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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akane Hanazawa // Warakuma High - Rear Entrance Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 After School Smiling, the girl grabbed her shoulders and introduced herself. It was like one of those typical scenes you'd find in a manga or anime where you have that overly energetic character whose all smiles and places their hands on them before making the main character an offer. Sure enough, the scene is proven true as Akane gets embarrassed and simply laughs awkwardly in response. No matter how many times she finds herself in a situation where her actions or such are praised, she can't get used to it. As if it never feels real or if its just simply undeserving. After going silent after thinking that, she calms down and returns to normal. "Class 3-3? Ah, So you're my senpai... I do apologize if I was rude," She laughs before continuing "The MMA Club, huh? I've never really thought about joining another before....Well, there was the kendo club with my love of swords and the like but I could never catch them....Hmm....You know what? I'll take you up on that offer." She smiles before asking when the club usually meets. Inoue has been coughing heavily and while Akane is tempted to ask whats up, she decides it would be best if she didn't. Instead, she turned and said, "Cowards like him tend to flock in packs and never rely on their own strength, ordering around others so they wouldn't get their own hands dirty. Quite shameful. I do apologize for taking away your chance to pummel him into the ground, Senpai." she laughed before continuing "Though, I'm sure it's not the last we've seen of him, that's for sure." Saying her goodbyes, she waves and takes her leave. --- Akira Kirigakure // Warakuma High, Front Entrance [->] Warakuma Shopping Complex Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 After School As he left the school and approached the front gate, he spotted Mika, as agreed. While noticing her, he kept at his pace and continued walking slowly towards her. Mika, having grown tired of waiting, ran up to him and began complaining to him about being late. "Yea, Yea...." Despite her reactions she seemed strangely excited for some reason as Akira grinned. Just as he was going to tease her about it, Mika took off before he can speak only to wait for him at the edge of the street. "Invited someone, huh?" I think I have hunch on who it is... "This might be entertaining after all..." Akira simply shrugged before taking off after her. -- Mika then lead him to the shopping district and soon found themselves waiting outside at some Cafe. So this is the place, hmm? The third wheel has yet to show up and Akira could tell this was making her even more agitated, confirming his hunch by the minute. Though, unlike him, he dropped his bad boy act and listed to her earnestly in silence, letting her ramble. After letting her talk for awhile, he interjected. "This 'friend' of yours, it's Rokoru, isn't it?" He grinned, as it and his teasing tone faded before continuing "You'd never catch that guy being appreciative, not in public at least. It's that pride of his that's the problem. You know him better than I. You just got to be harder on him if you want him to listen." he replied seriously, surprising her with his statement and gentle tone as his gaze drifted elsewhere. Before she was able to respond, she instantly shutted up and started waving her cast-covered hand. As he took note in the corner of his eye and looked back at her. Looks like her guest is here. And Surprise Surprise, It's Rokoru. Despite trying to hide it, she obviously was talking about him. It was only natural, given how close they are and their feelings. But knowing Rokoru, he just wont simply up and say he loved her. The exchanges between these two were just sad but it made it all the more amusing to mess with him. Akira couldn't help but give an amused expression when he saw Rokoru's reaction to him being there. To top it off, he waved before Rokoru tried to leave. Though, Mika didn't let him and he eventually gave up before following her over. As she introduced his arrival, she made a comment regarding Rokoru's shirt as she started giggling as Rokoru wasted no time in crossing his arms and covering text, seemingly embarrassed over something as Mika hopped back closer to Akira. Hmm.. Trouble in paradise? He nearly said out loud before deciding to say nothing. As soon as she asked what they'd like, without hesitation, "A Coke is fine." He was never fond of cafes or their selections and he had enough water to last a lifetime, he wasn't here to impress with his drink selection. "With that out of the way..." he started once everyone finished ordering their drinks. With Rokoru have joined them, He reverted back to his usual self as he turned towards Rokoru, "All ready for your date with Saya-chan? She seemed really excited for it. To think you'd nab yourself a cute little gir-" He feigned a slip of tongue he paused for a moment before 'correcting' himself "I mean, fan girl like her. I thought you were gunning for someone else but she isn't bad, congratulations." he added as he took a sip of his coke when the drink arrived. Akira was well aware that it wasn't a 'date' and the fact that Rokoru had feelings, not toward Saya but towards Mika but he couldn't help but tease Rokoru and see how he'll react with Mika right near him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Mika Moriyama /// Warakuma Shopping Complex
After returning with everyone’s drinks, Mika found her (and as a result, everyone’s) way over to a small table surrounded by stools. Rokoru had taken a seat next to her, and without anyone noticing, had subtly pulled it a little closer to Mika when he went to sit down. Mika wrapped her hands carefully around the cup reeking of coffee beans and cream. Anyone who knew her on a friend level knew that that drink was not just a coffee, but instead, a triple-cream hazelnut/vanilla shaken latté. She pulled it a little closer to herself so that the rising steam hit her chin. Thinking back on what he had said seconds before Rokoru arrived, Mika nodded a little. Maybe he was right. Mika slid the two guys’ drinks to them—Rokoru a frothy drink similar to her own and Akira a simple soft drink. Just as she went to take a quick sip from her latté, Akira started talking to Rokoru, and she shot him a glare. Of course he’d just go for Rokoru immediately and try to rub something in whatever wound was showing. What was being rubbed in, Mika wasn’t certain, however. Out of a weird kind of respect and frustration for the two guys before her, she attempted to ignore whatever their argument or fight or whatever entailed. But it was hard to ignore when Akira said “I thought you were gunning for someone else but she isn’t bad, congratulations.” Rokoru squirmed in his skin a bit after listening to the jabs Akira made, and he made an obvious effort to not look at Mika when he said “gunning for someone else”. With a bit of a slam, Rokoru put his fists flat-down on the table, sloshing around the liquid in the cups a bit. As a side-result, the front of Rokoru’s shirt was clearly visible.I don’t even like her that much. Not my fault that she wanted to scum some money off me and get some new clothes. It isn’t like I have much cash to spend anyway. I wasted everything I had when me and Hashimoto went to that sports store.” Before either of them could continue on with their peaceful conversation, Mika jabbed Rokoru in the side with her pointer finger, and spoke up. “Why do you guys hate each other so violently? Educate me on what I missed in that one year I wasn’t in the Archery club.” She tapped her chin just as Rokoru was about to say something. “And both sides of it, Rokoru.” Placated by her words, Rokoru sunk back into his seat (as much as you could when sitting on a stool, anyway) and fingered the cardboard insulation around the cup his hand wrapped around. Both Rokoru and Mika picked up their drinks and took a long, burning swig from them, picking them up and setting them down at almost the exact same time. Rokoru had told her of Akira before, of course, but someone like him can’t exactly be trusted to give a 100% completely unbiased and fair explanation of what had happened. “While I’m at it, Akira, why are you always a jerk around everyone? You didn’t act like you usually do before Rokoru showed up.” And at the wording she used, Rokoru straightened up a bit, probably thinking that Akira was trying to get into her pants or something by acting like the nicest guy around town. Mika stared at both boys intently until they’d answer with something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboru-Warakuma Hospital to Mall
"Alrighty. It looks like you're all set to go Noboru. Now be careful, We don't want you to end up in here again you moron." Noemi gave a playful smile, indicating her non-serious attitude. She was cold towards the Matthew boy, but only because he was an imbecile trying to hit on her. But she had known Noboru since he was 10 or so, so she knew he wasn't going to try with her, he had seen what she was capable of. OKay, Noemi, thank you! Cya around! Noboru had his training clothes, specially requested and delivered by his brother, who had gotten too friendly as of late. He stretched his legs and started on his jog towards the mall. It felt good to exercise again, even if it was just jogging. He kept a good pace, trying to maintain his breath. His chest heaved in and out, indicating he hadn't really practiced too much as of late. His breath was ragged, but he didn't let that keep him from jogging all the way to the mall without stopping. AS he continued onward, his thoughts wondered to the fact that he was missing drama club. Maybe if he was lucky, no one would notice his absence, and if they did, he had a relatively fine excuse. He WAS in the hospital after all, maybe he could play the pity card. Of course, they might've been heartless folks and he wouldn't get any slack. He arrived at the mall mid though, and started stretching again, ready to start his exercises. He looked around to see if he knew anybody there.
Aiko, the cool twin
There were bags under Aiko's eyes, and his legs stuttered with every step. He had been Noboru's caretaker from his family the last few days, no one else really caring about interacting with the hospital ridden boy. He even washed and brought his training clothes for him, the new ones he had taken a while earlier. When Aiko approached him and asked about track, Aiko looked at his face. he absolutely knew that it wasn't just some random drunk that Toma had pissed off. You couldn't just piss off a drunk and walk away with a bruise or two. More like cuts and possible hospital visits. Aiko decided not to pursue it further, knowing it wasn't his business meddling in personal affairs, even though it bothered him too much and he wanted to know about it. Putting the thought to the back of his mind, he responded to the track question. "Well of course i'm going. I'm not just gonna quit it after one practice. I'm not THAT weak."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XLegs
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XLegs Genuine Donkey

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Toma Tanaka - After School Toma's smile widened at Aiko's words. "That's what I like to hear," he said, giving the boy a light, reassuring punch on the shoulder. He tossed his bag over his shoulder before leading the way out of the classroom. Glancing over at Aiko, a bit of worry flashed across his face for an instant, as he noted the less-than-stellar state he was in. Not that Toma himself was much better. "Just don't push yourself too hard, yeah?" he said, looking away. "I think I know how taxing the past several days have been for you, I guess." He stopped at a vending machine, continuing as he inserted money. "No shame in taking a day off every once in a while." He grabbed the two drinks he had bought with his left hand, and tossed one to Aiko. "Down it quick," he said with a smirk. "Arata won't be impressed if he sees us drinking this stuff just before practice." As Toma worked on cracking the can open with his teeth, he receded momentarily into his own thoughts. There were more than a couple people he felt like he should apologize to. His parents, of course, but also Kotori and the big guy, Alexei. He had, at least partially, put the two of them into awkward spots when he had burst into the flower store. With a sigh, he finished guzzling his drink. He eyed his injured wrist, bending it ever so slightly. A small frown formed on his face as the pain registered. He'd have to grab some tape to wrap it up, to help keep it from moving as he ran. He could find some in the nurse's office, but immediately discarded that idea. He'd heard too many horror stories about that place. There were both a Boxing club and an MMA club at the school, so there was bound to be some in the gym storage room. That option was much safer. He looked back over towards Aiko as they walked. "So, how's your brother doing? I've overheard that he's okay, but I figure you're a more reliable source." Toma sort of also wanted to ask about how Noboru had been found, but decided against it, for no real reason other than being satisfied enough just knowing that he was fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Leiko Hamada: Warakuma High- Drama Club Meeting Room Kasumi rose to the challenge presented before him quite aptly, raising the tone of his voice to be more feminine as he did his best attempt to portray a sisterly figure. It was a difficult exercise to pull off, since the language of the piece was quite rich and subtle in its execution. Ismene would need to be a subdued, unopposing girl, in contrast to Antigone's more curious nature. And he did fairly well in his execution. Leiko opened her mouth, intending to give small praise for his enthusiasm, and then he shot that smile again. Was he trying to infuriate her by acting so cocky? Leiko let out a sharp intake of breath and crossed her arms. "Your stance is far too masculine. Your body has a language too, and its speaking the wrong tone," Leiko criticised flatly, ignoring the more positive qualities of his piece. "But still...a round of applause for Kasumi-san on his efforts," she instructed the group, which was conceded by a small burst of applause. Out of the corner of her eye however, Leiko spotted Shinichi speaking to someone unfamiliar, engrossed in their own conversations. "Shinichi-kun, I would thank you to pay attention," Leiko snapped, looking unimpressed before looking over to the newcomer. "And you...I don't recall seeing your face at auditions. Are you aware that the club is at full capacity at the moment?" She asked bluntly. "I appreciate your interest, but I will have to ask you to leave."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takaru
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Takaru Witting Instigator of Doom

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Tuesday, April 14 2015 - After School In the usual routine that had started to become the class' commonplace, the bell signalled the mass exodus of the larger part of the class' students in a wild ruckus - classes, friends or even just home were all the destinations that most were all to eager to head toward after a full day of school. A few took it more slowly and one or two even stayed behind for a little while - such as, much like usual, Kotori who finished up her note-taking before checking them over once more. Only once this was done and she was satisfied did she pack her books and then head on out - conveniently, this also meant that she missed the large hustle and bustle that followed the bell and thus didn't have to deal with quite as full a hallway or the crowded main entrance. As she headed on out, she kept much to herself - being her usual self, she passed by a number of other students without much in the way of greeting. Whilst there were the occasional few people she did know at least in passing, Kotori didn't happen to run into any of them on her way - and, as such, soon reached the main entrance without further ado and thereafter was on her way home. Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District | After School As Kotori walked through the mall, she thought for a moment on whether there was anything she needed from there - but came up with nothing; neither groceries nor school supplies or any personal items were running low and thus in need of restocking. Judging from the uniform they were wearing, she wasn't the only student from Warakuma High here - a small group of girls were excitedly discussing something in front of the shoe store, a few others could be seen throughout the shops. Despite not actually needing anything, Kotori couldn't help but still walk past some of the stores' windows to take a glance inside. Unfortunately, however, she didn't find any sales - as the afternoon bargain sales on eggs in the grocer's store had already all been sold out. With a small sigh of disappointment, Kotori took her bespectacled eyes off the windows and instead back ahead - and taking a moment to realise that not far ahead of her stood a familiar figure. It took her another before she recognised said figure as that of Noboru Yamamoto, recent vanishee and subject of numerous rumours at school and, by the look of it, currently out for a jog or something in that vein. It would have been hard to have gone to school these past few days without hearing his name thrown about by at least someone - Kotori had heard a number of tales ranging from him having run away from home to him being hospitalised all the way to him having been kidnapped or even perhaps murdered. However, by the looks of it, nothing that serious seemed to have happened to the boy - even as Kotori had to remind herself that he was a fellow second year student despite his size. Drawing nearer, it would have been difficult to just walk by as if she hadn't seen him - and not exactly the politest thing to do, too. As such, Kotori raised a hand in greeting as she held her school bag with the other. "Good afternoon, Yamamoto-san," she said, her voice quiet as ever. Though she only had met him once - on the same day that he'd seemingly vanished - she still remembered the concern with which both his brother, Aiko, and Toma had been searching for him - and felt as if seeing him up and about at least stifled that worry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 15 days ago

Mako Moritomi//Warakuma High, Auditorium
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
==~== Mako flinched ever-so-slightly as his black-haired companion was berated by the strawberry-haired girl that had, until this moment been demonstrating her dramatic abilities in front of the assembled club members. Then the drama queen turned her apparent ire upon him, informing him that, despite his obvious interest, he was not welcome in their production-of-sorts. Mako raised his eyebrow, the traces of his patented grin beginning to spread across his features. Bar Mako Moritomi from a dramatic exercise, Drama-tan? You have a lot of nerve. And very poor judgement, besides. His grin began to grow wider as he squared his shoulders toward the uppity strawberry. "Ask me to leave, you say? By all means, ask away. But just as you're going to have to ask me to leave, I'm going to have to stay right here, unfortunately. And so, therefore, we are at an impasse. I'll be happy to let you resolve our little paradox, but in the meantime, I shall stay and admire the proceedings- your talent has been quite enjoyable to observe so far, I must say. So go on, I shall not be a bother to you- heck, I've been here for at least five or ten minutes before anyone noticed me! That has to count for something toward my unobtrusiveness, no?" His wolfish grin was in full force now as he stared down the drama queen. "So please, do go on. I'm dying to see what's next for your demonstration." If one was paying attention, they could almost notice a subtle change in tone to this last sentence- almost like a challenge toward the person-in-charge...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Rui Shinichi - Auditorium
14/4/2015 - Tuesday - After School In response to the proceedings Rui merely nodded and then listened in on the conversation. It appears they were at full capacity, something Rui wouldn't know, considering he wasn't exactly in charge of roster. He found it difficult to believe that they couldn't fit more people, considering not everyone attended each day, and sometimes people were signed on by name alone, so it wasn't like this room would be flocked. "Actually, I noticed you when you walked in", Rui said, raising his hand soon as the boy had finished the talking. "And he's able to physically stand in here. Is there a rule against letting people observe?", he inquired.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sieg Kasumi: Warakuma High-Drama Club Meeting Room
As he smiled he got the reaction he wanted, which was knowing she would get mad and proceed to criticize him, on anything that might have stood out. It was his posture, but he could work on that. Mastering a woman's posture was a challenge in its own, more so for a guy. However it was a challenge and one he could easily accomplish with enough time, yet she had a funny way of saying his body tone was masculine. She was acting more like a guy than he was. That was when another member got scolded and a willing man who wanted to enjoy the arts was denied, the one scolded member defended the denied one after his little piece which made him raise his hand. As he walked towards them. "If I may, I'd say he should be more than welcome. Anybody who can give that kind of performance, and has a love for the art should be more than welcome don't you think? Or...... is the club president maybe scarred? Maybe you feel he will outshine you." Sieg spoke smiling again, this time not with cockyness, but more so eagerness to see her next move. Although Rui did have a point, nothing against letting people "observe".
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akira Kirigakure // Warakuma Shopping Complex Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 After School He couldn't help but laugh at Rokoru's reaction, not to mention the fact that the lettering on his shirt became known, he laughed harder. "And here I thought you would like a submissive woman." He said in-between laughs before calming down as Mika interrupted their banter as she started asking questions about them. "Hate each other violently? Come now, think of it this way, Rokoru is like the Mascot character of the 'show'. Just poke him and watch him tick and the viewers are entertained. There's no hate, Rokoru is having a good ole time, now aren't you?" He said with a smug grin before laughing again when he glanced at Rokoru's shirt. Not done with her questioning, Mika moved onto round two as this time she aimed her questions right at Akira. "You know know how to make a boy blush, huh?" He joked at Mika. "Haven't you heard? I'm cold, cruel and vicious. One who only cares about themselves, A Delinquent. Teasing a girl or two isn't beneath that reputation. There's plenty of people who can corroborate that Right, Rokoru?" Glancing at Rokoru as he was straightening himself up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Leiko Hamada: Warakuma High- Drama Club Meeting Room Leiko listened astutely to the newcomer's response, a mixture of surprise and intrigue decorating her expression as he not only refused to leave them to their practice, but he managed to sneak in a compliment on her performance as well. Whilst more attitude and backtalk in the club was less than appealing (Masatomo could be more than enough for her to handle sometimes), the boy still managed to pinpoint a weakness that Leiko shared with most girls. Flattery. "Hmm, well, be as it may, my point stands regarding ceasing intake of members, at least for a few weeks...", Leiko frowned, cocking her head thoughtfully as she deliberated further on the matter. "I wouldn't hesitate if it was a female, but...oh, what the heck." Both Shinichi and Kasumi spoke up for the boy then, urging her to allow him to at least observe their practice, although Kasumi's words were more officious than she would have liked. "Indeed there isn't Shinichi-kun. Although less chitchat during a demonstration would be appreciated," she sighed at the boy's obliviousness. "And Kasumi, I would watch your tone if I were you." She spared a hard, warning glare at Kasumi before dismissing him with a wave of her hand. "Well then..." Shaking the papers in her hand into a neat pile, Leiko looked over at the new prospective member again. "Please introduce yourself to the club, and align yourself with a partner. Since we don't have time for an audition, I'll merely watch you practice and draw my judgements from there."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

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Rokoru Ishiara /// Warakuma Shopping Complex
I’m always enamored with the time we spend together, Akira.” Rokoru replied, baring his teeth slightly. Mika ran her hand through her bangs (accompanied by a deep sigh), causing several strands to fall onto her eyes. She quickly brushed them out of the way and Rokoru stirred in his seat when she did, an visable shiver slowly going through his entire body. It was a weird fascination but it really did it for him when she did that. In fact, ‘Turn Ons: Running Hand Through Hair Sexily’ was on a shirt of his, a gift from one of the guys on the team that had known of his secret kink. It was only a bolstering to his growing collection of embarrassing shirts. His fingernails tapped against the table as he listened to Akira respond to Mika’s second question, and the answer given was cringe-y at best. Just a vague and obviously untrue response that only explained that he had accepted his reputation as Warakuma’s #1 Least Likable Person. “Stop dancing around answering. Are you too embarrassed to reveal your faulty past?” The broad-shouldered boy donned a wide smirk. His confidence wasn’t the most convincing, but it was better than acting awkward and defensive around Akira. Rokoru slid his arms a little further onto the table, and peered out at Akira from beneath his lowered eyebrows. “Though I suppose I could start the recounting. Just to get you into the mood to share.” “I never really knew Akira until when we both ended up in the Archery club when we were first years. I didn’t care for him at the time, and neither did he I think…
[. . . . .]
Monday, April 8th, 2013 After School Wearing a simple black shirt that advertised Dr. Salt, and a pair of worn blue jeans, Rokoru wandered into the Archery range. The high amount of upperclassmen in the range was partially intimidating to the teen, he already felt tall enough to not be automatically seen as some overly eager first year. Though, in a world of third years, there were still many, many guys that stood over him. All he could do was pray that he’d get taller in the months to come. Rokoru felt good when he was one of the taller or tallest in a group, and the range was anything but comforting in that aspect. Rokoru shook the feeling off after a bit of emptily staring at everyone from the entrance. It was just practice: just shoot some arrows, make friends or something. He felt confident when he walked over to the shooting line, equipment slung over his shoulder. Stopping between a black haired boy and some random blonde girl he’d never seen before (presumably a second year or something), he prepared himself and his bow to start slinging shots, when he noticed the black haired boy getting bulls eyes with seemingly little effort. Rokoru stopped dead in his tracks, one hand on an arrow and the other grasping the bow. He recognized the boy as one of his fellow first years, and Rokoru considered confronting the boy about what he had just done. Insecurity lead him towards the idea, and after a bit of pondering, Rokoru firmly tapped the archer’s shoulder. “Hey,” he started, “I don’t think we know eachother, but I think I’m in your class or something. You’re a pretty good shot, huh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akira Kirigakure // Warakuma Shopping Complex Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 Glancing at Rokoru reacting to Mika's movements were comical. It's like he was a little kid. A mascot through and through, he thought to himself with a laugh, containing his laughter. But after Rokoru responded to him, he couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Trying to psyche yourself up, huh? Well, don't force it. I did want to see if your storytelling skills have improved in this time." he laughed again as Rokoru began to tell Mika the story. --- Warakuma High // Archery Range Monday, April 8th, 2013 After School It was just a typical practice for the Archery Club. School recently started so there was no tournaments in the near-future so it was more of kicking off the rust and for the newbies to get used to things. Not like such a period was needed for Akira, ever since middle school he would practice each and every day, firing hundreds of shots. He always believed in having a great work ethic and always pushed himself, believing failure wasn't an option. He wasn't that obsessive about it but it was practically the only thing that went well for him and it also gave him a sense of fulfillment. From the moment he walked into the range, eyes were already on him. While a first year, some of the members know of his feats from either being in tournaments together or from word of mouth. It was embarrassing but it's something that doesn't bother him anymore, haven't gotten used to it in middle school. Lining up next to an upperclassman with blonde hair, he pulled his bow back and began firing off shots downrange, hitting bullseye after bullseye as more eyes and whispers turned towards him. Just as he went for another arrow he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around was a tallish boy with a short faux mohawk. As the boy finished, Akira stood silent for a moment before answering with a blunt "Yea, I am." It wasn't his intention to come off rude and arrogant, it was just how Akira was. Also he didn't know what else to say to him since Akira wasn't exactly the social type, well around others. "Who-" Just as he was going to ask for the boy's name, a group of the upperclassmen walked up to them. "You hear that Banri? He just joined and the newbie already thinks he's better than us." One of them grinned, trying to act intimidating, Akira wasn't impressed and didn't react. "You've got that right, Hayato," Another responded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Monday, April 8th, 2013 After SchoolThink you’re hot shit, kid?” The taller of the two third-years leaned over Akira, a wide grin covering his snotty face. The second third-year lingered behind the first, and Rokoru watched on in a mix of confusion and intimidation. There wasn’t much of a point in defending some guy he had pretty much literally just met if it meant on getting on the bad side of some of the seniors. “You probably got some kind of weird bow that’s making you better,” the senior teased, obviously not the sharpest of tools. The second and shorter third-year peeked out from behind the first and shot Akira an ugly glare. “Arrogance gets you nowhere,” he said. It didn’t quite make sense but the point was that they were trying to kick him down a notch. There was no way some first year was better than them, and Akira, not being one to take such bullshit, lunged forward with his knee. The joint connected perfectly with the senior’s crotch, and he sent him to the ground with a shot to the back with his elbow. The second senior looked at the boy with a mixture of fear and anger before storming off in a fluster, leaving his ‘friend’ behind. Rokoru stared at Akira from behind the childish sobbing body of the third year. Akira gave a huff in response to the disgust written on Rokoru’s face and stormed off in his own right. Not before calling Rokoru and the seniors an obscenity or two, of course.
[. . . . .]
Rokoru Ishiara /// Warakuma Shopping Complex
From that day on, the boy known as Akira the Clubwrecker acted out a lot. A shocking amount, I had thought.” Rokoru sat up straight after finishing the first part of his retelling. He lifted the still steamy drink in front of him to his mouth and took a small sip from it. Some of the floating layer of cream stuck to his upper lip. His tongue shot out and licked it off before the teen leaned forward again to continue talking, but not before his stomach interrupted with a loud growling. Rokoru put his hand onto his midsection and looked at the other two people surrounding the table. “Either of you two hungry? On me." “Nothing for me,” Mika responded, her hand holding up her chin. Rokoru turned in his seat to face her. Rubbing the back of his head with one hand and resting the other on the table, he replied, “Awh Mika, it’s the least I can do for you. You’re always bringing me stuff for lunch and I can hardly keep up the favor. Just lemme buy you something here!” His tone of voice suggested that he either forgot Akira was there or that he had gotten accustomed (or more comfortable) with being in Akira’s company. “Try to bring something from home if you want to make it up to me, Rokoru! It’s like you don’t even care about what you eat.” The third-year frowned a bit. “I don’t. To be honest." Fed up with Rokoru for the time being, Mika gave in and instructed the boy to get her a muffin or something if he was buying food anyway. Rokoru got up from his seat and walked away from the table a few steps before suddenly turning back around on his heel. “Anything for you, Akira?” He spat the words out, like he was being forced to say it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 15 days ago

Mako Moritomi//Warakuma High, Auditorium
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
==~== The wolfish grin on the young Moritomi's face grew wider by a few molars as he saw his words take root in Drama-tan's mind. Even the subtle challenges might have worked in his favor, but the flattery worked just as well, if not more. Surprisingly pliable, this one. He did take a rather incredulous look around when she mentioned that she would not have hesitated head he been female. With the gender ratio so skewed toward the feminine end of the spectrum already, she should have jumped on the chance to balance the scales once again. It would have made her productions much easier to plan. He wrinkled his nose slightly at this, though he was probably too far away for her to see it. I smell more than a hint of sexism, here. Once again, however, the thought was discarded- he'd already broken through the gender barrier that may or may not have been there, so he may as well make the most of that and not cause trouble. One step at a time. He smiled wolfishly at the strawberry-haired drama queen and bowed slightly. "Thank you, Miss. I promise you, I will not disappoint. Of that, you can be certain." With that out of the way, he turned to the rest of the club. "A pleasure to meet you all. I am Mako, Mako Moritomi. I look forward to getting to know you all much better." With that done, he turned to Shinichi-kun, smile still in place. "So. I seem to be in need of a partner to pair myself with. Interested?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboru Yamamoto-The Mall
Noboru kept doing his stretches, trying to stretch after all the days of inactivity. He neared the end of his exercises and was ready to start his running when the quiet words echoed in his ear. The words were really really quiet. Without turning around Noboru could guess who it was. There was only one person around who was that quiet, and even though he had met her only once, he knew she was the one speaking. Turning around, he addressed her. Oh hey! Didn't really expect to see you around here. Aren't clubs still going on or something? I guess I really shouldn't be talking though. I skipped clubs today.
Aiko Yamamoto-To Track training
Aiko accepted the drink. His eyes drifted off, thinking about the question. Finally having a really good answer ready, he turned and started talking. "Well he's doing rather fine. In fact, he gets out today. Dropped off some clothes this morning for him. Knowing what he's gonna do after he gets out, the idiot. Anyhow, I just hope you're doing fine. I was rushing on pure adrenaline, while you were running off of energy drinks. More off topic, do you think we can run a few extra miles? This ordeal made me rethink how fit I am."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takaru
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Takaru Witting Instigator of Doom

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District | After School As Noboru returned her greeting, Kotori gave a brief bow as he then spoke on. As he mentioned clubs, she thought on which clubs she'd seen or heard that day - she remembered hearing a classmate or two talking about Archery Club and she'd seen the Track and Field Club practicing as she'd left school. As such, she gave a simple shake of her head for an answer before realising that it could be taken either way. "Ah, no, clubs are still going on. This is my way home," she said, clarifying the otherwise vague answer. "Uhm..." she started, unsure whether asking someone about their sudden absence would be too direct - but ultimately deciding to do so, given the worry that it put both his brother and Toma through. "Your older brother, Yamamo-, ah, Aiko-senpai, seemed quite worried about you recently. Is everything okay now?" Correcting herself midway through the name given that she was talking to Yamamoto about Yamamoto, Kotori's voice held more worry than curiosity - though she'd only just met Noboru on the same day he'd vanished, it was hard not to be at least a little affected by the upset it had caused those that knew him for longer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akira Kirigakure // Warakuma Shopping Complex Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 "Quite the story teller. Have you ever thought of a career in Hollywood?" he teased with a smirk as he took another swig of his coke. As Rokoru sat up, he asked if anyone of them were hungry but Akira remained silent, giving him his answer. "If he's paying, you should just attack his wallet and spoil yourself. With as much as you complained about him before, it's all fair game, yeah?" he grinned at Mika before focusing his attention elsewhere. As Rokoru got up and started walking away, he said something to Akira but he choose to ignore him. Rokoru soon stomped off and Akira found himself alone with Mika. Turning towards her, "Now then, let's 'correct' a few things." --- Monday, April 8th, 2013 After School As the group of third years continued their little shame game with Akira, Rokoru was practically ignored. Apparently he wasn't significant enough to be included in the conversation and that didn't sit well with him, the look on his face showed that. To top it off, he was still a little irked at Akira's response from a moment ago. Who does he think he is? Was probably running through his mind, no one would blame if that was true. But whatever was going through Rokoru's mind, he kept silent, for now anyway. Though, one of them managed to slip from his head and out in the open. "He probably got some kind of weird bow that’s making him better."He said to no one particular. While they ignored him before, both of the Seniors attention were noticing him now. The taller one, Banri, broke out in a grin. "My thoughts exactly," He looked at Rokoru with a grin as Rokoru finally realized he said it out loud. After remaining silent throughout this exchange, Akira finally spoke out. "Don't be ridiculous. Anyone with the tiniest bit of skill will be able to do as much." He denied bluntly, not intending to sound rude but just admitting what he believed to be the truth. If you worked hard enough at something, anyone would be able to do it. While it was clear he had a real natural talent for Archery, he didn't seem himself as anything special. To Akira, he simply worked harder than the others and his hard worked paid off. Though, he always feels that he could do better. Unintended as it may have been, the seniors were clearly pissed, their pride having been damaged. Just as they were about to resort to getting physical, Rokoru stepped in, also sounding peeved. "If you're so sure of yourself, let's swap bows and see how you do." Handing his bow to Akira. Accepting his challenge, him and Rokoru switched bows. Rokoru took 3 shots, 2 bulls-eyes and one that came close. With that display the seniors diginity was restored and they were back to their cocky selfs, now acting sure that Akira will now fail. Akira pulled the bow back and took aim. What would ensue was 3 perfect bulls-eye, efficient like a machine. Akira then lowered the bow and showed no emotion, not even elation as one would feel upon so a feat. "See?" he said simply as the others stared in disbelief. Before anything was said, the clubs adviser called Akira over to talk to him regarding the club. Putting the bow down, he walked over and began talking to the teacher. When he came back, his bow was slightly damaged and the string was snapped off. The seniors still seemed a bit despirited while Rokoru.....was gone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mika Moriyama /// Warakuma Shopping Complex
The squeak of strain being put on the cheap metal of the stools annoyed Mika as Rokoru sat down beside her again. The teen passed a suspiciously simple-looking muffin over to her before taking a bite from some kind of fried sandwich filled with a variety of meats that threatened to tip the sandwich boat they sailed on. Based on the grunt of pleasure, she assumed that Rokoru was enjoying both himself and the sandwich. Mika picked at the muffin he had given her and tasted a small bit of it. The taste of several savory flavors consumed her tastebuds and she couldn’t help but be physically repulsed by it. It was incredibly far from what she had expected, and to wash the lingering spiciness from her mouth, she took a swig of latte. The last bits of it tasted like nothing but flavor shots, which was also not pleasant. Though, the terrible choice in both food and drink couldn’t distract her from the situation at hand. Akira had revealed the truth of what happened two years back, which meant that Rokoru had lied. Lied to her straight-faced like he wasn’t doing anything wrong. She wasn’t even that mad about what Rokoru had done to Akira (though she still didn’t approve obviously; it was an incredibly shitty thing to do, even out of jealousy), but he purposely avoided the truth, blamed it on Akira, and refused to step up to his past wrong-doings to do… what? Save face in front of a childhood friend? The taste of sugary badness and savory muffin in her mouth was replaced by one of disappointment. Mika glared at Rokoru as the boy devoured his food, the sandwich disappearing into his gullet shockingly fast. He appeared to be blissfully unaware of the information that had just been shared, so Mika hit him on the calf with her foot to draw his attention to her. “Akira corrected your story, Rokoru. Nice to hear that you wrecked his equipment. Way to go, lying to one of your best friends!” Upon hearing her words, Rokoru’s expression turned upset immediately. Mika rose from her seat on the stool, pulling her bag onto her shoulders as she did so. She continued before either boy could interject. “This was an enlightening experience. I hope you enjoyed your coke or whatever, Akira.” And happy with her final words, the highschool girl walked away and out the door, leaving the shitty muffin all alone on the table. After she left, Rokoru turned swiveled around on his seat until he faced Akira with an angry look. Despite having nothing to say, he opened his mouth to talk. No words followed and all the teen could do besides sit there looking stupid was scowl. Scowl hard. It didn’t take long of that before he got sick of looking at Akira’s face again and pushed himself off the stool and onto the floor. His eyes wondered over to the muffin but even he decided to just leave it. Someone would do something with it. And with Rokoru flying out the door of the café, Akira was left all alone. Excluding the muffin’s depressing company, of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Rui Shinichi - Auditorium
14/4/2015 - Tuesday - After School The newcomer Moritomi offered to partner with him for today. Rui had no reason to refuse, so he accepted. The rest of Drama Club went by without much else happening. Leiko seemed to be fairly satisfied with everyone's progress today. After club was over, everyone headed home as they usually did. Warakuma Hospital - Evening As Noboru looked out his window, waiting for the day to end again, he saw a flicker of a person'a figure appear in the reflection. Noticing this he turned... But there was nothing there, almost instinctively he called out "Matthew?", but it appears he was not there, or anyone for that matter... It was a strange experience, was it possible this hospital was haunted...? In any case, he looked to a small key in his hand... It was the key to the Velvet Room. How did he get there though...?
Rui Shinichi
15/4/2015 - Wednesday - After School
It was another day, Noboru showed up today too. It looks like he was discharged this morning. He showed up right around lunch time, so he was here for basically none of the classes, as Wednesdays ended early for sport clubs. Rui wondered if he should go to the Kyuudo club again, or look into Kendo and properly join it...
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