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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I thought I'd use this space for our accepted characters! So, without further ado:

Main Characters:
-> Melody Avery Hemlock (@Nightmare Bunny), aka. your friendly neighborhood yandere
- Tesla, lv. 7
- LOLBAT, lv. 3
-> Abigail Blanchett (@Rune_Alchemist), aka. the grumpy tsundere cat
- Tyrian, lv. 6
- Spinarak, lv. 3
-> Ryley Grisdoe (@Noklu), aka. introverted, mentally stable guy
- Fern, lv. 5
-> Avery Garfield Grant (@Ogobrogo), aka. incompetent yet fearless derpkingu
- Blue, lv. 7
- Green, lv. 4
-> Peggy Atkinson (@XxFellsingxX), aka. the nervous wreck with mommy issues
- Jasper, lv. 6
- Sentret, lv. 3
-> Jackson Grey (@DaDrummer676), aka. the giraffe-hating musician
- Fang, lv. 6
- Tiger, lv. 2 or 3
-> Blake Winterhawk (@Vec), aka. extroverted, mentally stable guy (and ice-type fetishist)
- Swinub, lv. 6

Recurring Characters:
-> Alexander “Alex” Elric (@Zoldyck), aka. the mini syndicate member with a heart of gold
- Eevee, lv. 6
- Spearow, lv. 2 or 3

Gym Leaders:
-> Hansel Larch, Violet City Gym Leader (@Nightmare Bunny)
-> William Shanks, Azalea Town Gym Leader (@Ogobrogo)
-> Wendy Wildstorm, Goldenrod City Gym Leader (@XxFellsingxX)
-> ???, Ecruteak City Gym Leader (@Nightmare Bunny)
-> ???, Clanwood City Gym Leader
-> ???, Olivine City Gym Leader
-> ???, Mahogany Town Gym Leader
-> Joseph Winterhawk, Blackthorn City Gym Leader (@Vec)
NOTE: Gym leaders are available for RP-ers to play! In fact, go ahead and submit a CS for one, right now! They don't get theme colors, though.

Team Nemesis Admins:
-> Nyx (@Nightmare Bunny)
-> Aether (@Ogobrogo)
-> Chaos (@Noklu)
Admin spots are now full! However, we still have lots of gym leaders~

Leader: Nemesis (@Rune_Alchemist)

Elite Four:
-> ???, 1st Elite Four Member
-> ???, 2nd Elite Four Member
-> ???, 3rd Elite Four Member
-> ???, 4th Elite Four Member (@Nightmare Bunny)
NOTE: Elite Four members are unavailable for now! However, they will become available later on, so don't worry!

Champion: ???, (@Rune_Alchemist)

Notable NPCs:

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
Avatar of Nightmare Bunny

Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Melody Avery Hemlock

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Standing at about 5'2", Melody's small stature and general lack of presence make fading into the background pretty much a fact of her existence. As a matter of fact, the most eye-catching thing about her is her hair… but even that's mostly because it's bright pink and really, really long.

Despite this, the importance of taking care of one's appearance is one of the few things that Melody's mother took the time to drill into her head, and as a result, Melody is exceptionally good at things like doing hair, applying make-up tastefully, and color-coordinating outfits. While she isn't a fashionista by any stretch of the imagination, Melody always looks presentable... even though half the time, no one's really registered her presence well enough to appreciate it.

Personality: Melody's a fairly sweet girl most of the time. She’s not particularly shy, and really quite talkative, once someone’s actually noticed she’s there. As a girl brought up in a well-to-do family by parents who placed a high value on manners, Melody is polite to everyone and anyone, even if it’s mostly by force of habit. In other words, she’s really quite friendly, and for all appearances, harmless.

Beneath that well-mannered exterior, however, is an obsessively clingy girl with a grip like a vice and some incredibly possessive tendencies. Melody cherishes her friends… maybe a little too much, actually. Even though she’s never really experienced a long-term friendship, the concept of “best friends forever” is one that is very close to her heart. Often, she fixates on a person so intensely that she’ll let almost nothing stand between them. When someone she cares about is in danger, she’s more protective than a mother Ursaring whose cubs are being threatened, and more vicious than an Arbok with a grudge.

She hasn’t quite crossed the line into psychopathic yet, but back in middle school she was involved in a quickly hushed-up incident featuring her best friend, a boy who had a crush on her best friend, and a stapler. Melody definitely has a manipulative streak, and isn’t afraid of using underhanded methods to get what she wants.

History: As the only child of a pair of hard-working, fairly wealthy businesspeople, Melody grew up in a frequently empty house in Goldenrod City, with only the maids to keep her company. Because of her parents’ jobs (and, on one occasion, that one incident in middle school involving a stapler), she’s had to transfer schools many times. As a result, she’s never quite been able to form any solid relationships, and always treasured company, prizing friendship above all else… even her morals, at times.

Although she wasn’t home very often, Melody’s mother held manners and the traditionally feminine disciplines in high regard. As a result, Melody grew up to be polite to a fault, and quite skilled in areas such as cooking and cleaning. In fact, since she often had nothing to do but practice cooking, Melody's cooking is actually rather incredible. However, since she never quite figured out how to work the television in the living room or the desktop in her parents’ room, Melody is fairly technologically illiterate.

Melody has wanted to be a Pokemon trainer since her childhood, primarily for one reason: the legal mandate on travelling in pairs or more. While there is no question about the fact that she likes Pokemon and the thrill of battling, Melody sees her Pokemon journey as her ticket to a “best friend forever”… and that’s something that she would never pass up. Because of this, Melody studied hard in every one of the trainer schools that she's attended. As soon as she reached the minimum legal age of obtaining a license, Melody jumped at the chance to become a trainer, and left home the day after her sixteenth birthday.

Her parents, unsurprisingly, were on a business trip at the time, but they did call her to wish her farewell... a day or two after she set out for New Bark Town.

- Despite her rather fragile appearance, Melody is impressively strong. She doesn't pull her punches, either, so getting into a brawl with her is... not the best of ideas.
- Melody is a fantastic cook and a master of all things traditionally feminine, from cooking to cleaning to baby-sitting.
- Computers, microwaves, refrigerators... you name it, Melody can break it. She'd probably like video games, but she's never played one before because she can't figure out how to work a PC without completely destroying it.
- Melody harbors a secret fondness for cooking shows, animated TV shows and movies, and murder mystery novels.
- Melody has a terrible sense of direction. Like, it's really, really bad.

- Pokeballs (x5)
- Burn Heal (x5)
- Paralyze Heal (x5)
- Sleep Heal (x5)
- Antidote (x5)
- Potion (x5)
- First-aid kit, for minor scrapes and injuries (x1)
- Switchblade, for... “cooking and self defense” yeah right (x1)
- Full set of clothing (x3)
- Cheap and almost indestructible Nokia phone (x1)
- Toiletries (x1 bag)
- Hairbrush (x1)
- Make-up and beauty products (x1 bag)
- Agatha Christie’s “Five Little Tepigs” (x1)
- Sleeping bag, assorted camping equipment (x1)
- Wallet, containing $100 (x1)
All of these items have been neatly packed into a shiny new white-and-pink backpack. Well, except the switchblade. That's in her pocket.


TL;DR: A girl who, despite her well-mannered and friendly appearance, is actually incredibly clingy and obsessive. In other words, a borderline yandere.

Theme Song:

Going with pink for her text colour, again. Mostly because of her hair… and so I can transition into red for her scary moments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Abigail Blanchett




Abigail is fairly tall, standing around a solid 5'7". Her natural skin color is usually quite pale compared to most other people. A rather striking feature, that a lot of people find rather attractive. Her feature she likes most, however, is her hair. Her long purple hair is usually tied back into a pony tail. Most people tend to notice her bright green eyes at first, however, much to her own chagrin. She hates the color green.

Despite her liking her hair, she doesn't particularly care so much about her appearance. Despite her mom being a bit of a fashionista, she's always taken after her father - an ex Private Investigator. (Also ignore that blue streak. Just now noticed it, and I am too lazy to find another picture xP)

Where to start with her personality? If one were to go by first impressions only, they would simply assume that she's a girl who thinks she's ten times better than everyone at everything. She will often state how much she doesn't like other people and do it quite loudly as well. Its the honest truth, to her. She thinks everyone else will slow her down. She doesn't like interacting with other people, even more so when its against her will. So this whole journey thing, is going to be...interesting, for her at least, since she find most other people quite annoying.

However, despite that grumpy, somewhat brash, some would even say arrogant exterior, is a girl who really and truthfully just wants a friend who'll put up with her nonsense, no matter how troublesome she could possibly be. Unfortunately, 'friendship' is a foreign concept to her and she had no idea how to even be friendly. Most often, she can only resort to some sort of insults or something else that makes her seem like she only did something for herself.

However, once she finally warms up to someone, they'll find a secret side to her that is surprisingly thoughtful, and a bit on the sweet side. That doesn't mean its any easier for her - in fact, she's quite nervous about being seemingly to be nice to people. Most often, they'll find her a stuttering and blushing mess, especially if said being nice involves some kind of physical contact, like say...a hug.

Think of her as a grumpy Tsundere cat that secretly likes being cuddled with~ xP

Abigail is originally from Kalos, growing up in the center of of the country - Lumiose. She was born to a mother who was a rather well known fashion designer, and her father who was a Private Investigator. For a time, she grew up there and was quite happy with her life. Well, happy to her in any case. Her parents, despite being rich didn't want to spoil their daughter so they made her work for almost anything she wanted. So, at an early age she developed a need to be the best at everything she worked at. Working harder yielded better rewards, no?

When she was around the age of six, her father and mother split - though she never understood why exactly. She moved to Johto with her father, and they settled down in the city of costal city of Olivine, where she spent the rest of the years growing up. Her father was a bit less lax on her being spoiled, but by now she had gotten it into her head she had to be the absolute best. Actually, no, she was the best and she wasn't going to let anyone tell her otherwise.

She graduated trainers school at the top of her class a few years later when she was 16. After that, she wasn't quite sure what to do with her life. Sure trainer school was promising and all, but she had never actually considered it as an actual career...but oddly enough, the allure of danger and adventure was just too good, despite the law stating travelling in pairs was necessary. So, she signed up for a license, and set off for Newbark Town.

- Surprisingly, likes eating a lot. Good food is just one way to get on her good side. Where it all goes...people don't know.
- She's surprisingly strong for her size. Physical fitness was something her father also drilled into her. She still likes doing a light jog in the mornings, and waking up at the crack of dawn.
- Do not mess up her hair. its the only thing she actively takes care of appearance wise. Mess it up, you will die.
- has an interest in martial arts, but has never actually tried learning them.

- Pokeballs x5
- Burn Heal x5
- Paralyze Heal x5
- Sleep Heal x5
- Antidote x5
- Potion x5
- First-aid kit, for minor scrapes and injuries (x1)
- Extra clothes x2 (including pajamas)
- Holo-caster, souvenir from Kalos. Works with older and other phones too, but no Hologram will be displayed unless it's communicating with another Holo Caster.
- Hair-Care products, and various hair ties
- Camping stuff.
- 100$
- Johto Map
- Repel (x2)
All stuffed into her shoulder bag, rather unorganized.


Theme~ xP

A somewhat Arrogant Tsundere, who really doesn't seem to like people, but secretly likes being cuddled with by people she likes.
Her color is PURPLE
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Peggy Atkinson




Peggy is quite short, about 5'1", but at the same time seems quite sturdy thanks to her broad shoulders, which are almost always tensed. She's pale, but has a splatter of pale orange freckles across her face. Her hair is going to be messy often during her journey as she doesn't know how to brush her own hair, as her mother always brushed it for her, though she will normally put it into two bushy pigtails. In order to cove up the mess, she'll usually wear her green hat, as shown in the picture.

She's often wear quite scruffy casual clothes, often coloured dark colours and usually with at least one piece of clothing (other than her hat) will be green as its her favourite colour.

Peggy is somewhat of a nervous wreck, frightened of almost everything new to her, and considering she's spent a lot of her life locked away at home, many things can be considered 'new'. Thanks to her mother's constant stories of the dangers of the outside world, Peggy is always cautious when making decisions, to the point where she is incredibly indecisive and would prefer someone whom she trusts to make decisions for her.

She's not used to people and has had very few friends, most she left behind when she and her mother moved to Johto and none now who she's especially close to. She'd like more friends, but she's painfully shy and hasn't spent a lot of time around people so she finds it difficult to start conversations with others. She'll try, oh Arceus, she'll try, but if she feels she's embarrassed herself, she'll become incredibly quiet and even a little sullen. She's very sensitive and can easily be hurt or upset, though she'll often try and hide it (but she's not all that good at it).

The main reason why she's going on this journey? To get away from her mother and perhaps prove to her - and her own self - that she can be independent and be alright on her own, that she doesn't need to be protected and can handle herself.

Peggy and her mother used to live in the Orre region in Pyrite Town with Peggy's father, Nate, who was a police officer. Back then, Peggy's mother, Erica, was nowhere near as paranoid as she is now, though she was often worried for her husband's safety and was never able to be fully comfortable when he was at work, though she tried to hide it. Peggy was much happier then, and often would visit her father at his workplace and talk to him and any of the other officers that were around. She especially like her father's Pokemon, a big strong Mightyena who she used snuggle up with and play with whenever her father wasn't busy.

Things didn't last like that forever though. When Peggy was eight, her father tried to take down some Pokemon poachers and ended up getting badly injured and taken to hospital. This caused her mother Erica to have a panic attack and collapse, meaning she had to be taken to hospital as well, and Peggy had to be cared for by a workmate of her father's and his wife until both her parents were discharged.

After that, Erica became a little... crazy. Every time either Peggy or Nate left the house, she would call them on their mobile every fifteen minutes or so to ask if they were okay, and she particularly threw a fit when Nate decided he was fit to go back to work. They started having constant arguments about this, which Peggy pretended she didn't notice. It was only one year later, on Peggy's ninth birthday, that things became too unbearable. Erica had been trying her best to act cheerful throughout her daughter's birthday, while Nate was trying not to be irritable with her. Then, when Peggy was about to blow out the candles on her cake while her parents were singing 'Happy Birthday', Erica suddenly burst into tears and got into a panicked state. Nate tried to calm her down, but in the end, he became agitated with her, shouting at her that she was ruining her daughter's birthday. This became a full-blown argument, which ended with Nate slapping Erica in the face - the first and only time he had ever hit her - before storming out, leaving his wife crying on the floor.

Peggy's memory of what happened between this time and moving to Johto a few months later is extremely blurry, but it resulted in her parents being divorced and her mother and her heading to go live in Cherrygrove City in Johto with Peggy's grandparents. Her Grandma was a somewhat frosty but still loving lady, who seemed to be overly cautious herself, and her Grandpa was a forgetful but kindly old man who often told Peggy stories about his days as a Pokemon trainer.

A few days before Peggy's sixteenth, Peggy's grandfather sadly passed away from cancer and her grandmother, shortly after, became a much sadder, quieter woman, very distant, which caused Erica to become even more distressed as well. Peggy had been planning to start her Pokemon journey then, but felt she couldn't as she had to comfort her mother and grandmother. It is now a year later, however, and the atmosphere has become so overbearing that Peggy wants to leave. She argued a lot with Erica about this, and might have been forced to say had it not been for her Grandma stepping in, for once seeming like her old self, and Grandma told Erica that Peggy should be allowed to go on her journey.

"After all," her Grandma said, wistfully looking over at a picture of her with Peggy's grandfather. "It's what he would have wanted."

Erica couldn't really argue with her own mother at this point, and has reluctantly let Peggy go on her journey to New Bark, with a promise that she will call and/or write home often.

- When she's talking to someone she doesn't know or isn't comfortable with, Peggy has a habit of picking at her fingernails or the skin on her lower lip while she's speaking.
- Despite being easily frightened, Peggy has a morbid fascination with the occult as learning about the supernatural gives her a strange sort of thrill. As such, she's most likely to be drawn to Psychic, Ghost and Dark-type Pokemon.
- Peggy often ends her sentences with a nervous little 'ha' laugh, particularly if she's especially uncomfortable.
- Peggy doesn't like making eye-contact with people even when talking to them because she's afraid they'll think she's staring at them.
- Despite all the fears she possesses, Peggy's greatest fear is that she is just like her mother and that her fear and anxiety will end up driving others away from her and she'll be left all alone.
- Peggy would sometimes take cooking lessons from her grandma, though only when her mother was out as Erica feared that Peggy would burn herself. As such, Peggy only know how to make a couple of meals and her cooking skills are a little rusty. Still, she enjoys it, and will be willing to learn if someone was willing to teach her.

- Pokeballs x3
- Burn Heal x5
- Paralyze Heal x4
- Sleep Heal x5
- Antidote x5
- Potion x4
- Fairly old-fashioned mobile phone
- Stationary for writing letters
- A large journal given to her by her grandma to record her journey
- Several pens for writing of said letters and journal
- Three changes of clothes plus one pair of pyjamas
- A homemade lunch for the start of her journey
- An old fashioned map of Johto
- A pair of binoculars
- 100$
- Sleeping bag and various other camping equiptment
- A raincoat, a scarf and hiking boots
- Repel X2
- First-aid kit
All of this is stuffed into a black and orange backpack, which is surprisingly heavy, though one wouldn't tell with how Peggy carries it.


A shy and somewhat lonely girl who has spent her whole life being locked away at home by her over-protective and possibly paranoid mother and is now looking to break free and prove she can live by herself, despite her constant fears that she may fail.


I'm going to be using green for her text.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noklu
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Ryley Grisdoe

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Ryley falls around the height of 5’8’’. He normally has a serious look on his face, but he doesn’t really realize it, and it changes fairly easily. His hair often gets messy, despite his attempts at combing/brushing/whatevering. He prefers to wear a lighter t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Y’know, the ‘usual’. He doesn’t really care about appearance that much though, and prefers comfortable, practical clothes.

Ryley is a very ‘down to earth’ type of guy. He can come off as sarcastic sometimes due to this. He won’t run away from the truth of things, even when things are rough. However, he’ll do what he can to change the ‘truth’ of matters if he doesn’t like it. Also, just because he faces the truth doesn’t mean he won’t lie.

Ryley respects others’ opinions and ideas, as most of them have a good reason or cause behind them. Due to this, many people find him to be friendly. However, he tends to avoid people with ideas he doesn’t agree with, if possible. This may seem rude, but Ryley doesn’t want to argue others with strong beliefs, as he believes no one wins in those cases.

Ryley enjoys the company of others, though he’s not that good at small talk. He’s better at having deep discussions. He may throw in a quick quip here or there in normal conversations, but overall he prefers to listen.

Ryley grew up in Unova. More specifically, Opelucid City (W/W2 version). His mother died only 6 months after he was born, so he grew up alone with his father. His father worked as an assistant to the town’s gym leader, Drayden. Due to this, Ryley learned a lot about dragon types, especially the legendary duo Reshiram and Zekrom. The idea of truth and ideals fighting always interested him, though it was slightly confusing.

When he was 9 years old, his dad got laid off due to less trainers battling. He couldn’t find another job in the city, so they had to move from home sweet home. They ended up moving to Violet City, where his dad got a job maintaining Sprout Tower. Though the lore of Opelucid was great, the history of Sprout Tower, combined with the nearby Ruins of Alph managed to sate Ryley’s curiosity.

Eventually, the wild pokemon’s aggressiveness became so bad that Ryley couldn’t travel to the Ruins alone. He became fairly agitated due to this, and wanted to do something. He tried asking questions around town, and soon found out that the wild pokemon everywhere were being more aggressive, but nobody knew exactly why. He decided he’d try to find out the source of the problem, and solve it. He got his dad’s approval fairly easily and signed up for a license. With equipment in hand, he headed out.

-Likes to learn about lore and history of various things
-Doesn’t have much of a taste. He often goes with whatever is healthiest, or he’s in the mood for.
-Loves the feeling of when a good plan succeeds.
-Doesn’t really realize it, but he’s good at predicting what someone is about to do based on their movement and changes in pattern.

- Pokeballs x5
- Burn Heal x5
- Paralyze Heal x5
- Sleep Heal x5
- Antidote x5
- Potion x5
- Two extra sets of clothes
- Old X-transceiver (acts mostly as a phone)
- Camping gear
- Notebook and 3 pens
- $100
- A black backpack to carry everything in


TL;DR: Morally stable, and mentally strong. Fairly social person. Often serious and very curious.
His color is yellow
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Avery Garfield Grant




What you see is what you get. A guy just shy of six foot even and perhaps a bit more on the thin side of the line. A shaggy brown sea engulfs the guy’s head, occasionally blocking the sight of his dark blue eyes. But it’s not really bothering anything. Live and let live. Besides, he likes feel of his hair on his face. It tickles.

So Avery’s not too much of a stickler on what he wears. He wears a deep cut bluish tee-shirt, with a dark gray zip up hoodie. When it’s warm, sleeves rolled up. When it’s cold, sleeves go down. Keep it simple, stupid. Pale brown pants and a pair of simple black running shoes complete a standard Garfield get-up.

Poor Avery. He tries. Bless his little heart, does he try. But somewhere along the way, the boy got slapped with the unlucky stick. Then viciously beat with the clumsy club. Perpetually in a pickle, but the boy never gives up. The world might be conspiring against him, but he’s never gonna let it get him down. A bona fide optimist if there ever was one. And ironically, confident. Things will always work out, somehow.

But if there’s one thing he’s not, it’s a coward. Avery IS Bravery. Literally, you cannot spell Bravery without ‘avery’. Whether he’s just incredibly stupid, or...well, no that’s probably it, but the lad is always ready to embark into the unknown. All for the sake of knowledge. The boy is curious of just about everything. If something bad happens, well, he’ll deal with it then. Try and try again, or so they say. Things will always work out, somehow.

As far as interaction with people go, Avery’s always up for a chat. Never high-strung, rarely angry, an accurately described as scatterbrained, he makes for a rather laid-back guy. Maybe too laid-back. Not one for cruel words either, this one. If you don’t have anything nice to say… Oh well. Things will always work out, somehow.



- Disgustingly Optimistic

- Disturbingly Brave

- Dis...he’s curious. I ran out of D-adjectives.

- Avery’s a tornado. Where there is order, the angel of chaos is sent down from above to disrupt it. Wherever the lad goes, a trail of disorganization follows. *Ahem* He’s got no organizational skills. Don’t gaze into his pack. Something might gaze back at you.

- Tragically terrible at cooking. But the food ends up LOOKING good. Just uh, don’t taste it. Ever.

- Content with sleeping just about anywhere.

- Unlucky.

- Surprising adept at fishing.

- Easily lost. Easily losing things. Basically, don’t let him ANYWHERE NEAR THE DAMN MAP.

- Often gets lost in thoughts or in a book.

- Carries around a small notepad, in which he frequently jots new and interesting facts. SURPRISINGLY neat handwriting and actually legible.

- Oblivious to all but the most obvious social cues.


- Pokeballs x5

- Potions x3

- Antidote x3

- Pillow x1

- Notepads x3

- Misc. Pencils/Pens x12

- Pokegear with Map/Phone/Radio x1

- Extra Pants x2

- Extra Shirts x2

- Extra Skivvies x3

- $23 in one pocket x1

- $77 SOMEWHERE in that mess of a backpack x1

- Extra-large heavy-duty brown backpack with sleep roll buckled to the top x1


Unlucky, Uncoordinated, Untroubled. Loveable oaf with a heart of gold. Path to Pokemon Professorship.

His color is Orange because he doesn’t like oranges.

Theme Song
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago


NAME: Blake Winterhawk
AGE: 18
PERSONALITY: At first glance, Blake comes off as a serious, apathetic kind of guy. However, a pleasant surprice awaits you if you decide to get to know him better as he is actually very sociable and outgoing; if you get him to actually pay attention that is.

Yeah... concentration isn't his strong suite and he is often found daydreaming, caught in his own little world. That, nevertheless, doesn't hinder him when it comes to his achieving the goals he sets. Blake is an overachiever and always strives to be the best at everything he does, moreso when it comes to breeding and training pokemon. He will almost never turn down a battle and thrives in extreme environments due to the experience he has gained from the regular wild excursions he went with his brothers when they were younger.

Blake doesn't shy away from voicing his opinion when it matters. When faced with difficulty, he tries to deal with the problem at hand carefully and efficiently, making him a valuable asset to any team.

HISTORY: Blake hails from Blackthorn City. His family, the Winterhawks, are well known for producing accompliced Dragon Tamers and take pride in that fact. His childhood, well, if there was one adjective to describe it, that would be adventurous. His two older brothers, James and Bracken were always there for him through good and bad times. When they were little, the three would venture together to the outskirts of the city. They would often sneak inside the Ice Path, exploring it for hours before their father came looking for them, worried that they might have lost their way inside the cave. Their luck didn't last for long though and one day, their fathers' worst fears came true.

The three brothers had gone on their usual little expedition inside Ice Path. Having explored most of the cave near the entrance, they decided to go a little deeper, figuring that if something went wrong, they could always return back by following their footsteps in the snow. Well, they were mistaken. Before they had left for the expedition, their father, Joseph, had warned them not to venture too deep inside Ice Path because the wild Steelix that made their home there had entered their breeding period and they were very agrressive towards anyone who they thought invaded their territory. The three brothers ignored their fathers' warning and went deeper and deeper inside the cave, straying away from the main path with every step they took up.

After half an hour or so, they had gone so deep inside the cave that they could no longer find the path back to the entrance. What's more, their footsteps in the snow had been covered with a thin layer of ice, making them indiscernible to the boys novice tracking eyes. That is when the Steelix appeared. Apparently, they had entered one of the nests where the female Steelix would gather and lay their eggs and as a result, the Steelix thought they were there to steal the eggs and tried to protect them. They attacked the boys and would have been almost killed if it wasn't for two brave Jinx that protected them from the danger by driving away the Steelix.

Blake couldn't believe in his eyes. He couldn't believe it moreso when suddenly out of nowhere, Piloswine and Swinub approached the three lost boys and helped them. They carried them on their backs, guiding them safely back to the main path and to the outside world.

From that day, Blake became fascinated with Ice-type Pokemon and made it his goal to become one of the best Ice-type Pokemon breeders and trainers in the Johto Region, and why not, the world! As such, after spending a couple of years getting down the basics of breeding, he set out to get his first pokemon from Professor Elm.

  • He always gets mad with his old man because he never stops bickering about him choosing Ice-types over Dragon-types.
  • He is actually pretty good at managing money and as such, has very little expenses aside from the essentials.
  • Unknown to him, whenever he gets mad, a bulging vein appears on his forehead.
  • He has a mild case of germophobia. He never shares anything that has to do with food, drink etc with others. Other than that, he is perfectly fine with whatever your typical germophobe might be afraid of.

  • His trusty PokeGear.
  • A black coloured shoulder bag where he puts all his belongings.
  • Potions x3
  • Pokeballs x3
  • TM59 - Dragon Pulse x1 that his father gave to him as a last effort to make his son change his mind and follow the path of the Dragon Tamer. Needless to say, he failed.
  • A change of clothes for the road.
  • 100$


TL;DR: Read the CS you lazy bum!


NAME: Joseph Winterhawk
AGE: 53
PERSONALITY: As a young man, Joseph was incredibly hotheaded, impetuous, and confrontational. He was not very serious or focused and tended to fool around, but was known to be incredibly savvy. Now, as a fully grown up adult, Joseph is much the same, only as an irascible middle-aged man with a temper and the same mischievous spirit as in his younger days. Loud voice, big smile and a wide range of facial expressions are his trademark features.

His relationship with his family is as good, if not better, than anything a father would ever want. Although at first, he viewed his youngest sons' decision to become an Ice-type Pokemon trainer as an abandonment of the family traditions; given some time, he has grown to respect it. However, that doesn't mean it stopped him from bickering about it whenever the two meet.

HISTORY: Current head of the Winterhawk Family, Gym leader of Blackthorn City Gym and one of the leading people when it comes to Dragon types, Joseph Winterhawk is indeed a great man. Born and raised in Blackthorn City, in a time when Dragons were revered as guardians of the city and helped out everyone, Joseph can't help but to feel sad about the current situation. Nowadays, with the sudden change in the pokemons' behaviour, Dragon types are portrayed as the most dangerous of all the types, something that enrages Joseph. He practically grew up around Dragon types, heck, his best friend and longstanding companion, Salamence, has been with him for as long as he can remember and not even once had it attacked him or hurt him in any way or form....

As for how he became the Blackthorn City gym leader; well that came as a surprise to even him. Clair, the previous gym leader and cousin to the former Ingigo League Champion, Lance, approached him a couple of years earlier from the storys' current timeline and offered him the position. When he asked as to why she was giving it away like that, she just brushed off the question, giving him a simple "Because I want to travel the world" along with a playful smile. Joseph threw a fit at her, saying stuff like "You can't just leave the gym like that!" and "The pride of the Dragon Tamer!" etc.

After he had calmed down a bit and after hard negotiations, Clair managed to convince him to accept the offer on the condition that he would be only an "acting Gym Leader," filling in for her until she returned back from her journey.

  • Like his youngest son, Blake, a bulging vein appears on his forehead whenever he gets angry.
  • Has the bad habit of pulling pranks at the poor trainers who come to challenge his gym.

  • Full Restore x20
  • TM59 - Dragon Pulse x100
  • Scale Badge x100
  • Salamencite x1

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 25 days ago

Name: Alexander “Alex” Elric

Age: 18

Gender: Male

- Pokeballs (x5)
- Burn Heal (x5)
- Paralyze Heal (x5)
- Sleep Heal (x5)
- Antidote (x5)
- Potion (x5)
- Bowie knife (x1)
- A couple of self made Pokéblocks
- Old but reliable model of mobile phone (x1)
- Spare sets of clothes (x2)
- $100,-


Spearow (will add proper thingy once I get on my PC)

TLDR: Small kid with temperamental issues aswell as a shady past. Loves Pokemon, hates spending time with humans.

Colour:Blue...damn you Ogo, you stole my national color!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jackson Grey



Jackson is 5'10" with strawberry blond hair and dark blue eyes. Jackson wears baggy clothing, giving him the appearance of being skinny. If he was to take off the baggy clothes you would see that he is actually muscular because of his intense training. Jackson usually wears baggy, dark jeans with a black hoodie over a tee shirt.

Personality: Jackson Grey is a funny and social guy. He loves talking to people (and pokemon) and cracking jokes, and can be quite charming. Despite his vast knowledge, he tends to slack off and put up a persona of being laid-back. He always seems to be calm, no matter what happens. With his laid back personality, people sometimes mistake him for being dumb, which he seems to find entertaining. Jack is also very witty, using his smarts to fire back with a tongue that could send the devil back into hell with his tail tucked in between his legs. A flaw of his would be that he can get easily annoyed, especially by dumb people. Hart will do anything for his friends, which can also be a flaw. Jackson just wants to do the right thing and help those who need it. Jackson's pokemon goals would be to catch as many pokemon as possible and just have a great time. He doesn't care if he loses, as long as the battle was fun.


- Jackson is a musician, he plays the guitar, the ukulele, and piano.

- Jackson loves to sing and does quite well at doing so.

- His biggest pet peeve is seeing people chew with their mouths open.

- Jackson has an intense fear of giraffes (or would it be Girafarigs in this case? XD)

- He loves all pokemon but his favorite types are Water and Fighting.

- Jackson works out diligently and knows many forms of martial arts. This is all because of his love for fighting type pokemon.

- Pokeballs (x5)
- Burn Heal (x5)
- Paralyze Heal (x5)
- Sleep Heal (x5)
- Antidote (x5)
- Potion (x5)
- $100

- Change of clothes [x2]
- Basic necessities
- Father's watch [x1]
- Basic camping items


Level 5
Acquired from Prof. Elm
Torrent Ability
Playful and energetic
Can be dramatic


Jackson's funny, smart, and laid-back. His favorite pokemon type is fighting. He is a musician. His color is Red.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Goldenrod's Gym Leader

Wendy Wildstorm




The name 'Wildstorm' could not be more fitting for Wendy. She's energetic, loud and brash, unable to remain still for even a second, and when she has to sit down at any point, expect to see her foot tapping rhythmically on the floor as she does so. She also has a tendency to swing from one mood to the next very quickly, one minute being angry and sullen to the next being cheerful and upbeat. She has a fiery temper and easily enraged, but surprisingly doesn't hold grudges against those who have upset her and it can be easy to get her to forgive you.

Despite appearing quite intimidating with all her piercings and her mohawk, she's actually fairly nice and is kind of like that tough, cool big sister who will beat anyone up if they mess with you. Even though she's gotten angry with practically everyone, she has no one she actively hates or dislikes, and tends to see the best in everyone. The only way to really get her to hate you is if you actively harm or abuse a human or a Pokemon, but even then, you're still not above redemption in Wendy's eyes, as long as you prove at some point you've learnt your lesson.

Not much is known about Wendy, only that she used to live in Kalos, specifically in Lumiose City, and used to be part of a punk rock band called 'Own Tempo' that started touring around various regions two years ago. While the band was in Johto, Wendy became quite fond of the region and decided to stay behind while the rest of the band moved on. She took over for Goldenrod's last gym leader, the now grown and far more mature Whitney, soon after.

However, there have been a few rumours going round that Wendy might be the daughter of, or at very least related to in some way, the ex-Cipher admin Miror B, who some believe to have been spotted in Lumoise City very recently. Any attempt to confirm or deny this, however, has been futile as Wendy likes to keep up the mystery.

- Wendy has no indoor voice. Even when she's speaking to one person, expect her to talk to loudly that everyone in the vicinity can hear what she's say.
- Like all water Gym leaders, Wendy is an excellent swimmer, and in her spare time she likes to go swimming with her Pokemon.
- She's a big eater and loves he food, but she always remembers not to swim on a full stomach.
- The design of her gym is really weird. It looks like a concert hall that has been flooded with water, with the place you'll battle Wendy looking like a stage, surrounded by (non-electrical) instruments. The trainers in this gym are swimming at the side, and the only way to get to Wendy's stage if you aren't able to swim across is to jump across these floating audience chairs.
- Wendy originally wanted to have a stereo, proper microphone and electric guitar in her gym, but decided against it as, being a water gym, she thought it could be a hazard.
- She dances during battles, and likes to sing her battle commands.
- She has this fake microphone that she holds in battle. It does nothing, but she likes to sing her commands into it as if its real.
- 'Wildstorm' isn't her real surname. She simply used it as part of her stage name.
- You know how Miror B used to say 'Let the music play!' before his battles? Wendy has a similar habit of shouting 'Let's rock this joint!'
- At her Gym, all the battles are double battles.
- All her Pokemon know the move Rain Dance. Why? To help fuel her Lombre and Ludicolo's Rain Dish ability. Yes, that does mean they heal over the course of the battle. Yes, it is annoying.
- All four of her Pokemon almost always are holding berries. Quagsire and Dewgong hold Oran Berries, while Lombre and Ludicolo, who are already covered healing-wise, hold Cheri Berries.

- Plastic microphone
- Super Potion x3
- Oran Berry x10
- Cheri Berry x10
- Ripple Badge x10
- TM18, Rain Dance x10


Crazy punk rock chick with no indoor voice who acts as Goldenrod's Gym Leader, has a fondness for Water-type Pokemon and double battles, and might possibly be the daughter of ex-Cipher Admin Miror B. She also likes spamming Rain Dance. A lot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Hansel Larch, Violet Town Gym Leader

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Appearance: Hansel’s a farmer, and it shows. He's strangely tall, a broad-shouldered but somewhat lanky guy who towers over everyone else, and he's rarely seen without dirt somewhere on his body. He's a big fan of the overalls look, and is, in fact, very similar in appearance to your stereotypical hardworking farmer dude. He's handsome, in a sort of farmboy-ish way, but he's also an eternal bachelor. Hansel's blond hair is always messy, and falls into his eyes a lot, but that's okay-- he just wears a hat, and that's fine.

Personality: Hansel's always been a gentle soul. His family’s been in the agriculture industry for generations, and he’s happy to carry on the family tradition. If you think about it, Hansel’s kind of like a plant himself: he loves the outdoors, he loves being in the sun, and he just won’t stop growing! Like, seriously: he’s really tall.

Despite his intimidating height, Hansel's a total pushover. He has difficulties dealing with people with very assertive personalities, and is easily bullied into things, but he takes his duties seriously. Try to bully him into getting a gym badge without beating him first, for example, and… well, it just won’t work!

So, generally, he’s a nice guy. He likes helping people, he likes farming, and he’s a generally responsible dude. He loves Pokemon, and he loves his job. Sometimes he's a little dense --okay, a lot dense-- but... you can't have everything, okay?

History: The Larch family has been in the farming industry for generations, and Hansel, as the oldest son in a family with many, many children, was unsurprisingly raised to carry on the family tradition. He spent his childhood doing manual labor on the family farm: milking the Miltanks, watering the crops, feeding whatever the heck needed feeding... Despite being the heir to the farm, he was basically a glorified farmhand.

Still, he loved the farm, and when his parents passed away, he was happy to take over. He still worked out in the fields, of course, but the executive work came fairly easily to him. Under Hansel, the farm prospered, becoming a pivotal part of the Violet Town community. When Falkner, the gym leader at the time, left to travel the world, Hansel ended up taking charge and become the replacement gym leader.

- He’s always got dirt on him. Somewhere. Even if you don’t see it… it’s THERE.
- Hansel’s a friendly guy, and after being beaten by a trainer, will hand them a homegrown crop. He’s been known to give out full-sized pumpkins, and expect people to be able to carry them home.
- He’s very, very strong. It comes with being a farmer.

- Full Restore (x4)
- Potion (x4)
- Burn Heal (x3)
- Eggplant (x10)
- Seed Badge (x10)
- TM86, Grass Knot (x10)

- A Pokemon from Oddish’s evolutionary line.
- A Pokemon from Seedot’s evolutionary line.
- A Pokemon from Exeggcute’s evolutionary line.

TL;DR: A farmer turned gym leader. A nice guy, who deals poorly with aggressive personalities, and has a strange habit of handing out random crops to people who beat his gym.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Yuu Nozomu

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Yuu is a fairly handsome boy standing proudly at a height of 6'2", with a weight of 178 pounds. He has a slightly pale complexion, and has the appearance of a rather lanky and slightly frail boy. However, he is rather well built much to most peoples surprise, being caught off guard by a "weak" appearing trainer others can usually assault. He is fairly confident in both body, spirit, and battle which often leaves him in a cheerful mood with a confident bona fide smile.

The boy sports uncombed, messy hair which he doesn't bother to brush, even though he carries around a hairbrush. One of the most notable facets is his naturally lavender hair which sort of runs in the family, mainly from his mothers side. There are a few dark streaks in his hair which came from him dyeing the roots a blackish hue which has slightly faded. Another well known part of his guise is his violet iris' which are rather piercing to say the least. They have a strange semblance, one of which is a mix of bleak anguish and hopeful spirit embedded within.

Although he doesn't actually have a particular taste for fashion, his usual getup features a blue jacket with feather-like tufts, a green tank-top, beige pants, and stylish black shoes (shown wearing). He also has a white jacket with weird ear-like things on the hood, a blue striped pull-over, and blue pants. He also sports a green jacket with a few other dapper clothes on him in his inventory that he can adorn himself with. He also seems to love three different colors the most, and will generally react to such things in a positive way.


A confident boy who approaches everything with a upbeat, never say die attitude who keeps moving on forward, undaunted by almost any ordeal or task presented to him. A boy with a serene mind that doesn't mind taking his time to smell the roses, but know when it's time to haul out. He is very assured of his own abilities, to the point where he walks into a battle with a simple genuine smile for his opponent to show he isn't at all disgruntled nor taken back. He also showcases a friendly persona of sorts to others, often those without any sort of tenacity inside them. Yuu will cheerful urge them onwards, no matter what the circumstances are. He states that he wishes to challenge the league to prove himself as the best trainer in Johto, putting emotion into such thought.

He can be considered too bold from time to time as he is extremely stubborn and what others can consider cocky. He never turns tail and run from a challenge presented before him and swears that he will tear it to shreds with his talents. Sometimes this leaves him blinded as he tumbles toward a new challenge, unaware of what is to come until its too late. Even with this setback, he will figure out a way out for anyone with him to get out of a really abhorrent situation, even if it hurts him in the end. If he loses to these challenges, depending on what they are, he will put on a false smile with sheer animosity against himself for messing up, or anger for endangering the lives of others.

However, this is caused from rooted troubles ingrained within his soul, he is troubled by going to sleep from time to time. He shows an almost innate discountenance when around dark times, and a deep-seated fear of one specific pokemon. What he also truly is afraid of the most is losing people and pokemon he sincerely cares for, valuing them above all, and mostly himself. This is in due part to his sister being currently ensnared in an everlasting nightmare along with a few others due to an organize overaggressive pokemon attack. Yuu will not hesitate to inject himself into the episode to dispel any misery the victim is absorbing and will help them endure it by taking it instead. Usually when the situation is dire, he will go to such outrageous plans that mainly end up in him being harmed. Although he will sometimes welcome help in such times, he will make sure no one is defiled before and after the outcome.


"All I can remember are those ten years when it all started... Sister, can you remember what it was like? Walking alongside such wonderful beings only to lose touch with them? You remember, right? It's so strange how it all started, and now..."

"Hey, do you remember-"

Ever since his childhood, Yuu and his older sister have been always interacting with wild pokemon with their parents who were former trainers. They often imagined the whimsical adventures their parents traveled on as they painted livid words. His father is a business man who constantly moves around with his family from region to region do to working alongside myriads of companies. His mother was a former contest star who's name has been lost among the countless stars who participated in such displays. Although they didn't have such a huge connection to their dad, most of their time was spent around their mother who cherished her two children dearly. She was always wild and created fun scenarios which her children and pokemon enjoyed.

Both children have seen and encounter different settings in their life ever since they were born, originally in Johto. They spent most of their younger years there, conversing and playing with children and their families before heading to another region at the age of five and seven in which the two tearfully said their farewells as they departed to another region. The boy recalled that it had to do with something involving the Devon Corporation, or something along the lines. Either way, he lived in a city that held a gym leader who recently replaced Roxxane. The duo attended trainer school to gain concurrent knowledge on what their father and mother had during their own tales they spinned, wishing to complete such an ordeal one day. He was picked by other students for his natural purple hair, however his mother and sister stepped in to help him during such times, bequeathing advice to him. Eventually he got over such a mundane thing and became unaffected by such hollow remarks, and they eventually stopped due to his positive responses.

During his seventh year after his family moved to another region, this time the Unova region, stories of pokemon attacks had been rising upwards. His family who had been surrounded by pokemon their entire life found themselves bemused with the sudden change in their calm behavior turning aggressive and becoming feral. It was almost hard to believe until they saw another human brutally thrashed after their pokemon was killed in front of them. Their children were lucky not to see it, but became terrified and wondered why such a thing could happen. After such a thing happen, they found themselves moving from region to region at a more frequent pace than usual. The two only had each other for this time and made many fleeting friendships that had yet to properly develop in the realm.

Eventually, after a great deal of time flew passed, they found themselves back in Johto, back in a contrasting building in a recognizable environment. Even with the professor living in the area, Yuu couldn't even find a single soul he used to identify. This was a new slate with a familiar palette, and he had to create a new life, especially once his sister embarked on her own journey, leaving him alone. It nibbled and nipped on him for a bit, but he found new friends during this brief amount of time when she left for a year. Even though it was all unfamiliar, fresh, he found his way and integrated himself into the mix, finding happiness amongst the crowds of students attending school. This fortune he was betwixt with was about to disperse into thin air as Misfortune flaunted her dress which made her look like a yellow rose.

"... No, I can't go through with this part of the tale... I just can't... I hurt you, and I'm so sorry... I hope you have the heart to accept my pleas for forgiveness after I return... I crippled you with this blight, so I would understand if you or the others hated me... but I'll never abhor you or the others."


"... anyways, I should be getting to bed now and stop reminiscting on the past with you as tomorows the big day... I hope you can see me coming back a different and better man after this journey once you've fully recuperated."

"Good night dear sister, I hope to see your dreams come true one day..."

"That's all I honestly wish Eve."

- Yuu has a tendency to over-prepare for journeys, and often overdoes it when trying to procure items. As a result, he carries around more leftover items than he actually need. However, this can come in use when hanging around with other people.
- Yuu isn't one to be taken back by certain situations, and often works to make the best of it, no matter how harsh the impending events are. He isn't one to be driven down into the dirt by a simple setback.
- Yuu usually needs little to no sleep to be energized for the day ahead due to an unfortunate encounter. However, when he does need sleep, he will often slumber for hours on end with a slightly pained look on his face.
- Yuu doesn't often go to his back up plans at times because they are usually drastic. However, when he does go to such dire actions, he will often fight in place of his pokemon, often being warranted as insane for doing so.
- Yuu is considered to be physically fit and quite durable, despite his rather lanky appearance. He can easily hold out in a fight, whether it is between humans or pokemon. The latter has yet to be seen.
- Yuu is actually quite afraid of dark types, specifically one that traumitized him and put his sister into an almost never ending nightmarish coma. If ever put face-to-face against said pokemon, he might as just tense up in sheer fear and animosity against the thing. He is very biased against this pokemon.
- Yuu is shown to be incredibly loyal to others, and would go to the ends of the earth, er pokerealm for them. He swore an oath not only to win the pokemon league championships for his sister since he sort of got her into this predicament, but promises to find a way to bring her back from her coma.
- Yuu is very hard to get riled up, making it hard to spot a mean bone in his body. He can be slightly set off, but only when it's for anothers sake. If pushed to the very brink, he will do whatever he can to make your life hell until satisfied.
- Yuu will tap the bottom of his lip when faced with a certain predicament he can't find the answer to or when he demonstrates himself as extremely pressured or nervous. This habit extends over to going to drastic measures when he chooses to wager his life.
- Yuu prefers to make direct eye contact with a person to make sure they are not only listening to the conversation, but to measure their confidence.
- Yuu doesn't enjoying showing his true nature around others he doesn't know much about and is keen on hiding matters, unless it is very important and must be told at utmost haste.
- Yuu is very competitive to say the least and prefers not to back down from any challenge issued to him by a trainer, no matter how worn out he is. Plus, he loves a good battle, however he discretely despises himself when he loses one, even if its against a good friend.


Pokeballs x3
Burn Heal x5
Paralyze Heal x5
Sleep Heal x5
Antidote x5
Potion x5
First Aid Kit x2
Camping Utensils and items, complete with one basic tent
Repel x5
A Map of Johto
Extra Clothes x2
Pajamas (technically just another green tanktop and black and white sweat pants)
Umbrella that has a yin & yang design on top
$100 in his wallet
Pokemon Food x5
A packed lunch which seems to be a couple of sandwiches
Water Bottles (Not the ones that heal pokemon. I mean, come on, a manufactured potion heals less than this? Seriously?) x5
Toliet Paper x2 (Gotta be prepared for anything.)
Tooth Brush & Toothpaste
Trainers License

All of this is stuffed into a black backpack with a white inside. It's surprisingly organized for the most part.



TL;DR: A careful and determined boy who who believes that he is the cause of his sisters unfortunate fate which resulted in her falling into a nightmarish coma after her return to New Bark Town. He now works to defeat the pokemon league for both his sisters sake and his own while waiting for her to finally awaken; puts up a cool facade, but in reality is scared of losing or hurting more people due to any rash or careless actions. He also doubts his abilities as being a trainer from time to time.

Color: Indigo
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