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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Elza was worried about the massive wall of light that headed towards her but didn't sense any malovent intent and assumed it had a different purpose. It turned out she was right as the wave washed over her the town became restored. Well how fun, it seemed that the only poeple left that she could see were Meruin, who she'd already lost to, Ryan, Pamela and Lyn. Well attacking Meruin would be an exercise in futuilty unless she had some sort of massive advantage over her. She jumped down from the tower sticking her sytche in the wall to slow her descent leaving a long gash down the side of it. Elza walked over to the two girls that appeared to be on the recently defeated Cruz's team. "Giving up?" she asked the pair, "Shame, I was hoping you two would be willing to fight Meruin for me, I'll take this Ryan guy." she said turning to face Ryan. "All I have to do is fight you for five minutes then I win right?" She asked shooting a confident grin his way. She could probally take him normally but with a five minute time limit there was no way he could win. Elza still didn't know what she was going to do about Meruin but she figured she would cross that bridge when she came to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Elza was worried about the massive wall of light that headed towards her but didn't sense any malovent intent and assumed it had a different purpose. It turned out she was right as the wave washed over her the town became restored. Well how fun, it seemed that the only poeple left that she could see were Meruin, who she'd already lost to, Ryan, Pamela and Lyn. Well attacking Meruin would be an exercise in futuilty unless she had some sort of massive advantage over her. She jumped down from the tower sticking her sytche in the wall to slow her descent leaving a long gash down the side of it. Elza walked over to the two girls that appeared to be on the recently defeated Cruz's team. "Giving up?" she asked the pair, "Shame, I was hoping you two would be willing to fight Meruin for me, I'll take this Ryan guy." she said turning to face Ryan. "All I have to do is fight you for five minutes then I win right?" She asked shooting a confident grin his way. She could probally take him normally but with a five minute time limit there was no way he could win. Elza still didn't know what she was going to do about Meruin but she figured she would cross that bridge when she came to it.

" Sure. One sec." Ryan quickly analyzed Elza and smiled. " On second thought, I refuse. Good day madam." Ryan teleported away and began sweating hard. With a five minute time limit he was going to lose, no question. He looked around and saw Meruin. "Meruin, I need healing please. If you can that is." Ryan remembered to be polite at the last moment, he was sweating bullets at this point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin raised a brow. "Of course I can," she replied, spreading her arms. A faint light came from them, which eventually enveloped Ryan. His wounds as well as fatigue gradually went away. "I suggest not going into combat yet. It will take awhile for the suggestions to your body to fully take effect."

The small mage looked at the spot where Ryan was earlier. It looked like Elza was there as well. "Did you run from her?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Elza giggled, "He thought I was asking." she reached out with her magic towards Ryan's voice located him and fell backwards as one would for a trust fall. Of course the only person Elza had to trust was herself and she vanished into her shadow reappearing out of Ryan's and swinging her oversized scythe as she rose out of it. "It wasn't a request!" Elza shouted as her weapon cleaved towards his head. If she hit him hard enough and fast enough before Meruin's healing spell could take full effect it should be an easy victory. As long as Meruin didn't interfere... she had been hoping that those other two girls could at least distract the ridiculously powerful mage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Ito had been waiting for the combat to die down for awhile when he noticed that things had finally calmed down he teleported back into where everyone was, he saw several groups of people around, some around and unconscious guy, and a girl swinging a scythe and another guy, 'i guess the fighting's not completely over then' he thought, he wasn't sure who he was suppose to go talk to, but he figured he would look for the one girl he saw before, that had shot the spears of light from the sky, at least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Elza giggled, "He thought I was asking." she reached out with her magic towards Ryan's voice located him and fell backwards as one would for a trust fall. Of course the only person Elza had to trust was herself and she vanished into her shadow reappearing out of Ryan's and swinging her oversized scythe as she rose out of it. "It wasn't a request!" Elza shouted as her weapon cleaved towards his head. If she hit him hard enough and fast enough before Meruin's healing spell could take full effect it should be an easy victory. As long as Meruin didn't interfere... she had been hoping that those other two girls could at least distract the ridiculously powerful mage.

Ryan turned around and frowned. He created a shield of solid earth and watched the blade sink into it. While her view of him was blocked he quickly disappeared into the wind as he felt his strength beginning to return. He reappeared on top of a tree and smiled. He coughed up some blood and looked at his hand. He smeared the blood on his mouth and smiled. He looked like a complete maniac as he looked down on her. "Honjo Masamune!" He summoned his sword to him and looked down on it. "Hebun Masamune." The sword glowed as it became a pure white instead of silver. " Let us see who has the better blade." Ryan wasn't completely healed yet, but he wasn't going to pass out any time soon. He swung and a wave of energy went towards her. Upon closer examination the wave was sharpened wind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Elza growled and ripped her blade out of the earthen mound destroying it. He had insane reflexes to have reacted to her attack fast enough to entirely block it. She turned to face him at the sound of his shouting. How did he teleport? So far he had only displayed control over elemental magic, which meant that he could someone turn into the elements he controlled. A difficult opponent to be sure and the longer this fight went on the more power Ryan would regain which meant she would probably have to fight him at full strength.

Elza grinned at his intimidating visage, if he thought he could frighten her he was dead wrong. Masamune hmm? A famous blade, but only one of many. An avid student of weaponry across the world she knew that there was no Masamune unless you were referring to the smith himself. Elza's weapon had come from the shadow world and nothing from this one would break it, at least nothing Elza had found yet.

Elza accepted his challenge and spun the scythe around her shoulder building momentum and then slammed it into the blade of energy headed towards her. A brief moment of impact and two cuts appeared in the earth on either side of her. "Heh, if you think your blade is better come here and test it." she said scornfully and raised her hand briefly before contorting her fingers strangely. In response to her motion shadows rose up from the tree Ryan was in and tiny spears of darkness attacking him from every angle, he should be more careful of his positioning, of course as long as Ryan had a shadow Elza had a direct attack path to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus jumped off from Marcus's shoulders. His Healing Abilities were outstanding, but not better than Deadpool's therefore he only healed 70%. He looked around him seeing Cornelia and that another fight had already begun, and Ryan was participating in it. He was hurt so he wasn't in a condition to fight. He then looked back at Cornelia, the perfect chance was just sitting there, Revenge was in his grasp. He grabbed Cornelia out of Marcus's hands and layed her on the ground. Using Aura Manipulation, he sharpened his Arm as sharp as a double-edged sword, he went in for the strike.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus was so busy watching the fight between Ryan and Elza that he didn't notice the sudden relief of weight that disappeared from his shoulders. Watching the battle between the two students was amazing. "So this is what an awesome battle looks like from the spectating end." As the fight continued Marcus shouted "Hooray!" At every single thing that happened in the battle between Ryan and Elza. Then something wasn't right. When he shouted 'Hooray' he would of felt some weight of his unconscious friends that should be rested on his shoulders. Marcus quickly turned around and saw Deus lay Cornelia on the ground. "Oh....that's..good...I think." He said unsure of what Deus was planning. Well he was unsure until Deus' body started to radiate aura. "No!" Marcus shouted and vanished. He reappeared behind Deus and karate chopped him in the neck to slower his movements. Less then 3 seconds later he kneed Deus in the stomach and stood over Cornelia's body. "What the fuck is wrong with you!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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"Get Out of my way Marcus. I'll remove that Gear, and kill her. She'll pay for what she did in the past. It ends here!" Deus kneeled on the ground as he got hit in the stomach. He looked at Marcus with eyes full of revenge and agony. His Aura was now Sharper than Kusanagi, which signified that he had gone into Dark Aura mode, but he didn't notice. "Marcus just get out of my way. I don't want to fight you if I can avoid it but....*summons Kusanagi V2* I will fight you if I have to get to her." Deus stood up slowly, healing his wounds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus backs up slowly and picks up Cornelia. "Dude....chill what she did couldn't of been that bad!" He continued to bag away slowly. Deus wasn't in his right mind. Its not right for the good guy to want to murder the bad guy for revenge. "Fight me.....FUCK THAT!" Marcus shouted jumping into the air and landed on the roof of a near by building. He began to run along the roofs of the building moving further away from Deus as he could. Marcus was pretty venerable at the moment. So right now he's relying souly on speed to get away from Deus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus was pissed, not the kind of pissed off that would go away after a short time, no he was genuinely pissed off. He used projectile body to break through the buildings and land on the roof that Marcus was. "You don't know the pain she has put me through. She killed my whole family and friends, she tortured me for years! Now, i'll get my revenge!!" Deus began to fly towards Marcus at full speed. All you could see was A Blurry Deus. He used Kusanagi and put it on Marcus's neck. "I'm sorry Marcus, just give me Cornelia."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"Meruin, cast a spell to eliminate the shadows around!" Ryan jumped off of the tree and avoided the shadows. He swung a few more times to send more wind waves and landed on the ground. The wind would miss her but circle around from the back for the real hit. He dashed towards Elza for an attack. He feinted to the left and attacked from the right, but it was all a diversion for the wind blades to comeback around and attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus couldn't escape from Deus' grip and frowned when he realized he could only do one thing. Hopefully Meruin spell would be activated before Deus slit Marcus's throat. With the room he had Marcus, which he truly regarded doing, tossed Cornelia as hard and as far as he could away from him and Deus. He elbowed Deus in the stomach and and stood in an defensive stand facing him. Marcus was tired and knew he was not gonna win this fight. But that didn't matter he has to protect the person he loves. Marcus persuade Deus throwing countless numbers of punches. His fist were moving quite fast but it was probably slowler than the movement of a snail in Deus' eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus sighed as he got hit by the punches, he didn't even feel them because of his Defense power in Dark Aura mode, he didn't want to fight him, he was his friend. But if it meant getting to Cornelia then so be it. Deus intended to finish this with one blow, or more. Deus began to fly backwards. There was agony in his eyes. A Magic Circle appeared next to Marcus, with two demons came out of that Magic Circle, Leviathan and Beelzebub, two of the four demon lords. They began to attack him, while Deus prepped up his ability.
A small portal began to appear behind Marcus, what this portal would do is suck the power and Life-Force out of him. The Portal began to increase in size, and Marcus's powers would be transfered to Deus for a limited time, forcibly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus was ready to give up. But not with out a fight. Although at this level he wouldn't be able to defeat Deus. As his friend/enemy seem to have retreated back a bit. Marcus attempted to think of any possible ways of winning this battle. Soon his concentration was interrupted by the summoning of the demon lords, 2 of them to be exact. Marcus blocked the onslaught of attacks that the two demons had to offer. He could of actually took them head on if it wasn't for the back to back battles he's been in all day. To make it worse there was a sharp pain that Marcus felt shoot up his spine. The pain caused him to pause and allowed the demons to attack Marcus without worrying of a counter strike. His powers being forcefully taken was what caused the sudden burst of pain. Marcus tried his best to keep his powers and fend off the attacking demons. But he was quickly failing at both. His power depleted quickly and the demons were now playing tennis with Marcus. After his ability to use his powers were gone the demons finished him off by tossing Marcus's lifeless body into the air and elbowing him heavily in the back snapiing and severing his spine. Marcus free falled out of the sky and plummeted into the ground forming a crater. His pupils were gone and blood streamed out the side of his mouth. It was obvious that he was dead or in a very critical condition.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Elza frowned; Ryan was ridiculously fast in order to escape her shadow attack considering that the attack had him completely surrounded. No matter, even if he somehow kept avoiding her attacks she had no intention of letting herself be hit. As soon as Ryan jumped of the tree Elza immediately charged arriving below him and twisting her whole body to slash upwards in a decapitating arc through Ryan's body before he was able to land. Hit 'em fast and hit 'em hard. Keeping Ryan off balance and defeating him as fast as possible was key to keep Meruin's spell from healing him anymore and worse, Meruin joining the fight herself. The wind waves Ryan had already launched swirled harmlessly past her but the angle she was out from her power strike let her seem them whirl around and attempt to attack from behind. However they were to far away to affect her until Ryan dealt with her attack and in addition she was close to the tree now with its large shadow, a definite advantage.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The attack cut straight through Ryan's body and he looked shocked. Right up until he smiled and dissipated into wind. He reformed away from any large shadows and coughed up some blood. "Nice cut, that would've killed me if I hadn't turned into the wind in time." He looked around at the trees nearby. "Now this won't do at all. Too many shadows." He snapped his fingers and a fireball formed above him. "Let's make this interesting." He flicked his hand in the direction of some trees and grinned. The fireball flew towards the trees and exploded in a flash of fire and light. A forest fire was beginning and was elimaniting all the shadows in the area. "Let's see how you do without your fancy shadows." The wind flared up around him once more and he set himself on fire. He stood there in a defensive position and waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Elza smirked, for a mage this kid really didn't know anything. The greater the light, the darker the shadows. "So you can play with more than wind, don't expect me to be blown away by that." she said airly. Now thanks to the fire there were hundreds of tiny flickering shadows, fuel for the fire so to speak. Ryan had set himself up as flame boy and was holding his ground, what fun, well any defense was just waiting to be broken. Elza spun her sytche around herself in an elaborately dazzling pattern while slowly gathering all of the tiny shadows and pooling them in a circle around Ryan's feet. "Well then mageboy, let's see just how intresting this becomes!" and with that she charged foward and once again powerfully swung her sytche in a devastating horizontal slash. It looked like he could take even direct hits as non fatal but it still did some damage, as long as she attacked relentlessly she would defeat him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A tear came out of Deus's eye. He knew that he could come back to life, but it still hurt him, alot. Deus shook his head, attempting to throw that thought aside. He faced Cornelia, mixed emotions were dwelling inside of him. Deus began to fly upwards in the sky. Once high enough, he put up a palm in the air. A small Black Sphere began to grow out of Deus' palm. It began to grow in size, covering the sunlight. The Energy was coming from all the living things around him, the Auras, wether it be human, anything. He was draining the Aura forcibly out of everyone and everything around him. Soon the Giant Sphere became a Square, like the shape of a Box. Deus was currently doing something extremly dangerous, using two different powers at the same time. This Black Box covered the sky, blocking out any sunlight. This move was called: Pandora's Box. What Pandora's Box did, was trap the Target in an illusion world, where you cannot escape, unless you face your true self. This Move also Scars your Soul the longer you are in the Box, therefore the user who is using Pandora's Box also takes alot of Damage.
Pandora's Box was ready, and Deus shot it towards Cornelia. What Deus didn't know because he couldn't sense it or feel it just yet, was that there was a hint of magic in the move. Pandora's Box trapped Cornelia. For Now.
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