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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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"smoke you say? im gonna check, tell me where" Chai told John and then looked at Dominic, then she looked back at John "make sure no one gets hurt doing stupid things ok?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Dom went over to the table and slammed his palms onto it, it cracked. "Once again, I think you misheard me. If you don't fight me, I will set those kids lose like a pack of wolves. They only need a couple words, and anarchy will rule. And you're right, Jason, but I don;t give a shit. I just want to fight. To be honest." Dominic went over to John, and grabbed him by the collar. "Plaza, now" he demanded.

Tony disagreed with Chai's plan, and voiced it. "We need to stick together, or people will get hurt or lost." Hart agreed with Jason. He stood up when Dom grabbed John. Things were escalating quickly, something was going to happen. Hart didn't notice his hands under the table, they were glowing a soft white. Like some kind of energy was emanating from them....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John looked into his memory. "I think it was on Ribbon Street. And I will," John said as he ran his hands through his hair.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John glared at Dominic as he picked him up. He placed his hands around Dom's neck and suddenly a faint buzzing sound could be heard. Then CRACK! Dominick was sent flying back by a couple of volts of electricity. "I told you not to mess with me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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DaDrummer676 said
Dom went over to the table and slammed his palms onto it, it cracked. "Once again, I think you misheard me. If you don't fight me, I will set those kids lose like a pack of wolves. They only need a couple words, and anarchy will rule. And you're right, Jason, but I don;t give a shit. I just want to fight. To be honest." Dominic went over to John, and grabbed him by the collar. "Plaza, now" he demanded. Tony disagreed with Chai's plan, and voiced it. "We need to stick together, or people will get hurt or lost." Hart agreed with Jason. He stood up when Dom grabbed John. Things were escalating quickly, something was going to happen. Hart didn't notice his hands under the table, they were glowing a soft white. Like some kind of energy was emanating from them....

As soon as Dominic grabbed John Chai pulled a wooden sword from her kimono sleev and hitting Dominic in the hand forcing him to let John go, " i said...no stupid things" she said with and angry voice. It was not Chai's voice but "the Queen"'s voice
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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(8oh,,,i so wanted to do it...)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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(Lol sorry)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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(so...drummer. choose who you prefer to be hit by, lol)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Dom stood up, surprised. "What the fuck? Do you have some big ass taser or something?" He brushed himself off, looking no worse for wear. "You can not hurt me," he said with a grin, "I am a God!" He jumped further than humanly possible and aimed a punch that would send John flying. Dominic's muscles bulged, and his shirt was in tatters from the electricity.

Tony's mouth dropped open when he saw what John did, how was it possible? He saw how strong Dom was when the table cracked. In the blink of the eye Dominic was flying through space, about to destroy John's face. Tony's hands were glowing, still unknown to him, if you listened closely, they were emanating a low hum.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Are they all going to figure out their powers at the same time, that's boring.... I'll have Tony figure out his power later on........)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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(ok, ignore what i did) Chai got in front of Dominic's kick and held hi by the leg and his hips, she rised him up and smashed him agaist the floor like it was something common, then she turned at John and slapped him softly " i said no stupid things"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John covered his face with his arm and was relieved to find that Chai had blocked it. "It was self defense." John growled
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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(Yeah. Powers wise do what you want as long as you don't start out too big.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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(I have no idea how to respond to Chai XD how the hell could she stop a dude who's way bigger than who who has super strength XD)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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(i saw it on a karate video, it was so awesome, but in the vided the girl kicked the girl on the floor in the face, lucky dominic)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Jason stepped back as Dom got sent flying by some kind of crack of electricity. "Um...." before he could ask any questions Dominic was back up and it looked like he didn't even take any kind of damage. As he went to retaliate Chai somehow stopped him, must have been using momentum, there's no way someone her size could out power someone as big as Dominic. "Okay, remember when I said calm down, I'd like us to do that now. Then explanations."

(I'm probably gonna have Jason figure his out later, but he's been having dreams about it for a while. Ya, let's go with that)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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"Maybe I should explain that," John said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "A few weeks ago I accidentally burned a hole in my couch. My parents had no explanation but it kept getting stronger. Soon I was shocking everything I touched. And thankfullyl I got it under control. but I don't know how it happened. Or why."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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(time to sleep, bye))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Dom glared, but made no move to attack again. He listened to John, how weird. He also had some kind of ability. Dominic calmed down a bit. "I have super-strength or something, and I can't get hurt easily. I don;t know why, but that's how it is."
Tony's hands stopped glowing, they tingled though. He looked at his hands, and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, ;et them fall to his sides, dismissing the feeling. He watched Chai and raised an eyebrow. She striked him as the kind of girl who was very controlling. "If people are gaining abilities, that would make things worse. The people out there will divide, abilities against no abilities. Hopefully, it'll take them a while to figure it out. For now we have to worry about food, water, and shelter for everyone. We should have people look for food and water in homes, and see if we can find some tents, sleeping bags, or blankets or something for the kids."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"I agree with Tony," Jason said, "we have to keep the ability things under wraps as long as we can. As for the other things everyone's houses should be fine for shelter once we send them home, I'm sure the supermarket has food for now as long as we don't eat it all immediately, as for water I'm not sure if the water is still working. But that is an important thing," Jason couldn't believe this. First all the adults disappear and now people were getting weird abilities? He had been having weird dreams about flying rocks and earthquakes lately though, was that a sign of something? He had no clue
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