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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Susanne's pupils turned at Reggie with unamused look on her face, when she noticed what he was observing. "Mhm..." she said with annoyed tone to the quick attempt to get going from him. Hopping out of the car, she slammed the door shut, looking Reggie already going for the window. "You've been doing this before haven't you?" Susanne half shouted at him, chuckling a little as she was about to follow him when she heard a thud and a yelp behind her. Looking to the street, she could see younger kid laying on the pavement.

"Hey! Shouldn't you be somewhere more secure?" Susanne asked from the kid from the distance. "It sure is dangerous for a brat of your age be walking on the streets alone." she started, before looking over her shoulder at Reggie with a smirk on her face. That smirk meant nothing good for anyone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

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Casyn got to his feet gingerly touching the scrape on his elbow. "What do you mean more secure? I'm trying to get home to my mom and dad if that's what you mean. The Middle School went crazy..." He tested his knee where the jeans had ripped and a small bit of blood shown. He limped up to the fence. "What are you guys doing?" He saw the other boy looking intently at the window. He ignored the brat comment, it was like dealing with the adults his dad always had over. Easy to ignore the things he chose to. If the girl was a bit closer on her observation of him she would see his backpack had the marking of the private Middle School. And would be able to put two and two together to come up with the idea that Casyn was probably well off when it came to money.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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(The only private school in Granite Rocks is Grayson jsyk)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Jason hoped that Dominic would take the deal John had offered him. As of right now he was probably the strongest person in town because of whatever happened to him. Even John who had his own ability could barely leave a scratch. They could figure out how to deal with him and everything later, right now they just needed everyone to calm down. Jason was trying to keep his cool but he swore he was shaking, or did he only think he was shaking?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"Lets just say I wasn't always exactly the little saint I am now." Reggie retorted as he peered into the house, looking for anything of immediate use. "Hey! Shouldn't you be somewhere more secure? It sure is dangerous for a brat of your age be walking on the streets alone.", Reggie's face scrunched into a mask of confusion, "Who're you talking t- oh.". Having been so absorbed in casing the house for useful items Reggie hadn't noticed the arrival of Casyn who had begun inquiring just what Susanne and Reggie were doing. Well no use lying, after all, who would this kid tell, the police? "We're appropriating a few essentials for the sake of making our lives easier until whatever's happening blows over. Or you could just say we're breaking in and stealing stuff. Whichever suits you." Reggie said bluntly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"Yeah... also, if you didn't hear, your parents were brutally murdered by a crazy person." Susanne added casually just out of her personal amusement, as she got closer at him. "...Haven't seen you around much though? New in town?" she asked curious as she stopped in front of the kid. "Got any goodies on you? That backpack looks rather sturdy and big enough to fit stuff in it." she said, teasing the boy a little.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

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"We've been here for a few months now, my dad took over some business or something. I don't know. Anyway, what do you mean they were murdered?!" He looked at her with a mix of confusion and sadness. His gaze going from her to the boy who told him that they were breaking into the house. His eyes snapped back to girl when she talked about his backpack and he hugged it closer to himself. "Possibly, but if I did they are mine... Not yours."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"She's joking about your folks kid, the adults ain't dead, they just disappeared." Reggie deadpanned, somewhat annoyed by Susanne's crass approach to the younger boy. The truth of the matter though, was that Reggie honestly had no clue as to what the fate of everyone over sixteen had been, however he couldn't just let Casyn go on believing his parents were dead. Reggie whistled to Susanne as she advanced on Casyn and asked about his back pack, "Oi, give the kid a break will you? I'm sure we'll find better stuff in here than on him anyway.".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"Alright, but only if I get to call dibs on stuff I want first!" Susanne shouted, turning her head before going back towards the kid, giving a cheeky grin. "Thanks for that, in return, you can keep that bag... now bugger off to your non existent parents and starve at your home will ya?" she said, giving a wink before turning back to the actual business they had come to do. Getting to the window, she took a strong hold with her one arm from the window frame, before pulling her body up and over. If she would of worn a skirt, it probably would of led to rather embarrassing few seconds, but she never did use such girly garments. Landing on her other hand first to the floor, Susanne got up casually, already walking further to the house. "So a lady huh?" she then suddenly said at Reggie, turning the lightswitches on in the rooms.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"Yea, a lady. You're oozing with femininity, y'just don't know it yet." Reggie said sarcastically as he began climbing through the window himself. He stopped about halfway in and turned back to Casyn with a smile, "Good luck kid." he called out before hopping inside. True to his word, his nieghbor had been insane when it came to weapons; along the walls there were glass cases, each holding a weapon from different eras and cultures. There were spears, axes,war hammers, swords, maces, morning stars, bows -both traditional and cross-, and daggers of various shapes and sizes, each weapon gleamed brightly underneath the light. Reggie smirked at Susanne, "If you wanna grab something from here I understand, but Mr.Oliver keeps the really neat stuff in his 'game' room.".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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It's been four days since the GRAYZ, as kids were calling it, came down. John was doing ok. Dom was contained at the school and he was in charge with the other members of the council, including Chai and a few other members of the student council. John sat back in his chair and took a much needed moment of relaxation. Life in the GRAYZ hadn't been hard but it wasn't easy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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The equipment was good... really good. As much as Susanne wanted to get these things tried out, preferably on that little brat on the sidewalk. Reggie seemed to be rather... displeased about the idea. Susanne went along with it, since she thought it was 'best for her survival', but as she woke up from that same mattress at Reggies place third time in a row, she had pretty much enough. They haven't been around much, just to a single store and at her place, where she managed to grab her fathers hunting gear.

Dragging her bare feet on the cold wooden floor, she managed to slim into her jeans, not bothering more than just her top, as she just went straight to Reggies room, not bothering to knock as she just bursted in. "I'M BORED!" Susanne just screeched, which would probably sound like a fire alarm if he was still asleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reggie groaned softly and sat up in his bed as Susanne's voice pierced his ears like the klaxon alarm from hell, he may have gotten used to her doing this during the time they'd spent together, but that didn't make it any less annoying, "Suz...you're always bored...and apparently you've got an aversion to knocking..." he grumbled as he rubbed his eyes. The past four days had been interesting to say the least, during their time together, Reggie had discovered an interesting ability when he and Susanne had looted a shop for supplies. To be more specific, he'd learned that he could turn parts of his body into a seriously strong, but surprisingly light metal, though he still held a bit of a grudge towards Susanne for the way he'd discovered it, 'Who the fuck shoots at someone with a slingshot and metal pellets as a practical joke?', Reggie remembered thinking at the time. The lad rolled out of his bed with a yawn and scratched his chest through his t-shirt, thankful that him sleeping in a shirt and sweat pants didn't make losing the warmth of his bed too bad, but still shivering a bit as his bare feet came in contact with the floor, "So, whats the plan for today?".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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Four days have passed since the GRAYZ, Erwin was walkong around in the cit, to him these four days were rather disappointing, he expected more... lets say action, entertainment. After he took a deep breath he said to himself with a really bored voice "is there really no one who can entertain me?? I am getting tired of this..". Then he coninued his walk, looking for some 'entertainment'.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"We get the van rolling, guns blazing around the town." Susanne started with a grin. "Alright, alright, nothing too cruel to the knight of candyland. We'll just go for another raid, at least for the noon." she said, before turning around. "So don't start jerking off or anything! Seeing you at the van in 20 minutes." she said, before getting out, slamming the door intentionally to drip off the last chances of Reggie falling asleep again. She then walked back to her 'room'. It was the room she was loaning right now, fancier than her own room, though the temperature wasn't exactly as hoped. Still, as long as she wasn't bare naked, it was more than alright with her.

Getting rest of her clothes on, it didn't take a while for Susanne finding herself already sitting on the drivers seat of the van. Some people had the tendency to hum or whistle a tune when waiting alone like that. She had something similar, except that she used the car horn to do the trick.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reggie's face flushed crimson at Susanne's last comment as she left his room with the slamming of his door, "By the gods this girl is going to give me grey hairs before I even see adulthood...". He quickly ran into the half bathroom in his room to brush his teeth and hair, then changed into a pair of dark blue jeans with a pair of black boots, slipped on his favorite purple shirt, and threw a long sleeved black button down shirt over top of it, leaving the shirt open like he would a jacket.

Reggie snagged his back pack and jogged out of the room, already grimacing as he horn hearing the horn blaring outside. As he stepped out into the cool air he breathed in deeply, enjoying the freshness momentarily before jogging down to the van to stop the incessant blaring of the horn, "Alright, hey, alright! I'm here! Tone down the horn!", Reggie yelled before transforming his fingers into their metallic state and tapping on the hood of the car to catch Susanne's attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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It had been four days since it all started, but since the incident with Dominic things had been rather uneventful. Jason wasn't really an official member of the council John had thrown together to try and keep some order but he did his part to help them. He went around town, listening in on conversations, talking to kids to see how they were doing. Things could be going a lot better. After the initial shock of all the adults being gone a lot of kids got the mentality of "no parents, no rules," even the ones who stayed in town. They ended up eating all of the sweets and other junk food pretty quickly, all that was left of regular healthy food, Jason dreaded to think how long it would last, right now food was finite until they found a new source to grow or something.

Another thing that somewhat worried Jason was that there was some rumors of kids getting weird abilities. There wasn't much evidence on their parts to back up their claims, but Jason knew that it was happening. It was only a matter of time before someone developed abilities and didn't hide them, let everyone know that it was true. Jason had seen enough movies where similar things happened to have an idea where it would lead. The people without abilities would be scared of those with them, turn against them and it would turn in to a war. Jason thought he might be developing an ability, or maybe he was just going crazy. Sometimes though he swore when he went to kick a rock it moved before he even touched it, or if he concentrated enough sometimes he thought stones twitched. Maybe he was just nuts, maybe not, only time would tell. For now he continued on his walk through town, wondering what this new day would bring in this strange new world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Susanne stopped, turning her face from the wheel to Reggie. "Come on... get in, we should be going already." she said, sighing as she looked outside. "And what takes you so long anyway? Isn't it always the guy waits for the girl or...?" she added, ready to drive. She couldn't believe it was already four days of this utopia, yet she hadn't managed to drive off anywhere without her new personal babysitter. 'It was all about survival' was bullshit. The resources in the town were rather plentiful for a bunch of her age and younger. When it would run out, they would just get to plunder other cities... I mean that's what was going on after all? It didn't seem like anything was stopping this justice from going on its tracks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reggie rolled his eyes and hopped into the passenger seat, "Oh don't start with that, you said twenty and I was out in like fifteen. Besides, a few of us still enjoy having teeth that lack cavities." he said with a small chuckle. Truth be told despite Susanne's crass and impatient approach to everything and her habit of kicking in his door as he slept, Reggie somewhat enjoyed her company even though she often seemed less than fond of his, reasoning that dealing with her was far better than being alone or dealing with the other kids who'd seemed to take on a sort of lord of the flies mentality (thankfully minus the murdering) within a matter of days. Reggie had to admit however that he too was getting bored with just sitting around an picking clean the shops nearby, perhaps it was time for something a bit more entertaining than simply looting abandoned stores, "Oi, Suz, I know i'm always talking about playing it safe and all, but this is getting kinda boring.". Reggie gave his words a moment to sink in before speaking again, "Tell you what, we can do things your way for today. Whatever you want so long as it doesn't involve killing. Sound good?" he asked with a smirk, figuring that she'd be chomping at the bit to be able let loose without his interference.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Susanne turned to look at Reggie for a moment to see if he was serious. "You know, to be really honest with you..." she said, as she started the engine and looked to the side mirror as she started reversing the van. She wasn't remarkable driver, but far better than at the first day. "I was going to kick your sorry arse if I wasn't going to have something soon enough from this deal." she then added, laughing annoyingly loud like it had been the best joke ever.

"I better use this day for stocking stuff I want to try out, so I think we have already a direction." she said, pushing the gas pedal more aggressively than usual, if that was possible, as they ventured towards the city, Susanne humming some odd tune, the same she was doing with the horn, shaking her head a little from side to side as she almost crashed to abandoned car on the first turn.
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