Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sideways looked at the destruction from on top of a far away building

"What the hell I didn't expect this Megatron! You don't get to bring friends!"

Sideways transformed in outrage and glided on the windows and dropped to the street at top speed. His target: Inferno
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Megatron took it upon himself to deal with the Inferno situation. Calling his former subordinate up he attempted to make the best of the current situation. "Ah, Inferno. Good job destroying the target but we need to discuss..." A voice form the background interrupted him mid sentence. "Tell him to learn what the hell discreet means." The Transtech's annoyance was palpable. "Yes Brainwave, I was coming to that. You see Inferno you made a much bigger scene than necessary."

"But Royalty, was it not prudent to deal with the target as quickly as possible? No threats to the colony should be tolerated!"

"Well Inferno I can understand why you'd think that way. But you've managed to go from the least conspicuous member of the group to the most conspicuous. As such I need you to be bait and lead everyone in the opposite direction."

Ever eager to please Inferno quickly agreed without question. "At once Royalty!" At that moment Sideways was beginning his attack run on the former antbot. "Royalty a strange black jet is approaching me."

Megatron was shocked by the news. He hadn't expected Sideways to make a move so quickly. "A black jet you say? Inferno, I changed my mind. I want you to head back to us as quickly as possible!"

Transforming and resuming his mad cackling Inferno sped back to the group while dodging weapons fire.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sideways continued firing at inferno and ranted

"Do you know how much time it took for me steal that! Have some respect for other peoples ill gotten property you crackling drone!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The group watched news reports of the chase. "Perhaps simply telling Inferno to come to us was not the best choice of words." Megatron admitted.

"Because in his single-mindedness he's allowed Sideways to force him towards the middle of the city?" Inquired the Transtech.

"Yes, that."

Brainwave turned to the Predacon. "Megatron, how sure are you this is actually Sideways? He was using a motorcycle alt mode when we arrived."

"On come on, strange looking black jet suddenly uppity after the laser got destroyed. Everything about this points to Sideways." Insisted Megatron.

"Still, I'd hate to go charging into a battle in the middle of the city and it turn out to not be him. Is maniacal laughter still the only response from Inferno? It'd be great if he could tell us something useful."

Megatron simple stared at him like he'd lost his mind.

"Fine, let's get this over with. Hopefully we won't level the entire city. We've got enough people pissed at us already."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sideways had lost track of inferno and began firing indiscriminately into the streets
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A young man riding his motorcycle was tackled by a large dog.

"What!? Damn you!" he shouted.

"There take that!" A younger boy on a motorcycle shouted as his cycle flew off alongside the dog.

"Damn! Don't let them get away!" the boy shouted to his gang.

"Kappei! Stop it this isn't a race course!" A nearby fishermen shouted to the younger boy.

"Hey hey whats the matter? Come and get me!" Kappei shouted as he mockingly gestured to his rivals.

"Heh he wouldn't be able to handle such a big machine. Alright you guys go around to the other side" the lead boy shouted.

"Take that" Kappei proceeded to ram one of the bikers and push him into the bay.

"You know the power is so different! Power!"

The other boy swung his weapon at Kappei and he quickly dodged


"You little..."

"Hey! You wouldn't have to do this is you give me your Kozuki Gang!"

"I'll think about it if you can get away from us."

The gang member who slit off rushed Kappei and knocked him off his bike close to the edge of the bay.

The gang circled his dog and Kozuki confronted Kappei.
"That big machine is too much of a handful for you. See you should just join our gang and..huh?"

A police car arrived on the scene

"A patrol car. Hey Kozuki our duel hasn't even started! We should finish it off in the offshore island."

"If you can escape this trouble Kappei." Kozuki said as he kicked the boy and his bike into the bay. Luckily a boat beneath him prevented his fall and he proceeded to escape.

"Come Chiyonishiki." He shouted to the dog

"Turn around Kappei has gone that way!" The officer shouted to his partner

"But there were more kids running ahead of us..."

"Get Kappei! We have to teach that Kappei a good lesson!"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by byrdmanx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Space - Mars-

Terry and Billy had finally arrived at their destination... Mars. The planet look beautiful from space, Terry thought as they descended. His job was almost over with and Terry thought of spending the money at the bar and doing some upgrades on ASTRA.

Finally this boring job is almost over Terry thought to himself. Their destination was a local base somewhere on the surface. Terry then began preparations to enter the atmosphere. Billy reported on the screen that they were cleared at the base... Switching his thrusters for re-entry, Terry lands on Mars, along with Billy, however they were off point, their destination was about 400 kilometers away

Terry traverse through Mars searching for the base for the completion of the job.... Along the way he took notes of various landmarks as he always do. He was quite the perceptive person. Billy spoke up and said " Terry once this job is over, we can become business partners... I can find upgrades for you and even see if I can get ahold of info regarding ASTRA"... Terry responded " That would be great!! This machine is a mystery to me with all the black boxes, right now I predict we are using at least 10% of its overall power... would be amazing to see what it can really do"

2 hours on Mars

The location of the base was just in sight... Its appearance was somewhat rugged and rough... The base consisted of 3 buildings with the main building being in the center. Adjacent to the Main Building, was an abandon hangar that was no longer being used... the other building had collapse do to what Terry concluded an enemy attack. The buildings had been damaged badly by Mars Sandstorms and it seems like noone cared for its up keeping... its was perfect for a base out in Mars, which can trick enemies to thinking its abandoned. The shifting of gears was heard as a landing zone open up atleast 100 meters from the main building. Terry and Billy entered the landing zone and descended down a corridor. Once they exited the corridor, a huge dock came into view with several military mechs as well as a shitload of anti-air missiles, tanks, and any other combat related gear one can find with a militarized unit. Upon landing, they were met by soldiers and a Colonel... The colonel introduced himself as Colonel Johnson and as soon as Terry and Billy exited their rides... escorted them to the conference room of the base
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Astral Plane

In a realm beyond the reach of most beings, a Cybertronian as old as time itself watches various events unfold, and other countless possible events which have yet to occur. Moves and counter-moves from all sides have been made, and there would yet be more to come. Agents of time are admirably, if desperately, trying to keep this tattered existence from falling further into chaos. Warriors of gold do the bidding of their master, subjugating and purging whole worlds in their fanaticism. A former Decepticon with shattered memories possessing powers yet untapped, blindly struggling in a world that would soon turn their attention to him. All mere samplings of what has happened and what will happen.

When should he play his hand? Should he even do so in the first place? He begins to wonder if his old acquaintance, Vector Prime, is making a move. For now, however, Logos Prime only watches.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sideways had lost track of inferno and began firing indiscriminately into the streets

Rastun watches the havoc unfold on his display. Well, things are certainly going from bad to worse. Megatron and Brainwave were heading toward Sideways, and Rastun followed suit. Perhaps he can lead the Herald of Unicron towards less populated areas at the very least. The property damage and general loss of life really need to be minimized. Not every area they visit deserves to end up like Carbombya.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After discovering the key to extragalactic Space Travel humanity has managed to discover woulds outside the star system with the aid of warp gates. However due to the turmoil of the One Year war not only was the earth left in ruins but the research into a individual Hyperspace travel has become a vital asset in the current day in age, due to the tensions between the Federation and the original colonists of the World of Deloyer. Seeking a path with the least bloodshed earth has launched a program to discover more habitable worlds.

"How dirty the earth used to be so clean" Exclaimed the commanding officer of the ship
"Captain how much longer will earth last?" Said a crewmember

"Not long"

"Just like a candle in the wind. Look at the polluted atmosphere.Deadly elements created by the nuclear explosion will rain down on earth before long, and that will be the end of mankind. We have to complete our space expansion project no matter what"

"If the leap engine works non warp gate rapid space travel will no longer be just a dream."

"That is if earth will last until then. Whos fault will it be if the earth is not saved?"

"Captain unidentified flying object detected" Said another crewmember

"Is it a Meteor?"

"No its emitting some strange signals"

"Maybe its a spaceship"

"What a spaceship from earth?"

"No that's impossible"


The UFO's began to intercept the ship and explosions began to rock it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Brainwave and Megatron sped towards downtown Shanghai to intercept Sideways before Inferno screwed things up somehow.

"Huh... Judging from the tracker I placed on Inferno and the news reports I'm reviewing it seems Sideways and Inferno are going in different directions now."

Megatron was dumbfounded by this. "How is that possible? It's not like Inferno knows how to be subtle."

"I... don't know."

"Whatever, how Inferno managed to screw this up is irrelevant. What matters is Sideways has made a tactical blunder revealing himself without his puppets to hide behind. Now is our chance to deal with him and get out of this ridiculous city."

Brainwave pondered the situation. "Perhaps that's true but for some reason I doubt it will be that easy. Sideways is a notorious escape artist."

"So how exactly did you plan on containing him?"

"I'll let that be a surprise for everyone. It's possible he has access to our com channels."

"Wait..." The Predacon considered the implications of that. "Are you saying he infiltrated Axiom Nexus?"

"Unfortunately yes. His Minicon Headmaster Rook managed to replace our Rook as head reporter."

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your security is terrible."

Sideways' rampage came into view. Several buildings were smoldering from weapons hits. Most of the streets were in ruin. The likelihood of avoiding another giant mess were seeming less and less likely.

"Well he's in weapons range, you want me to fire before he detects us?" Megatron inquired.

"Just don't go overboard."

"Don't worry, it's not like I'm going to use level 5."

Brainwave almost lost control of his vehicle mode when he heard the words leave Megatron's vocal processors. "How do you even know about that setting? it should be locked."

"You halfassed it and underestimated me."

With that said Megatron opened fire with his main cannon on an unsuspecting Sideways knocking him through a skyscraper and leaving a sizable hole of molten debris clean through it.

"Well at least you didn't blow the whole thing up."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Megatron opened fire with his main cannon on an unsuspecting Sideways knocking him through a skyscraper and leaving a sizable hole of molten debris clean through it.

Not one for missing an opportunity, Rastun opened up his Astafanel's wrist-mounted cannons and fired on Sideways, who is undoubtedly off-guard for the moment. It likely won't finish him off, but it's still ideal to keep him occupied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Ooooh my aching servos...." Sideways shouted in pain while laying down on the shattered concrete.

He began attempting to collect his pieces scattered inside his crater.

"Do you assholes have any idea how much these upgrades cost me? Now I gotta steal Primes Trailer from Subspace now to replace them! AGAIN!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rastun scans for areas that are less populated where he can lead Sideways to, and finds that most of the places he scanned are more crowded than the one where he's currently at, and some are only slightly less to the point that it's irrelevant. Rastun slows down time, and blasts away at Sideways again as the Unicron Herald literally collects himself. The slowed time allows him to have far more blasts connect with the enemy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The group arrived as Sideways was making his way to his feet from Rastun's latest assualt. Transforming they immediately confronted the trouble making bot.

"I'm very disappointed in you Sideways. I never expected such a massive blunder from you. And to Inferno no less. So here we are at the anticlimactic final showdown far sooner than it should have happened, yes. Why don't you just give up now before you embarrass yourself some more?" Taunted Megatron.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Go to hell Joe you're lucky I haven't caught my stride yet, just not too long ago I had a member of the 13 at my mercy! While you were getting beaten by a robot girl with a key! I'll be dammed before the namesake of a guy who based his Ultimate weapon off of a Giant purple griffin tries to lecture me about blunders! I on the other hand am the scion of a dynasty of guys who left his sorry tailpipe crawling to Optimus weeping for help!" Sideways taunted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"What's this about a giant purple griffin? Wait, forget it, I'm not sure I want to know. Brainwave, you do have a way to put him down for good, right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Detecting the energy fired at the moon Jhiaxus personally went to observe the battlefield in Shanghai while transwarp displaced.

He picked up the channel of their discussion easily while observing from a safe distance.

Hmm just who or what are you sideways? Their is only one dynasty that comes to mind in your description....mine. And it seems you've delivered another Megatron that I can grind under my heel. Anyone that technologically advanced foolish enough to willingly inherit that throwbacks title deserves an agonizing death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Megatron stood there fuming at the taunt while Brainwave could barely contain his laughter.

"Oh god, the girl with the key and the Bumblebee. Shockwave loves that... I mean that is a very serious security breach. Who leaked that to Rook? Shockwave could always use a new test dummy. FOR SCIENCE. But let's be honest here as embarrassing as all those events are they never got beaten by a question from Walky on Facebook. Everyone knows you stay away from Walky."

"I've quite frankly had enough of this topic." Megatron quipped. "Rastun is right, let's just blow him up and be done with it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Megatron stood there fuming at the taunt while Brainwave could barely contain his laughter.

"Oh god, the girl with the key and the Bumblebee. Shockwave loves that... I mean that is a very serious security breach. Who leaked that to Rook? Shockwave could always use a new test dummy. FOR SCIENCE. But let's be honest here as embarrassing as all those events are they never got beaten by a question from Walky on Facebook. Everyone knows you stay away from Walky."

"I've quite frankly had enough of this topic." Megatron quipped. "Rastun is right, let's just blow him up and be done with it."

"Oh please he seemed harmless enough at the start, regardless I'm gonna kill a Hotshot, copy pics of his smut comic paste it to the corpse and mail it to his doorstep for this! And go ahead blast away! I'll be back anyways Joey!" Sideways continued raving.
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