Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"Yup... neat huh?" Susanne said. "But you didn't answer to my question. After all, I can run you over with this thing if I wanted to so ya better behave when a lady is around." she said with a chuckle, before almost crashing into a wrecked car in front of her, starting to turn the steering wheel to get past it. "Though I doubt you would prefer to be at your home right now compared on anything else... you know any good spots worth to take a visit before anyone else makes it?" she continued, starting to shout rather than talk now that she was further away due of the obstacle on the road.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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"Well even if we keep it a secret, I'm sure there are others out there with powers. It won't stay secret for long."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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Chai headed to Ribbon Street, in her way all she saw were children of her age or younger, apart from that no one, she could see the smoke and started to ran lifting her kimono up a little
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John walked back out to the plaza, and was greeted by a rush of kids, asking about what was going to happen. "Everyone just calm down. We're gonna have a little sleepover in the plaza tonight. Why don't you guys find your friends and play some games in the plaza while we get this all worked out." Many of the kids were excited by the prospect of a sleepover. God how were they gonna fix this? There were 6 year olds without parents or siblings to stay with. John ran his hand through his hair and went to look for anymore kids.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Tony grimaced, "we don't even know if anymore people will get abilities. Maybe it's only you and Dom?" Hart looked through the window in the Mayor's office, the kids were stumbling around with no direction. A group had separated form the main mass, and they seemed madder than the others. They began moving towards the office. "Shit, I think we have a problem!"

Dom stayed quiet, itching to hit something. He chuckled when he saw the mass of people heading towards the office. "They look angry, awesome!" He burst through the doors of the office and raised his hands into the air. He grinned, "NO RULES!" he shouted. The crowd shouted back, and began storming towards the office.

Tony watched as the kids ran towards them, there had to be at least twenty of them. "Uh, guys, we definitely have a problem! They look like they want to smash stuff, and we're in their way!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John looked back at the angry mob and sighed. "What the hell!" John shouted as he ran towards them. As he looked on the faces he realized that most of them were the people who had cheered on Dominic. John's hands itched and tingled with electricity but he refrained. He stormed towards the mass, glaring at Dominic and shouted, "STOP!" But to no avail.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Dom thrust his fist into the air, "RIOT, WHO IS GONNA STOP YOU?" he yelled. Dominic jumped into the air, higher than humanly possible. Then, when he landed, he punched the found, and it cracked. The kids stared in awe, mostly the guys, and then rushed into the office and began smashing things. A couple kids pushed John to the ground, Dominic stood over him and grinned.

Tony ran out of the office just in time, urging the student council to follow him. The kids began taking anything they could lift and throw it or break it. "Ah, hell!" Tony grumbled. Jason sprinted out the office with Tony, trying to calm the kids, to no avail. The boys made their way over to Dominic and John, "Dominic, you have to stop this!" Jason insisted. Tony nodded in agreement.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John looked up at Dominic and gave him a poisonous look. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"Neat!? How exactly is this...ugh...never mind..." Reggie sighed while pinching the space between this eyebrows, not even bothering to respond to the possible threat that he'd be run over. It was clear that this girl, whoever she was, was the kind of person that liked to make waves, however it was either deal with her, the students from school, or be alone. Reggie sighed and walked beside the van again, "Theres a country club in the neighborhood where I live. One of those bourgeois members only kinds of places; golf course, buffet, the whole nine yards. They even have a game room for the kids that get dragged along. I guess if no one's around to complain we can stock up on that stuff before some other kids wise up to it.". Reggie opened the door to the van as it slowly moved along the road, "The name's Reginald by the way, but people call me Reggie.".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"Reginald!" Susanne shouted, before starting to laugh out of surprise. "Goddamn you and your girly name!" she said, wiping few tears off of her eyes from the laugh, as she then unlocked the passenger seat door, amused enough by this kid to let him hang along with her. "Alright, get in, jesus christ... I doubt we're going to some bloody golf course though." she said. Game rooms and first class buffet wasn't the first thing in her mind, which he would probably find out soon enough. "Name's Susanne, call me whatever ya like... jesus, It's still more manly than Reginald!" she half shouted again. "I'll call you Nilda, if that's okay? Ah, it is? Wonderful!" she then said, not giving him time to answer as she then just smirked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Dominic shrugged, then grinned, coming up with something to say. "You know that famous quote? With great power comes great responsibility? That's a lie! With great power comes great corruption. I am a God! You petty humans can not strike me down! Now, no one can stop me, there are no police, or military. As far as I'm concerned I am immortal, and I will get the respect I deserve. I am going to get followers, and make my own little town. This riot, is how I'm going to pick who is loyal." Dom turned to the remaining crowd of kids, who looked uncertain. He addressed them and the kids destroying the mayor's office. "Humans! From this point forward, if you want a TRUE leader, then come with me. I will provide you with everything you need while the adults are away. Who knows what will happen? This is survival of the fittest as far as I'm concerned. If you do decide to come with me, you will be the strongest, smartest, and well provided for. But you will repay me with 100 percent loyalty! Now, who's with me?"

The crowd in the mayors office stopped destroying the place and came to stand behind Dominic, some kids form the other crowd went over to the group. Dominic had a group of around 50 kids. Dominic raised his hands, "thank you humans! You will be rewarded!"

Tony watched helplessly, not sure what to do. He glared at Dominic, this guy was insane! He had no idea how they were going to settle this situation down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reginald smiled thinly at Susanne and reached over to her slowly, "As a matter of fact..." his voice trailed off as he clamped down on her trapezius with two fingers and his thumb and squeezed down hard, "I'd prefer to just be called Reggie, m'kay?" Reggie inquired as he twisted his hand a bit. Reggie was never one for unnecessary violence, but even still, there were somethings a man simply couldn't let slide, in this case it was the mocking of his name by his new acquaintance. Reggie kept a firm grip for about ten seconds to let his point sink in, then released Susanna and pointed down the street at a sign, "If you aren't really interested in the finer things in life, I have, well, had, this weird neighbor who was like a serious war history buff. The guy collected everything from morning stars to trench guns. I remember going there for a christmas party with my folks, the crazy bastard was brandishing a legit trident. Said it was from Rome or something. You seem like the kind of girl interested in that sort of stuff, so if you wanna check it out, hook a left there.".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

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"Now thats a turnaround" Erwin said closing his book he always carries along with him while he was watching the scene from the top of the church. "Lets see how this ends~" Erwin said to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"Alright, alright, back the fuck off already." Susanne said, muttering something under her breath that wasn't for his ears. "Well, since I've invited you for a trip and so far your politeness is along the lines of grabbing from me, that crazy neighbor of yours better be really crazy... I mean, my dads hunting equipment can wait." she said, pressing on the gas, turning on a cross walk with a help of a side of another car, scraping the paint on her vehicle.

"So you'll be my map now." she said, continuing to drive and making turns as he would tell her to. "As well as the thoughts on you're thinking on sticking around, or am I just dropping you at your home? Because this van holds my weight, but you need to hold your own, if you get the idea." she said, though her eyes were now fully focused on the road. It wasn't an easy task to drive in such mess of streets, even if the walkways were open for shortcutting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reggie grit his teeth when the van collided with another car, though he still managed to ground out a response regarding his neighbor, "Yea...he was a real nut. It was like war was the only thing he had a true passion for." he muttered somewhat shakily as they went on down the road, the van jerking every now and then to avoid an obstacle. "Ok, you're going to make a right on BrandyWine, then another on Evergreen road.. then go down for about half a mile. Theres going to be a big brick house with a statue of a horse and an old cannon in the front yard. That's his place, you can't miss it.". Reggie mulled over the idea of sticking with Susanne in his head, she was abrasive, that much was certain, a bit on the snarky side, but she did offer him a lift, even if it was in a somewhat creepy way, so she probably wasn't all bad "I suppose we should stick together, at least for now. We could possibly alternate between my home and yours for places to stay, sound good?".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"Depends what kind of place you're living in of course." she said. "I mean, we can go get some pentrooms from Vista now, there's not that much limitations anymore." she continued, driving along the kids instructions. It didn't take more than couple minutes, before Susanne could already see the statue mentioned on the mans front yard. "Aight, seems like we made it just fine." she called out, just driving to the front yard and to the grass, stopping the van and shutting the engine down. "Remember, as much as I would just like us getting all rambo, we need other stuff too. Gas, possible long storaging of food, bottled water... at least I assume the fresh water starts to tap out quite fast now that no-ones maintaining it." she said, grabbing the keys and without second thought sliding the from her neck under the hoodie and into her bra... no one was going to steal this car from her.

"The back is quite roomy, so we better get the most out of it. Even stuff we might not need, in case we need to trade later." she continued, being now much less casual that it was time for actual business. She wasn't taking any word of shit while doing things like this... after all, without supplies they would be playing the starving game in no time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John looked at the kids who had surrounded Dom. "Fine! You want to form your own civilization of barbarians, go right ahead! I'll even sign off some land to you guys. You can have full control of the schools." John shouted. He was almost positive Dominic would take the deal. He was all brawn no brains. If Dominic did agree to take the schools he'd be stuck there. "We," John gestured to all the other kids, "get to keep the rest of the town."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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Chai finnally arived to the place the smoke was coming from, it was a house on fire and a kid was trapped inside. Chai rushed in and saved the kid, he was alone, his parents and sister disappeared so she took the kid to the school
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reggie took heed to Susanne's words about getting the most that they could out of his nieghbor's house, unfortunately, the other half of what she'd said became white noise when Reggie caught sight of her sliding the keys to the van into her bra, "What the f-", Reggie caught himself at the last moment and recomposed himself, jerking his head towards the house. The last thing he needed was Susanne thinking he was some block head who couldn't control his hormones, or god forbid, make a habit of calling him a pervert for the sheer joy of it. "Letsjustgetthisoverwith." Reggie squeaked in one breath as he began briskly walking up to a window adjacent to the front door, figuring the entrance would be locked. The window was rather old, and somewhat rusted, however it was unlocked, with a bit of work and a loud squeak from the window, Reggie managed to wrench it open enough for him and Susanne to slip inside to scour the house for supplies, "Ladies first.".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

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What a weird day was the thought in Casyn's mind as he walked down the street. He had been taking a math quiz when all of a sudden his classmates started yelling about the teachers disappearing. Chaos basically reigned then as the Middle School ran amok, playing baseball and basketball some kids even getting hurt by trying to use the pitching machine. All in all Casyn felt it was probably better to just go home and get to his parents. His cell-phone was at home, he had left it that morning after it fell behind his bed, or at least he thought that was where it was. Shrugging and trudged on down the street, wondering at why it was so empty. Then he saw the cars wrecked everywhere and he got concerned sprinting down the sidewalk. He passed a weird looking van, saw two older kids then tripped over a crack in the sidewalk flying face first.

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