Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reggie didn't know what to make of what happened; one moment his international cuisine teacher was showing everyone how to make the perfect funnel cake, and the next *poof*, Ms.Ortega had vanished, there was no flash, no puff of smoke, no sound, she had simply ceased to be. It wasn't just her either, every upper clansman or retained student had also disappeared. The other students babbled bewilderedly at the sudden disappearance, some even began to panic. Reggie meanwhile was freaked out sure, but kept his composure surprisingly well all things considered. Reggie's ears perked at the sounds of other students in the hall way, all of them talking to loud at once to get a whole sentence, however Reggie still managed to catch snippets of 'disappeared' and 'vanished'. "Guess i'm not the only one...i'd better get out of here before these kids start tearing down the school in a frenzy" Reggie muttered as a few of the students began to get antsy. The teen quickly got out of his seat and shuffled out of the classroom, being grateful that his class was on the first floor of the building. Under normal circumstances, Reggie would've called his parents to pick him up, unfortunately though he'd made the dumb mistake of leaving it on his charger earlier in the morning. "Looks like i'm walking home...what a pain...". Just then the intercom crackled to life, relaying a message from the student council about adults disappearing and urging everyone to stay calm, "Pft. Good luck with that amigo!" he snorted as he exited the building. There was a strange van outside with a girl who seemed far too young to be driving screaming for her brother and honking the horn, Reggie paused to eye the strange spectacle, then shrugged, "Not my problem..." he mused as he began the ten mile walk back home.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Tony's eyebrows raised with surprise, they settled down when John started to talk. Seemed like they actually wanted some kind of leader figure. Interesting... Hart stood next to John, "you have anyone at home? I only had my mom, and she's gone now. I can go check on your house if you want, I got nothing else to do. Or I can help you find kids. Not sure what else I can do. These kids are going to get rally rowdy when they realized they has none to stop them from doing whatever the fuck they want. And please excuse my language. Because shit is about to go down." Tony checked his phone, and texted his mom, just in case. No response, he sighed and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Hart folded his arms across his chest, looking at the crowd of scared and lost looking kids. None of them looked older than 16-17. Tony wondered who was the oldest, was there some kind of age barrier that stopped kids from disappearing?

(I'm going to make a character like Orc, just to have a person everyone can fight with at the moment. He's just going to be a supporting character so I'm not going to make a huge form for him. Just a brief description. Is it okay if he develops his powers right away?)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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Chai clapped calling the atenttion of everyone "ok everyone, those who can walk home or have a bike, please do so, the rest who live too far, we can take you to your houses, of corse this will take some time, the school has three buses, who can drive?" Chai asked and started to looka around for anyone who rised their hand
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Not much avoiding any casualties, it was soon clear for the students to just give Susanne path since she wasn't slowing down, as she then drove on her own to the opposite direction. She was already thinking the supermarket on the middle of the town, before noticing a loner, walking on the street. He was coming from the school, no doubt on that since it was still the same street... guess she could have some fun here too.

Putting the music off, she drove right next to the guy, rolling the window down as the van was now rolling slowly on the street at the pace of kids walking. "Oy! Didn't you hear the words of your great leader!?" she then shouted out with a sarcastic, preaching tone. "The plaza is THAT way... it could be dangerous walking alone, a boy of your age." she said with a snicker, pointing her thumb casually at the opposite direction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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(Yeah thats fine) John turned to the kid. "Can you go round up any little kids and bring them here. And bring me the student council too. I'm John by the way," John said as he held out his hand towards his newfound shadow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Tony grasped John's hand, "nice to meet you John." He started calling into the crowd, asking for all the people on the student council to join John in the mayor's office. Hart then took off to look for little kids, and began rounding them up. He came back surrounded by a group of kids, holding a baby in his arms. Hart was great with kids. Tony talked to them, trying to keep them calm. He cradled the baby boy in his arms, feeling sad for him. No mother to provide for him. His mother hadn't been the greatest, but she did provide for him to the best of her ability.

Dominic sat in the back of the crowd scowling, 'stupid humans,' he thought to himself. He smirked at John, "who made you leader? We don't even know your name? How do we know that you're the best person to lead us. What if someone, like me, would be better? SHouldn't the strongest, smartest guy lead?" Some kids nodded in agreement, drawn towards him. He grinned, if John did fight him, he would surely lose. He was human after all, Dom was a god, a king. He should be the one leading! The crowd got louder, Dom was pushing them. Anymore and they would riot, just because of Dom's convincing and deceiving words.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reggie glanced at the girl in the van as she spoke, back in the direction she jerked her thumb, then back to her with a raised eyebrow, "Yea...see heres the thing, I don't do well with chaotic situations. And from the looks of things, those kids are one overturned vending machine away from a riot.". Reggie never broke his stride as Susanne drove beside him, "Hey, aren't you a bit young to be driving? I mean hell, you look like you're younger than me. I'm surprised that the cops didn't pull you over on the way to the school.".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John glared at Dominic and then spoke up. "I think enough people here know who I am that I'm perfectly qualified to be leader. But if you're such a genius, why don't you come join us in the mayors office," John said, smirking as he walked off stage and into the town hall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"What? All these mysterious disappearances and they should worry about me?.... nah." she continued, turning the steering wheel slightly to avoid bumping into a stranded car. "Besides, I saw the city while coming here, my guess is that the dog squad is all that's left of those order keepers. Now how long is your way to home?" she then asked, before putting hand in front of her mouth to darken her voice.

"Hey... psst, hey kid, you want to hop on the back of my van? I got candy and toys for you... hey kid." she continued, before laughing. Oh how it was so enjoyable for her to just stroll along with this guy. It wasn't like he was getting her off of his back and no adults to come and lecture her of any sort of behavior.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Dominic shrugged, and followed John. This guy had no idea who he was messing with. 'I'm Indestructible, I just need to get him to fight me.' Dom turned to the crowd right before he went inside the mayor's office. "Looks like your 'leader' wants to talk this out. Scared much?" Half the crowd laughed, the other stayed quiet. He had divided them up, perfect!

Tony left the kids with a girl who had babysat for a while. He handed off the baby, and headed into the Mayor's office. Hart fell in line behind Dom, who seemed like a royal douche. Tony hoped John could handle himself in a fight, because he was certain that was what it was going to come down to. He decided that he was going to see what everyone was talking about in the office. Even though he wasn't on the Council, whatever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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Chai was asked to join in the mayor's office and did so "so, wha is the plan?" she askedpuntting her hand on a big table "it is not just the school but all the city, there are no adults enywhere"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John sat down at the table in the mayors office. The few members of the student council who had come to the plaza took 4 of the remaining 6 seats. John looked at Dominic and said, "Now what is it that you want asshole?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Well this day had been much more eventful than Jason's life usually was, what with the adults disappearing-along with a lot of the older kids-his phone not working and a lot of the remaining kids panicking, this would be quite the test in his ability to stay calm as he normally did. After John gave his speech and offered Dominic to join him in going to town hall Jason thought that wouldn't be a bad idea. Not Dom going, that would be awful, but going along himself. Jason was pretty smart for his age, he just didn't apply himself much. But in this kind of situation he figured he might actually have to put in some effort. He jogged a bit and followed John into town hall, "John, hey, nice speech out there, anyways, I'd like to help out in trying to keep town together. I'm Jason by the way." He wasn;t exactly sure if John knew who he was, Jason just kind of made it a point to know the names and faces of everyone in his grade.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"Wait, all? What do you mean a-", It was then that Reggie actually began to notice all of the empty vehicles strewn about, something that up till now he'd missed because of his conversation with Susanne, "Holy shit..." he muttered as reality began to dawn on him. If this really did happen beyond the school, then there was a good chance that his mother and father wouldn't be home to answer his questions, nor would they pick up their phones when he called them. Reggie didn't know what to make of the situation or his emotions; he felt a combination of grief, loss, and confusion so strong that he had to reach out and grab onto the windowsill of the van for support, "Dios mío...they're all gone aren't they?" he asked aloud, speaking more to himself than Susanne.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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"hey hey calm down" Chai yelled at John "we have a lot of problems here and you want to start a fight!?" she looked at the rest and they all looked aside, she could see they didnt have any hope "we will get trhough this, all together and as FRIENDS" she said and gave John a dead glare.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Dominic grinned devilishly, "did you not understand what I was saying out there? I don't think that you're the best person to lead. I believe that I would be better. I'm stronger, these kids are gong to need a strong leader." Dom looked at the people on the Council, an evil glint in his eyes. "To see who is stronger. I purpose a fight, and no this is not childish. This is to see who is the strongest, we are equal in intelligence. So, if you don't want me to go out there and make those kids riot, then you will fight me in the plaza. Who ever surrenders or is knocked out fight loses. " He ignored Chai.

Tony took a seat at the table, not caring that he wasn't part of the Council. He felt like he had things to contribute to this group. Hart watched John and Dom, wondering what was going to happen. Hart didn't like Dom, he looked power hungry. This probably would't even last long, it was probably some kind of joke or government operation or something. Tony checked his phone again, nothing. "Internet is down, shit," he muttered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John nodded in agreement with Chai. He turned to Jason. "Jason you said? Well thanks for helping," John said and then faced the whole room. "I apologize about that outburst," John said as he glared at Dominic "But we need to get a plan settled out. Tony made a good decision putting Lisa in charge of the kids. We should get some help for her." Then John heard Dom's proposition. "You don't want to go there."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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Chai sighed "i inssist we should send everyone home, if they stay here they will get evern more nervous and something wrong could happen" she stood up corrrectly "i'll ask again, enyone who can ride a bus please take the students to their houses"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"Pretty sure a fight would most definitely be childish," Jason offered up, "a leader decided by violence just creates a society based on violence, and I don't think that's a good thing." He knew a fight wouldn't end well at all, fights never ended well, which is why he tried staying out of them. "How about we all take a breath, and try and think logically." Chai said they should send people home, "hm, I think it might be better keeping us together for now. Would you rather everyone be alone where they could get hurt with no one to help?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John turned away from Dominic and looked at Chai. "I agree with Jason. Let's keep everyone here overnight and try to calm them down. I saw smoke earlier too. We should get someone on that."
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