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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Zvezdan - Merman

He was glad and relived watching Eris follow him down deeper in the water and quick after the two other mermaids started to distance themself away from the thing. He swam after Eris towards the shore. Once there the girls started to swim away to they favorite places He looked at Athena. ''Should we go and tell the Fairies or Minotaur tribe about the thing? '' He asked in wonder watching up seeing another smaller shadow coming towards the shore. He mistrusted it greatly, his normal day routine was already all messed up maybe if they tell the land tribes they will take care of the problem for them.


The man returned to the village tribe, his home. He come to his brothers and shared the fresh food that was put on the table for them all. It soon was being chated about the unsettling feeling that came with the fog, but still stayed as the fog started to clear. The guessing settled on the Elves maybe they were doing some magic that would summon harm? Fotis didnt believe that they disliked them but those sharp ears never caused serious harm to them....Still....It was hard to see what was happening, he ate good to keep his strength up for the day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

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Faeya sat on the tree trunk, looking out to the sea. She couldn't see the ship, as it was out of her view, but she enjoyed her seat. Faeya remembered how her father used to run along the sandy shore with her mother and her. She stood up from the trunk and stretched her body, her long hair dancing in the wind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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KiraChan The dainty & Easily Annoyed

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Athena looked down at her finger and small drips of blood appeared and she sighed and showed the merman a tiny piece of wood had caught her finger when she rubbed the boat. "That thing bit me" she said and looked over to where it was kinda sad "We should tell the minotaurs.. the elves dont really like us remember" With that she pulled herself out of the water and onto the beach, quickly she used her light as a way to dry her fin off so she could be a human, and tell the land tribe. Clothes were left by the beach for each mermaid, so she picked up her favorite set of clothes.

Dawn began to lower them down, she was exited to explore and possibly pillage or better she could make friends, her heart raced at the idea of falling in love with a mythical creature but she soon shook her head and thought about the mission she was on. "Get the treasure dont harm the locals only if they go after you first" Was what the captain had said, and since she was his first mate she could boss people about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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Akira stepped further out onto the beach, her armor shining in the sun. Swords at her sides, gripped firmly in her hands. The gray wolf at Akira's side glared at the ship as well. Them mermaids probably already knew and Akira figured what the rest of her people didn't know couldn't hurt them. She would only tell them if they were nice. Violent visitors and Akira would retaliate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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as Dawn lowered they rowboat, apparently only the two of them were going as no one else had gotten in, Daichi picked the oars back up as he was likely to be rowing then, when something caught his eye on the beach he looked to see a figure standing there a gleam coming of off what he guessed was armor, he pointed the figure out to Dawn as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

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Clarisse swayed her tail as she laid out on the rock in the warm sun, eventually her tail turned into legs when she was dry enough, though her scars were more visible on them, and she hopped on some smaller rocks to shore. When she touched down on sand she walked over to a makeshift hut she made where she kept a few clothes for herself to wear. When Clarisse was younger she had a run in with pirates before and was captured, if it wasn't for a kind cabin boy aboard the ship she would have never escaped. She changed into a short pale dress she made out of a sail from a wreckage, she was good with her hands and loved making things so most of her clothes she made herself. Grabbing a coral comb she stepped out, still cautious though, she planned to stay in her little cove till they were either gone. For her motherly instinct that wasn't good because she would be worried about the others. Letting out a sigh she sat on a nearby rock and started combing through her hair, "Ah ah ah ah ah," she was singing the song while doing so as to get her mind off it for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Ahab hopped onto the boat before Dawn lowered the thing. "Your not getting rid of me so easily." He looked ahead at the beach catching the gleam Daichi had pointed out. The locals had seen them coming and were preparing to route them, he couldn't really blame them. His hand instinctively touched his sword anticipating the possible encounter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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KiraChan The dainty & Easily Annoyed

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Athena noticed the elf patrolling the beach and gave her a nod as she walked by into the forest, the Minotaurs were nice to the mermaids but always very stern which was all fine and dandy but Athena didn't like their loud voices, it scared her somewhat. She found their village and walked up to one of them cautiously. "Excuse M-me?" She stuttered and waved her hand nervously

Dawn Smiled at Ahab "Wouldn't think of leaving our muscle behind" She said and gave him a wink, though she just liked to play with the mens emotions, she never really wanted to begin a relationship. Her eyes were set on gold and bountiful treasure, she was detremind to get it. She saw the shiny thing on the b each and smirked "Remember lads, if they come to us hostile then we will become hostile NOT until then got it?" She said and really didn't want an all out war, although it would be fun to study the creatures on this island if their were any.

Nix had fallen from the tree and skinned up her knee though she didn't mind but if she had wings then maybe things would be different, she was learning how to use magic for her own selfish needs, and soon maybe she'd find a spell that made her have wings, Beautiful large wings that fit her body-shape well and sparkled like wintery snow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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As Eris was lying on she decided that it would be a good idea to try and find out if the ones on the boat were friendly or is they were like the elves, 'maybe it's just the elves or the minotaurs coming back' she thought to herself hoping she was right. After she came to this choice she got up from the seabed and started swimming towards the shore when she came out of her cave. When she got to the shore she got out of the water behind a rock out of sight of the boat where her tail quickly turned into legs and rushed to where clothes were laid out and slipped them on, then rung out her hair, it immediately becoming straighter than before and ran back behind the rock waiting for the ones on the bot to arrive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

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As each passing moment went Clarisse grew more worrisome of the others and no longer wanting to sit there she decided to go warn other tribes, even if the elves didn't particularly like others. "Hm," she looked at the steep hillside that surrounded her cove, she didn't want to get wet again for a little bit and tried to figure a way out. She started climbing a nearby palm tree, "maybe here and then... here," she muttered to herself her pattern jumping from one tree on the ground to another imbedded in the hillside. She was out of breath and panting once she managed to reach the top and felt pretty triumphant of herself. Though that was short lived when a bit of earth slipped from under her and she started tumbling down the other side of the hill, "Ow, ow, ow!" she exclaimed every time she hit the ground. When reaching the bottom she landed in a pile of leaves which was good I guess, picking herself up and sighed, "well that was fun," she brushed herself off and picked some twigs from her hair. When she finished she started walking, staying hidden within the trees as she moved to the shore and her round, green emerald eyes, spotted the boat not far off shore and seeing a smaller boat get lowered they were preparing to come ashore their island.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

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Faeya slowly walked along the sand and saw a boat. Her eyes widened and she decided to go see what it was. She let her wings come out and she started to fly over to the ship, keeping as concealed as possible. She noticed the smaller boat and she felt extremely aware of the situation. She looked around for the merfolk that were once swimming in the beautiful waters, but she couldn't see any.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Seth was to relaxed to notice Daichi, Ahab and Dawn leave the boat. He'll just have to swim to shore later. But for now he double checked the boats anchor and sat on the border of the boat watching the row boat that held his crew mates move closer towards the island. Seth ran back inside the ship and came back out holding a fishing pole. "Might as well do something before I'm stuck wondering the mysterious island." He said throwing the line into the ocean. He sat back on the border and wistled a light and peaceful toon. Hopefully a mermaid or any other type of watery majestic like creature doesn't bite onto Seth's bait. He was just looking forward to catching a regular fish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unroyal Paladin
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Unroyal Paladin Code 763

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Mint was doing her usual round around the island's forests... at least the round itself was usual, but her route was never really decided, as she went wherever she wanted that moment. Along her route that time, she happened to see from a distance someone who seemed to be another fairy, on the edge of the forest. Despite the fact that it'd be quite meaningless to just hide and follow the fellow fairy, Mint decided to do it anyway, officially disrupting her flight through the forest. She thought that later, when the fairy does find her, she'd tell her where she noticed her... but then... ship. A large, intimidating ship. What particularly caught Mint's eyes was the large skull mark on the sail. She almost even failed to notice the smaller boat reaching for the island, if it wasn't for the other fairy's cautious movements. Letting her 'follow target' get away, Mint focused on taking her distance from the ship and boat reaching the shore although she still was curious to know what would come out of it. 'Just don't let it be more elves' she thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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He was helping the others clean up after their morning meal, leaving the food that was untouched for the later hours. Another Minotaur poked him in the side pointing on a frail looking woman.But to be fair most things looked frail compared to him. ''Why is the mermaid walking?'' He called out walking closer to her, the young children stared curiously at the girl, but hiding away letting the older speak to her. ''Did something grave happened to one of yours?'' His voice strong and a bit cold at first sound. His tail swung in concern.


Zvezdan looked at Athena bite. Nodding to the idea to inform first the tribe of Minotaur, instead of fairies. But before everything he swam deeper to the sea floor picking things out and placing the sea plants into a empty clam as he broke the surface. Just in time to see Athena all dry and clothed starting to walk away into the forest.
''...I assume that means you didnt need a paste for the bite.'' He sighed a smile on his lips she was always a inpatient one in her own world. Not minding he was left behind he placed the mixture for healing he made between a few stones. Hiding it under a piece of driftwood for later.

Swimming away from the shore he made his way to the wooden thing that carried someone to ensure no one he knew decide to give it another visit. He was a bit of shocked as he watched something hit the sea floor. A anchor was the thing but Zvezdan couldnt even phantom what it was. He poked it it didnt bite him....... He gave up on it and being sure no one was around he swam away...well at least he tried to swim away until something tugged on his long hair.

The hook of a fishing pool got tangled in Zvezdan hair. He tugged and turn around trying to find the creature that was causing him the discomfort, not knowing that his turning around only tangled the metal object more with his hair. Feeling his hair up not finding any fish his worry grow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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KiraChan The dainty & Easily Annoyed

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Athena Stepped up to the minotaur with newly found courage and said "There are strangers coming on the island.." She said all worried like and had but a clueless face. She had an unshakeable beauty, Even one so crass could not but soften at her appearance. Dainty was athenas favorite word to describe herself and she smiled at the thought of getting complements from the warriors but shyly said "They are in a wood structure and they look mean" she said and folded her arms almost childishly.

As They neared the the island Dawn Jumped from the boat and began to walk through the water to shore, showing signs of happiness she never imagined she could feel on the voyage here. Once she hit the dry sand she pulled the row boat up on it "So Who has the map?" She asked with a smirk. Looking around a bit to ensure their safety, she adjusts her singed sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Fotis found the mermaid adorable like a young child. Even thought he didnt show it with his stoic face or stiff stance it was his tail twitching that become softer, showing the reaction. ''A wood structure...did it float?'' Fotis asked caressing chin. He continued thinking aloud. ''hm.... I wonder if the old tales...''

He looked at her snapping out of his thoughts. ''Your kin and you should hide in the waters deep inside the island, if they looked mean. '' He nodded and petted the top of her hair, in a comforting manner. '' From which direction are the strangers arriving?'' He asked still caressing the top of her head, planning to see if they would be willing to trade and leave, but if they were out for harm....they will wish they never came.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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Akira unsheathed her weapons and held them firmly in her hand as the people walked onto the island. She was hesitant on whether or not to trust them. But she assumed that the merfolk had told the other races.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Daichi hopped out of the boat as it came up on land and took out his rifle, readying it and keeping watch for anything that would try to attack them or that figure from before turned out to be hostile. Dawn asked who had the map but he didn't have it, in fact he thought she did, maybe Ahab had grabbed it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unroyal Paladin
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Unroyal Paladin Code 763

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mint watched as three people got off the boat, successfully invading the island's shore. She retreated away from the coast, however to still get a good view of the invaders she also got closer to the route she assumed they were going to go from, assuming they would go straight. She noticed that someone out of the three was asking something from the other two. She couldn't hear what exactly the question was, but it led her to think about the possibility that their reason for invading the island was a sort of 'trip' or 'detour' going wrong. Noticing what looked like weapons on them though, adding to the skull mark on the ship, the possibility that their trip was a peaceful one went down quite a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seeing weapons drawn Clarisse's eyes narrowed, "I knew it," she muttered to herself. Clarisse retreated back into the forest to lay low for a little bit, although she was rather confused about what the female invader said. Surely they weren't lost, maybe looking for trrasure? Something drew them to this island, she didn't know what exactly but she was certain it was no good. As she retreated further into the forest she spotted something...purple, although there was one fairy she knew with that color hair, "curiosity kills the cat Mint," she spoke in a soft melodic tone and gave out a.slight giggle.
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