Nero – Train
After the story's end, Nero could properly turn his eyes outward once more. He hadn't realized, despite the alteration of the events to conceal the narrative's personal aspect, he still revived those memories with respect to their significance. Trying to prevent a powerful resurgence, he took a look around at his surroundings, to let the present fill him up and shatter any chance of the past taking root. The episode between Sasha and Shujin had reached a climax, threatening to erupt into what might very well have been a vicious brawl between metal-wielding interloper and the ominously-glowing Lazarus. Nero made note that the light that smoothly emanated from Lazarus carried little of the gratifying, soothing radiance that the dark mage might expect from an angel; it simmered more with anger, and perhaps jealousy. For the first time, Nero looked at Sasha and Lazarus as a couple. Naturally. The idyllic partners, beautiful and tenacious opponents, but with a personable soft side each. Sadly, those flames of passion dulled down and the chance for bloodshed vanished. Shujin made as if he were going to leave, and as Sasha protested, Nero turned his attention elsewhere.
For a few moments now Prince had been journeying around the train carriage, and as Nero scrutinized the passengers he could conclude why. No semblance of subtlety had been practiced by either Lazarus of Shujin as they had prepared for their perilous duel, and the normal folk, wary of the wizards of Phoenix Wing or the oft-exaggerated rumors about them -whichever was worse-, had grown distressed. Contempt from Nero answered the catman's activities, for to him, they were not comforting reassurances. Either the catman was falsely trying to create the appearance of caring for others about himself, or he genuinely wanted to play the hero. Surprisingly, the second option stirred more discord with Nero, for it was the job of the parent, or simply the adult, to understand or make children understand that everything was okay, even if it wasn't. Nero, while fostering various tones of sympathy, did not approve of trying to make the world seem brighter than it was. Magic, its misuse, and its consequences were part of life, just as conflict, insecurity, and war were. To shelter fear was to stifle a remedy for it.
In his venture, however, it seemed that Prince encountered an obstacle. While admittedly Nero felt some satisfaction in seeing the catman getting whacked, he would not stoop to bestow any favor on the old cooter. Happenstance framed the movements of existence, but it did not excuse unprovoked attack when said attack meant nothing. Nero looked upon the cane-happy elder as a fool, too concerned with the outward appearance of issues and too stupid to engineer a proper solution. The problem with Prince, Nero already knew, was not who he was or what he looked like. It was all in the mind.
With that in mind, Nero returned his gaze to Trinity, though undoubtedly identifying this action would be difficult. Due to force of habit, Nero squinted a vast majority of the time, making it appear as if his eyes were always closed. “Heheh,” he tittered, and rubbed his head guiltily. “Figured it out pretty quick, huh? I keep casting it, every couple of days or so, to make sure she never gets free. She's been a doll for so long now that I bet even if she turned back, her thinker would be jelly. Sounds pretty funny, actually, a special needs abomination! for the village. I didn't stick around.” As Nero explained, careful not to divulge anything sensitive, his own reasons for leavings seemed faultier by the second. He had been so afraid of being set upon by the people he'd saved, because he expected that he'd be blamed for the girl's injuries. After all, such grievances were often his fault in truth. Why would anyone forgive, let alone celebrate, someone as creepy as he, who used such dangerous methods? “, were too upset about...their losses.” A mental switch turned. Like clockwork, the genies's smile refreshed itself. The face momentarily haunted by doubt now contained only that familiar Nero joviality. “But hey, no biggie! Another day, another play, that's what matters. If I'd stuck around for fun and games, I might not ever have been able to leave. And then who'd grant wishes?”