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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

The guard was a little more attentive and caught on at the words massacre and guards.

“Oh… er… Captain! we got a situation!” he went into the castle to summon his superior officer.


Captain Dreslin was just about to go off duty when one of the junior guards came running. He was surprised that he had enough energy to run at all, given how damn lazy the boy was.

“What is it?” he asked wearily. His shift started in the morning and included several sessions training the so called brightest new recruits. Load of thick skulls they were.

“There’s been a massacre! A messenger just came to inform us of it!”

“Are you sure it was a messenger? Did he have the messenger uniform?” It wouldn’t be the first time there was a prank calling.

“Well… no…” The junior guard seemed to have suddenly lost his voice and will to continue on the matter.

“Alright, fine, take me to the man.” Dreslin wasn’t expecting much, but he would look into it, and if it proved to be another false calling, that would be one less bugger to deal with when he had the man arrested. He called a team over.


Captain Dreslin didn’t like the look of the man as he came through the gate; he had a sort of brigand look to him. He still humored him and said, “Alright, take me to this… massacre.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((now it finally moves on!!!))

Feon nodded to the others as she headed out of the kingdom now. People were starting to act strangely around her due to her bolts making her stick out. Once out of the kingdom and after a few hours of walking they came across a well. From the well sounds of screaming for help could be heard from the well. Feon however acted very cold towards this as she knew what was already down there.

Vernika got close to the child with a rope that she used to tie the child up. She herself looked about the same age as the kid. "So tell me child, why is it that you change genders?" Lance asked approaching the child as she was sat down.

Vernika in the mean time left to go follow Zeke she hated it when people didn't listen to Lance. "You really should try harder you know, I would hate for you to end up like that last apprentice." Vernika said as she licked her fingers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Diego quickly and obediently brought the guards to the location of the massacre. On the way to the location he explained the situation to the guard and described the guard that had died, to make himself more believable to the clearly skeptical guard. He decided he would admit he wasn't a messenger if asked, and dropped a few hints about why he should be rewarded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Zeke continued to walk and listened to what Vernika had to say. " Shouldn't you be drooling at Stein like the dog you are." He said as his gauntlets began to glow their light blue color. He really didn't like this Vernika chick and was fine with From helping Stein. "Listen the only reason I haven't snapped your neck and feasted on your remains is because you were created by Stein. If he ever gets tired of you I'll be the first to happily end your life." Zeke was gonna patrol the entrance of the cottage to make sure nothing desturbs Stein while he's at work. As he reached the front door and turned back and looked at Vernika. Zeke took of his glasses revealing his demonic yellow eye. "And if you ever come and try to pull a pity talk with me again I'll viciously rip your limbs from your pathetic body." With that he closed the door behind him and stood there examining his surroundings closely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Artholath found little more interesting in the conversation between the two scientists. He walked over to one of the tables, finding few experiments to catch his eye. One, however, did.

It was by no means attractive nor with much going for it in terms of looks, but it did have an interesting anatomy, with the legs of a scorpion, yet wings of a raven, and an obviously pissy attitude by the way it banged against its cage. Useful, perhaps, as a distraction. “I think I like this one…”

He took the cage and walked out, into the cottage and out in the woods. He spotted a well and decided to head in that direction.


Captain Dreslin ignored chunks of the man’s words; he could tell the guy was out to get something and had no care in the world about what he was talking about. When he arrived at the scene, however, he was surprised and disgusted at what he found. Several of the dozen following guards puked.

The corpses had decayed quite a bit and the ground around them was soaked in mushy substance, with maggots, flies and every other little pest that could get to them. Large holes were evident in the bodies. The captain choked at the sight. Dispite the mess, the guard uniforms were still obvious.

“...what the… hell…” He resisted the urge to puke.

“How long has this been sitting? Must have been weeks!” One of the few guards that didn’t puke asked.

“Even sitting corpses don’t have maggots that size!” retorted another that did.

“Alright… we’re going to need to call in some folks that know how to deal with this. Come along stranger, some folks at the castle might be interested in hearing your tale.” He gestured to Diego.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Vernika looked at the man with a glare. "You really think you could take me huh?" She asked as her fingers became blades. She didn't mean to attack but rather intimidate. "Oh and if you could find some gnomes or something while your out that would be awesome, I really need to eat something soon." Vernika added. Vernika may have been created from scratch but she wasn't perfect, she needed flesh to keep her self sustained, though she seemed to prefer gnomes as of late.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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Ixi was walking speedily alongside Feon. Flipping a coin to entertain herself. Ixi didn't bother looking into the well. She just didn't feel like it. She could already guess what was inside.

Ia looked at Lance. "It was a messed up curse. Something like that... I don't really know. It happened like, eight years ago, or something. I dunno. Anyone who actually knows is probably dead. I killed like four or five people when I first showed up."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lance turned his attention to the childs eyes. "I want you to change genders for me." He said as he took out a light to try and dilate the eyes. Lance would start to dissect the child soon but he wanted to see what this child could do while it was alive. Lance had a book behind him which he had turned back to occasionally taking notes and not paying attention to La.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ia squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated. It was hard to shift. The eyepatch worked as a great trigger. But shifting could be done without it. It took longer than it would have but Ia shifted over. Io looked around, surprised. Ia hadn't gotten Io in the best position. He was now trapped. In a crazy doctor's home. Well, on the bright side, he had found Dr. Steinburg.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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Karasuma was curious of to why Feon was so apathetic about the screaming in the well but she looked down it and saw...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lance watched the change with great interest. After it was done he started taking notes again. "You are an interesting specimen, your body changes like it's shedding skin. This is gonna be very interesting." Lance stopped for a moment then began laughing like crazy. "Do you know what this means child? It means I can create something that doesn't just change body parts, but changes it's form entirely!" Lance yelled with great glee in his voice. He immediately got out a syringe to get some of this child's blood before having Delios come over and throw the child in a cell releasing the binds as well.

Out of the well came many different creatures, some alligators with human bodies, others were just large fish with legs. They could tell the ghost was there a few of them swatting at it, while the others came after the others in the group. Feon quickly grabbed out a few of scalpels. She crouched down for a moment before lunging at an alligator man slicing through the animals stitching causing it's head to fall off. This was a move that only those with extremely steady hands could do though. "We need to cut them down! They will head towards the city if we don't stop this now!" Feon yelled to the others. She now knew that Lance was planning something big, something that required a lot of bodies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

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Diego followed after the guard to warn the royalty. As he did, a plan formed in his head. If he got paid well enough for this, he may be able to get a horse and escape this damn city. He could go farther south. He knew the kidnapping rate was rising, which he wouldn't mind (who would want to kidnap Diego?) and security was too. Not to mention that tremendous debt he owed to the mafia boss, and the lack of rats and cats that he usually ate when times were tough. People were leaving, and so was the money.

Diego entered the castle with the guard, ready to share all he knew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Io was confused. Ia hadn't gotten him out of the situation at all. She had gotten him in a worse one. Now, Io was stuck in a crazy scientist's home. And the scientist was going to be experimenting. Damn it Ia.

Ixi unsheathed her katakana's. Leaping forward, she slashed at the monsters, dodging attacks. And people had said that her speed, flexibility, and agility weren't suited for combat. hah.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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Karasuma watched as the two began to fight the monsters in fear. She was completely frozen and could not move a muscle. Also, she didn't have any weapons on her so she couldn't do much anyways besides watch. "...Go! You guys can do it...?" she said, not really used to cheering.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((creatures can be controlled by everyone))

Feon backed up to where Ixi was. "I need some cover." Feon said as she got out her bag and started to rummage around in it before taking out four arms and medical supplies. She took off her lab coat to reveal a few holes in her shirt that allowed her to attach extra arms to herself. This would take a bit to complete but she was sure that Ixi and the ghost would be able to distract the monsters. There was also a bunny among the monsters that was made out of a duck.

Lance had his back turned to Lo as he was doing various experiments on the blood he had gotten from him and taking various notes as well. In the cage next to Lo was a girl who had the bottom half of a tiger attached to her. She had a dead look in her eyes just staring at the ceiling as she layed down as if she had given up on life after being turned into a monster. Lo at this point was no longer bounded and instead just in a cage, his sword was just in reach outside of the cage though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Artholath saw the well just before monsters began to crawl from it. Based on what he had seen in the lab, they were obviously of Lance's creation. One alligator headed tiger crawled out in particular and sniffed in the direction of Artholath before attacking out of his sight.

Moving through the trees closer, he could see two people under attack, and a shimmering a little ways behind them. He made no attempt to conceal himself as he watched; his quest could possibly end the moment one of the two died. It would have to be quick and rely on them not running the moment they saw his demon form, which would be required for him to do anything on that spectrum.

The captain brought Diego back to the castle to talk with the king... however, there was yet another delay as the King had to finish some appointments with others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ixi stretched our her hand and summoned a second, shorter katana. Dual wielding would be better if she wanted to fight off as many as she could. Ixi slashed with an odd and bewitching grace and speed. She appeared to leap off the group and corpses with ease, bringing down more than one would assume capable for someone of her size and stature.

Io crept closer to the edge of the cage he was in, sliding his slender arms through the gap in the bars, reaching for his sword. His fingers managed to curl around the sword and he pulled it towards him, slipping it back through the bars. He then begun to speedily unhook the leather bands. He needed his sword. And he needed it now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon finally finished getting the four extra arms on after about a dozen of the monsters had been slain Ixi(feons guess). Feon took out more scalpels and started to charge at multiple groups of monsters aiming for the stitches and dismembering atleast four at a time with each group of monster that came at her. She was extremely quick in her slaying of multiple groups. Her bolts were also sparking alot at this point causing some monsters to draw more attention to her than the others, Before she knew it she was starting to get overwhelmed.

Lance still had his back turned to the Lo as he was working on something. The girl with the bottom half of her being a tiger like centaur looked up at Lo as if she wanted to get out, there was a look of innocence in her eyes as she looked up at Lo, she knew that talking would draw the attention of others and instead just hoped that Lo would notice her.
((will post a picture of the girl in the ooc))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

The king was simply tired. Problems were piling up more and more frequently. Economic troubles, unrest stirring, crime, Dr. Lance, and new reports of internal strife in the nobility have worn heavily upon him. Even worse was his lack of chosen successor for his age and the most recent report of a new threat that killed an entire patrol. All indications were that this was the work of demon magic, shown blatantly as it has not been shown before in his reign. At least he could end the day by partially paying attention to a “witness” and appeasing him with a bag of gold so as to hot have to worry about the matter.

A guard came to the place where the captain and Diego were waiting. “The king is ready,” he announced.

“Well, then, what did you see and hear on the matter of the massacre?” The king asked while sitting on his throne. The room was rather empty, as it was growing late in the day. His age was such that he looked to be almost half asleep even though he was at least making some effort to pay attention.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Diego bowed to the king and then quickly began telling the old king what he knew about the massacre. what he knew about the massacre. He told him about the dying guard that he had talked to. He did his best to exaggerate the importance of the event, but it wasn't really necessary; the event was horrifying enough without Diego's description.

Oh boy! thought Diego I'll have a stack of gold in no time!

Bakka itched his ear feverishly as he unsheathed his knife. The two intruders were surprisingly powerful. But he knew that there must be someone leading them. He looked around an saw the ghost. Always a queen. Always. Bakka was his own queen. He was the hive. Bakka was a walking, breathing, living bee hive. The bees flew around, in and out of him. They were him. He was them. He needed no teeth. He didn't need to eat. They made the food for him, the drink for him, and he sheltered them.

Bakka looked at the ghost and flung the knife with deadly precision...
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