Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris looked over the top of the rock and as the people came into view she ducked down her hands clasped over her mouth, tears beginning to form in her eyes. humans, her mouth formed the words as though a nightmare had just come to life, 'why are they here?' Eris thought as she began to sink lower to the ground 'maybe I should run, no they'll see me..... but if I stay here...' she trailed off in her mind and slowly peeked back over to the rock at the humans who had come ashore hearing the woman ask for a map. As she watched, memories of those weeks onboard a human ship began to rush back to her and she felt her sickness coming on and fought to keep herself from throwing up as the memory of the guns pointed at her flashed through her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unroyal Paladin
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Unroyal Paladin Code 763

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"Wha-" Mint managed to say while trying to be quiet for some reason, even if the pirates weren't that close yet. She looked back in a sharp movement, her eyes widening a bit. It seemed like the unknown, for her at least, was scarier than the pirates. ... even though the pirates were a kind of an 'unknown' factor too. When she saw Clarisse, Mint sighed in relief. "Geez, don't scare me like that... for a moment I thought it was one of -them- coming straight for me from behind or something." Said Mint, getting closer to Clarisse. It was partly Clarisse's choice of words that caused the misunderstanding to begin with, Mint was also guilty of the same thing straight after - She emphasized the word 'them', but she really didn't mean the pirates, but other potential threats like elves. "So... what do you make of those people?" She asked, that time she did refer to the pirates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clarisse chuckled and patted the little fairy on the head, "well I'm sorry Mint I didn't mean to scare you." Her face turned serious when she asked abouf those people and sighed, "unfortunately i have run into people of their kindd before, all they know is how to pilage and plunder, not caring about anyone else but themselves." Though she shouldnt be quick to judge, but she didnt trust humans after that encounter. "Anyways its best if we steer clear of them cor a little bit, least till we know what exactly they're here for."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unroyal Paladin
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Unroyal Paladin Code 763

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mint endured the little pat on the head, forgiving the little scare rather quickly. She just felt it'd be a waste of time to bother saying more than she already did. "Oh, so you do have experience with them, Clarisse? They don't sound too friendly, from what you're saying.. drawing weapons like that also being rude." Said the little fairy as she wondered what kind of experience could Clarisse, the mermaid in front of her, possibly have with those people. She imagined that it wouldn't be anything good though, from what she heard. "... But couldn't we just watch them like this, so we could just know what they're up to by their actions? That's what I thought anyway." Mint didn't completely disagree with withdrawing, but she didn't really agree with just letting them come without any warning about their possible routes. She couldn't know about the mermaid which already went and warned the minotaurs, but she didn't want to be the one responsible if the pirates just decided to pop out of nowhere inside the minotaur village.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

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Faeya flew lower to the ground and noticed the weapons. She instantly flew away from them and hid in the forest behind a tree. She wondered if anyone else noticed them besides the merfolk… hopefully everyone would find a place to hide. Faeya's heart raced in fear for the people on the island. Who were these people? Why have they come?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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KiraChan The dainty & Easily Annoyed

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Athena sighed and looked back to where she had came from and was a bit confuesd so she pointed "They came from the eastern shore and yes it was.. afloat" Her voice was calmed but she was shaking like a fish out of water and dearly wanted to go back and swim with her dolphin friends. "We have found a safe place for us to sleep for the night but .. im afraid they'll find us, they have these weapons iv never seen before" She trailed off and looked out into the forest nervously

Dawn had a rather large grin and decided to enter the forest, Cutting down the tall grass "No map? Fine we will make our own path" She said and continued to slice the grass and vines out of her way. As she did she took a deep breath through her nose, Knowing the isladers would find the crew threatening gave her an advantage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Akira followed the 'visitors', staying reasonable distance begind them. She didn't like their move at cutting the grass, but she found it funny that they decided to go strait into the forest. This was her home. And she knew it well. Aorta silently clambered up a tree. Perching herself above the pirates, awaiting their next move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Fotis took a breath in and nodded. '' Than we should ask them to leave. '' He commented turning after that around and going to a hut at which doorsteps his bag and bow lay. He carried both as he returned to her. '' You should return to your kin and stay with them then. I will be with you till you are safe in with them again.'' He looked at her a small hint of smile on his face as he offered to escort the mermaid. The Minotaur already planning to after that offer the newcomers a deal. Maybe they would then calmly leave and who knows maybe he get something rare off them...like those weapons Athena mentioned. He was really curious about their worth.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Crap!" Seth spontaneously shouted as he threw his fishing pole on the rough floor boards of the ship. He just realized he now had to swim to shore. Judging on how long the row boat took to get to the shore it was gonna be one hell of a swim. Seth retrieved the line from the ocean and put his fishing pole away. He jumped on top of the ships bridge and looked down into the water. It's pure fresh glow hit his eyes as he starred at the body if water beneath the ship. He took a deep breath and jumped off the bridge diving into the water. Seth made a medium sized splash in the water as he came in contact with it. He quickly regained his posture and continued to swim as fast he could towards the mysterious island's shore. His pirate mates were pretty far ahead of him but hopefully he'll catch up with them in do time. Seth just hopes there isn't any sharks or man eating creatures in the water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clarisse gave a narrowed look towards Mint and tapped her chin a little in thought, although her track of thought was broken when she heard rustling in the leaves. Clarisse quickly turned her head in the direction the noise was coming from and heard voices, "well we don't have a choice now," she spoke in a sharp whispered tone. She took Mint by the arm and pulled her aside behind some trees and brush, "stay quiet," she told Mint as she hunkered down in the brush, "we'll see what they're here for but stay out of sight," she gave a kind of serious but worried look towards Mint, she wanted no one of the island to end up as bad as she or Eris did when they ran into people like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Zvezdan felt up the strains of his hair, until under his fingers he found something unusually a string attached and going up. As he felt another tug he reached down taking a shell and cut the tangled locks. He watched it raise up the hair slipping now off the shiny hook. He sighed a bit relived and taking a few moments of calm gulps of water he started to move slowly away. nearly as he was trying to make sure no more of those teeth appear and grab on him. To his surprise something jumped in the water just a few meters away from him. In a flash he was hiding himself in the nearby corals. Watching the newcomer start swimming towards the shore.
They were dangerous, more than what he was thinking...Staying in the safety of the collars he saw several jellyfish. It didnt take long for a merman to coax the jelly fish in the direction of the swimming man. Watching as the first of the jellyfish stung the man. More to follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Ahab shrugged his shoulers as he followed Dawn and Daichi into the forest. "I'm just the muscle, I figured you'd be bringing the map Ms. First Mate." The dutiful sword he followed close behind Dawn and kept a watchful eye on the trees ready for enemies to come from anywhere. The forest gave excellent cover for anything that wanted to hurt them, which given there reason for being there, was probably everything that lived on this island. Even now he could feel something watching them, but kept quiet about it for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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KiraChan The dainty & Easily Annoyed

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Athena had blushed at the smile he gave her and lead him the way she had took, though when she saw Clairesse and Mint hidding she gasped as she heard chopping for a split second she saw a woman and two men coming closer with a large blade. She turned and hid behind the tree and hopped they wouldn't spot her so she pointed up into the tree, looking at her Minotaur Escort hopping he'd get the message. She began to climb very quickly as if it was a second nature to swimming. The bark hurt her bare feet but she Finally got to a high sturdy branch and Decided to wait for them to move on.

Dawn sighed deeply "Thats fine, i studied the map so i should know where to go" She said and kept slashing, she paused for a second as she heard a scratching noise. Almost like tree climbing, She looked around and looked behind her at the men "I dont think we are alone anymore boys, Search these woods!" She shouted and had a smirk on her face and began to search as well. Maybe the islanders were nice and knew where the treasure was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Akita looked down at the pirates below her. She looked to the side and noticed that Athena had climbed the tree. She smirked and watched as the pirates searched.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unroyal Paladin
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Unroyal Paladin Code 763

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mint got a little nervous when Clarisse glared at her. She didn't underestimate the situation, but it seemed like all of a sudden things just got more serious than they should have been. "Looks like it." She whispered back, agreeing at the fact that they didn't have much choice other than to tail them... and for her to fly away as fast as she could and warn everyone whenever the pirates come close to a sensitive spot. "No need to tell me twice." Mint nodded, trying to stay quiet. All that however, the stealth part was in danger of being cut short. She nearly panicked when she heard what one of the pirates said about them not being alone anymore. 'Already?! Just what was it that made them alert?!' She thought to herself, turning to Clarisse to see what she advised to do. If Clarisse would be too slow to react, Mint would take the chance to withdraw further into the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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He followed the mermaid into the woods hearing the chopping and seeing the reaction of the sea kin, he waited for her to climb into safety before he rubbed his hands together. Oh he understand that she was telling him to hide. But that was never in his plan to do. Instead he walked directly into the plain view of the pirates just several meters away fro them. before they even properly noticed the Minotaur 7m in front of them he spoke loud and clear.
''Newcomers may I interest you in a trade or deal?'' His eyes had that shine that was common for any merchant and a smile on face so often seen on trades under humans.

Fotis was taller than any of the humans and strongly build, over one of his shoulders a big bag made out of animal hide, and a massive looking bow on his other shoulder. One could even think of the piece of wood as a blunt weapon than a bow. His tail was gently swung. Fotis was sure if those men and woman focused their attention on him they will miss those fairies and sea kin that was watching them from their hiding spots. ''Do you prefer hand crafted object or are you found of shiny things? Or maybe I can interested you for various food for a tired body?'' He added as he looked them over noticing all the things that he would accept trading for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seth was swimming perfectly fine for the first few seconds. Until he had a sudden urge to look behind him. It was nothing behind him from.l what he could tell, but he only looked on the surface. Right when he turned around to check to see if anything was following him under water a jelly fish consumed his rear view. "What the fuck!" He shouted as he tried swimming faster towards the shore. Jelly fish obviously swim faster than humans so Seth knew this wasn't gonna end well. More and more jelly fish started to appear and Seth was running out of room to swim.

Right on cue Seth could fell his body getting heavier and heavier. One of the jellyfishes tentacles must of got a hold of him and inserted some of their poison into his body. "D-damn it!" He struggled to say as his body was begging to go numb. His eye site was too blurry for him to continue swimming altogether. Seth squeeze out his last swear before unconsciousness took him over. His body began to slowly sink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Daichi was following Dawn as she cut through the tall grass, his rifle in his hands, his mind was wandering a bit but he was snapped out of it when Dawn ordered him and Ahab to search the forest, "Ryōkai" he responded as he turned to search the nearby area, before he could a voice caused him to turn back and he saw the tall bull-man, he almost mistook it for an Oni, it had a very large bow over it's shoulder but it seemed it wasn't hostile and it was speaking about a trade. Daichi kept his rifle down but had it ready to shoot just in case, he'll let Dawn talk to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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KiraChan The dainty & Easily Annoyed

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dawn Stopped slashing once she saw the minotaur, As it talked she stood wide eyed at the beast and put her sword back in its sling across her back. "I'll trade you this" She took out her unloaded pistol "if you take us to the treasure" She said and raised her eyebrow with a smirk, Though if he would agree she was honor bound to do what she promised. Her eye twitched in fear but nothing else.

As Athena got high enough she watched as her escort confronted the people and wondered why he didn't just climb up with her, She was cautious and decided just in case there was trouble she would use her light as a blinding agent and escape them, but she would just wait for a fight to start. She had climbed high but if she would fall it wouldn't break anything or so she hopped. When the woman spoke about treasure she had wide eyes. The treasure here was split between all creatures, it was the gold melted down into coins and jewelry nothing too precious. To Outsides the treasure would be priceless, but a dark spell was cast upon it and who should ever take it far from the island would most surely die a horrible death. Although it was just a child's tale to scare them into not stealing
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris had followed the humans from the beach into the forest but stayed at a fair distance of about 8 meters behind them. When they stopped and started searching the area she frozen until she saw the minotaur and ran over to hide behind him,dodging around one of the bigger humans, and peeking around the minotaur at times, 'I hope he doesn't mind me using him as a blocker' she thought to herself as her heart started beating faster than before and tears still beading in her eyes making her look like a sad kid. 'If they get violent then i'll offer myself up to sa--wait the treasure?' she thought as she touched the gold bracelet on her arm
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