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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rae Zer
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Rae Zer Fear the Rae Zerg!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It's who we are.
Doesn't matter if we've gone too far.
Doesn't matter if it's all okay.
Doesn't matter if it's not our day.

So won't you
Save us,
what we are,
don't look clear,
it's all uphill from here.

-Imagine Dragons Who We Are

What is your real name?
Shouldn't you have this on record or something? Fine, I'll tell ya. I am Tori Mcbeth Williams.

Are you male or female?
Another thing that should be obvious to you. Female is the answer for those of you who are too blind to see.

What is your age?
Y'all just don't give up with questions you should already know the answer to. I'm 16 alright.

When is your brithday?
What's going to be the next question? My Social Security number? Either way I born August 1st 1999.

What grade are you in?
Hmm let me think of this for a second. I am a Sophmore so that would be 10th.

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
In the way of hobbies, I would say there are quite a few things that fall into that section. I am a guitarist as you can tell by this case and a damn good one at that. This here acoustic guitar I have is my father's old Alvarez Grateful Dead. Another hobby is skateboarding though I need to fix my board's wheels after one of them broke off last week. Let's see what else I've got that I have here. I hang out in cafes and watch people occasionally. But let's ignore that and talk about me and gaming. Gaming is serious to my unlike those other gamer girls out there. If you try and even touch my controlled I will bite you hand off. Oh yeah, I also really like to eat man.

How would you describe your personality?
The best way to say it is that bottling the essence of me would cause you to get a bottle of pure sass. If you've got a problem with that then you can kiss another thing of mine that rhymes with sass. I am not one of those people who stop and chat with friends in the hall way. Either you walk with me to wherever I am going or you get the f out of the way. I'm as vocal as they come and my temper is bad enough to melt tungsten.

What has your life been like so far?
Best way to say it is that it was in the dump until school started. Worst way to say it is that it was like a crap circling down the bowl of a toilet. My parents got divorced three months ago. It all started when my Mother found out that my Father wasn't sleeping with one but three of his TAs. And then he had the nerve to say that the only reason I was against him was because of the fact that he thought my Mother had brainwashed me into being pansexual. So, I decided to maybe it would be really cool if the press got wind of the divorce of the biology Professor and MTSU caused by his sleeping with three TAs and his fight to control his pansexual daughter.

To cut a long story short, with the controversy out to the public it became time to, as my mother would say, 'Clear the air'. So she took me to Colorado where we spent three weeks smoking some blunts and just hanging out rerally. Then she met a new boyfriend and decided to drop me off up here in this town where the press wouldn't find me while she went out galavanting with her boyrfiend. I haven't seen her nor talked to her since then.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
JesusReborn1999 cause why the f not.

What are your thoughts on the project?
Phbbbbt, I guess it is alright. sure it is a cool way to get things off your chest but I personally don't like the idea. It is crap that we are forced to talk with somebody we probably don't know. But hey, it is a grade that will allow me to pass the class so I am willing to do it.

Anything else you'd like to add?
Uh yeah, you got any food to eat cause I am really hungry now.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Only 20 hours? What a noob."

What is your real name?
Alto Ganze.

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
16 September.

What grade are you in?
10th Grade.

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
If I just say gaming, would that answer the question? If it doesn't then I've got nothing else to tell you. I'm not interested in anything and I don't do anything else besides playing games and going to school. In all honesty, I'm not sure which one is better for my future right now.

How would you describe your personality?
Gee, I don't know, why don't you tell me?

What has your life been like so far?
Good enough, I suppose. I have everything that I really want, nothing tragic anywhere, still passing classes even though I spend something like 200 hours+ on every damn game I play.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
RoflsMazoy, it's never taken.

What are your thoughts on the project?
It feels like it would be a boring anime, but I guess that's fine.

Anything else you'd like to add?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mike73
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

= There is a place where the sidewalk ends, And before the street begins =

What is your real name?
Marcus Doan

Are you male or female?

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
March 21st

What grade are you in?
12th Grade

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Baseball, practice and working out, hanging out...I don't know, I like to read I guess. I don't do much else.

How would you describe your personality?
Bro-ish, for sure. I'm also pretty chill most of the time, at least, I hope I am. I'm supposed to be honest or whatever, right? Then, I guess I think I might be kind of a douchebag sometimes too.

What has your life been like so far?
Well, high school's been fun. Being on a sports team, and being actually good at it kinda helps. Other stuff's happened, but do I really gotta give a whole summary or whatever? My mom's been raising me and my little bro the past ten years. She keeps us in line, makes sure we don't do dumb stuff. My potential baseball scholarship makes her happy. I'm just powering through and enjoying my last year in high school. Is that good enough?

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
bruh73. An alias though? I don't know...Homer, I guess?

What are your thoughts on the project?
Man, this is really stupid. If I wanted to talk to someone I'd talk to my friends. I've got important shit stuff I gotta do this year and this is just gonna get in the way. I'm doing the bare minimum and that's it.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I'm not expecting anything out of this.

= The streets are filled with senselessly cruel words. Never more, that voice was hushed and washed away... =

What is your real name?
Alyssa Gabin

Are you male or female?

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
August 15th

What grade are you in?
10th Grade

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I love fishing, it's a pretty relaxing and peaceful hobby. It's weird, because I don't typically have a lot of patience, but with fishing I could go all day waiting for a bite, and I would be just fine. It can be a bit cold due to this being a coastal town and all, but I actually love the chill. Morning walks are perfect for me because of that. Despite all that, I'm not really an outdoorsy kind of person. Go figure. I play video games too, but who doesn't these days? I'd also list listening to music here, since I always have ear buds in whenever I'm fishing or going for walks, but it's pretty much a given. I think everyone is going to put that here anyway, to be honest.

How would you describe your personality?
Optimistic, I think. I tend to see the positive in things. I have a big heart too, I'm always there to give a listening ear to my friends, and I just really care about them a lot. I don't see a point in being mean, and I hate bullies, so I'm generally pretty nice to everyone. I can be very self-reserved though, and people typically have to talk to me first to get a conversation going. Not to say that I won't give passing comments from time to time, heh heh. I've also got verbal tics or sayings that I...say. Pretty often too, to be honest.

What has your life been like so far?
Nothing special I guess. Two parents, an older brother and younger sister, comfortable home. I'm pretty fortunate to not have any personal drama going on in my life, to be honest.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
Coolbreeze123. Al will be my alias. Hopefully that won't make who I am too obvious.

What are your thoughts on the project?
It seems interesting for sure. But...I don't really get the point of it. Like, what are we supposed to get out of this? How is the teacher even going to grade this? Maybe we'll automatically get an A...? Just for doing this? Who knows.

Anything else you'd like to add?
Oh God I hope I don't somehow screw this up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Oh, my own voice cannot save me now...it's just one more breath, then I'll go down."
What is your real name?
Oh boy. Fine. Dallas Brett Green.

Are you male or female?
Male. Go ahead, do a double take, ain't nothin' new.

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
July 22nd

What grade are you in?
12th. Hopefully for the only time, if I can charm my way through this project.

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
How many people already wrote music as the first item on their list? Over/under is five, I'm saying...under. Just barely. Music is definitely "my life," so to speak, and I've been good at it since I was old enough to hold my first Beatles note - guitar, bass, harmonica, I dabble in piano but I have no room in my place for a piano anymore, and definitely singing. Never my own lyrics. Don't even joke. Uhhh...shit, I dunno, I kind of tackled music in phases, I guess? Before junior year or so, I was on a big metalcore kick, The Devil Wears Prada, Sky Eats Airplane, The Word Alive, all that shit. Kinda fell out of it, but sometimes I'll turn it on when I need something to get me through BSing Anatomy homework. These days it's more indie shit, some lower-fi electronic, even getting into some older punk.

Kind of still sing Beatles shit, too. Come Together is a jam and a half. Sgt. Pepper's is a masterpiece. You know nothing about basic music if you disagree, and you deserve to be put on a watchlist of people who need their ears sterilized.

Other than that...you know, I don't know that there's much to me. I loved the beach, but we had to make trips to the beach in the first place even BEFORE we moved here. Good fucking luck finding a reason to get in a pair of boardshorts now, dude. I draw occasionally, mostly clothing ideas. I love the way I look (and so will you!) I worked a job at Starbucks for a few months, but I was better at the chatting people up part of the job than I was at getting their coffee right. Like I care how much fucking foam your boyfriend wants. Always remember to tip, guys and gals. We earn that shit.

Will I get in trouble for cursing on this? I think I have enough cell phone offenses that I end up in-school suspended next.

How would you describe your personality?
Really couldn't tell from this sheet, huh? A'ight. I guess I could get on your nerves...you know, if you were fucking boring. We'll just say I know how to talk to people, alright? It's a useful skill to have when you need to talk yourself into more time to study, or printing out that assignment you ~totally did~ in the lab down the hall. Flirty? Yeah, okay. Obscene? Ouch, but I guess a little. Irritating? ...Again, yeah, if you were fucking boring. I make things exciting. It's just the way I am.

Flirting! Right, I mentioned that. I love to flirt. I love to charm people. It's worth it making someone smile even if they hate your ass to kingdom come. Flirt with everybody, connect with somebody special, you know? That's not a bad rule to live by. Not gonna pretend I'm some kind of Casanova who can get anybody to tear my pants off, those types don't exist, but like I said. I'm a talker. I'm a joker, too. If I can make you smile, it's just step one to making you laugh until you choke. Which is always a good time.

What has your life been like so far?
Ahhh, you know, not much to complain about. Both parents still together, we ain't poor or anything, only child yadda yadda. I'm not gonna pretend it's all smiles and roses, but I've gotten out of some jams at parties (with a few great stories to tell at the next party), disappointed my parents a couple times, made 'em proud a few others. It was a lot easier to do both back in California, let me tell you. Yeah, did I mention that? San Francisco Bay, from the age of 'fetus' to sixteen. Yeah, I'm a new-ish kid. Only been here a year and three days. And already blowing it in Anatomy. C'mon, don't judge me, man/babe/nonbinary affectionate slang, what was YOUR anatomy grade like? Yeah. Yeah. I'm workin' on it.

Anyway, we moved here because Dad wanted some kind of writer's retreat [not like The Shining] and Mom wanted herself a little time to unwind and bond with me again [NOT LIKE THE SHINING] and Maine was the farthest place we could get without a passport. Man, did you know people are expected to wear hoodies around here? And that it's COLD!? That was never in the brochure. I've spent more money on hoodies than I have on Pre-Calc homework.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
Tony Snark

What are your thoughts on the project?
Is my partner cute? You haven't picked yet? Okay. Just remember I asked.

Anyway, the project. Right. Well, I mean, like I said like a gajillion times by now. I can talk to people. I know how to get 'em to open up and talk 'em through their shit, and since the entire project is people opening up to me, THAT's the hard part out of the way. Right? My English grade's gonna be flawless after this. That never hurts.

Anything else you'd like to add?
No, but really...are they cute?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

= I am not lonely. Simply alone. Familiarise yourself with the difference, dimwit. =

What is your real name?
Tayika Craig

Are you male or female?

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
6 January

What grade are you in?

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Chemistry experiments, dissections, reading widely-recognised theory papers and novels half the population currently undergoing pubescent transformations have never heard of. And no, I was not responsible for the scalpel and beaker of hydrochloric acid going missing from the laboratories. The culprit happens to be the same person whose locker is home to well-sought-after contraband, which would make for an incredible scandal if I told you so, hm? Such pedestrian transgressions. I have no business coveting or pilfering such possessions.

How would you describe your personality?
More brilliant or interesting than the lot of you, which is why I prefer to avoid company, and company avoids me. If you desire an answer that is more politically-correct however, you may say I am intelligent, requiring constant stimuli, and unable to hesitate at the thought of tearing another asunder if they display a level of intellect below that expected of a Homo sapien. Some have called me ruthless, or enigmatic. They are simply weak-willed, bland creatures. I am still more brilliant and interesting than the general populace, however. That is not to be debated.

What has your life been like so far?
Boring. Dull. Mundane. Need I go on? It would be worse if people tried to be friendly with me, but I can count myself fortunate in that respect.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?

What are your thoughts on the project?
It is a construct meant to engage the social outcasts of the school who would not be social outcasts if the education system were more competent at moulding character and holistic development, and whatnot. But I suppose that is neither in the job description nor an occupational hazard of a sub-salaried educator.

Anything else you'd like to add?
The school requires more advanced laboratory equipment. Conducting experiments here is akin to knocking together stones in the bowels of a cave. And a revamped library. The likes of Marx, Pavlov, Watson and Freud would suffice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"...Are you talking to me?"

What is your real name?
"Wei-Xing Le. Just call me Wei."

Are you male or female?

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
"Do I have to tell you? It's not like you really care. Fine, February 24th."

What grade are you in?
"11th grade."

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
"I like to collect and drink different kinds of tea, I guess. I also collect different kinds of incense because I like the smell of it; it relaxes me."

How would you describe your personality?
"There's not much to say about me. I don't like to bother other people and I would appreciate it if they don't bother me either. Some people may say I'm too quiet or serious, but I just think it's a waste of time to deal with everyone else. They're all so bothersome and annoying."

What has your life been like so far?
"I hope you're not looking for a long back story because I don't have one. My family moved to the United States from China when I was about five. If I had any say in it, I would have just stayed back there. I hate it here. I had to learn a whole new language, and that sucked. I also hate how people tease me for being Chinese. For goodness sake, We don't say things like "Ching Chong Ching Chong Chi" and not all of us know Kung Fu. I would say I missed my friends back home, but I can't say I had any. So anyways, I came here, spent the last 12 years of my life here, and I'm still here. Overall, my life was just boring, which is fine by me."

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
"Screenname1. I don't really care what my screen name is."

What are your thoughts on the project?
"I really don't care about this project but I need to pass to get an A or else my parents will get mad at me. I'll just do the bare minimum of what is required of me and just get this over with."

Anything else you'd like to add?
"No. Am I finally done now?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gooblefly
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What is your real name?
Matthew Dancer

Are you male or female?

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
April 20th

What grade are you in?

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Mostly music. I'm pretty great at remixes, y'know, where you take two tracks and meld them into one? That sort of thing. I listen to the sort of stuff that you've never really heard of.

How would you describe your personality?
Me? Hell, I'm great. There isn't a soul alive who doesn't love me. I'm your grade A bad-boy, 'aint no-one who can cage me. Even teachers love me, I'm some sort of genius or something, not like I care. Life is for living, not for this sort of crap.
(Truthfully, he's arrogant, snobbish and spoiled. Or, at least, that's how he likes to act when really he's not that bad once his sour layer has been peeled away.)

What has your life been like so far?
Do I have to answer that? Well, I guess it's been... Well, better than most. My folks are loaded, my Dad makes the best music speakers in the world or something, he's not really around much. My mother left him, tried to take as much as she could. Now they use me as a way to fight one another. It sucks, but I mean, they're both loaded and I get showered with all sorts of expensive stuff. If I want it, I get it. Mind you, I've moved around a lot, only been here a couple of years and I have no idea how much longer I'll be here.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
Ka-ching. Uuuh, an alias? Something that would screw with someone, like Hayley or something.

What are your thoughts on the project?
This could be fun. There's so much potential to screw with people.

Anything else you'd like to add?
Can I go now? Great, thanks. You were starting to bore me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MercuryHg34
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MercuryHg34 Likes long walks on the beach

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(Minus the tail and cat-ears, and wearing ordinary metal-head clothing like black or dark-colored clothes and a black close-fitted leather jacket. The jacket doesn't have any studs on it, but the pockets are zippered.)
"Open your closed mind, and close your open mouth. You're pushing more than you're pulling, every word that you say passes through my ears before it even escapes your lips."
The Escape Artist, August Burns Red

What is your real name?
Scott Riley
Are you male or female?
What is your age?
When is your birthday?
January 22
What grade are you in?
What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I can tell you one thing I'm NOT interested in, is doing this stupid project. I can't wait to get this grade so I can get out of this place. Besides, nobody here even likes the music I listen to because it's too heavy or it's "devil music". When I play the metal I like on the piano in the chorus room though everyone likes it because it "sounds pretty". Fuck 'em. God forbid they ever heard my band play, they'd swear I was a psycho beating on those drums. Well, at least my sister understands me. I guess I should actually answer the question... I like death metal and video games. I'm a beast at Super Smash Bros.

How would you describe your personality?
How would YOU describe it? It doesn't really matter what I think of myself, is it? The whole point of the project from what I can tell is to figure that shit out, not to already know. If what others think of me is any indication then I'm a loser who decided to think for himself instead of going with the flow like everyone else. Even in the real world, it's all about how others perceive you. If I don't like you, you don't get the job, or the girl, or the time of day. Survival of the fittest, dog-eat-dog. With that in mind, it's my way or the highway when you're dealing with me because I don't do bullshit.

What has your life been like so far?
Why do you need to know? What do you want me to say, "gee man it's been pretty normal I guess"? Or should I say the truth that nobody wants to hear, about my personal problems that you don't actually care about? Let's just say this: I've gone through a lot of shit. Everyone has. I'm not special, neither is the guy next to me, neither are you. And nobody cares, not even me. Seriously, whoever came up with this project should be punched in the face.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
TaylorSwift4LYFE. Because why the hell not.

What are your thoughts on the project?
See above, "I can tell you one thing I'm NOT interested in, is doing this stupid project", "Seriously, whoever came up with this project should be punched in the face."

Anything else you'd like to add?

No. Just don't waste my time by pairing me with my sister. She'll probably go with something like "SenpaiNoticeMeeeee" or some other weaboo nonsense. That girl watches way too much anime.

"Convictions to the back burner. Remembering what's really important isn't so important after all."
Back Burner, August Burns Red

What is your real name?
Michelle Riley

Are you male or female?

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
April 14

What grade are you in?

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Well, I like to listen to music. I like all kinds, but I really like rock and metal. My brother Scott listens to death metal, which I like a lot. The quote I picked is from his favorite band, August Burns Red. It means that you should put your grudges and discontentment aside and enjoy what you have, live life to the fullest. Isn't that beautiful? I wish Scott would see things like that once in a while. Oh, well besides that I really love watching anime. It's basically Japanese cartoons, but the art style is much more detailed and the content of the shows is geared more towards older audiences which I respect. I play the guitar, actually I play in a band with my brother. He's the drummer, but he can also play the piano so at home we jam a lot. Sometimes I hang out with friends too, or walk near the cliffs at the shore. I know it's dangerous, but I can't help it when the scenery is so fantastic!

How would you describe your personality?
Let's see... I'm told that I'm outgoing and friendly, I think that sounds about right. Apparently I'm modest to a fault as well, but I just don't like to brag about myself. I'm not sure what else to write though, so maybe those people have a point... I at least try to see the brighter side of things, and I've helped settle disputes between friends on more than one occasion. I just try to be helpful, you know? Maybe I've shared too much, this is just a short survey right? Or, I haven't said enough? I'm not sure, what else should I write? I get flustered pretty easily, which is exactly how I feel right now. This is embarrassing, I'm just going to move on and hope this was enough. I want to ace this project!

What has your life been like so far?
My family is traditionally a line of fishermen. My dad goes out to sea every so often and comes back with tons of fish in these big nets, and he sells them to people and restaurants and grocery stores, that kind of stuff. My brother and I have lived here our whole life, though it has been kind of tough. We don't make too much money, you see, and also our mother passed away a few years ago so my dad has to support us on his own. Scott takes care of me when dad goes fishing. Even though he seems kind of harsh and even mean sometimes, he's really sweet if you get to know him. He doesn't have as many friends as I do, but hopefully this project will teach him something about talking to other people. I love him so much, but he needs to get out of his head once in a while.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?

What are your thoughts on the project?
I'm really excited to start! I wonder if my partner will like me? I want to get along with them, but I make awkward first impressions when it comes to doing stuff online so I'm nervous... At least we won't have to write a final paper, and that means I can do more studying in my other classes too! ...We don't have a final paper, do we?

Anything else you'd like to add?
Nothing really, but I think whoever decides the pairs should avoid pairing people with their siblings. Scott knows me too well, he probably would know who I am just from my screen name!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwarthyBard126

SwarthyBard126 Insert Something Witty Here

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You like D&D, Audrey Hepburn, Fangoria, Harry Houdini and croquet. You can't swim, you can't dance and you don't know karate. Face it, you're never gonna make it!" -MCR-

What is your real name?
Jean Godfrey
Are you male or female?
Are you blind? Male
What is your age?

When is your birthday?
June 6th, 1999

What grade are you in?

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Really? Ah well, I guess my hobbies would be theater, sleeping, playing my guitar, reading Russian literature, listening to some Billie Holiday and all that jazz, and just surfing the web. I also tinker a bit with the old mustang in my garage at home. God do I soun My favorit musical is RENT and my favorite movie is Citizen Kane. (Although he would rather die before admitting it, he's a sucker for a good romance XD)

How would you describe your personality?
Laid-back, though that doesn't mean I work hard! I don't really mind working with anyone in particular.

What has your life been like so far?
Born and raised on a Dairy farm nearby, can't say I enjoyed it much. I was squeezed with 4 other kids in the family's 3 room house. After Middle school, my parents divorced and my mom took me and my two younger siblings back here to live with our uncle. I got into acting after my mom, bless her soul, decided to sign me up for a commercial for winter coats. I loved it, and began acting whenever I could. I enjoy playing the more comedic roles, even if that means being killed off *AHEM*MERCUTIO*AHEM.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
Screen name YOLOSWAGMONEY420BLAZEIT Cherry_Seagull alias: Iona

What are your thoughts on the project?
I don't really know, i seemed interesting so I joined up, Is that a bad reason?

Anything else you'd like to add?

Nothing really, Though I hope to be paired with someone Interesting!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
Avatar of Chaotix Warrior

Chaotix Warrior The Team Chaotix Warrior

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

= If you can't jam to your own life's song, you need to make a new track =

What is your real name?
Marcus Dunlap

Are you male or female?

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
June 25th

What grade are you in?

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Music (Listening and Composition)
Drawing and Painting

How would you describe your personality?
Generally speaking, he tends to be pretty quiet and doesn't really like making much of a fuss over anything. In addition, he doesn't try to seek out new people nor enemies as he's just happiest to be by himself and enjoying the fresh air along with some jams. That said, when he does have to meet new people, he tends to be conservative and can be seen a little bit of a nerd/geek as he doesn't chat chat about this and that and only wants to get the job done.

What has your life been like so far?
Marcus' life has been a little bit of a roller coaster as, thanks to his mom passing away, he's been forced to go one place or another with his dad who moves around at least 3 or 4 times a year for work. As a result, he never really commits himself to calling any one place home, at least not yet, thus he never allowed himself to really make a friend and just tried to commit himself to being a wallflower. However, he's hoping that this will be the last home he's stuck moving to and from as his dad just got a new job, but, as they say, old habits die hard and he's still finding himself to be the wallflower that he doesn't want to be.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
LifeRocker - Victor Gooseneck

What are your thoughts on the project?
He doesn't really have thoughts one way or another cause, but at the same time he's a little unsure about how it'll work with him. It's just something he'll have to work through and hope that he doesn't move before its over.

Anything else you'd like to add?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Treepuncher121

Treepuncher121 Lover of the color pink

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Success is blocked by concentrating on it and planning for it... Success is shy - it won't come out while you're watching.”

Real name: Chad Formost

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthdate: January 17th

Grade: Junior year.

Hobbies and interests: Dungeons and Dragons (Role playing), Music, Videogames, Reading, and Writing.

Personality: At first I am very shy, but once you get to know me I open up a lot. Laughing, singing and embarrassing myself in front of my friends is my specialty. I tend to avoid strangers or people I’m not talking to face to face. That’s why I’m not to fond of this project. I’m also usually happy. Smiling is one of my favorite things. Usually I’m not upset unless it comes to my family or grades.

Life before now: My life before now has been alright I guess. My grandpa was a big influence to me at younger ages, but when I was fourteen he passed away. A short few months after, my grandmother passed away too. Both of cancer. My parents worked a lot so of course I got attached to him, I lived with him. I can even remember calling him dad a couple times. As a child though I always got straight A’s at school and my parents had enough money to buy me anything I wanted. I never really wanted anything other than books though. Every Now and then I would ask for something else, a new videogame, a new console, stuff like that. I would also ask for new instrument. I am in marching band and play the Bass Clarinet. I also know how to play the Tuba, Guitar, Double Bass and Trumpet. I had a lot of time on my hands. Being this big of a band geek gets me bullied every now and then but I shrug it off. I didn’t have many friends, only a couple. Not because nobody liked me, but because I chose to stick to myself. I was to focused on school to get a girlfriend, too caught up in band to go out and about with friends, and I had too many books to read to do anything else but practice my instruments, read, write, Play D&D, and make songs. I only made time for those things. I can’t really think of much more to add about my life before now.

Screen Name: InvariantName

Thoughts on the project: Like I said before, I’m, not a big fan of talking to somebody I don’t know over a computer. If I want to meet somebody I’d rather get to know them face to face. Other than that though I think it is a great idea! It gives people something to do, it lets us meet new people, and it is for a grade. It also let’s us write and increase our typing skills. It’s a very good social enhancer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You've got a friend in me... if you want." - ToyStory Ft. Alan Sandoval

What is your real name?
Alan Sandoval. Please don't call me "Sandal" or something like that. I prefer simply being called Alan.

Are you male or female?
Male and ready to be looking for a lucky lady to love. I'm just kidding, I'm awkward as hell... Don't judge me.

What is your age?
I am currently 17 years old. So close to being a legal adult. I just can't wait til I'm allowed to vote!

When is your birthday?
March 11th. So does this actually matter? Are you going to wish me a happy birthday? Because I would appreciate that greatly.

What grade are you in?
Senior! Finally, after all these years I am at the top of this food chain that we call high school. Except I am still under the popular people and the jocks, and huh... I guess I'm still a loser... great.

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
This is going to sound super lame but I love chess. I've been in the chess club all three years! I even have a special pin if you want to see it. I also like some sports, though I'm not very good at it. I still play them because my older brothers were all crazy athletes and I was just the only un-athletic one. I try my best anyhow and it's fun so whatever. What else.... I kind of like to sing, but I'm afraid of being in front of people so I wimped out of joining choir. I don't even know if I have a good voice or not because I've never sang for anyone before and probably never will because if that was ever to happen, I will jump out of a window and kill myself. Not really, but I would be super embarrassed and think about jumping out a window.

How would you describe your personality?
I'm not exactly what you call "popular", though I do have friends that I can talk to. I am really insecure though and I freak out all the time whenever people talk to me because I always worry about what they think of me and whether or not I'm acting weirdly in front of them. It doesn't help that I have a bad habit of talking before thinking and then wanting to die after spouting such stupidity. I'm better on paper though or through text I guess so this assignment might be helpful. But besides my awkwardness, I'm an average guy who is chill and just wants to have a good time, enjoying life and what not.

What has your life been like so far?
It's been okay. I was bullied when I was younger but now people barely know I exist! Except when I say stupid stuff and then they all stare at me and judge me. I'm just glad to have such nice friends who still like me despite how awkward I am and that's really enough for me. Plus, my parents are really nice and my brothers, while they tease me, are always there for me and cheer me up when I'm down. Oh speaking of brothers, I have four of them and I'm the youngest. Yup, I am the "baby" of the family, much to my annoyance. So life's been fair to me so far. I only wish I had the courage to branch out and meet new people without freaking them out by being all stupid.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
For my screen name, I guess I'll choose something like Checkmate_Mate. Is that lame? Should I choose something cooler like, LightningMegaUltra...wow that is also pretty lame. This is really hard! What if my partner thinks I'm weird because of my screen name.. Ahhh this is too much pressure. I'll just stick with Checkmate_Mate for now.... And my alias would be Wesley.

What are your thoughts on the project?
I'm actually excited. This is the perfect chance for a person like me to make a friend. They are required to talk to me too! So maybe after a while, they will start to like me after they get past my nutty exterior. I will do my best to win them over!

Anything else you'd like to add?
Nothing that I can think of on the top of my head... Um... I hope we all can get along!
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