I'm not sure if you're still accepting characters, but here's mine! :)
Name: Meg Watson
Age: (under 18) 16
Power: Healing:She has the ability to heal all living things except herself.
Bio: At the age of ten, Meg and her parents went on a cruise across the world. They laughed, had fun, and enjoyed themselves. But it didn’t last. On the fifth night of their vacation, a wild storm and malfunctioning in the ship controls caused it to sink. Meg made it out alive, but at the cost of her parents.
She was living at her old grandmother’s house when she discovered her ability to heal living things. Meg kept her secret hidden, even when her grandma passed. Meg was soon transferred to several different foster homes, each one the same. She hated moving and despised her foster parents, who only cared about money the state gives them. She especially disliked the lies she had to tell. When Meg heard of a special orphanage for kids just like her, she didn't waste time fleeing to it.
Personality: Meg is a shy and quiet girl who tends to keep to herself. Most days you can find her reading outside. When spoken to, she barely speaks above a whisper. No one even really knows what her personality is. None of them even aware of her gift, so they whisper and guess about what it might be.
Despite what rumors have spread about her, Meg is really kind and sweet. She loves gazing at nature while reading; it calms her. It’s not that she’s shy of people, it’s that they remind her of her parents. She sees the same hopeless look in their eyes that’s in her own. Meg can’t stand looking at them, so she stays away.