Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheTwistedOne
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TheTwistedOne 90s Starter Pack

Member Seen 8 mos ago

”Hm. What to wear?" she stood before her closet with her body wrapped in a towel and her hair still dripping from after the shower. ”Suit and flats!-No, it’s a ball not a business meeting,” she scratched the idea out mentally. Ah! Short skirt and blouse! she paused for a moment, ”No.. I’m not trying to look like an easy school girl… she sighed in frustration wanting to throw all her clothes in the garbage, but then a light bulb went off. She pulled out the trunk from the back of her closet and giggled too herself as she gathered all the pieces of her outfit

Dani smiled too herself in the mirror as she put on the last touches of her lipstick, and sprayed down her long chestnut hair that fell in wild waves to her mid-back. “Darling... you’re marvelous, and unfortunately you can’t ride your bike in these heels," she grabbed her leather coat from the couch and headed toward the mansion on foot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Devon's Outfit

Wincing slightly as she walked, the youngest child of the Li family followed her older brother and parents as they walked the rest of the way to the mansion from the car. She had lost the match, and now she was paying for it. The various bruises, though covered up by her red and black themed outfit, still stung all over, though the few cuts she had received were properly bandaged and had stopped bleeding long ago. It wasn't as if they were big or anything, just little accidents from not watching the terrain.

She brushed a hand over the back of her head, slightly surprised by the feeling of ruffled satin before she remembered the flower decorations that covered a large portion of the hair there. Her family still didn't exactly approve of her short hair, and had made her wear the false blossoms in an attempt to at least partly cover what they deemed "the choppy, messy parts" of it. It shouldn't be that big a deal, though. It's only a little shorter than big brother's... Though she made that argument in her head, she had to admit that she should have at least tried to make it as uniform as her elder sibling's. Maybe her parents had a point after all.

All thoughts were pushed aside, however, as the family entered the large building. The entire place wasn't just massive, it was also very architecturally impressive and beautifully decorated. Devon couldn't help gawking a bit as her parents began greeting the other adults there. I wonder what it's like to live someplace like this every day?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Dominic couldn't help but smirk at his little sisters joke, the way he saw it if they were going to be cursed you might as well laugh at it. He listened to what she had to say about making a good impression at the ball and how he should shower, he rolled his eyes almost immediately. As she left to go great their guests he looked around his disaster area of a room before groaning. "Might as well get this over with..." He said before heading to his door, grabbing the mask one of the maids left for him, she must of thought it was pretty cleaver to get this mask but Dominic honestly didn't care. Pulling on his mask he made his way to a balcony that over looked the hall everyone was mingling in. Dominic was slightly impressed, though he would never admit it, he had never seen so many people in one space his whole life. He quickly shook himself back to reality. "Right these guys are only here to gawk at us..." He thought bitterly to himself as he leaned on the rail of the balcony.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tobias almost made it to the door but was cut of by every famous and rich persons nightmare. The paparazzi. It wasnt that many but still they were a pain. "The Mayor must be here already. Toby whispered to himself. After taking about fifty pictures Tobias entered the mansion and tried his best not to attract any attention. He leaned against a wall of the ball room and examined all the attendance of the party.

There were quite a few people that Tobias was surprised to see there. But what do you expect the whole town was invited. He reaches for his camcorder that was located in his tuxedo pocket and puts it up to his mouth. "It was serious pain coming out this far but it'll be worth it to meet the host or hosts of this arrangement." seth removes his hand from the power bottom and turns it off putting it back into his tuxedo pocket. The ball room looked breathe taking but was a death trap to antisocial people like Toby. He would talk about business with the older men but they try to buy him out everytime he proposed something. So he decided to stay leaned up against the wall until the host(s) is revealed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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"Why does it matter what I wear? No one is going to even notice me anyway if I have anything to say about it." Ross complained as he reluctantly slid off his uniform and replaced it with the red polo that had been offered to him by his strange, doting boss. The older woman gushed as she took his uniform shirt from his hand. "Because I'm not allowing you to go to such a formal affair wearing a grease-stained t-shirt, what would that say about me as your employer? Besides you look so handsome, I was so worried it wouldn't fit you."

Ross grumbled under his breath but didn't relent. The woman was the only one in town who would actually employ him and therefore the only reason he wasn't starving on the street. "Whatever. I'm off to this dumb party, if there's booze don't expect to see me tomorrow." He wasn't almost out the door before she stopped him again and pressed a simple white half-mask into his hands. "Wow...this is the creepiest thing I have ever seen. Why do you even own this?' His answer was him being pushed outside. "Well that's unsettling." He groaned and put the mask on before walking towards the manor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

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Blaze quickly slipped on the rest of his outfit, knowing it would do nothing to hide who he was. "Stupid pink hair." He mumbled glancing in the mirror at his masked face and his pink hair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Viola put on her mask and walked into the ball room. There was nothing that could really really hide Viole's identity, not with Viole's skin color, hair and eyes. A mask really wouldn't do much. She noticed a young man in a blue suit leaning against the wall and walked over to him, grabbing a small snack as she approached.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After a while of following her parents around and gawking at the impressive interior of the place, Devon eventually found herself growing bored. Sure, the place was fascinating, and the decorations seemed both tasteful and carefully tended to down to the last detail, but there had to be other things to do than just test her attention span. Hanging back as her parents walked off to greet the mayor and the businessman he was speaking to, her father mostly interested in the businessman for networking purposes, the younger girl noticed that her brother had already gone off somewhere. Probably to go find people his own age to talk to...which seemed like something that she should do as well.

...Unfortunately, that quickly proved to be a lot easier said than done. Why were so many of the people there so much older than her? If everyone was older, she'd have to just sit in the corner the whole time at this rate, the whole "speak only when spoken to" rule of elders coming into play as it often did for formal events. She couldn't help being younger! Why did she have to be punished for it?

Giving a slight huff, she continued her tour of the ballroom, looking around to maybe find if there were any snacks that she could sample, at least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toby was attempting to fix the tie of his tuxedo. He failed countless of time before. You could say tying a tie his also one of his greatest weaknesses. Toby was so busy trying to tie his tie, he didn't notice the young woman moving closer towards his position. As he gave up on the tie he looked up his eyes catching site of the woman's beautiful pale skin. Just seeing how the dress she was wearing perfectly fitted her in every way. At first Toby was blushing at how cute she looked in the dress ,but soon his face became redder than and apple when she got closer. "Crap! She's coming this way!" He somewhat shouted and whispered to himself. Toby panicked and quickly slid his meta knight mask onto his face. This was like a suicide mission with him being antisocial and all. As the woman came close enough to Toby he turned his head looking in a random direction and said. "You....um....I hope this doesn't sound weird but you look beautiful in that dress." Toby was blushing uncontrollably hard under his mask.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Thanks," Viole responded. She felt awkward, she didn't usually talk to people. The only people she knew were her siblings and she wasn't best friends with all of them. So, trying to talk to a stranger was proving kinda difficult for Viole.
"You look good, too," she said, hoping it didn't sound as awkward as it felt.
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