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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt glanced back over at Penny, and frowned. "I could've helped, you know. As for what we do now, we figure out how to install the princess as a benevolent ruler and find out what happened to the Karn here. Not to mention figuring out who I'm half hugging right now and why they're impersonating Karn. My guess is we have our work cut out for us." He jostled fake Karn a little as he mentioned him, before turning his head to face the fake. "If you wanted to stay hidden, running practically straight to the one person that can figure out exactly how much energy you have is not a good idea. Unless you have about the same amount as the person you're impersonating and don't start your interaction by stating you have almost non left. Just a heads up. Thanks for letting me know the real Karn isn't here though." His grip on fake Karn's shoulder tightened a little, before he looked back at Penny. "Want to help solve the mystery of the vanishing Karn?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Edolas ??? "Karn"

"Karn" listened to Penny then Mayt as he jostled him, but despite the finger basically pointed at him for by not being the real one. He just looked confused and surprised as he curiously looked up at the man holding him. Of course, very much wanting to crack a joke. So very badly. Sadly, Karn didn't seem to understand those sorts of jokes. Shame. A shame.

"But when I met you, I already had less magical power than normal. I've been traveling nonstop and I tend to use my magic a lot as I kinda gave away through the time you met me to the time we were separated right? And when I met you as a cat and you petted me, I wouldnt have too much magical power as that form. Like my Chimera." Karn pointed out with a cheerful smile. "But when I got here, I've had hours of rest with no magic use. As for not knowing my magic, Sinny didn't tell me what the candy did. And I tend to forget things when exciting things happen like that happen. But maybe I'm not Karn and if I'm not then who am I? Maybe.... Maybe I'm another dimension Karn who doesn't know they aren't the real Karn they live in a place full of fish that live on land instead of the water?" the blonde said, starting to ramble at the end at imagining eating a bunch of fish before frowning.

"But no Winged Fish.. Bleh." he mused making a mild disgusted face as he stuck out his tongue before looking to Edo-Trinity and eyes widening in awe.

"I'm a girl here?! That so cool we can sing duets and bake all the cookies! And try on maid outfits!" 'Karn' said eagerly. He still didn't really care if he was found out or not. All it mattered is that they had no idea who he was, and his mission was completed. So all was fair game now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Edolas Capitol

He was upset inside but had a worried expression as he saw Liana go inside the palace. The man quickly followed her inside and caught up with girl. "Liana, you mustn't take the throne. The main reason why I came here was to tell you that you cannot take it. That throne is a curse, changing anyone who seeks to claim or use. How can you not see it already? he leaned against a table nearby with one arm supporting him as he rubbed his head, obviously showing great concern about something that he tried to just say.

King Faust was a mad ruler, attempting to steal another world's magic that didn't belong to him or any of us. Something like that isn't fitting for a king, even when our magic supply was scarce at that time. But it was when I read a few documents about King Jellal, the lost prince and future king. It was a amazing what he did for the people, to protect what was left after he stopped that fire breather King Dragneel that took all our magic. However, why did he make it up, the battle against that king,... why was it all an act. Why did he LIE to us and kept it a secret. Why did he write that he was the one that sent our magic away? What gave him the power and authority to decide for all of us that sending all our magic to a world with it as an overly abundant resource? Sure, the way it was being used and taken by the king wasn't right, but throwing it all away is even worse. That magic, the magic we had left could help people during his reign, yet he didn't see any benefits in it, the great potential that it could have brought. The king, your father, my best friend,... he seemed to carry that same ideology of no magic being used. We were the best of friends, almost like brothers, but our disagreement about magic was what separated us and led to my eventual banishment. It was after his death that I truly saw that no one was fit for the throne.

Gentsai finally found his composure and walked away from the table and looked at Liana. His concerned look was gone and replaced with a composed expression. “Neither King Faust or Jellal saw the correct use of magic. The fake King and Queen weren’t fit as rulers for our people; those two didn’t see the difference from right and wrong, they obviously couldn’t even lead a dog on a leash properly. Maddox was a fool if he thought he could forcibly take the throne with brute force and satisfy his thirst for power. Pen was an idiot, thinking he could do a successful coup to take the throne. Your father, my friend… no, that throne, it’s a curse that changes anyone who seeks it. A curse that brought nothing but a senseless cycle of corruption, violence, and lies for the people of Edolas. It would repeat cycle for anyone who sought the throne. That is why I’m here, to tell you to not take it. Just like happened to your father, I don’t want the same thing to happen to you. Liana, you must listen and end this here.

You'll know who once you read this

Location: Edolas Captiol

After the area where the Maddox died and arrows flew. He saw it as a great opportunity as any to leave his ride since there's not as many people as before. Behind Sayrui, her shadow extended out of the ground, separating from her and formed its own body. As the body grew with more details, the darkness faded from the body and revealed Shutler who stood, staring at whoever was left and glance over at Sayrui. “I must thank you again, that blast that sent us here took a lot from me. Before, as our little battled neared its conclusion and you sank your blade in my shoulder, I simply transferred my relatively important shadow to yours as quickly as possible before you pushed my dull copy off the cliff. Also, thanks for the great view that your shadow gave me.” He turned back towards everyone else so they could all hear, or if they wanted to hear. “Normally, I would have some fun right now. But if I’m in Edolas, then I rather use my time to find a way out of here and back on Earth Land than waste my time with you people. Oh, it would be fun to find my counterpart here.” After that speech, he fell back into the ground as his shadow scurried away somewhere in the Capitol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 2 mos ago


The red-haired mage had a quizzical look on his face. Melina's flirtatious behavior was blatantly out-of-place, but he was thankful it was directed towards James rather than him. A chuckle escaped Maddox as the train pulled to a stop and Melina was practically dragging the paladin out of the car. "Someone's in a good mood," he noted, taking his sweet time standing from his seat. While James and Melina went on ahead, Maddox intentionally walked slowly so he could speak with Trinity alone, assuming the spider-dog couldn't understand him.

"I have to thank you as well," he began, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "You didn't have to help us, but you chose to anyways. Things could've been pretty bad for you by taking the route you did. It was brave and respectable of you to tag along." Maddox let out a sigh before looking to the clouds. "You have my gratitude." The look on his face didn't match with the words he spoke. While staring into the sky, Maddox looked more upset than anything else. They failed at retrieving Wes and Maddox himself failed to defeat Shutler.

After a few seconds of silence he looked down towards Trinity. "You've certainly earned your place at Phoenix Wing." A smile finally appeared and Maddox chuckled again. "Maybe tomorrow won't be so bad, eh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Zero had quickly climbed on when Mithera had instructed him to do so. And soon they were gliding down. "I'll tell you one thing. You may be smaller, but you're a bit, well... A lot more comfortable." He said as he rubbed his fingers along her back. Though of course he didn't make any unnecessary movements. She was taking things pretty easy. It was reassuring that she wanted to be safe. Even for the ever fearless Zero. Still, he'd have liked to tell her that it was unnecessary. He could handle more than that. He was used to Hemlock's high speeds after all.

"Come to think of it. Even Hemlock was taking it easy."
"When you have new passengers who may not be used to it, you're likely to be more cautious."
"Make sense."

Zero was calm even as they landed. Though he noticed that Mithera had maybe come in a little to hot. Which made him quick to hop off. Then... Things got crazy. There had been a spar. An overly candified guy. Had it not been for that scent he might have noticed Amaya's scent. She was a dragon slayer, and the only other dragon he knew of was the other one from Mt. Hakobe. She had had a student too right. If Zero remembered this might have been the chick. They met right? Maybe? Who knew... He might have forgotten.

"Ugh... I can smell him from here..."
"Too sweet for ya?"
"It feels candy is being shoved into my nose."

He often seemed to be spacing out when he had his mental talks with Zenoram. His nose was even twitching a bit during the last one before he snapped out of it when Karn brought up something about a job or... Some crap about... What the fuck had he been saying?! God why couldn't he be normal at least when bringing up something supposedly important.

His thoughts were further interrupted when this guy who was apparently the guild master. "So... Which ank... GAAHHH!" He cluched his ears when Mithera released the explosive roar. "FUCK!" He shouted when it was over. "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO MAKE ME DEAF?!" He shook his head multiple times. Had he been ready for it, he'd not have reacted so... Rudely. But he hadn't been expecting the roar.

High Above the Clouds
"She may have the makings of a dragon yet." Hemlock spoke to himself with a small snicker before turning and flying off to return to his destination.

Zero was shooting a piercing fglare at Mithera. But he swallowed his anger. Mostly. Zenoram was urging him to consider that she may have had her feeling. And since he wasn't allowing Zenoram the use of the body just yet he had to play nice. "Which fu... Which of your ankles did you hurt?" The sentence had almost come out much more rude. Still the words of Jamie stayed with him.

"Interesting huh? Never been described like that."
"I know right? And Karna nd Mithera are making this much easier."

"I hate to admit it, but you're right." He mumbled to himself, though he was replying to Zenoram. Maybe Mithera heard. She would probably get what he was doing. If anyone else had they might not understand, though. Maybe they would think he was crazy. Talking to himself. Technically he was, but he wasn't. Regardless, he was trying to focus more on everyone else. How would people, assuming they hadn't seen a dragon, react to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


At the question, Sasha just shrugged, and looked down, away, feeling embarrassed. She didn't speak for a time, instead, she just thought. "I don't think it was any one thing" She said softly, looking up now, giving another shrug, "It was just...the little things, that not everyone would notice. Your smile. That glint in your eyes. Your speech. And...well" and now her cheeks pinked, and she had to look away again. "A copy, no matter the fact that essential, he was you, isn't the same as you"

She looked over to the Princess, as she climbed the steps, stopping for a moment and resting a hand on Edo-Jamie's shoulder. Then Sasha shook her head again. "No. We need to let her do this by herself now. She has to claim the leadership by herself, and not with magic backing her up. She will be okay. The Phoenix Wing members here...they are tougher perhaps then we are, because of the lack of magic"


Edo-Sasha snarled, turning back around, her fists clenched, she nudged Edo-Lazarus with a foot, and it was doubtful anyone could have predicted her reaction. It exploded from her, in a furious, almost hurt tone. "You have no right to say that! No right to even think it! No right, you Don't even know me! Radiant? I don't stand out. I never have"

And that was the route of all her issues, wasn't it? The reason she dressed how she had. After all, when you came from a mother who barely looked at you, as if it hurt to even see her face, what were you meant to feel? She wasn't even seen by her own family. Except for Ben. Until Master Jamie had stumbled across her, accepted her into the guild, she had never truly felt like she had been seen. And now some idiot had almost said he loved her?

It had to be some sort of joke.

She snarled again, and turned aside. She stalked away, but only a few steps. What would have been the point of saving him, just to let the damn fool get attacked again?


Liana listened as Gentsai spoke. She knew he was just wanting the best for her, but the thing with being 'lost' for several years, was that no one truly knew her. She waited patiently for him to have his say, and then was silent for a few moments. She shook her head.

"Jellal lied because that was the only option. Your forget a part of history. Magic has always been abused by the people of Edolas. That is why there was such a...lose of it. Besides, there must be a balance between Earthland and Edolas, or things are bad for our two worlds. I do not believe, after actions here, that Edolas is ready for magic again. I do not believe it would be for the best of the people, for I think people would abuse it once more. And then we will be back to how things were 100 years ago. And I will not see that."

She paused, and then sighed. "You probably think that everything I've done to get here has already corrupted me. It hasn't. I hurt for my people. While I know this pain and suffering, all this today, was necessary, I wish it weren't so. I hurt, knowing that there are now Widows or Orphans because of this, and I will do everything in my power to make sure they are okay. The Throne won't corrupt me, because the people of Edolas already have. They are mine to look after, and I will. I'm taking the Throne, so I can do just that"


Perhaps Penny was simply tired. Or perhaps she was just sick of what was going on. She turned to Karn, or the Karn look a like, and stared at him, hard. After a few moments, she said "I don't give a rats arse who you are. All I want to know is if Karn is here, or back home, safe. Because the damn furball needs watching or he will get himself into serious trouble, and i don't want that, and if he's back home I know he's safe with the guild. If you are Karn, here, then you aren't safe. Because none of us are safe at the moment. So. The truth. Are you, or are you not, the Karn I know in Earthland"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild
Interacting: Jamie

"Yay I'm getting my Guild Mark!" Karn cheered as he bounced after Jamie like a puppy dog asking for a treat, though he did pause to lightly poke the unconscious Candy and poked at the jawbreakers. very tempted to lick them before going back to following after Jamie again with a gleeful smile.

Edolas ???'Karn'

As he listened to Penny's serious tired little speech, 'Karn' simply hummed before grinning. "No. Good of you to actually ask." he chuckled before brushing a hand through the blonde hair then shaking a finger.

"Tsk tsk. Either world, that boy is in danger. And it isn't something you can just punch away little bird. So do try to enjoy your time of the little blonde when you can. But for now, maybe you should worry about your little friend Wes rather than little old me, right?" he said before looking up at Mayt, a bit happy in dropping the act before smiling innocently at him.

"Sweetie, I know I'm a adorable girly looking cutie, but you shouldn't take advantage over naive little boys. People will look at you funny Ya know." he said with a bright smile, emerald eyes filled with amusement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt gave Penny a discreet thumbs up, and as the fake Karn spoke he rolled his eyes and jostled him a little. "I'd rather get weird looks than let a shape shifter who's posing as a naive little blond boy, who may cause serious problems, wander around freely." He gave the fraud a short glare, clearly unamused. After a moment he shook his head slightly, before looking over at Penny. "Though, I am in the unfortunate position of having to talk with someone privately soon. Also, who's Wes? His name sounds familiar."

Mithera watched Karn run off before shooting a glare at Zero. "Funny, I would have thought you'd be used to loud roars by now." Her tone has changed drastically, and she seems almost.. Regal in her posture. "And my ankle is fine, I just twisted it a little. My landings tend to not be as good after two days of spending most of my time at altitudes high enough to make your head spin and not eating." While her voice was slightly hostile, but it clearly wasn't directed at the two, and after a moment she looked over at Jamie. "I would eat, but I plan on going back to the form we first met in. Thank you for offering. As for the length of my stay, that will either be a long time or a week." She shifted her posture a bit, but maintained the regal and straight look, keeping weight off the ankle she hurt.

Melina smiled as Maddox commented on how she seemed happy. "Mmmm. Well, Maddy, I can't be a sour pus like Mithera now can I?" She smiled and chuckled, dragging James along as she headed for the guild hall. "C'mon James, Mithera's feeling ignored, so why don't we give her some much-needed attention?" She half turned and put a hand on his shoulder as they climbed off the train, clearly displaying herself as James' girlfriend. "Sooo... Jamsie, I never asked, but why did you pick Phoenix Wing as your guild? I'm certain there are other, more serious guilds, that help people, no?" She smiled a little, and forced him along with a brisk pace that would only really give him time to answer the question before they arrived at Phoenix Wing and saw all the wonderful people there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

While Minerva's comment had gone unheeded by Fleo, she was pestered with a dual sensation of indignation and guilt when Jamie hobbled out from the bar and single-handed transferred the unconscious Damian indoors. Even for a normal person, the muscular, leather-armored limp body would have been a troublesome load, but given the nature of Jamie's injuries it must have been doubly uncomfortable. Fleo had asked for help from one of her teammates, not imagining that the guild master might take responsibility and go as far as to do it alone. As Damian slumped into a chair, Fleo instinctively moved to make sure that everything was alright. Her frustration had undoubtedly eaten away at the stability of the dusty bandages she had given Jamie, though a quick analysis confirmed that the constructs held together still.

It was hard to stay concerned with the conked-out S-class wizard, however, with Candy in the house. Playing with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment for the newcomer's sake, Fleo spectated his antics atop the table. After downing a couple of sweets, the boy proudly displayed his magic for all to behold, though Fleo found it ridiculous. She had to admit that magic based around candy was very original, but it did not seem at all practical. Her assumptions seemed all but concerned when the boy's eyes rolled up into his head and he abruptly went catatonic, obliterating one of the few wholly-undamaged articles of furniture in the hall, and leaving a dent in the floor that made the bandaged woman wince.

The next moment she was surprised yet again. The skull-rattling roar of Mithera caused her to jump in a momentary panic. A few seconds latter, when the sudden fear had settled, Fleo chanced a look at the being that had made it. Though she didn't know Mithera's name, Fleo guessed at first glance that she was full of herself. Of course, dragons -famous, magnificent creatures of legend that they were- were entitled to expectations of grandeur, but the specimen in front of Fleo didn't quite live up to the expectations that the books had filled her with. Mithera's roar had been the biggest, most awe-inspiring thing about her; Mithera herself seemed like a small dog with a big bark, trying to get enough attention to prove how big it was. All of this, however, was merely impression, and Fleo was well aware that most people contradicted impressions once she got to know them. It was a convention that she, in fact, relied upon. Outwardly Fleo gave off the air of an exuberant, ditzy child, but anyone she had ever been able to truly call her friend knew that her youthful enthusiasm was merely a tool by which she sought to appreciate the gifts life had in store for her.

Fleo realized that she was staring, and averted her gaze from Mithera. Instead she focused on the energetic blond -Karn, wasn't it?- who inspected the comatose Candy sprawled on the floor, those massive, ungainly jawbreakers still fixated on his arms. Fleo tried to picture herself wielding them, and almost laughed out loud. If Candy was strong enough to lift those things, perhaps there was more to him than met the eye as well.

She almost met the gaze of Zero, but happenstance kept them from locking eyes. The black-haired boy emitted a strange vibe, one that Fleo couldn't read. The voice of Mithera roused her from her curious attempt to do so. For the first time Fleo became aware of Mithera's injury, partially clued in my the conversations she had half-listened to while paying attention to Candy. “A week can be a pretty long time given the right company!” She said cheerily. “You scared the dust right out of me a few seconds ago. What was the matter? Can I make you anything with my Dust Craft?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 44 min ago


James gave the question some thought, managing to control the pace of the stroll enough to actually think about it. "Sure, there are plenty of other guilds, but none of them have the sphere of influence that Phoenix Wing does, nor do they have or give the same sense of family and camaraderie." James stopped to admire the guild hall, committing the sight to memory for years to come. "In other words, it felt right."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Edolas Capitol

The mysterious solider appeared in the room and whispered something to Gentsai. “I suppose.” Was all Gentsai said as the soldier step backed to give the two their space. “Liana, you’re just like your father, which is why I must do this.” He slowly backed away as looking at Liana wondering what would happen to her. “Before I go, I must say this. You might know their pain and suffering, but knowing is different than feeling. I see your father in you, even the part that separated us. You said that throne won’t corrupt you, but it will and you’re blinded by it already. That throne, pressure, responsibility, respect, power, are a few things that can take a toll on a person. You were gone for years what gives you the power to simply take such a great power!” Gentsai noticed how fierce each of his words became and it reminded him of what happened before. He took a few deep breaths before he continued. “I’m going to free our people from this curse’s cycle. True, it won’t stop everything, but at least it’s something. That something being one person’s every single decision to rule, control, and tell us what is right and wrong. We alone have the power and right to decide how we can seize our own destinies. Remember this, even when you claim that throne, I still won’t see your authority and I won’t allow you or anyone from caging our dreams, not now or ever.”

The man left with a scowled expression as he followed the soldier out. Outside, there were two legions ready to take off, one for each. Gentsai jumped on top of the beast and nodded at the soldier who was on the other legion. “Just as planned, we’re starting it now.” Both flew off their separate ways, the soldier flying away from the capitol while Gentsai remained as he flew over the citizens. “The fighting is over! Meet at the Central Plaza!” Shouting as he tried projecting his message across the capitol.

He eventually landed in the center of the plaza as a crowd appeared waiting for some kind of message. Waiting a few seconds for the crowd to calm down, Gentsai began speech. “Citizens of Edolas, the battle is over, but that doesn't mean our struggle is gone. Princess Liana has return and is about to take the throne. Although she is the heir of the king before, she doesn't have to rule or dictate our lives. King Faust recklessly took magic withholding the information that he stole it. King Jellal lied to us and was the one that single handily decided to discard our magic from this world. Although the following king wasn't bad, he still kept that secret from us. The fake king and queen were selfish, and Pen and Maddox were idiots and fools to take the throne. That throne is a curse that continues the cycle of violence, lies, and corruption for the people who seek it and affects those around them. Although this cycle won’t completely end with the curse gone, preventing the roots from growing will allow us to reclaim what we lost long ago. What we lost was not simply the magic one hundred years ago, but also our own self to control and power to seize our own destinies. My absents from the royal army has allowed me to embark on an amazing project. That project with help from my colleagues involved creating our own anima that does not just transfer magic, but anything, even us.”

Pausing he watched to see how the citizens were reacting before he continued. “This anima will act as our path to a new world, Earth Land, where we can continue our ancestors lives with magic and coexist with magic without stripping it to limit. There, magic is practically an infinite resource and is said that Earth Landers use it as any mundane thing in their lives. There we don’t have to struggle over it while we work together to improve our lives. Nonetheless, you all are free to decide your own decision and walk on your own destiny towards this opportunity without anyone or governing body telling you otherwise. I am simply here to open that path for you all. Two days from now on the eastern outskirts of the Capitol is when we make the departure to our new world, to New Edolas.”

As he imagined before, there were some skeptical faces when he spoke. But today was when he proves to everyone that each one of them can decide in what they believe in. A soft stomp could be felt and it slowly harder as minutes went by. Off in the distant from the Capitol, a small figure could be seen east and slowly approaching the city, but everyone who could see it became aware that the figure was larger than originally thought. “Over there, is our vessel, our ark. That vessel is about five times the size of this capitol, and more if you believe me. That is an extension of myself and suited to carry us to our new world. In two days it will arrive here and then we will activate the anima to take us to our new home where our old magic also resides. Again, it is your decision to follow or not, but remember that you only have two days to decide. For now, I have to help my colleges and spread the message across the other cities and towns in Edolas before it’s too late. Again, I hope everyone decide how they want their future to be and be happy.” Gentsai finished his speech and jumped back on to the legion as he flew off in the direction of another settlement to spread the news.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Edolas Capital

Trin gave a slight recoil when she heard that this Karn was a fake! He would know better than she, after all. About this Karn from Earthland who seemed only appropriately strange to her. Under suspicion of not being who they claimed to be, she felt uncertain. That said, she didn't know what Mayt was talking about, when he said something about feeling Karn's magic power? She thought about it for a moment before she came to a decision.

"That's enough. You can talk about it amongst yourselves later, but leave it until then." The dancer approaches "EL-Karn", stepping around him once to study him. "Hm. You look just like her..." Something about this one's reliance on logic bothered her. "But, of course, you aren't. Your face is just a little different. Perhaps the difference between..." She trails off and then shakes her head, changing the subject. "The other me is not with you?"


Trinity had taken her time in getting off the train, and so departs to find Maddox walking slowly ahead. She catches up to him easily and blushes just a little bit. And there she'd been making a little fuss about how she wasn't being recognized for her trouble. He spoke of his gratitude, but it was easy to read the disappointment on his face. It was easy to understand why, with the temporary losses. At least, she understood them to be temporary.

"Don't look so glum. Nobody died, so you've only been set back a little, right?"

She scoffs at his final remark, shaking her head, "ye gods, I hope not." She has since sent away her bow and quiver, changing it out for an acoustic guitar. She plays it idly as they walk. "But, it's good to know this counts as my initiation. Hmmm... I suppose this means I'm going to need to find a place to live... Know any good spots?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Master Jamie

Master Jamie nodded to Mithera, giving her a smile, "Very well then. You are welcome for as long as you stay, whether it is long or short. When you shrink, you'll be able to come into the guild easier too, but I think Karn might very well treat you like a toy and find you incredibly cute. So I'd be prepared for hugs if I were you" Another smile as Jamie turned to follow Karn.

He shook his head once more at Candy, nudged the unconscious boy, and sighed. Well. couldn't do anything for him at the moment until the boy woke. Best to leave him where he was. She went to the bar, taking out the Guild Marker, and looking to Karn. "Well, colour and location!" Jamie said brightly


Penny sighed softly. She didn't like the persons attitude towards Karn, as if they were saying that Karn didn't have long to live. Or that his niavity would get hm killed. "You obviously don't know Phoenix Wing. We Will Protect each of our members" She said, turning towards Mayt, she said "Wes is who we are looking for. I never met him, but Sasha told me he went missing when there was the first S Class exam. I guess he's somewhere here, right?"

She looked to edo-Trinity and said "As far as I know, our Worlds Trinity is back in Earthland"


Liana didn't reply.. She would do what she had to do, to be able to lead her people, to protect them and to give them what they wanted or needed. She didn't stay in the room, instead she followed, listening to this speech. It horriffied her, and made her angry. She barely waited for him to finish speaking before stepping up and saying loudly, her voice carrying.

"I am Liana. It is right that maybe I do not have any right to the throne, other then the fact of blood. Maybe that isn't enough anymore. You may look at me and see a foolish child, but for the last several years, I have been amoungst you. Helping you, protecting you and fighting for you. I've given back just about everything I could to the community, to the people of Edolas. I know the suffering and the pain people have gone through, as well as what allies the people. I know what I can do to make sure there is happiness.

Talk of magic is necessary, I agree. However, I do not believe goign to Earthland will be the smartest idea. As what will happen when the so called "Infinite" magic of earthland is rare? Wlll we not just create a different Edolas? Our history shows that our magic is also different. We are not suited for the way magic works in Earthland. Earthlanders use magic from their own bodies-it comes from them. We cannot do this. We are not suited for Edolas. This is not me just saying this in the hopes of keeping you here. It is based on fact."

She looked over the people before continuing.

"Magic is returning to Edolas. t has been for the last several years-I have monitored this with the aid of Phoenix Wing. And I have plans for this magic, to give it to the people, and to dictate uses for it based on a council of people made from the community at large. History has indeed shown us the corruption that one person can suffer from if they single handle control the magic. I believe a voting system will prevent this.

However, I will not stop you if you decided to go to Earthland. But do not let yourselfs be swayed with words of a better world. For Earthland has its share of troubles, I am sure."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Master Jamie

Master Jamie nodded to Mithera, giving her a smile, "Very well then. You are welcome for as long as you stay, whether it is long or short. When you shrink, you'll be able to come into the guild easier too, but I think Karn might very well treat you like a toy and find you incredibly cute. So I'd be prepared for hugs if I were you" Another smile as Jamie turned to follow Karn.

He shook his head once more at Candy, nudged the unconscious boy, and sighed. Well. couldn't do anything for him at the moment until the boy woke. Best to leave him where he was. She went to the bar, taking out the Guild Marker, and looking to Karn. "Well, colour and location!" Jamie said brightly


Penny sighed softly. She didn't like the persons attitude towards Karn, as if they were saying that Karn didn't have long to live. Or that his niavity would get hm killed. "You obviously don't know Phoenix Wing. We Will Protect each of our members" She said, turning towards Mayt, she said "Wes is who we are looking for. I never met him, but Sasha told me he went missing when there was the first S Class exam. I guess he's somewhere here, right?"

She looked to edo-Trinity and said "As far as I know, our Worlds Trinity is back in Earthland"


Liana didn't reply.. She would do what she had to do, to be able to lead her people, to protect them and to give them what they wanted or needed. She didn't stay in the room, instead she followed, listening to this speech. It horriffied her, and made her angry. She barely waited for him to finish speaking before stepping up and saying loudly, her voice carrying.

"I am Liana. It is right that maybe I do not have any right to the throne, other then the fact of blood. Maybe that isn't enough anymore. You may look at me and see a foolish child, but for the last several years, I have been amoungst you. Helping you, protecting you and fighting for you. I've given back just about everything I could to the community, to the people of Edolas. I know the suffering and the pain people have gone through, as well as what allies the people. I know what I can do to make sure there is happiness.

Talk of magic is necessary, I agree. However, I do not believe goign to Earthland will be the smartest idea. As what will happen when the so called "Infinite" magic of earthland is rare? Wlll we not just create a different Edolas? Our history shows that our magic is also different. We are not suited for the way magic works in Earthland. Earthlanders use magic from their own bodies-it comes from them. We cannot do this. We are not suited for Edolas. This is not me just saying this in the hopes of keeping you here. It is based on fact."

She looked over the people before continuing.

"Magic is returning to Edolas. t has been for the last several years-I have monitored this with the aid of Phoenix Wing. And I have plans for this magic, to give it to the people, and to dictate uses for it based on a council of people made from the community at large. History has indeed shown us the corruption that one person can suffer from if they single handle control the magic. I believe a voting system will prevent this.

However, I will not stop you if you decided to go to Earthland. But do not let yourselfs be swayed with words of a better world. For Earthland has its share of troubles, I am sure."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild
Interacting: Jamie

Watching the others curiously as he tried to patiently wait for Jamie to get whatever was needed for a Guildmark before perking up as the Guild Master turned to him and asked what color he would like the mark and where to put it. The blonde grinned enthusiastically before craning his neck to the right, pulling his scarf away and gently tapping the left side of his throat.

"Teal please." he said cheerfully.

Edolas ???'Karn'

"Well okay sweetie, just remember to use protection and to stretch it out. It will hurt otherwise." 'Karn' cheered gently patting Mayt's cheek with a soft chuckle before looking to Penny at her words and simply rolled his emerald eyes at the confident aspect.

"This Guild thought the same. But none of your Guild magic or this world's abilities could cure this world's Karn either. You can't protect what is naturally going to happen. But you don't have to listen, spoilers are no fun anyways. You'll find out in one year. Or sooner." he mused before looking to Edo-Trinity as she examined Him.

Chuckling a little, he grinned. "Ah yes, the difference is is quite obvious if you strip them both naked. As for your Earthland self, she's back safe and sound in Earthland heading to Magnolia or already is there. She's quite more clothed though, with no highlights." he mused.

"Now, to worry about the little dreamer's announcement or not." he hummed a little at the ruckus outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt sighed, and decided to ignore the fake Karn's comment, but frowned at his comment of finding a cure, and looked at the fraud. "So Karn's sick." He leaned back, thinking for a long moment. "Alright... So, Penny, remember these things, because I won't and I doubt this particular individual will bother showing up to tell us when we get back to Earthland." He jostled Fake Karn a little, thinking. "Oh, right, Wes. I can't say I ever met the guy, but I remember his name. Yeah, a lot to sort through, and I was half senseless during that fight." He chuckled softly, and motioned for them to be quiet for a moment. He managed to catch the end of the speech by the unknown man, and then the entire one by Liana. He set his teeth, and it was clear his opinion on the matter. "Sending a mass of people to Earthland is a bad idea. And not just because of the sudden increase in population." He looked over at Penny, as if asking what she thought.

Melina and Mithera
Melina nodded, thinking, and almost fell as James stopped suddenly, but managed to use him to stay upright. "Tell me if you're going to stop next time please Jamsie." She snuggled up to him, before letting go, and heading for the back of the guild hall, after planting a kiss on his cheek. "I'll talk to you later Jamsie, I have a Mithera to attend to!" She smiled, and as she went to the back of the guild, not going through the building. As she saw all the new members, she whistled loudly. "Mmm, well, that's interesting." She chuckled softly, and started to mingle amongst them, deciding which one to bother, occationally glancing over at Mithera. Her smell of blood and death would be painfully obvious to the dragonslayers and anyone else with a keen nose, but most everyone else wouldn't notice it as much.

Mithera growled a little as the dust mage suggested making something for her leg, and she had to keep herself from stomping her foot in anger. "I said my ankle is fine, thank you very much!" She growled a little at Fleo, before turning to Master Jamie. "To be honest, I'm fully expecting to be hounded by Karn, but I also assume you haven't cleaned up my old nest yet. So there is that, and I'm going to stay if Zero here decides to, so if you find me interesting, convincing him to stay is your best bet of keeping me here, as well as getting another interesting character."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

August 23rd X892

Two days passed, as both worlds seemed to recover from what had happened to them. The magic council was in a shambles in Earthland, but was recovering with whatever Masahiko was doing.

Jamie refused to give Angelica another chance. He made sure she was sent to Masahiko, and that her cuffs would never be removed. Master Jamie did her best to convince Zero to stay, and hoped that the boy would stay. As the new members seemed to settle into the guild, Jamie had to face the truth.

They needed a bigger guild hall. With all the members staying there, they needed more bedrooms, as well as a bigger faculty to hold them all in. She had a lot of memories in this building, and didn't want to see it completely gone. So Jamie spent a fair amount of time planning an expansion of the hall, while maintaining the current building. Adding another story to make three stories, as well as expanding outwould should be enough, but it would mean landscaping more, to maintain their training grounds, and it would be costly. Still, Phoenix Wing could well afford it, and Jamie knew it was needed.

He tried not to worry so much on where Jarvis and the other members, those thaat hadn't returned from the magic council but where in Edolas still, and what they were doing. If they were okay. It would do no good, and Yet, Jamie couldn't help but think on them.

She tried to make the new members feel welcome, but soon recognised that she would have to let them take jobs shorthly, no matter the fact that several members were missing. It would mean updating the board again, to allow a continious supply of jobs to be available.

Despite all this, life continued.

In Edolas, there was a lot of talk on the possibility of moving to Earthland. Liana claimed the throne with the aid of Phoenix Wing, and was already beginning to make changes in Edolas. those effected by the battle, as well as those effected by the over throw and murder of her parents many years before, were compensated, and Liana would continue to ensure that all their needs were met as time went on. She openly opposed the movement of t hose willing to go to Earthland, and many listened to her, as her popularity rose with her kind nature.

She allowed the castle to become an open, friendly and inviting place, as it slowly began its transformation from dark and dreary to bright and friendly. It would time time, many months, but Liana knew it would be worth it. She invited nobles, commoners and all those in between to come to the castle, and hand picked a team of advisers, and council members based on votes. And she gave the people a rebate, opening the castles holds and returning a large amount of money from heavy taxes that the false king and queen had imposed on the people.

Edolas already began to prosper under her control.

And yet, still people were willing to go to Earthland, a small amount to be sure, but still it was disheartening for Liana. She didn't know what she could do to stop it, or even if she should, but she knew no good could come of it.

For the Earthlander Phoenix Wing members, they were welcome with open arms in Edolas Phoenix Wing for as long as they needed, for as long as they had to stay in Edolas.

Sasha had remembered their true task in coming here, and with Jarvis, had started to search for any word on Wes, but so far, they came to nothing.


Sasha could currently be found sitting outside the Edolas guild hall, holding the book that had started all of this. She traced the Fairy Tail guild mark on the cover, frowning slightly. Her blood had gotten on the book, but no trace of that blood could be found as she now examined its cover, and its pages. It didn't make sense to her, and she looked up suddenly at the sound of footsteps, quickly glancing away when she saw it was Edo Ben. The quick flash of pain in her heart was now familiar, but she still couldn't look at Edo-Ben without remembering the day she ahd lost him.

The boy crouched, looking at the book too."Fairy Tail. Mother use to tell me stories about Fairy Tail, about its members. I don't know how she knew about them, but she said that 100 years ago, something bad happened, which destroyed the guild system and left Fairy Tail in shambles, broken and split. She said her Grandfather was there, and that's how she knew these things. When I was a young, younger then I am now, like a little kid, I use to dream that that meant we were related to Fairy Tail members, just to be able to say how awesome it was." The boy smiled at the old dream, and Sasha frowned again.

After a time, Edo-Ben hurried off to finish his chores, leaving Sasha staring at the book,, puzzled.

She knew Penny, and the others were around, and wondered if they were thinking like she was, that maybe they would never return home. She sighed, and rose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 44 min ago


After Damian had woken up on the first day, he dedicated the next couple days to regaining his magic energy, so when he sparred with the others, he kept it non-magical. Fleo and Felix, to name a couple, had good instincts, but like a few of the others, lacked any specific hand-to-hand training that many caster mages had at least a little of, even if it was self taught. After he'd sparred and instructed, with Maddox's help, he confronted Minerva again and made sure to explain the position he was in the day before when the two of them had sparred, which only angered her. Of course, listening to the others, he wasn't too keen on being called a mutt and made it clear that if she wanted to go another round, he was always ready and willing.

When Damian awoke the next day, he slid back into his training routine, getting up early to go for a run across Magnolia and back a few times. He took the time to reflect on what had happened in Kabo during his fight with Grane and the new swords that had appeared before he bested the large lizard man. He had summoned the blades after finding their release phrase two more times, though he didn't maintain them long, the strain alone draining his magic energy and putting him back towards passing out. Stopping at the guild hall after his last lap, he looked up at it and smiled. Home... Pushing open the doors, it would seem he was getting back from his run just as the others were starting to get up. Waving hello and nodding, he heads out back to the training grounds, starting his combat forms and combative forms before working on spell combinations. He intended to tell the guild his past later in the day, but that was far from the front of his mind during his training exercises.


James had spent the last two days familiarizing himself with the guild and it's members, the older ones still in Earth Land and the new ones. He'd also spent it making sure Damian didn't over do it after hearing from Master Jamie that the crazy lunatic had overstretched himself by fighting one of the other members before he'd had a chance to properly rest up. He even sparred with him like the others, without his magic, and quickly discovered that Damian had had a number of years to get good at Hand-to-Hand combat. After having his ass handed to him what felt like a dozen times, he met Mithera, Melina's partner, and then went and got something to eat before working on discovering more about his magic, which he went to a more secluded part of the training area.

The next morning, James was sitting at the counter, drinking some coffee and working on discovering smaller spells when Damian passed through as others were coming into the hall, waving at him before returning to his studies. "Just another day with the family it would seem."


Damian spent the next two days helping to get all the White Hydra members into dungeon cells in the castle until proper transportation could be secured to get them to the prison. He also spent that time trying to find a way to dissuade anyone from going to Earth Land. Edolas had done fine for over a hundred years with no magic, so well that no one had actively tried to find a way to bring it back save for the odd lacrima that turned up on occasion and even that was dead as a dead battery. He had no plans to go, not when that would put severe populations problems on Earth Land. Not to mention all the people who would just appear who looked like their Earth Land counter parts. He awoke the next morning with a sigh and went to find Jamie. They needed to talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild

The first day, Karn had been busily making himself a home. Going into the forest and trying to find the perfect place. It took awhile, but he found a large tree among a bunch of flowers. Eagerly he dug a large hole downwards at the base of the tree before burrowing a hallway until digging a large room to fit some people for the the living room. Then another room for his bedroom, making it rather large in case any friends wanted to come over. It took awhile considering he had to dig and move dirt a lot in order to comfortably fit people and make it stable. He had to make a ladder and a wooden door covered in grass for the entrance and add some magic lanterns for guests to see. But otherwise he was a bit proud with his work.

It was harder then normal since his energy felt like it had been zapped but he managed. Luckily, he also found large leaves that was half his size, so he could make bedding and a pillow.

It took him the entirety of the first day, but the second day he happily chatted with the other members. Watching the sparring that happened and such.

Today, he got caught up with someone asking for help and it resulted in the usual. Agreeing of course with whatever they need.

"Hey everyone!" Karn bursted into the Guildhall cheerfully, wearing what looked like a girly maid outfit with cat blonde cat ears and a tail. The pink frills danced as he skipped into the hall, holding a bag and a cake.

Setting the cake down on the table, he opened the lid and sat down, taking a fork and happily nomming on it.

Edolas ???'Edo-Karn'

It had quite the boring passed two days as they awaited the two days. Simply staying at the Edolas Phoenix Wing with the Earthlanders, enjoying poking fun and cracking jokes, but overall didn't make any move to cause trouble. They did change their body to copy Edo-Karn, though there isn't much difference between the two other than the obvious things. It felt more appropriate considering they were still in Edolas.

It didn't seem too many Edolians were too interested in going to Earthland, which was good, but still there were some going. Having one or two is one thing, but having a whole slew could be a issue to the Earthland world. Selfish desires often led to the destruction of the things they lust for after all. What a bunch of idiots.

Currently, blonde was leaning against a tree, hands behind their head. Briefly brushing down the brown jacket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nthitho12


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It had been two days since Candy's incident with the whole overdosing on candy and was quite embarrassing once his body finally started to come up again and figured he had been out for several hours. Everyone seemed to think less of his powers since then, which made Candy even more encouraged to show that his unique magic is powerful and fun! However, that could only be done through a mission and hasn't really found the "mission" for himself to find interesting enough as he gets quite distracted once something gets boring for him. His living arrangements were sealed with Jamie as he is living inside his own room rather than on the streets scrounging for money to buy some candy. However, the Phoenix Wing Guild did not have their own candy shop for him to gather, so he still needed money for his own creations and just for the enjoyment of having the sugar inside of his mouth.

Regarding to the present, Karn had made a terrible mistake in bringing something coated in sugar, that something being the cake he had brought inside of the guild. Candy was soon alerted of the sugary smell of icing on the cake from his room and soon shot up from his bed and burst open from his room. "SUGAR!" screamed Candy, and soon was racing towards the cake with immense speed and ferocity. He climbed upon some random table and leaped high into the air, the candied boy with amazing agility lightly landed upon the table and quickly scooped up most of the frosting upon the cake. Candy quickly shoved the frosting in his face, most of it actually getting on his face rather than his mouth and smiled at Karn before running away laughing.
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