Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

'Why would you even think about hurting the great Emperor? Do you have a death wish?'

True Name: Guan Yu

Class: Lancer

Age: Unknown, looks like he is in his 30's

Gender: Male

Master: Akane Inukai

Personality: An arrogant and vain person, Emperor Guan Yun believes all things that happen to him are nothing but divine will of the heavens. That said, while he is arrogant and vain, he still has his pride as a warrior, and as a prideful warrior, even meeting someone way over his level and losing is also something brought to him by the heavens. With usually a cool and stoic demeanor, and a smile on his face, Guan likes seeing all the new things going around in the modern world, however, his curiosity isn't as big as one would think for an emperor that has been dead for quite a few centuries, as he is only interested in what has come out of China, hence, he is mainly interested in nothing but trinkets sold at fifty cents in some rundown store.

Still, he is not the most intelligent person around, probably a rock is more intelligent than him. Simple minded to ridiculous extremes, it is easy to convince him on doing anything, as long as you praise him about it, and he'll probably try to say some kind of cool line afterwards. He is someone who wouldn't back down from a fight, no matter what, but his chivalry will also stop him from fighting any kind of woman. Too much of a gentleman to even lay a finger on a woman, he can even get annoying in those kinds of cases. Probably, it is easier to use a Command Seal to get him to fight a woman to convince him into a fight against a woman, in any case.

Short Biography: Guan Yu (died 220), courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period.

As one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia, Guan's true life stories have largely given way to fictionalised ones, most of which are found in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms or passed down the generations, in which his deeds and moral qualities have been lionised. Guan is respected as an epitome of loyalty and righteousness.

Guan Yu was deified as early as the Sui dynasty and is still worshipped by many Chinese people today, especially in southern China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and among many overseas Chinese communities. He is a figure in Chinese folk religion, popular Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and small shrines to Guan are almost ubiquitous in traditional Chinese shops and restaurants. He is often reverently called Guan Gong (Lord Guan) and Guan Di (Emperor Guan).[4] His hometown Yuncheng has also named its airport after him. (totally not out of wikipedia)

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance

Battle Continuation:

Personal Skills:


Chinese Martial Arts

Eternal Arms Mastership

Noble Phantasm:

Frost Fair Blade

Type: Anti-Unit

Description: A naginata famous after being wielded by Guan Yu through many battlefields. It has the ability to control and create ice, as well as being able to stay completely clean, no matter what it cuts through. It is a very versatile weapon, that weighs way too much than it actually should, at least, at first sight, yet, Guan is able to wield it without problems. Whenever someone else takes a hold of it, they are unable to control it properly, even with two hands

Green Dragon Crescent Blade

Type: Anti-Army

Description: The real name and actual Noble Phantasm of Guan Yu. It is said that the spirit of a Jade Dragon resides into it and as so, Guan Yu is able to call upon its brute, destructive force once in a while. It empties both his mana reserves as well as those of his master. Evading this would probably spell certain death for him. Slashin in a crescent motion with his naginata, Guan Yu calls forth the spirit of a dragon. A sharp slash is what follows, and a slash that is able to cut even through metal easily, and it also releases a gigantic force push that sends anyone back with the sheer force of it.

Other: His long hair is more for fashion than anything else, however, when looked at from his back, Guan Yu is easily mistaken for a woman.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"

Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;

Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.

There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.

The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.

Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.

Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.

Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.

Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.

Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.

With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.

ThemeWith Lightning Speed
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"If you're not going to be a model or fight me, then leave me to nap in piece. It's been 5 minutes since my last one and I'm falling behind schedule."

Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight

Servant: Saber

Alignment: Neutral Good




Hair color:Blonde

Eye color:Light blue

Blood type:O+

Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.

Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles

Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting

General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.

Elemental Affinity: Wind

Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.

Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.

He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.

Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.

Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.

Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.

History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.

Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Whenever you cross swords with an enemy you must not think of cutting him either weakly or strongly; just think of cutting and kill him.

True Name: Miyamoto Musashi

Class: Saber

Age: early to mid thirties

Gender: Male

Master: Charles Donavon

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance


Personal Skills:

Eternal Arms Mastership: Mastership of combat arts has reached the point of being said to be unrivaled in one's era. By complete merging of mind, body and technique, it is possible to make use of full fighting skills even when under the influence of any sort of mental hindrance

Vitrification: It is a serene state of mind. A mental protection that nullifies mental interference. By limiting his fighting spirit as a martial artist, one can conceal his presence.

Eye of Mind (False): is a natural talent to avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience, where accuracy of instinct has been augmented by experience -- somewhat overcoming the problem of visual obstructions that appear in the course of combat.

Military Tactics: is tactical knowledge used not for one-on-one combat situations, but for battles where many are mobilized. Bonus modifiers are provided during use of one's own Anti-Army Noble Phantasm or when dealing against an enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm.

Expert of many Specializations: Saber was said to have been a major influence on society. He invented the two sword style Niten'Ichi and well versed in strategy, philosophy, tea ceremonies, painting, calligraphy, gardening, architecture, and sculpting. He also wrote many works, his most famous are Dokkodo and Hyoho Shiji ni Kajo.

Protection from Arrows: is an increased defense against ranged attacks by predicting the projectiles' trajectories through exceptional means, such as hearing the sound of air being cut, or sensing the killing intent of the enemy. As long as the shooter is within his line of sight, he can track down ranged weapons with his eyes and defend against them. Does not apply for attacks made from super-long-range or with a great area-of-effect.

Guardian Knight: Temporarily raises defensive power when protecting others. Due to him being a retainer of different lords in the past and even now with his current master, this ability is always active.

Sword Saint: For any servant that wields a sword they gain a combat power boost that is equal to a madness enchantment. In Saber's case, due to him being known as a Sword Saint in Japan and his legend described him to never had lost his known 60 duels this ability is at its peak though can only be accessed when Saber he unsheathes Niten'ichi.

Noble Phantasm:

Niten'ichi (Two Heavens as One)

Type: Anti-Unit

Description: Niten'ichi isn't a weapon that Saber owned in his life time nor did it exist. It is the manifestation of the sword style that he so proudly invented. It takes the form of two blades, a katana and the other a wakizashi (short sword). Due to his distaste for fancy weapons the weapons have white cloth wrapped around the handles, rounded guards, and wooden scabbards. While they don't look like much, the two blades increase his physical capabilities exponentially, making up for the lack of powerful range attacks.
However this Phantasm has another skill.
If the sword itself isn't unsheathed then he can gain the ability of turning anything into his phantasm as long they are both separate objects and can be held in each hand. The cost of this however is that he doesn't gain any physical boosts from those objects, but does gain the ability of becoming an instant master of whatever weapons he is using ranging from things like a rod of metal to modern weapons such as firearm. The weapon gains immense durability to clash with other Phantasms and to harm servants.

Godai (Great Five)

Type: ???

Description: Earth, water, fire, wind, and void. These are the five foundations of the world's existence in Japanese Buddhism, a belief that Saber followed for a majority of his life and based it around his teachings in The Book of Five Rings. Earth represents all solid substances and is the building blocks of everything, water represents all things that flow formlessly and binds the world together, fire represents destruction, wind represents the growth of all things and the freedom of movement, and void represents things beyond everyday experiences, particularly things composed of pure energy.

Godai is an unusual Phantasm due to it not being a physical object. It is much more similar to a reality marble than anything else. To use his abilities at full power, Saber must trap his opponents and him in his Godai, which takes form as a zen garden dead center in a Buddhist temple. However the powers can still be projected into the real world but they lose a great deal of power, leaving the powers less powerful. It is a phantasm that he rather not use however due to the amount of mana it can consume.

Earth: His entire body is hardened by mana in order to increase his defense. His skin becomes gray like a stone. It is capable of blocking many attacks, strong ones too, but it is far from invincible. For starters, it will break if it is hit by an attack powerful enough to break through and the longer he maintains it the more mana he will deplete. Attacks that focus on pure piercing power can easily bypass this defense.

Water: Like water, he too shall become formless. Saber enhances his reflexes with mana to the point that his body moving is almost like watching water move. The downside of this however is that it can be only used to dodge and can't attack when he is using Water.

Fire: This is the power that he hates using the most. It's a skill that happens on its own when he reaches a state of pure, uncontrollable rage. Fire acts similarly to Madness Enchantment in that increases his physical capabilities while taking away his reason though it has a special power; his attacks all have a fire attribute, burning his targets with his rage fueled attacks. The angrier he gets the more powerful he will become though at a cost. This will drain mana the longer he is in this state and the his own anger will damage his body, killing him if it goes for too long. It can also be accessed and cancelled via command seal.

Wind: Like the wind, he too shall be free. Wind allows him to love around at high speeds and cover large distances, making it perfect to close distances and gain distance. This can however only be used in bursts and Saber can only move in straight lines, making his patter predictable if he uses it too frequently.

Void: This is perhaps his most powerful ability out of his phantasms. The void allows him manipulate and gather aether for this last gambit attack. It empties his mana reserves as well as his master's. If this attack were to fail then death is what awaits him. Using the aether to power his attack to the max, he sends a massive arc of aether at his target, obliterating whatever is in his way. Saber dislikes this attack due to it being too flashy for his tastes.

Name: Sekigahara

Type: Anti-City

Description: A technique that can be used only once. Saber is able to summon all 17,000 troops of Commander Ukita Hidie's faction of the western army that Saber was apart of during the Battle of Sekigahara. They would charge at his opponents and fight for him though he himself has to sustain them with mana or else they will disappear. This will leave him ultimately weakened for the time being though it can be used in conjunction with his tactical skills and overwhelm those of few numbers.

Personality: Musashi is a calm and clever fellow. He uses psychology as a weapon to defeat his opponents, knowing that swinging a blade is sometimes just isn't enough and will use strategies to defeat his opponents as long they are not underhanded. That being said he is extremely honorable and will not resort to using methods that are below him unless his own master forces him with a command seal. As a servant he is loyal to his master as it is the way of the samurai. His interest to see how much the world has changed is immense as he wonders how mankind has evolved from the era that he lived in.

He is extremely artistic, his works of art are considered to be master pieces by many and he is a very good gardener, which is shown when he designed gardens and parks in his later years. He is also kind, often helping others when there is no reward for himself and shares his vast wisdom.

Killing is something that dislikes due to killing so many people in his life time, but as a servant he is forced to do so. However, when he is forced to kill someone then he becomes the monster Sword Saint that he was in his life time, such as when he exterminated an entire clan that was after his head.

Short Biography: Musashi Miyamoto is perhaps the most widely reknown samurai warrior from Japan. Known as the "Sword Saint," his skills at sword fighting were unmatched during his time and are legendary even today. It is said that he fought over 60 duels and was undefeated. He was also involved in one of the most famous battles in Japanese history at Sekigahara, where over 70,000 people died. Musashi fought on the losing side and survived.

From an early age, Musashi was inclined towards sword fighting and won his first duel when he was only 13. When he got older, Musashi set off on a pilgrimage to refine his martial art and sword capabilities. Along the way, he faced death on many occasions and won all his duels. His most famous duel was against a samurai named Sasaki Kojiro, who was a very skilled with an extra long sword. Legend has it that Musashi fashioned a wooden sword out of an oar from a boat to defeat Kojiro, striking him directly in the head with the wooden weapon.

Having mastered the Japanese samurai sword, Musashi was able to extend his insight into strategy beyond martial arts. He became a master of writing, painting and a range of activities. One of his most noted accomplishments is his book, The Book of Five Rings, which is a record of his teachings on the Way of Strategy.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"A quote? How about 'The way to a man's heart is straight through his ribcage.' Was that a threat? I have no idea what you could possibly mean."

True Name: Marie-Anne Charlotte de Corday d'Armont

Age: 24

Cause of Death: Guillotine

Gender: Female

Master: Jacob

Class: Assassin

Summoning Relic - Blood stained guillotine blade shard

Class Skill: Presence Concealment – A skill common to most members of the Assassin class, this ability represents the capacity of the user to hide their nature as a Servant from both other Servants and Masters. When acting in a non-aggressive manner Assassins are nigh impossible to detect under normal conditions unless they chose otherwise. Useful for both reconnaissance and escape, as well as attacks of opportunity.

Personal Abilities
Expert of Many Specializations
Information Erasure

Noble Phantasm: Assassins Blade (Anti-Unit) - The base manifestation of this Noble Phantasm lacks a consistent physical form as it is the manifestation of an idea rather than a specific artefact that existed in reality. Assassins Blade enhances weapons held by the Servant, provided they meet specific criterion that they must have an edge and/or a stabbing point. The enhancement functions in such a way that it gives the weapon properties 'suitable for assassination'. These properties include vastly increased durability, sharpness and penetrative properties. The effect is maintained through physical contact and is transient in nature, fading almost instantaneously once physical contact with the weapon is lost. The opposite is also true, with enhancement happening almost instantaneously upon contact with a weapon or tool that meets the criteria. Essentially this weapon allows 'normal' weapons to inflict harm upon most entities. Due to its inconsistent nature the permanent destruction of this Noble Phantasm is theoretically improbable.


Personality: Having been raised in Abbaye-aux-Dames, a convent in Caen following the untimely death of her mother and elder sister Charlotte is both well-educated and eloquent, as well as a woman of great religious faith. Or at least that is how history would record her. In truth Charlotte Corday is mild mannered only when it is desirable for her to be so, her natural silver tongue allowing her to easily manipulate the opinions of others. She is also very adept at lying and twisting the truth, requiring a skilled mind to see through her illusions. Though her gift of the gab transcended death her piety did not. Having been denied the afterlife that her faith promised her Charlotte’s faith has been significantly eroded, leaving her with an emotional hole in her heart.

As befits her role as the Assassin she has no obvious qualms about ending life, be that of Servant, Master or Witness should it be required of her, especially if the end justifies the means. As expected of members of her class she is also loathe to engage in a fair fight if it can be avoided due to her lower combat potential when compared to other Servants. Unless given the chance to manipulate a situation to her advantage beforehand she might outright refuse an order to battle another Servant directly.

Alignment: True Neutral

Legend: Marie-Anne Charlotte de Corday d'Armont was executed at the age of 24 for the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat. Her legend arose due to her status as a heroine of the Second Empire of France, resulting in her spirit becoming shackled to the so called Throne of Heroes and therefore preventing her soul from reincarnating, thereby granting her status as a ‘heroic spirit’. Her legend is somewhat stronger then that of many Assassin class Servants, making her more powerful relatively speaking, as well as preventing her from losing her identify and therefore her face.

Though she was not born to poverty or the like Charlotte Corday was born to a period of great strife and hardship in France during which the long standing social order would ultimately be up heaved. Unlike many killers of this age Charlotte was no trained killer or soldier. Her assassination of Marat was the result of a belief that he should be punished for his role during the Reign of Terror, as well as the belief that without his death the country would be driven to another civil war from which it might never recover. Through his death she believed that this outcome could be avoided.


Despite having a true identity and therefore retaining her appearance Charlotte still wears a mask in combat.
She insists on being called by her full name, Marie-Anne Charlotte de Corday d'Armont. Charlotte Corday has to be earned. Charlotte is costly. To this end it is easier to just stick with Assassin.
The scarf that she is so fond of wearing hides a scar that circles the base of her neck, an indication as to the cause of her death.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I don't hold anything back."

Name: Thomas Joren, the Paper Mage
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Servant: … Hmm, we’ll see how this goes.
Powers/Abilities: A rather unorthodox mage, Joren is almost entirely dependent on two, simple resources for his magecraft: A writing utensil, and paper.

Remember the Name:
By writing a person or Servant’s name on a piece of paper, Joren can read their abilities and a few of their personal details. The amount of the name he has changes his power–a full name lets him see every ability, but just a first or last name gives him around half.

Words of Power:
By far his most useful ability, Joren is capable of writing a word on paper and summoning an item with it. Most have to be simple, or writing the description takes too long to be of use. This is how he does basic mage abilities like fireballs and the like: by describing them on a sheet of paper, then triggering the enchantment when necessary.

In a pinch, Joren is capable of using his own blood as the material for writing his spells and as a source of mana. Such an effort, however, will cost him a huge amount of energy and will possibly kill him–so he’d much rather not use it. He can use the blood of others as well, though he must do it by physical contact with the fluid in question and he’s sworn to never use it.


Personality: Thomas Joren’s entire “thing” is caution, but complete and utter committal once he has decided on a course of action. He’s slow to make a decision, but once he begins he’s as unstoppable as a steam train going out of control. This often leaves him in a weakened position if he has to fight multiple enemies in a row as he’ll exhaust himself in attempts to utterly obliterate the first, but he’s careful to not get in over his head, and always seeks a less… Exhausting way to deal with them, ordinarily by trying to talk them down. He was probably picked for the grail war due to a desire for greater power that borders on an insatiable hunger.

Short Biography: Thomas Joren has a relatively ordinary heritage. He isn’t descended from any inordinately skilled mages and isn’t a member of a powerful family. His childhood was fairly ordinary for a magus, though the desire for power that marks him to this day arose early. He used paper as an early focusing medium for spells and his magic developed along those lines, granting him the power he so desired at the price of the flexibility other types of magecraft allow. Still, he was good enough at it to gain a teaching position at the University, becoming the instructor of Ritual Studies.

Other: Joren always carries a pen behind his ear, multiple ink cartridges, and two pads of notecards in his pockets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

"For some, it is difficult to rise. To stand above the rest. To conquer as a true warrior.

But not for those who share the bloodlines of champions.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by YandereClock
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"It's alive!!! Well not in the actual sense of the word, but who cares about such trivialities, right?"

Name: Dr. Fumio Nakahara

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Servant: Caster


Necromancy: A practice born through the manipulation of corpses, letting its practitioner perform feats like raising simple zombies, giving birth to cobbled monsters or even using body parts as weapons. While many of his craft travel from one war to the next tragedy, with a short stop at a local epidemic, guaranteeing them a never ending supply of bodies, Fumio is one of the odd cases who prefer to stay in one place for a longer period of time.

Spiritual Surgery: A type of magecraft used by Spiritual doctors that heals through a spiritual medium, as in healing through the spirit rather than flesh. It is a "curse" that can remove the infected part without using a single surgical knife on the body. Something he doesn't use often since his "patients" are dead....most of the time.

General Magecraft: Things you should've picked up if you're not from a completely useless magus family, like Bounded Field creation, Formalcraft, Memory Manipulation and other convenient little spells to keep normal humans off your back.

Fumio has a huge god complex, which only furthers his ambition to create true life, the one goal he has and focuses all his work on. While he poses as the serious and strict professor during his lectures and the university, he comes a lot closer to the cackling mad scientist archetype when he is alone with his creations. He thinks of golems and homunculi both as failures and merely bad imitations of real life, simple dolls which don't even come close to his flesh constructs.

Short Biography:
Born into the sixth generation of a magus family was fortunate for Fumio. Being born into the sixth generation of a magus family that practiced Necromancy was ideal. Being born into the sixth generation of a magus family as the first son and already destined to become the next heir, was fate. Having this future taken away from him, together with the family's crest and his biggest chance to reach the dream he had since he read a book about a certain doctor F., after years of studying their rituals and spells, just because his old foolish grandfather thought that he "wasn't stable enough", was the greatest injustice he had ever experienced.

Thankfully though, minor mishaps like this would never stop a true genius like Fumio, so he made the only correct choice: He killed his grandfather and brother, took the thaumaturgical crest and ran off, after making sure that the bodies would never ever be found of course. In the following years he not only acquired his PhD, but also managed to become an integral part of the Ukatan university staff as a Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, not necessarily through hard work alone, which meant he had access to needed materials and certain useful places without drawing unwanted attention from the local authorities.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"God made man, but I made them equal"

True Name: Samuel Colt

Class: Archer

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Master: ~TBD

Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction

Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)

Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.

Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.

Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor

Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.

Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.

With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nisemono


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?


Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.

General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.



Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.

Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.

"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gamerdude369


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Jacob Millford

* * * * * *

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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I am the flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."

Class: Rider

True Name: Temujin, or more commonly known as Genghis Khan

Age: Appears to be in his late twenties to early thirties

Gender: Male

Master: -

Cause of Death: Unknown


Bowman- Genghis Khan does not use a sword or any other type of blade in combat; he uses a bow, instead. He is able to remain sitting on his horse without using his hands and can shoot targets easily on horseback.

Spy: the Mongols were known for their espionage, Genghis Khan included. He is a rather useful spy that can gather information and relay back rather quickly. This does not, however, come close to comparing with the skill of Assassin.

Noble Phantasm:

Jebe- Genghis Khan summons a mount named after one of his most prominent generals. The Mongolian Horse, with trimmed mane and stocky stature, provides him with mobility and speed. Jebe grants him the ability to ride the wind, allowing both beast and rider to get to enemies located above him.

Pinning Shots- with enough mana, Genghis Khan can make an arrow that he shoots spit into multiple ones. They can be blocked and only receive some power increase, but unlike Scourge of the East and West, can be used several times in one battle. Pinning Shots are able to break through magic barriers if used enough.

Scourge of the East and West- summons some of his mounted Mongol army. His Noble Phantasm is more of an anti-city type, but can be used on units as well. The small army is able to rampage and pillage towns quickly and easily, along with focusing an attack on a small home, Master, or other Servant. However, this takes a toll on Genghis Khan and he is only able to keep the army going just as long as he has energy to supply them with.

Broad shouldered and sturdy, Temujin stands at 5'8". His hair is long and wavy and falls down to the base of his neck. Some of his hair is tied into braids, whether loosened or tied. His face is usually set in a frown and at first, he looks like an intimidating person that has no room for friendship. There is some facial hair on his lip, jaw, and chin; he does not bear a full-on beard, but he does not have stubble, either. His arms and legs are rather strong due to the fact that he practices archery while using only his legs to maneuver his mount around. Genghis's armor is composed of steel plating, cloth, and fur.

To put it simply, Genghis Khan is known for being particularly aggressive. He had wished to conquer during his days, after all. However, he is not rash and foolish when it comes to battle-- he does not charge headlong into a squabble without studying his opponents, first. A lover of tactics, Temujin adores planning ahead, as he believes that it would grant him more chance of winning a battle. Though he is violent and aggressive, he is another person when it comes to his allies. Genghis Khan is extremely loyal to his friends, standing beside them through thick and thin. Loyalty is important to him; it ties several people together and makes them more of a force to put up with.

He prefers to be called Genghis Khan if one wishes to call him by his actual name as he believes the name suits him better than Temujin. He has no qualms being called Rider, though.

Genghis Khan can get rather impatient if he stays put for too long, and will often go out of his way to explore or take in his environment.

Short Biography:
Born in north-central Mongolia in 1162, he was named Temujin by his father after one of the chieftains his army had captured. Temujin was born with a blood clot in his hand; in Mongolian folklore, this automatically stated that he would one day become a great leader. At the age of nine, his father took him to live with his future wife. On the way home, his father was met with some of the members of the rival Tatar tribe, who invited him to a conciliatory meal. It was at this feast that Temjuin's father was poisoned and killed. Upon learning about his death, he returned home to take control of his tribe. However, his family did not accept him as the chief of the tribe at first. They pressured him immensely. Due to the stress imposed on him, he killed his half-brother, Bekhter, after quarreling with him during a hunting expedition. Temujin was then confirmed as the head of the family.

When Temujin was twenty, he was captured by a former allied tribe in a raid and temporarily enslaved. One of the tribe's members took pity on him and helped him escape. After fleeing from the tribe, Temujin slowly formed an army with his brothers. The army's count climbed to twenty thousand units, and it was then that Temujin began to strive to unite the Mongol tribes under his rule. After several of the tribes fell under his command, the other tribal leaders agreed to peace and dubbed Temujin "Genghis Khan", or "Universal Ruler". Genghis Khan's empire grew to become the largest one in history, branching from the east of the Mongol empire (some of China, etc) to the west (Turkey, Afghanistan, etc). It was then when his army was known for being an extreme force to deal with and was feared by many.

Genghis Khan died in 1227 after the submission of the Xi Xia. No one really knows how he died; some say that he fell off of his horse and died of fatigue and injury. Others state that he died of respiratory disease. He was buried without markings, as per the tradition of his men. According to legend, the funeral escort killed anyone and anything in its way in order to conceal the location of the burial site, and a river was diverted in order for it to flow over his grave.

Other: Wields a short sword that is used for close combat. While the sword isn't anything special, Rider finds it useful for fending off those who get too close for him to use his bow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hikou no Kokoro
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Hikou no Kokoro Just Some Annoyance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Master: Thomas Joren

True Name: Nidhogg]

Gender: Male

Height/ Weight: 6'1

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

True Appearance:

Human Form: Like this, except his irises and pupils are white and his teeth are razor sharp

Personality:Sadistic, cruel, and has a craving for dead flesh. He follows his instinctual desires and little else. If his Master minds himself and doesn't get to pushy, then he'll sometimes listen to them. But for the most part, nobody tells Nidhogg what to do. He lives to spread chaos, fear, and destruction. But he isn't alway like that. He hates to be confined, and will on a whim free any creature he sees held against it's will.

Class Skills:

Transformation: Allows him to transform from his human form into his True Fom, though the True form can vary in size.

Primeval strength:

Personal Skills:

Magic Resistance

Prana Burst

Eater of Corpses: Nidhogg can heal himself from wounding by consuming the flesh of the dead. The greater the wound, the more corpses he has to eat.

Noble Phantasms:

Dragon's Breath(Curses):
Only available in his true form. He can inflict curses on his enemies with his own special form of dragon's breath. They can be removed by purification magic, or magic that serves a similar functions as it. Curse type depends on the color.
Red gives a curse of burning pain(does no damage, but you feel like your on fire)

Black gives a curse of hindered lungs and acid blood.
Dark Blue causes numbs the limbs.
White gives a curse of paranoia and nightmares.
Green gives a curse of connection with Niflheim, forcing the victim to hear the moans, wails, screams, and curses of the dishonered dead, as well as have a restriction on how much prana they can use. The more they use, the more vulnerable they become to being taken over by the darkness and power of dead.
Red,Dark blue, and Black have 10 uses for individual uses, and 2 for A.O.E., White and Green have 5 for indivdual, 1 for A.O.E.

Storm of Ragnarok:
A true form ony noble phantasm, Nidhogg cloaks himself in a miasmic cloud, formed from the souls of the dishonered dead. While in this state, he gains an increase to his endurance and strength as well as detect any evil or malicious beings/servants/or people. His curses become more difficult to remove when he is in this state, but only if applied when he is using this phantasm.

Corrupted Roots of Yggdrasil:
Anti-unit/Anti-army Noble Phantasm, Nidhogg uses the roots that caged him under Yggdrasil as a weapon. Itnhas three forms. It's hidden form is his main fighting weapon, he launches their blackened tendrils at enemies. It's awakened form, where he can form constructs out from the tendrils(ex. spears and hammers), and it true form, only available to him in his true form, which forms his wings, and can summon the sprits of the dishonered dead in Niflheim to come to his aid. It also has a One time use anti-army ability, where it can become a corrupted version of Yggdrasil, trapping the army it's facing in its roots. Afterwards, the noble phantasm cannot be used, and the tree will stay until Nidhogg leaves this plane of existence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29

Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.

The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.

If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.

Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.

Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.

Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.

Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.


Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.

A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.

Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)

A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.

“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”

Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.

Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War

Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.

There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.

Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.

Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nisemono


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

True Name: Huangdi
Class: Caster
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Class Skills:
Territory Creation
At this level, the creation of a temple becomes possible.

Item Creation
At this level, the creation of a potion granting limited immortality is possible(Medea level).

Expert of Many Specializations: Huangdi was versed in all the arts of civilization, including science, mathematics, divination, magecraft, architecture, warfare, smithing, manufacturing, agriculture, etc. His knowledge built Chinese civilization from scratch with such notable developments as the growing of the five Chinese cereals, invention of boats and carts, and shelter construction. Expert of Many Specializations grants Huangdi the following skills: military tactics, eye of the mind(True), eye of the mind(Fake), innovation, and clairvoyance.

High Speed Divine Words: Huangdi lived during the Age of Gods when words had mystery of their own, and among mages in his era Huangdi was the absolute pinnacle. It is no exaggeration to claim Huangdi in the ranks of the most potent of mages in the Age of Gods, possibly rivaling the potential of Solomon the king of mages.

Noble Phantasm:
Bái Zé Tú: Knowledge and Harmony of Beasts
The crystallization of Huangdi's knowledge of all 11,522 monstrous and phantasmal beasts of the world. Allows for the summoning of a monstrous or phantasmal beast from a reality marble, fully tamed and in peak condition. Phantasmal and monstrous beasts summoned cannot be named ones with their own legends. The cost of this noble phantasm is extremely high and Huangdi cannot maintain the existence of more than two phantasmal beasts at a time, while monstrous beasts pose a lesser burden cost and can be summoned in numbers of seven. The noble phantasm additionally grants Huangdi complete knowledge over all phantasmal and monstrous beasts, as well as the ability to tame and defeat them.

Earth Mother Link
Similar to the ability of Antaeus, Huangdi was known to have had a connection with the Gaia. This noble phantasm grants Huangdi a constantly replenishing stamina and mana reserve as long as he stands on Gaia'd body directly.

Huangdi carries an aura of majesty about himself, a greatness that can be felt by the way he holds his poise. He is a reflective and calm individual, rational and prone to philosophical contemplation. He does not actively seek violence and holds little self desire, instead harboring an immense sense of duty borne from his times as an emperor. He holds a noble and moral poise tempered by pragmatism, forming a cohesive decision making mindset best suited for almost all scenarios. Huangdi is observant and keen in his discernment of human nature, which aids him in his judgement.

Short Biography:
Huangdi, otherwise known as the Yellow Emperor, arguably initiated Chinese culture and reigned from 2697 to 2597 BC. He was born in an era when the Chinese were merely tribal peoples, grovelling in ignorance and primitiveness. In this era of separate tribes, Huangdi found himself the most resplendent among all individuals. It was a time of strife and warfare, marked by constant hardships among tribes for dominance over the region. From this turmoil, Huangdi emerged a brilliant star that united the tribes through victorious conquest. Huangdi became renowned as the initiator of civilization, inventing the tools of agriculture, warfare, infrastructure, and culture. In all areas he reigned supreme, and from his mind emerged the ideas of mathematics, law codes, military weapons, and other such wonders. In particular, Huangdi was extremely adept at taming beasts regular, monstrous, phantasmal and even divine. During his reign he traveled to the perilous East sea at the edge of the world and learned from Bai Ze all the 11,522 types of monstrous and phantasmal beasts in existence and how to tame and fight against them. When the tribal leader Chi You, the primordial god of war of China, initiated war against the other tribes, Huangdi responded with a sweeping victory, utilizing his army of tamed beasts. It is said that Huangdi lived for a thousand years and has undeniably been one of China's greatest figures, the paragn of civilization that initiated China's greatness.
"Knowledge is the distinction of mankind, the pedigree from which man rises above the chains of primitive existence to radiance"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I've got your back."

Name: Akane Inukai

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Servant: Lancer


Jewel Bomb- Akane infuses a jewel with mana and throws it at her enemy before it could explode from the energy overload. The shards inflict from moderate to severe damage depending on where they land. Sometimes used as a distraction, the jewel can blind a person if it is aimed properly. The larger the jewel, the more damage it inflicts.

Familiars- small, origami animals that make little noise as they spy on her enemies. They usually take the shape of small birds, like sparrows or finches. Sometimes, they may take on the forms of snakes or other lithe creatures that can worm their way under doors. They can easily be damaged or destroyed, however.

See through Familiars- Akane is able to see what her familiars are seeing. Though, this is not very useful, as her familiars are usually destroyed before she sees anything that can benefit her.

Appearance: Click!
Akane usually keeps her long, black hair up in a ponytail, hardly ever letting it down from the tight embrace of a scrunchie. Some of the shorter strands of hair escape her ponytail, drifting down to her face. Her hair may become messy at times due to the many times that she runs her hair through it or plays with it. Standing at 5"6', she is a slender woman due to the fact that she rides her bike wherever she goes. She never wears dresses; the closest thing that she wears to one are skirts.

Laid back and calm, Akane isn't the type of person to argue or quarrel. She would rather stand back and watch an argument or fight as she munches on pocky. Patient and friendly, she brushes off insults as if nothing; this does, however, not mean she has enemies. There are several people she dislikes, and even though she tries to be friendly, there are times that she is passive-aggressive. She deals well with stressful situations, almost to the point of people thinking that she does not care. Some people call her lazy and uncaring when it comes to topics she dislikes in school (which is true), but Akane truly doubts that she is nearly as lazy as people think that she is.

She is easily excited when it comes to topics that she likes, such as history or literature. Akane is much like a puppy when it comes down to things that heat up her blood and get her going. Video games like Call of Duty or Battlefield are her favorites-- she often screams with joy through her system's microphone when she wins a game or two. Just as quickly as the rush comes, it goes, and she is once again calm as she usually is.

Akane is terrified of dogs but loves cats and snakes.

Short Biography:
Akane's family knew magic, of course. However, they did not truly appreciate it and did not teach her much about it when she was young. Her mother, who grew tired of being in the company of her father and her, left when she was just six. As she had lost her mother at a young age, her father decided that it was best that there were two people in the family that knew how to use magic to defend themselves instead of one. He taught her his own skill, the production of familiars of whose eyes she could see through, and her mother's skill, Jewel Bomb. Other than that, Akane was taught nothing else; her father believed that she could fend off enemies rather well with such powers, and simply helped her study them to the point of which she could use them properly.

The years that she experienced during elementary and high schools were normal. Akane listened to her father and did not show any of her magic abilities to her classmates. She barely passed her last year of high school and decided that she would wait a little bit before applying to Ukatan City University. It was during this time that her father became gravely sick. He passed away from a complicated case of pneumonia and left Akane to fend for herself. She knew that she had to pick herself up and get a job before applying to the city's university, which she promptly did.

Akane receives some sort of federal aid that helps her to pay her tuition-- the rest she pays with the money she earns from her part time job in a local flower shop. She isn't doing too well in the university and many professors dislike her due to the fact that she sleeps in the middle of class. It doesn't bother her, much-- at least she's passing, right?

Akane is terrified of dogs of all shapes and sizes. She is more of a cat person and wants nothing more than to have a cat herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sublimation
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hao Weizhen

"Gamble your lives in this roulette of stray wishes, my prospective master. Do keep in mind that no neutral force can pave a smooth road for you."

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Hao has been an executor since he was eleven years of age, training as a prodigy in the 8th sacrament. From his training and work as an executor, Hao exhibits a supernatural physical capacity, capable of running fifty kilometers per hour smashing concrete. In addition, Hao has superb knowledge against the enemies that he fights against as an executor, mostly consisting of dead apostles. His combat capacity is also superb, made up of long standing experience, training and innate capacity. The advanced utilization of black keys and such techniques as the iron plate effect are incorporated into experience as an executor. Black keys are spiritual weapons consisting of handles without blades. Once these handles are grasped and mana is passed through them, a blade, long and thin much like a skewer, forms. These blades can be thrown with enough force to shatter reinforced concrete and pierce through solid iron. The Iron Plate effect is a martial arts technique where the black key is thrown and creates a massive impact easily capable of blowing a human sized mass several dozen feet away. Hao keeps twenty five black keys in his pockets and under his frock, and is capable of utilizing multiple at once easily.

The Chinese philosophy of breathing and walking, borne from Hao's intensive conditioning through Chinese martial arts. With taiji, Hao removes all unnecessary movements from his body, and grants him a controlled breathing. Also enhances the physical condition when utilizing martial arts. Hao practices Kai Men Bajiquan and has optimized it to be efficient in dealing lethal or incapacitating blows as quickly as possible. Martial arts has massively enhanced Hao's combat capacity, granting him the capacity to "sense" or "hear" hostile moves, granting him the capacity to react to attacks that he does not actively see.

Those in the church normally do not affiliate themselves with magecraft, but Hao has broken off from such rigidity and embraced the heresy of magecraft. He is capable of all things attributed to general magecraft and has a high affinity for Chinese divination magecraft.

Command Seals
As church overseer, Hao possesses several command seals to direct the war, using them as incentives to take down a master that is causing too much trouble or deal with an event that could disrupt the grail war.

Although executors and the church see magecraft as being heretical, Hao still practices it and applies his knowledge of it into combat. For example, one such result among several others of this unholy combination of magecraft and church mystery is the cremation rite, a spell that can be inscribed on his black keys or shroud to immolate a target upon physical contact.


Credit to ふわり。 on Pixiv

Hao observes a reserved and stoic personality, emitting a distinct sense of emptiness. He rarely exhibits anything other than a cold front, and could be praised as the exemplar of constancy. His tone rings a monotonous and droning but deep tone, revealing no inflection of emotion. His expression remains a placid and static image of calmness, all the while a sly glint in his eyes reveals distinction in character beneath his appearance, but one that many would be suspicious of. Hao is pragmatic and observant, constantly analyzing and taking in his environment. Hao does not simply sit back and see the world pass by him, he observes. No scenery however familiar passes by Hao as a regular and unworthy image. He inspects every facet of the world around him with as much zest as he would in a new world. This coupled with this calculating and utilitarian ideologies presents Hao as the epitome of human efficiency. Some would admire such capacity to remain rationally efficient, but to many others it is a cause of fear, a deviance from the basic human nature of expresison.

Short Biography:
Hao was adopted by an executor and primed himself to be one from an early age, exhibiting a superb talent that allowed him to become an executor at the age of eleven. His time as an executor lasted until Hao was twenty one, when his father passed on. From then on, Hao kept ties moderate ties with the church but began to practice magecraft in China under an acquaintance he had met during his early teenage years through his father. As an apprentice and with capable circuitry, willingness to learn and capacity, Hao prospered under the tutelage of his teacher. After several years of learning, Hao underwent a global pilgrimage to find holy relics and to achieve a spiritual peace, but returned two years later with little spiritual development. He practiced asceticism and underwent extreme tortures of body and mind to seek a spiritual goal but eventually gave up on such practices for various reasons. Eventually he took a station in Ukatan city church as the overseer of the next grail war, knowing full well that he was not a neutral party.

Shroud of Turin
A type of mystic code, the shroud of Turin is a long piece of faded crimson cloth that carries the effect of nullifying erosion to that which seeks to harm what it wraps. However, it does not nullify damage intended to the shroud itself, but will still nullify damage intended to what it preserves even if said damage encompasses an area affecting both the cloth and the preserved object.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Name: David Wilhelm, The King of the Clock Tower, The Harbinger

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Servant: Rider

Elemental Affinity: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ether

Absolute Spatial Magic: This magic allows David control over the space around him. One can manipulate space as means of defense, offense, by means of forming heat, and generating explosions, teleporting people and/or objects of their choice, and granting the user the ability to switch places with other people who are in close proximity. He can even use this combined with his affinities.

General Magecraft: He's a teacher so it is expected that he has a variety of magic under his belt and the complete mastery of the basics.

Elemental Magic


Graduation Air



Personality: David is calm, almost seeming like nothing can phase him no matter how shocking something is. He is incredibly intelligent and sees the world as nothing as a chess board. It seems like everything is boring to him.

Short Biography:
If there is a man that is blessed by the gods then it would've been David. He was born into a family of mages who's bloodline extends for many generations and was blessed with five elemental affinities as well as overwhelming talent. At a young age while he was still learning magic he picked it up faster than his teacher could teach him and before the scholar even knew it his own student surpassed him a few years later. As a student in the Clock Tower he absorbed a vast quantity of knowledge and his schools just kept on improving as if he had no limits. He was loved by all the teachers and respected by all of the students. Years later he would become a teacher for the Clock Tower and soon became the head lecturer, creating excellent mages in his own image. Everything was fine and all, but there was a problem with it: he was bored. All of his life everything had come so easy for him; nothing really seemed to be a challenge for him. That is until he discovered the Holy Grail War. With hope that it would ease his boredom and give him the challenge he so desperately craved, he joined it.

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