, he disappeared as if he teleported. Then he appears to every location that has demons but only kept watch as he attaches Lacrima Vision to certain parts.
"Piper. Gather them and spread them to different locations. I'm going to Cedar Town." Gwen runs off to Cedar Town. Using one of the items Marduk gave to her, a teleporting lacrima and landed in the fray. "Yo, damned bandits." Gwen's EPIC LANDING "ICE MAKE: SAKURA BLIZZARD!!!" Gwen stands in the Ice Make pose with both hands and unleashes a whirling twist of sharp icy sakura drizzling on the enemy.
------------- Somewhere in Magnolia, Kyuuten was taken by mysterious person who has teleporting abilities. "Boy..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ira Ira had just crushed a man's skull in his hand when the blades began to float around him, waiting for an opening to strike. Ira didn't move an inch to escape the deadly circle, instead raising his foot only to stomp it against the ground. A pillar of blood red flames sprouted around him, causing any of the knives caught in it to be melted goop at the most, and badly warped to the point of uselessness at the least. He then leaped out of the flames, landing on the front of a building right across from where Vanu was hovering, the spot where he landed begining to glow red as he pushed red energy into it, before he leaped off again in a another direction. The building would explode outwards towards her, sending a plume of lethal magical energy, and similarly energized debris, which would also explode upon getting close to her. Ira would land a short ways a way from where Kuro was, having seen him when he hopped onto the building, and for a split second, he stared at the ice mage with a mixture of confusion, pain, and despair, but it was gone as suddenly as it had come, the blazing red orbs and bright blue pupils once again filled with incalculable amounts of rage. He would launch himself at the mage, hands set alight with morenred flame, as he attempted strike after strike against him. His movements were quick, precise, and immensely powerful, and his ability to predict and avoid any of Kuro's follow up attacks was scary. ???? The stranger gave Man Li a rather disapproving look from underneath his hood, clicking his teeth as he shook his head. "Wow, do you care nothing about those caught in the cross fire of a fight between us. I know I don't, but then, I'm a sadist of the highest order. Truly, I thought you'd put more value in the lives of Crocus' citizen than that." His tone was rather mocking, but he soon became cheerful again as he turned to face Alec and Chuk. "Negotiation, yes, that is excellent. I'm not here to fight you, just to give you a warning. Leave the city, and it will be razed to the ground, though now I'll the additional condition that if you attack me in earnest, then the Jupiter Cannons will fire anyway. And I do have them, got a engineer to teach soome of my brightest men to build them. Didn't take much, just having him watch his family be subjected the worst things one can do to a person, one by one, until he broke." The figure smiled, leaning back in his seat. "He was a loyal one though, didn't give in until his youngest daughter was brought up. You should have seen him, bawling and begging like a baby. The despair was just so delicious, that after the job was done, I had the girl tortured anyway, then took the blade to the man myself. And don't look at me like that, I was never going to let him or his family live anyway. He knew too much, a loose end that had to be cut. I just made sure to enjoy the process before I did." The figure than reached into his cloak, pulling out a projection lacrima and placing it on the table. It began to glow, and a holographic projection of Fiore hovered over the table. "Okay, so then, while we talk, I have a little entertainment. You'll be able to watch the fighting in each of the areas where the fighting will commence. Just tell me where you want to view, and we'll view it. You see, I just wanted to test the effectiveness of these demons in combat, so I had them stir up some chaos in order to draw the attention of some mages. But, you guys are a bit too much of a challenge for them right now, thus why I feel the need to threaten you. So sit back, relax, and drink some hot coco, which is very good by the way, my compliments to the brewer."
Aiden swallowed as Oriel held his hand, but he didn't flinch away from the contact or her coming closer to him. To be honest, it felt. . . rather nice. "Uh, I don't travel around the city much, but I do know this one place. It's an ice cream parlor, with a great selection and a really friendly staff. Family owned, and they know me quite well over there, so I'm sure we can get some ice cream for free." Aiden returned Oriel's grip with his own, and stepped in a little bit closer, just letting himself relax a little."And as for stopping at my house later, I actually stay at the guildhall. The closest thing I have to a home is a cave not too far from the city." Taking the lead, he took her outside and into the streets of Crocus. Sometime later, they arrived at the parlor, a quaint little place that had a nice cabin-esque look to it. The shop was named the 'Tiberton Iced Confectionery', and the owner was currently cleaning some utensils, looking up when he heard the door open. "Hello there, valued customer, and welcome to Tib- HOLY SHIT, IS THAT YOU AIDEN!?!?" The man was rather big and burly, yet he still managed to move so quick as he came around to hug Aiden, his grip unbelievablely tight, causing Aiden to gasp for breath until he let him go. "Yep, nice to see you too Mr.Tiberton."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten Sat on the floor of his sudden new location blinking in confusion. "What just...?" Remembering that just before his abrupt relocation the shit had hit the fan he activated Meteor and rose into the air to survey his surroundings. "Boy..." "Who's there!?"
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