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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[ GM: Lydyn | CO-GM: __ ]

[ Themes: Epic, Fantasy, Adventure, Romance ]

Accepted Characters (10/10)

Cerylia Yvonna - Lydyn
Tobias Greten - TheWizardLizard
Mylisant Feyla - Irisity
Mari Snowswept - Pyromania99
Chase Dawnshard - Inertia
Tylan Hallaw - Mivuli
Saha Xephos - Midori
Aiden Cross - Raijinslayer
Cornelia Aerthur - Spawnling
Eamon Amantea - urukhai


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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual / Homosexual
Role in Society: Commoner
Occupation: Eastern Woods Ranger

There are many more myths than legends that surround the 'Ranger Lord.' Said to have taken up the eastern forests as a home, she is often regarded as a phantom, a ghost, or the very spirit of the woods. Actual logging of it's trees have slowed down since the spread of her presence, because many people tend to believe that if you take more than you need from the forest, an arrow will suddenly materialize and kill you.

Though she isn't a killer, the myths seem to stay strong regardless and even more are spread about those who've tried to challenge her domain. They say anyone foolish enough to charge in her direction or manage to put a shield up, can never manage to land a single blow, as blades and knives literally phase through her body. She is like a shadow among darkness and it doesn't seem like anyone can accurately describe her appearance. Some say that if you see something move along the tree lines in the eastern forest, she is watching you.

Personality: There a lot layers beneath the layers of Cerylia's personality. What's most obvious though is that she is a focused and self-driven individual. Often whatever goal that she has set up for herself, she easily finds the determination to pull through almost any challenge that presents itself. Beyond that, it is easy to see she is a kind and friendly soul, however cautious she may be of others. Though she is used to keeping alone most of the time, it doesn't bother her as much as some others, being an introvert in nature.

However it is a tad hard to get past her walls, even for trusted allies and friends, but if you manage you might find someone who is just as human as anyone else despite her confidence. She is lonely and depressed deep down and puts on masks of fake smiles. She also has trust issues despite the fact that her belief in love actually gives others a chance to prove her wrong - she just normally assumes she's right not to fully trust anyone.

Master Bowman: Having spent most of her life behind the drawstring of a bow, Cerylia has all but become a grandmaster of the bow. She's well talented enough to even use it within melee range, whether it's point blank shots or using the arrows as mini-daggers. She is easily one of the best in the land.
Master Tracker: A unique combination for rangers, this skill is a mixture of hunting and stealth in wilderness environments. Since she has been thrown into the druidic circle since a young age, she was able to grasp this well enough that by the time she reached an adult, she had become one of the most renown trackers in all of Iliviace.
Expert Herbalist: Not the same as alchemy, but Cerylia knows the wilds enough - even outside the forests - to be able to tell if something is healthy to eat, does nothing, is poison, or even magically charged for alchemy.
Acrobatics Expert: Having run through the wilds since she was young, it is easy for her to jump, spin, or otherwise continue her momentum as she chases prey or retreats. This also greatly increases her ability to dodge and avoid blows and projectiles.
Nature Affinity: This skill is to explain her ability to smell rain hours before it's coming, read birds patterns for season changes, calm deer to eat from her hand, or otherwise walk around wolf packs without being attacked.
Journeyman Cook: She knows enough to make a decent meal that tastes good, but nothing that you would remember the next day, but at least nothing you'd complain about for a week either. It's not fancy or amazing, but it fills the stomach.

Combat Flaws
Melee Prowess: Being a weakness, this pretty much means it isn't very refined and in fact still on an apprentice level. Just enough to survive a regular sword fight against a low-ranking militia. Beyond that though, if she were to find herself without a bow against a knight, she would be in danger.
Urban Environments: Pretty much anything outside of the natural world, she is at a distinct disadvantage. While she can still track, it's only half as good as it is in the wilds. The same goes her her nature affinity - while not unfamiliar with civilization, she doesn't understand the suitabilities of it all.

Personality Flaws
Fear of Being Alone: An ironic type of fear since she has spent most of her life in loneliness, but she is truly afraid that in the last of her days, in her deathbed - no one will be there to comfort her, that she would have lived her whole life completely alone.
Communication: At times, if things are confusing or not spelled out, it can be easy for Cerylia to assume things or get frustrated by the lack of understanding. She often employs exact wording to avoid this issue.
Trouble with Men: Though it didn't last the majority of her life, being abused by her father was a large portion of her childhood. On the good side, it developed fast and her father often did not show her much kindness so it didn't traumatize her as much as other victims. However she still feels 'touchy' and flinches away from any man's touch and generally has trouble trusting that others actually give a damn.

Magic Spells
Calm Animals: Typically only a Weave Magic available to druids and rangers, it helps calm down the base instincts of animals and feel more safe and calm around the user. Extreme hunger or rage can counter this though.
Trackless Step: A Weave Magic developed by rangers, when spoken, it can quickly cover up any and all signs of their path. This can only be used on their own tracks however and covers up to hundred feet.

Legendary Archery: Being her first and foremost mastered skill, it was easy to guess that this skill would be effected by Deep Magic.
-- Hawkeye: Drawing her bow causes her vision to magnify at will, zooming up to three times nomral vision. She can also passively see up to 8 times sharper than normal. This essentially allows her to distinguish features that are 20 feet away that others would have to be 2 feet away to make out.
-- Quick Draw: A unique pulse of magic fires off when she reaches for an arrow and draws her string back, causing her to draw and set the bow ready to aim twice as fast - which at her mastery level can be rather fatal for enemies.
Legendary Tracker: Being of the second skill mastered, Deep Magic has also settled into her ability to hunt and and meld into natural settings.
-- Eye's Veil: At will, the Deep Magic puts up a sort of perception filter. Even onlookers find themselves having a hard time concentrating on the exact location of Cerylia. Though she can be found with enough willpower (if in plain sight), but she seems blurry and out of focus. This is only half as effective in unnatural environments though.
-- Heightened Sense: As a tracker, one must be able to spot the unseen and hear the quiet steps of others. Deep Magic has seeped into her, enhancing her level of hearing and the ability to notice small, out of place details. Unlike Eye's Veil, this is not hindered by other environments.

Cerylia did not have a normal childhood nor a happy one. Her mother had died at childbirth, leaving her father to raise her alone as they bounced from one kingdom to the next. Her father however was not a man meant to sire a child - he was a con man, trying to fool people out of coin for alchemy potions that were nothing but sweet water. What was worse is that he was also a drunken abuser. Every time he gained enough gold to spend a night at a tavern, he would always come back to sweet, young four year old Cerylia and throw a few blows her way. That's all she knew for most of her younger years until she finally grew tied of it at the age of nine, gathering all her courage and resolve and running away into the eastern forests.

Normally, she would've never survived, not that she cared - death seemed sweet compared to a life of physical torture. Instead of death though, she stumbled her way into a druidic grove, home to an ancient order of Gaia worshipers. Taking pity on her, they dressed and cared for her and gave her a place to call home and finally feel safe from the evils and abandonment of the world. Despite their good graces though, they saw her strength and decided - somewhat without any empathy - to throw her right into training. Cerylia never once felt loved or cared for by the group, but they did save her life and they were teaching her ways to survive on her own without depending on anyone but herself. Amazingly, against the emotional scarring of abandonment she continued to endure, she advanced through the training at a quick pace and took a particular favoring of the bow.

As she grew older and more skilled, she was allowed more and more freedom into the forests, allowed to track and hunt on her own. Before she gained the ability to make her own camps and essentially be independent of the circle, she would often find herself spending hours at creeks, waterfalls, and in trees, admiring the beauty and peace of the natural world. Some may call it a fluke, or an oddity, but somewhere among nature's embrace she found the belief of something greater - perhaps it was compassion, or the hope for love, or sympathy. No matter the case, she used this belief in trying to help people as much as keeping the balance of the wilds, mastering the ability to track and use her bow for these purposes specifically.

It had been an odd, emotionally traumatizing life into her early twenties. She had gone from abusive father, to emotionally cold druids, to isolation in the woods and yet somehow still found the unbelievable strength to fight for good, to show compassion and mercy for others, and wisdom to know when to end it. Most people may have become bitter, cold, unforgiving, untrusting, or completely detached. Though it was true she had become cautious, almost hopeless, even depressed, she kept clinging onto a sliver of hope that someday it would be all better - that she would finally find someone worth sharing her life with. This deeply hidden and powerful resolve to cling onto a tiny light in an ocean of darkness is what Jergal saw in her. This was the resolve, the determination against all odds in her life that drew his attention and in those later years of her life, she was gifted with his Deep Magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Tobias Greten
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Role in Society: Commoner
Occupation: Hunter

Legend: Tobias's legend goes by many names, though none are more pervasive than the one originating from his home in the western forests: "The Woodsman". It is said that he is ten feet tall, wields a blade heavier than he is, and kills two ogres before breakfast each day. Some more fanciful tellings cast him as a guardian spirit of mankind, who may appear to you in the woods when your need is greatest and slay whatever predator or beast plagues you before melting away without ever saying a word. Many claim to have seen him on the game trail, and it's possible that some of these tales, at least, are accurate, as he shows up in a lot of places, and is almost always on the hunt.

Appearance Picture:

Appearance: As pictured, pretty much. But with a shirt, and he carries a hatchet rather than a sword.

Personality: Tobias definitely falls on the 'loner' side of things, mostly due to the fact that in the past, people who've tried to accompany him on hunts... die. He's not a great communicator, and he can be a control freak (owing to his strategy of meticulous planning), but he's generally a pretty moral person behind all the grunting and frowning, and he does what he does to make the world safer for others.

Skills: Master Tactician: Tobias sees everything and plans accordingly. He can account almost perfectly for variables, understands how people and animals react, and can visualize and keep track of a space better than almost anyone.
Master Athleticism: Tobias keeps himself in shape. He can run fast and far, jump, climb, swim, and generally get around without getting tired.
Expert Archer: Tobias can land a shot, reliably. He can't make trick shots, can't shoot an apple off someone's head at a million miles away, but he's practiced shooting to the point where, if a plan calls for an arrow to go somewhere, it'll go there.
Expert Melee Fighter: When armed with his hatchet and dagger, Tobias can take about two normal people in a straight up fight. Any more than that and he'll need to start getting cute with his other tricks, but he can pretty much take two bog-standard people.
Journeyman Craftsman: Tobias takes care of his own supplies. He can make traps, basic rock-and-wood weapons, he can do wonders with rope, fletches his own arrows and tans his own leather.
Journeyman Tracker: Self-explanatory. He can't tell you 'Forty-three Horseman passed this way an hour and seven minutes ago, their leader was blonde', but he can do "Bear went this way." He's also fairly capable in sneaking, camouflage, stealth, and general woods-craft.
Apprentice Alchemist: He's got a basic knowledge of Alchemy, enough to be able to brew himself a few basic potions and poisons like "Get a bit stronger" or "Get a bit faster" or "You feel like your veins are on fire".

Combat Flaws: No Improvisation: Tobias really, really needs a plan. If he's caught off-guard or something goes wrong, he's in a really terrible spot until he has time to sit down and think of a new plan. He's not the best fighter, or the best archer, or the best tracker, or alchemist, or pretty much anything - in order to stand a chance, he needs to be five steps ahead of his enemy.
No Weapon Variety: Tobias has about as much use for a sword as he does for a toothpick in a fight. In order to be effective, he needs weapons he's comfortable with - a longbow, a hatchet, and a dagger, ideally his. If he's separated from those or forced to use anything else, his combat abilities plummet pretty drastically.
Needs Useable Ground: Tobias's fighting strategy is based around mobility and use of his environment - all well and good if he has environment to use. He thrives in the woods or even in some dense urban environments, but lock in him a featureless room with a bunch of guys and he'll run out of tricks fast.

Personality Flaws
Poor Social Skills: Tobias isn't great at dealing with people. He's a terrible liar, and is generally pretty bad at communicating through words. He's a good person and he can be a loyal friend, but a wordsmith, he ain't.

Magic Spells: Nope! Never had a knack for it.

Abilities: Legendary Tactician: Tobias knows, Tobias sees.
-- Area Control: Tobias can take a mental picture of an area (about a square acre) and pretty much perfectly memorize every detail in it, from where people were when he last saw them, what direction they were heading, where he left traps and supplies... he knows.
-- Think Fast: Tobias thinks quickly, can visualize his options and predict behavior in a fraction of the time normal people could. He can also process information very fast, so he reads quick and can understand visual and auditory information very quickly.
Legendary Athleticism: Tobias has the cardio of a racehorse and none of the fragility.
-- But First They Must Catch You: Tobias can run very, very fast for a long period of time (think top human sprinting speed for like, an hour). On top of that, he's also a slippery bastard, able to dip, duck, dive, and generally be hard to catch, while also being an adept climber.
-- Strongman: Tobias is also possessed of a supernatural strength. (Less Hulk or Thor, more Captain America, for an easy analogy). He mainly uses this to climb and to strike with precision, as fistfighting and brute force aren't really his fortes.

Backstory: Tobias comes from the Kingdom of Alpian, located in the Western Forests (which I will post a sheet for later later). He lived in a small village, the eldest of two sons. His mother perished giving birth to his younger brother, leaving his father, the village woodsman, to raise the boys on his own. His father was an uneducated, brutish man, but he loved the children dearly, and did the best by them he could. Bereft of wealth and learning, he passed to them the skills of his proffession. Tobias's brother took to the work readily, but lumberjacking never came easily to Tobias - he much preferred the skills of hunting and woodscraft that his father had to offer. He lived in this way for the first eighteen years of his life, until his kingdom's darkest hour arrived.

They called the beast "Green-Eye". It was the largest ogre anyone had ever heard of, the size of three powerfully built men, fists like boulders and legs like tree-trunks. What was more, the creature was mad - its campaign of violence and savagery burned a swathe across the countryside for almost a year. Knight after knight set off on a glorious quest to kill the beast, and yet every brave champion who attempted was slain. The Kingdom's military might was lacking, but even armies could not kill it - any force large enough to defeat the monster moved too slowly to catch it. And so it came to be that the ogre brought ruin down upon the village that Tobias called home.

In a single day, Tobias's life was shattered. The monster shrugged off arrow wounds, battered aside militia, smashed houses like they were matchwood. Tobias had been out hunting during the attack, and so he was able to escape the destruction, watching helplessly from afar as his home was wiped out. The same could not be said for his father, nor his brother, both of whom were slain by the mad beast.

Fire in his heart, Tobias set off for revenge. For a month, he stalked his quarry, making note of its movements and habits. He planned, he prepared, he chose the perfect area for his battle, and when the day he had decided upon came, everything was ready. For a full day he fought the monster, utilizing the snares and traps he had placed, striking from stealth and executing his plan perfectly. When the day was finished, Green-Eye the ogre lay dead, and the legend of The Woodsman was born.

His resolution, his ability, and his cunning impressed Jergal. A simple hunter had succeeded where all the knights and armies of the kingdom had failed. For his skill and his determination, he was granted the gift of Deep Magic. Since that day, Tobias has wandered the land, hunting those who would hunt the innocent, be they animal, beast, or man. His legend has only grown, becoming a symbol for the ability of mankind to strike back against the cruel wilderness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Mylisant Feyla

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Role in Society: Commoner

Occupation: Desert Bandit/Con woman

Legend: It was first just simple pranks. Mylisant Feyla was a commoner, a girl within the Ybella kingdom, playing tricks on palace guards. She was a hero among the children, spitting fire back at the oppressors. She pick pocketed the noblemen and gave her findings to the poor. She was 15 when her love affair started with a guard of the palace. He was said to be a young boy, too. Fresh from military training, only 16. Young girls gossiped that it was love at first sight.

He'd arrest her and bring her into the dungeons so they may talk in private and get to know one another better, away from prying eyes.

The night of Princess Aezilia's wedding, when the whole court was attending the ceremony, the guard snuck Mylisant into the royal bed chambers and defiled the king's bed, knocking over a lit candle and setting half the palace ablaze.

The guard was caught and publicly executed before the brand new Queen Aezilia months after her father mysteriously died shortly after the fire.

After watching her lover die, Mylisant fled Ybella and into the desert with no ambition for her survival. Legend has it she perished in the sands, sobbing for her lover's lost life, but many believe her ghost still wanders the kingdoms, wailing for vengeance against Queen Aezilia.

Appearence: Mylisant has eyes that match the desert sand and short black hair she tucks back. With her constant presence in the desert, she always seems to have a coating of sand on any exposed skin. She also has many scars from punishments by merchants after being caught stealing. She has the seal of Yumar tattooed in between her shoulder blades and the symbol of Sliv tattooed on her left shoulder. The symbol of Yumar is three strokes representing wind, and the symbol of Sliv is broken scales

Personality: She's a trickster, a joker, she tries to cover up her fear and her doubt with laughter and confidence, and she's not afraid to call anyone out on their wrong doing or faults. She's not loyal, for sure, but give her a fair price and she'll do your bidding. Mylisant is no longer open to love, her soul aches for Aezilia, her first and only love. She drowns herself in adventures and treasures and whores, begging her senses to go null and forget the queen of Ybella.

Pick Pocketing Expert- She's been pick pocketing since she was a child, practicing her craft to perfection, but her time in the desert left her without practice for a long time
Tracking Apprentice- During her time in the desert, she often had to follow the trails of bandits to survive and find civilization. She didn't learn everything there is to know in the desert, considering the fact that tracking is very different in different biomes, but the desert taught her enough
Sword Handling Apprentice- Whenever Mylisant's father actually did pay attention to her, her often taught her weapons handling, but mostly swords since he crafted the finest swords in Ybella
Drawing Novice- When Mylisant spent time with Aezilia, she would idly scrape her lover's features onto the dungeon walls, and in her spare time, she would draw Aezilia in various places around the kingdom, then show her at their meetings, fulfilling Aezilia's wish to escape the palace walls and travel
Knife Throwing Journeyman- The desert bandits taught her how to properly knife throw
Sacrifice- During her time with the bandits, they taught Mylisant how to make offerings to the gods Yumar and Silv, though she is more experienced in making offerings to Yumar

Combat Flaws:
Sword handling- While she is improving on her sword skills, she still has her weak points. She's easy to forget she has disadvantages, that she's not invincible. She's all offensive and no defensive.
Hunting- She's constantly startling the prey, her patients always wears thin

Personality Flaws:
Aezilia- One mention of the new queen of Ybella and Mylisant will shut down. She will turn mute form days on end
Ocean- Mylisant has been surrounded by sand all her life; the wide stretch of blue abyss terrifies her above all things
Her Legend- Mylisant has heard the take of her own legend and she hates it. She doesn't want to be remembered as a whiny ghost lover who hates Aezilia

Magic Spells: No knowledge on spells--magic was outlawed in Ybella to the common folk, though her father dabbled in it slightly to try to improve his sword crafting skills




She is able to successfully parkour across multiple terrains and even urban areas at a well enough speed to where she won't be caught but she won't trip


While she only has average speed, she is able to run for a long time

Knife throwing


Mylisant is able to almost hit every single target on point

Enhanced Eyesight


In the desert things could either be very easy or very hard to see. Her eyes focus on the unnoticeable shifts in the sand for items being actively buried by the wind


She is able to "convince" the eyes of her enemies to go somewhat null to her presence

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Mari Snowswept
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: ???
Role in Society: Northern Mountain Monk/Nun
Occupation: (Warrior) Nun

Legend: Many tellings speak of the Warrior Monks and Nuns in the north. More tell of the individual that is said to be stronger than most. One said that she took on two Ogres at once, barehanded, and won in a straight up fist fight. Some even go so far as to say that she met one of the ogre’s fist with her own and did not even budge an inch, only to win that and continue to beat the Ogre senseless before moving to the other.

Other stories tell of her brave defense of her monastery when a large band of monsters attacked. They say her leading of a small group of her fellow monks allowed for the rest of her fellows to ready themselves for the greater offensive. Still yet, there were rumors that the monks simply got many of the monsters drunk off of their great brews and dissuaded them from attacking.

More rumors speak of a "Woman in the Bamboo Hat." A woman who traveled around and assisted those in need. There were even more rumors that spoke of her drunk and merry-making with many locals.

Appearence Picture:

Appearence: Typically she only wears the hat when she travels.

Personality: Mari is a typically happy and calm individual. She also enjoys helping others in need where she can. She considers herself a rather thick-skinned individual as well, able to take insult after insult without budging. However, everything has a breaking point, and Mari is a rather scary person to make an enemy of. When she does break, it is typically hazardous for the individual that has incurred her wrath, much like how she envisions Yumar.

She is considered a fairly social person by her fellows in the Monastery, as her heavy social drinking would tell. On top of that, she is one of the kindest people in the place, willing to assist anyone with anything supposing it isn't anything of questionable content. Even assisting in a greatly dangerous situation with many of her peers in the past.

Martial Artes Master: As with many of those at her place of residence, she is a practitioner of physical and hand to hand combat. Amongst her peers, she’s considered one of the masters with her many years of training.

Acrobatics Expert: As bladed weapons are hazard in a fight, sometimes one cannot help but want to dodge away in order to not take damage as opposed to taking a direct hit and have a gash and lose blood.

Brewmaster: Using ancient techniques, Mari and her other monks and nuns enjoy drinking and creating great brews as, at times, there is little other to do than drink, train and talk.

Combat Flaws:
Blades Cut Deep: Aside from dodging and possibly catching a blade, Mari is rather defenseless to a bladed weapon. They'll stop at the bone, but it will slice her flesh and make her bleed, or possibly puncture a vital organ.

Lack of Range: Mari has little to no ability to attack from a range. Aside from picking up rocks and throwing them, which tend to be more ineffective.

Personality Flaws:

Masterful Drunk: As she enjoys her drink too much, when she drinks, she drinks a lot. She has a high tolerance to the stuff, but if she drinks enough, she will be effected like most people which is very likely to happen when she starts. Typically, that involves passing out or walking in the streets not quite in a straight.

Kindness At times, she is altogether too kind. Sometimes, so kind it would get her killed had she had other circumstances. She is unafraid of assisting those she finds in a street that is being assaulted by thugs. Those struggling with carrying things. Now, she is able to even help those with their lives in danger.

Magic Spells:
- Mend Light Wounds: By focusing energy, the user of the spell is able to help mend wounds and cure bruises. This one takes a long time and must focus greatly.

- Everlight: After the spell is used, a small, but somewhat bright light appears at the users fingertip doing nothing more but providing light.

Physical Endowment: Many have called her strong as an Ox, that however may just be an understatement. Some might go so far as to say an Ogre.

-Powerful Muscles: Her punches have more force behind then than a physical fighter of her own level, years, and training as well as lifting up things many would not even consider lifting. Oddly, it seems to turn itself off when she is attacking one she doesn't want to harm. This includes mostly people.

-Reinforced Structure: Her bones are less brittle than most, as she is able to withstand many more things a normal human would not.

-Pain Killer: When it comes to taking a hit, not only does it not bother her bones, but neither does it bother her nerves either, at least, extensively. She still has a sense of pain, but it dulls down to the point that she can stand it without even considering flinching.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Chase Dawnshard

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual / Demisexual
Role in Society: Noble
Occupation: Ranger, works for the Guild

Hushed whispers and talks all speak about this being living in Zlore, dissension occurs when discussion of his morality is spoken. One story says that this being is so fast that it would leave as quickly as it entered, and a trail of dead bodies would follow. Adventurers around would travel to Zlore to try and test their skills, only to be met with deep slashes or not come back at all.

There are a name few who had claimed to be saved and all they could see was a shadow going through the assailants and sounds of a sword being clashing then dead silence would soon follow, opening their eyes would be a clutter of bodies, all with the look of fear in their dead eyes. Others mention that he can't be trusted as he's unpredictable and a rogue element in Zlore. All they do know is that his swordsmanship may be unparalleled in all of Zlore, with but a name few.

Appearence Picture:

Appearence: A few scars here and there, running amock his body. Has a particular scart that runs his across his left eye.

Chase is a kind and gentle person, he generally likes to deal quips and likest to banter with his close friends, usually with a grin or smirk. He finds it easy to socialize with other people of different ages. He would also usually try and go out of his way to help people in need, something people don't expect a noble to do, because of this he is well known and relatively respected amongst the commoners.

During times of duress and battle, he takes a quiet and analytical psyche where he would try and assess the situation and do things based on analysis rather than emotional, though sometimes his emotions get the better of him.

•Master Swordsman: Under the tutelage of his father and the guild, and after arduous training, he had achieved mastery over the sword, preferring to duel wield longswords or scimitars
•Master Martial Prowess: His father had strictly warned him that a swordsman without his weapon, is a dead one, so he was taught how to fight without a sword. After years of training, it had become his second most honed skill.
•Expert Stealth: The Guild requires usage of stealth to further their missions and so has taught Chase the art of Stealth.
•Expert Analysist: Under the mindset set by his father, he always takes an analytical approach to battles, but is sometimes hindered by his emotional state.
•Journeyman Parkour/Stamina His self training had increased his stamina and has generally been able to get through relatively harsh terrain.
•Apprentice Marksmanship: While his father thinks Bows are for cowards who can't fight, he still thinks that bows are useful to an extent.

Combat Flaws:
•Unpredictable opponents: Chase has a problem with opponents who changes their moves erratically, he finds it difficult to keep adjusting how to fight unpredictable opponents.
•Resilience: While he is able to take a few hits, he focuses on speed rather than resilience, causing a lot of people to be more resilient than him.

Personality Flaws:
•Merciful: Chase is regarded as a fool by his peers for being merciful-to a fault.
•Trusting: He is also trusting to his closest friends, not really doubting them.
•Cooking: He always seems to burn whatever meal he is cooking, cookable or otherwise.

Magic Spells:
The Dawnshard family has been allowed to dabble in some Weave magic, approved by the Fallenrun
•Stutter Step: Augments his speed, making him look like a 'specter'
•Disarm: Makes the enemy unable to use their weapon for a moment.

•Legendary Swordsmanship: Since this is his most honed and focused skill, it would undoubtedly be laced with Deep Magic.
~Lightning Step: An improvised version of his stutter step, increases his speed, limited to bursts. Slow enough for the eyes to see but trained masters have difficulty catching up. Sounds of thunder can be heard when this skill is used.
~Dancing Blades: Blades made of magic energy materialize to help Chase
~Eleventh-Hour: A last ditch effort to use when Chase is in danger, this ability pushes him the brink of his body, greatly increasing his speed, overall power and stamina. After two minutes of use, it causes Chase to be knocked out for half a day.

•Legendary Martial prowess: His second most honed tenant, it would also be laced with Deep Magic.
~Dashing blow: Rushes to an enemy and dealing a swift strike to the solar plexus, stunning the enemy for a brief while.
~Seven sided blows: Hits the enemy seven times, in a short time span.

Being born into nobility, most of Chase's childhood was mostly rotten, had it not been the rather rough intervention of his father, he still would've have been spoiled in present day. After the day of the intervention, Chase had become more quiet and kinder than usual, which shocked the people around him. Being part of the Dawnshard family, he always had a penchant for swordsmanship always asking his father to train him in the art. Though his father initially refused due to his age, he had slowly started to train him at the age of 14.

His father frequently gave snide remarks about how ironic it was that he had no talent for the sword and yet was a part of Dawnshard, even his peers began to jest at him. While his psyche did take a blow, the jests and quips made his resolve ever stronger and more firm, he would train whenever he had the chance, sneaking out at dusk to self train. His father had also made him join the ever elusive 'Rangers' guild. After months of training, even with little talent,his ever increasing prowess with the sword caught the attention and jealousy of his peers, and they set off to sabotage his crucible, which was an integral part of training. They set up traps and purposely provoked the monsters in the area to try and deter him from passing the crucible.

The Crucible day came, all his peers had a pretentious smirk, and most of them giving him false 'Good lucks'. Days passed and Chase comes out, with an entire new look on his face, finishing his apparent objective. Chase spoke little of his experience, only becoming distant when it's mentioned. His skills had vastly improved, being able to match the strongest pupil of the Guild, much to the dismay of his fellow peers. Throughout his training, his peers had always resented him for different reasons, though Chase didn't let this get to him, he was pretty much ostracized in the Guild. Years later he had finally become a full fledged member.

Perhaps it was his tenacious resolve of not giving into the jests of his peers or his willingness to accept his skill and improve, Perhaps it was another thing Jergal saw in Chase, but he had bestowed his blessing of Deep Magic to Chase, something Chase was happy, yet confused about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Tylan (Tie-ler-n) Hallaw
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role in Society: Commoner
Occupation: Sailor

The Battle Upon Red Waves was a bloody affair between rivaling bands of pirates and smugglers, scuffling for dominance of the black-market in the region’s seas. Scores of ships clashed over waves. Cannons became the song of the night as the sky turned black, and the waters even darker. Flaming arrows descended like thick rain, setting fire to ship and man alike. Hundreds of screaming torches fell overboard, only to be engulfed by the thrashing waves, pulled down to the seafloor for the fish to feast on. As the Battle waged on, a foreign prince watched from the shore, worried eyes flecked with gold from the flaming beacons on the water, for his betrothed was lost at sea, trapped on a galley caught in the corrupted wrestle for power and gold.

They say that the ship appeared from nowhere, as though a curtain had been drawn and spliced, to reveal the standard of the princess’ father, rippling and tossed high in the ocean wind. The galley cut through the water, and at its head, steering it from storm to port, stood a skinny boy of ten-and-six. A commoner from the worst part of town, who’d never set foot on a ship before, but had at that moment taken to sailing as a fish takes to water. So skillfully did he maneuver the ship on his maiden voyage, that not one arrow had befallen the deck, as was discovered when dawn came and the galley was inspected for damage. So talented was he, that the princess raved about him to her beloved when they were reunited. “He crept forth from the depths of the stores,” she cried, “when the captain suffered an arrow to the shoulder.” The only casualty to be had aboard the princess’ galley. “He took over the wheel without a pause, and as the night grew dark, he grew only bolder.

“He danced on the waves, a courteous lead. Oh, he was brave, no doubt can there be! He called for the crew to move down below, while he stayed on deck, and beckoned the blows. Fall they did, a relentless hail. But none struck us, with him we were hale. Arrows drowned in the water, and pierced not we. Cannons would not bother, sorcery it must be! And when a pirate flew onto the ship, he protected his deck, with a sword through the hip.”

The boy-hero was commended for defending the galley and bringing the prince his bride, but he would give no name. During the ceremony of gratitude, after the prince had presented him with a bag of gold and the nobles attending struck up a dance in his honour, the boy slipped away soundlessly. The prince and princess never found him again, or learned who he was, and the boy-hero has been dubbed Lord Stowaway, a faceless legend young boys hear when bounced on the knees of their dams.

Appearance: Tall, thin, and reedy, Tylan is extremely light – both on his feet and in terms of weight – with a mop of brown, unruly curls crowning his head. He is agile, with sinewy muscles and unadvertised strength.

Personality: Tylan can appear mischievous, bordering on childish. His behaviour is not malevolent, but slightly chaotic. Energetic, he comes across as high-spirited with his laughter and smirks. However, Tylan is just as likely to be chuckling at a joke, as he is to be scanning his companion for chinks in the armour, opportune for a dagger in the back should the need present itself. Innately dark-humoured, Tylan is – in reality – discerning and brooding, but does not oft give the impression of being anything other than immature. His juvenility is for the most part deliberate and exaggerated, a constant dramatic performance. Tylan is no fool, but acting as one has given him the occasional advantage, that he plays to the fullest. Behind the japes and façade, Tylan is intelligent, cunning, and prone to the occasional moment of sobriety and generosity.

Sailing (Master) – Tylan is most at home aboard a ship’s deck. He has sailed the far seas, knows of many a shipman’s tale, and can don a sailor’s tongue when it befits the situation. His stomach is iron-cast as well when he rides the waters, and seasickness does not plague him. He can scale a ship-mast as well as a squirrel shimmies up a tree, and is easily mistaken for a monkey when he leaps from the ropes and riggings of a ship.
Knife-Handling (Master) – From deftly sawing through fisherman’s rope, to cleanly slitting a throat, Tylan knows intimately how to arm himself with daggers and knives. He isn’t half-bad at throwing them either, and his aim is something to boast of.
Spearing (Expert) – Lighter than swords, but with a greater reach, the spear is no stranger to Tylan, who has found the weapon practical on both land and sea. Tylan has speared fish-bellies for dinner before when he tired of maritime provisions, and has fended off his share of incensed merchants in the markets with the nearest object – often a long skinny stick, abandoned by passing visitors. He knows how to flick his wrist just right to land a blow that thwacks against his opponent’s side, and how to drive the butt of the spear into another’s ribs and steal his air. He can also twirl a spear expertly behind his back, but that particular skill is reserved for cocky show-offs.
Archery (Journeyman) – Tylan does not spend much time on land, but half of it is devoted to learning archery from a kindly traveller who frequents the ports once a full moon. He favours his blades, but the utility of a bow and arrow is not lost upon him.

Combat Flaws: Suited for nimbleness and haste, Tylan does not have the strength to wield or swing a sword for long. Shove a longsword into his hands and he is like to bleed before the fifth cut. Wounds sustained in battle will also take their toll on Tylan, whose health is admittedly not the strongest, which is why his defensive stance surpasses his offensive.

Personality Flaws: Tylan is untrusting, and skittish around the strange. He does not lend his loyalty easily, and will erect a fortress of suspicion around himself that takes twice as long to dismantle as it does to build. Similarly, Tylan is not to be trusted wholeheartedly. He will avoid base treacheries where possible, but should push come to shove, his survival will still take precedence over all else. This trait might make him selfish, and a craven, but it preserves him. Of course, his habit of overplaying his immaturity is another point to note.

Magic Spells: -

Abilities: (Tylan is a youth of one-and-twenty years, with humble experience to speak of. Furthermore, the persona he chooses to don makes it rather difficult for hardship to come his way and be endured, so that Jergal might bequeath him with Deep Magic.)

Backstory: Tylan is a baseborn lad, son to a whore. Bastards aren’t few and far between, but the shame they bear upon their names like a cross above their hearts can be potent enough to follow them through their lives. The brothel his mother resided in was located just to the side of the harbour, and Tylan’s earliest memory as a tyke included him dodging around merchants’ stalls and crates of fish. He remembers toddling up a damp wooden plank, feeling it rocking beneath his feet, only to be plucked up by the armpits. The well-meaning sailor didn’t want to contend with barely-whelped stowaways, but Tylan needed only to flash a precocious smile for the sailor’s resolve to dissolve. Few ships at the harbour could close themselves to a young boy with harmless flashing eyes since. Tylan feels most at home onboard any deck, and learnt that day to beguile and charm to attain his whims.

His mother has long since passed, but Tylan found unlikely kin among the sea-bound. They entertain his company when they stop at port; bring him trinkets, and bawdy raucous stories of battle, trade, and women from far-away lands. When he was eleven he sailed for the first time on a maiden voyage. Though the journey was to a neighbouring port, and no further, it thrilled Tylan to no end. The rock and lull of the boat, the icy spray of the sea: he loved it all, and spent the next five years learning from the most lucrative of traders, pirates and smugglers how to man a ship, learning the ropes with deft hands.

By the time he was ten-and-six and the Battle Upon Red Waves crossed his path, Tylan was no stranger to the seas, as the songs and stories would have others believe. Tylan had been aboard the galley, only because he’d called in favours from the captain, who was as familiar to Tylan as a brother. He commandeered the wheel when his brother-at-sea could no longer hold it, and when one of the princess’ knights presumed to demand he relinquish it, Tylan barked out a sharp order that the princess and her entourage be protected. Gods forbid that a grassland knight who knew only how to seat a horse between his legs try to command a ship. Like as not, the knight would only dash them against the rocks and corals. The galley-crew hastened to obey, and ushered the princess and her pesky knight away to safer quarters.

Though there was a storm of arrows, there was no rain. Steering was no more difficult than it would have been on a warm summer’s day, and the fire around them made for adequate lighting. Tylan was blissfully fortunate: the pirates and smugglers had by then exhausted their supply of arrows, and the brief reprieve let Tylan breathe easy as he steered the galley into harbour, where an overjoyed prince was waiting for his love. Once Tylan was handed the reward he had tried to refuse, he climbed out the window, before the newly-weds could ensnare him once more with talk of uprooting him and making him their Master of Ships in the nation they would rule together. He was still a child, only six-and-ten, and he did not seek responsibility. He returned to his life of darting through the market, and sailing the seas, taking opportunities to man ships as they came.

Tylan gradually shed the moniker Lord Stowaway of his youth as he grew older, living an unassuming life of adventures at sea and daily acts. He continues to play the foolish child, because the brazen pirates and smugglers he comes across so easily fall for his performance. Those who know how to roar with laughter become his fast friends. Those who do not can only swear, and shake their fists at him, because they have likely lost something to Tylan when they realise the act – a bet, valuables, or pride. And nothing hurts quite so much as injured dignity.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: All of them?
Role in Society: Noble
Occupation: Courtier and Royal Alchemist
Height: 5'4"
Weight: approx 130lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Dark Brown

Legend: Many of the legends surrounding Saha are contradictory as if describing two different people. Ask any tavern owner in Negotia and they'll tell you of the Mad White Haired Noblewoman who can drink an entire bar under the table and drain every keg you own in a single night. There are also tales of a benevolent spirit who never frowns and heals the sick. Some say that King Oren captured an angel of Analil to be a member of his court, although certain accounts of that legend also claim that the King seduced the angel rather than capturing it somehow. Others claim that Saha is an incarnation of Analil.

Perhaps Saha's personal favorite is the legend of the White Sage who watches over the weak and protects the innocent. They say she has eyes that can see into the deepest reaches of your heart, ears that can hear the truth in your mind, and a touch that can reach your very soul. It's also said that the White Sage never forgets a single soul and so wrongdoers best beware.

Personality: Saha is rather... eccentric. Her demeanor is often uncharacteristically cheerful even in stressful situations making her appear reckless, dangerous, and even mad. Saha has one love, and that is knowledge, she lives to learn anything and everything. Her drive to learn new things is almost like an addiction. She is not without compassion, however, as she is actively using the knowledge she gains to benefit society.

Beneath the zeal of her unending thirst for knowledge Saha is a loyal friend and defender of gods-given rights. She has a strong belief in the equality of all sentient beings and never ignores those in need. Those who know her well heed her counsel and respect her wisdom. Her intelligence is undeniable but generally undervalued due to her quirky attitude. Saha is also strongly opposed to the idea of murder and will do everything to avoid a situation where such an act is necessary. This is not to say that she avoids conflict but rather makes every effort possible to avoid taking a life.

  • Master Alchemist: Having spent years in the pursuit of alchemy Saha has accrued a vast amount of knowledge from books, other alchemists, and her own experiments.
  • Master Martial Artist: Having learned from many different instructors and utilizing her understanding of anatomy Saha has developed her own style of Martial Art that is without question her most valuable combat skill. Saha took it upon herself to learn this skill in order to adhere to her principals without leaving herself defenseless. Though not particularly strong she is lightning quick and precise in her movements.
  • Expert Powers of Deduction: Having spent many years in solitary study, Saha has honed her mind to better understand the world around her and infer, with great accuracy, many things about the world around her.
  • Expert Herbalist: Although not particularly her field of expertise, it's congruency with alchemical principals made it an easy skill to pick up over the years.
  • Expert Cook: Cooking is basically alchemy with edible materials Saha found it easy to translate her knowledge in order to make tasty meals, and who doesn't like tasty food?
  • Journeyman Sailor: All Nobility living in the city of Mercator have been taught to sail although she lacks the stamina and experience of a proper sailor.
  • Journeyman Weave Magic: Focused mainly on utility spells as they have the most practical applications Saha thought that they might be useful in practicing her alchemy.
  • Apprentice Horse Riding: As a Noblewoman she was expected to ride horses and despite having some experience as a rider she is not particularly skilled.
  • Apprentice Jeweler: Manipulating soft metals through the use of alchemy is a small effort for a master alchemist although she lacks the artistic skill to make anything other than basic jewelry. In fact all of the jewelry she wears was hand crafted by herself.

Combat Flaws:
  • Swordplay: Although she fully comprehends the physics and mechanics of swordplay she has never cared for, or had the aptitude, to use a sword effectively. She is at the level of an apprentice despite having the benefit of a court appointed Swordsman Instructor.
  • Marksmanship:Like with swordplay she understands the mechanics of it but never cared for the bow/crossbow or even tried to use one.
  • Not Into Sports: Being a woman of knowledge, Saha doesn't take much time out of her day to exercise and as a result is about as strong as the average milk maid.

Personality Flaws:
  • Alcoholic: Saha's drinking habits are legendary. Her thirst for drink is only second to her thirst for knowledge. In fact, there are several legends pertaining to a certain 'white witch' drinking up an entire bar in a single night.
  • Boundaries: She understands the concept of social boundaries, however, she regularly ignores them in order to learn about people. Although this isn't meant to be invasive or rude it often appears to be just that.

Magic Spells:
  • Atollo: Essentially telekinesis via magic. While it easily moves small objects around larger objects like, a man for example, wouldn't feel more than an aggressive push. The reason being that the spell translates a portion of the users physical strength in order to move the targeted object.
  • Igni: To put it plainly, fire. You won't see Saha tossing firebolts around with this spell but the ability to create fire from nothing has many other practical uses. That being said, Saha is particularly fond of using Igni in conjunction with wine to 'spit flame'.
  • Lux: Creates a ball of light which can be held in her hand or float freely in the air. The light will remain where she put it until she leaves the area or dispels the magic.
  • Visus: Sharpens the vision giving the user greater visual acuity. This spell requires a great deal of concentration and is generally ineffective when performing any other tasks.

  • Legendary Memory: As a woman who strives to learn everything, having a perfect memory is possibly the greatest gift Jergal could have bestowed upon her. Although, this does mean that Saha remembers everything, the good and the bad.
    --Picture Perfect: Essentially Saha has a photographic memory which may not sound all that legendary until she tells you what clothes you were wearing on a Saturday afternoon when she passed you on the street six years ago and then proceeds to describe to you the species of grass you were walking on, the breed of dog that urinated on the building next to you, and the number of sacks of grain in the cart that passed you by. She can also recall every face of every person that has ever died in front of her.
  • Legendary Immunity: Perhaps a certain kind of poetic reward for having cured a plague, Saha's own immune system is practically iron clad.
    --The Picture of Health: Deep Magic has made her practically invulnerable to most diseases, toxins and poisons. Her body bleeds less, heals faster, and only the most fatal substances are lethal in large doses. This unfortunately also means that she is incredibly resistant to the effects of alcohol and must consume gratuitous amounts to feel the full effect. Saha has theorized over the possibility that the aging process has been halted as a result of this but since the only way to prove or disprove her theory is to wait and see if she dies of old age Saha isn't in a rush to find out.

Backstory: Traditionally the House of Xephos are scribes and scholars spending days on end pouring through ancient texts and philosophical journals. Saha, however, is a bit... different.

Born on the first moon of may to Aleko I (age 50) and Mira (age 46) Xephos, Saha is the first daughter of the House Xephos with an older brother (Aleko II, age 30) and a younger sister (Kana, age 25). It was raining heavily as it often does in Negotia and Mira had spent fifteen hours in labor before delivery. Fortunately there were no complications and Saha was born with a beautiful head of jet black hair, as is the trademark of the house Xephos. She spent much of her childhood at her family estate never caring to venture outside. She learned to read at an early age to prepare her for what they expected would be a career as a scribe like the rest of her family. At first her life as a scribe seemed inevitable but Saha started to learn about other trades as well. More and more her thirst for knowledge grew, she spent days studying everything she could get her hands on. Having been born into privileged household it was a simple matter for her to acquire reading material, not to mention her father is the Grand Archivist of Negotia.

It wasn't until she reached the age of nine that she first discovered alchemy and all it's wonders. The idea that by practicing an art she would constantly be learning more was greatly appealing to her. Her parents encouraged this fascination, believing it to be a passing phase. They assumed she would simply go to the next subject once her curiosity was sated but year after year she kept on. By the time she was twelve her parents realized that this was no phase and that their daughter had discovered a passion for alchemy. It was then that they requested an instructor to come and tutor Saha in the ways of alchemy. She apprenticed under the Master Alchemist Zanora Inglebard, renowned in Negotia for her work in medicinal alchemy. Sadly a year later Master Inglebard returned to her homeland leaving Saha to study on her own.

Shortly after her Master's passing Saha was studying in the courtyard of their estate and discovered a blue bird that had died. Having lived a sheltered life until then Saha had never encountered death. Even if it were only a bird, to Saha this was something grotesque. She decided to try and revive the bird using alchemy but nothing worked. For hours on end Saha tried and tried to bring back life to the small bird until she had exhausted all of her knowledge. She sat there with the bird in her hands, and wept at her failure. It was then that her mother found her with all manner of potions and mixtures strewn about the ground. Mira embraced her daughter and spoke. "You did everything you could my love. Everything dies in the end and that's why life is so precious. There's only so much of it we can have until our time is up. Life is a gift, sweet Saha, cherish it always." These were perhaps the most profound words ever spoken to her and they drive her still today.

Soon after these events Saha started her study of the Martial Arts. Learning the arts was a way of making her feel capable of protecting the lives of those who couldn't defend themselves while reducing the possibility that she would be taking away another precious life in the process. It was empowering to possess this kind of skill and soon she devoted almost all of her time to mastering Martial Arts. Saha trained with Masters from all over the world, learning about their different philosophies and absorbing their techniques. After several years of training she was finally deemed a master by her peers.

Later at the age of 16 Saha discovered that her beautiful jet black hair was starting to fall out at alarming rates. Apparently a brew she had been using to smooth her skin was causing unnatural hair loss. To a noblewoman this was simply unacceptable and so Saha promptly discontinued her use of the brew and set out to create a hair growth potion. For six days Saha stayed in her father's study working on the potion. On the seventh day she emerged from her isolation. She had succeeded but at a price. On her head was an enormous mane of long silky hair that reached the small of her back, unfortunately the process had drawn all of the color from her hair. Instead of the jet black hair of a Xephos Saha now had a full head of silken hair white as snow and with the lack of jet black hair Saha was now, ironically, the black sheep. Her hair remains silken white to this day and is now a trademark in most of the legends pertaining to her.

Now at the age of 21 Saha has grown into a young master of both alchemy and martial arts. Rumors of a white haired drunk have begun spreading and a new sickness had been discovered. The disease spread quickly through the capital and many people were blaming it on the gods. Saha knew better and together with the court's Royal Alchemist Chezuro work began on a cure. It was hypothesized that the disease at first was only transmitted via physical contact and so many peoples were quarantined for everyone's safety including their own. The disease quickly became a plague as it had festered in a large population center near the main shipping docks of the capital city. It's effects on the human body were extremely volatile. Those infected were slowly dissolved from the inside out, blood would spill from their mouths in the earlier stages which later progressed into spewing their innards onto the floor. Perhaps most unfortunate was that Royal Alchemist Chezuro had contracted the disease after being spit on by one of the afflicted. It was then that Saha realized the disease was transmitted through bodily fluids and that the plague was causing the afflicted to evacuate their fluids in order to spread the disease. This fact alone meant that the plague was an entirely different disease than she had first thought.

This revelation came too late, however, as the death of Royal Alchemist Chezuro caused the situation to escalate. Citizens started accusing random people of having the plague, anyone with even a slight cough was thrown into the quarantine, looting was a regular occurrence, and many citizens were demanding that the afflicted be burned along with the quarantine zone in order to eliminate the plague. Soon the quarantine zone had become just as necessary to keep the citizenry out as it was to keep the afflicted in. Many alchemists started selling 'miracle cures' at exorbitant prices to desperate citizens who then tried to break quarantine in order to save their loved ones. In this time of turmoil trade had come to a standstill for the first time since the great civil war almost two hundred years prior. It took Saha six weeks to finally find a cure in the most mysterious of places. The cure she found was a mineral alloy which, when ingested, rendered the disease inert and harmless. All citizens were summarily given a dose of the cure be they afflicted or not and all articles of the afflicted were burned to eliminate the threat of a plague reasserting itself. Many of those who had survived the plague still live today in what was once the quarantine zone, which is now called the Black Ten District. Many of the residents still tell stories of the white haired angel that gifted them life and put an end to the suffering. The ordeal taught her perhaps the greatest truth she would ever know, knowledge is power.

In recognition of her achievements Saha was made the new Royal Alchemist for the court of Negotia. She has served dutifully in the Royal Court ever since, although she still spends most of her time on intellectual pursuits.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Cornelia Aerthur
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Role in Society: Clergy/Commoner
Occupation: Justiciar of Analil

Legend: The Fireblood Woman
"All of us have fire in our hearts. The passion and drive to be better than what the Gods first create us as. That ember that keeps us going in the darkest of times. But the Justiciar, that lass who serves our Lady Analil...it's an inferno within her, a maelstrom of searing heat that won't ever go out! I seen it, seen the Justiciar walk out of the burning remains of that church, cloaked in fire and burning, carrying the Head Matron, eyes ablaze. She didn't flinch, even as her skin roasted. We've all got fire in our hearts...but she...she's an inferno."
- Common Tavern Tale From Drunk Patrons

Cornelia became known as the Fireblood Woman when, at the young age of 7, she emerged from the burning wreckage of the Abbey of Analil. Though no one knows how the fire had started, it consumed the entire building in a matter of moments. Cornelia and her friend Fiona were trapped inside. When Fiona passed out from the smoke, Cornelia swaddled her in a soaked tapestry and raced through the corridors to escape. Her body began to burn, but she continued to run, ignoring the searing pain as she was cooked within the walls of the abbey. Reaching the entrance, the roof caved in, draping her entire body in a burning curtain that billowed out behind her. As she escaped the holocaust, the curtains billowed out behind her, and to bystanders, it appeared sheets of flame were emanating from the girl, causing the legend that within her body churned not blood, but pure fire that was escaping through her wounds.

Appearance Picture:

Appearance: Most of Cornelia's lower body is covered in old burn scars. Healing magic will never cause the scars to leave, possibly due to the age she received them.

Patient, ponderous, and calm is the best way to describe Cornelia. Where others would react, she thinks. Where others would leap to action, she contemplates all paths laid before her. Despite this, she is far from sedentary or slow. If given the chance however, she prefers to go over all the facts and make a decision based off logic and thought rather than gut instinct and emotion. Her training as a Justiciar has lead to this methodical mindset and because of it, she finds many alternatives and tiny details that others overlook. She attempts to maintain a neutral outlook on life, trying to remember that the world is not black and white, but a murky shade of gray that shifts and convulses together. However, this has lead to a heavy dose of apathy and the occasional viewing of living beings as cogs in a machine, to be observed rather than interacted with. There is no one more devoted or passionate to the Stalwarts, however, and her ponderous ways make her a tenacious and resourceful trailer. It is a rare criminal who can get her to call off a hunt for them.

Shieldwork (Master) - Cornelia uses a gargantuan tower shield in her offhand, and has developed a combat style that makes her defense from the front nigh impenetrable. Even against much larger foes, her defense is rock solid. This works especially well in urban or narrow spaces, where she can force enemies to face her directly from the front in one on one combat.

Longsword (Expert) - When paired with her shield, Cornelia's fighting style is a slow, methodical advance that is difficult to halt at best. Her fighting leaves no openings, focusing on a careful advance that pushes enemies back with little respite.

Blacksmithing (Journeyman) - Constant combat, heavy use, and the battering from howling criminals has given Cornelia a lot of experience mending her equipment.

Medical Attention (Novice) - She can stop the bleeding, but the wound will still need a proper doctor to look at it.

Combat Flaws: Cornelia's excellence at dueling is lost if she is surrounded. Her slow footwork, methodical style, and reliance on her shield means fighting multiple opponents is essentially a death sentence without someone watching her back. She cannot react in time to multiple attacks from different fronts, and will be cut down if not properly supported in such situations. In wilderness, or areas where the enemy can fan out and get behind her while keeping pressure on her front, is where this is most obvious.

Her reliance on the shield also means that without it or some kind of defensive armament, her entire combat style is lost, and she becomes little better than a highly disciplined militia or man-at-arms.

Personality Flaws:
Apathetic - Despite being a member of a group that emphasizes atonement and redemption. Cornelia seems very apathetic towards those she has deemed guilty or criminals. This extends even to petty crime, putting thieves and swindlers a step below human in her eyes. As such, she frequently forgoes *or is prevented from taking* the role of Judge and instead focuses heavily on capturing, jailing, and punishing criminals. But there have been accusations of her simply judging someone based off her own bias or unfounded evidence.

Lethargy - While Cornelia can build up quite a head of steam for something she is passionate about, subjects that bore her are met with frequent yawning, head bobbing, and more often than not she simply dismisses those she deems boring or a waste of time.

Break The Advance - Cornelia can use her shield to block any incoming blow, no matter the origin. This can be as simple as stopping a mounted charge from overrunning her to as legendary as shifting a catapult's boulder to the side. Put simply, she can stop anything with this ability, no matter the size or impact. However, she can only use this when she's standing completely still, and braced for the attack. A surprise attack will bypass this ability entirely. Braced and ready, however, there is quite literally nothing that can get past her shield, simply being turned aside or stopped in its tracks.

Eyes of Justice - A far simpler ability than Break The Advance, Cornelia can tell when someone is lying flawlessly. This requires her to make eye contact and keep it while the individual speaks. She uses this often when questioning criminals or potential witnesses. If Cornelia breaks eye contact before the lie or truth is finished causes the ability to fail, giving her at best a hunch whether or not it was factual. Blinking does not count as breaking eye contact, neither does it count if the person she is talking to breaks it. So long as Cornelia remains focused on them after initial contact, she can tell if they are lying.

Left to the sisters in the mountain monastery of Analil by her commoner parents, Cornelia was given a chance at a life outside of poverty, raised in pious devotion. She became fast friends with the only other child within the walls, a girl named Fiona, the illegitimate love child of a noble and his mistress. The two were to be nuns to the Goddess of Justice, holy and pure.

Until a fire consumed the monastery, burning out the lives of many trapped within. Through hellfire and collapsing architecture, Cornelia pulled herself from the inferno, carrying Fiona with her, to safety, suffering massive burns in the process. However, against all odds, the young child survived and managed to save her friend. The surviving members of the church took refuge in a small village nearby. Over the years, the sheltered Cornelia would bear witness to the brutality and ravages of a border village. Criminals wreaking havoc, corrupt soldiers taking hand outs, and merchants overcharging for basic needs and goods. A bitterness began to grow within the girl, but instead of turning into hatred, it was tempered by the infinite patience of Fiona into a determination to improve the world around them. As the monastery was finally given the funds to rebuild, the now 20 year old Cornelia took a dominant role in it's growth, convincing the sisters within to take up a more...strict...outlook on the tenants of Analil. The church was redesigned with this purpose, becoming a defensible position that embedded itself deep into the mountain. Nearby villages, tired of being ignored and eager to join this new cause, abandoned their homes to live and help with the construction.

Cornelia spearheaded the cause, and while many would have preferred her to take over as Matron of the sect, she consistently refused, instead allowing Fiona to take the role. Cornelia herself became Head Justiciar, leading the jailers and hunters to bring criminals to face trial and judgement. At 30 years, Cornelia's legend as the Fireblood Woman, and as a relentless bloodhound for Analil, has earned her the attention of many. However, her dogged nature and tenacity, alongside an iron will, earned her the attention and blessings of Jergal.

Name: Stalwarts of Analil
Location: Mountains
Society: A monastery turned military fort and maximum security prison, the Stalwarts of Analil embody the goddess' sense of justice and penance. While originally, the church had been a simple abbey that had burned down under mysterious circumstances, it has since been converted into a formidable defensive town. Known as the Fortchurch Prison, The Stalwarts emphasize a strategy of flawless defense. A siege would be difficult and long on this position, with deep tunnels and catacombs holding massive storages of food, water, medical supplies, and weapons. Within these tunnels as well lie the jail cells of criminals who scorned Analil's forgiveness and offer of repentance. When a criminal stands for crimes too heinous to disallow punishment, or the limits of the kingdoms' laws prevent their capture, the Stalwarts are called in to bring them to justice. These souls are taken to the Fortchurch, where they stand trial before the Justiciars of Analil. Those who claim repentance are given the chance, confined to the fort for years until their oath is proven genuine, after which they are drafted into the Stalwarts and trained as warriors. Those who are found lacking, untrue, or retaining their villainy are executed or confined eternally below the earth. Life as a Stalwart is more favorable than death to many though, and some criminals, rather than rot in a cell, will volunteer to serve the Fortchurch.
Unique Notes: The Stalwarts of Analil hold no loyalty to any particular kingdom, but offer their services as jailers and judges to all freely. They are known for being an impartial third party. The current head of the Stalwarts is Matron Fiona De'Gaspard, a rather young, but intelligent woman who believes anyone can be redeemed.
Other: The Stalwart warriors are known for heavy shield tactics that use tight phalanxes of warriors. Their style focuses on a crushing advance that deflects attacks while pushing the enemy back, making them incredibly effective in the tight valleys and narrow roads of the mountains.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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