Appearance: Small, around 1.5cm in diameter, the color of freshly drawn blood, always brandishing a white 'S'. Or not.
She's 5'4, even though the pesky measuring tape says 5'3. Slim but not the fit kind. No muscles, weak as a stick; totes not your first choice when you need help with manual labor. Her hair is strawberry blonde, right now at least. It's really a light brown, but that gets boring so. Changing colors every once in a while is fun. Her eyes are blue with that green and brown in the middle, but let's just say blue 'cause that's easier. Bonus fact: she's super nearsighted, and without her trusty contacts, she can't see a thing. Like, they're all blurry shapes and she can't even guess how many fingers you're holding up. She has thick eyebrows that used to bother her, but at some point those became cool (thanks, Lily Collins!) and now she gets 'the eyebrow game is strong in this one' compliments quite often! Hooray! If it were up to her, she would wear her Iron Man or Rocket Raccoon hoodie with everything, but her older sister's like a fashion police so she's got some pretty decent clothes. Her resting face makes her seem kinda snobby or hard to approach, but don't let that fool you. She's actually a dork (who's probably more afraid of you than you are of her)!
Also, people often seem to think she's five years younger. Maybe it's time to start wearing makeup? They still ask for her mom when she has to sign something, even though she's a freshman in college. :<
Weapon of choice: Her dad's got quite a collection of guns, but if she uses it, she'll probably knock herself out from the recoil. She's got this handy dandy knife in her room that she used that one time she went camping. It's pretty sharp. She can probably use her teeth, too; they’re really strong, the dentist said.
Likes: Dogs and kitties and any animal that'll make you go 'aww.' Video games, mostly action-adventures or rpgs. MCU, mainly Iron Man. And RDJ, because look at him. Spouting random and useless trivia.
Dislikes: Ants, ew. Heavy tension she can't diffuse. That moment when she has played her current favorite song about a million times and so it starts losing its magic. When she gets random chills during wintertime and her body shakes like she's being possessed.
- One time she was so excited to go to this indoor trampoline place. She got to jump twice, for approximately six seconds, before she sprained her ankle. But that's not even the worst part. She still decided to play afterward, so the three-weeks-to-heal sprain became six weeks.
- She gets songs stuck in her head very easily. Sing one line of one song she knows and she'll be singing it for a couple of hours.