Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 29 days ago

Meruin clicked her tongue, slightly irritated, though it was hard to tell for those that didn't know her. She moved forward without waiting or asking for Euphie to bring down the water barriers and walked right through them as if they weren't there. It was a spell that removed prevented a concept or 'reality' from touching Meruin. Right now, she had chosen on the concept of 'water' - so right now, she was actually dying from dehydration. The moment she walked passed the barriers, a sick looking Meruin tapped the ring on her finger, and at once she looked healthy again, if a more than a little fatigued. She shot a glance at Euphie and Deus. "No disturbing me," she said succinctly, and placed a hand on his chest. She began chanting quickly, each word easing his wounds and slowing down the depletion of his life force. Of course, this would not be enough; she would ask for Deus help afterwards, but right now she was simply stabilizing his condition so he didn't die immediately.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Limbo "..." Marcus awoke in a room that was empty. Sat there looking at his hands and examining his surroundings." W-We're am I....?" He asked no one in particular. "Limbo." A feminine voice says from behind Marcus. He turned looked at the woman. She was shorter than him and dressed like a witch. "That means I'm about......I screwed it up." He said falling backwards onto his back looking up at the ceiling. "I guess I'm not strong enough to even surpass my human limitations." The woman floated above him and looked at him. "But , your not human." Marcus wore a confused look on his face. The witch continued to speak. " I was watching your battle and the only reason you lost control is because your paladin raised life ignored the warlock blood hidden inside of you. That energy boost receive was actually magic and your began to reject itself canceling your own magic when its apart of you." He looked up a the witch. " So in other words every time I used an attack I was slowly killing myself?" The witch nods. Marcus jumped on to his feet. "Wait!!! Did you say warlock!!!! How could that be possible?!?!!" He wanted to know badly. " Just ask your father...." The witch said disappearing. End of Limbo
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tony sensed some kind of commotion going on. He sensed Death Energy and he knew something was wrong, he followed the energy trail until he found the group with Marcus on the ground. Meruin was currently healing him, "mind if I help? I can take the life energy from these plants and hopefully stabilize his condition even further. Hart concentrated, and his body began to emit a green aura as he absorbed the life energy around him. After a substantial amount of plants had died he poured the energy into Marcus. Any wounds that hadn't been healed by Meruin closed up. "We need to get him to the infimary. What the hell happened? He's a council member and an actual counselor, he shouldn't be doing whatever the hell he was doing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz Meister and Pamela Armellia Location: Academy Corridor He walked around, looking at the corridor and reminiscing about the old times. As he walked, Cruz stopped at the window and looked at the sun. "To think that back then, I would never think about the future. I was so worried about how people were seeing me, that I lost many things in the past. If it weren't the others, I would have never woken up and I wouls still be looking for a corner to hide and tremble on something that isn't so real as I had once thought.", he said. Then, Cruz looked at his pendant. It was a blue cross. an important symbol... held by the late king of the technomagicians. Now that he passed away, the pendant stood with the last survivor. So... I'm the king now. Heh... when you look at it, I'm no royalty. And even if I was, I would never like it that much., he said, hiding the pendant inside his shirt. "Excuse me.", she said, poking at Cruz's shoulder. He turned back, only to see her with her group. "Oh, you're the girl from the cafeteria. Sorry, I didn't got you name yet.", he said. That phrased made Pamela spin in a rondo and stop with a diva pose. "Heeeeelloooo, nice to meet you! I am Pamela Armellia, the Diva of the Academy!!", she spoke proudly. Cruz saw that she wasn't lying, though. Some students were running towards their direction, but some girls from Pamela's (how should I consider it so I won't say ridiculous again?) fanclub knew how to make barriers. "A-Ah, I- uh... see! A-Anyway, my name's Cruz. Cruz Meister.", he said, but she just smiled proudly. "Oh, I knew about that already. So, Cruz. I have a question to ask you.", she said, while looking at him from very directions. She even started to walk around him and by the sight one would see at his face, it was obvious that Cruz was uncomfortable with that. After completing her inspection (that has no fundamentation and Pamela became Cruz's new stalker), she asked the long awaited question. "What kind of girl do you like? The skinny ones? The ones with a certain color of hair? Or does she has some special talent?", she asked. Cruz got a little red, looking at the ground while scratching the back of his head. "U-Umm... w-well... geez, how am I supposed to answer that? I never thought on relationship before!", he said, getting a little more red. "A-A-Ahhh... I-I... see. I-I-In any case, would you like to bre my friend? I would love to have a friend like you.", she said. Cruz's face returned to normal and her face turned bright red. He gave her a smile and responded. "Oh, that's nice of you. Of course, I'd like to your friend, Pamela.", he spoke. She opened a big smile and looked directly to him (in her mind, she was already dreaming about Cruz).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alex was at the edge of his seat the whole time. Fortunately, the fight had ended but Marcus seemed to be hurt. He walked over to the group as Meruin and the new student were kneeling before Marcus, tending to his injuries. A moment later Tony came as well and got to work, using his power to heal Marcus's wounds. "Did you have to taunt him so much?" he asked the new student."Didn't you figure out he was one of those guys that hates to admit defeat? You could have just surrendered when you realised he lo- Wait, you did realise he lost conciousness half-way into the match right? Ugh..." Alex turned his attention to Marcus; "We've got to take him to the nurse's office right now or there won't be a tommorow for him" said Alex, "Quickly all, grab something on me and be sure not to let go. I repeat, do not let go of me" he warned them and closed his eyes. Suddenly, mathematical formulas started appearing before him. He searched, found and locked on the right coordinates and after three seconds, all of them dissapeared and quickly reappeared at the nurses office. Alex let go of Marcus and dropped on the ground, panting for air. It had been a long time since he had teleported so many people at once and It took a toll on his body. He looked around to see if everyone was there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He grabbed onto Alex as they teleported to the infirmary. Deus opened his eyes wide. He did not need to do that, he could have healed him with his Aura by passing some of his life force to Marcus. He stretched out his arms. "Uhh guys, you do know that I could have healed him all along, restoring his life force by using mine right? It's a simple feat." Deus said scratching his cheek, he thought he had said that. He looked at Alex. 'He's exhausted a nice rest will heal him probably.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Tssk." Euphie ignored Alex for the most part while she was still confirming the condition of Marcus's mind. When done she then turned to him "Don't talk down to either of us like that human. This person wanted to go stronger and Liz decided that like herself she needed be physically and mentally pushed to reach new limits, and it worked as well so don't talk to me like you know everything unless you want to end up at the bottom of the ocean!" Euphie hissed not caring about being kind to people like Liz would "Anyway you can go now anyway, His mind should recover on its own accord." She spoke and walked away not heading with the rest of the group as Euphie made her way into the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScorpionLantern

ScorpionLantern A Poisonous Light

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A couple landed straight in front of the entrance, after an hour or so of flying. A blue haired and proud looking woman and a slightly sleepy looking male. The young woman had a child strapped to her back that was happily dozing away. "Ah, so this is the school you went to, three years back?" asked Michael. Mithrail nodded. "Yes it is, though it was not truly much of a school as much as it was a gathering of pointless rabble," she muttered. "Mithrail, can we avoid getting into a fight on our first day please?" "I-if that's what you want, Michael. I make no promises, though." The two of them headed straight towards the school grounds. Michael was applying as a teacher, while Mithrail would be finishing her education on learning how to interact with mortals. Last year, she'd learned how to interact with the fragile part of humanity, now it was time to learn how to deal with the much sturdier portion of the species.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 29 days ago

Meruin sat up straight. "Healing him with your life force was one option, however it would have taken a bit more time than what we were allotted." The short mage looked at the spot Marcus had been in and then trained her thoughts towards Euphie and Liz. "Honestly, pursuing strength is one thing, but being reckless is another matter entirely," she mumbled, "and Tony, despite his status, Marcus is still someone that strives to get stronger. It's his fault that he let himself be so easily swayed, however, technically, the limitations on his action here are the same as any other student; if he gets gravely injured in a fight like this simply because his opponent was stronger, then we cannot judge." Meruin was not about to let this simply blow over though. She would talk with Marcus and Liz . . . Euphie, whichever, once they were available.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"But it would have been beneficial...Anyways I don't blamed Marcus. His hidden ability was just unlocked, and in a forceful way, so he was vulnerable to the Dark Side of chi. Anyways the point is he was being reckless, and having the Dark Side of chi manipulate him is worst. He wasn't trained properly to control his chi. Even though I don't control chi, but I control Aura so I can teach him the little bit that I know about chi so that this doesn't happen again." Deus picked up Marcus and layer him on a bed. He sat down next to him and touched his (Deus's) chest. Suddenly a Rainbow aura began to fill the room, it began to make his way to Marcus. He was passing some of his life force to Marcus restoring Marcus's life force. Once he was done he fell down on a chair gasping for air. Deus's life force would restore in a bit, as for Marcus, his life force was fully restored. "There....All done.." ((I felt the need to post something after a while))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Slick sat on a sofa in the common room. waiting for his classes to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Charlie would arrive into the Common room, looking at the other students in the room and tap his chin "hm.. some familiar faces from yesterday" he then shrugs and takes a seat his magic carpet disappeared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Eklispe "Fine then, lets go" Eris said as she pushed a button on a remote hooked up to the launcher and canceled out the momentum of the ball that came rocketing out and caused it to spin on the flat of the blade of her sword before launching it at sol having the ball ride on a light blade directly over the net.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@the ghost in black Sol quickly reacted by gesturing upwards, causing the ball to spiral upward in a column of air before sending it hurtling towards Eris at a sharp angle. The metal ball was slightly heavier than he had anticipated so his aim was off a little but none the less the ball hurtled towards Eris's side of the court. The blade of light was interesting but it didn't seem suited for a match of this sort, once again he questioned why she had chosen tennis of all things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit Location: Outside Court Cruz, who had been walikng with Pamela and her group for a while, reached the court to see the match. "Wow, a no power match? I'd never thought that someone would be doing such thing. Especially when the academy is filled with the unnatural.", he said. "Oh, oh, oh! Maybe we can play too! Like, in doubles! You and me against them!", she said, excited with the idea. Cruz gave her a little laugh. "Nah, I think I'll pass for now. We'll eventually have to train our physical attributes in class.", he said. A little heartbroken, Pamela gave him a false giggle and looked back to the ground. "Yo, Mr. Technomage.", a voice said from above. Sitting on a branch, Lynda watched the match as well. She was trying to be friendly with Cruz, but she still seemed to be cold since Lyn never saw Cruz in action. "Uh, hi. Who are you?", he asked. "Who cares? That's trivial for now. What matters here is you.", she said. "Hey, don't talk with him like that, you-", Pamela was going to insult but Cruz held her back before she could even speak a word. By seeing who stood in their front, it was obvious that caution is something necessary. After all, he didn't wanted to pull fights for now. "Ignoring your petty, nosy friend... I wanted to ask something. How come someone like you, that came from a race that has all information in the world, came here to the middle of nowhere?", Lyn questioned. "Having the theory is one thing. Knowing needs the external practice, which I lack on somethings.", he said. "Hmmm... I understand. Now, last question. Since you are friends with many people from the Student Council, how come you aren't one of them?", she questioned once again. "... Because in the last academy, I was unranked. You can ask any people from the Student Council and they'll say the same thing. Also, about being nosy, you can't comment that much, since I know you've been spying the council ever since that little fight you had with 10 girls.", he said. After hearing that, Lyn just gavem the a tch and kept looking at the match. Cruz walked forward, closer to the court. Pamela walked after him, showing her tongue to the hermit in the tree. Agni Blackheart & Cerberus Location: Rooftop That was the most lonely location he knew in the school. Except for the sun and its light, no one would disturb him. Or at least, he hoped for it. Agni was taking a breather until class would start. "It's unfortunate that I won't be able to leave class. To think that I have to share space with others...", he complained. "Well, we can sit on the most far corner of the class. Then, you will have your space, my master.", Cerberus said. His positivism was the only thing that sometimes made Agni laugh a little in a while. "The prying eyes, Cerberus. Everyone aims for the lone person staying quiet in the corner, hoping for him, her or it to do something. It wouldn't be a surprise if they decide to speak with me.", he said, disappointed. "Well, my master, you can simply ignore them. Like you always do.", Cerberus responded. Agni gave him a little smile and looked at the horizon. "If only the sky was black...", he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Slick had fallen asleep on one of the sofas in the common room, he'd been too tired from waiting.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

After taking some time to rest, Alex got up from the floor and tidies himself up. He shot a glance at Marcus, who seemed to be fine for the most part, and then turned to leave. "Guys, you better go to the common room now if you want to get your gauntlets" he told everyone in the nurses office and then teleported himself to the common room. He looked around and found an empty seat by a window and sat there, waiting for the teacher to arrive. @BranchOfSin @TheHangedMan @DaDrummer676 @Slendy @Dash375
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tony found himself in the common room, talking with his sister about various strategies. Tony had figured out how he was going to approach most battles, but it was Lucy he was worried about. She only had one ability, and it wasn't very destructive. She had been training her physical strength, and had become strong for her size. Tony was still worried though... He hoped things would turn out okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus slowly opened one of his eyes and slooked around the room. He didn't like being the in the infirmary. Well he did like seeing the beautiful nurses but besides that he hated the infirmary. He slowly slid his right hand up towards the window above his bed lifting the window up slowly and planned to jump out of it when no one was looking. Marcus slowly stood in the bed and put one foot through the window getting stuck. "Fuck!!!!!" He shouted but then covered his mouth. Hopefully no one heard him.
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