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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vernika gave a very evil and toothy smirk to her opponents. "So your the ones trying to stop my Lance?" Vernika asked as her hands became blades. "That's very unfortunate for you!" She said as magic circles started to appear below each of them. After a few seconds a binding spell started to take effect and would restrict their movements unless they got out of the rather small magic circles.

Delios in the mean time continued to chase after Diego and punch at him. Delios seemed to be mainly focused on this man, most likely because he was noisiest of the bunch.

Feon dashed after Artholath as he went after Marceline, seeing him attack her was an opportunity for her to attack her enemy. She lunged at him while trying to aim cuts at his neck with each of her blades.

Lance turned to Artholath as the bodies he was making were now in a period where they had to settle as it were. "I do admit that wouldn't be a bad idea. I have a few bodies that just never came to life, if your willing to try those." He said as pointed to a cage full of strange experiments that never came to life, they weren't decaying though, they were alive, but had no conciseness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcy was prepared for the demonic man and began to charge up a vast amount of electricity. Her next swing was gonna be powerful and dealt to the touch. But it was surly gonna take time for the attack to be at it's prime. "Mom , dad can you please hold him off while I gather enough electricity for my attack!" Zeke nodded and stood in front of Marcy waiting to attack Artholath if Feon's attack wasn't successful. If he dodge or not Zeke would launch a projectile of yellow energy at him. The energy ball would not kill the clone but cause serious damage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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The Artholath clone had to shift his attack to incorporate the blue ball; he countered it with his own aimed right at the yellow energy while attempting to shoot a smaller icicle at Marceline. He had to take her down... quickly. This caused him to lose a pair of minor appendages to Feon's own attack. He roared his anger and sent an arm in the direction of Feon's head.

The real Artholath, meanwhile, nodded and shifted to his demon form. From there, he was able to extract several souls, and moved over to the unused bodies to insert them. Once they were in, it would only be a matter of sacrificing small portions of his own energy to empower the bodies and souls with the "demonic" feel. They may not become true demons, but demons in power they would be. At least a fitting vanguard to a Demon Goddess...

Those thoughts made him smile. Once that happened, the sheer power Lance's wife would have would no doubt rival that of the Warlords of old, making the wardings on the volcano, not far away, moot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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"I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess, but I think we have been transported somewhere else... I'm not even sure if we are in the same world anymore. Also there is a girl there with glowing green eyes who looks like she wants to kill us. Well you guys, since I really can't be killed again, I'm a ghost...hahaha... Also, I can't really fight unless I have a wielder since I turn into a sword with my necklace so you might need to help me out here."

Barely raising her head, not wanting to dishonour the Celestial Spirit before her, Mayumi glared over at Karasuma with a mixture of horror and confusion. "A sword? Why would I need a sword? This is obviously a divine creature of the most holy form, I could no more raise my hand against her that I could strike down my own mother."

Just then Mayumi noticed the glowing circle forming on the ground beneath her. Glancing down at it she didn't recognise the pattern, or the runes which seemed to be slowly etching themselves into the air around her. Perhaps this is some form of divine transportation? Mayumi wondered to herself, returning her gaze to the green-eyed figure before her.

"I thank you for your assistance, oh Holy One..." She began, praising the strange spirit with tones of utmost reverence. Before she could continue though she felt something strange, a tightness she hadn't felt since her days in training with the Masters of her village.

Suddenly Mayumi's arms were pulled down to her sides roughly, her shoulders aching as she struggled against the mystic bonds, only for more to form around her body. Squeezing her tightly the bonds wrapped themselves in an intricate pattern, fully immobilising the archer as she began panting heavily for the strain of trying to fight against them.

"Holy One..?" She gasped with uncertainty, not understanding why she'd been trapped by the magical bonds. "Have I displeased you in some way?" she asked, her voice almost breathless as the unseen ropes began to tighten around her throat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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Karasuma sighed. She was not used to playing hero, but she was going to have to do it now or else Mayumi was going to die because she did not realize what was truly going on. Why she thought that horrible monster that was going to kill her was a Divine Spirit or something like that was behind her understanding. She got out of the little circle that was under her, and pushed Mayumi out of hers so she could move again. (At least I think that's how it works? If not I'll change it.)

Karasuma was annoyed already but one could really tell when she loudly scolded Mayumi. "That is not a Divine or Holy creature, it is a monster that is trying to kill us. She was created by Lance, an EVIL MAD SCIENTIST. or at least I assume so. For goodness sake! PLEASE. DO SOMETHING BEFORE YOU GET YOURSELF KILLED. We only need one ghost in this roleplay."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon was hit by the attack and was scent flying back. She was able to block most of it. Feon slowly got up, electricity surrounding her now as her bolts started to spark more and more. "Don't call me mom!" Feon yelled to Marcy as she ran at Artholath again. "That makes me sound old." She added as she aimed an electrically charged attack at Artholath's neck. Feon was still charging energy though, and she was planning to give it to Marcy the when she was ready to attack.

Vernika smiled as Mayumi thought she was a goddess. Vernika moved in closer with her arms still blades. "That's cute, you think that I'm a goddess, too bad for you I'm the opposite." Vernika said as she aimed a slash at Mayumi's arm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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"That is not a Divine or Holy creature, it is a monster that is trying to kill us. She was created by Lance, an EVIL MAD SCIENTIST. For goodness sake! PLEASE. DO SOMETHING BEFORE YOU GET YOURSELF KILLED."
"That's cute, you think that I'm a goddess, too bad for you I'm the opposite."

"An evil scientist?" Mayumi asked, not exactly sure what a 'scientist' was, but fully understanding the 'evil' part. Snapping out her arm she summoned her Devil Heart Bow and pulled back to take aim.

The green-eyed abomination wearing the guise of a Holy One had to perish, she knew that for sure now, and holding back the pressure of the energy within her she let the power of her arrow grow to blinding intensity before releasing it straight towards the demon's head as the creature lunged towards her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Zeke kept his position and continued to be support for Feon. He fired a couple more blast at Artholath to hopefully slow him down this time. Hearing Feon complain about being called mom actually caused Zeke to chuckle a bit. It was rare to make him smile at the most so this was an unnatural site to view. As for Marcy she smiled and tilted her head to the left saying. "Sorry mum." Changing the pronunciation of the word. Her attack was finish and she was ready to attack Artholath. Marcy was aiming to attack when she seen a opening. Now it was up to her parents to distract her target.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

The Artholath clone knew that the odds were most certainly not in is favor; a change needed to be made.

He sent a wave of spikes around him for cover and jumped to a side of the temple. If he was not intercepted, he would be able to cast with a little more freedom as the other heros were still relatively clustered at where he was just fighting at.

Meanwhile, the real Artholath carried a set of souls, almost tenderly, to the bodies awaiting the essence of life. He put each tendril into the heads of the bodies, releasing the souls slowly into them. Right afterwards, he sliced a small section of his arm. Dark blue blood slowly oozed out, which he poured into each hole that he just made. Any lesser demon would fail in this attempt, but a true demon had a perfect set of blood that could provide the resources needed to complete the 'demonization' of these bodies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon was able to duck just as the wave of ice spikes came at her. Before Artholath could get into the air Feon sent a bolt of electricity at him, in hopes shoot him down before he had the chance. As she did this she sent some electricity towards Marcy in hopes of charging her even more that she had planned to, and make this attack a deadly one.

Vernika in the mean time was hit by the arrow. You could see her skull from where she was hit. Yet even though she was hit she could still laugh, skin then started to reform and then so did hair. "A little arrow like that isn't going to stop me." Vernika said with a smile, she then lunged at Mayumi and started to attack her with her blades, you could see the blood lust in Vernika's eyes as she wanted to kill all those that were in ehr way.

Lance smiled as he saw some of his former failures come to life. "That is quite interesting." Lance said looking at them. "This will work, I know it." He said as a frightening grin came across his face, he then started to laugh like a maniac. "You here that Lilith? Your gonna come back! And your going to be more beautiful than ever!" He yelled as he turned to the test tubes that he was growing the bodies in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"It wasn't meant to stop you, Abomination, it was meant to distract you." Mayumi screamed out, plunging her Spirit Render Blade into the creature's chest before slamming one of her empty Soul Trap Crystals against the hilt. In moments the creatures energies began to be sucked from her body, drawn through the blade to be sealed inside the crystalline lattice.

Pressing her weight against the crystal, Mayumi drove her blade deeper between Vernika's breasts until the tip pierced through the demon's back, spiritual energy seeping from the wound. "Now you either become my prisoner, or you die!" Mayumi said, spitting into Vernika's face with hatred for the beast that defiled the form of a Holy One.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Artholath’s jump was rather… he was tempted to think rudely interrupted by a blast of electricity that sent him stumbling. Although he wasn’t one to be vulnerable to magic, it did distract him. He sent a blue ball to the space between Zeke and Marceline before ducking down and preparing to leap at Feon.

The real Artholath observed, almost like a proud father, the beings that he had ‘demonized’ come to life. They didn’t know anything, of course - yet. When all was said and done, he would show them along with all the others the hopefully still intact library that his old creator had shown him once.

Collecting the souls of Lance’s wife and daughter, he turned to Lance and said, “Is all prepared?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcy seen her opening and took it. She would of been hurt by the blue ball that Artholath aimed towards the space between her and her father. Thanks to Feons support Marcy's strength and speed increase far beyond her limitations. In the blink of an eye Marcy was behind the clone swing her battle axe aiming to rip the top half of Artholath from his bottom half. Zeke barely dodge the attack rolling and stumbling to his feet. He prepared another projectile attack if Marcy attack wasn't successful which was least likely but not impossible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Artholath's battle reflexes and nature allowed him to not take the absolute worst of the axe assault; however, it did make impact and created a huge vertical gash leaking blue demonic blood and unleashing what was almost a blizzard out of it. More and more desperate, he swiped all talons and his arms at Marceline, attempting to do as much damage as possible before he would be too heavily weakened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vernika ignored the blade and jumped back with a smile. "That was pointless." She said with a smile as she jumped back further, This time multiple binding magic circles appeared all over temple. Each aiming to bind Mayumi. "This however isn't!" Vernika said with a smile as all of the magic circles activated. Vernika had her arms spread as she was activating the magic.

Feon was able to block again, however this time her scalpels were knocked from her hands. "I knew I should have gotten daggers while I was in town." Feon said as she started to charge electricity. "Try to hold him still some how!" Feon said to the others as her electricity started to charge more and more, the water in the area was even helping with his conductivity.

Lance in the mean time turned to the experiments. "I'm afraid it may take a few more hours, this isn't a simple procedure to make them. Their bodies need to settle anyways before they use them." Lance said turning to the bodies he had created. The body of his daughter had a few magic circles drawn into the skin. His wifes had a symbol etched into the forehead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"You, spirit!" Mayumi shouted over at Karasuma as she nimbly leapt from one free patch of ground to another, magic circles quickly forming wherever her feet touched the floor, "You said you could become a sword?" She asked, dodging again as a trap almost caught her just as she landed, quickly rolling out of the way a moment before it activated. "Do you think you would be able to destroy this Blasphemy?"

Leaping high into the air Mayumi summoned her Devil Heart Bow and quickly launched a stream of arrows at Vernika, hoping to make the creature at least blink, slowing her casting and allowing Mayumi a pause.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Karasuma nodded eagerly. Focusing onto the power of her necklace, she transformed into a sword. "I think if you feed me souls, I will get more power..." she says to Mayumi telepathically. "If so, we might just be strong enough to defeat her."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Feed her souls for power..? Reaching around to the back of her belt Mayumi quickly pulled out three of her Soul Trap Crystals. Each glowed with a different intensity, showing the strength of the souls caught within. Taking Karasuma in her hand Mayumi pressed the crystals against her hilt and allowed the energy to seep out into the sword.

Hoping that her trick was working and that the soul energy wasn't just being allowed to drift into the ether, Mayumi kept dodging the forming spell circles as she slowly made her way closer to Vernika with fierce determination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zeke nodded and looked at Marcy. As if they had telepathic communication they both nodded at each other and began their attack on Artholath. Marcy continued her onslaught of attacks by chaotically swinging her electric powered axe at him deflecting the talons and pressing forward to catch his attention. It didn't mater if she damaged him she was just a deco to allow her father to sneak around Artholath. Marcy made sure to not give him time to think she stayed close and kept swinging. By now Zeke made it behind Artholath and leaped towards him holding him tightly using the strength of the gauntlets and his demonic strength. What ever Feon was planning to do she had to do it quickly. Zeke was planning to dodge the attack when Feon came close enough. Marcy stayed back to keep an eye on the scene. She held her Axe ready to attack if Feon wasn't successful. "This is your chance mom!!!!" Marcy shouted she didn't mean to say mom it just slipped out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon took a deep breath before focusing all her arms straight at Artholath. She fired a high powered beam of electricity at him aiming at his entire body. If Zeke didn't move fast enough it was possible for him to lose an arm and a leg from this attack. "Don't call me Mom!" Feon yelled at Marcy as she fired her attack, electricity still emitting from Feon due to the immense power of the attack.

Vernika rushed at Mayumi with a fire in her now green glowing eyes. "You dead!" She said as she aimed a powerful attack at Mayumi, it was powerful enough to take one of Mayumi's arms clean off, however if blocked with Karasuma there was chance to damage Vernika's blades, and leaving a large enough opening for an attack.
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