Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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@The ghost in black The sudden jolt getting his attention and hearing Eris, Chroma uses a nearby holoprojecter to appear in the room, "well hi Eris, whats going on?" Chroma checks out the screen seeing the results of the DNA search, "...and whos that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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"Oh no one except a notorious murderer the triple x killer, god where have you been" Eris said with a sigh and moved a holographic screen over to him and expanded it "this must be her" she said as she stretched still sitting down on her beanbag.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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@The ghost in black "i've been working with the systems on my Droid", looking at the Eris's screen, "hmm...so i see", brings up a camera feed from street cameras near the cafe everyone is at, "so the suspect is expected to be at that cafe?", replays the past few minutes of footage to get up to speed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

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"Sir, I think we got a match on that dna sample" Eris said as a screen dominated he area and showed a picture and name of the person "I'm sending out a copy of the potential triple x killer who might be in there with you" she said before sending it to all the agents in the area.

"Alright thanks Eris!" Leon said as he took a look at the data sent from Eris. He brought up a little visor from the ear piece using it to scan everyone in the cafe to match one up to the data Eris gave him. As he scanned the area he came up on a match, it was the girl sitting with Alydia. He approached the table as he unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the girl with Alydia. "You have the right to remain silent." Leon said bluntly. "We have evidence that points to the fact that you are Triple X." Leon added "Furthermore the data points you to another killer who was in our database, R." Leon said. "Do not try anything funny or we will use force." Leon added as he gave a glare that gave off the presence of the grim reaper himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Raven laughed. "What evidence, a bugged camera," she said pointing at the camera in the cafe. "Which has no evidence at all, furthermore, I don't see warrants. " Raven then smiled. "You have nothing and you know it, I doubt you're even sure I'm XXX. Now stop being a hero and sit down before you blow the opportunity of your lives." Raven smirked giving back a darker look. "Only reason your DNA testing comes up with me as a suspect is because I carry the same DNA as XXX and R." she said, revealing a bite mark on her neck and the scar on her wrist, spelling out XXX. "I can't be a suspect, when I was already a victim. " Raven then looked over at Alydia. "You really think you're gonna find them with me behind bars?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

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"At the hotel where the recent Triple X murder took place we found a bloody rag which we suspected XXX used to clean up with." Leon said "Being a vampire she would have needed to clean her face of any loose blood that may have gotten onto her while "feasting" Thus we are brought to the rag again."He added "We found a saliva sample on the rag that we had analyzed back at HQ. Once analyzed we came up with a dna match for 2 killers." R and Triple X. Leading me to believe that they are the same person. Once I added the data to my ear piece I scanned the room looking for a person that matched." He added "Now all of these may seem complicated so let me try a different approach" He said as he took his blade and cut his arm revealing blood. "Now then...the real test is upon us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Raven stared at the blood, and smirked. "Silly mortals." she said. "You didn't think I had a plan B did you?" Being as limber as she was, Raven slipped past Leon, grabbing his gun and shooting the lights out. "Bye bye." she said, kissing his cheek. As the room became black, Raven had disappeared in the darkness, due to her "gift" she was nearly invisible, slipping out of the cafe, when she had the chance. She then made her way to the one place where she was safe, her home in the metal shipping crate. As she reached the door, she looked to see if she was followed. "Plan B, I need an apprentice." she muttered to herself, now going into her crate. She began doing research on feared murderers, looking for a partner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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As raven found out Isla's number she texted the girl. " You know very well who I am, thus I have a proposition for you. Meet me at the abandoned firehouse, there is a metal shipping crate next to the building. Go to it and knock three times." She then set her phone down, she then turned to her mirror and sighed. "Well time to change my look." she muttered to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Mmm, That was some good popcorn. Nice fail, agents.

As Isla was walking around the city, monster sneaking around to not be seen, she decided she deserved a little rest. After a long while of lying, killing, baiting, and other such things, She began to get tired.

She decided to go to her phone and check some websites or something, if she could find a decent connection that wasn't protected. Most likely near an apartment, or a café, if not just from random.

Well deserved relaxing. Not in the middle of the sidewalk, mind you. In a nice dark spot.

She got a text. It said something about an abandoned firehouse, and a shipping crate. Told her to go there.

Of course, it interrupted her relaxing, but she got up and fetched her monster.

She then headed to this crate, and as the text said, knocked on it 3 times. She waited patiently, as she was fine with staying there to relax. (Which she got interrupted from Because of a ninja post.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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As he passed by the cafe, Dimitri heard an almighty racket from inside, racket that sounded a lot like the firing of a gun. The wendigo stopped briefly and looked over his shoulder to see what it was, his eyes turning from red to blue for a fraction of a second. Dimitri contemplated getting a better look, but decided against hanging around to find out for concern of further irritation. He was in a bad enough mood as is thanks to what had transpired earlier, however there was nothing he could really do about it until nightfall. With a small sigh and a slight scratch of his cheek from discomfort caused by dried blood, Dimitri continued to meander down the street, rubbing his face with his jacket sleeve to remove the dried fluid as he went. His jacket was pretty much a mess, between the blood and oils spilled on it, it was clearly long overdue for a cleaning. All that would have to wait however as Dimitri jogged the rest of the way to his apartment roughly three blocks away to wait for sunset.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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@LowKey123 Raven slid open the door to her hideout. "You came," she said, a bit surprised. "Come in, it's not much but it's home." As she let Isla in, Raven closed the sliding door and locked the padlock on the inside. " You want coffee?" she asked, trying to offer some hospitality.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Chroma watched from the security cams as this triple X girl rushed leon taking his gun and shooting out the lights and vanishing 'she's quick' he thought, he had subtly taken over her phone so he could monitor it when it sent a text to another number " You know very well who I am, thus I have a proposition for you. Meet me at the abandoned firehouse, there is a metal shipping crate next to the building. Go to it and knock three times.". he kept all this to himself for the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Emmett stood in the darkness. His purple eyes glowing in the darkened room. "Leon, I'm terribly sorry. I would of caught her....but you know how I am with women." His purple eyes danced around the room and came across the after images of Raven sneaking out. "This mission is not a complete fail." He said vanishined and reappeared outside. "Noah. She got away." Emmett said hopping into the car. "Thankfully Enderman are more usuful in the dark. I can see her foot steps.....you up for a little ride?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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@LowKey123 Raven slid open the door to her hideout. "You came," she said, a bit surprised. "Come in, it's not much but it's home." As she let Isla in, Raven closed the sliding door and locked the padlock on the inside. " You want coffee?" she asked, trying to offer some hospitality.

As Isla walked in, she quickly examined the place. As she said, it wasn't very much at all.

"Sure, I'll have some coffee." Isla replied. "So, what's this 'proposition' you have for me?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Noah turned to Emmett who had jumped in his car "sure just point the way" Noah then revved the engine and got on to the road.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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@LowKey123 Raven sat down infront of the mirror and commenced in dyeing her hair black. " Me and you share the same lust,." she said. "The lust for blood." As she put the color in her hair, she turned to face Isla. " Long story short, I need a partner." she said, pouring coffee for Isla. "I know you you are, and how you work.." she handed the coffee to Isla. "Careful, it's hot. Going back to the topic, you know who I am correct?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

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Leon was caught in the dark as he raised his sword into the air while casting a spell to light up the area. "Dammit she got away!" Leon said as he walked out to his car to see Emmett and Noah. "Emmett I'm counting on you to track her down?" Leon said as he walked up to his car and started the engine and drove off back to the Agency.

-Meanwhile at the Agency-

Zander was in the morgue analyzing the dead body as he began to drool a bit. "Guess its time for lunch." Zander said as he cut open the man's head and removed the brain cutting off a quarter of it and chopping it up into bits. He then grabbed a thing of super spicy beef instant ramen from the cabinet, put some water in it and put it in the microwave. After about 4 minutes he tooks it out poured the ramen into a plastic bowl, sprinkled the brain bits on top of it, and added Ashe Cities Original Brand Lava Titan Hot Sauce. as he drizzled the hot sauce on the ramen he recited the catchy motto of the brand hot sauce "When you need hot sauce, just go to your friendly Molten Giant, The Lava Titan. Ashe City Brand Lava Titan Hot Sauce, for the bravest of heroes." He said as he finished putting the hot sauce on. he grabs the bowl and heads into the lounge area where Leon is sitting after getting back from the cafe. "Better?" Leon asked as Zander turned around not noticing that Leon was sitting there. He smiled as a noodle hung out of his mouth from being in the middle of slurping and nodded quickly as he finished slurping the noodles. As he finished his ramen he got a vision from eating the brain.


The man walks up to a building known as the 'Ashe City Special Needs Center' as the man walked in he approached a woman at a counter "Hey Jessica!" the man said "Hey you ready to work hard with Jayme today? Jessica said as a snake tail swung up. "Yeah I'm ready to help her out anyday." the man said as the vision ended.

-Back in the Agency-

"I just got a vision about or victim!" Zander said as he suddenly stood up. "Good tell me what you found." Leon said as Zander explained everything.

Chapter 1 Ended
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

( So I can't really rp without my apprentice lol)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chapter 2: The Crimson Festival

January 30th, 2020: Ashe City Ramen Shop

In Ashe Cities most popular ramen shop people are staring at a cloaked woman with a large coffin leaning on the table has scarfed down about 9 bowls of ramen and is working on her 10th as she finishes her last bowl she places 30 dollars on the table "Thank you for the mean old man! Keep the change!" She says as she straps the coffin to her back and walks out. "Now to find the agency" She thinks to herself.
Meanwhile at the Ashe City Detective Agency, Scarlet Ashe
As Leon heads into the agency he sits at his desk and pulls out his smartphone and notices a text from his fiancee. "Tomorrow is our anniversary huh." He read the message in his head. "Can't believe its been 5 years since we've been together." as he put his phone in his bag the bell above the front door rang as a maine coon breed catgirl and a little girl in a top hat walk in. "Hello we're looking for Leon Luis!" called the little girl. Leon got up from his desk and approached the girls "That's me what can I do for you?" Leon said as the little girl took her top hat off and started digging through it. After a while she pulls out a folded up piece of paper and hands it to Leon. "We have a message for you from an anonymous sender." said the little girl as she jumped on the catgirls shoulders as she walked out. Leon unfolded the paper which read "A small terrorist group known as Shadow Gear is currently in Ashe City, they will attack during the festival tomorrow." the note read. "I guess we better prepare then." he thought to himself. "Alright listen up! We have a big emergency! a small terrorist group known as Shadow Gear is here in Ashe City! From the rumors I have heard this group is comprised of 5 members 3 being magic users, 1 a weapons master, and the last one a golem!" Leon yelled out loud "So, they've finally decided to attack Ashe City huh...I'll make them pay!" he thought to himself. Outside the agency near an alley way where the cloaked woman with the coffin is approached by the other 2 girls. "We gave him the message Ms. Leader!" the little girl said cheerfully. "Great work Lizzy now we just wait for the festival." said the cloaked woman "How do you know he'll stop them?" Said the catgirl in a very monotone voice "Easy Coco, it's because he's my little brother." Said the cloaked woman.

Chapter 2 is now underway!
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