Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tonight seemed like the gentle breeze had been seasoned with a pinch of calm, the sunset sprawling across the sky and lazily coloring it with beautiful oranges and deep purples. Cerylia couldn't help but let out a relaxed sigh, watching the pretty exchange slowly change to night. She was perched on a big tree's branch, enough to hold her weight as she dangled one leg, her other curled up to her chest as she hugged it loosely. A long bow was snugly strapped to her back, but she wore it so often that she hardly noticed it's presence anymore, even twisting and moving as if it was a part of it.

She had opted to not making a camp before nightfall today and instead wanted to take the time to appreciate the awe of it all. Only a few days ago she was in conflict with a few of the loggers, forcing herself to pull her bowstring back until they suddenly realized who she was, finding that their axes weren't really a match for the 'Ranger Lord.' It wasn't hard, but the situation had been high strung with tension and arguments and those types of things always put Cerylia on edge. She was glad for the respite.

The ranger's attention was quickly torn from the horizon when she noticed a bright light floating back and forth about fifty feet away. It was swaying almost like someone was holding a lantern, but it was easy for her sharpened eyes to tell it was nothing of the sort. Instead it was a single orb, floating of it's own will, hovering around in circles until it suddenly shot towards her. She dropped backwards, landing on her feet as she unstrapped her bow, and drew back in arrow with a quickness that was beyond any normal human. She aimed right at the orb with caution, but as it approached, it slowed to crawl as if trying to comfort her.

After a few moments of staring at each other (assuming an orb of light could stare), Cerylia hesitatingly quivered her arrow, letting the orb come up to her and circle around her. It was almost acting like it wanted to play, whatever it was. It wasn't magic but nor was it any sort of creature she had ever heard of. Pursing her lips as she straightened up, she thought to herself, 'a messenger from Jergal, mayhaps?' As if reading her mind, it shot northwards and then stopped, spinning in circles. It was acting as if it wanted her to follow. Cerylia only took a few more moments to make sure before starting to walk in it's direction.
All over Iliviace

A similar situation was happening for others. It would approach various legendary figures, spinning and circling them, knowing exactly when to calm down and when to act playful - all for the purpose of enticing each to follow the strange, mysterious light. For each and every one one of them, as soon as they started to follow, it would go in whatever direction that was closest to the mountains. It didn't happen at the same time, but rather they appeared in the exact manner and timing as to have each of the heroes meet at a specific place at the same exact time...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The desert sands whipped across the dunes and settled onto unprotected eyes. The new kid, Helios, a fresh 16 year old finally approved by the elders groaned as the sand pierced his eyes.

Mylisant watched as Helios tried his best to rub the sand out, but he made no progress.

She chuckled a bit to herself. She had done the same on her first mission. Mylisant arose from her place on the sands and walked over to the boy and crouched in front of him.

"Hey," she said, placing her hand over his wrist. Her voice was muffled through the cloth she draped over her nose. He squinted at her. She sighed, shaking her head. She pulled out a rag and poured a tiny bit of water over it. "Here," she offered Helios the rag.

He hesitantly took it, pressing it against his eyes.

"Next time, bring something to cover your face. I think you'd hate the taste of sand worse than this."

She could feel the leader's stare pasted onto her back.

"Mylisant!" he barked for her presence. Mylisant sighed and turned, meeting eyes with Yumerah. He pulled the cloth from his nose, revealing his rugged beard and beastly face. "Caravan coming. Get to your station."

Mylisant held back an eye roll and nodded, positioning herself behind a large sand dune that looked over the road leading to Ybella.

She waited.

A noble caravan peaked over the setting sun.

Mylisant's heard surged through her chest. No, no, it couldn't be Aezilia. The Adrietts never leave the palace, Aezilia told her that herself.

It was a mainland style caravan, complete with a fancy wooden carriage, a coach, and actual horses. It was useless for long term rides within the desert.

As the carriage slowly trotted towards Mylisant, she could see the symbol of one of the houses that supervises magical oppression among the common people.

What are they doing in the desert? Mylisant asked herself.

She gripped one of her throwing knives tight and peaked over the dune, looking for the signal.

A flash of light appeared for a brief second to the east.

Mylisant raced towards the back of the carriage, kicking up sand behind her. Though she saw none of the others on the mission, she kept on until she reached the back and hooked onto it, hanging off the side.

Slowly, the others crawled from their hiding places with hesitant looks on their faces.

She saw Yumerah signal for her to incapacitate the coach.

Mylisant nodded, climbing on top of the carriage. She lightly slinked down behind the driver before pressing a knife against his neck. She wrapped her arms tight around his waist. She could feel him go stiff. "Stop the carriage if you wish to live," she whispered menacingly in his ear.

With shaking hands, the driver pulled on the reigns, stopping the horses.

"What was that? Why are we stopping?" Mylisant heard a woman's voice complain on the inside. Mylisant rolled her eyes. Sounded like a pompous powdered-wig noblewoman.

Mylisant turned her head, checking to see that everyone was in their positions. The others all had cross bows and swords poised at the door.

"Don't worry, darling. I'll see what's happened."

Mylisant rolled her eyes. A knight to save the damsel.

"Jameson, why on Munti's earth have you--"

The man stopped in his tracks at the sight of swords and crossbows pointed at his face.

"So glad you could join us," Yumerah said in his sarcastically kind voice. "Why don't you introduce us to your lady friend?"

The man's eyes widened. In an effort to get away, he stumbled back into the door frame and hit the back of his head. He crumbled to the ground, clutching his skull and groaning in agony.

Yumerah rolled his eyes. "Guess we have to introduce ourselves."

After dragging out the noblewoman kicking and screaming, they tied the trio up and set them in front of the carriage in a line to be questioned.

Yumerah waved Mylisant over as she watched the noblewoman begin to weep. He leaned down and whispered in her ear: "You handle this one."

Mylisant's eyes widened. Could it be that Yumerah was actually starting to trust her now? Yes, Jergal did help sway the will of the others, but he did little to nothing when it came to Yumerah.

Mylisant nodded, turning towards their captives. She crouched a safe distance away from them and pulled down the cloth from her nose.

"What are pretty little pampered nobles like you doing here?" She said in her sweet voice. It sounded like she was talking to a child. She might as well have been.

All three kept their eyes trained down.

Mylisant waddled a little bit closer.

"You can tell me. I'm your friend." It was an easy scare tactic. Usually made the peasants wandering around the sand soil their pants. But the nobles had a stoic pride that was not easily broken.

The nobleman seemed fixated on the sand near Mylisant's feet. Mylisant sighed.

She suddenly kicked the sand into the nobleman's eyes and surged forward while he gasped in pain, taking hold of his collar.

"Tell me now. Or else we take everything you have and leave you all to turn to dust after weeks of thirst and hunger," Mylisant snarled.

The man looked up into her eyes. He spat onto her face and then hung his head.

Mylisant stood, containing her anger. She wiped the spit off her face and ordered, "Strip the carriage down and take the horses."

The others started moving but the woman cried out. "No! Please, please, ma'am, please hear us out!"

The crew stopped moving with a flick of Mylisant's hand.

"'Ma'am'? I like the sound of that." Mylisant crouched in front of the woman.

"Please, we just came because we heard rumors that Mylisant still roams the desert!" Mylisant stopped breathing. She could feel all eyes turn to her. "We just wanted to see her ghost, please, please, spare us."

Mylisant's fingers twitched.

"Get out."

The woman frowned.

"I said: Get. Out."

Mylisant cut the ropes holding them back.

They sat in stunned silence, staring at Mylisant.


Mylisant's orders startled all three into scrambling into the carriage.

"I never wanna see your ugly asses in the desert again!"

Mylisant cut the reigns to one of the horses. "I'm taking this as an entry fee. Now leave before I take the other horse."

The caravan swiftly turned and rode back to Ybella.

Mylisant turned to Yumerah. They made eye contact, a silent understanding passing between the two.

"Head back home," Yumerah's voice bombed against the dunes. "Mylisant gets the horse."

Mylisant climbed on top of the horse, the others trailing after her as the sun started to sink below the sands.


The little children all crowded around the horse, their stubby little fingers trying to grasp for it's tail.

Mylisant giggled, but eventually had to shoo them away.

Mylisant guided the horse to a pillar near her tent and tied it's reigns to it. She eventually retired into her tent to sleep.

She woke to Yumerah's voice asking her to come outside the tent. She groaned, squinting her eyes up at the tent. It was still dark outside. Why would he be waking up her up at this time? They haven't done night raids in a month.

Mylisant crawled outside the tent and stood before Yumerah.

"Please, come sit," Yumerah said as he sat near the horse.

Mylisant hesitantly sat beside him.

They stared at the stars in silence until Yumerah finally gathered up the courage to speak.

"Why'd you run earlier than signaled?"

Mylisant frowned. "I didn't. I saw your flash of light to the east and did as I was ordered."

Yumerah sighed. He became silent for what seemed like hours.

"A few nights ago, Jergal came to me in my sleep."

Mylisant tensed up. She hadn't heard from Jergal since the sand stopped growing eyes.

"He told me that a sign was coming. He didn't say what, or when, just that it was coming."

Mylisant snorted. "So you're telling me that a little flicker of light is a sign?"

Yumerah nodded his head.

Mylisant sighed.

Yumerah untied the reigns tying the horse to the pillar and placed the reigns in her hands.

"What shall you name it?"

Mylisant paused, looking down at the sands before meeting his stare again. "I was thinking Aezil."

Yumerah smiled. "Go follow Fate."

Mylisant opened her mouth to reply, but Yumerah turned and walked back to his camp before she could say anything.

Mylisant sighed. She felt like Fate's whore. One minute she's all that matters in the world, the next she's another broken toy in the closet.

She saw something flash in the corner of her eye. Mylisant turned to find a small orb of light floating a distance away. She couldn't be sure but it felt like...like it was staring at her.

It glides forward and swirled around her and Aezil, acting as if it wanted to play.

Mylisant laughed as it continued to circle them in a playful matter. She reached out to touch it, but it coward away.

"No, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," she assured.

The ball of light zipped off into the desert before stopping and seemingly turning around. It bounced up and down. It wanted Mylisant to follow it.

After collecting her weapons and a pig skin to hold water, she mounted Aezil and raced after the orb.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The night was dark as a lone figure trekked through the the plains of Negotia, his features hidden by the hood of the drab dark grey cloak he wore. Holstered to his back, however, was a rather odd weapon that was not commonly seen in these parts, a Naginata. The blade was a sterling silver that gleamed faintly in the moonlight, as did the lacquered ironwood shaft. The weapon was simple in design, made for practicality in mind and leaving little room for embellishments. A sigh escaped the man's lips as his feet ached with a familiar pain, begging him to rest. He ignored it, to busy trying to figure out the conundrum that was his little glowing guide.

"I wonder where you are leading me, my little friend, and I do hope that it's somewhere close by."

The ball of light had appeared before him earlier in the day as he was helping a farm with reaping their harvest, swirling around him in a playful fashion, yet always managing to stay out of range of his hands as he tried to grasp it. It was like nothing else he'd ever seen before, and his scholarly curiousity made it impossible for him to ignore such a thing. He quickly finished what he had promised to do, then left immediately after the orb. It was only after he was quite a ways from the farm that he realized that, in his haste, he had left his horse behind. So he was know stuck walking as he followed this mysterious orb to Jergal-knows-where for Frin-knows-what. To say that this was an embarassing predicament was an understatement, and it certainly took its toll on Aiden with every step.

"I can guess why you've come, little friend, your master probably heard of the legend 'Wyrmslayer', then sent you to find him. Well, I'll tell you right now, the legend is a lie . . . I'm no hero, I wasn't able to save my father, my sister, not even myself after the ordeal. Why Fate decreed that a failure such as myself should be gifted with his blessing is beyond me." Aiden pulled down his hood , ruffling his Silver hair and looking up into the starry night sky, his ice-blue eyes glazing over as he considered the past 9 years. "I've slain no monsters, rescued no damsels, all I did was fruitlessly attempt to save my sister and avenge my father, and failed to do either one."

With a final sigh, he pulled up his hood, a hollow chuckle emnating from it's depths. "I'm sorry about the negativity, little light, I'm usually a much more sociable person to be around." The light simply continued its whimsical flight, and Aiden continued to follow it to where ever it was leading him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Chase Dawnshard

The blackness of night had struck the land, not one would expect two figures dwindling about at the death of day,
"Hasten whatever you're doing, I feel jitters this dead of the night" said a raspy, haggard voice with a tinge of fear "I feel something watching us."

"What are ya' scared about? Getting cold feet you cur?" another voice replied in a snide tone. Both men continued about but one still couldn't rid the feeling of being watched by callous eyes.

Dirt was strewn and spread all over the place, and a hole could be found in-front of a venerated gravestone. The two greedy shadows quickly ravaged the body, "Hoho, we struck some rich bloke didn'we?" the voice tattled in the condemning darkness, "Just hurry up and gather the valuables." the other said, in a hushed, distressed tone.

An outline could be seen in the distance, walking slowly to the two shadows dancing in the dark, slowly sheathing the weapon out of the holster, and pointed it at the two shapes who were now staring at the mysterious figure. "Halt your misconduct, you have debauched Zlore and her people." the alarming and dark voice said. "Place everything back and I will let you go."

"Wh- Who in Jergal's name do you think you are?!" one of them said, in a demanding voice devoid of any confidence to the hooded figure. The other pulled out a short, snubby knife out of his coat pocket, "You don't wanna mess with me you damne-" before he could finish, his rusted knife was cut in half,

"You really don't want to do any of that, you're not fast enough, y'see?" the hooded figure said, resting slightly on his long sword. A puddle was quickly forming on the ground below one the individuals. "No- No way, IT'S REAL?" he said through clattering teeth. "I- I thought it was myths and legends!"


Soon after the kerfuffle, Chase could only sigh at the two escaping shadows, only the fear of God in hand. "Where is this 'Specter' legend coming from?" he said to no one in particular with a raised eyebrow.

Shoveling the dirt back to their rightful place, then swiping the sweat off his forehead, he quickly paid respects to the defiled graves and started to walk back. Softly whistling a tune to himself, he stopped in his tracks when a peculiar thing caught his eye, particularly, a swirling ball of light. He noticed it get bigger and bigger, when in actuality, it was drawing closer, Chase instinctively clutched his sheathed beauties but came to a halt when he noticed that it slowed down, it spun around him many times, "Woah, dinner under the stars first, buddy" he said to it with a smirk.

It suddenly jerked away, and stopped, as if it was looking back at Chase, urging him to follow. Chase, being bored in the entirety of his night 'patrol' as an over-glorified watchman, decided to sate his curiosity and follow the playful little ball of energy. Slightly chuckling at his horrendous pun, he trekked on, not really knowing what to expect, only seeing distant mountains.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tobias stepped away from the cooling bear carcass and drew his dagger from the beast's neck. An easy hunt.

The beast lived in a rock cave in the middle of the woods. Draw it out from its lair - rouse the beast, clang rock on rock. Light an arrow, fire it down the cave. The animal is mad - it will charge. Snare the entrance - bear trap, fittingly enough. Get out of sight, climb the cave mouth. Wait. The beast will charge, step in the trap, rear onto its hind legs in pain and surprise. Leap for the kill, land on its back, hold tight and stab the side of the neck. Dead in twenty seconds. Next to perfect.

Tobias wiped the blade on the side of his sleeve and sheathed it. The bear had been a killer with a taste for humans - one hunter, a miller's wife and two children, to be exact. Tobias hadn't come to this place to hunt it - overhearing its location had been a mere happy accident on the trail of his true quarry.

He considered returning to the town, telling them the bear was slain. No, they'd find out soon enough, and in these parts, they'd probably attribute it to another kill by 'The Woodsman', a mythical guardian spirit that Tobias supposed was him. Let them think that, then, if it gave them comfort.

He turned from the corpse and beheld it again. A floating orb of light, circling lazily in the air. It had appeared to him in the woods a month ago, and since then he had been following it like a fool on an inexhaustible course. Northward.

A trap? No, a message. Someone wanted 'The Woodsman.' Perhaps they'd be disappointed with Tobias. Perhaps not.

The light drifted away again, and Tobias rolles his shoulders and began to jog after it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Thief!” cried the merchant.

Feet slapped against the dock floor, a rhythmic dull clapping against wooden boards. Tylan felt a laugh squirm out of his throat, as he threw a glance over his shoulder. Oh, how he wished to see the robed merchant give chase with his silk slippers and burdensome turban, if only for the comedy. He spent his days behind his lavish stall of carpets and ceramics, selling curious trinkets from a land seas away. His slippers would find little purchase against the slippery docks of the harbour, or the stone steps in the narrow alleys that had been polished by centuries of passing feet. Tylan slowed his sprint, coming to a jog. What did Tylan have to fear of a stout moneyed man, whose only power lay in the goods he so jealously guarded? Especially when Tylan's pockets were empty with air, and the entire fiasco was but a misunderstanding he could not care to correct.

Tylan!” At the sound of his name, Tylan spun around, coming to a halt. A wooden doll clutched to her chest, a little girl stood, with lank blonde hair, and eyes as blue and wide as the sky. His lips slanted in a smirk, and he strode towards her, gliding through the torrential crowd to stand before her behind an abandoned stall, partially-concealed from passing eyes.

“You are far from the harbour, little one,” Tylan said, squatting in the dirt and reaching up to muss her hair. His smirk widened at her giggle. “Will you become a princess of the land now, and leave the salty air behind you for fresh meadows and dewy grass?”

No!” She said it as though it were blatantly obvious, and Tylan was a fool for asking. “And the harbour is right there.” A skinny arm pointed out to the glittering seas, a conversation’s walk away, where tall ships were stopped and rested to unload their goods into the market Tylan danced through every day. Her doll dangled from her grimy hand, and Tylan noticed keenly that both toy and girl shared knobby, bony wrists. Why, that would not do.

He could hear over the loud murmur of the market the merchant’s voice, screaming in a high stringy voice. “So it is! Thank you for the reminder, little one,” Tylan said, leaning in to peck the girl’s cheek. She giggled again.

Springing to his feet, Tylan spread his arms. The merchant’s head snapped towards him, eyes latching greedily onto his thief. “You called, good man!” he exclaimed, as traders and buyers turned towards him curiously. He gave a little bow. “And I appear.”

The merchant had only just uttered a plea for aid from strangers and fellow vendors, when Tylan turned heel and skipped lightly away, weaving past two stalls before he stopped at a fruit-stand to inspect the last remaining apples. He plucked one from the stand and put it beneath his nose. “It has a fine scent,” he said conversationally to the bewildered monger, visibly torn between the swearing merchant and the politely-interested youth. “How much for one?”

The merchant was getting closer, pushing past the swarming crowd with the recklessness of a bull. “Um…”

“Surely one apple couldn’t possibly trade for a cod?”

“Uh – ”

“Stop him! I say, somebody, grab him!”

“It wouldn’t fetch a high price, believe me, you. Not even a cob of corn. You would make a loss, like as not. The people in the markets here, they are selective with their purchases, and dwindled apples do not appeal,” Tylan said with the unperturbed air of confiding a salacious secret to the monger.

“I – that is – ”

“Allow me to assist you with your dilemma,” he added cheerfully, with the merchant descending upon him. Without warning or grunt, he heaved the fruit-stand, upending it with a mighty crash. Wood splintered and broke; the fruit-monger gave an outcry, and women began to scream. A dozen apples bounced and rolled in all directions. People bent to pick them up; children of the streets came rushing forward to lay claim over them. Tylan lingered just long enough to glimpse one blushing apple bump to a stop against the little girl’s feet, to see her bend down and raise it to her hollowed cheeks with reverent wonder, before he was off again, galloping to race the winds, leaving the chaos and the merchant behind him.

The stone beneath his feet gave way to wood, and Tylan left the market to dash down the docks and sprint up a plank. His last step was a flying leap, and he landed lightly on the deck of the small trading ship. “Tylan Hallaw,” the captain said turning, by way of greeting.

“Captain Davos,” Tylan replied, his breaths coming quickly.

Captain Davos squinted at Tylan’s ruffled hair and flushed cheeks. “You have been in trouble again, by the grace of Wyrim.”

“Me?” Tylan was doubled over now, hands braced on his knees as he caught his breath in the salty air. The adrenalin had his blood pounding still; thrill tasted like copper in his mouth. “Never, Davos.”

The captain regarded him suspiciously, but turned to a passing member of his crew. He firmly pressed the heel of bread he had been holding into the man’s skeletal hands. “Eat, Jon. The ship needs your strength.” The captain clapped his man on the shoulder, as Jon’s hands closed gratefully around his lunch. “Have you seen Maria, Tylan?” Davos asked, turning back to the tousled-haired youth. “The girl’s gone off gallivanting on the streets again. Could have gotten married off to some street-boy by now, and I would never know.” Gruffly, the captain snorted, but beneath the grizzled beard was the hint of a jesting, if worried, smile. “If you see her in the marketplace, tell her to come home. The girl’s not eating enough, and our provisions aren’t lasting. We heap plates of food under her nose yet Maria grows thinner by the day. She hasn’t the energy for daily forages into the town.”

She learnt from her father well the art of giving, Tylan thought, but held his tongue. He could imagine just how many of the crew went to bed with not a growl in their bellies, while thanking the gods for the generosity of their captain and his daughter.

“You should not worry as much as you do. Maria is clever enow.” Tylan held Davos’ eyes, staring in a way that broached no argument into the depths of sky-blue eyes. “Methinks she and that doll of hers would have found a snack in the marketplace by now; what merchant could hope to resist spoiling such a treasure?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mercator Castle
Late in the evening

In an opulent chamber sat Lady Saha in white robes, crossed legged and contemplative, staring at a checkered board. Several pieces of carved wood rested on the board in various positions, half painted black and the others white. Across from the woman sat the King in green silk robes, decorated with gold, and equally as contemplative. They were both fixated on the board that lay between them as a light danced around the woman.

"You're certain this isn't some mischievous ploy to distract from the game, Saha?" King Oren spoke jovially but was clearly curious. He moved a piece on the board.

"A mischievous ploy perhaps, Your Majesty, but not of my doing. It appeared only recently and behaves much like a pup enticing it's owner to play. The magic that created it remains something of a mystery to me but it clearly isn't malevolent in any way. I would not have agreed to this game if I thought this entity was dangerous." Saha moved a piece along the board in response.

"I see, and you wish for me to grant you a leave of absence to follow this playful pup to it's master." King Oren moved another piece along the board.

"That was my intent, Your Majesty, but only with your blessing of course." Saha moved a piece along the board.

"A wager then, defeat me in this game and I shall grant you leave to pursue this curiosity where ever it may take you." King Oren moved another piece, this time with a more determined gesture as to emphasize the challenge.

"Very well, I accept..." Saha moved her piece. "...and I believe that is checkmate." Saha smiled a cheeky grin as she had effectively left the King with no option that wouldn't lead to defeat. The light that had been lazily drifting above her head seemed to be pleased with the result as well as it started to circle overhead with apparent glee.

King Oren let out a hearty laugh. "I believe my strategies require some adjustment! I have no choice but to surrender. I didn't even get a chance to boast about what I would do had I won but a bet is a bet and I have lost. I grant you leave and wish you safe travels. Take a horse from the stables to speed your journey, I'll have a Knight accompany you as well to ensure your safety."

"I don't believe an escort will be necessary, although I appreciate the thought, the horse will do." Saha got up from the assortment of pillows that lay about the floor of the King's chambers and bowed graciously.

"You'll not wait for morning then?"

"This little pup seems impatient and I've plenty of energy to ride tonight. I'll leave some notes for the court Alchemists as well." Saha began to iterate her instructions to the other alchemists as she left to prepare for her journey.

"Has the White Sage turned into a mother hen? I'm sure the other alchemists will be fine without you for a while. Safe Journeys, friend."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Just anywhere's fine?"

"Yes, thank you ma'am! I'm ashamed to say I don't think I could pull off anything like that. No, no. Not at all."

Mari carried a heavy load of lumber as she smiled at the old man she was assisting. "It is not a problem. I'm just glad I could help you when you're feeling sickly." She dropped the load of wood next to the man's house, doing a few stretches afterward. Perhaps she was too kind at times, but it was just in her nature at this point. The old man was smiling so she was too. "Now you can do whatever it is you need to do with it."

The old man leaned in on his axe and gave a hearty smile, "Is there anything I can give you? In return that is." He seemed insistent on some, anything. "There must be something, anything." As he spoke, a weird ball of light appeared right next to Mari's head. The old man questioned the woman, "What is this? Magic?"

Mari stared at the light as it wisped around her head. "[color=lightcoral]Perhaps it's a sigh from a god." She said without a single bit of hesitation. "Perhaps it is Jergal willing me elsewhere." With a small wave she continued, "I believe I know where I must go now. Peace be with you, sir." A definite sojourn from her second trip around the continent, she could feel the strings of fate tugging at her to go where they willed. Perhaps this would be the reason she was chosen?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Yes Charles."
"...there's um...there's a light. Near your head?"
"Yes there is."

Cornelia had been staring at the light orb for the past half hour, unmoving from her spot on the bench. The orb jiggled and whirled furiously around, almost as if becoming exasperated at the woman's apparent lethargy and deadpan stare. The Justiciar flicked her eyes to the Stalwart recruit who had approached, one hand resting on a sword as he stared at the orb in slight worry.

"Is...is it dangerous?"
"It's been here for a while and hasn't done anything yet."

Cornelia's training had been interrupted by the arrival of this...oddity. She had taken it in stride, sitting down calmly to observe it after the orb had spiraled around, attempting to lead her away from the training grounds. After 30 minutes of her unmoving observation, the orb had apparently become annoyed, if such a thing could be annoyed, and was currently spiraling around her head madly. She finally came to a decision, standing up slowly. The orb jerked away, staying out of reach, bobbing slightly. Cornelia turned to look at Charles.

"Would you tell Matron Fiona that I will be following a mysterious orb for a bit?"

The recruit stared at her, unsure if she was being serious or not. Cornelia walked over to where she had left her gear, sliding the massive tower shield onto her back. A clink of metal as she slid her blade into it's sheathe. The orb jumped a ways, pausing as if to check if she was truly following it or not. She rolled her shoulders for a moment before giving a nod to Charles.

"Have her send me a falcon if I take longer than three days to return."

With that, the Justiciar began to follow the light orb. Walking through the Fortchurch, she ignored the stares from the other Stalwarts. A young girl, clad in armor about two sizes too large for her, jogged next to her, flustering a bit as her helmet fell over her eyes.

"M-miss Aerthur?"
"Diedre, your armor is too large."
"Oh, yes ma'am. Wait, but ma'am, what's this light?"
"...why are you following it?"
"It wants me to."
"...is that smart?"
"Not sure yet."

Without breaking stride, Cornelia looped through the supply room, grabbing a bag of field rations from a confused Stalwart.

"I need these. Deidre, please go get your armor fitted. Open the gates please."

As the heavy reinforced doors of the Fortchurch swung open, Cornelia pulled her cloak around her face, focused on the orb, and began trudging through the mountains in it's direction.

"Now...where are you taking me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

*Mist's Reach, Novilis Hegemony*

The light of the early morning sun poked over the horizon, bathing the small stone fortress in a rosy light. The sounds of the forest began to change as the things of the night began to bed down to let the things of day have their reign. It was all quiet, till the ring of steel on steel rang out from the courtyard of the fortress. The sharp sound reverberating through the empty structure like a bell toll, quickening a few bird's awakening, sending them into the sky in slight panic. The sound rang out a few more times as two lightly armored figures crossed blades, each wielded their swords in a loose grip and slowly circled around each-other. They continued this dance till finally one broke and lunged at the other, a high swing being sent out as they did so. The other raised their unshielded, and unarmored left arm to catch the blow. A practiced move, it would have worked had the figure had a shield, but this time the blade bit into the skin, hard to be certain but not as deep as one would expect, but blood still welled around the cut. Seemingly unfazed the now wounded figure twisted it's own blade and stepped forward, the steel's tip pressing into the attackers throat.

"Hold! Hold! I give this one to you. God's damn it Eamon did you really have to catch my blade with your arm?" The attacker sputtered out, trying to catch their breath in a way that didn't aggravate the sword tip poking their throat.

Stepping back Eamon brought his blade to rest, removing the blade from his arm as he did so. The cut was not serious, in fact it had barely broken the skin but due to the blood that welled out from it, it looked a lot worse than it was. Reaching up Eamon removed his own helmet, the early morning light illuminating his grin "Oh calm down Calin, it worked out in the end didnt it? Besides these sparring blades wouldn't even be fit to cut thawing butter." As he spoke Eamon was slowly making his way over to a small rack that held blades of various lengths and sizes, and a small earthenware bottle placed on top of some strips of cloth. Trading his helm for the cloth and bottle Eamon gripped the cork stopper in his teeth and pulled, a soft pop signifying that the bottle was open. Gripping the cork in his mouth, Eamon extended his wounded arm and began to pour some of the liquid onto his abrasion. The lime green goop smelled horribly, but stung worse, like a dry itch mixed with the sensation of raw skin. Biting down on the cork, Eamon grunted as he tipped his arm and scraped the slime off of his arm, wrapping it in the strips of cloth. "Sometimes I think the alchemists enjoy making this as uncomfortable as possible."

Calin laughed as he too deposited his helm and sword, "You know it wouldn't hurt, if you didn't have need for it in the first place. I know you want to finish fights quickly but you must remember, magic and slaves can only repair the body so many times Eamon, so for the love of it all keep you shield with you if your going to keep doing that." As he said the final words Calin clapped his hand on Eamon's shoulder, who simply responded with a chuckle "And you best keep that lecturer's tongue of yours in check, lest you find someone with a touch less patience as well as a sharper sword."

The two laughed as they made their way through the courtyard towards the central building of the Fortress, the central defensive location and hall. As they entered Calin and Eamon split, with Calin going to do whatever it was Knight Stewards did in the morning, and Eamon going towards the kitchen. The knight was pleased to find things were in full swing, and his customary plate sat on the edge of the counter. Grabbing it he retreated to an out of the way spot to sit, watch and eat. Ever since he was a small child he had enjoyed watching the cooks work, but had learned early on that to get in ones way was the worst thing he could do. So he sat and ate, the kitchen staff paying him no mind, save for the occasional "morning sir". Finishing his meal, the knight placed the plate and utensils in the washing basin, thanked the cook and was shooed out the door. Looking over his shoulder as he exited in a hurry, fearing the spoon that had been thrown at him in the past, Eamon was surprised to find that he almost ran into something.

Stopping short, he caught himself in a slightly less than graceful manner, stumbling a few steps but thankfully not falling. All the while the little light simply danced away from Eamon and his flailing. As he recovered the thing circled around him, bobbing up and down like wood in water. Starring at it Eamon reached out his hand, which it lazily floated away from, only to continue dancing bobbing forward and back like it wanted to go somewhere. Turning Eamon was about ready to start off towards the inner parts of the fortress when the thing once more caught his eye, it had intensified its dancing as he had turned and was now actively dancing towards the door all the while keeping the Knights attention. He couldn't quite say why, but something in him wanted to follow the light wherever it would lead, to break the monotony of sitting around and go be what the Tried Knights were supposed to be. Slowly moving back towards the kitchen Eamon caught a servant "Sorry to bother you, but would be so kind as to get Calin for me, tell him I need to speak to him."

*3 hrs Later, at the entrance to Mist's Reach*
"So it is resolved then, you truly are going to follow this thing?"

Eamon couldn't fault his steward for his uncertainty, had someone told him that they had a feeling they were supposed to follow a wisp like thing that had just appeared, he would doubt them too. But this time Eamon was certain, certain enough to have gotten armored in his proper armor, had a travailing pack prepped, his weapons brought and horse to him brought . Even now he was securing his Bastard Sword and Guisarme to holding straps on the horses saddle. Satisfied, he mounted the horse with a little help from Calin. "Yes I do He answered finally "As always your in charge, if any of my half siblings come knocking tell them iv'e gone on a tour of the estate and country side. If the Hegemon comes knocking, tell him that Iv'e gone on quest, or that iv'e found a possible thret, yadd, yadda, yadda."

At this Calin laughed "So I will, and sir? Good hunting, and may the gods be with you."

Eamon nodded, and smiled to his steward, before urgeing his horse on. "May they be with you as well, Calin."

As he journeyed forth, Eamon only paused once at the tree line to look back at Mist's Reach. It's stone walls, topped with the banner of a golden Griffon on a sea of blue. Smiling sadly at leaving his home, Eamon turned once more to the light "Lead on friend." With that he entered the deep old wood, leaving the Reach behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Jagged Mountains

Eventually, all paths led to the northern mountain peaks. From southern deserts to eastern forests, all the champions had found themselves with a view that was white and grey as far as the eye could see. They were not the easiest to climb and transverse and yet somehow the small orbs of light each knew path that made it smoother to travel upon. Eventually, they all converged on one point where the orbs spun and danced among one another for just enough moments to give the strangers quick greetings - then suddenly shot off with an unbelievable speed northwards and downwards into a sparse pinewood forest. There, it seemed, was the goal that the orbs had been leading them all to.

Below in the valley of snow and rock was a town surrounded by dotted pinewood trees, and while it may have been rugged or peaceful before this moment, it was instead replaced by a raging swirl of orange and red. The fire was reaching high into the cold mountain air as black smoke rose to meet the sky. It was hard to spot, but one could eventually make out that it wasn't just one single flame, but several single ones eating wooden cabins that gave it a collected picture of an inferno. Down the path, the lights had stopped and began to spin furiously, as if trying to focus the heroes attention - urging them as ever before, to follow but now with a haste that hadn't been seen in them until now.

Cerylia has not made herself hard to spot, slowly moving from the wild brush as she saw the orbs gather together. Her eyes went over the others for a few moments, studying their movements and body language in all but complete silence. To her, they moved with experience and practice, nothing like the normal knights and bandits she saw day in and day out. Given her own gifts and legend, she could only imagine - or at least it wasn't a stretch - that these individuals had also been gifted by the God of Fate. What were they lead here for she wondered.

However the question was answered soon enough as she snapped her attention to the orbs, whisking away in a hurry that was unbecoming of them. Though their behavior became obvious once her sharp eyes caught the shapes of roaring flames atop of cabins and wagons. She shifted slowly, taking her steps to the edge of the downwards dip to get a better look - content not to rush in to rescue, cautious of what may be waiting for them. After all, if she was right, there was roughly ten warriors. Not ordinary fighters though, but ones who made the word 'legend' come to life. What could possibly warrant such power in one single place?

Her eyes adjusted and focused, tuning out any possible yells or pleas for her to move and hurry down the path to assist the townsfolk. Within the fire she did see bodies, though without movement it was hard to say if they still lived, but stranger still... she furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, unsure of what she was seeing, curious if her eyes were playing tricks. Eventually though, she pursed her lips at the realization - the shadows... they were... somehow moving! That alone spurred her to action as she started to half-run, half-slide down the mountain side without ever speaking a word to any of the others. She could only trust their training at a time like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Chase Dawnshard

As Chase was urged to climb the harsh mountain, it was done with relative ease as the orb guided him to the safest and fastest method to get on the mountain. Approaching the top, he could tell there were eight other individuals, not including himself just reaching the top of the mountain, all with their own little flying light orb and all staring at each other in a confusing bout.

Don't tell me, are these living, breathing legends? he ecstatically thought to himself but keeping his face straight as he is meeting legends. His thoughts were given merit as they appeared to all have no wasted movement, and all their eyes tell of different and varied stories. Some sad, some glorious and others, clouded in mystery. They all gave off an aura as if they had mastered their craft, Chase could somehow tell that most, if not all were blessed by Jergal. He also caught this rather cautious individual staring at everyone, with analyzing eyes Is that the Ranger Lord? As cautious as they say

"While I am happy that I get to meet living legends themselves, I doubt Jergal himself would herd us together just for that." he said outloud the individuals with a smile "I've read all about your lege-" cutting himself off. His vision had caught a fiery and stormy bath of orange and red, all consuming this small village. He noticed something, their shadows, they didn't match the 'bodies' they just moved out and about. Subliminally pondering at how on earth that would happen. His thoughts were broke off when one of the people broke suddenly leap down,

The Ranger Lord had already began making her scuttle towards the burning onslaught. "Damnit." he uttered to himself, as he jumped down from the side and began roughly sliding down the mountain towards the sea of orange and red. As he slid down, he mentally steeled himself at what's to come. What is going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tylan Hallaw

The inn by the harbour was always busy. Traders came from all corners of the world, and it was thirsty work manning ships to see the shoreline – a task which earned them each the occasional right to be in their cups. Pirates and smugglers oft frequented the establishment, looking to get drunk before tiding the night in one whorehouse or another.

Tylan pushed through the swinging doors. The Shore Cabin knew no other name. Its innkeep was a withered, spotted old man with a talent for listening silently as loose-lipped men poured forth bitter grievances, pushing out tankard after generous tankard, until his patrons left with an unsteady sway in their steps and a wallet considerably lighter. It was midday, but the sun was beating down fiercely, and sea-worn men had come to the Shore Cabin seeking cool refuge. The inn was crowded with merchants in silk, smugglers in leather, and bearded pirates in well-fitting garb, bought with loot and treasure. Tylan had to spin around a buxom girl, skillfully balancing tankards, narrowly avoiding a soggy collision. He gave the innkeep’s daughter a tip of an imaginary hat, and she winked back. She was not a day over six-and-ten, but attractive, and a woman to many who passed through. The inn was fit to burst, but there had always been a table for Tylan no matter the time or day in the Shore Cabin.

“Tylan,” the innkeep said, clapping him fatherly on the shoulder.

He returned the gesture. “Kvothe. You and Margarette are doing well?”

“The inn is busy, lad. Of course we are faring well!” Tylan was one-and-twenty, yet Kvothe never failed to refer to him as a boy with peach-fuzz. Though Tylan was indeed clean-shaven and perhaps looked younger than his years would suggest, he was no longer four-and-ten. But Kvothe always seemed to forget, despite Tylan’s reminders. He grinned up at the boy who towered over his crooked figure now. “Five years, and people still come here whispering about Lord Stowaway.”

Tylan bristled at that. Kvothe was as wrinkled as the elephants who performed and juggled in town, and he had a memory like one as well. Most townsfolk had let the name and story drop at his suggestion - at times delivered stony and cold, at times amidst chuckles and drink, depending on what the situation called for. At least, where he could see and hear. It had taken an age to make people forget Tylan's moniker was Lord Stowaway, and Tylan was not about to let the frail old innkeep take a sledgehammer to his work. He did not welcome trailing eyes and whispers as he strolled across ports and decks. No more than he would a second nose on his forehead. “A toast to their efforts,” he jibed, with a convincing smile that did not reach his eyes. “Though they are like to be in vain, for neither of us have spotted him before, despite our residence here, no?” He followed this with a sharp, meaningful glare at the innkeep. But Kvothe was not daunted.

“Ah, Tylan.” Kvothe laughed. “You dart about in the shadows so much, you convince yourself you have turned thief. What do you fear, boy?”

The light, Tylan thought drily, deciding that Kvothe needed a more direct speaking to before the message could be hammered home. He hesitated. He might come on too strong, and Kvothe might decide he would like nothing to do with Tylan's surly moods. But the man had a heart better than most, and he did not easily cast aside his kith. If Tylan took this risk, it would be with fair odds. He did not - after all - roll the dice if uninsured. “Heed me, Kvothe.” His light-hearted manner dissipated abruptly. The words came low, were growled, and the smile the innkeep wore finally sobered. It brought a smirk to Tylan’s snarling lips. “Do not stir up interest in the legend. Leave the stories be.”

Kvothe shuddered his shoulders and sighed wearily at Tylan, the way a disappointed father might bemoan his son’s ignorance. It was this depth of kinship that - though false - told Tylan his gambol had paid off. “As you wish, Tylan. Though I cannot imagine why a lad such as yourself would deny himself of the riches and women that come with the prestige. The females here have just as much salt in their blood as their men do, and legends excite them.” Kvothe pat his cheek firmly and tossed him a conspiratorial wink. Tylan allowed a smile. The old man was at the last of his wits and life, but he had always treated Tylan kindly. And he served the best ale this close to the harbour.

“The gold, I would only squander,” Tylan chuckled, swiping a tankard from Margarette as she passed and taking a drag. “The women – ” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Well, I have plenty more years, haven't I?”

“As long as you do not get yourself killed first. I heard of the havoc you wreaked in the marketplace.”

“That?” Tylan waved a careless hand. “Think naught of it.”

“The merchant will not.” The conversation had taken a cautionary tale. As much as Kvothe was an elephant, he could also be an old dam, wagging a tongue at him. “He has the wealth of the West, of influential blood and ilk, Tylan. Do you not know better than to steal from the nobles?”

I didn’t steal. Tylan clenched his fist under the table where Kvothe could not see. I stood too near his table, smelling of fish from the day's catch, and the man assumed the worst. But the smile he donned was smooth and cocksure, betraying no such thoughts. “If this is what nobility has become, then the rats on Davos’ deck had better be knighted on the morrow.”

Kvothe shared a hearty laugh with Tylan, and offered him another tankard. Tylan grinned at the wizened face, knowing full well that he could drink the night away, and not owe a single groat. But he refused the drink, and toasted Kvothe with the one he held, barely brimming. "I must be on my way, Kvothe. You don't mind if I borrow your tankard for the night, do you?"

Tylan skipped out of the inn, exchanging the muggy air of the Shore Cabin for the ocean's crisp salty breath. Narrowly had he escaped Kvothe's damage. "The man does not know best," he mumbled as he loped easily down the path to the harbour, watering the grass with ale. People stared at him, but it was the waste that drew their eyes, and not some empty title that would have hung over his head like the hangman's noose if he hadn't spent meticulous nights and weeks dismantling any association between him and Lord Stowaway five years previous, after the incident. If he could, he would obliterate Lord Stowaway, scrub his essence off the face of the world.

As it was, Tylan was having difficulty remaining - anonymously - Tylan Hallaw.

He had reached the seaside. He could feel the sunbaked sand beneath his toes, burning him something fierce. He dragged one foot back, widened his stance, and flung the empty tankard into the ocean. It flew in an arc, disappearing into the sapphire blue depths with little more than a splash. Then, he turned on his heel and stalked away, knowing Kvothe would not be wroth at a missing tankard. He had plenty at his inn after all, and he especially loved a good legend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lady Xephos

Days on the road and no sign of being anywhere near the destination. The only thing she knew for sure was that they were heading north. Every once in a while 'Guide', as she had begun to call the light leading her around, would drift close enough that Saha could try and reach for it. She had tried moving slowly to avoid being detected, snapping quickly before Guide could react, and more than once she tried to hold it in place with an Atollo spell. She even tried using Atollo to fling a basket down on Guide to catch it but it passed right through. At least she had determined that Guide had no mass. Either Guide existed as pure energy or it was a manifestation of the ether. the fact that others could see Guide as well meant that it wasn't an illusion of the mind. Guide showed signs of intelligence that were extremely uncommon even in the realm of magic but she didn't have enough evidence to form a theory just yet. So far it didn't answer questions about it's origin nor did it reveal any useful information about their destination but it clearly showed signs of sentience. It seemingly made it's own decisions and appeared to be aware of itself and it's surroundings, although there was no evidence to suggest whether or not Guide was a messenger or some form of proxy. Regardless She followed onward to whatever lay ahead.

After several more days of traveling she had made it to the mountains. The path she took was surprisingly safe considering she had ridden side-saddle on horseback the entire way up. Guide seemed to know it's way around very intimately, whoever sent it had probably spent a great deal of time in these mountains. She was met with others at the crest of her path, by their look she could tell that most of them were experienced individuals and touched by Deep Magic. The others appeared to be adept fighters of various kinds and one even perhaps a mage? This was an interesting fact, what kind of situation called for legendary individuals to gather in one place? Either an egotistical maniac thought himself strong enough to kill all of them to make a name for himself, or something had summoned them all to respond to a great threat. Just as she thought this she could see over the crest of the mountain and see the smoke billowing from the village below. Her horse seemed frightened so she hopped off and let the gentle beast run to somewhere safe.

As the others started to rush to the aid of the village on foot Saha devised her own way to travel. Reaching quickly into her satchel she retrieved a vial of what she had dubbed 'Essence of Frozen Fire', she spread the essence on the snow in front of her using Atollo to spread it evenly into a disk. In seconds it solidified and Saha quickly hopped onto it causing her to start sliding down the slope at increasing speed. She couldn't help but enjoy the ride exclaiming, "Hahahaha! Fear not, help is on the wayyyyyyy!" The glee in her voice was clearly genuine. As her speed increased from the downward momentum she surpassed everyone and sped towards the burning village filled with strangely disembodied shadows. There was no doubt in Saha's mind that this was what Guide had been leading her to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The snow felt nothing like the sand of Ybella. The little white specks melted onto Mylisant's tanned skin and chilled her bones. She remembered as a child hearing rumors about the north killing people with mysterious weather that frosted over corpses. She hadn't believed it.

Mylisant had to trade off Aezil for a boat ride, a fur coat, and snow boots. She hugged the fur coat around herself as she followed the orb up the mountain.

The orb dispersed through a dense thick of brush. Mylisant gripped her father's scabbard tightly as she pushed aside the bushes.

Eight other figures stood in the clearing. All wore different attire and all seemed to come from different places. Her dark skin felt out of place among all the others.

"What the hell, Jergal?" she hissed to herself.

They were all legends, real living legends, others that were blesses by Jergal.

She noticed one with hair that could rival the snow. She'd heard of a White Witch in the north who cured some devastating plague.

She opened her mouth to say something, but bit back her words when she realized they may not speak her tongue. So little was known about the mainland, it is likely they did speak a different language.

Mylisant suddenly noticed flames licking at a valley bellow.

The White Witch somehow conjured a spell onto the snow and somehow slid down the mountain without falling or faltering.

Mylisant followed the rest down the mountain, trying her best not to fall into the freezing snow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Orb took Mari on a trip she was sure she had done multiple times before. Down a long winding road, through hills, forests and other things too. "Oh my, we're close to home aren't we?" She said to the orb that kept floating away and away towards where-ever it was taking her. "Perhaps we could head to the temple for a few?" It has been a while since she had tried the monk's special brew and wanted to drink the delightful stuff. The Orb didn't seem too wholely opposed to it, though the same could be said that the orb was for it either. After all, it was just a floating orb. It would be a bit difficult to read it's thoughts or emotions if it had any.

She made the trip quick since the orb just followed her for a bit. Tell the elders what was happening with her, give her hellos and goodbye to the other monks and nuns, then finally grab a whole barrel full of the preferred drink of the monks of the mountain. Sharing a quick drink with the makers before she left, she made her way to where the orb was leading her with a barrel tied to her back and mug in her hand. Eventually, she came upon where the orb wanted her to be. She only really guessed that since there were so many other orbs there, people as well. Many of them she recognized, somehow or another she had seen them in her travels. The others spoke a little bit before she had a chance. But all of that was pointless when one of the others had noticed something. . .

"A fire?" She asked aloud. She could see it was a fire, really. She was just a little tipsy so she needed to make sure. In a town no less, more likely than not, there were people in danger in that case. She couldn't do much about the fire, but she needed to make sure the people were okay one way or another, didn't she? Forgetting the barrel on her back, she took off down the cliff mountain towards the town. At this point, she wasn't really afraid of much be it through her physical ability or the fact that she was a little drunk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It had been a very exciting day. First, the cooks had found their hands on pork. Actual pork, and had made bacon for the entire fortchurch. Whichever trader had brought that to them had better be making a return trip. Meat was so hard to transport to the mountains, and stay fresh.
Secondly, a magical orb of light had lead Cornelia to a somewhat remote location in the mountains! As she arrived, others did too. Seems the orb had companions. As she neared the top, cloak still wrapped around her face to protect from the wind, the scent of ash and smoke reached her nose. The orbs took off, leaving an awkward silence in their wake. Cornelia pondered the moment, pale eyes slowly roaming the others. Any thoughts or ideas she had, however, were abandoned when one threw herself down the mountain, followed by more. Cornelia stepped over to the edge, eyes examining the burning village with a rationale that was almost callous. Most of the village was scorched. Anyone left within was either dead or in the process of dying. Most likely anyway. Cornelia began to stride down the hill, unslinging her gargantuan shield and drawing her sword. In a bellowing voice, she hollered out to the others, voice echoing through the dead hills.


Running headlong in, legends or no, was a sign of stupidity. Besides that, the town was fairly open. Her back would be exposed. She really hoped at least one of these people would join her and keep her back safe. She slammed her sword against the shield several times, the clanging metal ringing sharply in the cold air, picking up her pace as the momentum of heading down the hill kicked up, thundering along with shield up, sword tip gouging the snow as she huffed.

Time to be a hero.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

As Aiden approached the clearing, one would see that he held over him a deep-seated melancholy, looking at his surroundings with a pained look. The jagged rocks and frigid winds reminded him of the night his legend was born, the terrible might of frenzied rage and despair. In fact, he was positive that just a little ways higher up was the cave where the Griffins had been nesting. The site of what many thought his greatest achievement, but what he knew to be his greatest failure. Turning his eyes to those around him for a split second, his knowledge that had been accumulated by his travels was able to tell him immediately who they all were., legendary heroes like him that had been sung about by the bards of their regions with great renown. But he didn't have time to consider the implications of this gathering of warriors, as the orbs suddenly flew off towards a town that was caught in the midst of a rolling inferno.

While the others had rushed ahead into danger, he stayed behind, taking the time to analyze the situation even if every bone in his body was screaming at him to move in. He wasn't even sure if there was anyone down there to save. His eyes picked up movement among the burning buildings, shadows flitting about to and fro, but none of them were connected to a physical form. Aiden's eyes flickered over to one of the other legends as she called out the others for their actions before heading down herself. While she made an imposing figure, he could easily tell that if a strike was to come from the shadows behind her, it would be very bad indeed. To ensure this didn't happen, Aiden moved in behind her, keeping an eye out as he periodically cast his 'detect life' spell under his breath as he looked over his shoulder to make sure nothing came at her, his Naginata held at the ready.

"This certainly coincidental that those orbs bring us to this town right when it happens to be on fire." Aiden said as he approached, speaking out loud for the most part, but also leaving it open for the Paladin to respond if she pleases. "Add on to that the shadow creatures that seem to be flitting about and this seems like it has the makings of either an elaborate trap, or the strangest cry for help I've ever seen. You wouldn't happen to have any idea what in Jergal's name is going on, would you?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

The snow and ice crunched under Eamon's studded boots as he ascended the rocky path up the mountain that the orb had chosen. He had dismounted some time ago as the path had become more and more treacherous, he now led his horse from the front, the reigns gripped in his hands. As he walked Eamon shivered slightly, he briefly contemplated casting a flame spell to warm himself, and was about ready to when the change in his guide's demeanor and direction drew his attention. Looking up at the orb that had led him this far, the knight was surprised to see that there were more of the guides and that they were all dancing together in the cold mountain air. Eamon slowly returned his gaze to the earth where he saw other travelers, most likely more that had followed their own guides. The more he looked however, the more that those gathered began to stand out to him. He recalled the stories of a wandering skjald that had made it into a small town the knight was staying in years ago, how the entirety of the population listened, enamored by the storyteller's words and tails. Tails of far off countries and lands, of individuals who had achieved their own fame (or infamy as the case may be), by doing the incredible.

Truth be told, Eamon didn't know how to feel about these others, to hear a story is one thing, to see it in front of you is something completely different. They had all been led here by a guide though, so that must count for something. Backing up slightly, Eamon unbuckled the bastard sword from the saddle, and strapped it tightly around his waist. He was about ready to speak, to ask what they were all doing here, or just a simple introduction when the smell of smoke touched his nose. The hair on the back of his neck rising Eamon looked out for the source, seeing it in the billowing clouds emanating from a burning town. It took no more than a few moments before Eamon launched himself into action, retrieving his emanating from the other side of the saddle, he left his horse and joined the charge down the slope. He ran with a single mind, his left arm instinctively reaching to his back to retrieve the heater shield that was attached there, as his right balanced the polearm so he was ready to launch into combat at a moments notice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Jagged Mountains

As soon as the collective of heroes started their downwards charge to the village it seemed as if the strange shapes moving among the flames froze. They did this for several moments, almost tricking the eye into thinking they had never been there in the first place, that was until every single one of them seemed to collect themselves and return the charge. However unlike the heroes, they did not seem restricted by space and within only a single breathe, they were upon them! They were creatures that had never been seen before this very moment - living shadows that stood as tall and proud as any warrior, their forms shifting in an ever-blurry darkness as if they were a twisted mockery of life. They even held shadow-like blades as they lunged forward and swung their blades, some of the creatures hitting their mark while other heroes were able to dodge or deflect their attacks. The heroes that had been bit by the sharpness of this strange darkness felt a strange, alien pain. The shadow blades sliced through skin much like any other blade, but it was almost as if their skin opened up by itself than any actual physical metal cutting them.

It was easy for her hawk-like eyes to catch the freeze in the shadow's movements, causing her to halt her movement down the slope, her gaze snapping back to the woman with a giant tower shield. The ranger had heard of these Stalwarts before, but if they were all legends then she must've been the 'Fireblood Woman,' the one who held fire for blood. She did not get long in her thoughts though as she caught the massive movement from the corner of her eyes. She had just enough time to draw a single arrow - even with her speed - before these creatures were advancing on them with dark blades in hand. She shifted, deciding to trust her gut feeling, so that her aim was not only dead-set on her own attacker, but Cornelia's own in the distance. It was a strange gamble, but she figured that these were just shadows so it made sense that their forms would not stop an arrow, right?

She let loose the projectile and her bet paid off. The arrow shot through the head of her attacker and fell through where the heart would be of the Stalwart's shadowy enemy. They both dissipated for a second before reforming, however it seemed as if their forms were weaker than before, less solid and more chaotic almost as if trying to will their shadowy bodies to stay together. Perhaps another strike would do these creatures in, though to survive such normally fatal blows... they definitely weren't human.
Southern Port

The port seemed as peaceful as ever, if one could call it that, with the yelling of merchants and the bellowing of sailors coming in from the sea. Still, it was as normal as any other day, however a sharp yell broke the waves of normalcy that would even catch Tylan's attention. Quickly a spreading commotion spread across the entire port and people looked, ran, and pointed out towards the sea - there was one of the fishing ships, caught fully in flames. How no one had saw it until now was beyond reasoning, but it was so engulfed that by the time any ship could reach it, it was more than likely the ship would find it's grave at the bottom of the ocean.

Then suddenly, a ship seemed to appear from behind the flames, sailing towards the port in what could only be described as a lazy quickness. It held a white sail but it was completely unmarked meaning it was not pirates or at least not any that would proud enough to display the common skull and bones of the seas. The guards then set into motion, yelling orders as they gathered onto their galleys and preparing to bring down this ship that dared threaten the port town so boldly. Chances are, the ship would never make it to shore, but something in the back of Tylan's mind gave him a strange feeling that it just might.
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