Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Satsuki Main Tank

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Mulivon

Age: "64 seasons, respect your your elders!"(16)

Gender: I am of the female gender.

Race: A descendant of the 'Goddess' Morrigan, a child of the Fey.


She is partly correct, but despite her negative connotations shes prevents death...Yeah shes a actually a physician, but her bedside manner leaves much to be desired.

Personality: She can be quite grading, but her magics in the right place. If you where to try to sum her up in one word, she would slap you for insolence. If it wasn't for her greatest of great great great great great great great great great grandmothers Arthur would have never got the holy grail! So yes shes feels a tad entitled. Past that she is crushed underneath the pressure of being in the same bloodline of a being that is literally considered a god. She must be perfect.

Background:"My mother and grandmother have been rather insistent that I get out and show the world my power."
Annnnnd in reality she was sent there for more or less a continuing education in things not associated with healing magics. Like multiplication, how to not write like a doctor. (something she doesn't see as a problem) Most importantly to help her with her biggest short coming, social skills. A dash of humility wouldn't hurt.

Lancelot: Just as in the tales, he is skilled beyond all his peers! Stronger than any who would threaten his queen! Lancelot unlike the legends can be a tad snarky, and has an apatite for seeds. Yes the raven like bird is the mighty Lancelot!

He has amazing skills such as being adorable, amazing caw like sounds and most potent the peck of truth. All of these aid the young fey in many situations, his presence can not be calculated in strategic value.

Other: For clarification purposes Morrigan was not a true goddess, rather she was a being similar to a fey or great fairy. But as she appeared in so many different tales and had such varied interpretation that many refer to her as a goddess for simplicity sake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Simon Armijo
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Centaur (Llama hybrid)

Simon tends to wear very loose fitting warm clothing, particularly baggy sweaters and thermals.

Job: Simon runs the Corner Garden Cafe in Diehlstadt, specializing in vegetarian dishes but catering to most of the needs for the other races.

Personality: Incredibly warm and friendly, Simon often greets everyone with a large smile, and is renowned for being incredibly laid back and relaxed. He strives to keep relations between the humans and other races friendly, and often acts as a neutral party to arguments and disputes. He takes great pains to avoid snap judgements of other races, and never seems to take offense to anything said. His particularly lackadaisical attitude leaves him rather drained if he has to spend too much time with large groups of people. He's styled his cafe to be more of a sedate lounge area, and prefers comfort and function over form. The only time he seems to get annoyed or bothered is when someone tries to ride him.

Background: Simon was one of the first to move to Diehlstadt, arriving on his own after purchasing a run down building. Being one of the first true mythological being the humans had really encountered, he was mostly left alone and ignored as he fixed up his new home. Opening the cafe was his first step to becoming closer with the humans. His friendly attitude and open nature about his own world earned him a place as a true resident of the town in a short amount of time. When asked about his reasons for coming to the town, his immediate response is he's trying to discover something, but never lets on more than that, simply smiling.


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 24 days ago

Name: Mitchell "Mitch" Garmen

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Snake-variety Encantado (cobra)
Mitch is a humanoid shape shifting creature called an Encantado. Now, these are not regular shape shifters; technically, he's a snake with the ability to run humanoid, so he does take on snake-like characteristics. He becomes lethargic in the cold, has a mainly carnivorous appetite, among various physical oddities. One notable physiological difference is that Mitch's saliva contains a subdued venom. It isn't deadly, nor very harmful. If it came in contact with flesh, that person's flesh would feel tingly and slightly burny, similar to the feeling of drinking a soft drink. If it were to get into the bloodstream, that person would feel ill for a little while, but no permanent damage would be caused. As a species, Encatadae are known to be lustful, party-loving and very gifted in the fields of music and art.

Appearance: Mitch stands at a towering 6'6", has a smoothly muscular build (more toned than chiseled or pronounced). His skin is dark brown mixed with dark and light grey in places. Namely, his belly and lower chest are light grey-brown, with riblike bands of dark grey extending from his back to his sides. Similar markings extend down his legs. These are similar to the markings on a cobra.
His eyes are dull grey and slitted, his canine teeth elongated and sharp. His hair is a mop of jet-black with a few yellow streaks, faded to greyish straw. He normally wears plain t-shirts and sweatshirts with weather-appropriate pants. He has a scar on his left eyebrow, slanting down and outward through it in a well-healed slash. There's also a similar, longer scar on his shoulder, likely a continuation of the first. He's got a large watercolour tattoo of a green and yellow cobra coiling up his left arm and wrapping across the back of his shoulders and showing its face on the right side of his neck. It's fans are out, but it isn't hissing, just looking wisely with bright blue eyes.

Snake form

Job: Currently unemployed, looking for work.
Personality: Mitch is truly a gentle soul, treating everyone initially with respect and courtesy, and continuing to do so unless given a reason to dislike someone. He has become more responsible in recent years, and gained a deep appreciation for his freedom and for everything else he has.
However, he is victim to the traits of his race. Though it's been somewhat quelled in recent years, Mitch is still an Encantado. He loves a good party, good music, and attractive people. However, he's found himself much more mature as of late. While there was definitely a time when he'd (more often than he'd care to admit) find himself hungover in someone else's bed with little recollection as to how he got there, now that side of him is rather rare. Right now, all he wants is a new beginning.

Background: Mitch was recently released from a 4-year prison sentence. The charges will be revealed IC, but bear in mind that he did not commit any heinous crimes. He comes from a very large city in the same general region as Diehlstadt, but had to find a new home after being released, having not even nearly enough money to rebuild his old life, and little desire to return to it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Eliza Bridde
Age: 23
Race: Angel (but more of a human with Bird wings)
Gender: Female

Appearance: She has semi-long hair(just a bit past her shoulders) that is light mouse brown that is usually kept up in one way or another. She has Hazel eyes, that you might be able to see if she ever took her goggles off (her goggles act like glasses for her since she has terrible eyesight and is afraid of having regular glasses fall off he face). She also has dark brown wings that have a few small scars on them, not really noticeable unless you get close. She usually wears overalls or some sort of semi fitting clothing for when she flies around. Stands at exactly 5 feet, 110 pounds.

Job: Courrier. She is the boss of "Birdie Deliveries" with Ian Carver as her only employee. She delivers messages and small packages around town, by either flying or by bike when she doesn't feel up to it with her wings (explained in the background). She hopes to hire on a few more people eventually.

Personality: Eliza is generally a laid back sort of person who likes to take things one day at a time. She can get a bit wild at times though, especially when it comes to flying. She really likes to be around people, whether it be her own kind or others. She likes to think of herself as someone that people like to go to and talk to. Tends to get nervous in tight areas with a bunch of people, especially those near her wings but its nothing she ends up freaking out about, but she does hate people touching her wings.

Background: Eliza originally had no plans on settling down anywhere. She wanted to roam the skies and be a free spirit. She never got the chance to though. The day before she was to go on her journey, she was knocked out of the air by another angel, who was racing and didn't see her in time to maneuver out of the way. The fall came nowhere close to killing her, but it did a number on her wings. It took nearly a year and a half to get them back to working condition and it took another half a year for her to work up the strength to fly fairly normally again and even now there are days when Eliza just simply doesn't feel up to flying (normally on rainy or about to rain days or just the day after flying more than usual). Eliza's dream of being able to travel around were over. But she decided not to let that get her down. If she couldn't travel around all the time, she was just going to move to someplace new and exciting. That's when she heard about Diehlstadt. Not exactly the most exotic place in the world, but a place that had tons of different species, including humans, co-existing was sure to have some excitement. Her life goal now is to live the new life that she has found herself in, to the fullest.

Roommates: Ian Carver (well this is going to be interesting)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Anna White

Age: 29 (Looks 20)
Gender: Female
Race: Bakeneko - Spirit based being that takes on the characteristics of cats (subspecies of Yōkai). Either born from souls of the dead or the gathering of multiple souls into one being and has the ability to physically manifest. Due to being a spirit and undead, they don't need to eat, sleep, or drink, though they can choose to if they wish. They also do not possess internal organs, excluding those used for social or romantic interactions. When it comes to processing food, it's a simple matter of the spirit dissolving ther materials components into tiny spikes of energy.

Job: Owns a small computer store that serves as store front and her upstairs apartment.

Personality: Anna is a tad more playful than others, however she can easily be serious when the situation calls for it. She is a kind and friendly, but rather cautious about people getting closer to her - or rather cautious as to believe they really do care, though she is willing to let anyone try. She can be picky about her loyalty, but once given, it must be broken with a heinous act of harm or betrayal of some kind. Otherwise, as social as she is, she is still an introvert so it can take some time to get to know her.

Background: Anna grew up technically as an orphan, but that is normal among spiritual based beings like herself. Though not many exist in the world as a whole, she finds comfort in her appearance and her existence. She has since come to the conclusion that it frees her from the burden of having a forced family and instead being able to choose who she calls her family. She sometimes wonders if she was a soul of a human who had wanted to be a cat, since she mostly looks human.

She never really felt like she belonged anywhere in particular, especially more as a spirit, and found that she was cruelly and shamelessly ignored most of the time. So when Diehlstadt was built and created, she felt like it would be the perfect opportunity to start over again. Thankfully she has felt more at ease among the others, but still finds her more introverted nature harder to approach and her general mistrust of anyone actually giving a damn deep down, but she has admitted to herself by this point ... her long term goal is most likely more than anything else, to find true love. She supposes finding men unattractive will put a damper on this though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Kirei Yamakumo
Age: 169
Gender: Female
Race: Jorogumo, a demi-arachnid race that can take human form, spider form, or a few places in between.


Job: Does one need to know things about a loved one? What is the housewife’s husband doing on the way home from work? Did your best friend really steal your favorite item? Perhaps someone in a situation like that might need to pay for the services of a Private Detective.

Personality: Kirei considers herself logical enough to do her job and patient enough to stay in one place and keep watch for a long time. Sometimes she must use her. . . Charismatic personality and cunning wit to get the job done. Externally she treats everyone respectfully enough, on the inside she feels everyone is suspicious and is wary of them. Typically she shows a neutral face as she walks around town. She may seem off, and cold but she actually enjoys conversation.

Background: Kirei originally came from a somewhat large village in the mountains somewhere in Japan. There she did as Jorogumos typically do. Seduce, entrap. . . Eat. To start at least. As the area became more civilized she stopped killing and eating humans in any form. She would just use them to buy her food. She couldn’t handle having all the humans chase her at once and it was easier to just have the humans feed her. Eventually though, the humans started become wary of her as many of the residents started getting sick. Although it was a natural occurence people couldn’t help themselves thinking it was a supernatural one perpetuated by a spider youkai. It was at this point when she figured she needed to get out the village.

Then she moved to Diehlstadt. There were so many other monsters there, yet humans as well. As she attempted to fit in, she found herself doing a lot of people watching. She joked with herself that she could do it for a living. Then, an acquaintance of hers (the person she was currently mooching off of) told her that she could try being a detective of some sort. It ended up being easy enough for her to do. It was interesting enough, the only real problem is the amount of work she gets. Still, it’s enough to make ends meet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shilly
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Shilly A Lazy Gamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Dulla-chan
Age: 15(hundred)
Gender: Female
Race: Dullahan


Job: Dulla-chan is technically unemployed, although she fancies herself as the Herald of Death itself.

Personality: Dulla-chan has a typical case of eight-grader syndrome. Everything she says is dramatic and over the top. "Run as you might, pathetic mortal, for none may escape the shadow of Death! Mwah ha ha ha!" And so on. In reality she's actually quite shy and gets easily embarrassed when people call her on her, for lack of a better word, bullshit.

Background: Dulla-chan has no memory of her past life, awakening many years ago to find that her head was quite removed from her body. Dulla-chan spent her time riding all over the countryside, searching for the reason for her existence. And then she noticed that everywhere she rode, people were dying. Of course there was a terrible plague so it was only natural that people would die, but Dulla-chan came under the impression that they were dying because of her. She invented this idea in her decapitated head that she was the Herald of Death and that everywhere she went she brought death. A childish delusion, but one that was reinforced with every coincidental death that took place around her. Finally Dulla-chan has come to Diehlstadt, seeking more poor souls destined for death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Queen Cobra
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Queen Cobra Empress of Snakes

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Masilatabhrata (Masilalt is a common nickname)
Age: 1027
Gender: Male
Race: An Alp, also called Maras or Mares, sometimes considered imps rather than true demons. They cause and feed off of nightmares, and have vampiric tendencies.

Stands near 7 feet tall.

Job: Masilalt is a witch doctor. He tends to use West African voodoo methods, and makes most of his money off of herbal remedies. While he can't exactly cure cancer, he has remedies for many more illnesses than people expect.

Personality: Masilalt projects a very bold personality. First impressions of him tend to be that he's arrogant, and generally something that one would expect from a relatively young minor demon. While he is very confident in himself and his abilities, he's actually much calmer once he comes to know someone, especially without outside stimulus. He's excitable, and its easy for other demons to get him riled up. He doesn't back down from challenges, and because of this he gets into a lot of fights. Since coming to Diehlstadt, he's tried to curb this, with some success. He loves easy and hates easy, and is passionate on many subjects. While he speaks a few languages, he isn't too booksmart on subjects other than history, but it's balanced with his knowledge on esoteric subjects. He understands that patience is a virtue, but he likes to see immediate results and can quickly become impatient. He becomes protective of those important to him, and would kill to protect the souls bound to his name.

Background: Upon hearing about a town with a growing population of other species, Masilalt was eager to move in early before too many other demons got word, so he could come in without too much trouble. He also resents the stigma around satanists and demons, and is looking to prove that not all demons are inherently evil. After all, hell plays an important role in the celestial order, why would they all be so awful? A smaller reason is that he figured moving to a nice town would distract him from the death of a human boyfriend a few months back, though he rarely admits to it. Most importantly, to him the town seemed like a good business prospect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by shivershiver
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shivershiver Supreme Chancellor Skelly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Werner Kleist
Age: 23 (True age 53)
Gender: Male
Race: Voodoo Zombie
Voodoo zombies are drastically different than those in recent popular fiction, especially in Werner’s case. Voodoo zombies are resurrected by bokors, vodoun sorcerers, through a lengthy ritual before the deceased’s corpse. Their soul is returned to the body, and in exchange for this, they are forced to serve the bokor who breathed life into them. Once the priest frees them of their service, by either dying or releasing them, the zombie is free to do as they wish, though they still have an instinctive protective nature of the bokor and their kin.
Werner’s body doesn’t function like that of the living. He doesn’t age or decay, thanks to the spell warding off all natural effects. He can recover from almost any wound, but he heals twice as slow as a human, and doesn't need to breathe; on top of this, Werner’s body cannot detect pain, so he is very prone to injury. Because the spell holds his body together, if a limb is amputated, it retains full functionality and can return to the rest of Werner. As a zombie, he does not tire, so his stamina is endless, but his strength remains the same, and he can build no more muscle mass.
One strange mishap separates Werner from any normal voodoo zombie, however. When Werner died in a car crash, a fraction of his soul embedded itself into the car he was driving. When the bokor attempted to bring him back from death, he returned all but this bit of his soul to Werner’s corpse, but it was not enough to revive him. Instead, Werner’s body was kept in a sort of stasis, waiting for the day that his soul would reunite and become whole again.
His car, a 1974 De Tomaso Pantera, is possessed by a splinter of Werner’s soul. It is slightly sentient, a sort of extension of Werner, like an arm or a leg. He can control the car to some extent when he isn't in it, though not nearly as proficient as a driver could. The Pantera might turn on the radio occasionally to find a fitting song for the occasion, or turn itself off at times, but this is the extent of its intelligence. Werner is bound to the vehicle; the further he is separated it, the less human he becomes, behaving more “zombie-like”, and he also loses more control over the car. It is only behind the wheel when Werner is most like his old self, before the accident. As for his appetite, it is rather stereotypical of zombies. Raw flesh provides the most nutrients for a zombie, and this is what Werner needs; anything else, his body will reject. However, this flesh can be from anything, be it human or animal. Like being separated from his car, going without flesh causes Werner to lose his mind and wander like a zombie until he feeds.


Werner stands at 6’0 and weighs in at 170 lbs, with broad shoulders and lean muscle. His hands are rough and callused from hockey, and his right pinkie finger is missing from the first knuckle up, leaving a rounded stump. His skin is a mess of scars, a few from before the accident, but mostly from his car crash. His entire back is coated in burn scars from when the car caught fire. Werner’s arms, legs, and chest are covered with scars as well, from road rash, compound fractures, and smaller glass cuts. His scalp, too, has a few small slashes from where he was ejected through the windscreen. Werner’s eyes, previously a dark brown, now glow an eerie neon red.

Job: Unemployed

Personality: (Note: Personality is from before Werner’s resurrection) Werner is a carefree, friendly guy. He’s willing to make friends with anyone, from all walks of life, and doesn’t discriminate much. Anyone who knows Werner would say that he is a very passionate individual. He loves hockey, to the point where he is almost more comfortable on ice than with solid ground beneath his feet. In a similar fashion, Werner prefers looking up and seeing the undercarriage of a car than a clear blue sky, or the dim light of an architect lamp as he pours over schematics for a new transmission.
Werner isn’t the greatest at concealing his emotions, but he hasn’t ever had much of a need to. He is as honest as they come, perhaps a little too much, and couldn’t tell a lie to save his life. His moral compass is spot on; he doesn’t drink, smoke, take advantage of women, or break the law (save for speeding every once in a while). Werner doesn’t have much of a taste for violence either, aside from a couple brawls on the ice.

Background: Werner was born in Diehlstadt to a pair of working class citizens, a mechanic and a waitress, in a time when the supernatural didn’t roam freely around the town. Werner’s parents raised him with love, and supported him in any endeavor he wished. The young boy had a particular interest, like his father, in cars, both driving and working on them. As soon as he could hold a wrench, Werner was in the garage with his dad. On top of this, he was involved in several sports, but hockey was the one he loved. It soon became apparent that Werner wouldn’t be satisfied with just working as a mechanic, however, as he sought to not only repair cars, but make them.
After high school, Werner was accepted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in mechanical engineering, with a full ride playing hockey. He left his hometown for college, and was overwhelmed with the new opportunities and strange people. It was here that Werner met a girl, Adrien, who was also from Diehlstadt. The two quickly fell in love, much to the chagrin of Adrien’s grandparents, who raised their granddaughter; they were a black Haitian family, and were very wary of whites. Against her parent’s wishes, they continued to see one another. After four years, the two graduated, and while Adrien returned home to her family, Werner stayed at MIT to further his education, working part time as a valet boy in a lavish hotel.
On October 8th, 1985, Werner was working the night shift in the hotel when the hotel manager called him to his office. Werner’s father was on the phone, and told his son that Adrien had fallen ill. The doctor wasn’t sure what it was, but he suspected meningitis. Werner dashed down to the parking lot and grabbed the next car in line to be parked, a red 1974 De Tomaso Pantera. He peeled out of the parking lot, heading directly for Diehlstadt. He was almost home when, one a winding mountain road, a drunk driver heading the opposite direction slammed into him as he rounded a corner. The sports car was sent flying down the rocky mountainside, and Werner was ejected from the burning car at bottom of the cliff. Both Werner and the Pantera were mangled beyond recognition.
Adrien recovered from her illness just in time for Werner’s funeral, and he was buried just outside of Diehlstadt. Adrien’s grandfather, Abioya, had never liked Werner, but seeing his granddaughter weep over his graveside, he knew it was time to put aside his petty grudge. Abioya’s grandfather had been a voodoo priest when they lived in Haiti, and he watched the man perform several resurrections. In the middle of the night, with a new moon overhead, Abioya crept into the graveyard and performed the dark ritual which he hoped would bring his granddaughter's suffering to an end. As the sun broke over the horizon, Abioya knew he failed. It was a foolish idea, to bring the dead back to life. In truth, it was not Abioya’s fault; most of Werner’s spirit returned to his body, stuck in limbo, but a fragment bound itself to the ruined car in which he died. After many years, everyone moved on. The wreck of the Pantera, however, did not. The fraction of Werner’s soul in the car slowly mended the vehicle as it sat in storage, driven by an insatiable urge to become whole once more.
After thirty years, the red Pantera finally found its way to the graveyard just outside of Diehlstadt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TearfulResonant
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Rhea Oldford
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Just an ordinary human.


Job: Rhea is a student first and foremost, but she works part-time at a chain restaurant. The job is proving to be much different than it would be working at any other of the restaurant's locations, due to the need to accommodate for the many different tastes of all the various races.

Personality: Rhea is eternally optimistic and often has her head in the clouds. She has nothing but adoration towards anything she considers "cute", and goes out of her way to collect as many cute things as she can. She's also more than a little arrogant and craves being the center of attention, which often leads to her putting on an air of superiority no matter who she's talking to. Because this can understandingly be quite off-putting, she usually has a bit of trouble meaningfully connecting with anyone she's just met.

Background: Rhea has lived pretty ordinarily for most of her life so far. She attends classes at a university fairly close to Diehlstadt, and the idea of the town excited and fascinated her from the very first time she heard about it. Her interest only grew when she convinced herself of how cute some of the mythological beings there could be. When the opportunity came to rent an apartment there for the remainder of the year she jumped at it instantly.

Rhea is still in the process of moving in. Over the past two or three weeks, she's come to Diehlstadt every few days for her new job (which she applied for around the same time she first visited her new apartment) but she's still staying elsewhere until all her stuff is brought over. At this point, the inside of her apartment consists of many unpacked boxes and not much else. Naturally, because she's lived in the human world her entire life, practically everything in Diehlstadt is amazing to her, and she's still wowed by all the things the older residents are very used to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Ian Carver
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: A Minor Demon of Mischief and Chaos, also part Incubus due to his mother being a succubus. As a chaos demon, Ian can basically cause little accidents to happen, anything from wardrobe malfunctions, to tripping when there's nothing to trip on, even making people spill an embarrassing secret or two, though that takes a lot more focus and energy than it's worth. His Incubus blood, however, gives him a sort of natural attraction to people, regardless of gender or sexuality, and to those who actually could be sexually attracted to him, it'll make them a little hot under the collar. Other than that, he has a strong prehensile tail with the typical arrowhead-tip(which also happens to be a weak spot of his and he usually keeps it hidden), and his eyes tend to glow red when ever he gets excited. Ian wishes that he could develop the power to shapeshift, cause then he'd use that power to turn into a woman. Why you ask, I'll answer with one word, and one word only: Lesbians


Job: He works part time at the "Birdie Deliveries", his nimbleness working well with delivering packages.

Personality: He loves two things in this world, Women and Adrenaline. Basically he will hit on anything as long as it's female and an adult, as well as do anything and everything that he finds interesting or exciting. Violence isn't his main perogative, and he usually runs away from them if his pranks get to out of hand(or an angry boyfriend comes a calling) but if he's ever backed into a corner, he more than ready to break a few bones. That beimg said, he abhors killing, as well as anyone who has killed before, which gives him a bias against beings like vampires or werewolves, who are beings that he believe kill in order to survive.

He also a tinsy-bit of a kleptomaniac, often taking small bits and bobbles without even realizing it. Basically, if he hugs you, it'd be best to check your pockets, cause he's also a insanely good pickpocket, able to jack stuff with out even trying . . . literally. He'll usually return what he steals if it's important like a wallet or money, since it's a habit he's trying to get rid of.

Background: Ian came to Dielsthadt because A) sounded like an interesting place, B)Sounded like the perfect place to meet some human chicks, and finally, C) it was the perfect place to meet women from a host of different races. Basically, he's here to meet girls, have fun, and who knows what else. He's a very 'go-with-the-flow, live life day by day' kind of guy and never really thinks too far ahead about anything. He's currently living with his boss, Eliza, as he had no other place to live. Eliza, being the kind soul she is, took him under her wing and is able to put up with him, within reason of course. There are rules, and he knows that if he breaks them, he'll be out of a home and a job.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konami
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Lena Pierce
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human


Job: Medical Doctor/Scientist

Personality: Lena Pierce is deeply fascinated by everything to do with the so called Monster races. She also has an insatiable sweet tooth.

Background: Lena Pierce was a medical student when she saw a member of a mythical race for the first time. She was fascinated by these strange beings and, in the moments of free time that she had in her medical studies, she began studying all the information she could find on them. Most of what she could find was little more than rumor and myth, stories passed down for ages until finally being written down. Lena's ambition was to write a comprehensive study of all the Monster races, one filled with fact rather than superstition. When the opportunity arose to actually live alongside the beings she wished to study, Lena jumped at the opportunity, opening a Medical clinic in Diehlstadt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I am the Black Wizards
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I am the Black Wizards My wizards are many, / But their essence is mine

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Ivan Saenko, but more often referred to as Brother Ivan or simply Brother

Age: 21

Gender: Male (of the heterosexual variety.)

Race: Vodyanoi


Job: Brother Ivan is a Novice at the local Temple of the Water Gods who came as a part of a religious mission to Diehlstadt from his native waters. He is training for full priesthood, but as of now he is responsible for assisting the higher clergy in ceremonies, overseeing all manner of manual labor at the Temple itself, helping to collect/distribute alms, as well as the standard duties of a priest (leading prayers & meditations, performing blessings, etc.)

Personality: Ivan is energetic, passionate and somewhat paradoxical. He can be vibrant and outgoing one moment and desire nothing more than some time alone with his thoughts the next. Although that could just be due to his youth. He is not very experienced and can be surprisingly idealistic at times. Even the High Priest at the Temple has described him as a hopeless romantic. Ivan naturally follows his heart, rather than his head. Still he can seem to contradict this, because he has often been chided for being overly emotional. So while he is naturally curious, idealistic and concerned, his elders and many of the texts that he has memorized have often given him the impression that it is wiser and more effective to be careful, logical and not to trust so easily. Finding a balance between these aspects of himself is something of a personal mission for him.

Background: Ivan is from a large undersea city known as Ys. Coming from a relatively poor family, he sought to escape his lot in life via the power of knowledge. This pursuit however, lead him to become more of a poet than a scholar. He quickly realized he wanted more than just knowledge. He wanted spirituality, and to help his people through life's struggles. And so he set about studying and preparing to join the Temple clergy. Shortly after his formal initiation into the priesthood, he heard about the mission to Diehlstadt. Excited and enthralled by the idea of adventure and of representing his faith in strange new waters, he petitioned to join the first group of missionaries. Unfortunately, initiates were prohibited from going, and he had to wait until he attained the rank of Novice and be permitted to join the mission. He has only just arrived, but already, his head is walking with possibilities. And he is quite eager to explore the big city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sanbe


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Emmett Pierce
Age: 515
Gender: Identifies as Male
Race: Golem, Clay

Appearance: Sculpted to be eight feet in height and possessing a burly physique, Emmett's clay body was designed to emulate an idolized male form. Nonetheless, his head and neck consist of only a smooth dome, which is disproportionately tall. The only features on his domed head are a single bore-hole facing forward, and magical runes etched near the peak. Aside from body language, his single facial hole is his only tool of expression, Emmett can morph the dimensions of this hole so that it resembles a cycloptic eye, and uses it to portray the illusion of eye contact, or any emotion that he may currently feel. Valuable turquoise, indigo, and yellow dye compose intricate and beautiful patterns over Emmett's body, but time and conflict have weathered these once vibrant colors dull, and earthen blotches of clay blemish regions of his body. To mask his often ragged appearance, Emmett will often don fine clothing, unless he anticipates an active or laborious day.

Job: Diehlstadt Township Justice of the Peace

Personality: To Emmett, there is always another subject to learn, adventure to embark upon, or issue to resolve. He possesses an unwavering curiosity thanks to his tireless mind and body, and he feels encouraged to act inquisitively toward others. Methodical and formal, Emmett's mannerisms reflect the serious nature of his position. Despite this, Emmett is aware that his presence is intimidating to many, and he attempts to ease this discomfort with humor, often unsuccessfully. Outside judicial affairs, Emmett's humble attitude is more apparent. He is an old fellow who struggles to maintain balance in his dichotomous life.

Background: When constructed, Emmett was designed to be a guardian for the humans who built him, which placed him at odds against other mythical creatures. After an uncertain amount of time, Emmett forsake his role as guardian, instead choosing to embark upon a journey of self discovery. Eventually, he settled in young Diehlstadt, believing it is an ideal place to achieve what he claims is “Harmony.” Humbly, he began as a laborer, a duty he happily fulfilled, yet Emmett always strove to adopt more and greater responsibilities. Gradually, he escalated to the position he holds today, in addition, he insists on contributing to other affairs as well. Emmett's reputation and position in Diehlstadt ensure that he is well known among its citizens, but not well understood. He doesn't relish in discussing either his background or personal ambitions, but his actions indicate he is striving toward something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sana
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Isis of Clan Cocytus

Age: 138

Gender: F

Race: Snow Woman [ Yuki-Onna]

Appearance: The irises of the eye are ice blue, her lips are white and she has long, pointed nails that are white in colour.

Job: Owns an ice cream stall.

Personality: Cold, callous and calculating. Isis has the personality of a block of ice. She seems to have trouble understanding what human empathy is. Her humor is non-existent and becomes confused when one attempts to banter with her.

Background: Isis is a mysterious figure whom has hidden intent that no one knows of. She speaks vaguely and in small sentences and phrases. She has no known family or friends living in the mythical town. Her voice is piercing and frosty, yet bland at the same time. Her history is shrouded in mystery and the townspeople who encounter her make up rumors about her so that she does not seem so unknown to them. However, all of these rumors are false and serve as no more than pathetic attempts to try and create a persona for her. She rarely comes out in the day due to the heat of the sun and plays her part in making it snow in the Myth Town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Pisces - Refers to self as "Nemo"
Age: ???
Gender: F
Race: Starchild
- A conceptualized form derived from the astrological zodiac "Pisces", otherwise known as "The Fish". Has the capacity to manipulate fish, and allow them to swim out of water around her.


Job: Pisces works as a fisherwoman for the town of Diehlstadt. Thanks to her ability to manipulate the behaviors of fish (GET IN THE NET!), she's able to ensure that she has a large catch for the market every time she goes catching the little swimmies, and can ensure that they breed just enough to keep the ecosystem healthy from the large portions she ends up taking.

Personality: Pisces is like a child when it comes to curiosity. She doesn't understand most moral concepts unless she's taught, and has only the most basic grasp of how things work in a human body. She can be a bit shy with newcomers on one end, but end up being overly huggable and privacy-invading if befriended. Don't blame her if she walks in on you in a shower or...anything else that shouldn't involve people walking on on you. She doesn't know any better. It should be an oddly-stated fact that she's got a particular talent in math, something she had before being taught simple things like how to talk right, how to read right, write, etc. Must be a constellation thing.

Background: From part of the sky to a landwalker, Pisces just happened to fall straight into a lake in Diehlstadt. With a new human body, and no concept of how human "norms" worked, she chose to stay inside of the confines of the city to begin learning how to appropriately "live" as a humanoid individual rather than a mere concept in the sky that all looked up to now and then. Ever-curious of a new experience, Pisces's goals never simply "end" -- there's always something new to do, someone new to meet, or some place to visit and learn more about. Consider it like a child's curiosity -- she's staying for everything that there is to experience in the town, and because it's moreorless become her new home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sana
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Isis of Clan Cocytus

Age: 138

Gender: F

Race: Snow Woman [ Yuki-Onna]

Appearance: The irises of the eye are ice blue, her lips are white and she has long, pointed nails that are white in colour.

Job: Owns an ice cream stall.

Personality: Cold, callous and calculating. Isis has the personality of a block of ice. She seems to have trouble understanding what human empathy is. Her humor is non-existent and she becomes confused when one attempts to banter with her.

Background: Isis is a mysterious figure whom has hidden intent that no one knows of. She speaks vaguely and in small sentences and phrases. She has no known family or friends living in the mythical town. Her voice is piercing and frosty, yet bland at the same time. Her history is shrouded in mystery and the townspeople who encounter her make up rumors about her so that she does not seem so unknown to them. However, all of these rumors are false and serve as no more than pathetic attempts to try and create a persona for her. She rarely comes out in the day due to the heat of the sun and plays her part in making it snow in the Myth Town.
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