Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

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Kita does her last few quick observations before following Emmett out of the room. She shrugged to him when he invited her, "I'm always open to any kind of beverage. I could use some more caffeine here and there in my life anyways," Kita spoke half-blandly. "So yea count me in."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emmett lays his hand on Kita's shoulder. "Prepare yourself." He warned her before he teleported himself and her in front of the café. He knows that he left his car at the hotel and would send one of the rookie detectives to retrieve it later on. He walked into the building tampering with his black tuxedo. Emmett did catch a lot of attention when he entered. Its not Evey day you see a 6'4" pale skinned man walk into your store. He made his way to the counter and ordered a cappuccino. The women behind the counter nodded and took the money Emmett slid on the table. "Can't wait! A fucking vampire!" He shouted in the middle of the café like a school girl. "You wanna help me and Noah fight it when Leon gives us the signal!!!!?" Emmett asked Kita loudly. Let's hope the mission they're on wasn't top secret cause Emmett just obviously threw it out the window.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alekanekalia
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Alekanekalia Attendant of Memories

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"Really now the way you say that, kind of makes me think you are her or at least working with her." she replies as she leans back smiling at her. "so what information are planning to provide, and what exactly is it going to cost me?" she asked. Alydia frowned as she heard some yell "Can't wait! A fucking vampire!". it sounded oddly familiar, glancing towards the counter and realized, "oh great....just great..." she groaned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kita was always prepared to be teleported to wherever. She followed Emmett into the café as she slightly tugged on her sweatshirt for a second before putting her hand back in her pocket. When they approach the counter Kita orders herself a simple coffee, black. She starts off with a big sip before Emmett suddenly started shouting, making her jump a bit "Oh Jesus!" Kita coughed a little after swallowing. Kita then reached up to grab Emmett by the back of the collar and pulled him down as if ducking from something, but obviously there was nothing to duck from, "Keep your voice down Steve Harvey!" Kita whisper shouted, "Geez! No need for China to hear you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emmett took a quick sip of his cappuccino and looked at Kita as she forcefully ducked him down. "I can't help it we're gonna have......so...much ....." He stopped never ending his sentence. He stood and activated his ability disappearing in the middle of the café. Some of the customers starred in confusion on how something so tall can be gone in just a few seconds. Emmett reappeared in the café standing next to Kita. He was now wearing white gloves and his eyes were a darker color of purple. The tuxedo he was wearing gave of a light purplish glow. "I'm terribly sorry for my spontaneous outburst." Emmett apologized taking a sip of his cappuccino with his pinky in the air. It was clear he wasn't drunk anymore. Purplish particles danced around him as he stood searching for a seat. His eyes soon come across Alydia sitting with a stranger. "Madam(Kita) follow me." He walked towards the table and stood examining both of the girls silently. Since he wasn't drunk he was now shy when it came to communicating with women so he nods and motions Alydia to scoot over so he could sit next to her." Greetings l-l-ladies." He nearly whispered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leon arrived at the cafe just in time as he turned the engine off and grabbed the handle of his sword and ran in. "Scarlet Ashe Detective Agency nobody move!" Leon noticed Emmett, Kita, and Alydia. Luckily he left his video function on for Eris to see everything. he whispered under his breath in order to contact Eris. "Get Zio over the the cafe and make sure to tell him that when he arrives do not attack until I gave the signal." Leon said. "No one try anything stupid. I have reason to believe there is a killer in this cafe!" Leon said out loud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Leon arrived at the cafe just in time as he turned the engine off and grabbed the handle of his sword and ran in. "Scarlet Ashe Detective Agency nobody move!" Leon noticed Emmett, Kita, and Alydia. Luckily he left his video function on for Eris to see everything. he whispered under his breath in order to contact Eris. "Get Zio over the the cafe and make sure to tell him that when he arrives do not attack until I gave the signal." Leon said. "No one try anything stupid. I have reason to believe there is a killer in this cafe!" Leon said out loud.

"Got it sir" she said then turned to Zio "Zio get to Leon's position but don't attack until we give the signal, got it?" Eris said her voice sounding more serious as she talked "Go now!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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@Alekanekalia Raven grinned at the sight of the dysfunctional squad. "Hmph, bunch of armatures." She stated turning back to Aly. " Shes not here nor is her sister, who goes by R." sighing she laid back in her seat. "Here's my proposition, I give you info, you let me eliminate them both."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alekanekalia
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Alekanekalia Attendant of Memories

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alydia frowned at her teammates, turning her attention back on Karen. "that isn't something I can decide... might put some consideration to though." She said as she to let emmett sit next to her. "What do you gain though if you do kill them?" she asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kita nodded at Emmett while making a quiet slight sigh of relief. It seems like he was finally pulling it together. Kita took another sip of her coffee before nodding to Emmett again and following him to the ladies' table. One of them was a teammate, Alydia. The other was a stranger. Kita silently observed this dark-haired woman silently for a couple seconds with her typical look with half-open tired eyes before motioning her scoot over to sit along with them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Alekanekalia "I gain my long awaited revenge," Raven stated. "you see during the early years, right around high school, is when the killing began. They shared just about everything, lunch, books, make-up, even boyfriends" Raven then paused and acted as if she was getting emotional to sweeten the act. "Well Scott was they're current boyfriend at this particular time, he became very confused with the way they worked the relationship out. He gave up and he came to me. Once XXX and R figured out, they killed Scott, My one and only lover." Raven then gladly scooted over so Kita could sit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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After losing himself in his thoughts, Dimitri found himself losing his grip on the passage of time and the world around him as well. He hadn't even noticed that a few of his coworkers and his boss had arrived and unlocked the door until he was nudged by his boss' boot. Dimitri's head had snapped up near instantly as he fought down the instinct to immediately clamp down and tear into whatever touched him, "C'mon, time to get this day done..." he extremely hung over boss, Matthew, grumbled in a voice barely exceeding a whisper. Dimitri stood up and dusted off his pants before following Matt inside "Het Matt. You look like shit man, you sure you want to be in today?", receiving only a strange sound somewhere between and groan and a whimper in response. Dimitri let the subject drop and simply entered the garage portion of the shop just as the sign was flicked on and the garage doors were pulled up. The air was brisk, and several of Dimitri's coworkers nestled deeper into their coats, he simply ignored this as his heavy jacket -as well as a generous portion of monster physiology- was more than enough to keep him warm. These things were not, however, enough to help him reach his tool box, which someone had yet again sat onto one of the higher shelves to mess with him.

"Alright, who has the balls this time?" Dimitri hissed as he turned to glare at the smirking faces of his coworkers. Knowing that no one would actually confess, Dimitri turned back around and began to jump to try and reach his tools. It was humiliating having to fake being human, he was certain that he was grinding his teeth into powder each and every time he had to fake such pitiful weakness just to blend in. It needed to be done though, if only so he could continue to hunt as he wished. As some of the first cars rolled in, one of his female coworkers finally took pity on the wendigo and retrieved the box for him, "Thanks, Shannon." "No problem. Y'know, you really should've ate your veggies as a kid Cap'n Crunch. Maybe you wouldn't be a short stack., "Ha-fuckin'-ha. What's with you people and naming me after cereal anyway?" "Not my fault you eat more than anyone I know. Seriously where do you put all that food? It's crazy that you eat so much and stay so tiny.. Dimitri's eyes narrowed, he muttered under his breath and walked away from his coworker to get to work on the car, "Hey, at least I don't try to tousle your hair like Allen and Carol do!" Shannon called out before laughing as Dimitri half jokingly flipped her the bird.

This was typical behavior in Matthew Sykes Automotive repair, the employees loved to make jokes and rib each other, and Dimitri was not immune to it. The difference was that despite his behavior around his coworkers, every time he came in he dreamt of nothing more than dismembering and eating everyone. Even now, as he slid under a car and went to work, he thought about nothing, but what it would be like to bite off Shannon's fingers one by one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Noah had just parked his 4x4 right in front of the café Emmett had told him about he got his weapons ready but stayed in his car the tinted windows hiding him. He saw that the situation seemed delicate and if he moved fully armed he could cause the vampire to take a hostage so he decided to text Emmett I'm outside waiting, when you want me to move in signal me. He griped his FN F2000 ready to burst out and gun down the vampire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chaos Wolf
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Chaos Wolf

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@The ghost in black
"Roger." Zio said with a grin as he took of in a sprint running towards the exit of the agency, grabbing his sword as he passed through the door outisde. Zio ran as fast as he could to the cafe Leon was at, excitement was written all over Zio's face. Finally I can have some fun. Zio taught to himself as he kept running towards the cafe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alekanekalia
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Alekanekalia Attendant of Memories

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"Revenge tends to lead one to their end..." Alydia stated as sat a little straighter in her seat. "Besides I'm sure my boss wouldn't appreciate me letting someone become a murder to takedown a murder." She muttered as Leo came into the cafe. "oh look speak of the devil and he appears. She said jokingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Alekanekalia "I'm done playing this game," Raven replied in a serious tone. " I get the kill, you get the glory. Besides, by the looks of it, you guys are far from figuring out who XXX is which gives time for R to play. It wont be long until they hack the Agency's system, like I did your phone. Then your Agency will become a mere playground for the sisters, ultimately leading to your demise." She then stood. " Now pick your poison, We do this together and I get my revenge, or be mere playthings."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Alright so from the looks of things, your engine locked up due to the fact that you're seriously overdue for an oil change-" "Oh here we go again with this shit! I already told you people that you're not going to scam any extra cash from me with that!, Dimitri slowly reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose as he stood before a man that appeared to be in his forties. It had been twenty minutes since the man had arrived in a taxi with complaints of his car no longer working, and after a long argument about how there would be a fee for the vehicle being towed to the shop, Dimitri had decided to take a gander at the vehicle to determine the problem. The car -a bright red mustang Gt. 5.0-, was suffering from what was known as engine lock due to a combination of the man pushing his vehicle too much and neglecting to get it's oil changed. "Sir, I already told you, we aren't attempting to scam you. This sort of thing is exactly why oil changes are so important." Dimitri said as he lowered his hand. He hated dealing with these types of people, they were too stupid to know what was wrong with their possessions, but believed themselves to be clever enough to know a scam in action. The man huffed and sneered as he looked down at Dimitri, "Fine. How much is it going to cost?" "Well, it's usually anywhere between two to four thousand dollars since we-" "Two to four thousand dollars!? What kind of idiot do you take me for!". The man was livid, and he expressed this by ranting and raving at Dimitri who silently grew more irritable with each spit flecked word thrown at him.

Dimitri allowed the to continue for a bit before holding up his hand to interrupt, "Look, it's going to be more or less the same price wherever you go, if you don't like it that's too bad, you should have taken better care of your car.". The man's face turned beet red, he reached out and jabbed Dimitri in the chest with his finger, "You listen to me you little gremlin, I can have your job on a fucking platter, you hear me?!", "Do not touch me again. Dimitri hissed darkly before turning to walk away. Things were getting bad, he could feel his resolve slipping, and the only thing that was going to save the man now was him walking away before he lost it. Unfortunately for both parties, the man wasn't done telling off Dimitri, something he made apparent when he followed after the wendigo and gripped him tightly by the shoulder to spin him around, "Don't you walk away from me you-AGH!". The reaction had been almost instantaneous; as the man had turned Dimitri and proceeded to try and jab him in the chest with his finger again, Dimitri had seized him by the wrist and sunken his teeth deep into his hand. Within seconds they were writhing on the floor with Dimitri on top, viciously shaking his head back and forth in an effort to sever muscles and break bones. It took two of his coworkers and another customer to pull Dimitri off, and even then they only managed to do it because Dimitri regained his senses. Dimitri's boss, having been drawn out by the commotion, sent one of his employees to fetch a first aid kit and dragged Dimitri aside, "What the fuck did you do!?" "I told him not to touch me again. He didn't listen.". Matthew prepared to berate Dimitri for his actions, however the words died in his throat when he got a good look at his employee. Dimitri had always been a decent enough employee, a bit crass at times, but easy enough to get along with, and certainly not threatening. Now however, with blood staining his lips and jacket and a strange glazed look in his eyes, there was an unsettling look about Dimitri that sent a shiver up his spine. "Look, just...just go home for now. I'll try to get this settled as best I can and have Shannon clock you out. If he tries to sue, we've got surveillance cameras that can prove he started this." Matthew said. Dimitri stared at Matthew for a few seconds, then to the man he'd bitten, and exited the garage.

It wasn't until Dimitri left that Matthew realized that he was shivering for reasons other than the cold. Dimitri meanwhile began walking back towards his apartment, heading in the direction of the cafe whilst completely heedless of the strange looks and wide berth that the people on the sidewalk gave him thanks to the bloodstains.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Emmett phone buzzed in his pocket causing him to jolt up out of his seat. He retrieve his phone from his pocket and read the text message. Okay. When I stand, shape my fingers into a gun and fire into the air. That's when you rush in. Emmett remained quite as the girls next to him continued their conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chaos Wolf
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Chaos Wolf

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Zio arrived at the cafe where everyone was. He waited outside on the other side of the street, his sword resting in his right hand as he watched the situation inside the cafe. He was waiting, waiting for someone to make the first move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Sir, I think we got a match on that dna sample" Eris said as a screen dominated he area and showed a picture and name of the person "I'm sending out a copy of the potential triple x killer who might be in there with you" she said before sending it to all the agents in the area then sent a jot of electricity through the computer on her desk to wake up chroma @Zetsuko "Hey get up, we have work to do"
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