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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

For about twenty minutes Natalie heard constant knocking at her door, "M-Miss?" A meek voice called from behind her door. Natalie grumbled a bit and took one of the pillows on her bed and tossed it at the door, "go away i'm sleeping." Even after what she had said the voice continued, "b-but miss the ball is today." Natalie sat up in her bed, head a mess, and rubbed her one eye, "ah crap thats right," she sighed and groaned, "alright thank you." The voice stopped after that and Natalie started cleaning up her room and making her bed. The maids and butlers that were left behind for them were preparing for the ball that was going on soon. The town was invited and it was their last effort to break this stupid curse.

While she was finishing up Natalie caught sight of herself in the mirror, "such an ugly thing," she muttered to herself. As well as her I'm sure her other siblings were being woken up, but Natalie sat on her bed pondering to even come out or not. If she wasn't coming out on her own surely one of her siblings would. She picked up her head when she heard the doorbell, people were starting to arrive, but she didnt budge from her bed. Not mention she had nothing nive to wear, maybe she can borrow something from Viole. She laid back on her bed and looked up, thinking about how things will go today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Blaze sat in his room flipping through a book. His blue eyes were filled with boredness and his pink hair was ruffled since he had only been awake for a bit now. He was still in his pajamas, a long pair of loose pants and his bare chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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Viole had been up for a while, reading in a corner of her room, sitting in her pajamas. Not wanting to see her other siblings. There was a ball today... and Viole wasn't happy about it. She never fit in. She didn't really have a dress. She only had a single dress. It was a nice one though, went to about the knees, simple but elegant. It was a masquerade ball as well... like anything could really disguise Viole. She was an albino, with her white hair and red eyes there wasn't a person who knew her that wouldn't recognize her. And her only dress and mask were white as well. Disgruntled, Viole got up and went I to her bathroom, brushing her hair. She put on her dress, leaving her mask on her bedside table for now. She didn't want to talk to people unless she had to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowWolf
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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The blaring sound of heavy metal music was barely muffled by the thick oak door to Dominic's room so it spread out and into the hall, as it did every morning. As for the occupant of the room himself he was at the end of what seemed like a pretty intense work out. "56, 57, 58, 59, 60..." Dominic mumbled to himself after each rep of the three hundred pound barbell he was currently benching. He had just did his hundredth rep and racked the barbell when someone knocked on his door, or rather banged on his door in order to be heard over the music. With a grumble Dominic opened the door to reveal one of the maids was standing behind it. "What?" He asked bluntly to her, his usual tone with the help of the house. The young lady blushed bright red as she noticed Dominic's sleeping attire, nothing but his boxers. "Uh uh er I-I was told to... t-to uh..." The poor girl stammered. "Spit it out already!" Dominic snapped at her, the maid jumping slightly as a response. "Sorry s-sir. I w-was told to remind you of the ball this evening." She said bowing her head. Dominic groaned at the news. "Ugh that is tonight?! He complained to himself. The maid stood there waiting to be dismissed, though all Dominic did was slam the door in her face. After that Dominic groaned some more, turned up his music even more, and went back to his work out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The powerful sun raise beamed though the windows of Tobias's living room and paraded around his eyes. He yawned heavily as he slowly got out of his desk chair. All day yesterday he was at his computer ordering some stuff from amazon again. You'd think he went to a party the way he looked. Clothes all shaggy and his hair roughed up as if he was shocked by electricity. The young writer walked into his bed room and plopped onto his bed.

Then he realized that very suspicious mansion that over looked the town was hosting a party. Tobias happily jumped out of his bed and disappeared into his bath room the sounds of water could be heard as he took his shower. This party at the mansion could be very helpfully since he had writers block for the past few days. Real life interactions would be a suitable change for him and would probably help him succeed in writing his novel.

Toby stepped out of the shower and reentered his room putting on jeans and a T-shirt that said "weird is a side effect of awesome". He was planning on wearing something more formal later on when the party started. Toby went back to his living room and sat in his chair. The computer screen was on and shining its usual blue color. "Today's the day I finish you!" He proclaimed throwing both of his fist in the air. This is the beginning of another antisocial day in the life of Tobias.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Jasmine looked up at the large house in front of her. Her father sending a glare back at her for stopping. She followed in after him as she remembered how the morning went for her.

Jasmine was sleeping in for once, her father seeming to leave her alone this morning. Maybe today would be different for her. She was so wrong. Her door slammed open and she sat upright in bed as fast as lighting. There was her father seeming angry. "Why are you still in bed you brat? Today is a big day. The whole town will be at the ball and you aren't even close to ready!" He yelled. Jasmine had totally forgotten that today was a ball and as the daughter of one of the richest men in the town she had to help keep up his appearance.

Jasmine jumped out of bed and bowed her head, "I am sorry father. Please forgive me." She said. She heard his footsteps and then felt a sharp sting on her cheek causing her head to snap to the side. She held her cheek as her father stormed out to get ready himself.

Jasmine went into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheek was red from the slap and there was a bruise underneath her eye from a few nights ago. She sighed as she hoped in the shower and took a quick one. She got out and dried off before she pulled out her makeup and got to work on covering up the bruise and redness. When she was done with her makeup she blew dried her dark brown hair. Her reddish streaks falling to frame her face as she pulled her hair up into a high, elegant pony tail. She now had full makeup and hair for the ball. She then went and got dressed in her simple long sleeved red dress that was tight on top and loose and flowing down to a few inches above her knees starting at her waist. She paired the dress with black heels and a black necklace and earrings. She finished off her outfit with the black butterfly like mask.

Jasmine put on an award winning fake smile they never reached her eyes as she stood by her father greeting her father's friends. She stood by his side at all times. She had to, they put on an act of a father-daughter duo. Both charming in their own ways, working as a perfect team. If only people knew the truth behind them. Knowing her father, she'd most likely be stuck by his side the whole night. She would rather stand alone in the corner than by her father.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Ross groaned as he slumped onto the counter of the small diner he worked at, the slow ticking of the clock the only noise being made. As usual the place was boring and dull but at least he got paid to basically sit around and do nothing most of the time. He lifted his head off the counter top and looked around at the vacant restaurant which surprisingly wasn't typical they usually had add at least three or four people in at the least. "Probably getting all gussied up for that party tonight." A small part of him did question how strange it was that the shut-ins in the manor were throwing a party, but mostly he was only concerned about getting a decent meal for the first time in a months.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"This Book doesn't make any sense. True Love? Paradise? Get out of here." A book was thrown across the room, hitting a vase and making it fall down. This was Arthur's regular morning rant, and it was always about a book. He stood up grabbing a brush and brushing it back. He grabbed his headphones and Mp3 Player, and plugged it in, but not before he heard someone knocking on the door. He sighed. It was probably the maids going from room to room telling them to wake up. All I wished was for some relaxed space.. Arthur walked to the door and opened it, he was still in his pajamas. "Ye- Yes, Mr. Arthur...I've been told to remi- remind you that the ball is today.." Arthur slapped his forehead. He had forgotten all about the ball, he barely even cared about the ball, but it would be the first time he would be seeing someone other than the maids and his siblings. He sighed. "Oh right, the Ball, well, I'll be out in a second. Just focus on waking everyone else up." Arthur closed the door and looked at his wardrobe. He grabbed a white t-shirt and a Black Cloak , the sword that he always carries around but he never uses it in front of anyone and finally, a White Rose, which surprisingly has not withered. He got dressed and walked out the door, inhaling the not so new smell of the mansion.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheTwistedOne
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TheTwistedOne 90s Starter Pack

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The cigarette dangled from the corner of her lips, it was nice to finally be outside in the fresh air. Eight and a half hours of smelling caffeine and serving high school brats, college students, and over dressed business people was more than enough to drive any sane person crazy. She was far from sane, but she put up a good front.
The local coffee shop wasn't always so bad and it was her home away from home, but all the gossip she ever heard today was how everyone would be attending the ball of the mansion that over looked their small town. Dani was indecisive if she should attend or not, it would be nice to actually see the inside this place for one. I mean if you’re that rich you definitely throw some fun parties, although on the other hand Dani had a knack for trouble. She shook the last thought from her head and decided she'd attend the ball after all.

She tossed the cigarette to the pavement and hoped on her bike. 'What will I wear?' she thought to herself. She closed the visor of her helmet and sped off towards her apartment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"What the?" Natalie picked up her head again when she heard music blaring through her walls, although she wasn't surprised considering whose room was next to hers. She honestly didn't mind Dominics music, she actually liked it, but when she was trying to think it kind of annoyed her. Natalie rose from her bed and started pounding on the wall that adjacent to his room, "Dominic! Turn it down!" Even after she asked and pounded on her wall she got no response, dumb meathead can't even hear her. She just rolled her eye and let out a sigh while going to her closet and pilfering through all her clothes to see if she had something decent to wear.

Luckily she found something way back in her closet, a little blue dress she received a long time ago, but she never put it on. Natalie wasn't the type for frilly things, she was kind of tomboyish and liked jackets, pants, boots, chokers, not dresses that's for sure. "I guess this will have to do," she muttered to herself. She continued digging around her room and found a nice pair of black heels accompanied by a bow, a little bracelet and a black flowery choker. She laid the outfit out in front of her and sighed while running her hand through her red hair, "well I guess this will do," then she tapped her chin in thought, "although the eye patch isn't to attractive," honestly what would go with an eye patch that looked nice? Her hand raised up and her fingers brushed the eye patch on her left eye, taking it off wouldn't be as attractive either, under her eye patch her eye was sewn shut, because apparently her eye couldn't be saved.

She started hearing the doorbell ring more now, which means more guess were arriving and Dominics music was still pounding through her wall. She gave a bit of an aggravated sigh and barged out of her room and made way down to Dominics room, "hey meathead!" She shouted and pounded on his door, then again there was no point in that, so she just opened it and saw her brother was doing his workouts per usual. She didn't mind his attire since she has seen him walking around like that and made her way over to turn down his music so he could at least hear her. Her hands gripped a nearby dresser with her hands behind her back and leaning against it while balancing on the heels of her feet, "you do realize you have someone next door to you right?" She lifted her visible eyebrow and let out a slight chuckle, "shouldn't you be getting ready? There are already some people who arrived, probably dying to see what we look like," and at that her eye rolled, "although I am dreading this party to be honest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Devon sighed as she flopped down on her bed. She had finally made it through the morning chores and the day's extra lessons. There were still a couple of things she needed to take care of, but everything had been planned so she could be done early today. After all, there was a big event tonight, and her family had to make an appearance. It was important to keep up their image.

Groaning, the dark-haired teen blew a few strands out of her face before rolling over to stare in the general direction of her wardrobe. She didn't want to deal with this right now. She was tired already, and she had already had to change around important plans for this...but if she didn't go...

The sound of the front door and a male voice announcing his return snapped her out of her lethargic state. If she didn't lock the door and plan her next movements around the house carefully, it would mean another sparring match now. On the other hand, better now then after getting all ready to go to the ball...

Leaning against the door, she took another few seconds to make a rough plan before unlocking it and rushing out to hopefully get the advantage this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Viole finished putting on her outfit for the ball. She slipped on the boots, clipped in the earrings, let the white necklace fall over her pale skin, and put on a single bracelet. Viole sighed. Sure, she looked nice, but like always she stood out. She had never been allowed to leave in fear that she would encounter her trigger. She had been stuck inside because of flowers. So she only had one formal outfit, and it was almost entirely white. Once she had all her accessories on, Viole opened her door and stepped into the hall, taking a small moment to lean against the wall, preparing herself for the mass of people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Arthur sighed at the noise coming from Dominic's room. He decided to ignore it and check up on Dante. He scratched his head wondering if that was a good idea, but went with it after all. He began to make his way to Dante's room.
Arthur stood in front of Dante's door. Apparently he had fallen asleep late and was now going to sleep. He opened the door extremely carefully, just to check if that was an excuse not to go to the ball. He walked up to the footof his bed. "Hey Jack, Wake up, Today is the stupid ball, wouldn't wanna miss that now would you." Arthut said with a tone of sarcasm in his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The door bell ranged followed by the word. "Package!" Tobias literally jumped from his chair and ran to the door quickly opening starring at the mail man with a wide smile on his face. After a few seconds of odd starring the mail man told Toby that he had to sign for the package. He signed the note pad and rushed back into house with the box in his hands. Of course he made sure to close his front door before attending to the box.

Tobias walks into his bed room and places the box on his bed. He opened the doors to his walk in closet and paraded around in there for about 20 minutes. After the parading he walks out of the closet wearing his outfit. He was putting the finishing touches on his suit as he walked over to the box. Tobias opened the box and pulled out a mask. But it wasn't a normal mask.....it was meta Knight's mask. This was gonna be a masquerade after all and he needed a mask. He was fully dressed and ready to head out for the ball. On the way to his door he grabbed his camcorder. Might as well get a interview with the owners while I'm there. He thought to himself. It was gonna be tough if some of the owners happened to be women but he'd have to deal with that problem when the time comes. Tobias locked the door to his home and began his walk to the mansion that stood over the town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Jasmine walked beside her father, straightening her outfit as he led/ dragged her over to where the mayor currently was. "Good afternoon Mayor!" Her father said as they mayor turned to face them. "Oh Mr.Davis ! It's a pleasure to see you here! And you too Jasmine, such a young beautiful face is refreshing when I've been talking to old men like your father since I got here." The mayor said as he and her father laughed, Jasmine joining in with her own fake laughter. "The pleasure is all mine Mr. Mayor," Jasmine said smiling at him. The mayor nodded to her before he began a conversation with her father. She pretended as if she was interested but she was anything but.

At a break in the conversation her father turned towards her, "Jasmine darling why don't you go get us some drinks if you would please," He paused as he grabbed her arm and leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Be quick or else!" He added giving her arm a hard squeeze. Jasmine kept the fake smile plastered on her face as she tried not to grimace due to her father squeezing an already formed bruise he gave her. "Anything for you and the mayor, father." She said with a fake sweet voice. Jasmine turned on her heel and walked off to where the drinks were, taking some time to herself while also not taking so long. This is a time when she wished for a distraction but also didn't want one knowing how it would end for her once they got back into the confinements of the hell she calls home and away from the public eye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dominic was in the middle of doing a set of pull ups, he had set up a pull bar in the door frame to his closet just for this purpose, when he noticed his music being turned down. "What the Hell- Oh it is you." He said as he looked over his shoulder and spotted Natalie sitting on his dresser. He dropped down from the pull bar and stretched for a moment as he listened to what his little sister had to say. "Hey just be glad I have good taste in music, I could be blaring that stupide pop crap other people like." He said as he walked over to his bed, which was basically just a large mess of covers and pillows, and grabbed a towel off it to wipe off some of his sweat. He rolled his eyes at the mention of the ball. "Yeah a party full of people wanting to gawk at us like zoo animals is really going to help us." He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He groaned as he was prompted to get dressed. He walked back over to his closet an disappeared inside. "Honestly sis you should be like me and not give a crap about the people that come here. I mean it is our damn house after all, they got a problem with us they can take their asses out of here. He said before he remerged from the closet wearing a pair of worn out black jeans, it having a few holes in it, a blood red short sleeve button up shirt with its top few buttons left un button, and a pair of sneakers. He went and leaned on the dresser nest to Natalie. "Besides what is the worst that can happen, it isn't like a dragon is going to show up or anything."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Blaze stood up and walked over to his closet. He pulled on a white button up and changed into a black pair of slacks. A maid had reminded him earlier about the ball. He sighed as he ran his hands over his hair to flatten it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Viole walked towards a room closer to the door, sitting down on a chair. She didn't want to be the one to answer the door. Any number of guests could have flowers. Answering the door, was like a suicide mission for Viole. She would never say yes to a job as crazy as that. Instead she would sit and wait, all dolled up for the ball.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Natalie just rolled her eyes and gestured her hand like he was talking to much, mocking him, "ok, ok your right that is true just hard to think when it's blaring through my wall knucklehead." Natalie eyed her brother as he went about his room and got dressed, her eyebrow lifted when he wiped off his sweat and threw on clean clothes. "You're not even going to shower after that?" She tilted her head slightly when he came next to her, "I mean I know you bro you're the big gruff guy who doesn't care what others think, but you can at least shower this once." She gave her brother a slight nudge with her shoulder and let out a small chuckle. She listened to her brother go on and replied when he was finished, "yea I'm sure there won't be one," she spoke sarcastically, "but I guess that's better then a freakish gigantic hellhound showing up am I right?" She straightened up and looked at her brother, "I'm going to go get dressed and start greeting people, someone has to do it around here."

As she walked she stopped at the doorway and looked back, "just do me a favor and try not to scare off so many people," she teased her brother and started walking down to her room, shutting his door behind her. She covered what she really wanted to say by some teasing remark to her brother, she just hoped someone keeps an eye on her so she doesn't get to overwhelmed, her family knows how she gets in a crowd of people and this ball won't do her any good.

She hopped in a suck shower and curled her red locks so she looked decent, finishing by changing into her party clothes and her mask, which was a simple black mask, looking herself once over in the mirror, "you can do this," she spoke to herself and taking a deep breath. She then painted a smile on her face and left her room, making her way down the hall hand to the main staircase that led down to the large room where the ball was taking place. As she descended the people already there were gawking and whispering among themselves. In her mind Natalie repeated that she can do this, with multiple maids and butlers around who would surely keep an eye on her. She bowed, courtesy and shook hands with people there, still keeping that smile, "thank you for attending," she repeated over and over and made way for the door while she greeted people as they came in.
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